ABSTRACT RESISTANCE OF VANAME SHRIMP (Litopenaeus vannamei, Boone 1931) ADDED WITH PROBIOTIC Bacillus sp. D2.2 AGAINST ARTIFICIAL INFECTIONS OF Vibrio alginolyticus By EMA RAHMAWATI The main problem in the cultivation of vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) shrimp is disease, one of disease agents is bacteria, for example genus Vibrio that caused vibriosis infection. The safe effort of disease prevention is by using probiotics. Bacillus sp. D2.2 which has antibacterial and biocontrol acvities can be used as probiotics. Application of probiotics with Bacillus sp. D2.2 combined with white sweet potato prebotics containing oligosaccharides could have a beneficial effect on the host by stimulating microbial growth and selectively stimulating the growth of certain bacteria in the digestive tract. The aim of this research was to know the resilience of vaname shrimp that has been given probiotic 6% with 0% (control) to infection bacterial of V. alginolyticus in vivo then histology test to observe muscular damage caused by infection. The results showed that the use of probiotics Bacillus sp. D2.2 6% in vivo and histopatology test were able to provide better shrimp resistance against V. alginolyticus. Keywords : probiotic, Bacillus sp. D2.2, Litopenaeus vannamei, V. alginolyticus. ABSTRAK KETAHANAN UDANG VANAME (Litopenaeus vannamei, Boone 1931) YANG DIBERI PROBIOTIK Bacillus sp. D2.2 TERHADAP INFEKSI Vibrio alginolyticus Oleh EMA RAHMAWATI Permasalahan utama dalam budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) adalah penyakit, salah satu agen penyakit yaitu bakteri, misalnya genus Vibrio penyebab infeksi vibriosis. Upaya penanggulangan penyakit yang aman yaitu dengan probiotik. Bacillus sp. D2.2 yang memiliki akvitas antibakteri dan biokontrol dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai probiotik. Aplikasi probiotik dengan bakteri Bacillus sp. D2.2 dikombinasikan dengan prebotik ubi jalar putih yang memiliki kandungan oligosakarida dapat memberikan efek menguntungkan bagi inang dengan cara merangsang pertumbuhan mikroba dan secara selektif merangsang pertumbuhan sejumlah bakteri tertentu di saluran pencernaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketahanan udang vaname yang diberi probiotik 6% dan 0% (kontrol) terhadap infeksi bakteri V. alginolyticus secara in vivo kemudian dilakukan uji histopatologi untuk melihat kerusakan jaringan akibat infeksi. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan probiotik Bacillus sp. D2.2 6% secara in vivo dan uji histopatologi mampu memberikan ketahanan udang lebih baik terhadap infeksi V. alginolyticus. Kata kunci : probotik, Bacillus sp. D2.2, Litopenaeus vannamei, V. alginolyticus