POWERING To World Markets PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 Laporan Tahunan Contents Daftar Isi Global Reports LLC Vision and Mission Visi dan Misi 01 Company at Glance Sejarah Singkat Perseroan 02 Corporate Milestones Tonggak Penting Perjalanan Perseroan 04 Financial Highlights Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting 06 Organization Structure Struktur Organisasi 08 Company Information Informasi Perseroan 09 Remarks from Board of Commissioners Sambutan Dewan Komisaris 10 Remarks from Board of Directors Sambutan Direksi 14 Operations Review Pembahasan Operasional 25 Good Corporate Governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik 59 Management’s Discussion and Analysis Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen 97 Board of Commissioners Dewan Komisaris 104 Board of Directors Direksi 106 Statement Letter Surat Pernyataan 108 Independent Auditor’s Report Laporan Auditor Independen 111 VISION and Mission Visi dan Misi VISION VISI Untuk menjadi Perusahaan Pelayaran Multinasional To be preferred Multinational Shipping Company in domestic terkemuka baik dalam perdagangan dalam negeri maupun and International trading by employing good and competitive Internasional dengan mempekerjakan sumber daya yang resources to deliver enhanced services. memiliki keunggulan bersaing agar dapat memberikan layanan yang berkualitas tinggi. MISI Untuk MISSION kebutuhan To serve the public interest, as well as the needs of our pelanggan dengan melakukan pencegahan kehilangan jiwa, melayani kepentingan publik dan customers by preventing loss of life, marine casualties, and kecelakaan di laut dan pencemaran lingkungan. environmental pollution. 01 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 COMPANY At a Glance Sejarah Singkat Perseroan SEKILAS TENTANG PERSEROAN THE COMPANY AT A GLANCE PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk pertama kali didirikan dengan PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (‘the Company’) was first nama PT Bhaita Laju Tanker, pada tahun 1981. Perseroan established under the name of PT Bhaita Laju Tanker in mulai beroperasi dengan dua tanker berukuran bobot mati 1981. The Company commenced operations with two 12.050 DWT. Pada tahun 1988, Perusahaan berganti nama tankers with a total deadweight of 12,050 DWT. In 1988, the menjadi PT Berlian Laju Tanker. Company officially changed its name to become PT Berlian Laju Tanker. Bisnis Perseroan, yang menyediakan jasa transportasi laut dengan fokus pada pengangkutan muatan cair, berkembang The Company’s business of providing marine transportation dengan pesat. Selama beberapa tahun belakangan, services, with a particular focus on the transportation of peningkatan permintaan terhadap produk petrokimia dan liquid cargoes, has expanded rapidly. Over recent years, minyak nabati telah menciptakan sejumlah peluang bagi the increased demand for petrochemical and vegetable perusahaan untuk meningkatkan segmen dan jangkauan oil products has created a number of opportunities for the bisnisnya. Pada tahun 1986, Perseroan mengembangkan Company to expand the extent and range of its business. In jasanya pada pengangkutan sejumlah bahan kimia cair, LPG 1986, the Company expanded the range of services it offers dan minyak nabati. to include the transportation of a wide range of chemicals, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and vegetable oils. Pada tahun 1990, Perseroan menjadi perusahaan pelayaran Indonesia pertama yang mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa In 1990, the Company became the first Indonesian shipping Efek Indonesia. Perseroan memiliki jaringan Internasional Company to be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The yang kuat, baik dalam wilayah pengoperasian, maupun Company maintains an extensive international operational, penjualan dan pemasaran. Dalam menjalankan bisnis di sales, and marketing network. In the operation of its business pasar-pasar utama, Perseroan berusaha menjaga komitmen in key markets abroad, the Company is committed to dan memastikan agar para klien di pasar benar-benar maintaining close control over its business operations and to terintegrasi dalam jaringan operasi Perseroan. Karena itu, ensuring that clients in these markets are fully integrated into selain memiliki kantor di Jakarta, Singapura, Hong Kong, the Company’s operational network. Thus, in addition to its Bangkok, Taiwan, Shanghai dan Beijing, Perseroan juga offices in Jakarta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Taiwan, membangun kantor pemasaran di Dubai untuk melayani Shanghai and Beijing, the Company has also established pelanggan di Timur Tengah, kantor di Mumbai untuk marketing officers in Dubai to serve customers in the Middle 02 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk COMPANY At Glance Sejarah Singkat Perseroan melayani pelanggan di Asia Selatan, kantor di Glasgow East; an office in Mumbai to serve customers in South Asia; dan Rotterdam untuk melayani pelanggan di Eropa, serta offices in Glasgow and Rotterdam to serve customers in kantor di Westport, Connecticut untuk melayani pelanggan Europe; and an office in Westport, Connecticut, to serve di Amerika. customers in America. Memiliki lingkup usaha pelayaran berskala internasional, As an internationally established shipping Company with Perseroan merupakan perusahaan pelayaran Indonesia extensive operations abroad, the Company became the pertama yang mencatatkan sahamnya di Singapore first Indonesian Company to be listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Ltd pada 30 Oktober 2006. Exchange Securities Trading Ltd on 30 October 2006. Singapura sejak lama telah dikenal sebagai pusat pelayaran Considering Singapore’s position as the largest regional antar negara dan pusat kegiatan ekonomi regional. Karena economic and transshipment center, this move is expected itulah, gebrakan ini diharapkan dapat memberi pengaruh to have a positive impact on the Company’s growth in the positif terhadap perkembangan Perseroan di masa datang. future. Seiring bisnisnya yang berkembang pesat, Perseroan kini The rapid expansion of its business has caused the Company menjadi salah satu perusahaan penyedia jasa tranportasi to become one of the largest providers of sea transportation laut, khususnya muatan cair, yang terbesar di Indonesia dan services specializing in the transportation of liquid cargoes in dunia. Perseroan juga merupakan perusahaan pelayaran Indonesia and throughout the world. The Company has the terbesar ketiga di dunia dalam pengangkutan bahan kimia third largest fleet of tankers designed for the transportation cair. of liquid chemicals in the world. Dengan mengakuisisi Chembulk Tankers LLC pada With the acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC at the end of akhir tahun 2007, Perseroan mampu menyediakan jasa 2007, the Company provided transportation services across transportasi ke seluruh dunia, termasuk Eropa, Amerika the globe, including throughout and between Europe, Utara, Amerika Selatan, Timur Tengah, Asia Selatan, Asia North America, South America, the Middle East, South Tenggara, Asia Timur/Timur Jauh dan Australia. Armada Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia/Far East and Australia. The Perseroan yang terdiri atas kapal-kapal modern, didukung Company’s fleet of modern ships is manned by well trained/ oleh perwira dan awak yang terlatih, berpengalaman, dan competence, experienced and internationally certified officer bersertifikat internasional. Hingga akhir 2007, Perseroan and crew members. By the end of 2007, the Company mengoperasikan 78 kapal tanker dengan total tonase 1,88 operated 78 tankers with a total tonnage of 1.88 million juta DWT, 18 kapal tanker di antaranya merupakan kapal DWT, with 18 of these tankers being chartered-in vessels. sewa. With its motto ‘Delivers with Safety, Competitiveness, and Dengan Selamat, Timeliness’ the Company is committed to providing excellent Kompetitif dan Tepat Waktu’, Perseroan memiliki komitmen semboyan service to all its customers. This commitment is demonstrated untuk semua by the Company’s compliance with the International Safety pelanggan. Komitmen ini ditunjukkan dengan kepatuhan Management Code, the ISO 9001:2000 standard, the ISO pada International Safety Management Code, standar ISO 14001:2004 standard, and with the OHSAS 18001:1999 9001:2000, standar ISO 14001:2004 dan standar OHSAS standard, for which certification has been granted. The 18001:1999, di mana Perseroan telah memperoleh sertifikat Company’s commitment to providing excellent service and dari lembaga-lembaga internasional. Komitmen Perseroan its adherence to the highest possible standards will ensure untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik dan mematuhi standar the ongoing development of its business into the future. memberikan ‘Mengangkut pelayanan dengan terbaik pada tertinggi diyakini akan dapat menjamin kelangsungan bisnis Perseroan hingga masa datang. 03 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 CORPORATE Milestones Tonggak Penting Perjalanan Perseroan 1981 Perseroan didirikan, dimulai dengan penyewaan dua tanker untuk Pertamina. 1986 Mulai mengangkut bahan kimia cair untuk beberapa pabrik kimia besar. 1990 Penawaran umum saham perdana BLT di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya (Sekarang sudah bergabung menjadi Bursa Efek Indonesia). 1998 Membeli Asean Maritime Corp, termasuk anak usahanya Gold Bridge Shipping Corp, yang memiliki tujuh tanker kimia. Akuisisi ini ditujukan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan usaha Perseroan di Asia Timur Jauh dan China. 2001 Memperluas usaha ke Timur Tengah dan India. 2004 Membuka kantor perwakilan di Glasgow untuk mendorong pertumbuhan usaha di Eropa. 2005 Menerbitkan obligasi konversi dengan nilai nominal US$ 50 juta, yang dicatatkan di Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. Membuka kantor di Dubai. 2006 Mencatatkan saham di SGX-ST, untuk menjadi perusahaan pertama yang tercatat di bursa Indonesia dan Singapura. BLT menjadi penyedia jasa transportasi terbesar dalam pengangkutan bahan kimia antar negara Asia dan terbesar ketiga di dunia untuk armada tanker kimia ukuran di bawah 20.000 DWT 2007 Membuka kantor di Mumbai. Menerbitkan Obligasi Konversi kedua bernilai nominal US$ 125.000.000 dan wesel bayar (Guaranteed Senior Notes) bernilai US$ 400.000.000, dicatatkan di Bursa Efek Singapura. Menerbitkan Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker III senilai Rp 700 miliar dan Sukuk Ijarah Berlian Laju Tanker senilai Rp 200 miliar, dicatatkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Mengakuisisi Chembulk Tankers LLC-USA, yang mengoperasikan 16 kapal kimia besar. Dengan akuisisi ini, Perseroan menjadi penyedia jasa transportasi kelautan ketiga terbesar di dunia untuk segmen pengangkutan bahan kimia. 2008 Perseroan sekarang beroperasi di hampir semua pasar utama di dunia, dan mengoperasikan 81 kapal (57 tanker kimia, 15 tanker minyak, 8 tanker gas dan 1 FPSO), dengan total tonase 1,94 juta DWT. 04 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk CORPORATE Milestones Tonggak Penting Perjalanan Perseroan 1981 Established with two tankers on charter to Pertamina (Indonesian state-owned oil company). 1986 Began transporting chemicals for major chemical manufacturers. 1990 Initial Public Offering of BLT shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchanges (Now the Indonesia Stock Exchange). 1998 Acquired Asean Maritime Corp. including its subsidiary Gold Bridge Shipping Corp, which owned seven Chemical tankers. This acquisition was intended to accelerate growth in Far East and China. 2001 Expanded operations into the Middle East and India. 2004 Opened an office in Glasgow to facilitate growth in Europe . 2005 Issuance of US$50 million Convertible Bond, which is listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. Opened an office in Dubai. 2006 Conducted a Primary Listing on the SGX-ST to become the first company listed on both the Indonesian and Singaporean exchanges. BLT became the largest transportation services provider in the intra-Asian chemical transportation market, with the third largest sub-20,000 DWT chemical tanker fleet globally. 2007 Opened Office in Mumbai. Issued US$ 125,000,000 of Second Convertible Bonds and US$ 400,000,000 of Guaranteed Senior Notes, listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. Issued Rp 700 billion of Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker III and Rp 200 billion of Sukuk Ijarah Berlian Laju Tanker, listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Acquired Chembulk Tankers LLC-USA, which operated 16 large chemical vessels. With this acquisition, the Company became the third largest provider of maritime transportation services in the world in the liquid chemical segment. 2008 The Company now operates in all major markets and regions of the world. The Company maintains a fleet of 81 ships (57 chemical tankers, 15 oil tankers, 8 gas tankers and 1 FPSO) with a total tonnage of 1.94 million DWT. 05 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 FINANCIAL Highlights Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting In Rupiah based on INDONESIAN GAAP 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 3,641,773 1,137,092 898,071 758,982 3,073,788 1,122,293 946,392 1,205,280 2,617,192 1,048,574 945,822 645,186 1,351,433 386,214 305,432 243,204 969.866 262.270 203.122 149.150 15,810,719 5,903,932 5,184,774 2,944,327 2.175.580 20,668,625 17,353,043 3,315,582 4,159,010 3,810,883 8,205,956 5,074,796 3,131,160 4,157,572 3,973,970 7,908,587 5,900,202 2,008,385 4,157,214 4,046,588 4,393,914 2,728,454 1,665,460 4,144,385 3,780,785 3.010.417 1.928.527 1.081.891 1.863.238 3.726.147 199 303 159 64 40 3.7 14.7 8.2 5.5 5.0 22.9 38.5 32.1 14.6 13.8 0.70 1.5 1.5 1.3 2.0 523.4 162.1 293.8 163.8 178.3 84.0 61.8 74.6 62.1 64.1 LAPORAN LABA RUGI (Rp Juta) Income Statement (Million Rp) Pendapatan Usaha Revenues Laba kotor Gross Profit Laba Usaha Operating Profit Laba Bersih Net Profit NERACA (Rp Juta) Balance Sheet (Million Rp) Aktiva Tetap Bersih Property, vessels and equipment net Jumlah Aktiva Total Assets Jumlah Kewajiban Liabilities Ekuitas Equity Jumlah Saham yang beredar (‘000 unit) Share Issued (‘000 units) Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang Saham beredar (‘000 unit) Weighted average number of shares (‘000 units) DATA PER SAHAM (Rp) Per Share Data (Rp) Laba Bersih Per Saham Net Earning per Share RASIO Ratios Laba Bersih / Jumlah Aktiva (%) Net Profit / Total Assets (%) Laba Bersih / Ekuitas (%) Net Profit / Equity (%) Rasio Lancar (x) Current Ratio (x) Jumlah Kewajiban / Ekuitas (%) Total Liabilities / Equity (%) Jumlah Kewajiban / Jumlah aktiva (%) Total Liabilities / Total Assets (%) 06 03 04 05 06 07 06 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk 03 04 06 07 898,071 06 305,432 203,122 05 05 758,982 243,204 645,186 3,641,773 149,150 1,351,433 969,866 07 946,392 05 8,205,956 7,908,587 4,393,914 3,010,417 03 04 945,822 (million Rp) 1,205,280 Operating profit (million Rp) 3,073,788 Profit of the year (million Rp) 2,617,192 Operating revenues (milion Rp) 20,668,625 Total assets 03 04 07 FINANCIAL Highlights Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting IN USD based on IFRS LAPORAN LABA RUGI (USD) Income Statement USD) Pendapatan Usaha Revenues Laba kotor Gross Profit Laba Usaha Operating Profit Laba Bersih Net Profit NERACA (USD) Balance Sheet (USD) Aktiva Tetap Bersih Property, vessels and equipment net Jumlah Aktiva Total Assets Jumlah Kewajiban Liabilities Ekuitas Equity Jumlah Saham yang beredar (‘000 unit) Share Issued (‘000 units) Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang Saham beredar (‘000 unit) Weighted average number of shares (‘000 units) 2007 2006 2005 398,642,549 118,793,989 96,824,167 76,777,392 335,216,811 113,441,929 94,921,371 107,489,649 266,405,159 101,618,690 91,369,975 60,209,716 151,544,488 113,192,589 44,097,572 31,372,283 35,559,215 24,886,575 34,258,611 24,336,837 1,891,626,220 817,556,485 677,147,638 398,735,510 284,329,890 2,413,085,673 1,837,860,040 575,225,633 4,159,010 1,077,989,453 560,779,821 517,209,632 4,157,572 960,140,583 603,061,509 357,079,074 4,157,214 561,838,673 388,067,331 29,573,223 228,583,193 268,265,450 159,484,138 4,144,385 1,863,238 3,810,883 3,973,970 4,046,588 3,780,785 3,726,147 0.0201 0.0270 0.0149 0.0091 0.0065 3.2 10.0 6.3 6.1 6.3 13.3 20.8 16.9 12.8 15.3 0.70 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.5 319.5 108.4 168.9 109.4 143.3 76.2 52.0 62.8 52.3 58.9 DATA PER SAHAM (USD) Per Share Data (USD) Laba Bersih Per Saham Net Earning per Share RASIO Ratios Laba Bersih / Jumlah Aktiva (%) Net Profit / Total Assets (%) Laba Bersih / Ekuitas (%) Net Profit / Equity (%) Rasio Lancar (x) Current Ratio (x) Jumlah Kewajiban / Ekuitas (%) Total Liabilities / Equity (%) Jumlah Kewajiban / Jumlah aktiva (%) Total Liabilities / Total Assets (%) 2004 2003 06 03 04 05 06 07 03 04 05 06 07 03 04 05 06 96,824,167 35,559,215 24,886,575 76,777,392 107,489,649 60,209,716 34,258,611 24,336,837 398,642,549 335,216,811 266,405,159 151,544,488 113,192,589 07 94,921,371 05 91,369,975 03 04 2,413,085,673 (in USD) 1,077,989,453 Operating profit (in USD) 960,140,583 Profit of the year (in USD) 561,838,673 Operating revenues (in USD) 388,067,331 Total assets 07 07 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 ORGANIZATION structure Struktur Organisasi Board of Commissioners President Director Nomination Committee Quality Management Representative Business Development Director Commercial Director Commercial Corporate Marketing & Operation Legal & Insurance Business Dev & Asset mgt Vessels Sales & Purchase Chartering Marketing & Operation Agency & Branch Business Relation People Management 08 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Remuneration Committee Corporate Secretary Audit Committee Internal Audit Finance Director Administration Director Finance & Treasury Accounting Investor Relation Information Technology Ship Management Controller COMPANY information Informasi Perseroan BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CORPORATE SECRETARY Mr Hadi Surya Mr Wong Kevin (President Commissioner) (Commissioner) REGISTERED OFFICE & BUSINESS ADDRESS Mr Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (Independent Commissioner) Wisma BSG, 10th floor Mr Jaka Prasetya Jalan Abdul Muis No.40 (Independent Commissioner) Jakarta 10160 – Indonesia Mr Harijadi Soedarjo Phone : +62 21 30060300 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Fax : +62 21 30060389, +62 21 30060391 Mr Widihardja Tanudjaja Email : [email protected] , [email protected] (President Director) Mr Henrianto Kuswendi SHARE REGISTRAR (Commercial Director) PT Sinartama Gunita as Share Registrar Mr Michael Murni Gunawan PT Sinartama Gunita (Administration Director) Plaza BII, Tower 3, 12th floor Ms Siana Anggraeni Surya Jl. M.H Thamrin No.51, Jakarta (Business Development Director) 10350 - Indonesia Mr Wong Kevin (Finance Director) Boardroom Limited as Share Transfer Agent for Share registered in Singapore Exchange AUDIT COMMITTEE Boardroom Limited Mr Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan (Chairman) 3 Church Street Mr Jaka Prasetya #08-01 Samsung Hub Mr Max Sumakno Budiarto Singapore 049483 REMUNERATION COMMITTEE AUDITORS Mr Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan (Chairman) Osman Bing Satrio & Rekan Mr Hadi Surya Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Mr Jaka Prasetya Wisma Antara 12 th Floor, Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No.17 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Jakarta -10110 Mr Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan (Chairman) Mr Hadi Surya Mr Jaka Prasetya 09 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 REMARKS from board of commissioners Sambutan Dewan Komisaris From left to right: ALAN JONATHAN TANGKAS DARMAWAN, HADI SURYA, HARIJADI SOEDARJO, JAKA PRASETYA Yang Terhormat para Pemegang Saham dan Mitra Usaha Perseroan, Dear Shareholders and Business Partners, Pertama-tama Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan terima Firstly, the Board of Commissioners would like to express kasih kepada para Pemegang Saham, Direksi beserta its gratitude to all Shareholders, to Members of the Board Jajaran Manajemen atas dukungan dan kerja keras selama of Directors, and to the Staff and the Management of the tahun 2007 sehingga membawa perseroan tetap maju dan Company for their ongoing support and their hard work berkembang. throughout 2007, as a result of which the Company has achieved its present progress and growth. Kinerja yang baik tahun 2007 didukung oleh faktor eksternal, yakni pertumbuhan ekonomi global dan ekonomi nasional The excellent performance recorded by the Company in yang cukup baik, walaupun pertumbuhannya melambat 2007 was partly supported by external factors, including dibandingkan tahun 2006. Pertumbuhan ekonomi makro good global and national economic growth, even if this yang terpengaruh oleh kurang stabilnya pertumbuhan growth was not quite as impressive as in 2006. Even though ekonomi Amerika Serikat memang menjadi tantangan, global economic growth was impacted by issues affecting namun pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia masih cukup the American economy, the rate of economic growth within baik sehingga walaupun ada risiko, namun tidak terlalu Indonesia was still good, and although this growth is subject mengkhawatirkan. Suku bunga akan cenderung menurun to risk factors, these are not cause for excessive concern. dan akan memacu pertumbuhan di beberapa sektor In particular, interest rates have declined, which has had a kegiatan, termasuk di sektor transportasi. Sementara itu, stimulating effect on a number of economic activities and laju inflasi relatif sama dengan tahun lalu, berkisar antara 6-7 sectors, including the transportation sector. At the same persen. time, the rate of inflation has remained relatively stable at approximately six to seven percent. 10 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk REMARKS from board of commissioners Sambutan Dewan Komisaris Pada tahun 2007 Dewan Komisaris mencatat beberapa hal In 2007, the Board of Commissioners was gratified to note penting yang berhasil dicapai oleh perseroan, antara lain: a number of important achievements by the Company, including the following: a. Perkembangan Armada: Sebagai antisipasi terhadap meningkatnya pertumbuhan permintaan jasa a. Fleet development: In anticipation of increased demand transportasi laut, khususnya muatan cair, Perseroan for maritime transportation services, and particularly for telah meningkatkan kapasitas armadanya sehingga the transportation of liquid bulk cargo, the Company pada akhir tahun 2007 total armada Perseroan mencapai has increased the capacity of its fleet so that at the end 78 unit dengan total bobot 1,88 juta DWT. Suatu of 2007, this fleet consisted of 78 vessels with a total peningkatan dibandingkan dengan akhir tahun 2006 capacity of 1.88 million DWT. This is a significant increase dimana perseroan mengoperasikan 59 unit dengan total over the size and capacity of the fleet at the end of 2006, bobot 1,52 juta DWT. when it consisted of 59 vessels with a total capacity of b. Perluasan Daerah Operasi (Trading Area) : Sejalan dengan 1.52 million DWT. peningkatan kapasitas armada, Perseroan telah berhasil b. Expansion of trading area: With the expansion in the mengembangkan angkutan ke beberapa daerah baru di capacity of its fleet, the Company has also successfully luar Asia seperti Mediterania, Afrika, Eropa, Australia, dan developed a number of new routes into areas outside Asia Amerika Latin. Selain itu dengan akuisisi atas Chembulk including in the Mediterranean, Africa, Europe, Australia, Tankers LLC di akhir 2007 Perseroan telah menambah and Latin America. In addition to its acquisition of satu daerah operasi penting yaitu Amerika Serikat. Chembulk Tankers LLC at the end of 2007, the Company Perluasan Trading Area ini meningkatkan fleksibilitas also included an important new area of operations, the dan kemampuan Perseroan dalam mengoperasikan USA. The expansion of the Company’s trading area will armadanya ke daerah-daerah yang dapat memberikan improve the Company’s flexibility and its ability to operate marjin yang menguntungkan. its fleet in areas that offer profitable margins. c. Keberhasilan akuisisi Chembulk Tankers LLC: Sebuah c. The acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC: The successful perusahaan pelayaran Amerika Serikat, pada akhir acquisition of this American maritime transportation 2007 secara langsung berdampak pada penambahan company at the end of 2007 had a direct impact on the kapasitas angkutan armada dan memberikan kontribusi expansion of the Company’s fleet and will contribute yang lebih besar dalam memperluas jaringan wilayah greatly to the expansion of the Company’s operational operasi dan pasar peseroan sehingga menjadi pemain and marketing network and facilitate its goal of becoming Global. a global player. d. Pertumbuhan Penghasilan Sebelum Biaya Bunga, Pajak, d. Growth in revenues before interest costs, tax, and dan Penyusutan (EBITDA): Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan depreciation (EBITDA): Subsequent to the growth of its armada, Perseroan juga secara konsisten telah berhasil fleet, the Company has also recorded a consistent growth mencatatkan pertumbuhan EBITDA yang berasal dari in its EBITDA derived from its operating activities. kegiatan operasional Perseroan. As part of its endeavors to expand the size of its fleet and Dalam upaya memperbesar armada dan merebut pangsa to win a larger market share, the Company is continuing to pasar yang lebih luas, Perseroan tetap memperhatikan pay attention to its liquidity, cash flow and financial ratios. likuiditas maupun rasio pinjaman terhadap ekuitas. Namun However, with the acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC at sehubungan dengan akuisisi Chembulk Tankers LLC di the end of 2007, where performance of the newly acquired akhir 2007 dimana kinerja perusahaan yang diakuisisi belum company has not been reflected yet in the consolidated tercermin dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasi, maka hal financial reports, there has been an increase in the Company’s ini telah mengakibatkan peningkatan rasio utang terhadap debt to equity ratio. Although the Company is capable of ekuitas. Walaupun Perseroan memiliki kemampuan untuk memenuhi seluruh kewajiban keuangannya, hal ini menjadi 11 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 REMARKS from board of commissioners Sambutan Dewan Komisaris tantangan bagi Manajemen Perseroan untuk mengendalikan meeting its financial obligations, the management of the gearing ratio ini ke tingkat yang lebih baik lagi di tahun 2008 Company faces the challenge of controlling its gearing ratio mendatang, sehingga memperkuat citra Perseroan sebagai and improving this ratio in 2008 in order to demonstrate the perusahaan dengan kondisi keuangan yang sehat. financial health of the Company. Perkembangan dan pertumbuhan Perseroan sepanjang The growth and development of the Company throughout tahun ini cukup sehat. Selain membawa optimisme, the year has been strong. This growth and development perkembangan dan pertumbuhan yang cukup sehat provides a strong basis for the management of the Company tersebut memberikan keyakinan pada Jajaran Manajemen to face the challenges that will emerge in years to come and dalam menghadapi tantangan di tahun-tahun mendatang to achieve the goal of transforming the Company into the dan mewujudkan cita-cita Perseroan menjadi salah satu best provider of maritime transportation services specializing perusahaan pelayaran angkutan cair terbaik di Indonesia, in the transportation of liquid chemicals in Indonesia and regional maupun global. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut tentu throughout the region. In order to achieve this, much hard menuntut kerja yang lebih keras dan komitmen penuh work and the total commitment with full responsibility of all serta tanggung jawab yang tinggi di Jajaran Manajemen levels of management and staff, together with the support of dan seluruh Karyawan disertai dukungan penuh dari para Shareholders and business partners, will be required. Pemegang Saham dan Mitra Usaha. In addition, in order to achieve the Company’s goals, all Selain itu, untuk mencapai cita-cita perseroan, seluruh Jajaran layers of management and staff within the Company must dalam Perseroan terus bahu-membahu mempertahankan continue to strive to increase revenues and to control kinerja dengan terus memacu Pendapatan dan lebih ketat costs so that liquidity, cash flow, and cash surpluses will dalam pengendalian biaya sehingga likuiditas, cash flow, continue to improve, thus ensuring the ongoing growth and dan cash surplus tetap meningkat sehingga pertumbuhan development of the Company. Perseroan terus berkesinambungan. The Board of Commissioners also notes the efforts of Dewan Komisaris juga mencatat bahwa Perseroan telah the Company to improve the competencies of its human melakukan mengembangkan resources through the promulgation of 2007 as the Year kompetensi SDM dengan pencanangan tahun 2007 of Human Resources Development. In order to achieve sebagai Tahun Pengembangan SDM. Untuk mencapai this, a number of systems and procedures to facilitate the hal ini perlu penjabaran dan kesiapan semua sistem dan development of human resources have been implemented. prosedur ke-HRD-an yang terencana. Tugas ini hendaknya These efforts involve all layers of the Company staff and menjadi tugas bersama seluruh Jajaran Perseroan. Terkait management. As part of this endeavor, all layers of the dengan hal ini seluruh Jajaran dalam Perseroan perlu Company staff and management must adopt new, more merubah perspektif dan paradigma agar lebih modern dan modern and visionary perspectives and paradigms regarding pandangan jauh kedepan dalam hal pengelolan semua asset the management of the Company’s assets, including its Perseroan, termasuk SDM. Dengan cara demikian, seluruh human resources. In this fashion, all layers of the Company Jajaran dalam Perseroan lebih mampu mengimbangi arah staff and management will be better prepared to deal perubahan global yang setiap saat terus terjadi. with the rapidly changing global environment in which the berbagai upaya untuk Company now operates. Melihat kondisi perkembangan Perseroan sejauh ini dan perkiraan akan peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang Looking at the Company’s growth to this point and based on stabil di kawasan Asia Pasifik, Dewan Komisaris yakin the forecast of ongoing stable economic growth in the Asian bahwa Perseroan bersama Jajaran Manajemen yang telah Pacific region, the Board of Commissioners is satisfied that teruji dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kinerja the current management of the Company will continue to 12 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk REMARKS from board of commissioners Sambutan Dewan Komisaris dengan memanfaatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi regional, maintain and improve the Company’s performance and to bahkan mampu melintas pada jalur ekonomi dunia, demi harness regional and global economic growth to ensure its pertumbuhan Perseroan di masa-masa mendatang. future growth. Setelah mempelajari laporan keuangan Perseroan untuk After examining the Company’s financial reports for the tahun buku yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2007 yang book year ending 31 December 2007, which have been telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Osman Bing Satrio audited and found to be a fair representation by the Public & Rekan (member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu) dengan Accountant Osman Bing Satrio & Rekan (member of Deloitte pendapat wajar tanpa pengecualian, Dewan Komisaris Touche Tohmatsu), the Board of Commissioners is of the berpendapat bahwa secara umum usaha Perseroan opinion that the Company has recorded a good financial selama tahun 2007 berjalan cukup baik dan dapat and operational performance. The Board of Directors of dipertanggungjawabkan. Direksi Perseroan bersama Jajaran the Company and its management have implemented the Manajemennya telah mengambil kebijakan-kebijakan yang appropriate policies to expand the Company’s fleet and to efektif dalam mengembangkan armada dan memanfaatkan utilize the conducive external conditions in order to ensure kondisi eksternal yang kondusif sehingga Perseroan that the Company recorded good net profits and added berhasil mencatat laba yang cukup baik dan memberikan value to Shareholders. Thus, the Board of Commissioners nilai tambah bagi para Pemegang Saham. Untuk itu, Dewan has no hesitation in recommending that the Company’s Komisaris merekomendasikan kepada para Pemegang Shareholders accept this report of the Company’s business Saham Perseroan agar menanggapi secara positif laporan operations and financial performance in 2007. hasil usaha dan laporan keuangan Perseroan tahun buku 2007 ini. Finally, the Board of Commissioners would like to express its gratitude to Shareholders, members of the Board of Directors Akhirnya, Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan terima kasih and all members of the Company’s management and staff for kepada para Pemegang Saham, Direksi beserta Jajaran their ongoing support. The Board of Commissioners would Manajemen atas dukungannya. Dewan Komisaris juga also like to express its gratitude to the Audit Committee and menyampaikan terima kasih kepada Komite Audit serta to the Independent Commissioner for their cooperation and Komisaris Independen atas usaha dan kerjasamanya effort in assisting the Board of Commissioners to exercise sehingga tugas pengawasan yang diemban Dewan their supervisory role appropriately. Komisaris dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Best Regards and Thank You, Sekian dan Terima Kasih. The Board of Commissioners Dewan Komisaris 13 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi Yang Terhormat para Pemegang Saham dan Mitra Usaha Perseroan, Dear Shareholders and Business Partners, The maritime transportation industry plays an important Industri angkutan laut memainkan peran penting dalam role in international trade and commerce. For a number of perdagangan internasional dan pada beberapa jenis commodities, it is the only viable means of transportation for komoditi merupakan pilihan satu-satunya bagi sarana large volumes. However, given the particular characteristics transportasi dalam jumlah atau volume yang besar. Sesuai of this industry, it is extremely susceptible to the influence dengan karakteristiknya maka industri angkutan laut secara of fluctuations in international trade and of global economic umum sangat dipengaruhi oleh pertumbuhan perdagangan cycles. Despite a certain level of nervousness in financial internasional dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. Walaupun markets in the second half of 2007 as a result of the sub dibayangi oleh kegelisahan pasar keuangan (financial prime crisis in the USA, the global economy grew at a market) di paruh kedua tahun 2007 yang dipicu oleh krisis healthy rate of approximately 5.2 per cent, with this growth subprime di Amerika Serikat, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Global being mainly driven by the particularly strong economic diperkirakan mencapai angka yang cukup sehat yaitu sekitar growth in emerging markets. The rate of growth in the 5,2% terutama didukung oleh kuatnya perekonomian emerging markets of Asia stood at approximately 8.9 per di perekonomian cent, with China and India recording growth rates of 11.5 kawasan Emerging Asia mencatat pertumbuhan yang lebih Emerging Markets. Sementara itu per cent and 8.9 per cent respectively, while the ASEAN-4 mengesankan yaitu sekitar 8,9%, dimana China dan India nations (Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia) diperkirakan mencapai pertumbuhan 11,5% dan 8,9%, recorded an average growth of 5.6 per cent. This strong sedangkan negara-negara ASEAN-4 (Indonesia, Thailand, economic growth had a positive impact on international Phillipines, dan Malaysia) mencatat pertumbuhan rata-rata trade, with the estimated rate of growth in the volume of sebesar 5,6%. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup sehat the international trade of goods and services standing at 6.6 ini memberikan dampak positif terhadap perdagangan per cent in 2007. In turn, this had a positive impact on the internasional dimana diperkirakan volume perdagangan demand for maritime transportation services. barang dan jasa tumbuh sebesar 6,6% di tahun 2007 dan selanjutnya telah mendorong permintaan akan ruang kapal (space). transportation of liquid bulk cargoes such as petroleum, liquid chemical products and liquefied gas product has seen Secara umum permintaan pengangkutan untuk minyak, steady and stable growth over recent years. In the period produk kimia cair, dan gas cair mengalami peningkatan yang between 2002 to 2007, the total volume of chemical liquid cukup stabil dari tahun ketahun. Dalam kurun waktu 2002- bulk cargoes increased from 133 million tons to 161 million 2007 total angkutan muatan cair mengalami peningkatan tons, while the demand for transportation services involving dimana angkutan kimia cair meningkat dari 133 juta ton oil tankers grew by an average rate of 3.9 per cent per year. menjadi 161 juta ton dan permintaan angkutan tanker This state of affairs had a positive impact on the maritime minyak tumbuh rata-rata 3,9% pertahun. Ini merupakan transportation industry in general, and on the Company’s faktor positif bagi industri pelayaran secara umum dan performance in particular. Perseroan secara khusus. In the particular area of the transportation of liquid bulk Di sektor angkutan produk kimia cair dan sejenisnya chemicals and similar products (including tallow and (termasuk total vegetable oils), it is estimated that in 2007 the total volume angkutan pada tahun 2007 mencapai sekitar 161,3 juta ton. minyak nabati/hewani) diperkirakan of such products transported by sea reached 161.3 million Ini menunjukkan peningkatan dibanding tahun 2006 yang tons. This is a significant increase over the figure of 154.9 mencatat angka 154,9 juta ton. million tons recorded in 2006. Sektor yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar dalam The particular sub sector that made the greatest contribution pertumbuhan permintaan ruang kapal tanker kimia adalah to the growth in demand for chemical tanker space was the 14 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC In general, the demand for shipping services involving the PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi Standing from left to right: MICHAEL MURNI GUNAWAN, SIANA ANGGRAENI SURYA, WONG KEVIN Seated: WIDIHARDJA TANUDJAJA, HENRIANTO KUSWENDI kimia organik. Di sektor perdagangan ini, negara-negara organic chemical sector. In this sub sector, the Asian nations, Asia terutama Timur Jauh dan Asia Tenggara mempunyai and particularly the nations of the Far East and of Southeast peranan penting karena porsi terbesar dari perdagangan Asia, played a particularly important role, as the greatest kimia organik yang terjadi di kawasan ini terus meningkat volume of trade in organic chemicals occurs within this region, dari tahun ke tahun. Diperkirakan angkutan kimia cair with the volume of trade rising steadily over recent years. It di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan Jepang pada tahun 2007 is estimated that the volume of liquid chemicals transported mencapai 21 juta ton, naik dari 18 juta ton ditahun 2006. within and between the Southeast Asian region and Japan Kondisi ini memberikan dampak yang cukup positif bagi in 2007 reached 21 million tons, a significant increase over usaha Perseroan dikarenakan daerah operasi Perseroan the figure of 18 million tons recorded in 2006. This has had mencakup dari Timur Tengah hingga Timur Jauh. Daerah a particularly positive impact on the Company’s business, ini merupakan daerah paling potensial dalam perdagangan considering that the Company has firm basis of operation kimia organik dunia, disamping jumlah penduduknya in the area between the Middle East and the Far East. This mencapai lebih dari setengah penduduk dunia. area continues to offer the greatest potential for growth in Di sektor angkutan minyak sebagaimana kita ketahui, pertumbuhan permintaan jasa angkutan sangat dipengaruhi oleh volume produksi dan konsumsi minyak dunia. terms of the trade of organic chemicals, particularly given that more than one half of the world’s population live within this zone. Permintaan untuk konsumsi serta produksi minyak dunia In the oil transportation sector, the growth in the demand for tumbuh secara konstan pada tingkat sekitar 1,8% - 1,9% maritime transportation services is greatly influenced by the global volume of production and levels of consumption of 15 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi pertahun sejak tahun 2000. Permintaan atas konsumsi such products. Since 2000, the volume of production and minyak ini mengalami pertumbuhan cukup tinggi di negara- the level of consumption of oil and petroleum products has negara Asia, terutama China yang pada tahun 2007 grown consistently at an average annual rate of between diperkirakan mencatat pertumbuhan sebesar 4,7%. Hal ini 1.8 per cent to 1.9 per cent. In particular, the demand for oil selanjutnya akan memacu permintaan space kapal untuk has grown strongly in the Asian region, and most particularly muatan minyak mentah dan bahan bakar minyak serta gas in China, which in 2007 recorded a growth in demand of cair. approximately 4.7 per cent. In turn, this has inspired further Untuk gas cair permintaan atas transportasi umumnya didorong oleh permintaan industri dan konsumen atas demand for shipping services involving the transportation of crude oil, petroleum product and gas. produk-produk turunan gas petrokimia seperti plastik, The demand for shipping services involving the transportation produk-produk sintetis, tekstil, dan lain-lain. Sejalan of liquefied gas is primarily driven by the demands of dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi global maka permintaan industries producing products derived from petrochemical transportasi gas cair diperkirakan juga akan meningkat, gas, including plastics, synthetic products, textiles, and so selain itu peningkatan produksi minyak mentah dan gas on, and by the demands of consumers for these products. alam juga akan meningkatkan permintaan angkutan LPG, With ongoing global economic growth, the demand for gas petrokimia dan lain-lain sebagai produk turunan dari shipping services involving the transportation of liquefied minyak petrokimia dan gas alam cair tersebut. Berdasarkan gas is expected to continue to increase. In particular, the laporan yang kami terima perdagangan gas cair mengalami increase in the volume of production of crude and natural gas pertumbuhan yang cukup pesat, terutama pertumbuhan will also result in an increased demand for shipping services perdagangan gas petrokimia di China dan Korea Selatan. involving the transportation of liquefied petrochemical gas and other gases derived from petroleum and liquefied natural gas. Based on reports received, the volume of trade of liquefied gas has experienced significant growth over the year, particularly in China and South Korea. MT Ratih, 10,329 DWT, 1996 16 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi Beberapa kondisi yang disebutkan di atas membuka The conditions described above have created significant peluang bagi Perseroan untuk terus mengembangkan opportunities for the Company to expand its fleet of vessels, armadanya baik di sektor angkutan kimia cair, maupun including those used for the transportation of liquid chemicals, minyak dan gas cair. Pada tahun 2007 Perseroan telah oil and petroleum products, and liquefied gas. In 2007, the berhasil mengembangkan armadanya, sehingga pada akhir Company expanded its fleet to the point that at the end of tahun 2007 armada Perseroan bertambah menjadi 78 kapal 2007, this fleet consisted of 78 tankers with a total capacity tanker dengan total bobot mati atau DWT sekitar 1,88 juta of 1.88 million DWT. In addition to this fleet, the Company ton. Selain itu Perseroan juga memiliki kontrak pesanan has also entered into contracts for the construction of 25 kapal baru sejumlah 25 kapal yang akan bergabung dengan new ships which will be delivered and will join the Company’s armada Perseroan pada tahun 2008-2011. Pengembangan fleet in the period between 2008 to 2011. The development armada kapal membutuhkan dana yang cukup besar dan of the Company’s fleet requires a significant degree of capital sumber daya manusia yang cukup dan handal. Dalam and experience human resources. So far the Company has hal ini Perseroan telah membuktikan fleksibilitas maupun demonstrated its flexibility and its credibility in terms of kredibilitas dalam bidang pendanaan eksternal yang terdiri raising capital from external sources, including bank loans dari berbagai tipe pendanaan seperti pinjaman bank baik from domestic and foreign sources, bonds, and convertible dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri, obligasi, dan obligasi bonds. By adopting a flexible approach to fundraising, the konversi. Dengan adanya fleksibilitas dalam menggalang Company has access to a wider range of sources of funds dana, Perseroan memiliki lebih banyak pilihan untuk at competitive costs, an extremely important competitive mendapatkan sumber dana yang lebih murah dan fleksibel advantage in the capital intensive shipping industry. dimana hal ini merupakan faktor penting bagi persaingan dalam industri pelayaran yang padat modal. Operating in the maritime transportation industry, the Company’s business will inevitably be affected by fluctuations Perseroan yang bergerak dibidang jasa angkutan laut tentu in industrial cycles, by fluctuations in interest rates, and by tidak terlepas dari fluktuasi siklus industri, naik turunnya fluctuations in fuel costs, which form a significant part of the tingkat suku bunga, maupun gejolak harga bahan bakar Company’s operational expenditure. In order to manage the yang merupakan komponen penting biaya usaha. Sebagai business risks inherent in the sector in which it operates, antisipasi terhadap risiko usaha ini maka Manajemen the management has implemented a number of strategies, menetapkan beberapa strategi usaha seperti: including the following: 1. 