You must study alot.. Chapter I. SEDIMENTARY ROCK INTRODUCTION DEFINITION: rock that lithifikasi resulting matherial Stone rombakan asal or result or resultant denudation chemical or result kegiatan organisms Sediment Rock classification (Petijhon,1875 &WT Huang 1962) Calastic Sedimentary rock non calastic sedimentary rock 1. CALASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCK Stone made settling back for or detritus fraction can be a rock asal igeneous rock, rock sediments metamorf or The Characteristic of Calastic sedimentary rock Sedimentation took place after sediments experience diagenesa DIAGENESA : Which is a process of chages are low held in temperatures in a sediment, during and after this is lithifikasi Change a process that become sediment rock hard DIAGENESA PROCESS BETWEEN OTHER: KOMPAKSI sediments: Tempatnya grain sediments are one of the other resulting pressure of gravity beban above. SEMENTASI: fall material antar material in the room and the Butir sediment chemical binding grain sediments one with the other. REKRISTALISASI: Pengkristalan resubmit an mineral chemistry of a solution originating from the sediments pelarutan mineral during prior diagenesa or far AUTEGENESIS: Terbentuknya new mineral dilingkungan diagenetik METASOMATISME; sediment turnover mineral by various mineral autegenetik without reduce the volume asal. 2. NON CALASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCK Form resultant of chemical or the result activity organisms Sedimentary rock classification OLEH KUSUMA DINATA (1980)