2. 3. Pengoperasian sebagian kapal dengan basis kontrak. 1. The operation of a portion of the Company’s fleet on a Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengamankan pendapatan dari contract basis: This strategy is implemented to ensure fluktuasi tarif uang tambang. Selain itu dalam beberapa levels of revenue despite fluctuations in freight rates. In kontrak mencantumkan pula penyesuaian tarif yang addition, some contracts contain clauses allowing for an dikaitkan dengan harga bahan bakar kapal (bunker). adjustment in rates related to fluctuations in fuel costs. Dalam tahun 2007 kurang lebih 50% pendapatan In 2007, approximately 50 per cent of the Company’s Perseroan berasal dari kontrak. revenues were derived from contracts. Komposisi yang seimbang dalam jumlah dan tipe kapal 2. Balanced composition: By maintaining a balance tanker (Oil, Chemical, Gas), yang dimaksudkan untuk between the type of tankers it operates and the menyebar risiko gejolak siklus bisinis. particular liquid cargo it transports (oil, chemical, gas), the Company manages to diversify the risk associated Pengembangan daerah operasi (North Asia, Middle with fluctuations in business cycles affecting any one of East, India, Eropa, Australia, dan Amerika Serikat), yang these particular types of liquid cargos transportation. bertujuan mencari daerah-daerah yang dapat memberi marjin yang lebih baik. 3. Expansion of the area of operations: The expansion into areas including North Asia, the Middle East, India, Europe, Australia, and the USA is intended to facilitate entry into markets that offer higher margins. 17 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi 4. Pengembangan armada dengan memperhatikan 4. Prudent management of capital structure: The Company struktur permodalan. Hal ini untuk menjaga agar adopts a prudent approach to the management of its Perseroan jangan sampai mengalami kesulitan likuiditas capital structure while consistently striving to expand saat menghadapi kondisi usaha yang kurang baik. its fleet. This approach is intended to prevent liquidity Strategi pengembangan armada dilakukan tidak hanya melalui pembangunan kapal baru ataupun pembelian kapal problems from occurring in the face of unfavorable business conditions. bekas tetapi juga dengan membeli perusahaan sejenis The strategy of expanding the Company’s fleet has been yang memiliki bisnis yang menjanjikan. Pada akhir tahun implemented not only through the construction of new 2007 Perseroan telah merampungkan proses pembelian vessels or the purchase of existing vessels, but through the Chembulk Tankers LLC, sebuah perusahaan pelayaran acquisition of highly prospective companies operating in the khusus angkutan kimia cair yang berkedudukan di Westport, same sector. At the end of 2007, the Company completed the Connecticut –Amerika Serikat. Bergabungnya Chembulk acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC, a shipping company Tankers LLC kedalam Perseroan telah memberikan kontribusi specializing in the transportation of liquid chemicals based in terhadap pengembangan armada dengan penambahan 16 Westport, Connecticut, USA. The acquisition of Chembulk kapal tanker kimia stainless steel dengan total bobot mati Tankers LLC by the Company has had a significant positive sekitar 400.000 ton sehingga membawa Perseroan menjadi contribution to the development of the Company’s fleet, perusahaan tanker kimia terbesar ketiga di dunia dengan resulting in an addition to this fleet of 16 stainless steel total armada tanker kimia sebesar 54 kapal dan total bobot chemical tankers with a total capacity of 400,000 tons. mati sekitar 816.000 ton. Beberapa hal positif lainnya dari With these additional vessels, the Company now has the akuisisi ini adalah usia kapal-kapal dalam armada Chembulk third largest fleet of chemical tankers in the world, with 54 Tankers LLC yang relative masih sangat muda (rata-rata such vessels and with a total capacity of 816,000 DWT. The dibawah 4 tahun), dan adanya kontrak pembangunan 3 acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC is particularly beneficial kapal baru yang akan diserahterimakan mulai tahun 2008 considering that the ships in that company’s fleet are relatively dan 2009. Selain itu daerah operasi armada Chembulk new, with an average age of less than four years, and that Tankers LLC yang meliputi Amerika Serikat, Amerika Selatan, Chembulks Tanker LLC has contracts for the construction Eropa, dan Timur Tengah sangat baik untuk melengkapi of an additional three new vessels which will be delivered in daerah operasi armada Perseroan yang sebelumnya lebih 2008 and 2009. In addition, Chembulks Tanker LLC’s area dominan di daerah Timur jauh Asia sampai Timur Tengah. of operations covers the USA, South America, Europe, and Dengan demikian jika sebelumnya Perseroan telah memiliki the Middle East. This is particularly advantageous as it will kantor di Singapore, Hongkong, Glasgow, Dubai, Shanghai, complement the Company’s existing trading area which dan Mumbai maka sejak akhir tahun 2007 Perseroan covers the zone between the Far East and the Middle East. telah memiliki kantor di Westport (Connecticut – USA) dan While the Company already has offices in Singapore, Hong Rotterdam untuk melayani kebutuhan usaha dan pelanggan Kong, Glasgow, Dubai, Shanghai and Mumbai, with this di seluruh dunia. acquisition at the end of 2007, the Company now has an office in Westport, Connecticut, U.S.A., and Rotterdam, the Netherlands, to facilitate serving the needs of clients across the globe. 18 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi dengan With the conducive conditions described above and the keberhasilan Perseroan dalam membangun pertumbuhan Company’s success in implementing measures to expand its armada Berbagai faktor pendukung diatas diiringi telah fleet and to develop its area of operations, the Company has membuahkan hasil yang cukup baik pada tahun buku recorded satisfying results in the financial year of 2007. As 2007. Dalam hubungannya dengan pencatatan saham a result of the Company listing its shares on the Singapore Perseroan di bursa efek Singapura maka mulai tahun buku stock exchange, since the financial year of 2006, the 2006 Perseroan selain menyajikan laporan keuangan sesuai Company has prepared financial reports both in accordance Prinsip Akuntansi Yang Berlaku Umum di Indonesia, juga with the Prevailing Principles of Accountancy in Indonesia menyajikan laporan keuangan sesuai Standard Pelaporan and with the International Financial Reporting Standard Keuangan Internasional. Perbandingan kinerja Perseroan (IFRS). A comparison of the Company’s performance in di tahun 2007 dibandingkan dengan tahun 2006 sesuai 2007 with its performance in 2006 according to the two dengan kedua standard pelaporan keuangan tersebut dapat different standards of financial reporting can be seen from dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut: the following table: serta pengembangan daerah usaha IFRS INDONESIAN GAAP In thousand IDR 2007 2006 Revenue 3.641.772.919 3.073.787.611 Gross Profit 758.981.783 Net Profit Increase/ (Decrease) Increase/ (Decrease) In USD 2007 2006 18% 398,642,549 335,216,811 19% 1% 118,793,989 113,441,929 5% (37%) 76,777,392 107,489,649 (29%) Peningkatan atas Pendapatan dalam tahun buku 2007 Increases in revenues in the 2007 were largely the result terutama dipengaruhi oleh pengembangan armada kapal, of expansions in the size of the Company’s fleet. Excluding dimana diluar penambahan 16 kapal tanker kimia stainless the addition of 16 stainless steel chemical tankers that steel yang berasal dari akuisisi Chembulk Tanker LLC, were added to the Company’s fleet with the acquisition of Perseroan menambah jumlah kapal tanker kimia sebanyak Chembulk Tanker LLC, the Company added two chemical 2 unit dan kapal tanker gas sejumlah 2 unit. Untuk sektor tankers and two gas tankers to this fleet. With reference to tanker minyak, Perseroan selama tahun 2007 membeli 2 the number of the Company’s oil tankers, the Company kapal tanker lambung ganda (double hull) kelas Suezmax, also purchased two double hull Suezmax tankers in 2007. namun bersamaan dengan itu Perseroan menjual 3 kapal However, during the same period, the Company also sold lambung tunggal (single hull) masing-masing 2 kapal kelas three single hull vessels, including two Suezmax class vessels Suezmax dan 1 kapal kelas Aframax. Total pertambahan and one Aframax class vessel. With the inclusion of the bersih kapasitas armada termasuk armada Chembulk vessels incorporated into the Company’s fleet through the Tankers LLC adalah 19 kapal (sekitar 360.000 DWT), namun acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC, the number of vessels kontribusi pertambahan armada Chembulk Tankers LLC in the Company’s fleet increased by 19, representing an tersebut belum tercermin dalam Pendapatan Perseroan additional capacity of 360,000 DWT. However, the additional disebabkan proses akuisisi baru diselesaikan menjelang vessels obtained through the acquisition of Chembulk akhir tahun 2007. Sejalan dengan peningkatan Pendapatan Tankers LLC have not yet had an impact on the Company’s maka Perseroan juga mencatat adanya peningkatan Laba revenues, as the acquisition was only completed towards Kotor, walaupun dengan marjin yang lebih kecil dibandingkan the end of 2007. With a rise in the Company’s revenues, the 19 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi tahun 2006. Hal ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya biaya Company has also recorded increases in its level of gross operasi kapal yang terutama dipengaruhi oleh harga bahan profits, although at a lower margin than in 2006. This lower bakar (bunker), biaya sandar (port charges), biaya awak margin was due to increases in ship operating expenditure, kapal, dan biaya pemeliharaan kapal. Harga bahan bakar which in turn were largely due to increases in the cost of fuel, kapal (MFO) per metrik ton mengalami kenaikan dari USD in port charges, in the salary bill for ship crew, and in the 330,- menjadi USD 385 berdasarkan harga rata-rata tahun cost of ship maintenance. The cost of shipping fuel (MFO) 2006 dan 2007. Sementara itu biaya sandar juga naik, increased from an average price of USD 330 per metric ton sedangkan biaya awak kapal juga meningkat seiring dengan in 2006 to USD 385 in 2007. At the same time, port charges meningkatnya permintaan dunia terhadap awak kapal. was also increased, while the salaries of ship crew and Dilain sisi biaya perawatan kapal juga mengalami kenaikan related costs were impacted by the increased global demand terutama disebabkan meningkatnya kesibukan galangan for experienced crew. Similarly, the cost of ship maintenance kapal (shipyard) dalam dan luar negeri melayani pesanan baik also experienced increases due to increased demand for untuk pembangunan kapal baru maupun untuk perawatan the services of shipyards both domestically and abroad kapal (docking). Diluar biaya operasional Perseroan juga for the construction of new ships and for the maintenance mencatat naiknya biaya keuangan disebabkan peningkatan of existing ships. In addition to operational expenditure, jumlah pinjaman yang cukup besar dimana dana tersebut the Company also experienced increased financial costs digunakan untuk pengembangan armada dan terutama associated with the increase in the number of large loans untuk akuisisi Chembulk Tankers LLC. Beberapa faktor yang required to finance the expansion of the Company’s fleet disebutkan diatas telah berperan mempengaruhi penurunan and most particularly the acquisition of Chembulk Tankers Laba Bersih dibandingkan tahun 2006. LLC. The combined impact of the factors described above Menghadapi meningkatnya biaya keuangan dan operasional ini Manajemen Perseroan sejak memutuskan untuk recorded in 2006. mengakuisisi Chembulk Tanker LLC di tahun 2007 telah Facing of increased financial and operational costs, and menyusun rencana untuk melunasi sebagian pinjaman di since its decision to acquire Chembulk Tanker LLC in 2007, tahun 2008 sehingga selain mengendalikan biaya bunga the management of the Company has formulated plans to juga akan memperbaiki tingkat rasio pinjaman bersih repay some of its debt in 2008 in order to control interest terhadap ekuitas. Selain itu Perseroan akan lebih aktif dalam cost and to improve the Company’s debt-to-equity ratio. In usaha melakukan penyesuaian tarif yang dikaitkan dengan addition, the Company will make greater efforts to adjust harga bahan bakar (bunker adjustment clause) dalam its tariffs with reference to fluctuations in fuel costs through kontrak-kontrak pengangkutan. Mengingat bahwa sekitar bunker adjustment clauses in the transportation service 50% pendapatan Perseroan berasal dari kontrak maka contracts into which it enters. Given that approximately 50 Manajemen cukup optimistik bahwa kenaikan harga bunker per cent of the Company’s revenues derives from contracts, ini masih dalam taraf yang dapat dikendalikan. the management of the Company is optimistic that the Prospek pada 2008 ke depan memiliki beberapa faktor impact of fluctuations in fuel costs can be mitigated. yang cukup positif bagi industri pelayaran secara umum dan Looking at the Company’s business prospects in 2008, Perseroan secara khusus. Tingkat permintaan angkutan there are a number of factors that should have a positive minyak, bahan kimia, dan gas telah meningkat secara stabil impact on the maritime transportation services industry in sejak beberapa tahun terakhir. Berdasarkan laporan Drewry, general and on the Company’s performance in particular. The pengangkutan bahan kimia dunia diperkirakan tumbuh demand for maritime transportation services involving the 4,2% ditahun 2007 menjadi 161,3 juta ton, dan akan terus transportation of oil, liquid chemicals and gas has increased naik menjadi sekitar 184,2 juta ton ditahun 2011. Proyeksi steadily over the past several years. According to the Drewry pertumbuhan ini ditunjang dengan implementasi regulasi Report, the volume of liquid chemicals transported around IMO tentang pengangkutan Vegetables Oil yang harus the globe increased by approximately 4.2 per cent in 2007 menggunakan kapal tanker tipe IMO II serta hasil konferensi to 161.3 million tons and will continue to increase to 184.2 20 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC meant that net profits declined slightly compared to those PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi MT CB Westport, 32,000 DWT, 2006 di Bali tentang pemanasan global yang mendukung million tons by 2011. Factors supporting this projection penggunaan bahan bakar biofuel memberikan keyakinan include the implementation of IMO regulations mandating akan pertumbuhan permintaan kapal tanker kimia tipe IMO the transportation of vegetable oil using IMO II-type tankers II. Disisi lain mengingat hampir seluruh kapal tanker kimia and the outcomes of the global warming conference in dalam armada Perseroan merupakan tipe IMO II stainless Bali which provided support for the use of bio fuels. These steel, dan kondisi galangan kapal yang telah maksimal maka factors will certainly result in an increased demand for IMO Manajemen cukup optimistik bahwa tarif uang tambang di II-type chemical tankers in the immediate future. Given that sektor ini akan stabil bahkan diperkirakan akan meningkat almost all of the chemical tankers in the Company’s fleet are dalam tahun-tahun mendatang. IMO II-type tankers and given that shipyards are already Dengan bergabungnya Chembulk Tankers LLC kedalam group Perseroan dimana seluruh armadanya terdiri dari kapal tanker kimia stainless steel IMO II diharapkan juga working at full capacity, the management of the Company is optimistic that revenues derived from this particular sub sector will remain stable or will increase in years to come. akan memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar pada In this regard, the acquisition by the Company of Chembulk kinerja Perseroan di tahun-tahun mendatang. Sekitar 50% Tankers LLC, whose entire fleet consisted of IMO II-type dari pendapatan Chembulk Tankers LLC adalah berbasis chemical tankers, is expected to have a significant positive kontrak, dan selama ini armada Chembulk Tankers LLC impact on the Company’s financial performance in years to lebih banyak melayani rute Amerika-Eropa dan Amerika Latin come. Because approximately 50 per cent of the revenues disamping Asia dan Timur Tengah, sehingga diperkirakan generated by Chembulk Tankers LLC were achieved on the kinerjanya tidak akan terpengaruh banyak oleh melambatnya basis of contract arrangements and because Chembulk pertumbuhan ekonomi di Amerika Serikat. Tankers LLC’s fleet was involved in serving routes between America-Europe and Latin America in addition to routes in Asia and the Middle East, it is expected that the financial performance of this fleet will not be significantly impacted by a decline in economic growth in the USA. 21 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi Di sektor angkutan Gas cair, angkutan laut LPG diperkirakan With reference to the liquid gas sub sector, it is estimated tumbuh sekitar 4,8% per tahun sampai 2011. Armada that the total volume of LPG transported by sea will increase Perseroan terdiri dari kapal tanker gas dengan ukuran by 4.8 per cent per year at least until 2011. The Company’s dibawah 9000 meter kubik dimana pada sektor ini fleet of gas tanker ships are mostly comprised of vessels pemesanan kapal (order book) diperkirakan kurang dari with a capacity below 9000 cubic meter whereby the vessel 17%, sedangkan disisi lain sekitar 20% dari total armada order book of this segment in the market is estimated to be telah berumur 25 tahun atau lebih. Ke depan hal ini akan less than 17%, while on the other hand 20% of available ships membuat kurangnya supply kapal LPG dibawah 9000 meter are at least 25 years of age. In the future, this will result in kubik dibandingkan dengan permintaan dan karenanya akan demand exceeding supply for LPG tankers with dimensions meningkatkan tarif uang tambang. of less than 9000 cubic meters and this will result in upward Di sektor angkutan minyak diperkirakan permintaan akan pressure on transportation tariffs. kapal tanker meningkat secara rata-rata 3,9% per tahun In the petroleum and petroleum product sub sector, it is hingga tahun 2010. Disisi lain walaupun tingkat supply tanker predicted that the demand for tankers will continue to minyak akan meningkat mengingat pemesanan kapal (order grow at an average rate of 3.9 per cent per year until 2010. book) sekitar 39% dari total armada yang ada dengan target Although the supply of oil tankers will increase given that the serah-terima hingga tahun 2011, hal ini akan diimbangi oleh number of new ships under construction and ready to be berkurangnya jumlah kapal tanker minyak lambung tunggal delivered by 2011 amount to 39 per cent of total existing (single hull) yang tidak boleh berlayar di sebagian besar vessels, this will be balanced by the decline in the number wilayah dunia pada tahun 2010. Jumlah kapal single hull of single hull oil tankers, the use of which will be prohibited saat ini diperkirakan sekitar 30% dari total armada. Selain itu in many parts of the world by 2010. At present, single hull adanya konversi kapal tanker minyak menjadi kapal dry-bulk tankers comprise approximately 30% of existing fleets. maupun FPSO/FSO diperkirakan cukup banyak mengurangi In addition, the conversion of a number of oil tankers into supply kapal tanker dari pasar. Oleh karenanya diperkirakan dry bulk vessels or FPSO/FSO vessels will also result in a tarif tambang disektor ini masih akan stabil di tahun 2008 contraction in the supply of tankers. Thus, it is predicted the mendatang. transportation rates in this particular sub sector will remain stable in 2008. 22 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk REMARKS from board of directors Sambutan Direksi Di dalam negeri, adanya regulasi pelayaran nasional yang Domestically, Presidential Decree No. 5 of 2005 regarding tertuang dalam Inpres No.5 Tahun 2005 yang mengatur domestic transportation requires that domestic transportation bahwa transportasi muatan domestik harus diangkut services be conducted by Indonesian flag vessels operated oleh kapal berbendera Indonesia yang dioperasikan oleh by national shipping companies based in Indonesia. This perusahaan pelayaran nasional yang berbasis di Indonesia, Presidential Decree also stipulates that the import and selain itu juga diatur untuk muatan ekspor-impor yang export of goods and commodities financed by state treasury dibiayai oleh anggaran belanja negara wajib diangkut must be transported on ships owned and or operated by oleh kapal yang dioperasikan oleh perusahaan pelayaran national shipping companies. This creates opportunities nasional. Kondisi ini membuka peluang bagi Perseroan untuk for the Company to develop and expand its share of the mengembangkan pangsa pasar domestik dan berperan domestic market and to participate in the development and serta dalam pengembangkan armada nasional. expansion of the national fleet. Berdasarkan faktor-faktor yang dikemukakan di atas dan On the basis of the factors described above and of the perkembangan Perseroan selama ini, manajemen yakin Company’s growth and development in the past, the dan optimis bahwa Perseroan memiliki prospek yang cerah management of the Company is optimistic that the Company untuk terus berkembang di masa-masa mendatang. has excellent prospects to achieve ongoing growth into the Akhir kata, Direksi mengucapkan banyak terima kasih future. atas kepercayaan yang telah diberikan selama ini oleh Finally, the Board of Directors would like to express its para pemegang saham, mitra usaha Perseroan, dan sincere gratitude for the trust demonstrated by Shareholders, para karyawan baik karyawan laut dan karyawan darat the Company’s business partners, and the Company’s yang telah memberikan dedikasi, bekerja keras dan turut employees, including both those serving on vessels and berperan serta membesarkan dan mengembangkan usaha those based on shore, for their hard work and dedication Perseroan selama ini. Ucapan terimakasih kami sampaikan in developing and expanding the Company’s business. The pula kepada Dewan Komisaris, Komite Audit, dan lembaga- Board of Directors would also like to express its gratitude to lembaga profesi maupun penunjang pasar modal lainnya the Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee, and the yang telah memberikan masukan-masukan berharga kepada professional bodies and institutions governing the capital Dewan Direksi dalam menjalankan usaha Perseroan. Saran markets that have provided valuable input to the Board of dan pendapat yang membangun dari semua pihak demi Directors in their management of the Company. The Board kemajuan Perseroan di masa yang akan datang senantiasa of Directors welcomes suggestions and advice from any kami nantikan. party willing to assist in the development of the Company in the future. Sekian dan Terima Kasih. Direksi Best Regards and Thank You, The Board of Directors 23 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS REVIEW Pembahasan Operasional 24 Annual Report 2007 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk MT Frabandari, 8,575 DWT, 2004 Global Reports LLC OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional RINGKASAN AKTIVITAS USAHA BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Perseroan bergerak di bidang angkutan laut, khususnya pengangkutan muatan cair. Jenis muatan cair tersebut antara lain: • Minyak (minyak mentah, bahan bakar, dan jenis lainnya) • Pelumas (Pelumas dasar dan aditif) • Kimia cair (organik dan non-organik) • Gas cair (LPG, propylene, propane, dan gas-gas bertekanan lainnya) • Minyak nabati dan hewani The Company’s main business is the maritime transportation of liquid bulk cargo. The types of cargo carried by the Company’s fleet include: • Crude oil and petroleum products; • Lubricating Oil (Base Oil and additives); • Liquid Chemical (organic and non-organic); • Liquified gas (LPG, propylene, propane, and other pressurized gas); • Vegetable oil and animal fats. Kegiatan usaha utama Perseroan dapat dikategorikan menjadi beberapa bidang usaha, yaitu: The Company offers a range of maritime transportation and related services, including the following: Penyewaan Kapal (Time Charter) Time Charter Perseroan menyewakan kapal-kapal kepada pihak ketiga secara Short Term Time Charter, Medium Term Time Charter, dan Long Term Time Charter. The Company charters out its vessels to third parties on a range of terms, including short-term time charter; mediumterm time charter; and long-term time charter basis. Pengoperasian Kapal Vessel Operation Perseroan menyewakan ruang muatan kapal kepada pihak ketiga. Kapal yang dioperasikan adalah kapal-kapal milik Perseroan serta kapal yang disewa dari pihak ketiga. Muatan yang diangkut berasal dari spot market dan c Contract Of Affreightment (COA). COA merupakan kontrak pengangkutan dengan jumlah muatan tertentu untuk periode waktu tertentu. The Company charters out cargo space in its vessels to the third parties. The vessels used to provide these services include vessels owned by the Company and chartered-in vessels. Cargo is carried according to a range of terms, including spot market contracts and Contract Of Affreightment (COA). COA is a contract for the transportation of a certain volume of cargo within a specified period of time. Jasa Keagenan Kapal Vessel Agency Service Kapal-kapal asing yang mengunjungi pelabuhan Indonesia diwajibkan untuk menunjuk Perusahaan Indonesia untuk bertindak selaku agen. Pada bidang usaha ini, Perseroan bertindak sebagai agen bagi banyak kapal asing. Beberapa perusahaan pelayaran terkemuka di dunia yang armadanya sering melakukan aktivitas bisnis di pelabuhan Indonesia telah menunjuk Perseroan sebagai agen untuk mengurus perizinan, pelabuhan, dan pemasokan keperluan-keperluan kapal, seperti bahan bakar, air tawar, suku cadang, perbaikan, dan lain-lain. Selain memberikan kontribusi yang menguntungkan bagi pendapatan Perseroan, kegiatan keagenan ini juga akan memperluas jaringan kerja sama Perseroan dengan perusahaan pelayaran di luar negeri. Foreign vessels calling at Indonesian ports are required to appoint an Indonesian company or companies to act as their general agent. As a registered Indonesian company, the Company acts as the general agent for many foreign vessels. Foreign shipping companies whose vessels enter into Indonesian waters contract a range of agency services from the Company, including the arrangement of permits, the arrangement of port facilities, and the provision of supplies such as fuels, freshwater, spare-parts, repair services, and others. Besides contributing directly to the Company’s revenues and profits, the agency business facilitates the expansion of the Company’s network with foreign shipping companies. Penyewaan tanki penyimpanan di darat Shore Storage Rental Proses bongkar muat muatan cair di pelabuhan membutuhkan tanki-tanki penampung di darat yang digunakan sebagai tempat penyimpanan sementara sebelum muatan cair tersebut diangkut oleh kapal tanker atau didistribusikan ke tempat pemrosesan. Perseroan memiliki beberapa tanki darat yang disewakan kepada pemilik muatan cair. Liquid cargo must be stored in the appropriate facilities in ports before being transported by oil tankers or distributed to processing plants. The Company owns and operates shore storage facilities which it rents to the owners of liquid cargo. 25 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional KAPASITAS DAN KOMPOSISI ARMADA CAPACITY AND COMPOSITION OF THE COMPANY’S FLEET Dalam bisnis transportasi kelautan, jumlah kapal merupakan faktor yang sangat menentukan dan langsung mempengaruhi The number of vessels in the Company’s fleet is the hasil operasi. Seiring dengan meningkatnya armada kapal single most important factor affecting its performance and yang dimiliki, tingkat pendapatan Perseroan pun terus operations. As the number of vessels in the Company’s fleet merangkak naik. Memang, peningkatan armada juga has increased, both revenues and operating costs have risen mendorong kenaikan biaya pelayaran dan biaya operasional accordingly, although the increase in the former has greatly kapal, yang sebanding dengan pendapatan yang diperoleh. outstripped the increase in the latter. With the increase in the Kalau dilihat dari sudut usaha, penambahan jumlah kapal size of its fleet, the Company’s tonnage capacity has also jelas increased correspondingly. menguntungkan karena mampu meningkatkan kapasitas tonase. The following table demonstrates the composition of our Tabel berikut menunjukkan komposisi armada Perseroan, fleet in terms of business segmentation as of 31 December berdasarkan segmen usaha per 31 Desember 2007: 2007: Type of Tanker (Tipe Tanker) Number of Vessels (Jumlah Kapal) Average Age (Rata-rata Usia) Type of Tanker (Tipe Tanker) Chemical 54 816.2 7.6 Bahan Kimia Oil 15 966.1 14.4 Minyak Gas(1) 8 35.4 11.2 Gas(1) FPSO 1 60.9 27.0 FPSO Total 78 1,878.50 9.4 Jumlah DWT (‘000) Catatan: (1) Kapasitas kapal tanker pengangkut gas yang disajikan di sini dalam DWT tetapi dapat juga disajikan dalam CBM. Notes: (1) Capacity for gas tankers is presented here in DWT but can also be presented in CBM. Selain ukuran dan kapasitas, karakteristik penting yang In addition to the size and capacity of the Company’s fleet, dimiliki oleh armada Perseroan adalah komposisi dari another important consideration is the composition of this armadanya. Armada Perseroan terdiri atas kapal tanker fleet in terms of the uses to which individual ships may pengangkut bahan kimia, minyak mentah, produk minyak, be put. The Company’s fleet includes chemical tankers, gas dan tanker FPSO, serta dua buah kapal tanker LNG crude oil tankers, oil product tankers, gas tankers and yang sedang dalam proses pembangunan. Kapal-kapal ini an FPSO tanker. In addition, the Company has entered memiliki perbedaan ukuran dan kapasitas tonase, umur, into a purchase order for two LNG tankers. The different fungsi, keandalan, jangkauan dan penggunaan, serta vessels vary in terms of size and tonnage capacity; age; perbedaan peralatan teknis. functionality; reliability; reach and usage; and in the nature of their technical equipment. Selama ini, Perseroan berusaha menjaga portofolio kapalkapal yang berbeda dalam armadanya dan menjaga The Company deliberately implements a policy of maintaining keseimbangan pengelolaan kapal dalam keempat segmen a variety of different vessels within the fleet, with a balanced operasi. Dengan demikian Perseroan dapat memberikan mix of vessels able to meet the needs of the three different 26 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional layanan dalam wilayah maupun pasar tertentu, yang operating segments. This allows the Company to better dipercaya menguntungkan service a wide range of geographic and product markets pada masa datang serta mampu menjaga margin dalam and to maintain margins despite business cycles affecting pengoperasian kapalnya. individual segments that the Company serves. Kapal Tanker Kimia Chemical Tankers Per 31 Desember 2007, Perseroan merupakan salah satu As of 31 December 2007, the Company was one of the perusahaan pelayaran terbesar ketiga di dunia dalam jumlah three largest shipping companies in the world in terms of the tonase pada pasar angkutan bahan kimia 816.196 DWT. volume of chemical liquids transported, with a total tonnage Rata-rata umur kapal untuk armada tanker pengangkut of 816,196 DWT. The average age of the ships used for the bahan kimia baru berusia sekitar 7,6 tahun, dibandingkan transportation of chemical liquids within the Company’s fleet armada pada industri yang rata-rata berusia sekitar 12,4 is 7.6 years, compared with an industry average of 12.4 tahun. Per 31 Desember 2007, Perseroan telah memesan years. As of 31 December 2007, the Company had placed 17 buah kapal tanker baru pengangkut bahan kimia, dengan purchase orders for the acquisition of 17 new tankers to kapasitas total 339.780 DWT yang akan diserahterimakan carry chemical liquids with a total combined capacity of antara tahun 2008 dan 2011. 339,780 DWT. The Company will take delivery of these new akan tumbuh dan tetap ships between 2008 and 2011. Tabel berikut memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai kapal tanker pengangkut bahan kimia yang dioperasikan The tables below contain a list and short description of the oleh Perseroan per 31 Desember 2007. Tabel pertama Company’s chemical tankers that were in operation as of menunjukkan tanker pengangkut bahan kimia yang 31 December 2007. The first table shows chemical tankers seluruhnya dimiliki oleh Perseroan, sementara tabel wholly owned by the Company, while the second and third kedua dan ketiga menunjukkan kapal yang disewa oleh tables describe the Company’s chartered in vessels. Perseroan. Owned Vessels Built DWT Type(1) Flag Hull(2) 1 MT Dragonaria 1998 6,555 IMO II/III Singapore DH 2 MT Erowati 1999 6,688 IMO II/III Singapore DH 3 MT Gagarmayang 2004 40,354 IMO II/III Singapore DH 4 MT Ulupi 1999 6,690 IMO II/III Singapore DH 5 MT Yanaseni 1992 9,202 IMO II/III Singapore DH 6 MT Bauhinia 1997 5,851 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 7 MT Celosia 1997 7,477 IMO II/III SUS Hong Kong DH 8 MT Cendanawati 1997 3,159 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 9 MT Dewi Madrim 1987 1,250 IMO II/III SUS Indonesia DH No. 27 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Owned Vessels Built DWT Type(1) Flag 10 MT Eustoma 1994 4,990 IMO II/III SUS Hong Kong DH 11 MT Fatmawati 1996 7,527 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 12 MT Freesia 2003 8,521 IMO II/III SUS Hong Kong DH 13 MT Gerbera 2004 8,738 IMO II/III SUS Hong Kong DH 14 MT Indradi 1993 13,944 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DB 15 MT Larasati 1991 3,665 IMO II/III SUS Hong Kong DH 16 MT Mustokoweni 1991 3,199 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DB 17 MT Purwati 2007 19,900 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 18 MT Rasawulan 1996 10,332 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 19 MT Rengganis 1993 3,667 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 20 MT Setyawati 1994 3,189 IMO II/III SUS Hong Kong DH 21 MT Tirtasari 1997 5,878 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 22 MT Wulansari 1992 11,055 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DB 23 MT CB Virgin Gorda 2004 32,000 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 24 MT CB Hong Kong 2003 32,000 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 25 MT CB Savannah 2002 25,000 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 26 MT CB New York 2002 27,000 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 27 MT CB Yokohama 2003 19,500 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 28 MT CB Kobe 2002 19,500 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 29 MT CB Gibraltar 2001 19,500 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 30 MT CB Shanghai 2000 19,500 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 31 MT CB Ulsan 2004 19,500 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 32 MT CB Barcelona 2004 32,300 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 33 MT CB Houston 2003 16,400 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 34 MT Anggraini 1995 31,225 IMO III Singapore DH 35 MT Anjasmoro 1996 32,696 IMO III Singapore DH 36 MT Jembawati 1999 6,685 IMO III Singapore DH 37 MT Kunti 1992 3,984 IMO III Indonesia DB No. 28 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Hull(2) OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Bareboat Charter MT Nogogini(3) (3) MT Ratih (3) MT Nolowati (3) MT Fatmarini i(3) MT Frabandar (3) MT Hartati (3) MT Harsanadi (3) MT Pertiwi (3) Built DWT Type(1) Flag Hull(2) 1996 11,639 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 1996 10,329 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 1998 11,636 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 2004 8,578 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 2004 8,575 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 2004 14,312 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 2005 14,271 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 2006 19,970 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 46 MT Prita Dewi 2006 19,998 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 47 (3) 2006 19,900 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Built DWT Type(1) Flag Hull(2) 2003 6,678 IMO II/III SUS Panama DH 2003 6,689 IMO II/III SUS Panama DH 2003 32,000 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 2006 32,000 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 2007 19,500 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 2007 19,500 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH 2007 32,000 IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH No. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 MT Pujawati Time Charter MT Bidadari(5) (5) MT Bestari (7) MT CB New Orleans (6) MT CB Westport (6) MT CB Singapore (6) MT CB Tortola (6) MT CB Minneapolis Catatan: Notes: (1) “SUS” berarti kapal tanker yang memiliki tanki kargo yang terbuat dari baja stainless. (2) “DH” berarti double hull; “DB” berarti double bottom. (1) “SUS” refers to tankers with cargo tanks made of stainless steel. (2) “DH” means double hull; “DB” means double bottom. (3) Sewa kapal kosong (bareboat charter) untuk masa 6.5 tahun, berakhir pada 2010 dan 2011. (4) Sewa kapal kosong (bareboat charter) untuk masa 12 tahun, berakhir bulan Juni, Juli dan September 2018. (5) Sewa berjangka waktu (time charter) untuk masa 5 tahun, berakhir bulan Agustus dan Oktober 2009. (3) Six-and-a-half-year bareboat charters, to expire in 2010 and 2011. (4) Twelve-year bareboat charters, to expire in June, July and September 2018. (5) Five-year time charters, to expire in August and October 2009. (6) Ten-year time charters, to expire in 2017 and 2018. (6) Sewa berjangka waktu (time charter) untuk masa 10 tahun, berakhir pada tahun 2017 dan 2018. (7) Sewa berjangka waktu (time charter) untuk masa 5 tahun, berakhir pada tahun 2008. (7) Five-year time charters, to expire in 2008 29 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Perseroan telah menambah armada operasinya dengan tiga The Company increased the size of its fleet with the addition buah kapal yang semuanya diserahterimakan pada bulan of three ships that were delivered in January and February Januari dan Februari 2008. Ketiga kapal tersebut terdiri atas 2008. These three ships consist of one recently constructed satu kapal tanker pengangkut bahan kimia milik Perseroan chemical tanker owned by the Company and with a capacity yang baru selesai dibuat, dengan kapasitas 19.900 DWT of 19,900 DWT, named MT Puspawati; another recently bernama MT Puspawati, satu kapal tanker sewa dengan constructed tanker chartered by the Company with an option opsi beli yang juga baru selesai dbuat, dengan kapasitas to buy and with a capacity of 32,000 DWT, named MT CB 32.000 DWT bernama MT CB Lindy Alice. Yang terakhir Chembulk Lindy Alice; and another chartered vessel with a adalah satu kapal sewa bernama MT Golden Ambrosia capacity of 13,000 DWT, named MT Golden Ambrosia. dengan kapasitas 13.000 DWT. Each of the Company’s chemical tankers is registered with Setiap kapal tanker pengangkut bahan kimia Perseroan one of several classification societies. For the Company’s didaftarkan dalam salah satu biro klasifikasi. Untuk kapal chemical tankers, these organizations include Lloyds tanker pengangkut bahan kimia, klasifikasi ini adalah: Lloyds Register, Nippon Kaji Kyokai, Bureau Veritas and Det Norske Register, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Bureau Veritas dan Det Norske Veritas. Veritas. Oil Tankers Kapal Tanker Minyak As of 31 December 2007, the Company operated 15 oil Per 31 Desember 2007, Perseroan mengoperasikan 15 tankers with a total combined shipping capacity of 966,068 tanker minyak dengan jumlah kapasitas 966.068 DWT. DWT. The Company’s fleet of oil tankers consisted of two Armada tanker minyak terdiri atas dua unit Suezmax, empat Suezmax units, six Handysize units and three small-range unit Aframax, enam unit Handysize dan tiga unit tanker tankers. The Company’s fleet of oil tankers had an average small-range. Armada tanker minyak Perseroan rata-rata age of 14.4 years, compared to the industry average of 12.8 berusia sekitar 14,4 tahun, dibandingkan dengan kapal years. dalam industri yang berusia rata-rata 12,8 tahun. The tables below contain a list and short description of Tabel di bawah memberikan penjelasan singkat mengenai the Company’s oil tankers that were in operation as of 31 tanker minyak yang dioperasikan Perseroan per 31 December 2007. Except for MT Gandari, all of the Company’s Desember 2007. Kecuali untuk MT Gandari, seluruh kapal fleet of oil tankers are wholly owned by the Company. tanker minyak ini dimiliki oleh Perseroan. No Vessels Built DWT Type Flag Hull 1 MT Tridonawati 1991 154,970 Crude Oil Tanker Liberia SH 2 MT Trirasa 1991 154,970 Crude Oil Tanker Singapore SH 3 MT Badraini 1991 111,777 Crude Oil Tanker Singapore DB 4 MT Barunawati 1992 111,689 Crude Oil Tanker Singapore DB 5 MT Barawati 1990 101,134 Crude Oil Tanker Singapore SH 6 MT Bramani 1990 96,672 Crude Oil Tanker Singapore SH 30 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional No Vessels Built DWT Type Flag Hull 7 MT Pergiwo 1993 37,087 Crude Oil Tanker Singapore SH 8 MT Anjani 1985 36,882 Oil Product Tanker Indonesia DS 9 MT Pradapa 1993 36,362 Crude Oil Tanker Indonesia DS 10 MT Pergiwati 1993 36,345 Crude Oil Tanker Singapore DS 11 MT Gandini 1998 32,042 Oil Product Tanker Singapore DH (1) 12 MT Gandari 1999 30,500 Oil Product Tanker Singapore DH 13 MT Ontari 1993 18,520 Oil Product Tanker Indonesia SH 14 MT Dewayani 1999 3,561 Oil Product Tanker Singapore DH 15 MT Dewi Sri 1999 3,557 Oil Product Tanker Singapore DH Catatan: (1) Kepemilikan melalui sewa kapal kosong (bareboat charter) untuk masa 10 tahun, yang berakhir bulan Mei 2012. Notes: (1) Ownership is through a 10-year bareboat charter, to expire in May 2012. Masing-masing kapal tanker minyak tersebut terdaftar dalam Each of these oil tankers is registered with one of several salah satu biro klasifikasi, yaitu: Lloyds Register, Nippon Kaiji classification societies, including Lloyds Register, Nippon Kyokai, Bureau Veritas dan Det Norske Veritas dan Biro Kaiji Kyokai, Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas and Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. Klasifikasi Indonesia. Kapal Tanker Gas Gas Tankers Per 31 Desember 2007, Perseroan mengoperasikan 8 As of 31 December 2007, the Company operated 8 gas kapal tanker gas, seluruhnya adalah tanker gas LPG/ tankers, all of which were built for the transportation of LPG/ petrochemical, dengan total kapasitas 34.126 CBM (35,364 petrochemical gas, with a total combined capacity of 34,126 DWT). Armada tanker Perseroan memiliki umur rata-rata CBM (35,364 DWT). The average age of the gas tankers in sekitar 11,2 tahun, dibandingkan dengan umur rata-rata the Company’s fleet is 11.2 years, compared to an industry untuk industri yaitu 16,5 tahun. average of 16.5 years. Perseroan saat ini memiliki enam unit tanker pengangkut The Company currently has six tankers for the transportation ethylene dan gas yang sedang dibangun dan dua unit of ethylene and gas and two tankers for the transportation tanker LNG baru, dengan kapasitas keseluruhan 35.000 of LNG on order, with a capacity of 35,000 CBM (36,500 CBM (36.500 DWT) dan 310.000 CBM (153.400 DWT). DWT) and 310,000 CBM (153,400 DWT) respectively. The Kapal-kapal kepada Company will take delivery of these ships between 2008 to Perseroan antara tahun 2008-2012. Perseroan tersebut 2012. The Company owns a 30 per cent stake in the two memiliki 30% saham dalam dua kapal tanker LNG itu. LNG tankers on order. The Company aims to utilize these new Perseroan juga bermaksud untuk meningkatkan pangsa vehicles to increase its market share in the transportation of pasar pengangkutan gas LPG/Petrochemical di wilayah LPG and petrochemical gases in the Far East Asian region. Asia Timur Jauh. Selain itu, Perseroan akan terus berusaha The Company also intends to increase the volume of LNG meningkatkan pengangkutan LNG di dalam negeri seiring transported domestic rate, depending on the growth in the pertumbuhan permintaan LNG di Indonesia. demand for LNG within Indonesia. tersebut akan diserahterimakan 31 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Tabel berikut memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai kapal The tables below contain a list and short description of the tanker pengangkut gas yang dioperasikan oleh Perseroan Company’s gas tankers that were in operation as of 31 per 31 Desember 2007, dimana seluruh kapal ini dimiliki December 2007. All of the Company’s fleet of gas tankers oleh Perseroan. are wholly owned by the Company. Setiap kapal tanker gas Perseroan terdaftar pada salah satu Each of these gas tankers is registered with one of several biro klasifikasi, yaitu: Nippon Kaiji Kyokai dan Biro Klasifikasi classification societiess, including Nippon Kaiji Kyokai and Indonesia. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. No Owned Vessels Built Type Flag Hull CBM 1 MT Gas Maluku 1996 Gas Tanker Singapore DH 5,000 2 MT Gas Sumatera 1989 Gas Tanker Indonesia DH 3,512 3 MT Gas Jawa 1989 Gas Tanker Indonesia DH 3,596 4 MT Gas Indonesia 1990 Gas Tanker Indonesia DH 3,518 5 MT Gas Kalimantan 1996 Gas Tanker Indonesia DH 3,500 6 MT Gas Sulawesi 2006 Gas Tanker Singapore DH 5,000 7 MT Gas Papua 2007 Gas Tanker Singapore DH 5,000 8 MT Gas Bali 2007 Gas Tanker Singapore DH 5,000 Kapal Tanker FPSO FPSO Tankers Kapal tanker FPSO adalah kapal tanker yang digunakan An FPSO tanker is a tanker used as a floating production, untuk fasilitas terapung untuk produksi, penyimpanan storage and offloading facility. As of 31 December 2007, dan bongkar muat minyak bumi. Per 31 Desember 2007, the Company had one single FPSO tanker in its fleet. The Perseroan memiliki satu tanker FPSO dalam armadanya. Company bought this tanker as an oil tanker in December Perseroan membeli tanker ini sebagai tanker minyak pada 2005 and converted it to its current purpose as an FPSO bulan Desember 2005, lalu mengkonversinya menjadi kapal tanker. The conversion to an FPSO tanker was completed in FPSO. Konversi ke FPSO diselesaikan pada bulan Agustus August 2006. This tanker is 60,874 DWT, and has production 2006. Tanker ini memiliki bobot mati 60.874 DWT dengan capacity of 15,000 barrel per day. kapasitas produksi 15.000 barrel per hari. The table below describes the Company’s FPSO tanker, Tabel di bawah ini memberikan penjelasan singkat mengenai operational as of 31 December 2007. The Company’s FPSO tanker FPSO Perseroan yang dioperasikan per 31 Desember tanker was listed with the Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. 2007. Tanker FPSO Perseroan terdaftar dalam klasifikasi, yaitu Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. 32 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional No 1 Owned Vessels FPSO Brotojoyo Built DWT Type Flag Hull 1980 60,874 FPSO Tanker Singapore DB Kapal Baru Vessels under Construction Tabel di bawah ini memberikan penjelasan singkat mengenai The tables below contain a list and short description of the kapal Perseroan yang masih dalam pembuatan, beserta new ships under construction for inclusion in the Company’s rencana tonase dan rencana penyerahan. Kecuali yang fleet, with planned tonnage and expected delivery dates. diberikan penjelasan, seluruh kapal ini sepenuhnya milik Unless otherwise stated, all of these ships are wholly owned Perseroan. Lalu untuk tanker kimia, ukuran kapal tersebut by the Company. Shipping capacities are indicated by DWT dinilai dengan DWT, dan untuk tanker gas, ethylene dan for chemical tankers and by CBM for gas, ethylene and LNG tanker LNG diukur dalam bentuk CBM. tankers. No. Name Expected Delivery DWT/ CBM Type Flag Hull Shipyard 1 MT Puspawati (*) 2008 19,900 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Shin Kurushima(2) 2 MT CB Lindy Alice (*)(**) 2008 32,000 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Panama DH Kitanihon(10) 3 MT Gas Lombok 2008 9,000 Gas Tanker Singapore DH STX(3) 4 MT Gas Sumbawa 2008 9,000 Gas Tanker Singapore DH STX(3) 5 MT Tangguh Hiri(1) 2008 155,000 LNG Tanker Bahamas DH Hyundai Samho(4) 6 MT Pramoni 2008 19,000 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Shin Kurushima(2) 7 MT Purbasari 2008 19,900 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Fukuoka(5) 8 MT CB Kings Point (**) 2008 19,500 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Panama DH Kitanihon(10) 9 MT Tangguh Sago(1) 2009 155,000 LNG Tanker Bahamas DH Hyundai(6) 10 MT Pramesti 2009 19,000 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Shin Kurushima(2) 33 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional No. Name Expected Delivery DWT/ CBM Flag Hull Shipyard 11 MT Hyacinth 2009 12,500 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Shitanoe(7) 12 CB Jakarta(**) 2009 19,500 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Not Decided Yet DH Kitanihon(10) 13 MT Subadra 2010 12,500 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Shitanoe(7) 14 MT Gas Karimun 2012 5,000 Gas Tanker Singapore DH Shitanoe(7) 15 MT Gas Batam 2011 5,000 Gas Tanker Singapore DH Shitanoe(7) 16 MT Gas Bangka 2010 3,500 Gas Tanker Singapore DH Yamanishi(8) 17 MT Gas Madura 2010 3,500 Gas Tanker Singapore DH Yamanishi(8) 18 MT Wilutama 2010 25,100 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Shin Kurushima(2) 19 MT Watari 2011 25,400 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Fukuoka(5) 20 MT Setyaboma 2011 12,500 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Shitanoe(7) 21 MT Sakuntala 2011 12,500 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Shitanoe(7) 22 MT Wardani 2011 25,400 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Fukuoka(5) 23 MT Widawati 2011 25,100 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Shin Kurushima(2) 24 MT Pitaloka 2011 19,990 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Asakawa(9) 25 MT Partawati 2011 19,990 Chemical Tanker IMO II/III SUS Singapore DH Asakawa(9) Catatan: (*) Perseroan telah menerima penyerahan MT Gas Puspawati, MT CB Lindy Alice, dan MT Golden Ambrosia pada bulan Januari 2007. (**) Kapal ini tidak dimiliki oleh perseroan, tetapi akan disewa oleh perseroan dengan opsi beli (1) Perseroan memiliki saham 30% dan sisanya 70 % dimilki oleh Teekay Tangguh Holdings Corporation. (2) Shin Kurushima — Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co., Ltd. (3) STX — STX Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (4) Hyundai Samho — Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (5) Fukuoka — Fukuoka Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (6) Hyundai — Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (7) Shitanoe — Shitanoe Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (8) Yamanishi - Yamanishi Corporation (9) Asakawa - Asakawa Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (10) Kitanihon - Kitanihon Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. 34 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC Type PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Notes: (*) The Company took delivery of MT Gas Puspawati, MT CB Lindy Alice and MT Golden Ambrosia in January 2007. (**) The vessel doesn’t belong to the Company but will be rented with a purchasing option. (1) The Company owns 30% interest and the remaining 70% owned by Teekay Tangguh Holdings Corporation. (2) Shin Kurushima — Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co., Ltd. (3) STX — STX Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (4) Hyundai Samho — Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (5) Fukuoka — Fukuoka Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (6) Hyundai — Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (7) Shitanoe — Shitanoe Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (8) Yamanishi - Yamanishi Corporation (9) Asakawa - Asakawa Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (10) Kitanihon - Kitanihon Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Pertumbuhan Armada Fleet Growth Grafik berikut menunjukkan pertumbuhan armada Perseroan The following graph demonstrates the growth in the menurut tonase dan jumlah kapal yang dimiliki Perseroan Company’s fleet in terms of deadweight tonnage and selama 10 tahun terakhir. number of vessels over the past 10 years. DWT(,000) Number of vessels 2,000 78 1,800 1,600 59 1,400 40 1,000 800 22 600 200 0 28 35 30 153 1997 1998 60 1519 50 1297 727 40 30 422 18 171 35 228 244 1999 2000 303 80 70 53 44 1,200 400 1879 90 20 380 10 2001 DWT(,000) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 0 Number of vessels 35 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional PENJUALAN DAN PEMASARAN SALES AND MARKETING Kegiatan penjualan dan pemasaran Perseroan didukung The Company’s sales and marketing activities are supported oleh jaringan kantor Perseroan yang tersebar luas, sehingga by an extensive global network of offices that facilitates memungkinkan menjual the Company’s endeavors to market and sell services to langsung di tempat pelanggan Perseroan customers in the geographical areas where the majority beraktivitas. Perseroan melakukan sendiri keseluruhan of the activities of those customers are conducted. The kegiatan pemasaran, karena Perseroan beranggapan, Company conducts all of its own marketing activities, as the bidang ini sangat penting dan harus dikontrol. Company believes that it is vital to retain full control over this layanannya Perseroan memasarkan dan aspect of its business. Tim pemasaran dan operasional terdiri atas 135 orang, yang tersebar di berbagai kantor Perseroan, yaitu, di Jakarta, The marketing and operations team consists of 135 people Singapura, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Taiwan, Shanghai, Beijing, located in the Company’s offices in Jakarta, Singapore, Hong Xiamen, Dubai, Mumbai, Glasgow, Rotterdam dan Westport, Kong, Bangkok, Taiwan, Shanghai, Beijing, Xiamen, Dubai, Connecticut. Kantor Perseroan di Jakarta, Singapura Mumbai, Glasgow, Rotterdam, and Westport Connecticut. dan Hong Kong serta Westport, Connecticut melayani The Company’s offices in Jakarta, Singapore and Hong segala aspek dari operasional, mulai dari pemasaran Kong, and Westport, Connecticut, conduct and oversee all dan pengelolaan kapal, sampai dengan penawaran dan aspects of the Company’s operations, from marketing and penandatanganan kontrak, pengalokasian kapal, pembelian the management of ships to the bidding on and entering kapal dan pengelolaan umum lainnya. Sedangkan kantor- into of contracts, the allocation of shipping resources, the kantor yang lain, memiliki kegiatan utama untuk pemasaran acquisition of new vessels and general management issues. dan pengelolaan kapal. Untuk mendukung pengoperasian Other officers are primarily involved in ship management armada bagian Barat, Perseroan telah membuka kantor and marketing activities only. To support the operation of the pemasaran di Glasgow pada tahun 2004 dan Rotterdam Company’s fleet in the Western Hemisphere, the Company MT Gas Papua, 5,000 CBM, 2007 36 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional pada tahun 2007 melalui akuisisi Chembulk Tankers LLC, opened a marketing office in Glasgow in 2004, in Dubai in di Dubai tahun 2005 dan di Mumbai tahun 2007. Perseroan 2005, in Mumbai in 2007 and Rotterdam in 2007 through juga telah membuka kantor pemasaran di Shanghai untuk acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC. In order to sport mendukung operasional di daerah Asia Timur Jauh. Selain its operations in North Asia, the Company has opened a itu Perseroan pun telah menambah kantor di Westport, marketing office in Shanghai in 2007. The Company opened Connecticut melalui akuisisi Chembulk Tankers LLC, untuk its additional office in Westport, Connecticut through membuka daerah operasional baru yaitu Amerika Utara dan the acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC, an acquisition Amerika Selatan. which was intended to facilitate the Company’s expansion throughout North and South America. Dalam berkompetisi ketika menjalankan usaha, Perseroan menggunakan jalur penjualan yang biasa dilakukan dalam The Company competes for business through established industri transportasi laut. COA biasanya ditenderkan sales channels for the maritime transportation industry. dalam pasar terbuka, dan Perseroan berpartisipasi dalam COAs are usually tendered in the open market, and the penawaran COA yang mencakup wilayah geografis di lokasi Company participates in bidding for those COA that covered mana kapal-kapal Perseroan beroperasi melalui proses geographic areas in which or near which the Company has tender normal. deployed the vessels through the normal tender process. Kontrak spot biasanya ditawarkan pada pasar terbuka. Spot contracts are usually offered on the open market. The Tim Penjualan dan Pemasaran Perseroan kemudian Company’s marketing and sales team maintains contact with melakukan kontak dengan para penyewa dan broker untuk charterers and brokers to market vessel space according memasarkan ruang kapal, dengan memperhatikan posisi to the position and schedules of particular vessels. The dan ketersediaan kapal. Departemen Marketing senantiasa marketing department also continually updates charterers menginformasikan kepada pelanggan tentang ketersediaan on the availability of space on the Company’s vessels and ruang kapal dan lokasinya. on their geographic location. Persaingan Usaha Competition Dalam menjalankan usaha, Perseroan terutama melayani The Company caters primarily to the liquid cargo segment segmen pengangkutan muatan bahan cair. Sementara in the shipping industry. The Company’s tankers are utilized itu, tanker yang dimiliki digunakan untuk melakukan for both domestic and foreign trade. Competition in this perdagangan, baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. segment of the industry can be extremely intense. Different Persaingan dalam industri ini sangat ketat. Secara umum, operators compete on the basis of the availability of vessels persaingan terjadi berdasarkan tingkat ketersediaan kapal di in a particular region or for a particular route and price and wilayah-wilayah atau rute tertentu dan berdasarkan harga. on the basis of their proven reliability and reputation in the Selain itu, faktor yang juga berpengaruh adalah keandalan industry. dan reputasi di dalam industri. Within the domestic segment, the number of operators Untuk segmen pengangkutan domestik yang melibatkan in the field offering shipping services within Indonesia is pengangkutan di dalam wilayah Indonesia, jumlah pesaing considerably fewer than in the international arena. In terms yang dihadapi Perseroan lebih sedikit dibandingkan of transportation services within the Indonesian waters, the dengan segmen internasional. Beberapa pesaing dalam Company’s competitors are PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk pengangkutan domestik diantaranya adalah PT Samudera and PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. In terms Indonesia Tbk dan PT Humpuss Intermoda Transportasi Tbk. of transportation services in the international arena, the Untuk segmen internasional, Perseroan memiliki sejumlah Company has a number of different competitors, primarily pesaing dari berbagai negara. Pesaing utama adalah grup shipping groups based in Greece and elsewhere in Europe. pelayaran asing khususnya yang berasal dari Yunani dan wilayah lain di Eropa. 37 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Pada segmen kapal tanker minyak internasional, beberapa In the area of the transportation of oil, the Company’s pesaing Perseroan diantaranya adalah Ocean Tankers, competitors are Ocean Tankers, Dynacom, Tanker Pacific, Dynacom, Tanker Pacific, China Shipping dan Teekay and Teekay Shipping. In the area of the transportation of Shipping. Pada segmen kapal tanker kimia internasional liquid chemicals, the Company’s competitors are lino Kaiun beberapa pesaing Perseroan pada saat ini diantaranya Kaisha, Odfjell ASA, Stolt Nielsen Group, Jo Tankers A/S, adalah lino Kaiun Kaisha, Odfjell ASA, Stolt Nielsen Group, Koyo Kaiun Co Ltd, Tokyo Marine Co Ltd, and Woolim Jo Tankers A/S, Koyo Kaiun Co Ltd, Tokyo Marine Co Ltd, Shipping. In the area of the transportation of gas, the dan Woolim Shipping. Pada segmen kapal tanker gas, Company’s current major competitors are Unigas Khosan, pesaing internasional Perseroan diantaranya adalah Unigas Petredec and Stealth Gas. Khosan, Petredec dan Stealth Gas. Customers Pelanggan The Company has established long-term relationships Perusahaan mempunyai hubungan jangka panjang yang with the majority of its customers, who include the major kuat dengan banyak pelanggan termasuk diantaranya international oil and chemical companies such as Pertamina, perusahaan kimia dan minyak terkemuka dunia seperti Celanese Corporation, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Shell, Pertamina, Celanese Corporation, Exxon Mobil Corporation, BASF, SABIC and Dow Chemical. In particular, the Company Shell, BASF, SABIC dan Dow Chemical. Perseroan memiliki has an established long-term business relationship with hubungan bisnis jangka panjang dengan Pertamina, Pertamina, the Indonesian state-owned oil Company, which perusahaan minyak milik negara Indonesia yang saat ini currently controls the distribution of Indonesian oil and mengontrol distribusi minyak yang diproduksi di Indonesia refinery products within Indonesian waters. dan produk turunannya di wilayah perairan Indonesia. The Company establishes contact with customers and Perseroan mencari pelanggan dan menerima order jasa received orders for shipping transportation services through pengangkutan baik melalui broker pelayaran maupun brokers and through direct contacts with companies melalui kontak langsung dengan pelanggan yang dilakukan established by the Company’s marketing and sales force. oleh tim pemasaran dan penjualan. Para pelanggan memilih The customers choose the Company’s services over those menggunakan layanan yang diberikan oleh Perseroan of competitors on the basis of the Company’s established dibandingkan karena reputation for safety and reliability; its competitive prices; kombinasi dari reputasi Perseroan yang dikenal luas tentang and the availability of vessels. Within its marketing and sales keselamatan dan keandalan, harga yang bersaing dan teams, the Company employs designated customer service ketersediaan kapal. Sebagai bagian dari tim pemasaran representatives who focus exclusively on one or more major dan penjualan, Perseroan menunjuk personil khusus untuk customer accounts in order to address the needs of valued pelayanan pelanggan yang bertugas khusus melayani dan customers. Through this means, the Company is able to memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan utama tertentu secara anticipate the particular, specific needs of the customer in eksklusif. Melalui kontak dengan pelanggan ini, Perseroan terms of their required shipping capacity and destinations, mampu mengantisipasi atau mengetahui pada wilayah allowing the Company to deploy its fleet effectively to meet mana pelanggan tertentu akan membutuhkan layanan these needs. dengan para pesaing lainnya pengangkutan di masa yang akan datang, sehingga Perseroan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. 38 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Untuk memenuhi permintaan pelanggan pada wilayah tertentu In order to fulfill the needs of customers for services in atau untuk pelayaran tertentu, Perseroan kadang-kadang a particular area or at a particular time, the Company menyewa kapal dalam jangka pendek dari perusahaan occasionally charters vessels from other, reputable shipping pelayaran lain yang memiliki reputasi baik. Pelayanan dan companies on a short term charter basis. This allows the fleksibilitas ini memungkinkan Perseroan untuk menjaga Company to maintain long-term relationships with its hubungan jangka panjang dengan para pelanggan, dan customers and to build on the Company’s reputation to win pada saat yang bersamaan mampu membangun reputasi new contracts. untuk dapat memenangkan kontrak pengangkutan baru. Areas of Operation Wilayah Operasional Armada The Company divides the operation of its fleet into 4 Perseroan membagi operasi armadanya menjadi 4 wilayah geographical zones for its chemical tankers, one zone for its geografis untuk kapal tanker kimia, dan masing-masing satu oil tankers, and one zone for its gas tankers. In the chemical wilayah geografis untuk armada tanker minyak dan armada tanker segment, Section 1 includes the area within Southeast tanker gas. Divisi I untuk segmen kapal tanker kimia meliputi Asia, between ports in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and wilayah operasi di dalam wilayah Asia tenggara, yaitu antar Singapore. Section 2 includes the area from Southeast Asia pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, to North Asia and within North Asia, as well as the backhaul dan Singapura. Divisi II meliputi wilayah operasi dari Asia from North Asia, with the primary destination ports located Tenggara hingga Asia Timur Jauh, dan di dalam wilayah Asia in China, Korea, Taiwan and Japan. Section 3 includes the Timur Jauh dan pengangkutan balik dari Asia Timur Jauh area from Southeast Asia Westwood, to India, the Middle dengan pelabuhan tujuan utama di China, Korea, Taiwan East and Europe as well as trade within these areas and dan Jepang. Divisi III meliputi wilayah operasi dari wilayah backhaul from these areas. The primary destination ports Asia tenggara ke arah barat, menuju India, wilayah Timur for Section 3 are located in India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Tengah, dan Eropa, selain operasi di dalam wilayah itu sendiri Qatar, Egypt, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and England. dan pengangkutan baliknya. Pelabuhan tujuan utama untuk Section 4 covers trade between North and South America, Divisi III berlokasi di India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, from America to Europe through the Atlantic Ocean, and Mesir, Italia, Spanyol, Belanda, dan Inggris. Divisi IV meliputi from America to Asia through the Pacific Ocean. wilayah operasi dari wilayah Amerika Utara hingga Amerika Selatan, Amerika ke Eropa melalui Samudera Atlantik dan The Company deploys its vessels throughout its area of Amerika ke Asia melalui Samudera Pasifik. operations on the basis of market conditions and customer requirements. The Company attempts to anticipate where Perseroan menempatkan kapal yang dimiliki pada wilayah the greatest demand for transportation services will be, operasinya agar dapat merespons kondisi pasar dan while at the same time maintaining a broadly diversified kebutuhan dari para pelanggan. Perseroan berusaha untuk position by spreading its vessels across a range of different selalu mengantisipasi lokasi dari permintaan terbanyak geographic areas. untuk kapal yang dimiliki oleh Perseroan, dan pada saat yang bersamaan menjaga tingkat diversifikasi penempatan kapal-kapal pada wilayah geografis yang berbeda. 39 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional KEKUATAN BERSAING COMPETITIVE STRENGTHS Perseroan memiliki kekuatan bersaing yang dapat membantu meraih visinya untuk menjadi perusahaan pengangkutan pilihan dalam perdagangan domestik dan internasional. Kekuatan ini adalah sebagai berikut: The Company possesses a number of competitive strengths that will enable it to achieve its vision of becoming the preferred multinational shipping company in domestic and international trade. These strengths include the following: Armada Operasi Besar, fleksibel, modern, kapal-kapal berkualitas tinggi yang dioperasikan dan dikendalikan oleh awak dan staf yang terampil. Perseroan berharap, industri-industri kimia dan minyak dapat terus berkembang dalam beberapa tahun ke depan. Dengan pertumbuhan ini, kebutuhan mereka terhadap jasa pengangkutan akan terus meningkat. Perseroan mengoperasikan armada yang besar dan beragam, yakni sebanyak 81 kapal sampai dengan Februari 2008. Melalui kekuatan armada itu, Perseroan menempatkan dirinya secara baik untuk melayani kebutuhan transportasi yang luas dan beragam kepada perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional ternama, dan perusahaan-perusahaan perdagangan regional, serta untuk berbagai jenis produk dan klasifikasiklasifikasi produk. Armada kapal-kapal pengangkut milik Perseroan dioperasikan untuk mengangkut bahan kimia modern, minyak dan gas, yang dirawat dan dioperasikan secara prima oleh awak yang memiliki kualifikasi tinggi. Kondisi ini memberikan kesempatan bagi Perseroan untuk mengembangkan kemampuannya dan mempertahankan hubungan jangka panjang dengan para pelanggan mereka, dengan menyediakan pelayanan berkualitas tinggi dan efisiensi pembiayaan secara konstan. Armada Perseroan lebih baru ketimbang mayoritas armada milik para pesaingnya. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2007, kapal pengangkut bahan kimia, minyak dan gas milik Perseroan berusia antara 7,6, 14,4 dan 9,9 tahun. Bandingkan dengan rata-rata kapal pengangkut sejenis di industri yang berkisar pada usia antara 12,4, 12,8, dan 16,5 tahun. Kualitas manajemen pengawakan Perseroan dibuktikan lewat sertifikasi ISO 9001:2000 yang diperoleh Perseroan dari Nippon Kaji Kyokai, atas penilaian pengaturan awak dan pengendalian divisi, serta untuk kualitas bisnis pengangkutan dan agensi. Kualitas armada dan awaknya juga mendapat pengakuan tingkat tinggi dari para pengguna yang ditunjukkan melalui tingkat penggunaan kapal Perseroan sampai dengan 95,1%. 40 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Operating Fleet Large, flexible, modern, high quality ships operated and managed by skilled crew and staff. The Company expects that the chemical and petroleum industries will continue to grow over the next several years and that with this growth, the demand for shipping services will continue to increase. With its extensive and diverse fleet, comprised of 81 vessels as of February 2008, the Company is extremely well positioned to service the widely varying transportation needs of even the largest multinational companies and regional trading companies and for a wide range of different products and product groups. The Company’s fleet of modern chemical, oil and gas tankers is superbly maintained and operated by highly qualified crew, facilitating its ability to develop and maintain longterm relationships with its clients by providing consistently high-quality and cost efficient service. The Company’s fleet is demonstrably more recently constructed than that of the majority of its competitors: as of 31 December 2007, the average age of the Company’s chemical, oil and gas tankers was approximately 7.6, 14.4 and 9.9 years respectively, compared to industry averages of approximately 12.4, 12.8 and 16.5 years respectively. The quality of the Company’s manning management has been demonstrated by the fact that it has been granted ISO 9001:2000 certification from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai for the crew management and manning division and for shipping and agency business. That the quality of the fleet and the crew manning the fleet has won a high level of acceptance from charterers is demonstrated by the Company’s vessel utilization rate of 95.1 per cent. OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Kinerja Keuangan Financial Performance Kinerja keuangan jangka panjang yang telah terbukti. Proven long term financial performance. Sejak saham Perseroan dicatatkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia Since its listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 1990, pada tahun 1990 (d/h Bursa Efek Jakarta), Perseroan telah the Company has recorded positive net profits every year. mencatat laba bersih yang positif setiap tahun. Antara In the period between 1990 and 2007 (on the basis of periode 1990 dan 2007 (berdasarkan PSAK Indonesia), Indonesian GAAP), the Company’s EBITDA has increased EBITDA Perseroan meningkat berdasarkan rata-rata at a compound annual growth rates of 23.4 per cent, while peningkatan tahunan sebesar 23,4%, sementara laba telah profit has increased at compound annual growth rate of meningkat berdasarkan rata-rata peningkatan tahunan 21.8 per cent. sebesar 21,8%. The Company has achieved this excellent financial Perseroan berhasil mencatat kinerja keuangan yang luar performance by adopting a strategy of a balanced business biasa ini dengan mengadopsi suatu strategi perimbangan mix between the chemical, oil and gas sectors. Similarly, it bisnis campuran, antara sektor bahan kimia, minyak has adopted a strategy of a balanced mix of contract and dan gas. Strategi ini memungkinkan Perseroan untuk spot charters. These strategies enable the Company to mempertahankan labanya melalui siklus bisnis. maintain its profitability through business cycles. Hubungan Pelanggan Customer Relationships Membangun kemampuan yang telah terbukti untuk menyediakan jasa transportasi yang dapat diandalkan, aman dan efisien. Building on proven ability to provide dependable, safe and Perseroan berhasil mengembangkan hubungan jangka panjang yang erat dengan para pelanggan, yang terdiri atas perusahaan-perusahaan migas ternama dan produsen bahan kimia seperti PT. Pertamina (Persero), Exxon Mobil, Shell, BASF, Celanese, Dow dan SABIC. Landasan utama hubungan yang erat dengan pelanggan ini adalah kemampuan Perseroan dalam menyediakan jasa transportasi yang terbukti berkualitas, dapat diandalkan, aman dan efisien. Dengan adanya ekspansi armada Perseroan yang terus berlanjut, diharapkan Perseroan memiliki kemampuan untuk membangun hubungan yang telah ada untuk menarik efficient transportation services. The Company has worked to develop strong, long standing relationships with its clients, who include major international oil and chemical companies such as PT Pertamina (Persero), Exxon Mobil, Shell, BASF, Celanese, Dow and SABIC. The basis for these strong customer relationships is the Company’s proven ability to provide dependable, safe and efficient transportation services. With the ongoing expansion of the Company’s fleet, it expects to be able to build on these existing relationships to win the trust of new clients by providing them with a greater geographical reach, especially in Europe and America, where the Company plan to expand. kepercayaan pelanggan-pelanggan baru dan memberikan mereka jangkauan geografis yang lebih besar, terutama di Eropa dan Amerika, dimana Perusahaan berencana mengembangkan usahanya. 41 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Pemasaran dan Jaringan Operasi Marketing and Operating Network Ekspansi dari Asia Tenggara ke Asia Utara, Timur Tengah, Eropa, dan Amerika. Expanding from South-East Asia into North Asia, the Middle Perseroan telah mengembangkan suatu jaringan penjualan dan pemasaran internasional ekstensif. Keduanya dimaksudkan untuk melayani pelanggan-pelanggan yang ada dan untuk memungkinkan mereka mengidentifikasi peluang-peluang bisnis baru. Perseroan mempertahankan keberadaan pemasaran terpadu di pasar-pasar utama Asia dengan membuka kantor di Jakarta, Singapura, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Taiwan, Shanghai dan Beijing. Ditambah lagi, Perseroan telah menempatkan kehadirannya di Timur Tengah melalui kantor-kantor pemasaran di Dubai, di Eropa melalui kantor-kantor di Glasgow dan Rotterdam, di Asia Selatan melalui kantor di Mumbai, dan di Amerika Utara serta Amerika Selatan melalui kantor di Westport, Conneticut. The Company has developed an extensive international Struktur Biaya Yang Kompetitif Tingkat efisiensi tinggi memudahkan struktur pembiayaan kompetitif. Perseroan berhasil memperoleh tingkat efisiensi pembiayaan yang tinggi, dengan tingkat dasar pembiayaan total lebih rendah dibanding sebagian besar pesaingnya. Hal ini dikarenakan sebagian besar lokasi operasi Perseroan berada di Asia, dimana biaya buruh, aktivitas bongkar-muat dan pemeliharaan lebih murah, dibandingkan dengan di Eropa dan di AS. Secara khusus, Perseroan berkomitmen untuk mempekerjakan buruh berdasarkan tingkat pembiayaan efektif dan kebijakan-kebijakan ketenagakerjaan. Sebagai tambahan, sebagian besar kantor-kantor Perseroan di luar negeri mempekerjakan karyawan-karyawan yang direkrut secara lokal. Tidak saja ini merupakan kebijakan pembiayaan yang lebih efektif dibanding menggunakan buruh ekspatriat, karyawan-karyawan lokal yang dipekerjakan biasanya lebih sensitif terhadap kondisi lokal dan kebutuhan pelanggan di negara-negara dimana mereka ditempatkan. East, Europe, and America. sales and marketing network, both to serve existing clients and to enable it to identify new business opportunities. The Company maintains an integrated marketing presence in the customers’ key Asian markets with offices in Jakarta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Taiwan, Shanghai and Beijing. In addition, the Company has established a presence in the Middle East through marketing offices in Dubai; in Europe through offices in Glasgow and Rotterdam; in South Asia through offices in Mumbai; and in North America and South America through offices in Westport, Connecticut. Competitive Cost Structure High level of cost efficiency enables a competitive cost structure. The Company has achieved a high level of cost efficiency, with a much lower overall cost base than many of its competitors. At least in part, this is due to the location of the majority of the Company’s central functions in Asia, where the costs of labor, maintenance and docking activities are considerably cheaper than in Europe or the USA. In particular, the Company is committed to highly cost-effective labor employment and the employment policies. In addition, most of the Company’s overseas offices are staffed by locally recruited employees. Not only is this a more costeffective policy than using expatriate labor, locally recruited employees are usually more sensitive to local conditions and the needs of clients in the countries in which they are based. As a result of this high level of cost efficiency, the Company Dengan demikian, Perseroan memiliki struktur pembiayaan yang kompetitif sehingga memungkinkan Perseroan untuk menetapkan tarif pengangkutan yang lebih rendah atau sama dari para pesaingnya juga menjaga marjin keuntungannya. 42 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk is able to implement a competitive cost structure that allows it to set freight rates over the match those of competitors or to protect margins. OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Pengelolaan Kapal Vessel Management Pengelolaan kapal dengan kualitas tinggi dan biaya yang bersaing. High-quality and cost competitive services through wholly Perseroan menyediakan semua jasa pengelolaan kapal The Company provides all of the vessel management yang diperlukan untuk mengoperasikan armada, termasuk services required to operate the fleet, including operations pendukung operasi, pemeliharaan kapal pengangkut dan support, tanker maintenance and technical support, crewing, pendukung teknis, pengawakan, pengawasan galangan shipyard kapal dan pengelolaan perdagangan, melalui cabang- through wholly owned subsidiaries. The Company believes cabang yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Perseroan. Perseroan that by performing these services through wholly owned yakin, dengan menjalankan pelayanan semacam ini oleh subsidiaries, the Company is able to ensure quality and to cabang-cabangnya, Perseroan dapat memberikan jaminan achieve a greater level of cost efficiency. vessel management. supervision and commercial management, kualitas guna memperoleh tingkat pembiayaan efektif yang lebih besar. Experienced Management Team Lengthy experience in the shipping industry and loyalty and Tim Manajemen Berpengalaman commitment to the Company. Pengalaman yang panjang dalam industri pengangkutan dan kesetiaan serta komitmen terhadap Perseroan. The Company’s senior executives and key employees have extensive experience in the international shipping industry, Eksekutif senior Perseroan dan karyawan-karyawan kunci with an average of 19 years of experience. In addition, memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam industri pengangkutan, members of the senior management team’s loyalty and dengan rata-rata 19 tahun pengalaman. Sebagai tambahan, commitment to the Company is demonstrated by the fact kesetiaan dan komitmen anggota tim manajemen senior that they have on average been employed by the Company terhadap Perseroan ditunjukkan lewat masa kerja mereka for almost 17 years. With their long experience, Company’s yang rata-rata telah berkarier selama 17 tahun di Perseroan. management team has expertise in all areas of the shipping Dengan pengalaman yang lama itu, tim manajemen business, including commercial and technical management. Perseroan memiliki keahlian dalam semua bidang bisnis This long experience provides the basis for a focused pengangkutan, termasuk manajemen perdagangan dan marketing effort, rigorous quality and costs controls, effective teknis. Pengalaman yang lama ini memberikan suatu operations and safety monitoring. dasar bagi upaya pemasaran yang lebih fokus, lebih tepat, operasional yang efektif dan pengawasan keselamatan yang baik. 43 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional STRATEGI STRATEGY Untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kinerja saham In order to maintain and increase its market share and to di bursa efek, dan untuk meraih kinerja keuangan yang achieve a consistently strong financial performance through kuat melalui siklus ekonomi dan pengangkutan, Perseroan economic and shipping cycles, the Company plans to merencanakan menjalankan strategi inisiatif berikut: pursue the following strategic initiatives: Portofolio yang Berimbang A Balanced Portfolio Menjaga keseimbangan portofolio kapal tanker pengangkut bahan kimia, minyak, dan gas. Maintain a balance portfolio of chemical, oil, and gas Fakta menunjukkan, produk bahan kimia, minyak dan gas It is a fact that the chemical, oil, and gas sectors are subject memiliki siklus ekspansi dan kontraksi, yang dapat berimbas to cyclical patterns of expansion and contraction, and that pada permintaan akan jasa pengangkutan di masing- this will impact the demand for shipping services in each of masing sektor. Ketiga sektor ini tidak terhubung secara these respective sectors. However, it is also clear that each langsung. Dengan adanya diversifikasi produk tersebut, of these three sectors is governed by cycles that are not yang sasaran utamanya pada pasar minyak, bahan kimia directly correlated. Thus, by diversifying its focus across the dan gas, Perseroan dapat mengurangi kerentanan pada oil, chemical and gas markets, the Company can reduce salah satu jenis produk. Dalam rangka pengelolaan risiko its exposure to volatilities in any one particular sector. In dan mencapai pertumbuhan yang konsisten, Perseroan order to manage risk and achieve consistent growth, the berupaya menjaga keseimbangan antara ketiga produk atau Company intends to maintain a balance between these sektor tersebut dalam bisnisnya. three main segments of its business. Ikatan Kontrak Contractual Arrangements Memanfaatkan ikatan kontrak untuk menjaga pertumbuhan dan menjaga stabilitas arus kas operasional. Utilize contractual arrangements to grow and maintain stable Perseroan ingin meningkatkan stabilitas pemasukan yang The Company seeks to ensure greater cash flow stability lebih besar melalui kontrak-kontrak dan perjanjian sewa through the use of contracts and time charters for a untuk sebagian armada Perseroan, sambil mempertahankan significant portion of our fleet, while maintaining the fleksibilitas untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih tinggi flexibility to benefit from spot market rate improvements. dari peningkatan tarif di pasar spot. Perseroan juga selalu The Company constantly monitors the market and seeks memantau perkembangan pasar untuk mengantisipasi to anticipate clients’ transportation needs and to respond kebutuhan transportasi para pelanggan dan menanggapi quickly to attractive chartering opportunities. tankers. operating cash flow. dengan cepat kebutuhan pasar tersebut, untuk mendapatkan peluang-peluang penyewaan yang menarik. The achievement of consistent operational stability has facilitated the growth of the Company, allowing it to engage Dengan tercapainya stabilitas operasi yang konsisten, hal ini dapat mendorong pertumbuhan Perseroan karena memungkinkan Perseroan untuk melakukan investasi. 44 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk in investment activities. OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Perluasan Armada Fleet Expansion Memperluas armada secara konsisten sambil mengelola struktur modal. Consistently grow the fleet while prudently managing the Sejak Januari 2005 sampai dengan Desember 2007, Since January 2005 to December 2007, the Company Perseroan telah membeli 41 kapal baru dan bekas, dengan has acquired 41 new and second-hand ships with a total kapasitas total 1.571.084 ton bobot mati dengan biaya capacity of 1,571,084 DWT for an aggregate cost of keseluruhan mencapai US$ 946 juta. Perseroan akan approximately US$946 million. The Company intends to melanjutkan penambahan armada, dengan menambah 25 continue to expand its fleet, with 25 vessel new builds, kapal baru, berkapasitas 684.780 DWT, untuk memenuhi representing a total capacity of 684,780 DWT, on order for permintaan dalam empat tahun ke depan. Perseroan delivery over the next four years. Furthermore, the Company juga mempertimbangkan untuk mengakuisisi perusahaan may consider acquisitions of other shipping companies to pelayaran lainnya untuk mewujudkan sasaran strategisnya. achieve its strategic objectives. Menembus Pasar-Pasar Baru Penetrating New Markets Memperluas jangkauan geografis pada pasar utama pelanggan. Expand the geographic presence in customers’ key Sejak 1998, Perseroan telah menerapkan strategi perluasan Since 1998, the Company has pursued a strategy wilayah geografis untuk menjangkau pasar-pasar baru of expanding into new geographical markets from its dari pusat operasional mereka yang sudah ada di Asia established operational centre in Southeast Asia. In 1998, Tenggara. Pada tahun 1998, Perseroan memiliki cabang di the Company acquired a subsidiary in Hong Kong as a Hong Kong untuk menembus pasar-pasar Asia Utara. Pada means to penetrate North Asian markets. In 2001, the tahun 2001, Perseroan memperluas wilayah perdagangan Company extended its area of trading and operations dan operasi mereka ke Timur Tengah dan India. Pada tahun into the Middle East and India. In 2004, the Company 2004, Perseroan membuka kantor cabang pemasaran di established a marketing office in Glasgow, Scotland. In 2007 Glasgow, Skotlandia. Pada tahun 2007 Perseroan memiliki the Company acquired a subsidiary in America to penetrate cabang di Amerika untuk menembus pasar Amerika Selatan North and South America capital structure. markets. dan Utara. The Company intends to continue to focus on its core Perseroan berencana melanjutkan fokus utama bisnis business in Asia while also striving to extend and expand mereka di Asia sambil memperluas dan menambah operasi its operations into Europe and America and to place greater mereka ke Eropa dan Amerika dan menempatkan penekanan emphasis on meeting the needs of European and American terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan pelanggan-pelanggan customers. The management of the Company believes Eropa dan Amerika. Manajemen Perseroan berkeyakinan, that the European and American market offers substantial bahwa pasar-pasar Eropa dan Amerika akan menawarkan opportunities, as many of the largest existing customers peluang baru. Keyakinan itu didasarkan pada keberadaan do business in Europe and America and have a demand para pelanggan besar Perseroan yang menjalankan for reliable, efficient and cost-effective shipping services bisnisnya di Eropa dan Amerika, dimana mereka memiliki throughout this region. permintaan akan jasa pengangkutan yang handal, efisien dan kompetitif. 45 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Perseroan akan membangun jaringan melalui hubungan- The Company intends to build on established relationships hubungan yang sudah ada dengan para pelanggan, untuk with existing customers in order to facilitate expansion and memfasilitasi perluasan dan memperoleh bagian yang gain a greater share of their European and American shipping lebih besar dari bisnis pengangkutan mereka di Eropa businesses. At the same time, the Company also plans dan Amerika. Pada waktu yang bersamaan, Perseroan to take advantage of the cost efficiencies it has achieved juga berencana mengambil keuntungan dari efisiensi biaya through its established presence in Asia to offer competitive yang harus dicapainya melalui kehadirannya di Asia untuk pricing to customers in European markets. menawarkan harga yang kompetitif untuk pasar-pasar di In addition, the Company recognizes that new Indonesian Eropa. shipping regulations that stipulate that intra-Indonesian Sebagai tambahan, peraturan pelayaran Indonesia yang shipping services may only be provided by domestic ship baru yang mengharuskan jasa-jasa pelayaran di wilayah owners using Indonesian-flagged vessels, to the extent Indonesia dilayani oleh pemilik kapal dalam negeri dengan such vessels are available. The Company believes that the menggunakan kapal-kapal berbendera Indonesia sepanjang new regulations will provide an opportunity to expand its kapal tersebut tersedia. Kebijakan ini memberikan peluang operations in the domestic market. untuk memperluas operasi Perseroan di pasar dalam negeri. 46 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Pasar-pasar FSO dan FPSO FSO and FPSO Markets Memperluas operasi ke wilayah-wilayah dengan potensi Expanding operations into areas with high growth potential pertumbuhan tinggi. The Company believes that the FSO and FPSO markets Perseroan berkeyakinan, pasar-pasar FSO dan FPSO for offshore services have high growth potential. Thus, the untuk jasa-jasa lepas pantai memiliki potensi tinggi. Atas Company will seek to expand its involvement in this area dasar pertimbangan itu, Perseroan berupaya mendapatkan by entering into long-term agreements with operators of kontrak jangka panjang dengan para operator eksplorasi oil exploration and production facilities to manage storage, minyak dan fasilitas produksi untuk mengelola penyimpanan, off-loading and other offshore services. The Company has bongkar muat dan pelayanan-pelayanan lepas pantai converted one of its existing tankers to serve as an FPSO in lainnya. Perseroan telah mengalihkan salah satu kapal 2006 as the first entry into this market. angkutnya untuk melayani FPSO pada tahun 2006 sebagai salah satu syarat memasuki pasar ini. 47 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional PROSPEK USAHA DAN KONDISI PASAR BUSINESS PROSPECTS AND MARKET CONDITIONS Industri pengangkutan muatan cair sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi pasar yang seringkali berada di luar kendali The liquid cargo shipping industry is affected by market perusahaan pelayaran. Hasil operasi Perseroan bisa jadi conditions that are often outside the control of individual berfluktuasi secara signifikan karena dipengaruhi oleh shipping companies. Thus, the Company’s operational beberapa faktor seperti, kondisi perekonomian global, tingkat and financial performance may fluctuate significantly due permintaan dan penawaran dari pengangkutan muatan cair, to factors including general global economic conditions; serta siklus yang dimiliki oleh industri pengangkutan muatan the supply and demand for liquid shipping transportation cair. services; and business cycles affecting the liquid cargo maritime shipping industry. Pengangkutan bahan kimia, minyak bumi, dan gas merupakan penyumbang utama hasil operasi Perseroan. The vast majority of the Company’s operations involve the Pasar untuk transportasi bahan kimia, minyak, dan gas shipping of chemicals, oil and gas. The demand for these memiliki tingkat volatilitas yang tinggi seiring dengan tingkat services has historically been volatile, as global demand permintaan global terhadap produk ini yang berfluktuasi. for these three products fluctuates. The demand for oil, Tingkat permintaan terhadap minyak, bahan kimia, dan gas chemicals and gas is closely interrelated with global patterns secara umum mengikuti pola perkembangan, pertumbuhan, of economic development, growth and activity. Fluctuations dan aktivitas perekonomian global. Perubahan tingkat in the demand for services involving the transportation permintaan untuk pengangkutan minyak, bahan kimia, dan of these commodities are influenced by a number of gas dipengaruhi banyak faktor. Antara lain, perubahan factors, including changes in levels of global production produksi minyak dan gas global dan hubungannya dengan of and demand for oil and gas and related changes in the perubahan harga minyak dan gas, tingkat ekspor dan prices of these commodities; export and import levels in impor pada perdagangan minyak dunia, permintaan dunia the global energy market; the level of global demand for terhadap energi, khususnya minyak dan produk turunannya, energy products and particularly petroleum and petroleum tingkat fluktuasi pada perdagangan dan produksi global dan related products; fluctuations in global and regional trade; regional, tingkat nilai tukar mata uang, tingkat persediaan fluctuations in currency exchange rates; fluctuations in minyak dan gas terutama di negara pengimpor komoditas the oil and gas inventory levels, particularly in importing tersebut, serta perubahan peraturan tentang perkapalan countries; and changes in the regulatory regimes governing dan industri pelayaran. the shipping industry and other related matters. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini, tingkat permintaan Over the past several years, the global demand for dunia terhadap pengangkutan minyak, bahan kimia, dan transportation services involving the shipping of oil, gas meningkat secara stabil. Pengangkutan bahan kimia chemicals and gas has risen steadily. The volume of liquid mengalami peningkatan sebesar 21,28% sejak tahun 2001, chemicals transported by sea has risen by approximately yaitu dari 133 juta ton menjadi 161,3 juta ton di tahun 2007. 21.28 per cent since 2001, from 133 million tons to 161.3 Sedangkan tingkat permintaan untuk tanker pengangkut million tons in 2007; the volume of petroleum transported by minyak telah meningkat dari sekitar 249,9 juta DWT di tahun sea has increased from approximately 249.9 million DWT in 2003 menjadi sekitar 297,7 juta DWT di tahun 2007. Untuk 2003 to approximately 297.7 million DWT in 2007; while the sektor gas terjadi peningkatan tingkat permintaan dari volume of LPG, ammonia and petrochemical gas has risen 67,5 juta ton untuk pengangkutan LPG, amonia, dan gas from 67.5 million tons in 2002 to 79.4 million tons in 2007. petrokimia pada tahun 2002 menjadi 79,4 juta ton di tahun 2007. 48 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Seaborne Chemical Trade in million tonnes (’000,000) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2001 2002 *Source: Drewry 2003 2004 Organic 2005 2006 Inorganic 2007E 2008E Veg-Oils 2009E 2010E 2011E Others Oil Carrier Demand in million DWT (’000,000) 400.0 380.0 360.0 340.0 320.0 300.0 280.0 260.0 240.0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009E 2010E 2011E 2012E 2008 2009E 2010E 2011E *Source: Drewry Seaborne Gas Trade in million tonnes (’000,000) 100 80 60 40 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 *Source: Drewry 49 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional MT Puspawati, 19,900 DWT, 2008 Selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini, penawaran akan Over the past several years, the supply of liquid cargo pengangkutan muatan cair terus meningkat, sejalan maritime transportation services has increased in response dengan Drewry to the growth in demand. According to Drewry Shipping Shipping Consultants Ltd., sejak tahun 2002 armada tanker Consultants Ltd, since 2002, the total combined capacity of pengangkut bahan kimia dunia berkembang dari sekitar 40,6 the world chemical tankers has grown from approximately juta DWT menjadi 69,8 juta DWT pada akhir tahun 2007. 40.6 million DWT to 69.8 million DWT at the end of 2007 Termasuk didalamnya, kapal yang memiliki peringkat kimia (including vessels that have a limited chemical rating but they terbatas tapi pada umumnya digunakan untuk transportasi are primarily used for the transportation of oil products). meningkatnya permintaan. Menurut produk minyak. The total combined capacity of the world’s oil tankers has Jumlah armada kapal tanker pengangkut minyak telah grown from approximately 265.5 million DWT in 2003 to berkembang dari sekitar 265,5 juta DWT pada tahun 2003 approximately 323.8 million DWT at the end of 2007, while menjadi lebih dari 323,8 juta DWT pada akhir tahun 2007. the combined capacity of the world’s gas tankers has grown Sedangkan armada kapal tanker gas dunia berkembang from 14.4 million CBM in 2003 to approximately 16.1 million dari 14,4 juta CBM pada tahun 2003 menjadi sekitar 16,1 CBM at the end of 2007. The Company expects a further juta CBM pada akhir tahun 2007. Perseroan memperkirakan growth in the supply of liquid cargo shipping services as pertumbuhan tingkat penawaran pengangkutan muatan cair shipyards building new vessels are currently running at full akan terus berlanjut karena galangan-galangan kapal saat capacity. ini membangun kapal baru dengan kapasitas maksimal. 50 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional MT Nolowati, 11,636 DWT, 1998 Kinerja keuangan dari industri pelayaran pengangkutan The financial performance of the liquid cargo shipping bahan kimia secara historis memiliki siklus tersendiri, industry has historically been subject to specific cycles, with dikarenakan tingkat volatilitas tarif yang disebabkan oleh volatility in freight rates due to the fluctuations in the supply tingkat permintaan dan penawaran layanan pengangkutan of and demand for shipping services as explained above. yang berfluktuasi. Siklus usaha dari masing-masing However, there is not necessarily a correlation between the kegiatan usaha Perseroan, yaitu, pengangkutan bahan business cycles of each of the three product markets in kimia, minyak, dan gas, belum tentu saling berhubungan which the Company operates: chemicals, oil and gas. The satu sama lain. Rute operasi Perseroan yang bervariasi various shipping routes on which the Company operates dan variasi produk yang diangkut memiliki paparan yang and the various products for which the Company provides berbeda-beda dengan siklus tarif tersebut. Perseroan its services are subject to varying degrees of exposure to this berusaha untuk selalu mengelola risiko tersebut dengan volatility affecting freight rates. The Company endeavors to menjaga keseimbangan dari berbagai macam produk, control the impact that this volatility has on its performance dengan menjaga keseimbangan antara spot kontrak dan by maintaining a balance between the proportion of business kontrak jangka panjang serta mengalihkan operasi armada involving each of the three product markets; by maintaining Perseroan ke wilayah geografis yang diperkirakan memiliki a balance between long-term and spot contracts; and by tingkat permintaan yang tinggi dan relatif stabil. moving its ships to geographic regions where demand is both high and relatively stable. 51 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional ANAK PERUSAHAAN UTAMA MAJOR SUBSIDIARIES GBLT Shipmanagement (UK) Ltd Sebagai salah satu cabang dari pemilik kapal Indonesia PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (BLT), GBLT Shipmanagement (UK) Ltd (“GBLT UK”) ditempatkan secara strategis di Glasgow, Skotlandia untuk membantu ekspansi kelompok ke pasar-pasar Eropa dan Afrika. Glasgow adalah kota yang kaya akan tradisi pembuatan kapal dan saat ini sebagai pusat pengelolaan kapal yang prima. Perusahaan telah menunjukkan kapasitas dan pengalaman, yang dikombinasikan dengan etika yang kuat serta komitmen terhadap keselamatan, dan ini diyakini akan menentukan suksesnya Perseroan di Eropa. GBLT UK mengoperasikan tujuh kapal yang merupakan bagian dari armada BLT, yaitu: MT Fatmarini, MT Frabandari, MT Harsanadi, MT Hartati, MT Nogogini, MT Nolowati dan MT Ratih. GBLT UK memiliki wewenang untuk menyewakan dan mengoperasikan semua kapal di pasar-pasar Eropa dan Afrika Utara. Dengan demikian, di saat kapal-kapal terus diperdagangkan secara reguler di wilayah ini kami telah mengembangkan pelayanan-pelayanan administratif dan teknis (termasuk audit kapal, melayani pelatihan kadet dan pelaut superintenden) untuk menjamin dukungan terbaik yang paling memungkinkan kepada kapal mana pun yang diminta ke Eropa. Bersamaan dengan pemeriksaan semua kapal GBLT UK setiap tahunnya, departemen teknis seringkali mengadakan kunjungan ke kapal-kapal BLT yang dipanggil ke pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Eropa. GBLT UK juga merekrut dan melatih para kadet, yang dilakukan di atas kapal BLT. GBLT mendapatkan akreditasi kualitas ISO 9001 dari Llyods Register pada tahun 2006. Perusahaan terus mempertahankan standar-standar yang tinggi akan kualitas dan pelayanan jasa. As a subsidiary of the Indonesian Ship Owner PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (BLT), GBLT Shipmanagement (UK) Ltd. (“GBLT UK”) is strategically located in Glasgow, Scotland to assist with the Group’s expansion into the European and African markets. Glasgow is a city with a rich shipbuilding tradition and in the present day is a centre of ship management excellence. The company’s demonstrated capability and experience, combined with strong ethics and a commitment to safety, will determine its success in Europe. GBLT UK operating 7 vessels which form part of the BLT fleet: MT Fatmarini, MT Frabandari, MT Harsanadi, MT Hartati, MT Nogogini, MT Nolowati and MT Ratih. GBLT (UK) has authority for the chartering and operations of all BLT vessels trading in the European and North African markets. Indeed, as the vessels continue to trade more regularly in this area we have developed administrative and technical services (including ship audit, cadet training and marine supt. services) to ensure the best possible support for any of the vessels calling to Europe. Along with auditing all GBLT UK vessels on an annual basis, the technical department often visits BLT vessels calling in European ports. GBLT UK also recruits and trains cadets, part of their training being conducted onboard BLT vessels. GBLT UK obtained ISO 9001 quality accreditation from Lloyds Register in 2006. The office continues to maintain high standards of quality and service. GBLT UK Ltd recently purchased new office and relocated to the new premises in January 2008. The new offices are situated in the Glasgow Business Park which is only a short distance from the centre of Glasgow. The spacious new office affords GBLT UK the freedom to accommodate their expanding team. GBLT UK baru saja membeli kantor baru dan menempatinya pada bulan Januari 2008. Kantor-kantor baru tersebut ditempatkan di Sentra Bisnis Glasgow yang berada tidak jauh dari pusat kota Glasgow. Kantor baru yang luas memberikan GBLT UK suatu kebebasan untuk mengakomodasi anggota mereka yang terus bertambah. Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd (Hong Kong) Industri petrokimia Asia telah mengubah dirinya sebagai pusat penyulingan besar dan penghubung pengangkutan lintas-batas guna memenuhi permintaan akan produk-produk petrokimia dan perminyakan yang semakin meningkat di kawasan. Pusat-pusat penyulingan besar di Asia Utara, Asia Tenggara dan Timur Tengah memberikan peluang perdagangan bagi permintaan akan transportasi laut bahan kimia cair dan perminyakan di kawasan ini. Dibalik pertumbuhan tersebut, Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd. (“Gold Bridge”) telah melayani industri petrokimia dan perminyakan Asia sejak 1990. Gold Bridge merupakan anak perusahaan yang dimiliki seutuhnya oleh PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (‘BLT’). BLT memiliki lebih dari 24 tahun pengalaman di bidang pengangkutan bahan cair, dan terlibat dalam semua aspek industri tanker dari bahan-bahan kimia, produk minyak mentah, tanker-tanker aspal dan gas. Dengan kehadiran Gold Bridge yang kuat di Asia Utara dan BLT di kawasan lainnya, BLT telah menjadi operator tanker bahan kimia terdepan di kawasan. 52 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Asia petrochemical industry has transformed itself as a major refining centre and transshipment hub to feed the ever increasing demand for petrochemicals and petroleum products in the region. Major refining centers in North Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East provide a buoyant trade in the demand for liquid chemical and petroleum marine transportation in the region. Behind this growth, Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd. (“Gold Bridge”) has been serving the Asian petrochemical and petroleum industry since 1990. Gold Bridge is a subsidiary of PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (‘BLT’). BLT has over 24 years of liquid marine transportation experience, and is involved in all aspects of tanker industry from chemical, product crude oil, asphalt and gas tankers. With Gold Bridge strong presence in North Asia and BLT in other regions, BLT has become a leading chemical tanker operator in the region. OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Chembulk Tankers LLC (“Chembulk”) Chembulk Tankers LLC (“Chembulk”) didirikan pada bulan Januari 2007 sebagai salah satu penyedia pengangkutan laut mutakhir abad 21 untuk bahan kimia cair yang menggunakan kapal-kapal angkut berbahan baja anti karat (stainless steel) abad 21 sesuai dengan spesifikasi industri tertinggi. Dengan komitmennya akan keunggulan dalam semua aspek yang ditetapkan baik karena persaingan maupun peraturan yang ada, Chembulk memadukan kemampuan berbisnis yang baik dengan kecakapan operasional guna menjamin pengangkutan kargo pelanggan dengan handal. Chembulk merupakan anak perusahaan yang dimiliki seutuhnya oleh PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk. (“BLT”), yang merupakan perusahaan pelayaran terbesar ketiga dalam pengangkutan bahan kimia di dunia. Wilayah operasi Chembulk adalah di Amerika, Eropa dan Asia Timur. Dengan armada baru kami yang dipadukan dengan BLT di kawasan lain, kami beroperasi di seluruh dunia. Chembulk Tankers LLC (“Chembulk”) was formed in January 2007 as a cutting edge provider of marine transportation for the chemical industry deploying 21st century stainless steel chemical carriers built to the industry’s highest specifications. With its Commitment to excellence in all aspects demanded by a competitive commercial and regulatory arena. Chembulk combines commercially sound business acumen with rigorous operational capabilities ensuring seamless transportation of customer cargoe. Chembulk is a wholly owned subsidiary of PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (“BLT”), which becomes the 3rd in the world in chemical liquid transportation. Chembulk operating areas are in America, Europe and East Asia. With our young fleet and combined with BLT in other region, we are trading all over the world. GBLT Ship Management Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) GBLT Ship Management Pte. Ltd. (“GBLT”), anak perusahaan yang dimiliki seutuhnya oleh PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk. (“BLT”), didirikan di Singapura pada tanggal 1 Juni 2002. GBLT didirikan untuk memberikan pelayanan independen pengelolaan teknis bagi armada BLT. GBLT mengelola armada tanker-tanker, termasuk kapal minyak, kimia, dan gas yang beroperasi dari pelabuhan-pelabuhan asal di Indonesia ke Asia Tenggara, Asia dan Timur Tengah, meluas ke Mediterania, Eropa dan melintasi benua menuju Amerika Selatan. GBLT Ship management Pte. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of PT. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk. (BLT), was established in Singapore on 1st June 2002. It was set up to provide an independent technical management services to BLT fleet. GBLT manages a fleet of tankers, which include Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas vessels, trading from the home ports of Indonesia to South East Asia, Asia and the Middle East, extending to the Mediterranean, Europe and across the continents to South America. Untuk dapat mencapai misinya dalam menyediakan pelayanan yang berkualitas dunia dan profesional, GBLT berkomitmen pada pencapaian ZERO incident dan ZERO spills dalam pengelolaan kapal-kapal. Kami senantiasa melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan yang berkesinambungan untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan tersebut. To uphold its Mission Statement to provide a world class quality and professional services, GBLT is committed to ZERO incidents and ZERO spills in the management of our vessels and we aim to achieve these goals through continuous improvement. Melalui struktur program pelatihan in-house-nya, berdasarkan keunggulan keselamatan dan lingkungan, GBLT menetapkan standar-standar, menyediakan pelayanan-pelayanan pengelolaan kapal yang kompeten dan menetapkan strategi-strategi untuk meningkatkan kinerja keselamatan secara keseluruhan bagi armada kapal. Tim manajemen GBLT yang terdiri atas profesional-profesional internasional memberikan pandangan dan pengalaman yang tiada bandingannya kepada semua wilayah pengelolaan kapal agar dapat tetap menjadi yang terdepan dalam industri maritim. Through its in-house structured training program, based on safety and environmental excellence, GBLT defines standards, provides competent ship management services and maps out strategies to improve the overall safety performance of the fleet. GBLT’s management team of international professionals provides unparalleled insight and experience to all areas of ship management to stay at the forefront of the maritime industry. 53 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional KINERJA SAHAM SHARE PERFORMANCE Setelah melakukan penawaran perdana saham (Initial Public Offering/IPO) pada tanggal 22 Januari 1990 dan tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia, yang merupakan hasil penggabungan Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya, Perseroan pun telah melaksanakan tiga kali penawaran umum terbatas (Limited Public Offering) melalui mekanisme right issue pada tahun 1993, 1998, dan 2001. Sebagai tambahan, beberapa aksi korporasi juga telah dilaksanakan seperti pendistribusian saham bonus sebagai bentuk penghargaan dari Perseroan untuk para pemegang saham, serta stock split atau pemecahan saham dengan tujuan meningkatkan likuiditas perdagangan saham Perseroan. Since the Company conduct its Initial Public Offering on 22 January 1990, with shares in the Company being listed on what was then known as the Jakarta Stock Exchange and the Surabaya Stock Exchange (now the Indonesian Stock Exchange) the Company has conducted three limited public offerings with pre-emptive rights, in 1993, 1998, and 2001 respectively. In addition, a number of corporate actions in the capital market have also been conducted, including a distribution of Bonus to shareholders and a Stock Split which was intended to increase the trading liquidity of the Company’s shares. Perseroan harus selalu mempertimbangkan berbagai alternatif pembiayaan untuk mendukung aktivitas investasi dan operasional. Salah satu alternatif pembiayaan yang pada masa lalu belum menjadi fokus Perseroan yaitu pasar modal. Kini Perseroan telah membuka akses ke pendanaan pasar modal luar negeri dengan menerbitkan obligasi konversi, yang sukses diterbitkan pada akhir 2005. Selanjutnya, pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2006, Perseroan telah mendaftarkan surat berharga tersebut di Bursa Efek Singapura sebagai landasan bagi Pereroan untuk mengakses dana di pasar modal luar negeri. Pada awal tahun 2007 Perseroan juga berhasil menerbitkan wesel bayar (notes payable) dan obligasi konversi kedua yang juga terdaftar di Bursa Efek Singapura, serta menerbitkan obligasi rupiah ketiga dan sukuk Ijarah yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia. The Company is engaged in an ongoing process to determine optimally beneficial financial resources for investment and to finance the operational activities of the Company. One source of financing which, in the past, has not been a major area of focus for the Company is the international capital market. However, the Company has begun to access the overseas capital market through a Convertible Bond that was successfully issued by the Company at the end of 2005. Thereafter, on 30 October 2006, the Company has registered its stock on the Singapore Stock Exchange (Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited) as a means to access overseas capital market. In early 2007, the Company also successfully issued Guaranteed Notes and the second Convertible Bond, which is also listed in Singapore Stock Exchange. It also issued its Third Rupiah Bond and Sukuk Ijarah which was listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Aksi Korporasi Perseroan di Pasar Modal: Summary of Company’s Activities in Capital Markets: Tanggal Pencatatan Saham Baru Jumlah Saham Nilai Nominal Recording Date New Share Total Share Nominal Value 11,900,000 Rp. 1,000 14,000,000 Rp. 1,000 Aksi Korporasi Corporate Action Sebelum Penawaran Umum Perdana Penawaran Umum Perdana (@ Rp 8.500) 26-Mar-90 2,100,000 Initial Public Offering (@ Rp 8,500) Saham Bonus I (2:1) 20-Jul-91 7,000,000 21,000,000 Rp. 1,000 Stock Bonus I (2:1) Saham Bonus II (5:2) 24-Sep-92 8,400,000 29,400,000 Rp. 1,000 Stock Bonus II (5:2) Penawaran Umum Terbatas I 24-May-93 29,400,000 58,800,000 Rp. 1,000 Rights Issue I (1:1 @ Rp 1,600) Pemecahan Nilai Saham (1:2) 27-Jan-97 58,800,000 117,600,000 Rp. 500 Stock Split (1:2) Saham Bonus III (500:150) 4-Mar-97 35,280,000 152,880,000 Rp. 500 Stock Bonus III (500:150) (1:1 @ Rp 1.600) 54 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC Before IPO PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Tanggal Pencatatan Saham Baru Jumlah Saham Nilai Nominal Recording Date New Share Total Share Nominal Value Aksi Korporasi Corporate Action Penawaran Umum Terbatas II 16-Jan-98 305,760,000 458,640,000 Rp. 500 Rights Issue II (1:2 @ Rp 1,200, 10 6,380 458,646,380 Rp. 500 Warrant Conversion 19-Jan-01 53,958,150 512,604,530 Rp. 500 Rights Issue III (17:2 @ Rp 1,100) Start from Oct-01 51,260,000 512,604,530 Rp. 500 Stock Buy Back(*) 839,262 513,443,792 Rp. 500 Warrant Conversion (1:2 @ Rp 1.200, 10 HMETD + 2 Waran) Konversi Waran Rights + 2 Warrant) Up to 31-Dec-00 Penawaran Umum Terbatas III (17:2 @ Rp 1.100) Pembelian Kembali Saham * Konversi Waran Up to 6-Feb-02 Pemecahan Nilai Saham (1:4) 6-Feb-02 Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-03 Konversi Waran Up to 12-Nov-04 Pemecahan Nilai Saham (1:2) 12-Nov-04 1,540,331,376 2,053,775,168 Rp. 125 Stock Split (1:4) 14,482,420 2,068,257,588 Rp. 125 Warrant Conversion Warrant Conversion 3,923,900 2,072,181,488 Rp. 125 2,072,181,488 4,144,362,976 Rp. 62.50 Stock Split (1:2) 4,144,385,476 Rp. 62.50 Warrant Conversion Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-04 22,500 Pembelian Kembali Saham * Start from May-05 412,433,000 4,144,385,476 Rp. 62.50 Stock Buy Back(*) Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-05 12,828,960 4,157,214,436 Rp. 62.50 Warrant Conversion Pembelian Kembali Saham * Start from Jul-06 113,938,000 4,157,214,436 Rp. 62.50 Stock Buy Back(*) Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-06 358,000 4,157,572,436 Rp. 62.50 Warrant Conversion Rp. 62.50 Warrant Conversion Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-07 1,438,000 4,159,010,436 Pembelian Kembali Saham * Start from Oct-01 51,260,000 512,604,530 Rp. 500 Stock Buy Back(*) 839,262 513,443,792 Rp. 500 Warrant Conversion Konversi Waran Up to 6-Feb-02 Pemecahan Nilai Saham (1:4) 6-Feb-02 Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-03 Konversi Waran Up to 12-Nov-04 Pemecahan Nilai Saham (1:2) 12-Nov-04 1,540,331,376 2,053,775,168 Rp. 125 Stock Split (1:4) 14,482,420 2,068,257,588 Rp. 125 Warrant Conversion Warrant Conversion 3,923,900 2,072,181,488 Rp. 125 2,072,181,488 4,144,362,976 Rp. 62.50 Stock Split (1:2) 4,144,385,476 Rp. 62.50 Warrant Conversion Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-04 22,500 Pembelian Kembali Saham * Start from May-05 412,433,000 4,144,385,476 Rp. 62.50 Stock Buy Back(*) Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-05 12,828,960 4,157,214,436 Rp. 62.50 Warrant Conversion Pembelian Kembali Saham * Start from Jul-06 113,938,000 4,157,214,436 Rp. 62.50 Stock Buy Back(*) Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-06 358,000 4,157,572,436 Rp. 62.50 Warrant Conversion Konversi Waran Up to 31-Dec-07 1,438,000 4,159,010,436 Rp. 62.50 Warrant Conversion * Tidak mempengaruhi Jumlah Saham yang telah diterbitkan * Will not have an effect on Total Share issued Total Saham yang Tercatat di BEI dan SGX per 31 December Total Listed Share in IDX and SGX on 31 December 2007 2007: Saham 4,159.010,426 shares Kinerja Saham Perseroan per Kuartal Tahun 2006 & 2007 Performance of Share Quarterly in 2006 and 2007 BEI/Indonesian Stock Exchange SGX/Bursa Singapura Year Q Vol Hih Low Close 2006 Q1 1,320,584,500 1,570 1,020 1,420 2006 Q2 3,314,415,000 2,130 1,410 1,730 2006 Q3 1,370,428,000 2,150 1,720 2,125 2006 Q4 907,840,000 2,200 1,660 1,740 2007 Q1 1,095,653,000 1,940 1,640 1,880 2007 Q2 1,148,385,000 2,100 1,870 2007 Q3 809,422,500 2,050 1,170 2007 Q4 858,645,000 2,700 1,940 Vol High Low Close - - - - - - - - - - - - 313,686,000 0.34 0.27 0.29 343,292,000 0.35 0.28 0.32 2,050 327,589,000 0.36 0.31 0.33 1,950 183,200,000 0.35 0.21 0.32 2,650 588,322,000 0.44 0.28 0.40 55 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional Kinerja Saham di BEI (Bursa Efek Indonesia) dan SGX Performance of Share in IDX ( Indonesia Stock Exchange) (Bursa Efek Singapura) periode 2006 & 2007 and SGX (Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited) for period 2006 & 2007 Bursa Efek Indonesia/ Indonesia Stock Exchange 250,000,000 3,000 2,500 200,000,000 2,000 150,000,000 1,500 100,000,000 1,000 50,000,000 500 Ja n0 Fe 6 b0 M 6 ar -0 Ap 6 rM 06 ay -0 Ju 6 n0 Ju 6 l-0 Au 6 gSe 06 pO 06 ct -0 No 6 vDe 06 cJa 06 n0 Fe 7 b0 M 7 ar -0 Ap 7 rM 07 ay -0 Ju 7 n0 Ju 7 l-0 Au 7 gSe 07 pO 07 ct -0 No 7 vDe 07 c07 - VOLUME HIGH LOW CLOSE Bursa Singapura/ Singapore Stock Exchange Trading Limited 0,500 0,450 0,400 0,350 0,300 0,250 0,200 0,150 0,100 0,050 - 160,000,000 140,000,000 120,000,000 100,000,000 80,000,000 60,000,000 40,000,000 20,000,000 VOLUME 56 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk LOW 07 7 c07 De No v- ct -0 07 7 CLOSE O Se p- g0 Au Ju l-0 7 07 7 -0 ay M HIGH Ju n- 7 r-0 Ap ar -0 7 07 M Fe b- 07 Ja n- 06 c06 De No v- O ct -0 6 - OPERATIONS review Pembahasan Operasional PENGHARGAAN DAN SERTIFIKASI AWARDS AND CERTIFICATIONS Perseroan memperluas The Company is engaged in an ongoing endeavor to develop pangsa pasar, dengan cara memperkuat dan meningkatkan berupaya meningkatkan dan and expand its market share by strengthening and developing keunggulan kompetitifnya dalam segala hal, terutama yang its competitive excellence in terms of management systems, berkaitan dengan sistem-sistem manajemen, performa operational performance, financial performance, adherence operasional, performa finansial, keterkaitan dengan prinsip- to the principles of good corporate governance, and creating prinsip perusahaan yang baik (good corporate governance), value for shareholders. The Company is extremely gratified dan peningkatan nilai untuk para pemegang saham. that its endeavors to achieve excellence in all these areas has Perseroan sangat berterimakasih terhadap upaya-upaya been recognized and acknowledged through awards and manajemen dan karyawan dalam menciptakan keunggulan certificates granted by a number of prestigious agencies, di semua bidang-bidang tersebut. Hasil kerja keras ini telah certifying bodies, and other third parties. In 2007, amongst diakui others, the Company received the following awards: melalui penghargaan-penghargaan dan sertifikasi- sertifikasi yang diterima Perseroan dari sejumlah lembaga, badan-badan sertifikasi, dan pihak ketiga lainnya. Pada tahun 2007, Perseroan antara lain menerima penghargaanpenghargaan berikut: Investor Award 2007: Perusahaan Publik Terbaik di bidang Infrastruktur Investor Award 2007: Best Public Company in Infrastructure Sector Business Review Award 2007: CEO terbaik ke-6 Bisnis Review Award 2007: 6th Best CEO. Investor Best Syariah 2007: Peringkat Kedua untuk Obligasi Syariah Mudharabah Investor Best Syariah 2007: 2nd Place for Syariah Mudharabah Bond 57 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik 58 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik BERMULA DARI TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN YANG BAIK MENUJU HASIL YANG BAIK FROM GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO GOOD RESULTS Perseroan memiliki komitmen untuk meningkatkan dan high standards of corporate governance, in compliance mempertahankan tata kelola perusahaan (good governance) with the principles and guidelines set out in the new Code dengan standar tinggi, sesuai dengan prinsip dan panduan of Corporate Governance 2005 (“Code 2005”) and the yang dirumuskan dalam Code of Corporate Governance Best Practices Guide issued by the Singapore Exchanges 2005 (Code 2005) dan Best Practice Guide yang diterbitkan Securities Limited (the “SGX-ST) and these are in line in oleh Bursa Efek Singapura (Singapore Exchanges Securities principle with the Indonesian Code of Good Corporate Limited) (“SGX-ST”) dan selaras dengan ketentuan Tata Governance 2001 and other prevailing standards adopted Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik 2001 (Indonesian Good and used in Indonesia. Corporate Governance 2001) dan ketentuan lain yang yang berlaku di Indonesia. The Company is committed to achieving and maintaining The corporate governance practices of the Company in 2007 are described herein under the following sections: Praktik Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang diterapkan perusahaan selama tahun 2007 sebagai berikut: The Board’s Conduct of its Affairs Ketentuan Tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Dalam Perusahaan Principle 1: Every company should be headed by an effective Board to lead and control the company. Prinsip 1: Setiap perusahaan harus ditangani oleh Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris yang efektif untuk memimpin dan Board Composition and Balance mengendalikan perusahaan. Principle 2: There should be a strong and independent element on the Board, which is able to exercise objective Komposisi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dan Keseimbangan Prinsip 2: Sebaiknya ada elemen kuat dan independen judgment on corporate affairs independently, in particular, from Management. No individual or small group of individuals should be allowed to dominate the Board’s decision making. dalam Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, yang mampu memberikan penilaian objektif terhadap hubungan korporasi yang independen, secara khusus, dari pihak Manajemen. Composition of the Board and its Committees Tidak ada individu atau sekelompok kecil individu yang The composition of the Board and its Committee is as stated diizinkan mendominasi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dalam on page 62. mengambil keputusan. During the financial year ended 31st December 2007, two (2) Board Meetings and twelve (12) Management Review Komposisi Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Komitenya Meetings were held. The attendance records of the Commissioners and Directors, together with their attendance at Committee Meetings are as follows: Komposisi Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Komitenya adalah sebagaimana yang tertera pada tabel di halaman 62. Selama tahun keuangan yang berakhir 31 Desember 2007, telah dilakukan dua (2) kali Rapat Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dan dua belas (12) kali Evaluasi Manajemen. Daftar kehadiran dari Komisaris dan Direksi bersama dengan kehadiran mereka pada pertemuan komite adalah sebagai berikut: 59 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Rapat Dewan Rapat Evaluasi Manajemen Rapat Komite Audit Rapat Komite Nominasi Rapat Komite Remunerasi Board Meeting Management Review Meeting Audit Committee Meeting Nomination Committee Meeting Remuneration Committee Meeting Hadi Surya 2/2 - 1/1 1/1 Harijadi Soedarjo 2/2 - - - Alan Jonathan 2/2 4/4 1/1 1/1 Jaka Prasetya 2/2 4/4 1/1 1/1 Max Sumakno - 4/4 - - Segara Utama - - - - (resigned on 31 May 2007) Widihardja Tanudjaja 2/2 10/12 0/4 - Siana Anggraeni Surya 2/2 8/12 0/4 - - Kevin Wong 2/2 10/12 3/4 - - Michael Murni Gunawan 2/2 12/12 4/4 - - Henrianto Kuswendi 2/2 10/12 2/4 - - Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, Dewan Komisaris Under the Company’s Articles of Association, the Board terdiri atas sedikitnya 3 anggota termasuk di dalamnya of Commissioners, which has the task of supervising Komisaris mengawasi the Company’s management, must consist of at least Perseroan. Karena Perseroan mencatatkan three members, including the President Commissioner. sahamnya pada Bursa Efek Indonesia dan Bursa Efek A company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and Singapura, maka Perseroan diharuskan memiliki Komisaris Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX), Independen (dalam peraturan SGX disebut independen non- such as the Company, is also required to have independent executive director) sebagai bagian dari Dewan Komisaris. commissioners (or independent non-executive director in Fungsi utama Dewan Komisaris adalah memberikan saran the case of Singapore Stock Exchange requirement) as dan mengawasi kebijakan-kebijakan yang dilakukan Dewan members of its Board of Commissioners. The principal Direksi dalam mengelola Perseroan. Dewan Komisaris functions of the Board of Commissioners are to give advice berkewajiban untuk menjalankan tugasnya dengan itikad baik to and supervise the policies of the Board of Directors. The dan penuh tanggung jawab dengan selalu memperhatikan Board of Commissioners is required to perform its duties in kepentingan Perseroan. good faith and in the best interests of the Company. Rapat Dewan Komisaris dapat diadakan setiap waktu jika Meetings of the Board of Commissioners may be held at dipandang perlu oleh Komisaris Utama atau dua orang any time deemed necessary by the President Commissioner anggota Dewan Komisaris, atau didasarkan atas permintaan or two members of the Board of Commissioners, or upon tertulis, baik dari seorang atau lebih anggota Dewan Direksi, the request in writing from either one or more members of atau seorang pemegang saham Perseroan ataupun lebih, the Board of Directors or one or more of the shareholders yang bersama-sama mewakili 1/10 ( satu per sepuluh) jointly representing at least one-tenth of the total voting bagian dari seluruh jumlah saham dengan hak suara yang shares issued by the Company. A meeting of the Board of sah. Keputusan yang diambil dalam Rapat Dewan Komisaris Commissioners will be valid and entitled to adopt binding sah dan mengikat apabila lebih dari lima puluh persen dari resolutions only if more than 50 percent of the members of jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris hadir dan / atau diwakili the Board of Commissioners are present and/or represented dalam rapat. at the meeting. Utama, manajemen yang bertugas untuk 60 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Anggota Dewan Komisaris diangkat dan diberhentikan The members of the Board of Commissioners are appointed melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Dalam menjalankan and dismissed by a general meeting of shareholders. Each tugas yang diberikan, setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris Commissioner is granted an honorarium for serving, the mendapatkan gaji/honorarium yang besarnya ditentukan amount of which is determined at a general meeting of oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. shareholders. Direksi Board Of Directors Direksi bertugas mengelola jalannya Perseroan sehari-hari. The Board of Directors manages the Company on a day- Sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, Direksi diharuskan terdiri to-day basis. Under the Articles of Association of the atas paling sedikit tiga orang anggota, salah satu di antaranya Company, the Board of Directors is required to be made adalah Direktur Utama dan apabila diperlukan, satu atau up of at least three members, one of whom is the President lebih dari anggota Direksi dapat ditunjuk sebagai Wakil Director and if deemed necessary, one or more Directors Direktur Utama. Direksi berkewajiban untuk menjalankan may be appointed as Vice-President Director. The Board of tugasnya dengan itikad baik dan penuh tanggung jawab Directors is required to perform its duties in good faith and dengan selalu memperhatikan kepentingan Perseroan. in the best interests of the Company. Direksi memiliki wewenang untuk menjalankan segala The Board of Directors has the power to perform for and tindakan untuk kepentingan dan atas nama Perseroan yang on behalf of the Company all transactions concerning the berkaitan dengan manajemen dan administrasi Perseroan. Company’s management and administration. However, Walaupun demikian, berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan pursuant to the Company’s Articles of Association and in dan Undang Undang yang berlaku di Indonesia, ada tindakan- conjunction with the Indonesian Company Law, certain tindakan tertentu yang memerlukan persetujuan tertulis dari actions of the Company require written approval or the dan/atau akta yang bersangkutan turut ditandatangani relevant deed relating to such actions must also be signed oleh Komisaris Utama atau dari/oleh dua anggota Dewan by the President Commissioner or in the absence of the Komisaris bila Komisaris Utama berhalangan hadir atau oleh President Commissioner by two other Commissioners or by semua anggota Dewan Komisaris bersama-sama. all members of the Board of Commissioners. Rapat Direksi dapat dilakukan sewaktu-waktu apabila Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time dipandang perlu, oleh Direktur Utama atau satu atau lebih deemed necessary by the President Director or one or more dari satu anggota Direksi, atau berdasarkan permintaan members of the Board of Directors, or upon the request in tertulis, baik dari seorang atau lebih anggota Dewan writing from either one or more members of the Board of Komisaris atau atas permintaan tertulis 1 (satu) pemegang Commissioners or one or more of the shareholders jointly saham atau lebih yang bersama-sama mewakili 1/10 (satu representing at least one-tenth of the total voting shares per sepuluh) bagian dari jumlah seluruh saham dengan hak issued by the Company. suara yang sah. A meeting of the Board of Directors will be valid and entitled Pertemuan para Direksi dinyatakan sah dan dapat to adopt binding resolutions only if more than 50 percent menerapkan keputusan-keputusan rapat tersebut jika lebih of the members of the Board of Directors are present or dari 50 persen anggota Direksi hadir atau diwakilkan. represented at the meeting. Seluruh rapat Direksi dipimpin oleh Direktur Utama. Apabila All meetings of the Board of Directors are chaired by the Direktur Utama berhalangan hadir hal mana tidak perlu President Director. In the event of the absence or disability dibuktikan kepada pihak ketiga, maka Rapat Direksi akan of the President Director, the impediment of which need not dipimpin oleh salah satu dari anggota Direksi yang secara be evidenced to any third parties, a meeting of the Board of khusus ditunjuk oleh Rapat Direksi tersebut. Directors will be chaired by another member of the Board of Directors specifically appointed by the meeting of the Board of Directors. 61 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Keputusan rapat Direksi harus diambil dengan musyawarah Resolutions of a meeting of the Board of Directors are mufakat, namun bila tidak tercapai suatu mufakat, maka generally adopted on the basis of a mutual consensus. In the keputusan diambil berdasarkan pemungutan suara dengan event a mutual consensus is not reached, then a resolution suara setuju lebih dari 50% (lima puluh persen) dari jumlah may be adopted on the basis of an affirmative vote of more anggota Direksi yang hadir dan/atau diwakili dalam rapat. than 50 per cent. of the members of the Board of Directors Manajemen Kinerja dan Manajemen Krisis adalah pelatihan present and/or represented at the meeting. yang diselenggarakan oleh Perseroan untuk meningkatkan Performance Management and Crisis Management are the kompetensi para Direksi. training held by the Company to improve competency of the Anggota Direksi diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Rapat Board of Directors. Umum Pemegang Saham. Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar The members of the Board of Directors are appointed Perseroan setiap anggota Direksi mendapatkan gaji bulanan and dismissed by a general meeting of shareholders. In dan tunjangan lainnya, termasuk santunan purna jabatan accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, yang jumlahnya ditentukan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang members of the Board of Directors may be given monthly Saham. Kewenangan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham salary and other benefits, including pension benefits, which untuk menentukan jumlah gaji dan tunjangan yang diberikan amount shall be determined by the General Meeting of kepada masing-masing Direksi dapat didelegasikan kepada Shareholders of the Company. The authority of the General Dewan Komisaris. Meeting of Shareholders to determine the amount of the salary and benefits of each member of the Board of Directors may be delegated to the Board of Commissioners. Dewan Komisaris Direksi Komite Audit Komite Nominasi Komite Remunerasi Board of Commissioners Board of Directors Audit Committee Nomination Committee Remuneration Committee C Hadi Surya C - - C Harijadi Soedarjo M - - - - Alan Jonathan* M - C M M Jaka Prasetya* M - M M M Max Sumakno - - M - - Segara Utama (resigned on 31 May 2007) - - M - - Widihardja Tanudjaja - C - - - Siana Anggraeni Surya - M - - - Kevin Wong - M - - - Michael Murni Gunawan - M - - - Henrianto Kuswendi - M - - - Catatan: C - Ketua; M - Anggota; * - Komisaris Indepeden Note: C - Chairman; M - Member; * - Independent Commissioner Tanggung Jawab Manajemen Management Responsibilities Prinsip 3: Harus ada pembagian tanggung jawab yang Principle 3: There should be a clear division of responsibilities jelas antara para pemimpin perusahaan – pekerjaan Direksi at the top of the company – the working of the Board and the dan Dewan Komisaris dan eksekutif yang bertanggung executive responsibility of the company’s business – which jawab terhadap bisnis perusahaan – yang dapat menjamin will ensure a balance of power and authority, such that no keseimbangan kekuasaan dan wewenang, sebagaimana one individual represents a considerable concentration of tidak ada seorang individu pun yang menjadi pusat power. kekuasaan. 62 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Peran Presiden Direktur dan direktur-direktur eksekutif The roles of President Director and those of the other lainnya terpisah, untuk menjamin perimbangan kekuasaan, executive directors are separate to ensure an appropriate meningkatkan akuntabilitas dan kapasitas Direksi yang lebih balance of power, increased accountability and greater besar dalam mengambil keputusan independen. Mereka capacity of the Board for independent decision making. tidak terkait satu sama lain. They are not related to each other. Peran Presiden Direktur dalam Direksi di antaranya sebagai The President Director’s role in the Board of Directors berikut: includes among others, the following: a) a) b) c) Mengatur pertemuan yang dapat membuat Direksi dapat duties responsibly while not interfering with the flow of kegiatan-kegiatan perusahaan; the company’s operations; Mempersiapkan agenda dikonsultasikan dengan Direksi; pertemuan yang b) Mengendalikan kualitas, kuantitas dan jadwal aliran c) ketentuan-ketentuan perusahaan Exercise control over quality, quantity and timeliness of the flow of information between Management and the Board; and Memberikan bantuan untuk menjamin kepatuhan terhadap Prepare meeting agenda in consultation with the Board; informasi antara Manajemen dan Direksi; dan d) Schedule meetings that enable the Board to perform its menjalankan kewajibannya dengan tidak mencampuri terkait d) Assist in ensuring compliance with company’s guidelines on corporate governance. dengan penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Keanggotaan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Board Membership Prinsip 4: Harus ada proses formal dan transparan dalam Principle 4: There should be a formal and transparent penunjukan direktur baru. Sesuai ketentuan tata kelola process for the appointment of new directors to the Board. perusahaan (Good Corporate Governance), semua direktur As a principle of good corporate governance, all directors diminta mendaftarkan diri untuk pencalonan dan pemilihan should be required to submit themselves for re-nomination ulang dalam suatu interval yang reguler. and re-election at regular intervals. Komite Nominasi Nomination Committee Anggota dari Komite Nominasi adalah Hadi Surya, The Nomination Committee members are Hadi Surya, Jaka Prasetya, dan Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan. Jaka Prasetya and Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan. The Ketua Komite Nominasi adalah Alan Jonathan Tangkas Chairman of our Nomination Committee is Alan Jonathan Darmawan. Tangkas Darmawan. Tugas dan tanggung jawab dari Komite Nominasi Perseroan Nomination Committee has the duties of, among other adalah: things: • • Meneliti dan menilai calon Direksi dan Komisaris • Reviewing and assessing candidates for directorships sebelum direkomendasikan kepada pemegang saham and commissionership before making recommendations Perseroan untuk dapat disetujui sebagai Direktur dan to Shareholders for appointment of Directors and Komisaris Perseroan. Commissioners; Meneliti dan memberikan rekomendasi kepada • Reviewing and recommending to our Shareholders pemegang saham Perseroan mengenai pengakhiran the masa jabatan atau pengangkatan kembali Direktur dan Commissioners in accordance with the Company’s retirement or re-election of Directors and Komisaris sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan Articles of Association at each annual general meeting; pada setiap rapat tahunan. 63 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik • • Meneliti komposisi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris setiap Reviewing the composition of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners annually cukup Komisaris Independen dan untuk memastikan to ensure that we have an appropriate balance of adanya keseimbangan keahlian dan kemampuan yang independent Commissioners and to ensure there is an tepat antar Direktur dan Komisaris Perseroan appropriate balance of expertise, skills, attributes and Secara tahunan menentukan independensi ability among Directors and Commissioners; dari Komisaris Independen Perseroan, sesuai dengan • • tahun untuk memastikan bahwa Perseroan memiliki • Determining annually the independence of the peraturan perundang-undangan dan pedoman yang Company’s Independent Commissioners, in accordance berlaku with applicable codes and guidelines; and Menentukan apakah Direktur dan Komisaris dapat terus • Deciding whether the Directors and Commissioners memberikan kontribusi secara efektif dan menunjukkan can continue to contribute effectively and demonstrate komitmen mereka terhadap tugas-tugas mereka. commitment to their roles. Komite ini baru dibentuk pada akhir tahun 2006 dan baru This committee was established by the end of 2006 and akan mengadakan pertemuan pertama pada tahun 2007. conducted it first meeting in 2007. Kinerja Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Board Performance Prinsip 5: Harus ada evaluasi formal untuk menguji efektivitas Principle 5: There should be a formal assessment of the Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris secara keseluruhan serta effectiveness of the Board as a whole and the contribution untuk menguji kontribusi setiap direktur terhadap efektivitas by each director to the effectiveness of the Board. Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris. Informed Decision Keputusan Yang Disampaikan The decisions made by the Board of Commissioners and/or Keputusan yang dibuat oleh Dewan Komisaris dan/atau Direksi berdasarkan pada: • • be carried out in a correct framework by defining pada suatu kerangka kerja yang tepat dengan scope of issue/project, assumption and its final results, menetapkan lingkup asumsi dan hasil akhir suatu isu assumption and its final results; Memberikan • alternatif-alternatif (oleh manajemen) dasar kebijakan / keputusan yang diambil; • Delivering integrated and reliable information to the Board of Commissioners and / or Board of Directors dipercaya kepada Dewan Komisaris dan / atau Direksi as to serve the decision making process which is taken sebagai pendukung proses pengambilan keputusan by considering various aspects of the issue / project dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek isu/ including paying attention to customers and other proyek dimaksud termasuk memperhatikan masukan stakeholders input and / or perspective; lainnya; Kebijakan yang disetujui oleh Dewan Komisaris dan jelas, dan terukur, sejauh dapat dijadikan pembanding; 64 Annual Report 2007 • Final policy approved by the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors is based on a clear, logic, sound Direksi didasarkan pada penjelasan yang jernih, logis, Global Reports LLC basis of the policy / decision taken; Memberikan informasi yang terintegrasi dan dapat dan / atau perspektif para pelanggan dan stakeholder • Presenting alternatives (by management) to the Board of Commissioners and / or Board of Directors as a kepada Dewan Komisaris dan / atau Direksi sebagai • Discussion of the main topic of an issue/project should Diskusi mengenai suatu isu / proyek harus dilaksanakan / proyek; • Board of Directors are based on: PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk explanation, and is measurable as well as comparable; GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik • Keputusan yang dapat dilaksanakan dan orang yang • Decisions are executable and people who implement mengimplementasikan keputusan-keputusan tersebut the decisions should take responsibility for the result harus bertanggung jawab terhadap hasil akhir dan and project timeliness. lamanya waktu proyek. Risk Management Pengelolaan Risiko Company manages risk through a framework and processes, Perseroan mengelola risiko melalui suatu kerangka kerja whereby a culture of risk awareness and risk management is dan proses-proses, sesuai budaya waspada risiko, dan encouraged in the organization, which involves: pengelolaan risiko yang diterapkan Perseroan, meliputi: • Recognizing the different types of risk the company may encounter in running daily operation and / or making Perseroan dalam menjalankan kerja sehari-hari dan / decision. atau membuat keputusan. • • Mengenali berbagai jenis risiko yang dapat ditemui oleh • Ensuring that there is accountable senior management Menjamin adanya seorang manajemen senior yang who may answer or take responsibility for mitigating the akuntabel untuk menjawab atau bertanggung jawab risk. dalam mengurangi risiko. Crisis Management Manajemen Krisis The Company recognizes various types of crisis such as Perseroan dapat dihadapkan pada berbagai jenis krisis, on site and working environment that requires effective seperti di lapangan dan lingkungan kerja yang memerlukan crisis management. Plan for effective crisis management pengendalian krisis yang efektif. Rencana penanganan krisis is formulated based on the weakness identified in order to disusun berdasarkan kelemahan yang telah teridentifikasi establish a proven and reliable business process. agar dapat membuat proses bisnis yang teruji dan andal. Board of Commissioners and Directors are committed to Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan berkomitmen untuk put into practice Good Corporate Governance in managing menerapkan Tata Kelola Perusahaan dalam mengendalikan the business to achieve Company’s objectives. By having a jalannya Perseroan untuk mencapai tujuan usaha. Dengan mechanism that promotes good decision making process, memiliki mekanisme yang mendukung proses pengambilan recognize and address business risk, as well as being keputusan yang baik, pengenalan dan pengendalian risiko prepared to deal with event of crisis the Company is well bisnis, serta kesiapan dalam menghadapi krisis, maka equipped to running an effective business. Coupled with Perseroan memiliki cukup bekal untuk menjalankan usaha good cost control mechanism the Company surely will secara efektif. Ditambah dengan mekanisme pengendalian deliver a sustainable growth and worthy investment results. biaya yang baik maka dapat diyakinkan bahwa Perseroan akan tumbuh berkelanjutan dan memberikan imbal hasil investasi yang layak. Corporate Secretary Currently the Corporate Secretary post is held by Wong Sekretaris Perusahaan Kevin, who is also a Director of the Company. The tasks and function of the Corporate Secretary are as follow: Pada saat ini Sekretaris Perusahaan dijabat oleh Wong Kevin yang juga adalah Direktur Keuangan Perseroan. Uraian tugas dan fungsi dari Sekretaris Perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut: 65 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik • Mengikuti perkembangan pasar modal, khususnya • modal; • • dengan kondisi Perseroan; • yang berlaku; • • Make recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors with respect to compliance with the applicable law, rules, and regulation; Memberikan masukan kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk mematuhi ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan Provide the public with all information needed by investors regarding the condition of the Company; Memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat atas setiap informasi yang dibutuhkan pemodal yang berkaitan Keep informed with respect to capital market developments, especially capital market regulations; peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku di bidang pasar • Act as the Company’s contact person with capital market authorities and the public. Sebagai penghubung atau contact person antara Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dengan Bapepam dan Board Meetings and Access to Information masyarakat. Principle 6: In order to fulfil their responsibilities, board Rapat Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Akses Informasi Prinsip 6: Untuk mewujudkan tanggung jawabnya, anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris harus diberikan informasi yang lengkap, memadai dan tepat waktu, sebelum rapat dewan dan saat pelaksanaan repat, secara terus menerus. timely information prior to board meetings and on an ongoing basis. Prior to each Board meeting, management has an obligation to provide members of the Commissioners and the Directors with timely and complete information to enable members to fulfill their responsibilities. Information provided includes Dalam setiap rapat Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, manajemen background and explanatory notes on matters to be berkewajiban menyediakan informasi yang lengkap dan tepat addressed by the Boards, copies of disclosure documents, waktu bagi anggota Komisaris dan Direksi untuk membantu monthly internal financial statements, risk management Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris memenuhi tanggung jawab reports, budgets and forecasts. In respect of budgets, any mereka. Informasi yang disediakan termasuk latar belakang material variance between the projections and actual results dan penjelasan mengenai masalah-masalah yang akan should also be disclosed and explained. disampaikan oleh Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, salinan dokumen-dokumen yang disampaikan, pernyataan finansial bulanan, laporan pengelolaan risiko, anggaran dan prediksi. Untuk anggaran, materi tentang perbedaan antara proyeksi dan hasil nyata juga harus disampaikan dan dijelaskan. Sesuai prosedur Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, para komisaris dan direksi, secara individual atau berkelompok, bisa mempekerjakan penasihat profesional yang independen, jika diperlukan untuk mendukung pekerjaan mereka, yang dibiayai perusahaan. Selama tahun fiskal yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2007, dua (2) Rapat Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris dan duabelas (12) Rapat Evaluasi Manajemen diselenggarakan. Laporan kehadiran Komisaris dan Direksi dalam rapat-rapat Komite dapat dilihat pada halaman 60. 66 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC members should be provided with complete, adequate and PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk The Boards have a procedure for commissioners and directors, either individually or as a group, in the furtherance of their duties, to take independent professional advice, if necessary, at the company’s expense. During the financial year ended 31 December 2007, two (2) Board Meetings and twelve (12) Management Review Meeting were held. The attendance records of the Commissioners and Directors together with their attendance at Committee meetings can be seen on page 60. GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Ketentuan Remunerasi Remuneration Matters Kebijakan Prosedur Peningkatan Remunerasi Procedures for Developing Remuneration Policies Prinsip 7: Harus ada prosedur formal dan transparan untuk Principle 7: There should be a formal and transparent memperbaiki paket-paket remunerasi setiap direktur. Tidak procedure for fixing the remuneration packages of individual dibolehkan ada direktur yang terlibat dalam menentukan directors. No director should be involved in deciding his remunerasinya sendiri. own remuneration. Komite Remunerasi Remuneration Committee Komite Remunerasi Perseroan adalah Hadi Surya, Jaka The Company’s Remuneration Committee members are Prasetya, dan Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan. Ketua Hadi Surya, Jaka Prasetya and Alan Jonathan Tangkas dari Komite Remunerasi adalah Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan. The Chairman of the Company’s Remuneration Darmawan. Jika ada anggota Komite Remunerasi yang Committee is Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan. If a mempunyai kepentingan dengan masalah yang sedang member of the Remuneration Committee has an interest in dibahas oleh Komite, maka anggota tersebut tidak akan a matter being deliberated upon by the Committee, he will berpartisipasi dalam proses penelaahan dan persetujuan abstain from participating in the review and approval process Komite Remunerasi dalam hal tersebut. of the Remuneration Committee in relation to that matter. Tugas dan tanggung jawab dari Komite Remunerasi Remuneration Committee has the duties of, among other Perseroan adalah: things: • • Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris • to Board of Commissioners mengenai kebijakan dan pedoman dalam menetapkan for endorsement, the remuneration policies and renumerasi Direktur, Komisaris dan eksekutif-eksekutif guidelines for setting remuneration for the Directors, utama Perseroan; Commissioners and key executives; Menyetujui target kinerja untuk menilai kinerja Direktur • Perseroan; dan • Recommending Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris Approving performance targets for assessing the performance of our Directors; and • Recommending specific remuneration packages mengenai paket renumerasi yang diberikan kepada se- for each Director for endorsement by our Board of tiap Direktur. Commissioners. Komite ini baru dibentuk pada akhir tahun 2006 dan telah This committee was established by the end of 2006 and mengadakan pertemuan yang pertama pada tahun 2007. conducted its first meeting in 2007. Level dan Komposisi Renumerasi Level and Mix of Remuneration Prinsip 8: Tingkat remunerasi harus menarik, untuk Principle 8: The level of remuneration should be appropriate mempertahankan dan memotivasi direksi agar menjalankan to attract, retain and motivate the directors needed to run the Perseroan dengan sukses, tetapi perusahaan harus company successfully but companies should avoid paying menghindari untuk membayar lebih untuk tujuan ini. more for this purpose. A proportion of the remuneration, Renumerasi yang proporsional, terutama bagi direksi especially that of executive directors, should be linked to eksekutif, harus dikaitkan dengan kinerjanya. performance. 67 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Pembahasan Remunerasi Disclosure on Remuneration Prinsip 9: Setiap perusahaan harus menyediakan kebijakan Principle 9: Each company should provide clear disclosure remunerasi yang jelas, tingkat dan komposisi remunerasi, of its remuneration policy, level and mix of remuneration, and dan prosedur untuk menerapkan remunerasi, dalam laporan the procedure for setting remuneration, in the company’s tahunan perusahaan. annual report. Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan On the Annual General Meeting of the Company which Perseroan yang diadakan pada tanggal 24 Mei 2007 was held on 24 May 2007, it was resolved that the annual ditetapkan bahwa besarnya gaji dan /atau tunjangan compensation for all members of Board of Commissioners lainnya bagi seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan after income tax is not more than Rp 7,000,000,000,- setelah dipotong Pajak Penghasilan tidak melebihi jumlah (seven billion Rupiah).The compensation in bands of S$ Rp 7.000.000,000.- (tujuh miliar Rupiah) setahun. Gaji 250,000 (except for the President Commissioner which is dan/atau tunjangan yang diberikan pada masing-masing in band of S$250,000 - S$500,000) paid by the Company anggota Dewan Komisaris besarnya kurang dari S$250.000 to each of the Commissioners for services rendered by (kecuali untuk Presiden Komisaris yang berada pada kisaran them in all capacities to the Company for the years ended S$250.000 - S$500.000) yang merupakan balas jasa atas 31 December 2007, including any benefit-in-kind and any pengabdian yang diberikan kepada Perseroan selama tahun deferred compensation accrued for the financial year in 2007, termasuk di dalamnya segala benefit atau kompensasi question and payable at a later date, are as follows: pada tahun tersebut yang diakumulasikan untuk dibayarkan pada waktu yang telah ditentukan, adalah sebagai berikut: Dibawah/Below Antara/Between Diatas/Above SGD250,000 SGD250,000 - SGD500,000 SGD500,000 Hadi Surya - - Nama/Name Harijadi Soedarjo - - Jaka Prasetya - - Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan - - Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan On the Annual General Meeting of the Company which Perseroan yang diadakan pada tanggal 24 Mei 2007 was held on 24 May 2007, it was resolved that the annual ditetapkan bahwa besarnya gaji dan /atau tunjangan lainnya compensation for all members of Board of Directors after bagi seluruh anggota Direksi Perseroan setelah dipotong income tax is not more than Rp 15,000,000,000,- (fifteen Pajak Penghasilan tidak melebihi Rp 15.000.000,000.- (lima billion Rupiah).The compensation in bands of S$ 250,000 belas miliar Rupiah) setahun. Gaji dan/atau tunjangan yang -S$500,000 paid by our Company to each of our Directors diberikan pada masing-masing anggota Direksi besarnya for services rendered by them in all capacities to our antara S$250.000 - S$500.000 yang merupakan balas Company for the years ended 31 December 2007, including jasa atas pengabdian yang diberikan kepada Perseroan any benefit-in-kind and any deferred compensation accrued selama tahun 2007, termasuk didalamnya segala benefit for the financial year in question and payable at a later date, atau kompensasi pada tahun tersebut yang diakumulasikan are as follows: untuk dibayarkan pada waktu yang telah ditentukan, adalah sebagai berikut: 68 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Dibawah/Below Antara/Between Diatas/Above SGD250,000 SGD250,000 - SGD500,000 SGD500,000 Widihardja Tanudjaja - - Kevin Wong - - Siana Anggraeni Surya - - Henrianto Kuswendi - - Michael Murni Gunawan - - Nama/Name Akuntabilitas dan Audit Accountability and Audit Akuntabilitas Accountability Prinsip 10: Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dapat diaudit oleh Principle 10: The Board is accountable to the shareholders pemegang saham sedangkan pihak manajemen dapat while the Management is accountable to the Board. diaudit oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. The Board strives to provide its shareholders with a balanced Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi berupaya memberikan penilaian and understandable assessment of the Company’s yang berimbang dan dapat dipahami pemegang saham, performance, position and prospects on a quarterly basis. mengenai kinerja Perseroan, serta posisi dan peluang pada This responsibility extends to interim and other price sensitive tiap kuartal. Tanggung jawab ini dapat diperluas ke laporan public reports, and reports to regulators (if required). interim dan laporan sensitif lainnya, dan laporan kepada The Management provides to all members of the Boards regulator (jika diperlukan). with a balanced and understandable management accounts Pihak Manajemen menyediakan menyiapkan laporan yang of the company’s performance, position and prospects on berimbang dan mudah dipahami soal posisi dan peluang a monthly basis. perusahaan setiap bulan, untuk kepentingan anggota Dewan. Akuntabilitas bagi Pemegang Saham Accountability to Shareholders The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors acknowledge the importance of ensuring high quality, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi memahami pentingnya relevant information are made available to shareholders menjamin kualitas tinggi. Untuk itu informasi yang relevan in a timely manner to keep them abreast of all material perlu disediakan bagi pemegang saham secara tepat business matters affecting the Company. Towards ensuring waktu agar mereka bisa mengikuti semua informasi the effective dissemination of information, the Company bisnis yang mempengaruhi Perseroan. Dalam menjamin maintains a Shareholders Communication and Investor diseminasi informasi yang efektif, Perseroan membentuk Relation Policy. The Policy outines how the Company divisi Komunikasi antara Pemegang Saham dan Hubungan identifies and distributes information in a timely manner to all Investor. Kebijakan tersebut menggarisbawahi bagaimana shareholders. It also reinforces the Company’s commitment Perseroan mengidentifikasi dan membagikan informasi to the continuous disclosure obligations imposed by law, tepat waktu kepada semua pemegang saham. Hal tersebut and describes the procedures implemented to ensure juga memperkuat komitmen Perseroan terhadap kewajiban- compliance. kewajiban untuk mengungkapkan kewajiban-kewajiban secara sah dan terus-menerus, dan menggambarkan prosedur-prosedur yang diimplementasikan untuk menjamin kepatuhan. 69 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Pengumuman Peraturan, Laporan Tahunan, Hasil Finansial Regulatory Announcements, Annual Reports, Quarterly per Kuartal dan informasi terkait lainnya dapat diakses melalui Financial Results and other relevant information are situs web Perseroan di www.blt.co.id. Siapa pun yang berniat accessible via the Company’s website at www.blt.co.id. menerima atau membuat permohonan dokumen dapat Any persons wishing to receive or make any request for disampaikan melalui situs Perseroan. Sebagai tambahan, documents are able to do so via submission to the Group’s pemegang saham didorong untuk menghadiri Rapat Umum website. Additionally, shareholders are encouraged to attend Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Tahunan yang dihadiri oleh para the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is attended by Komisaris, Direksi dan auditor eksternal, di mana pemegang the Commissioners, Directors and external auditors, where saham dapat mengajukan pertanyaan, menyampaikan shareholders may raise questions, voice their concerns and kekhawatiran dan mengusulkan langkah bisnis tertentu. vote on proposed resolutions. Laporan Finansial Financial Reporting Direksi menyediakan The Board of Directors is committed to providing a balanced pandangan benar dan berimbang mengenai kinerja dan mempunyai komitmen untuk and true view of its financial performance and prospects in peluang finansial Perseroan dalam semua laporannya kepada all its reports to stakeholders and regulatory authorities. pemegang saham dan wewenang pembuatan peraturan. This is channeled through the audited financial statements, Hal tersebut disalurkan melalui laporan finansial yang telah quarterly announcements of the Company’s unaudited diperiksa, pengumuman-pengumuman kuartal tentang hasil financial results as well as the Remarks from Board of finansial Perseroan yang belum diaudit, begitu pula dengan Commissioners, Remarks from Board of Directors and Sambutan Dewan Komisaris, Sambutan Direksi, serta Management Discussion and Analysis in the Annual Report. Diskusi dan Analisis Manajemen dalam Laporan Tahunan. The Company strives to make timely releases of all result Perseroan berjuang agar semua pengumuman kinerja dan announcements and press releases to the media. pernyataan pers dapat disampaikan tepat waktu kepada media. In discharging its fiduciary responsibility, the Boards are assisted by the Audit Committee to oversee the financial Dalam kaitan dengan tanggung jawab fidusianya, Dewan reporting processes and the quality of the Company’s dibantu oleh Komite Audit untuk mengawasi proses financial statements. pelaporan finansial dan kualitas pernyataan finansial Perseroan. Pernyataan The Statement of Responsibility by Directors in respect of the preparation of the annual audited financial statements for Tanggung Jawab Direksi dalam hal penyelenggaraan pemeriksaan laporan keuangan tahunan the financial year under review is set out on the independent auditor’s report. yang telah diaudit untuk evaluasi tahun buku ini dapat dilihat pada laporan auditor independen. Audit Committee Principle 11: The Board should establish an Audit Committee Komite Audit (“AC”) with written terms of reference which clearly set out Prinsip 11: Dewan harus membentuk suatu Komite Audit (“AC”) dengan ketentuan referensi yang menggariskan dengan jelas wewenang dan kewajibannya. 70 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk its authority and duties. GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Anggota Komite Audit terdiri atas Alan Jonathan Tangkas The Audit Committee members are Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan, Max Sumakno Budiarto, dan Jaka Prasetya. Darmawan, Max Sumakno Budiarto and Jaka Prasetya. The Ketua Komite Audit adalah Alan Jonathan Tangkas Chairman of our Audit Committee is Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan yang diangkat sebagai Ketua sejak tanggal 19 Darmawan which was appointed since 19 December Desember 2006. Segara Utama berhenti dari keanggotaan 2006. Segara Utama resigned from the member of Audit Komite Audit pada tanggal 31 Mei 2007. Komite Audit Committee on 31 May 2007. Our Audit Committee is Perseroan dibentuk Dewan Komisaris untuk mengawasi formed by the Board of Commissioners to assist the Board Direksi dan bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap Dewan of Commissioners in supervising the Board of Directors and Komisaris. is accountable to the Board of Commissioners. Sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia, Perseroan telah mengangkat seorang anggota Komite Audit, yaitu Max Sumakno Budiarto, yang bukan merupakan anggota dari Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi, sehingga diperoleh perpaduan keahlian dan pengalaman di antara anggota Komite Audit untuk mencapai seluruh tujuan dari Komite Audit. Latar belakang masing-masing anggota Komite Audit sebagai berikut: In accordance with Indonesian law and regulations, the Company has appointed one member of our Audit Committee Mr. Max Sumakno Budiarto, who is independent of our Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, in order to have a mix of relevant skills, experience and other qualities among the members of the Audit Committee to achieve all of the Audit Committee’s objectives. Brief details of their background are set out below: Max Sumakno Budiarto Umur 63 tahun, lulus dari jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia tahun 1961-1967. Max Sumakno Budiarto ditunjuk sebagai Anggota Komite Audit Perseroan sejak tanggal 6 Mei 2004. Berbagai jabatan penting yang diemban di antaranya adalah Komisaris Independen PT Surya Citra Televisi (2005 – sekarang), Anggota Komite Audit PT Surya Citra Media Tbk (2004 – sekarang), Advisor PT Styrindo Mono Indonesia (2002), Vice President Director di PT Styrindo Mono Indenesia (1993 – 2002), Komisaris PT Redeco Petrolin Utama (1999 – 2002), Direktur di Chemical Holding PT Bima Kimia Citra (1996 – 1999), Direktur PT Sytrindo Mono Indonesia ( 1990 – 1993), Direktur PT Redeco Petrolin Utama ( 1986 – 1990), Direktur PT Polychem Lindo Inc (1982 – 1990), Direktur PT Ananda Lindo Inc (1978 – 1982). Resume Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan dan Jaka Prasetya, dapat ditemukan di bagian Profil Dewan Komisaris. Tugas dan tanggung jawab dari Komite Audit adalah sebagai berikut: • Meneliti rencana audit auditor eksternal dan internal Perseroan, termasuk hasil auditor Perseroan dalam menelaah dan mengevaluasi sistem akuntansi internal, Max Sumakno Budiarto Aged 63, he graduated with a bachelor degree in Accounting, Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia (1961-1967). He was appointed as a member of Audit Committee on 6 May 2004. He has held several important positions including: Independent Commissioner of PT. Surya Citra Televisi since 2005, member of Audit Committee PT Surya Citra Televisi since 2004, an advisor of PT. Styrindo Mono Indonesia (2002), Vice President Director at PT Styrindo Mono Indenesia (1993 – 2002), Commissioner of PT Redeco Petrolin Utama (1999 – 2002), Director of Chemical Holding PT Bima Kimia Citra (1996 – 1999), Director of PT Sytrindo Mono Indonesia ( 1990 – 1993), Director of PT Redeco Petrolin Utama ( 1986 – 1990), Director of PT Polychem Lindo Inc (1982 – 1990), and PT Ananda Lindo Inc (1978 – 1982). For the CVs of Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan and Jaka Prasetya, please refer to the Board of Commissioners’ CV. The tasks and responsibilities of the Audit Committee are as follows: • Examining the audit plan of the Company’s external and internal auditor in evaluating the internal accounting system, operational supervision, compliance and risk 71 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik pengawasan operasional, kepatuhan dan manajemen management, and ensuring coordination among the risiko, serta memastikan koordinasi antara auditor internal auditor, external auditor and the Company’s internal, auditor eksternal, dan manajemen Perseroan, management at least once a year; sekurang-kurangnya setahun sekali; • Melakukan penelaahan atas • laporan auditor’s report on the financial statement, discussing konsolidasi dan laporan auditor atas laporan keuangan every important adjustment and high-risk areas, tersebut, membahas setiap penyesuaian penting changes in accounting policies, compliance of the dan bidang-bidang yang berisiko tinggi, perubahan reporting to the applicable rules, issues found from kebijakan akuntansi, kepatuhan tehadap standar- audit process, including matters which the external standar pelaporan keuangan berdasarkan ketentuan auditor wish to discuss without the presence of yang berlaku, masalah-masalah yang timbul dari hasil management (if necessary), prior to submission to audit, termasuk hal-hal yang ingin dibahas oleh auditor Board of Commissioners for approval; eksternal tetapi tidak di hadapan manajemen (jika diperlukan), sebelum diajukan kepada Dewan Komisaris • of law or regulation which might have material effect to Melakukan penelaahan dan pembahasan dengan the result of the Company’s operation and/or financial auditor eksternal tentang dugaan penipuan, hal-hal position and management’s responds on the above yang janggal atau pelanggaran peraturan perundang- issues; undangan yang berakibat atau kemungkinan dapat berdampak material terhadap hasil operasional • tanggapan dari manajemen atas hal-hal tersebut di • Meneliti kerjasama yang diberikan manajemen kepada • objectivity of external auditor annually; Menelaah transaksi-transaksi yang diadakan Perseroan yang menyangkut instrumen derivative keuangan; • • penelaahan atas transaksi-transaksi Conducting other researches and other tasks assigned by Board of Commissioners from time to time on issues yang berlaku; which require Commissioners’ attention; Meneliti dan menyetujui biaya auditor Perseroan; • Melakukan penelitian-penelitian lain dan tugas-tugas yang diminta oleh Dewan Komisaris dan melaporkan hasil temuan kepada Dewan Komisaris dari waktu ke waktu atas hal-hal yang timbul dan membutuhkan perhatian Komisaris; Melaporkan risiko-risiko yang dihadapi Perseroan dan implementasi risiko manajemen oleh Perseroan kepada Dewan Komisaris; 72 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC • benturan kepentingan berdasarkan peraturan-peraturan • • Examining and approving the fees of the Auditors of the Company; dan objektifitas auditor eksternal setiap tahun; Melakukan Examining conflict of interests transactions based on applicable rules and regulations; Mempertimbangkan pengangkatan dan pengangkatan kembali auditor eksternal dan meneliti ketidakberpihakan • Considering the appointment and re-appointment of external auditor and examining the independence and auditor Perseroan; • Examining the transactions undertaken by the Company which involve financial derivative instruments; atas; • Examining the cooperation given by the management to the Company’s auditor; Perseroan dan atau posisi keuangan Perseroan dan • Examining and discussing with external auditors regarding suspicion of fraud, unusual matters or breach untuk disetujui; • Examining the consolidated financial statement and keuangan PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk • Reporting the risks which the Company faces and the implementation of risk management by the Company to Board of Commissioners; GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik • Melakukan penelaahan dan melaporkan keluhankeluhan mengenai Perseroan kepada Dewan kepatuhan Perseroan terhadap semua Komisaris; • Meneliti • Company to Board of Commissioners; • tempat Perseroan beroperasi; dan • Examining the compliance of the Company to all applicable rules and regulation in capital market and the law where the Company is operating; and peraturan dan perundang-undangan di bawah hukum pasar modal dan peraturan perundang-undangan Examining and reporting complaints regarding the • In general conducting the functions and other tasks which are required by applicable law from time to time. Secara umum melakukan fungsi-fungsi dan tugastugas lain yang diisyaratkan oleh hukum yang berlaku, sebagaimana diubah dari waktu ke waktu. Other than the above mentioned tasks, the Audit Committee shall provide a mechanism so that the Company’s employees can confidentially communicate the possible breach with Selain dari tugas-tugas yang disebutkan di atas, Komite regard to financial reports or other matters. The Audit Audit akan mengadakan suatu mekanisme agar pegawai Committee shall examine the findings of internal investigation Perseroan dapat menyampaikan (secara confidential) hal-hal regarding the issues and whereby fraud or unusual matter mengenai kemungkinan pelanggaran sehubungan dengan is suspected or the failure in internal supervision, or breach laporan keuangan atau hal lainnya. Komite Audit akan of applicable law, rules and regulations which have or may meneliti penemuan-penemuan investigasi internal mengenai have material impact to the Company’s operational result masalah-masalah tersebut atau masalah-masalah di mana or financial position. The Audit Committee also ensures diduga terjadi penipuan atau kejanggalan atau kegagalan necessary mitigation measures are taken. Any member of pengawasan internal atau pelanggaran hukum dan peraturan the Audit Committee cannot vote on decision whereby the perundang-undangan yang berlaku yang memiliki atau member has conflict of interests. dapat memiliki dampak material terhadap hasil operasional atau posisi keuangan Perseroan. Komite Audit juga akan memastikan tindakan-tindakan yang diperlukan dilakukan. During the year 2007, the Audit Committee has conducted Setiap anggota Komite Audit tidak dapat memberikan suara meetings with the Company’s management once in 3 sehubungan dengan keputusan-keputusan ketika anggota months. The meetings with external auditor conducted tersebut memiliki kepentingan. twice a year. Selama tahun 2007, Komite Audit mengadakan pertemuan In the year 2007, the Audit Committee conducted activities dengan Managemen Perseroan, dengan frekuensi rata-rata as follows: sekali dalam tiga bulan yang dihadiri oleh anggota Komite • Requesting explanation to the management regarding Audit. Sedangkan pertemuan Komite Audit dengan Eksternal the compliance to applicable rules and regulation both Auditor Perseroan dilakukan dua kali dalam setahun. in Indonesia and Singapore in relation to the Company plan to dual-listing shares; Kegiatan-kegiatan Komite Audit selama tahun 2007 sebagai berikut: • • Following the progress of the Company’s new building vessels; Meminta penjelasan kepada Manajemen tentang kepatuhan terhadap peraturan terkait, yang berlaku di Indonesia dan di Singapura, sehubungan dengan rencana dual-listing Perseroan; • Mengikuti perkembangan pembangunan kapal-kapal baru Perseroan; 73 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik • Mendiskusikan dan memantau transaksi hubungan istimewa; • Routinely discussing with the Company’s management regarding the latest development of the Company and regulations related the Company’s business; • Reviewing the scope and working plan of the Company’s Meninjau ruang lingkup rencana kerja Internal Audit Internal Audit, providing advices and monitor the results Perseroan, memberi masukan dan memonitor hasil of Internal Audit; • Conducting meeting with external auditors and the Mengadakan pertemuan dengan Auditor Eksternal dan Company’s management in discussing scope of audit, Manajemen Perseroan dalam membahas lingkup Audit, result of audit and Management Letter; hasil Audit, dan surat kepada Manajemen; • • mengenai perkembangan terakhir Perseroan dan kerja Internal Audit; • Discussing and monitoring related-party transactions; Berdiskusi secara rutin dengan Manajemen Perseroan regulasi-regulasi terkait bisnis Perseroan; • • • Mendiskusikan mengenai peran dan fungsi Komite Discussing the role and function of Audit Committee and the plan to update the Audit Committee Charter. Audit serta rencana meng-update pedoman kerja Komite Audit. Komite Audit dan Perusahaan telah mengevaluasi dan mengkonfirmasi jika para pemeriksa eksternal, Osman, Bing, Satrio & Rekan, tidak menyediakan jasa-jasa nonaudit kepada Perusahaan dan oleh karena itu tidak ada The Audit Committee and the Company has reviewed and confirmed if the external auditors, Osman, Bing, Satrio & Rekan, did not provide non-audit services to the Company and therefore no such fee being paid for these services. biaya untuk jasa-jasa tersebut. Internal Controls Principle 12: The Board should ensure that the Management Pengendalian Internal Prinsip 12: Dewan harus menjamin agar pihak Manajemen memelihara suatu sistem pengendalian internal untuk menjaga investasi pemegang saham dan maintains a sound system of internal controls to safeguard the shareholders’ investments and the company’s assets. aset-aset perusahaan. The Company’s management recognized the importance of sistem a good internal control system as an important element in pengendalian internal yang baik merupakan salah satu the framework of Good Corporate Governance, which helps elemen penting dalam kerangka Tata Kelola Perusahaan, the Company to achieve it goals and prevent or detect sekaligus membantu untuk mencapai tujuan Perseroan dan wrongdoings. Manajemen Perseroan menyadari bahwa mencegah atau mendeteksi apabila terjadi penyimpangan. Perseroan telah membentuk serangkaian elemen kontrol The Company has established a series of integrated control terintegrasi, mulai dari pengendalian lingkungan dengan element, starting with environment control by establishing membuat suatu aturan pelaksana yang tepat dan sepakat a strict code of conduct and adopting adherence to its untuk sebagai Corporate Values as guidelines in doing business. Activities panduan dalam menjalankan bisnis. Kegiatan mengontrol controls are created by setting a clear division of tasks, dibentuk dengan cara menetapkan pembagian pekerjaan, authority and responsibility at all level of staff within the wewenang dan tanggung jawab yang jelas di semua tingkat organization structure. Proper channels of risk assessment, staf dalam struktur organisasi. Saluran-saluran yang tepat control information flow and communication are initiated and patuh terhadap nilai-nilai Korporasi mengenai penilaian resiko, pengendalian aliran informasi dan komunikasi diterapkan, dan pengawasan berkelanjutan 74 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik diterapkan melalui pemeriksaan internal dan kegiatan continuous monitoring conducted through internal audit and kolaboratif lainnya dilaksanakan untuk menjaga integritas other collaborative activities are undertaken to safe guard dari sistem pengendalian. the integrity of the control systems. Tujuan dari pengendalian tersebut adalah untuk menetapkan The essence of the controls is that the Company is aiming dan to establish and implement internal control system which menerapkan sistem pengendalian intern yang mencakup: covers: • Pengendalian Keuangan (Financial Controls); • Financial Controls; • Pengendalian Operasional (Operational Controls); dan • Operational Controls; • Pengendalian Ketaatan atas Hukum dan Peraturan • Compliance Controls. yang berlaku (Compliance Controls). Internal Audit Pemeriksaan Internal Principle 13: The Company should establish an internal audit Prinsip 13: Perseroan harus membuat suatu fungsi pemeriksaan internal yang independen dalam kegiatan pemeriksaan. Setiap level function that is independent of the activities it audits. All levels of staff within the Company are required to adhere to a prescribed internal control system. To ensure the dalam struktur organisasi Perseroan bertanggung jawab untuk mengimplementasikan sistem effectiveness of the Company’s internal control system, the Board of Directors is assisted by internal auditor. pengendalian internal yang baik. Untuk memastikan efektivitas pengendalian internal Perseroan, Direksi dibantu oleh auditor internal. The Role of an Internal Auditor Internal auditor conducts tests on the sufficiency and Peran Auditor Internal compliance on policies, procedures, law and regulations, and verify the reliability of information and financial reports. Auditor internal Perseroan melakukan pengujian atas In addition, internal auditor also provide his views on internal kecukupan dan ketaatan kebijakan, prosedur, hukum dan controls and make appropriate recommendations to the peraturan, serta kehandalan informasi dan laporan keuangan. auditees to immediately undertake corrective actions on Di samping itu, auditor internal juga memberikan pandangan the weaknesses identified during the investigative process mengenai pengendalian internal dan rekomendasi kepada and to ensure the completeness of internal control bagian yang bertanggung jawab (auditee) agar segera implementation. melakukan tindakan perbaikan atas kelemahan implementasi pengendalian internal. Communication with Shareholders Komunikasi dengan Pemegang Saham Prinsip 14: Perseroan harus mengembangkan komunikasi secara reguler, efektif dan fair dengan para pemegang saham. Principle 14: Companies should engage in regular, effective and fair communication with shareholders. The Company strives for timeliness and transparency in its disclosures to the shareholders and the public. All information on the Company’s new initiatives will be first Perseroan berusaha memberikan informasi tepat waktu disseminated via IDX website, Bapepam-LK office and dan transparan kepada para pemegang saham dan SGXNET followed by a news release, where appropriate. publik. Semua informasi mengenai inisiatif-inisiatif baru Perseroan akan disebarkan pertama kali melalui situs BEI, kantor Bapepam-LK dan SGXNET diikuti oleh berita- 75 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik berita lainnya, karena dimungkinkan. Perseroan saat ini The Company currently holds media and analyst briefing melakukan pertemuan dengan media dan analis menjelang upon the release of its quarterly financial results. In addition diterbitkannya laporan keuangan per kuartal. Sebagai to the media and analyst briefings, the Company has taken tambahan terhadap pertemuan media dan analis tersebut, part in various road shows. Perseroan telah ikut serta dalam berbagai road show. Price-sensitive information is first publicly released via IDX Informasi sensitif pertama kali dipublikasikan kepada publik website, Bapepam-LK office and SGXNET, either before melalui situs BEI, kantor Bapepam-LK dan SGXNET, sebelum the Company meets with any group of investors or analysts Perseroan bertemu dengan kelompok investor atau analis or simultaneously with such meetings. Results and annual atau keduanya sekaligus secara simultan. Hasil dan laporan reports are announced or issued within the period prescribed tahunan diumumkan atau dikeluarkan dalam jangka waktu by the SGX-ST. yang ditetapkan oleh SGX-ST. At general meetings of the Company, shareholders are given Pada rapat umum pemegang saham Perseroan, pemegang the opportunity to express their views and ask questions saham regarding the Company and the Group. diberikan kesempatan untuk menyampaikan pandangan mereka dan bertanya mengenai Perseroan dan grup. During 2007 the Company has conducted several road show in Indonesia and overseas. Furthermore, in various Selama tahun 2007, Perseroan telah melaksanakan opportunities the Company has also held analyst meetings beberapa kali roadshow baik di dalam negeri maupun ke luar and press conference which were aimed to disclose the negeri. Selain itu dalam beberapa kesempatan, Perseroan latest development of the Company. Aside from that, the juga mengadakan analyst meeting dan konferensi pers Company has conducted public exposes which were held yang bertujuan untuk menginformasikan perkembangan at least once a year. terbaru Perseroan. Disamping itu, Perseroan juga telah melaksanakan paparan publik yang diadakan minimal satu Interested Person Transactions tahun sekali. (“IPTS”) Policy Kebijakan Transaksi Berkepentingan (“IPTS”) Orang Yang Major Shareholders’ Interest Materi Kontrak Terkait Kepentingan Komisaris, Direktur, dan No material contract has been entered into between the Pemegang Saham Mayoritas Company and its subsidiaries which involve the interests of Tidak ada materi kontrak antara Perseroan dan cabangcabangnya yang melibatkan kepentingan masing-masing komisaris, direktur atau pemegang saham pengendali Perseroan, baik yang masih berlaku pada akhir tahun each commissioners, directors or controlling shareholder of the Company, either still subsisting at the end of the financial year or if not then subsisting, entered into since the end of the previous financial year. keuangan saat ini sudah tidak berlaku namun terjadi sejak Other Contracts in Relation to Related Party Transactions akhir tahun fiskal sebelumnya. Other than contracts entered into and disclosed as Related Kontrak-kontrak yang Terkait dengan Transaksi Pihak Party Transactions in Note 38 to the Consolidated Financial Terafiliasi Statements for years ending 31 December 2007, there are Selain kontrak yang dimasukkan dan diumumkan sebagai Transaksi Pihak Terafiliasi dalam Catatan No 38 laporan keuangan konsolidasi untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2007, tidak ada materi kontrak, termasuk kontrak terkait dengan pinjaman (yang tidak menjadi kegiatan bisnis biasa) Perseroan, melibatkan kepentingan-kepentingan 76 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC Material Contracts Involving Commissioners’, Directors’ and PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk no other material contracts, including contracts relating to loans (not being in the ordinary course of business) of the Company, involving Commissioners’, Directors’ and major GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Komisaris, Direktur dan pemegang saham mayoritas baik shareholders’ interests, either still subsisting at the end of yang masih berlaku pada akhir tahun keuangan saat ini atau the financial year or, if not then subsisting, entered into since sudah tidak berlaku namun terjadi sejak akhir tahun fiskal the end of the previous financial year. sebelumnya. Disclosure of Recurrent Related Party Transaction Pengumuman Transaksi Berulang dengan pihak Terkait The amount of the recurrent related party transaction varies Jumlah transaksi berulang dengan pihak terkait yang depends on the depth of the transaction in a particular beragam mengacu pada transaksi tersebut dalam tahun year and it is also stated in the note 38 of the notes to the tertentu dan juga disebutkan dalam catatan No 38 dari Financial Statements of the Company. catatan keuangan Perseroan. Disclosure Of Related Party Transactions of Trading Nature Pengumuman Transaksi Pihak Terkait Bermotif Dagang In relation to Related party Transactions of a revenue of Dalam kaitan dengan Transaksi Pihak Terkait tentang trading nature which are necessary for the Company’s day- pendapatan bersifat dagang, yang diperlukan bagi to-day operations and transacted in the ordinary course Perseroan dalam operasi sehari-harinya dan ditransaksikan of business with related parties, the Company will make dalam pihak-pihak an immediate notification or announcement to Bursa Efek terkait, Perseroan akan segera membuat laporan atau Indonesia and Singapore Exchange where appropriate and pengumuman kepada Bursa Efek Indonesia dan Bursa required. kegiatan bisnis biasa dengan Efek Singapura sejauh dimungkinkan dan dibutuhkan. Transaksi pihak Terafiliasi yang Signifikan akan disampaikan dalam Catatan 38 dalam Laporan Keuangan Significant Related party Transactions are disclosed in note 38 to the Financial Statements The Company has adopted an internal policy in respect of Perseroan telah menyetujui kebijakan internal mengenai any transactions with interested persons and has set out setiap transaksi dengan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan the procedures for review and approval of the Company’s dan telah menetapkan suatu prosedur untuk evaluasi interested person transactions and its associates, which dan persetujuan transaksi pihak yang memiliki hubungan are covered by a Shareholders’ Mandate approved at each istimewa dengan Perseroan dan rekanannya, yang dilindungi general meeting. oleh Mandat Pemegang Saham yang disetujui pada setiap rapat umum. The Audit Committee reviews the Shareholders’ Mandate at regular intervals, and is satisfied that the review procedures Komite Audit mengevaluasi Mandat Pemegang Saham for IPTs and the reviews to be made periodically by the Audit secara teratur, dan puas akan prosedur evaluasi untuk Committee in relation thereto are adequate to ensure that IPT dan evaluasi tersebut akan dibuat secara teratur the IPTs will be transacted on normal terms and will not be oleh Komite Audit untuk menjamin agar IPT dapat prejudicial to the interests of the Company and its minority dilakukan dengan ketentuan-ketentuan biasa dan tidak shareholders. mengesampingkan kepentingan Perseroan dan pemegang saham minoritasnya. Transaksi Efek Dealing In Securities In line with Chapter 12 Rule 18 of the Listing Manual of SGXST on dealings in securities, the Company has adopted an Sejalan dengan Bab 12 Aturan 18 dari Panduan Pendaftaran internal compliance code which mirrors substantially the Bursa Efek Singapura mengenai transaksi efek, Perusahaan provisions of the Best Practices Guide in the Listing Manual telah menerapkan suatu peraturan mengenai kepatuhan to provide guidance to its directors and officers in relation to internal yang merefleksikan secara mendasar ketentuan- dealings in its securities. ketentuan Panduan Praktek-praktek Terbaik (Best Practices) dalam Panduan Pendaftaran guna memberikan panduan kepada para direktur dan pejabat terkait sehubungan dengan transaksi efek. 77 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Peraturan Perseroan melarang Direksi dan karyawan The Company’s Code prohibits securities dealings by melakukan transaksi efek ketika sedang memegang the Directors and employees while in possession of informasi yang dapat mempengaruhi harga. Perseroan price-sensitive information. The Company issues regular menerbitkan edaran kepada Direksi, pejabat tinggi dan circulars to its Directors, principal officers and relevant pejabat terkait lainnya yang memiliki akses ke informasi officers who have access to unpublished material price- penting yang belum diterbitkan, dan untuk mengingatkan sensitive information to remind them of the aforementioned mereka akan kebutuhan untuk melaporkan transaksi efek prohibition and to remind them of the requirement to report yang mereka lakukan. Direksi dan karyawan juga dilarang their dealings in shares of the Company. The Directors and melakukan transaksi efek milik Perseroan pada periode employees are also prohibited from dealing in the securities dua minggu sebelum pengumuman hasil laporan keuangan of the Company during the period commencing two weeks Perseroan untuk setiap kuartal pertama dan ketiga tahun before the announcement of financial results of the Company fiskal atau satu bulan sebelum kuartal kedua tahun fiskal, for each of the first and third quarters of its financial year sebagaimana yang mungkin terjadi, dan berakhir pada saat or one month before the second quarter and the financial pengumuman hasil-hasil yang relevan. year, as the case may be, and ending on the date of the announcement of the relevant results. Informasi Lainnya Konflik Kepentingan Komisaris dan Direksi Other Information Baik Komisaris maupun Direksi tidak mempunyai konflik Commissioners & Directors Conflict of Interest kepentingan atau kepentingan lainnya pada pengelolaan usaha yang melibatkan PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk., dan anak perusahaannya. existing conflicts of interest or any interest in any business arrangement involving PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk., and its Hukuman dan/atau Penalti subsidiaries. Untuk tahun keuangan dalam pembahasan, tidak ada Sanctions and/or Penalties hukuman dan/atau penalti yang dibebankan pada Perseroan, Komisaris, Direksi, maupun Manajemen Perseroan. For the financial year under review, there were no sanctions and/or penalties imposed on the Company, its Variasi dari Hasil Commissioners, its Directors or Management. Tidak ada variasi yang signifikan antara laporan keuangan Variation in Results yang diaudit pada tahun keuangan berjalan dengan laporan keuangan yang tidak diaudit yang pernah diumumkan sebelumnya, apabila ada. Beban Non Audit selama tahun keuangan dalam pembahasan yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007. Pembelian-Kembali Saham Berikut ini adalah Pembelian Kembali Saham (share buy back) yang dilakukan selama tahun berjalan yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007. Harga Beli Saham adalah harga rata-rata untuk semua saham yang dibeli pada bulan yang bersangkutan dan Total Harga Beli adalah harga beli yang termasuk biaya insidentil. Semua saham telah 78 Annual Report 2007 There were no significant vatiations between the audited results for the financial year and the unaudited results previously announced, if any. Non Audit Fees Tidak ada pembayaran Beban Non Audit kepada auditor Global Reports LLC The Commissioners and Directors do not have any PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk There is no Non Audit Fees paid to auditor during the financial year under review ended 31 December 2007 . Share Buy-Backs The following is the Share Buy Back actioned during the year under review ended 31 December 2007. The Purchase Price of Shares is the average price for all shares purchased in the month and the Total Purchase Price includes incidental GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Jumlah Saham Dibeli Kembali Harga Tertinggi Harga Terendah Harga Rata-Rata Pembelian Saham Total Harga Pembelian No. of Shares Bought Back Highest Price (Rp) Lowest Price (Rp) Average Purchase Price of Shares (Rp) Total Purchase Price (Rp) January - - - - - February 39,750,000 1,870 1,760 1,802 71,610,000,000 March 60,800,000 1,940 1,690 1,875 114,025,380,000 April 72,500,000 2,050 1,890 1,989 144,198,490,000 May 116,050,000 2,025 1,910 1,943 225,484,750,000 June - - - - - July - - - - - FY 2007 August - - - - - September - - - - - October - - - - - November - - - December - - - - - TOTAL 289,100,000 2,050 1,690 1,921 553,318,620,000 * Belum termasuk komisi broker * Not include broker commission dipertahankan sebagai saham diperoleh kembali dan tidak costs. All shares have been maintained as treasury shares ada penjualan kembali saham Perseroan dan tidak ada pula and there have been no resale of the Company’s treasury saham yang dibatalkan selama tahun berjalan. shares nor have there been any shares cancalled during the Program Kepemilikan Saham Untuk Karyawan Saat ini, Perseeroan belum memiliki program kepemilikan saham untuk karyawan. Pedoman Tata Kelola Perseroan Saat ini Perseroan sedang dalam proses merumuskan year under review. Employee Stock Option Scheme Currently the Company does not have any employee share option scheme or plan in place. Code of Corporate Governance kebijakan-kebijakan untuk menerapkan Pedoman Tata The Company is in the process of setting up the policies Kelola Perseroan (the Code of Good Corporate Governance) to adopt the Code of Corporate Governance issued by the yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Tata Kelola Perusahaan Committee on Corporate Governance of Singapore and Singapura dan Indonesia (The Committee on Corporate Indonesia (the “Code”) and intends to fully adopt and comply Governance of Singapore and Indonesia) dan bermaksud with the Code to the extend that it does not contravene with untuk menerapkan dan melaksanakannya sejauh tidak Indonesian laws and regulations. berbenturan dengan hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku di Properties for Development, Sale and Investment Purposes Indonesia The aggregate value of all properties held by the Company Properti Untuk Tujuan Pengembangan, Penjualan dan for development, sale or investment purposes does not Investasi represent more than 15% of the value of the consolidated Jumlah nilai dari semua tanah dan bangunan yang dimiliki net tangible assets, or contribute more than 15% of the oleh Perseroan untuk dibangun, dijual dan diinvestasikan consolidated pre-tax operating profit of the Company. tidak melebihi 15% dari nilai bersih aktiva berwujud secara konsolidasi atau tidak memberikan kontribusi melebihi 15% dari laba operasi sebelum pajak secara konsolidasi. 79 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN DIVIDEND POLICY Sebagaimana telah disetujui pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan pada tanggal 24 Mei 2007, Perusahaan telah membayar dividen sebesar Rp 40 per saham dari kinerja tahun 2006. As approved during The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 24 May 2007, the Company paid dividend of Rp 40 per share out of year 2006’s performance. Dividen Tunai/ Cash Dividend TAHUN FISKAL/ Dewan Direktur mengikuti prinsip-prinsip umum tertentu Rp per Saham/ Rp per Jumlah Dividen/ Total FISCAL YEAR Share Dividend (Rp) Rasio Pembayaran/ Pay Out Ratio 1990 (Interim) 50.0 595,000,000 5,252,487,257 11.33% 1990 (Final) 70.0 980,000,000 5,252,487,357 18.66% 1991 120.0 2,520,000,000 8,165,320,975 30.86% 1992 50.0 2,940,000,000 9,435,826,023 31.16% 1993 50.0 2,940,000,000 12,004,519,839 24.49% 1994 100.0 5,880,000,000 10,186,663,218 57.72% 1995 100.0 5,880,000,000 9,645,533,121 60.96% 1996 30.0 4,586,400,000 13,232,719,380 34.66% 1997 15.0 6,879,600,000 20,673,859,675 33.28% 1998 - - 74,539,573,249 0.00% 1999 10.0 4,586,463,800 132,641,573,249 3.46% 2000 15.0 7,689,067,950 25,451,979,791 30.21% 2001 12.5 23,151,630,850 112,831,220,587 20.52% 2002 12.5 22,288,155,850 106,505,436,280 20.93% 2003 15.0 27,994,748,820 149,149,512,900 18.77% 2004 15.0 62,333,360,640 243,204,229,960 25.63% 2005 20.0 75,420,628,720 645,185,592,405 11.69% 2006 40.0 166,302,897,440 1,205,279,899,017 13.80% Dewan Direktur mengikuti prinsip-prinsip umum tertentu Direksi mengkuti prinsip-prinsip umum tertentu dalam memformulasikan rekomendasi-rekomendasinya yang terkait dengan pembayaran dividen-dividen, dan dengan rekomendasi-rekomendasi tersebut yang harus disetujui terlebih dahulu oleh para pemegang saham Perseroan, atau ketika mengumumkan suatu dividen interim. Nilai aktual dividen yang dapat diajukan oleh atau diumumkan pada 80 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC Laba Bersih/ Net Profit (Rp) PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk The Board of Directors adheres to certain general principles when formulating its recommendations regarding the payment of dividends, with these recommendations subject to approval by the Company’s shareholders, or when declaring interim dividends. The actual value of the dividends that the Board of Directors may recommend or declare in respect of any particular financial year or period GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik suatu tahun atau periode finansial tertentu harus didasarkan atas faktor-faktor di bawah berikut, begitu pula dengan faktor-faktor lainnya yang dianggap relevan oleh Direksi. Kebijakan dividen saat ini adalah sebagai berikut: • Dalam menentukan rasio pembayaran dividen Perseroan pada tahun finansial manapun, Perseroan akan mempertimbangkan tujuannya untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan tingkat dividen dan memaksimalkan nilai pemegang saham untuk jangka waktu panjang; dan • Pada saat dividen dibayarkan pada tahun finansial tertentu, dividen tersebut pada umumnya diumumkan pada kuartal kedua dan dibayarkan pada kuartal ketiga tahun finansial berikutnya. Dalam memformulasikan rekomendasi-rekomendasinya mengenai nilai pembayaran dividen, Direksi akan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor berikut: • Nilai total uang kas Perseroan, perlengkapan, tingkat pengembalian ekuitas dan laba ditahan Perseroan; • Kinerja finansial yang diharapkan Perseroan; • Tingkat proyeksi pengeluaran modal Perseroan dan rencana-rencana investasi lainnya; • Tingkat dividen, jika ada, yang diterima Perseroan dari cabang-cabangnya; • Hasil dividen perseroan setara dengan perusahaanperusahaan pengangkutan global yang sejenis; dan • Pembatasan-pembatasan pembayaran dividen yang dapat diberlakukan pada pengaturan-pengaturan pendanaan Perseroan. Perseroan dapat juga mengumumkan dividen untuk disetujui dengan resolusi biasa para pemegang saham pada saat Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan. Bagaimana pun juga, tidak diperbolehkan membayar dividen melebihi jumlah yang disarankan oleh Direksi. Direksi dapat juga mengumumkan suatu dividen interim atas persetujuan Dewan Komisaris, bilamana suatu dividen interim, merupakan pengimbangan terhadap dividen yang didistribusikan atas dasar resolusi Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan berikutnya. Perseroan akan membayar dividen berdasarkan nilai keuntungan Perseroan dengan pengurangan untuk dana cadangan yang diperlukan. Jika dividen telah diumumkan, maka akan diumumkan dalam Rupiah. will be subject to the factors outlined below, as well as such other factors deemed relevant by the Board of Directors. The current dividend policy is as follows: • In determining the Company’s dividend payout ratio in respect of any particular financial year, the Company will take into account its goal of maintaining and increasing dividend levels and of maximizing shareholder value over the longer term; and • When dividends are paid in any particular financial year, these dividends are generally declared in the second quarter and paid in the third quarter of the following financial year. In formulating its recommendations regarding the value of dividend payments, the Board of Directors will take into account the following factors: • The total value of the Company’s cash, gearing, return on equity and retained earnings; • The Company’s expected financial performance; • The Company’s projected levels of capital expenditure and other investment plans; • The level of dividends, if any, that the Company receives from its subsidiaries; • The dividend yield of similar companies and comparable shipping companies globally; and • Restrictions on payment of dividends that may be imposed on the Company by financing arrangements. The Company may declare dividends to be approved by ordinary resolution of shareholders at the Annual General Shareholders Meeting. However, it is not permitted to pay dividends in excess of the amount recommended by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may also declare an interim dividend with the approval of the Board of Commissioners, provided that such interim dividends are offset against the dividends that are distributed on the basis of resolutions made at the next Annual General Shareholders Meeting. The Company will pay dividends on the basis of the value of the Company’s profits with subtraction is for required reserve funds. When dividends are declared, they will be declared in Rupiah. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, amend or repeal the current dividend policy. The Board of Directors may decrease the level of dividends provided for in this dividend policy or entirely discontinue the payment of dividends. Direksi dapat dengan diskresinya, mengamandemen atau mencabut kebijakan dividen yang ada. Direksi juga dapat mengurangi tingkat dividen yang disediakan dalam suatu kebijakan dividen atau menghentikan sepenuhnya pembayaran dividen. 81 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik PENERBITAN OBLIGASI KORPORASI CORPORATE BOND ISSUANCE Perseroan tidak hanya mengandalkan ekuitas sebagai In addition to equities, the Company uses a number of other instrumen pendanaan. Alternatif pendanaan lain untuk financing instruments in order to diversify sources of financing pengembangan usaha dan armada kapal juga diupayakan and to reduce risk. Funds raised from these instruments are sebagai pendanaan. used to develop the Company’s business and to expand its Keberhasilan dalam memberikan nilai tambah bagi para fleet of ships. The Company’s success in providing added pemegang saham, telah meyakinkan manajemen Perseroan value to shareholders justifies the confidence of management untuk menerbitkan instrumen obligasi korporasi. Dana hasil in their issuance of corporate bonds as a source of funds for penerbitan surat utang itu digunakan untuk pengembangan the development of the Company’s fleet. diversifikasi jenis dan risiko armada kapal. In July 2000, the Company issued the Berlian Laju Tanker Pada bulan Juli tahun 2000, Perseroan menerbitkan Obligasi Bonds 2000, which fell due within five years of the date Berlian Laju Tanker I tahun 2000, berjangka waktu lima of issuance and had both fixed and floating interest rates, tahun dengan tingkat bunga tetap dan atau mengambang with a total nominal value of Rp 200 billion. The bond was dengan nilai nominal keseluruhannya berjumlah Rp 200 rated id A- (stable outlook) by PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia miliar. Pada saat diterbitkan, obligasi ini memperoleh (Pefindo). This bond consisted of two series, the A series, A- (stable outlook) dari PT Pemeringkat Efek consisting of bonds with fixed interest rates of 17 per cent Indonesia (Pefindo). Obligasi ini terdiri atas dua seri yaitu per annum; and the B series, consisting of bonds with fixed seri A yang memiliki tingkat bunga tetap sebesar 17% per interest rates of 17 per cent in the first year, and floating tahun dan Seri B yang memiliki tingkat bunga tetap sebesar interest rates from the second until the fifth year, based on 17% pada tahun pertama dan tingkat bunga mengambang interest rates for six months term deposits with an additional untuk tahun kedua sampai dengan tahun kelima, dengan margin of three per cent. The bond fell due and was paid in patokan bunga deposito berjangka enam bulan ditambah full in 2005. peringkat id margin sebesar 3%. Obligasi ini telah dibayar lunas pada Improvements in the corporate bond market created tahun 2005. opportunities for the Company to issue Berlian Laju Tanker Perkembangan pasar obligasi korporasi yang semakin Bonds II 2003, which will also fall due after a five-year period membaik telah memberikan kesempatan bagi Perseroan on 28 May 2008. The bond was rated id A- (positive outlook) untuk menerbitkan Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker II tahun by PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) and has a 2003 yang juga berjangka waktu lima tahun atau akan jatuh total nominal value of Rp 340 billion. This bond consists of tempo pada tanggal 28 Mei 2008. Pada saat diterbitkan, two series, the A Series, which has a fixed interest rate of A- (positive outlook) 14.75 per cent per year; and the B Series, which has a fixed dari PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo), dengan nilai interest rate of 14.75 per cent in the first year, and a floating nominal keseluruhan sebesar Rp 340 miliar. Obligasi ini interest rate from the second until the fifth year, based on the diterbitkan dalam dua seri, yaitu seri A yang memiliki tingkat interest rate for three month SBI with an additional margin of bunga tetap sebesar 14,75% per tahun dan Seri B yang 2.5 per cent and with a maximum interest rate of 16.75 per memiliki tingkat bunga tetap sebesar 14,75% pada tahun cent. This bond is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange pertama dan mengambang untuk tahun kedua sampai with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. as the Trustee. obligasi ini memperoleh peringkat id dengan tahun kelima, dengan patokan bunga tiga bulan SBI ditambah margin sebesar 2,5% dengan batas bunga maksimum sebesar 16,75%. Obligasi ini tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa Efek Surabaya) dengan PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. sebagai wali amanat. 82 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Selain itu pada saat yang bersamaan, Perseroan juga telah memperoleh kepercayaan dari Dewan Syariah Nasional – Majelis Ulama Indonesia, untuk ikut serta mendorong bangkitnya Pasar Modal Syariah dengan menerbitkan Obligasi Syariah Mudharabah Berlian laju Tanker Tahun 2003 dengan jangka waktu lima tahun atau sampai dengan tanggal 28 Mei 2008. Nilai Nominal keseluruhan Obligasi Syariah ini sebesar Rp. 60 miliar. Pada saat diterbitkan obligasi ini memperoleh peringkat id A-(sy) (positive outlook) dari PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia(Pefindo). Obligasi syariah ditawarkan dengan ketentuan yang mewajibkan Perseroan untuk membayar kepada pemegang obligasi syariah sejumlah pendapatan bagi hasil yang besarnya dihitung berdasarkan perkalian antara nisbah pemegang obligasi syariah dengan pendapatan yang dibagihasilkan. Obligasi ini tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa Efek Surabaya) dengan PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. sebagai wali amanat. At the same time, the Company was supported by the National Syari’ah Council Majelis Ulama Indonesia in its endeavours to participate in the Syaria’ah Capital Market through the issuance of the Syari’ah Mudarabah Berlian Laju Tanker Bond 2003, which is to fall due within five years of issuance, on 28 may 2008. The nominal value of this Syari’ah Bond is Rp 60 billion. At the time of issuance it received a rating of id A-(sy) (positive outlook) from PT. Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo). According to the terms of this bond, the Company is obliged to pay the holder of the bond a sum based on a share of the profits calculated according to an established ratio between the Syari’ah Bond Holder Ratio and revenues. This bond is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. as the Trustee. In 2007, in light of the improvements in the market for corporate bonds, the Company issued the Berlian Laju Pada Tahun 2007, Perseroan melihat perkembangan pasar obligasi korporasi yang semakin membaik, karena itu Perseroan menerbitkan Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker III tahun 2007 yang juga berjangka waktu lima tahun atau akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 5 Juli 2012. Pada saat diterbitkan, obligasi ini memperoleh peringkat id AA- (stable outlook) dari PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo), dengan nilai nominal yang diterbitkan sebesar Rp 700 miliar. Obligasi ini memiliki tingkat bunga tetap sebesar 10,35% per tahun. Seluruh obligasi dijual dengan harga sebesar nilai nominal dan tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa Efek Surabaya) dengan PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. sebagai wali amanat. Tanker Bonds III 2007, which will also fall due after a fiveyear period on 5 July 2012. At the time of issuance, these bonds were rated id AA- (stable outlook) by PT. Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) with a total nominal value of Rp 700 billion. These bonds had a fixed interest rate of 10.35% per annum. All of these bonds were sold at their nominal value and were registered on the Indonesian Stock Exchange with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. as the Trustee. At the same time, the Company was again supported by the National Syari’ah Council Majelis Ulama Indonesia in its endeavours to participate in the Syari’ah Capital Market through the issuance of the Sukuk Ijarah Berlian Laju Tanker Pada saat yang bersamaan, Perseroan kembali dipercaya Dewan Syariah Nasional – Majelis Ulama Indonesia, untuk terus mendorong bangkitnya Pasar Modal Syariah dengan menerbitkan Obligasi Sukuk Ijarah Berlian laju Tanker Tahun 2007 dengan jangka waktu lima tahun, yang akan jatuh tempo pada 5 Juli 2012. Nilai nominal obligasi syariah ini sebesar Rp 200 miliar. Pada saat diterbitkan, PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) memberikan peringkat id AA-(sy) (stable outlook). Obligasi syariah ini ditawarkan dengan ketentuan yang mewajibkan Perusahaan untuk membayar kepada Pemegang Sukuk Ijarah sejumlah Cicilan Imbalan Ijarah sebesar Rp 20.6 miliar per tahun. Seluruh sukuk ijarah dijual dengan harga sebesar nilai nominal, dan tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa Efek Surabaya) dengan PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. sebagai wali amanat. Bond 2007, which is to fall due within five years of issuance, on 5 July 2012. The nominal value of this Syari’ah Bond is Rp 200 billion. At the time of issuance it received a rating of id AA-(sy) (positive outlook) from PT. Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo). This Syari’ah bond was offered with the provision obliging the Company to pay Rp 20.6 billion per year to the holder of the bond. This bond is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. as the Trustee. 83 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Pada Tanggal 18 Desember 2007 Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Obligasi, para pemegang Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker III tahun 2007, pemegang Sukuk Ijarah Berlian Laju Tanker III Tahun 2007, dan pemegang Obligasi Syariah Mudharabah Berlian laju Tanker Tahun 2003 setuju untuk mengganti PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) sebagai wali amanat dan menunjuk PT Bank Niaga Tbk sebagai wali amanat baru. Pada Tanggal 22 Januari 2008 Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Obligasi, para pemegang Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker II tahun 2003 juga setuju untuk mengganti PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) Tbk. sebagai wali amanat dan menunjuk PT Bank Niaga Tbk sebagai wali amanat yang baru. On 18 December 2007, following the General Bond Holders Meeting, holders of the Berlian Laju Tanker III Bond 2007, the Sukuk Ijarah Berlian Laju Tanker III, and the Syari’ah Mudharabah Berlian laju Tanker 2003 decided to replace PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. as the Trustee of the bond with PT Bank Niaga Tbk. On 22 January 2008, following the General Bond Holders Meeting, holders of the Berlian Laju Tanker II Bond 2003 decided to replace PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) as the Trustee of the bond with PT Bank Niaga Tbk. The decision to nominate a change in the Trustee was intended to avoid conflicts of interest as defined by regulations governing the capital market, with these Penggantian Wali Amanat ini diputuskan untuk menghindari benturan kepentingan sesuai dengan peraturan pasar modal, yang menyebutkan, wali amanat tidak boleh memiliki hubungan kredit dengan emiten. regulations stating that an appointed the Trustee may not have a credit connection with the issuer. Notes Payable Wesel Bayar (Notes Payable) Berkat kepercayaan masyarakat Internasional terhadap kredibilitas Perseroan yang telah tercatat di Bursa Singapura (Singapore Stock Exchange Trading Limited), pada tanggal 4 Mei 2007, melalui anak perusahaan, BLT Finance B.V. Perseroan berhasil menerbitkan wesel bayar (Guaranteed Senior Notes) senilai US$ 400 juta. Wesel bayar ini ditawarkan kepada masyarakat internasional dengan tingkat bunga 7,5% per tahun, dengan jangka waktu selama tujuh tahun yang akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 15 Mei 2014 dengan harga sebesar nilai nominal. Pada saat penerbitan wesel bayar ini memperoleh peringkat BB- dari Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group dan Fitch ratings Ltd. Wesel bayar ini terdaftar di Bursa Efek Singapura (SGX-ST) dengan The HSBC Bank USA, National Association sebagai wali amanat. With the increased trust in the Company by the international investor community demonstrated by the Company’s listing of its shares on the Singapore Exchange (Singapore Stock Exchange Trading Limited), on 4 May 2007, the Company, through its subsidiary BLT Finance B.V., issued Guaranteed Senior Notes with a total value of USD 400 million. These notes payable were offered to the international investor community with interest rates of 7.5 per cent per annum and with a term of seven years, to fall due on 15 May 2014 at a price determined by the nominal value. At the time of issuance, these notes payable received a rating of BBfrom Standard and Poor’s Rating Group and Fitch Ratings Limited. These notes payable were listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX-ST) with The HSBC Bank USA, National Association, acting as the Trustee. BLT Finance BV (BLTFBV) memiliki opsi untuk membeli kembali wesel bayar pada harga tertentu sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. BLT Finance BV (BLTFBV) retains the option to read by these notes payable at prices determined by defined conditions and stipulations. 84 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Pada bulan Januari 2008 Fitch Ratings Ltd memberikan peringkat B+ (stable outlook) untuk wesel bayar ini sedangkan Standard & Poor’s memberikan peringkat B+ (negative watch) untuk wesel bayar ini pada bulan Januari 2008 dan B (negative watch) pada bulan Maret 2008. In January 2008, Fitch Ratings Limited granted a rating of B+ (stable outlook) for this notes payable. Standard and Poor’s granted a rating B+ (negative watch) in January 2008 and granted a rating B (negative watch) in March 2008. Issuance of Convertible Bonds Penerbitan Obligasi Konversi After studying the internal and external conditions of Setelah mempelajari Perseroan khususnya kondisi dalam internal hal dan eksternal pembiayaan the Company, especially with regard to the financing of untuk the development of its fleet, on 14 December 2005, the pengembangan armada kapal, pada tanggal 14 Desember Company successfully issued a USD 50 million convertible 2005, Perseroan melalui anak perusahaan BLT Finance bond through its wholly-owned subsidiary BLT Finance Corporation yang seluruh sahamnya dimiliki oleh Perseroan, Corporation. This convertible bond was issued at the nominal berhasil menerbitkan obligasi konversi dalam mata uang cost of 100 per cent, with a fixed interest rate of 1.25 per dolar Amerika Serikat senilai US$ 50 iuta. Obligasi konversi cent per year. This Convertible Bond falls due after five years ini diterbitkan dengan harga nominal 100%, dengan tingkat with a bond value at the time of the due date amounting to suku bunga tetap sebesar 1,25% per tahun. Obligasi 130.44 per cent. konversi ini berjangka waktu lima tahun dengan nilai obligasi pada saat jatuh tempo sebesar 130,44%. This Convertible Bond can be converted to shares in the Company at the bondholders option through a Share Buy Obligasi konversi ini, atas pilihan pemegang obligasi konversi, Back program with a conversion price of Rp 1,250. The dapat dikonversikan dengan saham-saham Perseroan hasil amount of shares to be received by the bond holder at the pembelian kembali pada harga konversi sebesar Rp. 1.250. time of the conversion are to be determined by dividing the Jumlah saham yang akan diterima pada saat konversi, akan nominal value of the Convertible Bond after conversion into ditentukan dengan membagi jumlah pokok obligasi konversi rupiah at the predetermined exchange rate of IDR 10,078 dengan yang akan dikonversikan (setelah disetarakan ke per US dollar by the Conversion Price. dalam mata uang rupiah pada kurs yang sudah ditetapkan yaitu Rp 10.078 per US$) dengan harga konversi. The BLT Finance Corporation retains the option to buy back (‘Call Option’) the Convertible Bond after three years Setelah jangka waktu tiga tahun sejak obligasi konversi in accordance with predetermined terms and conditions. diterbitkan, BLT Finance Corporation memiliki hak opsi untuk In addition, the bond holder retains the option to sell (‘Put membeli kembali (call option) obligasi konversi seluruhnya Option’)the convertible bond to BLT Finance Corporation two sesuai dengan syarat-syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. years after the convertible bonds were issued in accordance Selain itu, setelah jangka waktu dua tahun sejak obligasi with predetermined terms and conditions.This Convertible diterbitkan, pemegang Obligasi Konversi memiliki hak Bonds were fully converted in May 2007. opsi untuk menjual obligasi konversi (Put Option) kepada BLT Finance Corporation sesuai dengan syarat-syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Obligasi konversi ini telah dikonversikan seluruhnya pada bulan Mei 2007. 85 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Pada tanggal 17 Mei 2007, Perseroan melalui anak On 17 May 2007, the Company successfully issued a perusahaannya BLT Finance B.V. yang seluruh sahamnya US$125 million convertible bond through its wholly-owned dimiliki oleh Perseroan, berhasil menerbitkan obligasi subsidiary BLT Finance B.V. This convertible bond was konversi dalam mata uang dolar Amerika Serikat senilai issued at the nominal cost of 100 per cent, without interest. US$ 125 juta. Obligasi konversi ini diterbitkan dengan This Convertible Bond falls due after five years with a bond harga nominal 100%, tanpa bunga, dengan jangka waktu value at the time of the due date amounting to 129.58 per selama lima tahun yang akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 17 cent. At the time of issuance, this note payable received a Mei 2012. Nilai obligasi ini pada saat jatuh tempo sebesar rating of BB- from Standard and Poor’s Ratings Group and 129,58% dari harga pokok. Pada saat penerbitan, obligasi Fitch Ratings Limited this note was listed on the Singapore konversi ini memperoleh peringkat BB- dari Standard & Stock Exchange (SGX-ST) with the Hongkong and Shanghai Poor’s Ratings Group dan Fitch ratings Ltd. Instrumen ini Banking Corporation Ltd acting as the Trustee. tercatat di Bursa Efek Singapura (SGX-ST) dengan The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd sebagai This convertible bond can, at the option of the bond holder, wali amanat. be converted into shares in the Company through a buyback program with the initial conversion price set at SGD 0.4965 Obligasi Konversi tersebut, atas pilihan pemegang obligasi konversi, dapat dikonversikan dengan saham-saham Perseroan hasil pembelian kembali pada harga konversi awal sebesar SG$ 0,4965 per saham. Jumlah saham yang akan 86 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk per share. The number of shares to be received at the time GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik diterima pada saat konversi, akan ditentukan berdasarkan of conversion will be determined according to the number saham yang tercatat pada SGX-ST, dengan membagi jumlah of shares registered on the SGX-ST, by dividing the initial pokok Obligasi Konversi dengan yang akan dikonversikan value of the convertible bond after conversion at the fixed (setelah disetarakan menggunakan kurs tetap SG$ 1,5143 rate of SGD1.5143 per USD1 or Rp 8,894 per USD1 by the per US$ 1 atau Rp 8.894 per US$ 1) dengan harga konversi conversion price at the time of conversion. pada saat konversi. The BLT Finance B.V. retains the option to buy back (‘Call Setelah jangka waktu dua tahun sejak obligasi konversi Option’) the Convertible Bond after three years in accordance diterbitkan, BLT Finance B.V. memiliki hak opsi untuk with predetermined terms and conditions. In addition, the membeli kembali (Call Option) obligasi konversi seluruhnya bond holder retains the option to sell the convertible bond to sesuai dengan syarat-syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. BLT Finance B.V. (‘Put Option’) two years after the convertible Selain itu, setelah jangka waktu tiga tahun sejak obligasi bonds were issued in accordance with predetermined terms diterbitkan, pemegang obligasi konversi memiliki hak opsi and conditions. untuk menjual obligasi konversi kepada BLT Finance B.V. (Put Option) sesuai dengan syarat-syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. 87 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik KEPEMILIKAN SAHAM SHARE OWNERSHIP Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2007, modal ditempatkan As at 31 December 2007, the Company has 4,159,010,436 dan disetor Perseroan telah adalah saham issued shares (including 31,050,000 shares held in (termasuk 412.351.000 saham yang diperoleh kembali). treasury). The following table sets forth the shareholdings Tabel berikut menjelaskan kepemilikan saham dari direksi of the Company’s Directors, Commissioners, Substantial Perseroan, Komisaris, pemegang saham substansial dan Shareholders and others as at 31 December 2007. A lainnya sampai dengan 31 Desember 2007. “Pemegang “Substantial Shareholder” is one who, directly or indirectly, Saham Substansial” adalah pihak yang secara langsung beneficially owns five percent or more of the Company’s maupun tidak langsung, memiliki lima persen atau lebih shares. Beneficial ownership generally includes any shares saham Perseroan. Kepemilikan demikian, termasuk saham over which a person exercises sole or shared voting or dimana satu pihak investment power. secara sendiri atau bersama-sama, mempunyai hak suara ataupun hak melakukan keputusan investasi. Nama Pemegang Saham / Name of Shareholders Jumlah Saham yang Dimiliki / Number of Shares Held Persentase dari Jumlah Saham Beredar/ Percentage of Total Outstanding Shares Direktur/Directors Widihardja Tanudjaja 8,928,720 0.21% 62,400 0.00% 2,047,793,764 49.24% 138,000,000 3.32% 1,551,874,552 37.31% 412,351,000 9.91% 4,159,010,436 100.00% Siana Anggraeni Surya Pemegang Saham Lainnya / Other Shareholders PT Tunggaladhi Baskara Meadowstream limited Pemegang Saham Publik/ Public Shareholders Saham Diperoleh Kembali/ Treasury Stock TOTAL Catatan: (1) Meadowstream Limited merupakan anak perusahaan atau cabang usaha dari PT. Tunggaladhi Baskara. (2) Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2007, Widihardja Tanudjaja (Presiden Direktur) dan Siana Anggraeni Surya (Direktur) memiliki 8.928.720 dan 62.400 bagian saham perusahaan, melalui kepemilikan saham langsung atau tidak langsung. Tidak ada kepemilikan saham langsung atau tidak langsung milik perusahaan yang dipegang oleh direktur lainnya. Siana Anggraeni Surya adalah putri dari Hadi Surya, Presiden Komisaris Perseroan. (2) As of 31 December 2007, Widihardja Tanudjaja(President Director) and Siana Anggraeni Surya ( Director) held 8,928,720 and 62,400 shares of the company respectively, either through direct or deemed interest of the company’s share. No direct shareholding or deemed interest of the Company’s shares held by other Director. Siana Anggraeni Surya is the daughter of Hadi Surya, the President Commissioner of the Company. Nilai Kapitalisasi Pasar Saham Perseroan berdasarkan harga Total Capitalisation by ISX price and SGX price as of 31 BEI dan SGX per 31 Desember 2007 December 2007 Jumlah saham tercatat / Number of Shares 4,159,010,436 Nilai kapitalisasi / Capitalisation ISX Price (Rp) Rp2,650.00 Rp11,021,377,655,400.00 SGX Price (Sing $) SGD 0.40 SGD 1,663,604,174.40 88 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC Notes : (1) Meadowstream Limited is wholly owned subsidiary of PT Tunggaladhi Baskara PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Statistik Kepemilikan Saham Statistic of Shareholding Sampai dengan 14 Maret 2008, Perseroan memiliki modal As of 14 March 2008, the Company has an authorized capital dasar sebesar 14.676.480.000 saham biasa dengan nilai stock of 14,676,480,000 ordinary shares with par value of nomial Rp 62,50 per saham. Modal yang ditempatkan dan Rp 62.50 per share. The issued and fully paid-up capital disetorkan Perseroan sebesar 4.589.281.176 saham biasa. stock was 4,589,281,176 ordinary shares. All of the issued Semua saham yang telah diterbitkan memiliki klasifikasi yang shares have similar class which is ordinary shares with equal sama, yaitu saham biasa, dengan hak suara yang sama voting rights. The tables set forth below are the statistic of pula. Tabel di bawah adalah statistik kepemilikan saham shareholding of the issued shares of the Company as of 14 yang dikeluarkan oleh Perseroan sampai dengan 14 Maret March 2008. 2008. Jadwal Distribusi Saham (pada 14 Maret 2008) Distribution Schedule of the Shares (as of 14 March 2008) Besar kepemilikan/ Size of shareholdings 1,000,001 and above Jumlah Pemegang Saham/ No. of Shareholders Jumlah Saham/ Number of Shares % % 141 4.03% 4,438,411,627 96.71% 10,001 – 1,000,000 1,588 45.42% 140,919,655 3.07% 1,000 – 10,000 1,627 46.54% 9,888,928 0.22% 1 - 999 140 4.00% 60,966 0.00% TOTAL 3,496 100.00% 4,589,281,176 100.00% Daftar Pemegang Saham Utama Langsung dan Tidak Langsung (pada 14 Maret 2008) List of Substantial Shareholders and Its Deemed Interest (as of 14 March 2008) Pemegang saham utama/ Substantial shareholders Kepemilikan Langsung/ Direct Interest % PT Tunggaladhi Baskara 2,276,425,764 49.60% Meadowstream Limited 138,000,000 3.01% Catatan: Kepemilikan tidak langsung PT Tunggaladhi Baskara, termasuk didalamya kepemilikan saham Meadowstream Limited sebagai anak perusahaan dari PT Tunggaladhi Baskara. Kepemilikan Gabungan/ Deemed Interest % 2,414,425,764 52.61% Notes: The deemed interests of PT Tunggaladhi Baskara includes the shareholding interest of Meadowstream Limited as a wholly owned subsidiary of PT Tunggaladhi Baskara. 89 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Dua Puluh Pemegang Saham Terbesar (pada 14 Maret 2008) Twenty Largest Shareholders (as of 14 March 2008) No NAME NO. OF SHARES % 2,276,425,764 49.60% 1 TUNGGALADHI BASKARA, PT 2 UOB KAY HIAN PTE LTD 144,237,000 3.14% 3 Meadowstream Limited 138,000,000 3.01% 4 Everwin International Corp 120,030,560 2.62% 5 Genial Properties Limited 94,783,296 2.07% 6 Widetech International Limited 75,090,768 1.64% 7 Dayareksa Tataartha,PT 70,798,584 1.54% 8 CITIBANK NEW YORK S/A DIMENSIONAL EMERG MARK 54,456,800 1.19% 9 DBS NOMINEES PTE LTD 54,270,500 1.18% 10 Natalia Salim 34,932,000 0.76% 11 PT PRUDENTIAL LIFE ASSURANCE-REF 33,419,000 0.73% 12 SSB XBJ2 SSL C/O SSB,BOSTON SCOTTISH WIDOWS PLC -2144606505 30,842,000 0.67% 13 Techfaith International Limited 29,030,608 0.63% 14 HSBC (SINGAPORE) NOMS PTE LTD 28,249,000 0.62% 15 SSB 2D09 SSGA EMERGING MARKETS FUND-2157564025 27,617,500 0.60% 16 Chanita Lancy Setiawan 27,126,000 0.59% 17 NANCY GOZALIE 25,189,500 0.55% 18 SSB W33P ABBEY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED - 2144604384 23,568,000 0.51% 19 SSB D26J ACF THE EMM UMBRELLA FUNDS-2144605397 23,405,000 0.51% 20 SSB W33N ABBEY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED - 2144604383 21,606,500 0.47% 3,333,078,380 72.63% TOTAL Berdasarkan informasi yang dimiliki Perseroan sampai dengan 14 Maret 2008, sebanyak 38,41% saham yang dikeluarkan oleh Perseroan dimiliki oleh publik. Oleh karena itu, telah sesuai dengan Peraturan 723 yang tercantum pada Peraturan Pencatatan Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. Based on information available to the Company as at 14 March 2008, approximately 38.41% of the issued ordinary shares of the Company is held by the public and therefore, Rule 723 of the Listing Manual of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited is complied with. 90 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik PEMERINGKATAN EFEK Sejak tahun 2000, Perseroan FINANCIAL RATINGS mendapatkan peringkat Since 2000, the Company has received financial ratings from kelayakan penerbitan surat utang dari PT Pemeringkat PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia, or Pefindo. These ratings Efek Indonesia atau Pefindo. Hasil pemeringkatan terus have improved steadily, reflecting the steady improvement meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Ini mencerminkan posisi in the financial position and the financial strength of the keuangan dan kekuatan keuangan Perseroan semakin baik, Company and its ability to manage risk effectively. serta semakin rendahnya risiko Perseroan. Sejarah Pemeringkatan / Ratings History May 2000 id A - / Stable Outlook October 2001 N/A May 2002 id A - / Stable Outlook April 2003 id A - / Positive Outlook June 2004 id A / Stable Outlook May 2005 id A / Stable Outlook July 2006 id A+ / Stable Outlook May 2007 id AA - / Stable Outlook Sejarah Pemeringkatan / Ratings History (By Fitch ratings) June 2007 January 2008 Long term - Foreign Currency BB - / Stable Outlook B + / Stable Outlook Long term - Local Currency BB - / Stable Outlook B + / Stable Outlook Senior Unsecured Notes BB - / Stable Outlook B + / Stable Outlook Sejarah Pemeringkatan / Ratings History (By Standard & Poors) May 2007 BB - / Stable Outlook January 2008 B + / Negative Watch March 2008 B / Negative Watch Baru pada awal tahun 2008, Perseroan mendapatkan Since the acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC, the penurunan peringkat pasca-akuisisi Chembulk Tankers LLC, Company’s ratings have declined due to the relatively higher karena tingginya financial leveraging yang relatif lebih tinggi. level of financial leveraging. 91 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Sebagai penyedia jasa transportasi kargo cair terdepan As a leading provider of maritime transportation services di kawasan Asia, Perseroan terus bekerja keras untuk specializing in the transportation of liquid cargoes in the Asian mengembangkan dan meningkatkan pasar. Untuk mencapai region, the Company is engaged in an ongoing endeavor to tujuan itu, Perseroan terus memperkuat dan memperluas develop and expand its market share. In order to achieve kualitas kompetitif jangka panjang melalui pengembangan this goal, the Company is committed to strengthening and sumber daya manusia. Perseroan berkeyakinan bahwa developing its competitive excellence over the long term sumber daya manusia merupakan aset strategis sekaligus through the development of its human resources. The keuntungan kompetitif untuk memaksimalkan kinerja. Company is committed to the belief that human resources are a strategic asset that provides the Company with Dalam menghadapi perubahan-perubahan bisnis di pasar the competitive excellence needed to achieve maximum global yang kian kompetitif, Perseroan mempersiapkan performance. sumber daya manusia melalui peningkatan kemampuan dan komitmen karyawan. Sebagai suatu inisiatif strategis, In an ever changing and increasingly competitive global Perseroan telah melakukan pengembangan ke arah market, the Company strives to develop its human resources kompetensi keras dan lunak di antara para karyawan, by improving the capabilities and strengthening the guna dengan commitment of its employees. As a strategic initiative, the kompetensi sangat baik serta komitmen yang tinggi. Company strives to achieve improvements in the hard and Dalam pengembangan para pelaut, Perseroan merujuk soft competencies of its employees in order to ensure the pada Standar Pelatihan, Sertifikasi dan Pengawasan bagi highest possible degree of competence and commitment. Pelaut 1978, sebagaimana telah diamandemen pada tahun In order to improve the competence and commitment of the 1995 (STCW 95), sesuai ketentuan Organisasi Kelautan crew of its vessels, the Company adheres to the standards Internasional (IMO). established by the International Maritime Organization menghasilkan sumber daya manusia (IMO) through its Standard For Training, Certification & Perseroan menyadari bahwa suatu organisasi yang kompeten Watchkeeping for Seafarer 1978 as Amended 1995 (STCW perlu didukung oleh sumber daya yang kompeten pula. 95). Oleh karena itu, Perseroan bekerja keras mempersiapkan karyawan yang memiliki kualifikasi dan dedikasi guna, The Company is aware that developing a competent memenuhi pengetahuan, organization is only possible when efforts to achieve this are keterampilan dan tingkah laku yang baik. Upaya-upaya ini standar dengan dukungan supported by competent staff. Thus, the Company makes tidak hanya dilakukan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan every possible effort to implement the highest possible karyawan yang sudah lama bekerja, tetapi dimulai sejak standards to ensure the dedication and competence of its proses perekrutan karyawan baru yang selektif. staff in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes. This involves not merely the ongoing training and development of existing Perseroan menyadari bahwa sumber daya manusia employees, but begins with a highly selective recruitment merupakan aset yang berharga dalam kegiatan bisnis process for the selection of new employees. dan memberikan keunggulan kompetitif bagi Perseroan. Demi peningkatan kinerja jangka panjang Perseroan, The Company is aware that human resources are a vital pihak Manajemen secara konsisten telah menempatkan asset in the operation of the business and for ensuring the pengembangan sumber daya manusia sebagai fokus Company’s competitive excellence. In order to ensure the utama dan menjadikannya sebagai suatu komitmen ongoing growth and development of the Company in the untuk meningkatkan kompetensi sumber daya manusia long term, the Company consistently strives to achieve Perseroan. the development of its human resources by improving the competencies of the Company’s staff and employees. 92 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2007, Perseroan As of 31 December 2007, the Company had 349 permanent telah memiliki 349 karyawan tetap dan 1.687 karyawan employees and 1,687 contract employees. The following tidak tetap. Tabel berikut menunjukkan komposisi karyawan table shows the composition of the Company is employees Perseroan berdasarkan kegiatan dan lokasi: in terms of their activities and geographical location: Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan EMPLOYEES BY ACTIVITY Aktivitias Marketing/ Operation 135 Pemasaran/Operasi Ship Management 98 Manajemen Kapal Administration/ IT 71 Administrasi/IT Finance 16 Keuangan Human Resources 17 Sumber Daya Manusia Legal/ Business Development 12 Hukum/Pengembangan Bisnis Crew 1,687 Awak Kapal TOTAL 2,036 Jumlah EMPLOYEES Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan BY GEOGRAPHIC REGION Daerah Geografis Indonesia 220 Indonesia Singapore 53 Singapura Hong Kong 25 Hong Kong United Kingdom 13 Inggris China 11 China United Arab Emirates 1 Uni Emirat Arab Netherland 3 Belanda India 4 India America 19 Amerika Vessel Crew 1,687 Awak Kapal TOTAL 2,036 Jumlah 93 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Perseroan memiliki komitmen tidak saja melayani kebutuhan The Company is committed not only to serving the needs of para stakeholders, tetapi juga anggota masyarakat, stakeholders, but also to serving members of the broader terutama di sekitar lokasi operasi perusahaan. Perseroan community, particularly those of communities in the areas sangat baik surrounding the Company’s operations. The Company is dengan masyarakat. Untuk itulah, Perseroan berkomitmen aware of the importance of maintaining good relationships mengadakan berbagai kegiatan yang bermanfaat sesuai with all members of the community. In order to facilitate dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. such relationships, the Company is committed to engaging menyadari pentingnya hubungan yang in a number of activities intended to benefit members of the Salah satu bentuk kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan community. lingkungannya adalah melalui kegiatan sosial berupa donor darah yang rutin dilakukan dua kali dalam setahun As one manifestation of its concern for the community and yaitu pada bulan Maret dan Agustus. Tahun 2007, sesuai the environment around it, the Company takes part in routine program, telah dua kali diadakan kegiatan tersebut. Untuk blood donation programs, conducted twice a year in March mendukung kegiatan ini, Perseroan bekerjasama dengan and August. In year 2007 as an integral part of this program, Palang Merah Indonesia dan mengundang lebih dari 100 the Company worked in cooperation with the Indonesian pendonor untuk setiap kegiatannya. Pendonor berasal dari Red Cross, inviting more than 100 donors to participate. karyawan Perseroan maupun dari pihak eksternal yang telah These donors included both members of the Company staff rutin berpartisipasi menyumbangkan darahnya. and those from outside the Company who have taken in blood donation programs. Selain itu, Perseroan juga turut andil dalam memberikan bantuan bagi korban banjir di berbagai wilayah Tanah Air. In addition to this program, the Company also provided Selain dalam bentuk paket sembako untuk menopang assistance to flood victims throughout Indonesia. In addition 94 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk GOOD corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik kebutuhan utama para korban selama bencana, juga to providing packets of essential goods to flood victims mengerahkan karyawan sebagai relawan untuk membantu directly affected by the natural disaster, the Company also korban banjir saat terjadi bencana di bulan Februari 2007. facilitated the participation of members of its staff who acted as volunteers to assist flood victims in February 2007. Perseroan juga selalu membantu karyawan yang terkena musibah bencana. Dengan menunjukkan perhatian kepada The Company also provided assistance to staff members karyawan, Perseroan membangun ikatan yang loyal antara who were themselves directly affected by natural disasters. Perseroan dengan karyawan. Dalam jangka panjang, hal By demonstrating its commitment to the welfare of its staff, ini akan memberi manfaat kepada Perseroan. Karyawan the Company strengthened long-term bonds of loyalty with akan melihat adanya komitmen Perseroan untuk melindungi these staff. In the long term, this will provide direct benefit for kepentingan jangka panjang mereka. Dengan begitu, the Company itself, as members of staff will become aware mereka akan berusaha memberi kontribusi terbaik kepada of the Company’s commitment to protecting their long-term Perseroan. interests. As a result, there will be inspired to make the best possible contribution to the Company. Program-program sosial yang dilakukan Perseroan secara keseluruhan diharapkan manfaat dari The social programs and activities conducted by the Company hubungan yang saling menguntungkan dengan masyarakat. memberikan are designed to develop mutually beneficial relationships Apabila kesejahteraan masyarakat bertumbuh, diharapkan with members of the community. With improvements to the secara tidak langsung akan memacu pula perkembangan welfare of members of the broader community, it is hoped kinerja perusahaan, lewat peningkatan kebutuhan armada that the Company will benefit indirectly from the increased angkutan pelayaran. demand for maritime transportation services created by improvements to the economy. 95 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen 96 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk MANAGEMENT’S discussion and analysis Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen TINJAUAN BIAYA ATAS PENDAPATAN DAN OVERVIEW OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES Perseroan memperoleh pendapatan dari empat kegiatan The Company derives revenues from four main areas usaha, yaitu penyewaan kapal, pengoperasian kapal, jasa of activity, these being the chartering out of its ships; the keagenan kapal serta penyewaan tanki penyimpanan di operation of its ships; agency fees; and storage fees. The darat. Pendapatan utama Perseroan berasal dari penyewaan majority of the Company’s revenues are derived from its kapal dan pengoperasian kapal. Kedua kegiatan usaha shipping operations. The Company’s shipping operations pengangkutan cair ini oleh Perseroan dibagi kedalam empat can be divided into four main segments: the transportation of segmen, yaitu segmen pengangkutan bahan kimia, segmen liquid chemicals; the transportation of oil; the transportation pengangkutan bahan minyak, dan segmen pengangkutan of gas; and, since 2006, the provision of FPSO services. bahan gas serta segmen baru yang dimasuki oleh perseroan sejak tahun 2006 yaitu segmen FPSO. The following table shows the operating revenues for 2007 according to business segment: Tabel berikut ini menunjukkan pendapatan operasi perseroan untuk tahun 2007, berdasarkan segmen usaha: SEGMENT Juta US$/ US$ million % Segmen Chemical 218.98 54.9% Kimia Oil 146.28 36.7% Minyak Gas 21.19 5.3% Gas FPSO 10.95 2.7% FPSO Other* 1.24 0.3% Lain-Lain* TOTAL 398.64 100.0% Jumlah * Pendapatan dari jasa keagenan dan penyimpanan * Revenue from agency and storage fee 97 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 MANAGEMENT’S discussion and analysis Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen Faktor utama yang mendorong pendapatan Perseroan The primary factor determining the level of the Company’s adalah jumlah kapal yang dioperasikan oleh Perseroan. revenues is the number of vessels in its fleet. In 2007, the Pada Tahun 2007 Perseroan menambah 19 unit kapal ke Company added 19 vessels to its fleet. These additions dalam armadanya, melalui pembelian 13 unit kapal tanker were achieved through the purchase of 13 chemical tankers; kimia, menyewa lima kapal tanker kimia, dan pembelian dua the chartering of five chemical tankers; the purchase of two unit kapal tanker minyak, serta pembelian dua unit kapal oil tankers; and the purchase of two gas tankers. Over the tanker gas. Selain itu Perseroan juga menjual tiga buah year, the Company sold three oil tankers. As a result of kapal tanker minyak. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut, Perseroan these activites, the Company gained an additional capacity menambah kapasitas angkutnya sebesar 360.015 DWT, of 360,015 DWT. With the acquisitions, the Company’s sehingga total kapasitas angkut Perseroan pada akhir fleet now consists of 78 vessels with a total combined tahun 2007 sebanyak 78 buah kapal dengan total kapasitas transportation capacity of 1,878,502 DWT. The average angkut sebesar 1.878.502 DWT. Jumlah rata-rata kapal number of vessels maintained by the Company throughout untuk tahun 2007 sebanyak 63,9 kapal, naik dari 56,3 kapal 2007 was 63.9 vessels, increase from 56.3 vessels in 2006. pada tahun 2006. Hal ini terjadi karena penambahan 16 This is due to addition of 16 vessels which were acquired buah kapal hasil akuisisi Chembulk Tankers LLC baru terjadi through the acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC, and was pada bulan Desember 2007. only completed in December 2007. Pada Januari 2008 Perseroan telah menambah tiga buah MT Puspawati, 19,900 DWT, 2008 kapal melalui pembelian satu buah kapal tanker kimia, dan In January 2008, the Company acquired an additional three menyewa dua buah kapal tanker kimia. Sehingga, total vessels with the purchase of one chemical tanker and the armada Perseroan menjadi 81 kapal dengan total kapasitas chartering of two chemical tankers. With these acquisitions, angkut sebesar 1.943.402 DWT. the Company’s fleet now consists of 81 vessels, with a combined total capacity of 1,943,402 DWT. 98 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk MANAGEMENT’S discussion and analysis Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen BIAYA EXPENSES Biaya utama perseroan dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa The Company’s main expenses can be described as komponen seperti berikut: follows: Biaya Pelayaran Voyage Expenses Biaya pelayaran terdiri atas biaya bahan bakar dan biaya The Company’s voyage expenses consist primarily of fuel sandar atau jasa pelabuhan (port charges). expenses and port charges. Biaya bahan bakar dipengaruhi oleh jumlah kapal dan The Company’s fuel costs are determined primarily by the ukuran armada perseroan, dan harga bahan bakar. Biaya size of its fleet and the cost of fuel on the open market. bahan bakar termasuk biaya marine fuel oil (MFO) yang Fuel costs include the cost of marine fuel oil (MFO), used digunakan sebagai bahan bakar mesin utama (main engines) in the main engines of the Company’s vessels, and the cost kapal, dan marine gas oil (MGO) untuk bahan bakar mesin of marine gas oil (MGO), used in auxiliary engines. Of the tambahan (auxiliary engines). Dari jumlah bahan bakar yang Company’s total expenditure on fuel, approximately two dipakai Perseroan, sekitar duapertiganya adalah MFO dan thirds is for the purchase of MFO, while one third is for the sepertiganya adalah MGO. purchase of MGO. Biaya sandar terdiri atas biaya jasa pelabuhan saat kapal Ports charges consist of port service charges for vessels in bersandar dan biaya pasasi (passing charges) untuk melalui harbor and fees imposed on vessels passing through canals. terusan (canal). Biaya ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh jumlah The Company’s expenditure on port charges is heavily kapal armada perseroan dan jumlah pelabuhan yang harus influenced by the number of vessels in the Company’s fleet disinggahi. and the number of port calls made by these vessels. Biaya sandar sudah termasuk biaya jasa pelabuhan yang Port charges include harbor services fees imposed by ports ditagih oleh pihak pelabuhan, dimana biaya kapal yang visited by the Company’s vessels and including canal passing singgah, termasuk biaya pasasi (passing charges) untuk charges. The Company’s expenses for port charges depend melewati terusan (canal). Biaya sandar Perseroan ditentukan primarily on the size of the fleet and the resultant number of terutama oleh jumlah kapal dalam armada Perseroan dan port calls by the vessels. Port charges also depend on the jumlah pelabuhan yang disinggahinya. Biaya pelabuhan juga average fee imposed for each port call. dipengaruhi oleh rata-rata biaya jasa pelabuhan setiap kali singgah. Charter Expenses Biaya Sewa These consist of charter expenses and other costs incurred by the Company for chartering in vessels from third parties. Biaya Sewa adalah biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh Perseroan untuk menyewa kapal dari pihak ketiga. Ship Operating Expenses Biaya Operasi Kapal The Company’s ship operating expenses are the costs related to the running of the vessels in its fleet. These costs consist of Biaya operasi kapal Perseroan adalah biaya yang dikeluarkan salaries and wages for the crew of vessels; the cost of repairs Perseroan untuk menjalankan kapalnya. Biaya ini terdiri atas and maintenance, including both routine and extraordinary biaya untuk gaji awak kapal, biaya untuk perbaikan dan repairs; the purchase of spare parts; cost of insurance; the pemeliharaan kapal, baik yang bersifat rutin maupun di luar cost of supplies and the transportation of spare parts; the cost 99 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 MANAGEMENT’S discussion and analysis Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen kebiasaan, termasuk untuk membeli suku cadang, biaya of catering and meal allowances for crew members; costs asuransi, biaya perlengkapan berlayar dan biaya transportasi related to documentation; and the cost of lubricants and untuk mengangkut suku cadang pada saat kapal sedang other such substances for engines. transit, uang makan untuk para awak kapal, pengurusan dokumen, dan biaya pelumas untuk mesin-mesin kapal. The relative expenditure on each of the Company’s business segments is influenced by a number of factors, primarily the Besarnya biaya dari masing-masing segmen bisnis Perseroan size and age of the vessels used, and also on the different terhadap biaya operasi kapal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa cost basis for chemical, oil, gas and FPSO tankers. faktor. Yang paling utama adalah ukuran dan usia kapal itu sendiri. Selain itu juga bergantung pada biaya pokok untuk Depreciation masing – masing tanker kimia, tanker minyak dan tanker gas Depreciation makes up the largest proportion of the serta tanker FPSO yang berbeda-beda. Company’s costs in the operation of vessels owned by Penyusutan the Company itself. The Company calculates the cost of depreciation using the straight line method, which is based Beban penyusutan merupakan komponen biaya yang on an estimation of the economic lifespan of each vessel, paling besar bagi perseroan untuk mengoperasikan kapal which ranges from five to 25 years. The cost of appreciation milik penyusutan is determined by calculating the cost of obtaining the vessel menggunakan metode garis lurus (straight line method) in question and subtracting its residual value. The estimated berdasarkan estimasi usia ekonomis masing – masing costs of depreciation vary from year to year as a result of kapal, dengan jangka waktu antara lima tahun sampai 25 differences in the valuations made by third parties. Perseroan. Perseroan menghitung tahun. Penyusutan didasarkan pada biaya perolehan kapal dikurangi perkiraan nilai akhir/residunya. Beban ini bervariasi General and Administrative Costs untuk setiap tahun, karena perhitungannya sebagian didasarkan atas penilaian yang dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga. The Company’s general and administrative costs consist primarily of salaries for onshore personnel; expenses related Biaya Umum dan Administrasi to the running of the Company’s offices in 14 different cities throughout Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East Beban umum dan administrasi Perseroan terdiri atas gaji (including expenses related to the opening of marketing karyawan darat, biaya operasional kantor untuk kantor- offices, most recently in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and kantor Perseroan yang berlokasi di 14 kota yang tersebar di Westport, Connecticut - USA); professional fees for financial, kawasan Asia, Eropa, Amerika dan Timur Tengah (termasuk legal and other consultants and specialists; costs related to biaya tertentu yang berkaitan dengan pembukaan beberapa marketing; telecommunications costs; banking charges; kantor pemasaran diantaranya yang dibuka akhir-akhir ini di transportation costs; the cost of depreciation in value of kota Rotterdam dan Westport, Connecticut - USA), biaya jasa office equipment; and the cost of providing pensions, training profesional untuk penasihat keuangan, penasihat hukum dan and education to employees. Wages and salaries, including konsultan, biaya pemasaran, biaya-biaya telekomunikasi, social security, pension payments for onshore personnel, biaya bank, biaya transportasi, biaya penyusutan peralatan and payments for crew members, make up the biggest kantor, imbalan paska kerja/pensiun, pendidikan dan proportion of these general and administrative costs. pelatihan karyawan. Gaji merupakan komponen terbesar dari biaya umum dan administrasi ini, Biaya tersebut terdiri atas upah, pembayaran jaminan sosial dan pembayaran pensiunan pegawai darat, juga pembayaran awak kapal yang dibayar selaku pegawai darat. 100 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk MANAGEMENT’S discussion and analysis Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen Beban Keuangan Bersih dan Beban Lain-Lain Net Financial and Other Costs The Company’s net financial and other costs include gains Beban keuangan bersih dan beban lain-lain Perseroan or losses from foreign exchange transactions; gains or termasuk keuntungan dan kerugian dari perubahan nilai losses from swap transactions; gains or losses resulting tukar mata uang asing, keuntungan atau kerugian dari from net earnings of associated companies; investment transaksi swap, keuntungan dari kepemilikan saham pada income; financial costs; and other miscellaneous gains and anak perusahaan asosiasi, pendapatan investasi, beban losses. The largest proportion of net financial and other keuangan dan keuntungan atau kerugian lainnya. costs is made up of financial costs incurred by the Company Komponen terbesar dari Beban Keuangan Bersih dan beban in financing the acquisition of vessels for the expansion of lain-lain ini adalah beban keuangan yang harus dikeluarkan its fleet. These financial costs consist primarily of interest untuk membiayai pembelian kapal untuk pengembangan payments on bank loans and, to a lesser extent, interest armada Perseroan. Beban keuangan ini terdiri atas payments on the Company’s outstanding bonds. pembayaran bunga pinjaman bank dan dan biaya bunga obligasi yang berhasil diterbitkan oleh Perseroan. RESULTS OF OPERATIONS HASIL OPERASI Operating Revenue Pendapatan Operasi The total value of the Company’s operating revenues increased by approximately 18.92 per cent in 2007 Total Pendapatan Operasi Perseroan tahun 2007 meningkat compared to the previous year. This increase was primarily sebesar 18,92% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2006. due to the growth in the size of the Company’s fleet and Kenaikan ini terutama disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan to increases in freight rates. The growth in the size of the armada dan kenaikan uang tambang. Pertumbuhan Company’s fleet can be seen by the increase in the average armada kapal perseroan terlihat dari rata-rata jumlah kapal number of vessels maintained over the year, which grew from pada tahun 2007 sebanyak 63,9 kapal dibandingkan 56.3 in 2006 to 63.9 in 2007. As a result of this increase, dengan rata-rata jumlah kapal pada tahun 2006 sejumlah the Company’s tonnage capacity increase from 1,518,487 56,3 kapal. Dengan penambahan armada tersebut, jumlah DWT as of 31 December 2006, to 1,878,502 DWT as of 31 kapasitas angkut Perseroan meningkat dari 1.518.487 DWT December 2007. pada 31 Desember 2006 menjadi 1.878.502 DWT pada 31 Desember 2007. Voyage Expenses Biaya Pelayaran The total value of the Company’s voyage expenses increased by 25.75 per cent in 2007 compared to the previous year. Total biaya pelayaran Perseroan meningkat sebesar 25,75% This increase was largely attributable to the increased pada tahun 2007 dibandingkan pendapatan pada tahun cost of fuel. The growth in the size of the Company’s fleet, 2006. Penyebab kenaikan ini diakibatkan oleh kenaikan combined with the increased cost of fuel and the increased harga bahan bakar. Pertumbuhan armada Perseroan yang cost of port charges had a significant impact on the voyage diikuti dengan kenaikan harga bahan bakar dan biaya sandar expenses related to the Company’s three main business yang cukup tinggi, Perseroan berpengaruh cukup signifikan segments. In addition, the total expenditure on port charges terhadap kenaikan biaya pelayaran. Biaya pelayaran juga increased because of the higher number of port calls made meningkat karena jumlah pelabuhan yang disinggahi oleh by the Company’s fleet. armada Perseroan bertambah. 101 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 MANAGEMENT’S discussion and analysis Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen Biaya Sewa Charter Expenses Total Biaya Sewa Perseroan hanya meningkat sebesar The total expenditure on chartering and rental fees increased 0,61%, walaupun Perseroan telah menyewa tambahan lima by only 0.61 per cent over the year, despite the fact that the buah kapal tanker kimia seiring dengan akuisisi Chembulk Company chartered an additional five chemical tankers with Tankers LLC, hal ini hampir tidak berpengaruh karena hanya its acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC. This acquisition dihitung dari tanggal akuisisi yaitu 19 Desember 2007. did not have a significant impact on chartering expenses in 2007, as the acquisition was only effected on 19 December Biaya Pengoperasian Kapal 2007. Total Biaya pengoperasian kapal meningkat sebesar 42,17%. Ship Operating Expenses Komponen utama peningkatan ini adalah kenaikan biaya gaji yang diakibatkan pertumbuhan armada dan tambahan The total value of the Company’s ship operating expenses rute pelayaran tertentu, dimana remunerasi awak kapal lebih increased by 42.17 per cent over the year. The most tinggi, ditambah adanya kenaikan biaya suku cadang yang significant cause of this increase was the increased cost of disebabkan docking regular untuk beberapa kapal besar wages and salaries resulting from the increased size of the Perseroan pada tahun 2007. Armada Perseroan meningkat Company’s fleet and the addition of a number of routes for dari rata-rata 56,3 kapal pada tahun 2006 menjadi 63,9 which crew remuneration is higher than with routes served kapal pada tahun 2007. by the Company in the past. In addition, the increase was the result of the cost of spare parts required due to regular Biaya Penyusutan Kapal docking for several of the Company’s larger ships in 2007. As stated previously, the Company’s fleet grew from an Beban Penyusutan Kapal Perseroan meningkat sebesar average of 56.3 ships in 2006 to 63.9 ships in 2007. 25,77% pada tahun 2007 bila dibandingkan dengan tahun 2006. Peningkatan ini dikarenakan adanya peningkatan Cost of Vessel Depreciation armada Perseroan dari rata-rata 56,3 kapal pada tahun 2006 menjadi 63,9 kapal pada tahun 2007. Selain itu,disebabkan The cost of depreciation in the value of the Company’s pula karena secara umum nilai pasar kapal lebih tinggi. fleet increased by 25.77 per cent in 2007 compared to the previous year. This increase was primarily attributable to the Biaya Umum dan Administrasi increase in the size of the Company’s fleet from an average of 56.3 ships in 2006 to 63.9 ships in 2007 and to increases Total biaya Umum dan Administrasi Perseroan meningkat in the market values of these vessels. sebesar 18,62% pada tahun 2007, dibandingkan dengan tahun 2006. Kenaikan ini dipacu oleh meningkatnya biaya General and Administrative Expenses karyawan karena kenaikan gaji umum untuk karyawan kantor dan peningkatan jumlah karyawan, peningkatan The total value of the Company’s general and administrative biaya jasa profesional sehubungan dengan dilakukannya expenses increased by 18.62 per cent in 2007 compared akuisisi Chembulk tankers LLC, dan kenaikan beban kantor to the previous year. This increase was primarily due to the increased cost of salaries and associated expenses due to general increases in wages and increases in the number of employees, as well as expenditure on specialized professional services related to the acquisition of Chembulk 102 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk MANAGEMENT’S discussion and analysis Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen setelah pembukaan kantor baru di Mumbai. Selain itu, terjadi Tankers LLC. In addition, this increase was partly attributable kenaikan biaya transportasi, biaya telekomunikasi, biaya to the cost of opening a new office in Mumbai. There were pemasaran, biaya imbalan pasca-kerja, biaya penyusutan, also increases in transportation costs, telecommunications biaya amortisasi serta biaya pendidikan dan pelatihan. costs, marketing costs, pension payments, depreciation costs, amortization costs, and the cost of training and Pendapatan /Beban Keuangan Bersih dan Pendapatan/Beban Lain – Lain. education. Net Financial and Other Costs Beban Keuangan Bersih dan beban lain-lain Perseroan meningkat terutama karena meningkatnya beban keuangan The Company’s net financial and other items costs melalui peningkatan biaya bunga bank, dan kerugian dari increased largely as a result of increased bank interest rates transaksi swap, peningkatan pendapatan bunga hasil and losses resulting from swap transactions; increases in investasi, dan penurunan keuntungan dari penjualan aktiva interest income on investment; decreases in profits from the tetap. Terjadi pula perubahan atas obligasi konversi dan sale of fixed assets; and changes in convertible bonds and wesel bayar yang diterbitkan Perseroan. notes payable. Belanja Modal Capital Expenditure Belanja modal Perseroan terutama terkait dengan The most significant proportion of the Company’s capital pembelian kapal-kapal baru, baik bekas maupun yang expenditures are related to the acquisition of new vessels, baru dibangun, dan peningkatan serta pemeliharaan kapal including both used and newly built vessels, and to the serta akuisisi. Perseroan melakukan investasi dengan nilai upgrading and maintenance of the Company’s vessels. In keseluruhan US$ 1.147,3 juta atau Rp 10,8 triliun. Belanja 2007, the total value of the Company’s capital expenditure modal tersebut berasal dari kas hasil operasi Perseroan dan amounted to US$ 1,147.3 million, or Rp 10,8 billion. The pinjaman bank. Belanja modal perseroan selanjutnya terkait source of these funds was revenue derived from the atau diwujudkan dengan pembuatan kapal baru yang saat Company’s operations and bank loans. Future expenditures ini sedang dibangun. will relate to expenditure on vessels currently under construction. Per 31 Desember 2007 Perseroan secara keseluruhan memiliki kewajiban belanja modal untuk pembangunan As of 31 December 2007, the total value of the Company’s beberapa kapal baru yang dikerjakan di galangan kapal di contractual obligations for the construction of new ships Jepang, bernilai kontrak sekitar JPY 26,7 miliar. from Japan amounted to JPY 26.7 billion. Divestasi Divestment Divestasi utama Perseroan terkait dengan pelepasan The Company’s most significant divestments of assets kapal. Tahun 2007 Perseroan telah melepas tiga kapal MT related to the disposal of vessels. In 2007, the Company Bandondari, MT Tribuana dan MT Trirasa dengan total nilai divested itself of three vessels, the MT Bandondari, the MT penjualan sebesar US$ 61.230.087. Tribuana and the MT Trirasa, for a total of US$ 61,230,087. 103 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 BOARD of commissioners Dewan Komisaris HADI SURYA Presiden Komisaris / President Commissioner Umur 71 tahun, diangkat sebagai Presiden Komisaris Perseroan pada tanggal 26 Juni 2000. Bergabung dengan Perseroan pada tahun 1981, sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama Perseroan (1989-2000). Pada saat ini juga menjabat selaku Komisaris PT. Jaya Agra Wattie (sejak 1990), Komisaris Utama PT Dwibina Prima (sejak 2004), Komisaris PT. Banyu Laju Shipping (sejak 2002) dan Komisaris Utama PT Alas Watu Utama (sejak 1990). Sebelumnya juga menjabat sebagai komisaris CV Kartika Pabrik Triplex (1955-1959), Komisaris PT Daya Sakti Timber Corporation (1970-1994) dan Komisaris PT Daya Sakti Krida Unggul (1985-1999). Menyelesaikan pendidikan di Lian Huo High School di Surabaya pada tahun 1954. Pada tahun 2002 mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai “entrepreneur of the year Indonesia” oleh Ernst & Young. Aged 71, he was appointed as the President Commissioner of the Company on 26 June 2000. He joined the Company in 1981 and was previously the President Director of the Company (1989—2000). He is also currently a Commissioner of PT Jaya Agra Wattie (since 1990), the President Commissioner of PT Dwibina Prima (since 2004), a Commissioner of PT Banyu Laju Shipping (since 2002) and the President Commissioner of PT Alas Watu Utama (since 1990). He was previously a Commissioner of CV Kartika Pabrik Triplex (1955—1959), a Commissioner of PT Daya Sakti Timber Corporation (1970—1994) and a Commissioner of PT Daya Sakti Krida Unggul (1985—1999). He graduated from Lian Huo High School in Surabaya in 1954. In 2002, he was awarded the ‘‘Entrepreneur of the Year — Indonesia’’ by Ernst & Young. HARIJADI SOEDARJO Komisaris / Commissioner Umur 45, diangkat sebagai Komisaris Perseroan pada 30 Juni 1991. Pada saat ini menduduki jabatan sebagai Direktur Utama PT Jaya Agra Wattie (sejak 1990). Sebelumnya sebagai Wakil Direktur PT Jaya Agra Wattie (1987-1988). Direktur PT Jaya Agra Wattie (1988-1990) dan Direktur PT Daya Sakti Unggul Corporation Tbk (1994-19998). Memperoleh gelar MBA dari Golden Gate University, San Francisco pada tahun 1987. Aged 45, was appointed as a Commissioner of the Company on 30 June 1991. He is currently the President Director of PT Jaya Agra Wattie (since 1990). He was previously an Assistant Director of PT Jaya Agra Wattie (1987—1988), a Director of PT Jaya Agra Wattie (1988—1990) and a Director of PT Daya Sakti Unggul Corporation Tbk (1994—1998). He received an MBA from Golden Gate University, San Francisco in 1987. 104 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk BOARD of commissioners Dewan Komisaris ALAN JONATHAN TANGKAS DARMAWAN Komisaris Independen/ Independent Commissioner Umur 40, diangkat sebagai Komisaris Perseroan pada 11 September 2006. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Direktur PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia. Sebelumnya menduduki jabatan sebagai konsultan jasa keuangan pada American International Assurance Co. Ltd di Singapura (2002-2004), Direktur PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia (2001-2002), Vice President pada PT Asuransi Jiwa Principal Indonesia (2000-2001), dan Vice President pada PT. Puri Dana Bersama (1997-2000). Lulusan dari Indiana University pada tahun 1991. Aged 40, he was appointed as a Commissioner of the Company on 11 September 2006. He is currently a Director of PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia. He was previously a financial services consultant at the American International Assurance Co. Ltd in Singapore (2002—2004), Director of PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia (2001—2002), Vice President at PT Asuransi Jiwa Principal Indonesia (2000— 2001) and Vice President at PT Puri Dana Bersama (1997—2000). He graduated from Indiana University in 1991. JAKA PRASETYA Komisaris Independen / Independent Commissioner Umur 36 tahun, diangkat sebagai Komisaris Perseroan pada tanggal 11 September 2006. Pada saat ini menduduki jabatan sebagai CEO di United Fiber System ,Ltd sejak tahun 2006 sampai dengan sekarang, sebelumnya sebagai Direktur pada Deutsche Bank (2004-2006), Wakil Presiden pada Zurich Financial Services (2002-2004), sebagai associate pada Merrill Lynch (2000-2002) dan associate direktur pada UBS (1998-2000). Lulusan dari Institut Teknologi Bandung pada 1994 dan memperoleh gelar MBA dari Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management pada tahun 1998. Aged 36, he was appointed as a Commissioner of the Company on 11 September 2006. He has been the CEO of United Fiber System Ltd since 2006. Prior to this, he was a Director at Deutsche Bank (2004—2006), Vice President at Zurich Financial Services (2002—2004), an associate at Merrill Lynch (2000—2002) and an associate director at UBS (1998—2000). He graduated from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1994 and received an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management in 1998. 105 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 BOARD of directors Dewan Komisaris WIDIHARDJA TANUDJAJA Direktur Utama / President Director Umur 57, diangkat sebagai Presiden Direktur pada 26 Juni 2000. Bertanggung jawab atas seluruh aspek operasional Perseroan. Bergabung dengan Perseroan pada tahun 1981, sebelumnya menduduki jabatan sebagai Operation Manager Perusahaan (19841987). General Manager (1987-1990) dan Commercial Director (1990-2000). Saat ini menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama PT Banyu Laju Shipping (sejak 2002) dan sebelumnya menduduki jabatan sebagai Komisaris PT Banyu Laju Shipping sejak 1999 sampai 2000. Lulusan dari Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine dengan memperoleh gelar master dalam ilmu kelautan dan master dalam bidang Hukum dari Hosei University of Tokyo pada 1979, dan gelar sarjana dalam bidang ilmu kelautan dari Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine pada 1976. Merupakan Ketua Komite Indonesia dari Nippon Kaiji Kyokai sejak 2001. Juga menjabat sebagai Ketua Divisi Cargo Cair dari Indonesian National Ship owners’ Association (2005-2008) dan Wakil Ketua Forum Komunikasi Rekanan Kapal Charter PT Pertamina (2005-2008). Aged 57, he was appointed as President Director on 26 June 2000. He oversees all aspects of the Group’s operations. He joined the Company in 1981. He previously served as the Company’s Operations Manager (1984—1987), General Manager (1987—1990) and Commercial Director (1990—2000). He currently serves as President Director of PT Banyu Laju Shipping (since 2002) and previously served as a Commissioner of PT Banyu Laju Shipping from 1999 to 2000. He graduated with a Master’s degree in Maritime Science from Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine and a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Hosei University of Tokyo in 1979, and a Bachelor’s degree in Maritime Science from Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine in 1976. He has been the Chairman of the Nippon Kaiji Kyokai’s Indonesia Committee since 2001. He also serves as the Chairman of Liquid Cargo Division of the Indonesian National Ship owners’ Association (2005—2008) and the Vice Chairman of the Forum Komunikasi Rekanan Kapal Charter PT Pertamina (2005—2008), a forum of approved Pertamina partners. HENRIANTO KUSWENDI Direktur Komersial / Commercial Director Umur 46, diangkat sebagai Direktur Perseroan pada 22 Juni 1999. Bertanggungjawab terhadap bidang komersial dan operasional Perseroan. Bergabung dengan Perseroan pada 1986, menduduki jabatan sebagai Marketing Manager (19901994), Assistant General Manager, commercial division (1994-1997) dan General Manager, Divisi Niaga (1997-1999). Memperoleh gelar sarjana dalam bidang manajemen dari Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia pada tahun 1985. Aged 46, he was appointed as a Director of the Company on 22 June 1999. He is responsible for the operational and commercial areas of the Group. He joined the Company in 1986, served as Marketing Manager (1990—1994), Assistant General Manager, Commercial Division (1994—1997) and General Manager, Commercial Division (1997—1999). He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Management from Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia in 1985. 106 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk BOARD of directors Dewan Komisaris MICHAEL MURNI GUNAWAN Direktur Administrasi / Administration Director Umur 45, diangkat sebagai Direktur Perseroan pada 22 Juni 1999. Bertanggungjawab terhadap bidang akunting, audit internal dan teknologi informasi Perseroan. Bergabung dengan Perseroan pada bulan Januari 1999 sebagai General Manager Divisi Admnistrasi. Sebelum bergabung dengan Perseroan, menjabat sebagai Head of Corporate Administration and Information System dari BSG Corporation (1996-1998), Information Technology Manager PT Daya Sakti Timber Corporation (1991-1994), dan Assistant Accounting Manager PT Daya Sakti Timber Corporation (1986-1991). Memperoleh gelar sarjana dalam bidang akuntansi dari Universitas Airlangga Surabaya tahun 1985 dan memperoleh gelar MBA dari University of San Diego pada tahun 1996. Aged 45, he was appointed as a Director of the Company on 22 June 1999. He is responsible for the accounting, internal audit and information technology areas of the Group. He joined the Company in January 1999 as General Manager of the Administration Division, a post he held until June 1999. Prior to joining the Company, he was Head of Corporate Administration and Information System of BSG Corporation (1996—1998), Information Technology Manager of PT Daya Sakti Timber Corporation (1991—1994), and Assistant Accounting Manager of PT Daya Sakti Timber Corporation (1986—1991). He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Airlangga University Surabaya in 1985 and received his MBA from the University of San Diego in 1996. SIANA ANGGRAENI SURYA Direktur Korporat dan Pengembangan Usaha / Corporate and Business Development Director Umur 40 tahun, diangkat sebagai Direktur Perseroan pada 22 Juni 1999. Bertanggungjawab terhadap bidang hukum, klaim & asuransi, Sumber daya manusia dan pengembangan usaha Perseroan. Bergabung dengan Perseroan pada 1994 dan menduduki jabatan sebagai Marketing Manager sejak 1997 sampai 1999. Sebelum bergabung dengan Perusahaan, menduduki jabatan sebagai Marketing Sales pada ICI Jepang (1993-1994). Mengambil jurusan Kimia Terapan dan memperoleh gelar sarjana dalam bidang chemical engineering dari Waseda University – Tokyo pada 1991 dan gelar master dalam chemical engineering dari Waseda University – Tokyo pada 1993. Aged 40, she was appointed as a Director of the Company on 22 June 1999. She is responsible for the legal, claims & insurance, human resources and business development areas of the Group. She joined the Company in 1994 and served as Marketing Manager from 1997 to 1999. Prior to joining the Company, she was in Marketing Sales at ICI Japan (1993—1994). She majored in Applied Chemistry and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Waseda University — Tokyo in 1991 and a Master’s degree in engineering from Waseda University — Tokyo in 1993. WONG KEVIN Direktur Keuangan / Finance Director Umur 39, Diangkat sebagai Direktur Perseroan pada 22 Juni 1999. Bergabung dengan Perseroan pada 1996 sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan, posisi yang masih dijabat sampai dengan saat ini. Pernah menduduki jabatan sebagai General Manager, Divisi Keuangan Perusahaan (Januari 1999-Juni 1999). Sebelum bergabung dengan Perusahaan, pernah menjabat sebagai Associate Direktur Pan Union Co.Ltd (1995-1996). Associate PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (1994-1995), dan Assistant Manager Citibank, N.A. Jakarta (1992-1994). Dia memperoleh gelar BA dalam bidang administrasi bisnis dari Lewis and Clark College pada 1989 dan gelar BA dalam teknik mesin dari Columbia University pada 1991. Aged 39, he was appointed as a Director of the Company on 22 June 1999. He joined the Company in 1996 as Corporate Secretary, a position he still presently holds. He also served as General Manager, Finance Division of the Company (January 1999—June 1999). Prior to joining the Company, he was an Associate Director of Pan Union Co. Ltd (1995—1996), an Associate of PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (1994—1995), and an Assistant Manager of Citibank, N.A. Jakarta (1992—1994). He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration from Lewis and Clark College in 1989 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Columbia University in 1991. 107 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Surat Pernyataan Statement Letter Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan bertanggung The Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of jawab penuh atas kebenaran informasi yang terdapat the Company accept full responsibility for the accuracy of dalam Laporan Tahunan Tahun 2007 ini. the information contained in this 2007 Annual Report. Jakarta, 1 April 2008 Direksi The Board of Directors Kevin Wong Widihardja Tanudjaja Direktur Direktur Utama Direktur Director President Director Director Henrianto Kuswendi Siana Anggraeni Surya Michael Murni Gunawan Direktur Direktur Director Director Dewan Komisaris The Board of Commissioners Hadi Surya Komisaris Utama President Commissioner Harijadi Soedarjo Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan Jaka Prasetya Komisaris Komisaris Independen Komisaris Independen Commissioner Independent Commissioner Independent Commissioner 108 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Laporan Auditor Independen 109 PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Global Reports LLC Global Reports LLC Global Reports LLC Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT 1. UMUM a. 1. a. Pendirian dan Informasi Umum Establishment and General Information P.T. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (Perusahaan) didirikan berdasarkan akta No. 60 tanggal 12 Maret 1981 dengan nama P.T. Bhaita Laju Tanker, yang kemudian dengan akta No. 4 tanggal 5 September 1988 diubah namanya menjadi P.T. Berlian Laju Tanker. Kedua akta tersebut dibuat dihadapan Raden Santoso, notaris di Jakarta, dan telah mendapat persetujuan dari Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia dalam Surat Keputusannya No.C2-2630.HT.01.01-Th.89 tanggal 31 Maret 1989, serta diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No. 70 tanggal 1 September 1989, Tambahan No. 1729. Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan, terakhir dengan akta No. 17 tanggal 23 Nopember 2007 dari Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notaris di Jakarta, mengenai persetujuan peningkatan modal ditempatkan dan disetor Perusahaan. Perubahan anggaran dasar tersebut telah diterima dan dicatat oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dalam Surat Keputusannya No. C-UM.HT.01.10-5957 tanggal 13 Desember 2007. P.T. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (the “Company”) was established based on notarial deed No. 60 dated March 12, 1981 under the name of P.T. Bhaita Laju Tanker. The Company's name was changed to P.T. Berlian Laju Tanker based on notarial deed No. 4 dated September 5, 1988. Both deeds were notarized by Raden Santoso, notary public in Jakarta. The deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decision Letter No. C2-2630.HT.01.01.Th.89 dated March 31, 1989 and was published in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 70 dated September 1, 1989, Supplement No. 1729. The Company's articles of association have been amended several times, most recently by notarial deed No. 17 dated November 23, 2007 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notary public in Jakarta, concerning the increase in the Company’s subcribed and paid-up capital stock. Such amendments were received and recorded by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decision Letter No. C-UM.HT.01.10-5957 dated December 13, 2007. Perusahaan berkedudukan di Jakarta, mempunyai dua kantor cabang di Merak dan Dumai. Kantor pusat beralamat di Wisma Bina Surya Group (BSG) Lt. 10 Jl. Abdul Muis No. 40 Jakarta. The Company is domiciled in Jakarta and has two branches in Merak and Dumai. Its head office is located at Wisma Bina Surya Group (BSG) 10th Floor, Jl. Abdul Muis No. 40, Jakarta. Sesuai dengan pasal 3 anggaran dasar Perusahaan, ruang lingkup kegiatan Perusahaan meliputi usaha dalam bidang perkapalan dalam dan luar negeri dengan menggunakan kapal-kapal, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada kapal tanker, tongkang dan kapal tunda (tugboat). Perusahaan bergerak dalam bidang jasa seperti pelayaran/angkutan laut dengan konsentrasi pada angkutan muatan bahan cair baik dalam kawasan Indonesia maupun Asia, Eropa dan Amerika. Perusahaan mulai beroperasi secara komersial pada tahun 1981. Jumlah karyawan Perusahaan rata-rata 371 karyawan untuk tahun 2007 dan 245 karyawan untuk tahun 2006. In accordance with article 3 of the Company’s articles of association, the scope of its activities comprise of local and overseas shipping including but not limited to tanker, barges and tugboat operations. The Company is presently engaged in providing cargo shipping with concentration on liquid cargo transportation services in Indonesia, Asia, Europe and America. The Company started its commercial operations in 1981. The Company had average total number of employees of 371 in 2007 and 245 in 2006. Perusahaan tergabung dalam kelompok usaha (group) Bina Surya Group (BSG). Susunan pengurus Perusahaan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 adalah sebagai berikut: The Company is one of the group of companies owned by the Bina Surya Group (BSG). The Company’s management as of December 31, 2007 consisted of the following: Dewan Komisaris Komisaris Utama Komisaris Komisaris Independen Dewan Direksi Direktur Utama Direktur Hadi Surya Harijadi Soedarjo Alan Jonathan Tangkas Darmawan Jaka Prasetya Widihardja Tanudjaja Michael Murni Gunawan Wong Kevin Siana Anggraeni Surya Henrianto Kuswendi -8- Global Reports LLC GENERAL Board of Commissioners President Commissioner Commissioner Independent Commissioners Board of Directors President Director Directors P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) b. b. Subsidiaries Anak Perusahaan Perusahaan memiliki 100% saham Indigo Pacific Corporation, Diamond Pacific International Corporation dan Asean Maritime Corporation (ketiganya berkedudukan di luar negeri dan bergerak dalam bidang investasi). Perusahaan juga memiliki PT Banyu Laju Shipping, PT Brotojoyo Maritime dan PT Buana Listya Tama yang bergerak dalam bidang pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal serta PT Bayu Lestari Tanaya yang bergerak dalam bidang agen perkapalan, keempat anak perusahaan ini berdomisili di Indonesia. The Company owns 100% equity in Indigo Pacific Corporation, Diamond Pacific International Corporation and Asean Maritime Corporation. These three subsidiaries are domiciled in foreign countries and are operating as investment holding companies. The Company also owns PT Banyu Laju Shipping, PT Brotojoyo Maritime and PT Buana Listya Tama, owners and operators of vessels, and PT Bayu Lestari Tanaya, operating as a shipping agency, which are all domiciled in Indonesia, Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Luar Biasa Para Pemegang Saham tanggal 18 Desember 2007 sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam akta notaris Amrul Partomuan, S.H., LLM, No. 16 tanggal 18 Desember 2007, Perusahaan mendapat persetujuan dari pemegang saham untuk melakukan akuisisi/pembelian Chembulk Tankers LLC (Catatan 11). At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders, as stated in notarial deed No. 16 dated December 18, 2007 of Amrul Partomuan, S.H., LLM, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved to acquire/purchase Chembulk Tankers LLC (Note 11). Berikut adalah rincian anak perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh Perusahaan sebesar 100%, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui anak perusahaan: Details of the Company’s subsidiaries, directly or indirectly owned, are as follows: Anak Perusahaan dan jenis usaha / Subsidiary and type of business Domisili/ Domicile Tahun Operasi Komersial/ Start of Commercial Operations 1. Indigo Pacific Corporation (Perusahaan Investasi/ Investment holding company) Labuan, Malaysia 24 Desember 1997/ December 24, 1997 1.514.396.354.665 1.1. Indigo Pacific Corporation (Perusahaan Investasi/ Investment holding company) British Virgin Islands 8 Pebruari 1993/ February 8, 1993 1.533.547.391.739 1.1.1. Melani Maritime Inc. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 24 Pebruari 1993/ February 24, 1993 251.711.110.228 1.1.2. Zona Overseas International Shipping S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 24 Juni 1997/ June 24, 1997 496.564.485.045 1.1.3. Wigati Maritime S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 13 Nopember 1997/ November 13, 1997 48.875.961.003 1.1.4. Kunti Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 11 Oktober 2000/ October 11, 2000 36.670.185.209 -9- Global Reports LLC Jumlah Aktiva 31 Desember 2007/ Total Assets as of December 31, 2007 Rp P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Anak Perusahaan dan jenis usaha / Subsidiary and type of business Domisili/ Domicile Tahun Operasi Komersial/ Start of Commercial Operations 1.1.5. Jembawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 15 Nopember 2000/ November 15, 2000 83.105.981.989 1.1.6. Tirtasari Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 24 Nopember 2001/ November 24, 2001 43.437.351.095 1.1.7. Pergiwo Navigation Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 26 April 2002/ April 26, 2002 1.1.8. Fatmarini Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 14 Agustus 2002/ August 14, 2002 1.1.9. Harsanadi Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 26 Agustus 2002/ August 26, 2002 1.1.10. Hartati Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 26 Agustus 2002/ August 26, 2002 132.204.704.508 1.1.11. BLT Finance Corporation (Perusahaan Investasi/ Investment holding company) British Virgin Islands 20 Juni 2005/ June 20, 2005 1.678.919.325 1.1.12. Pujawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 10 Maret 2006/ March 10, 2006 27.215.889.673 1.1.13. Pertiwi Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 12 Maret 2006/ March 12, 2006 1.1.14. Anggraini Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 5 Juni 2006/ June 5, 2006 538.076.865.974 1.1.15. Emerald Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 12 April 2006/ April 12, 2006 1.1.16. BLT Finance B.V (Perusahaan investasi/ Investment holding Company) * Belanda/ The Netherlands 27 April 2007/ April 27, 2007 4.691.309.038.205 1.1.17. Tridonawati Maritime Pte. Ltd (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 6 Juni 2007/ June 6, 2007 293.212.811 1.1.18. Purbasari Maritime Pte. Ltd (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 23 Juni 2007/ June 23, 2007 303.684.855 1.1.19. Tridonawati Maritime Corporation (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Liberia/ The Republic of Liberia 21 Juni 2007/ June 21, 2007 478.329.677.616 1.1.20. Trirasa Maritime Pte. Ltd (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 6 Juni 2007/ June 6, 2007 293.212.811 2. Diamond Pacific International Corporation (Perusahaan Investasi/ Investment holding company) Labuan, Malaysia 24 Desember 1997/ December 24, 1997 * Merupakan pendirian perusahaan baru di tahun 2007/Newly established companies in 2007. - 10 - Global Reports LLC Jumlah Aktiva 31 Desember 2007/ Total Assets as of December 31, 2007 Rp 164.220.650.049 676.068.895.412 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Domisili/ Domicile Tahun Operasi Komersial/ Start of Commercial Operations 2.1. Diamond Pacific International Corporation (Perusahaan Investasi/ Investment holding company) British Virgin Islands 9 Pebruari 1993/ February 9, 1993 746.470.246.500 2.1.1. Lenani Maritime Inc. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 24 Pebruari 1993/ February 24, 1993 244.507.380.850 Ontari Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 25 Juli 2002 July 25, 2002 81.832.899.400 2.1.2. Averina Maritime S.A. (Agen perkapalan/Shipping agency) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 27 Mei 1998/ May 27, 1998 53.595.119.246 2.1.3. Gandari Navigation Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 26 April 2002/ April 26, 2002 6.371.395.048 2.1.4. GBLT Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 10 Maret 2002/ March 10, 2002 174.438.711.573 GBLT Shipmanagement Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) United Kingdom 2 Pebruari 2004/ February 2, 2004 52.435.529.390 Harsanadi Shipping Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) United Kingdom 2 Pebruari 2004/ February 2, 2004 4.656.062.622 Hartati Shipping Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) United Kingdom 2 Pebruari 2004/ February 2, 2004 4.678.187.100 Frabandari Shipping Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) United Kingdom 2 Pebruari 2004/ February 2, 2004 3.170.807.827 Fatmarini Shipping Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) United Kingdom 2 Pebruari 2004/ February 2, 2004 3.584.914.822 Nogogini Shipping Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) United Kingdom 2 Pebruari 2004/ February 2, 2004 3.745.512.068 Nolowati Shipping Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) United Kingdom 2 Pebruari 2004/ February 2, 2004 3.820.595.627 Ratih Shipping Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) United Kingdom 2 Pebruari 2004/ February 2, 2004 5.252.974.511 2.1.5. Cendanawati Navigation Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 25 Juli 2002/ July 25, 2002 29.929.764.385 2.1.6. Frabandari Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 14 Agustus 2002/ August 14, 2002 224.369.323.093 2.1.7. Brotojoyo Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 3 Juli 2003/ July 3, 2003 204.920.731.708 2.1.8. Berlian Laju Tanker Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 3 Juli 2003/ July 3, 2003 45.292.850.485 - 11 - Global Reports LLC Jumlah Aktiva 31 Desember 2007/ Total Assets as of December 31, 2007 Rp Anak Perusahaan dan jenis usaha / Subsidiary and type of business P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Anak Perusahaan dan jenis usaha / Subsidiary and type of business Domisili/ Domicile Tahun Operasi Komersial/ Start of Commercial Operations 2.1.9. Anjasmoro Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 17 Maret 2004/ March 17, 2004 2.2. BLT LNG Tangguh Corporation (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Marshall Island/ The Republic of Marshall Island 8 Juli 2005/ July 8, 2005 210.881.430.004 3. Asean Maritime Corporation (Perusahaan Investasi/ Investment holding company) Labuan, Malaysia 16 September 1997/ September 16, 1997 2.399.295.093.877 3.1. Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation (Perusahaan Investasi/ Investment holding company) British Virgin Islands 20 Nopember 1996/ November 20, 1996 307.598.719.601 3.1.1. Bauhinia Navigation S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 30 Mei 1996/ May 30, 1996 16.855.432.837 3.1.2. Cempaka Navigation S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 23 Juni 1997/ June 23, 1997 52.296.805.510 3.1.3. Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd. (Agen perkapalan/Shipping agency) Hong Kong 27 April 1990/ April 27, 1990 29.280.702.696 BLT Shipping Shanghai Co. Ltd. (Agen perkapalan/Shipping agency) China 27 Juli 2006/ July 27, 2006 8.223.471.950 3.1.4. Great Tirta Shipping S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 23 Juni 1997/ June 23, 1997 40.287.393.543 Dewayani Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 1 Nopember 2002/ November 1, 2002 44.106.664.105 3.1.5. Hopeway Marine Inc. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 22 Nopember 1984/ November 22, 1984 89.439.777.330 3.1.6. Lestari International Shipping S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 23 Juni 1997/ June 23, 1997 36.868.946.266 Gandini Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Januari 2002/ January 2, 2002 302.510.764.181 3.1.7. Quimera Maritime S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 3 Desember 1993/ December 3, 1993 171.266.986.241 3.1.8. South Eastern Overseas Navigation S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 26 Mei 1994/ May 26, 1994 38.422.865.948 3.1.9. Zenith Overseas Maritime S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 23 Juni 1997/ June 23, 1997 20.805.794.121 Gandari Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 20 Januari 2002/ January 20, 2002 281.929.588.062 Zona Shipping S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 23 Juni 1997/ June 23, 1997 38.000.377.362 Dewi Sri Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 1 Nopember 2002/ November 1, 2002 49.256.951.359 3.1.10. 3.1.11. Dahlia Navigation S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 29 Januari 1997/ January 29, 1997 3.1.12. Eglantine Navigation S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 24 Nopember 1997/ November 24, 1997 17.124.914.666 - 12 - Global Reports LLC Jumlah Aktiva 31 Desember 2007/ Total Assets as of December 31, 2007 Rp P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Anak Perusahaan dan jenis usaha / Subsidiary and type of business Domisili/ Domicile Tahun Operasi Komersial/ Start of Commercial Operations 3.1.13. Wulansari Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 6 April 2001/ April 6, 2001 126.574.126.338 3.1.14. Yanaseni Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 18 April 2001/ April 18, 2001 82.611.979.175 3.1.15. Indradi Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 13 September 2001/ September 13, 2001 95.351.631.330 3.1.16. Gold Bridge Logistic Ltd. (Perusahaan Investasi/ Investment holding company) Hong Kong 4 Juni 2001/ June 4, 2001 9.608.153.677 China 8 Juni 2001/ June 8, 2001 13.739.876.487 Beihai New Resources Logistic Corportion (Jasa penyimpanan/Storage services) 3.1.17. Gold Bridge Shipping Agencies S.A. (Agen perkapalan/Shipping agency) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 26 September 2001/ September 26, 2001 7.974.243.137 3.1.18. Elite Bauhinia Navigation Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 24 Nopember 2001/ November 24, 2001 76.773.614.191 3.1.19. Cempaka Navigation Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 25 Juli 2002/ July 25, 2002 16.469.522.184 3.1.20. Dahlia Navigation Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 25 Juli 2002/ July 25, 2002 67.228.768.439 3.1.21. Freesia Navigation S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 15 Nopember 2002/ November 15, 2002 115.958.840.341 3.1.22. Gerbera Navigation S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 29 Nopember 2002/ November 29, 2002 116.231.473.579 3.1.23. Mustokoweni Maritime Pte Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 12 Agustus 2004/ August 12, 2004 22.277.502.604 3.1.24. Ulupi Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 12 Agustus 2004/ August 12, 2004 98.509.325.272 3.1.25. Erowati Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 12 Agustus 2004/ August 12, 2004 87.646.431.661 3.1.26. Gas Papua Maritime Pte Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 10 Nopember 2004/ November 10, 2004 129.201.970.448 3.1.27. Rasawulan Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 8 Nopember 2004/ November 8, 2004 3.1.28. Gas Sulawesi Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 10 Nopember 2004/ November 10, 2004 134.583.171.268 3.1.29. Tribuana Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 11 Nopember 2004/ November 11, 2004 188.851.702.107 3.1.30. Gagarmayang Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 12 Nopember 2004/ November 12, 2004 1.076.914.559.302 3.1.31. Prita Dewi Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 13 Nopember 2004/ November 13 2004 175.485.746.545 3.1.32. Purwati Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 14 Nopember 2004/ November 14, 2004 356.420.327.323 - 13 - Global Reports LLC Jumlah Aktiva 31 Desember 2007/ Total Assets as of December 31, 2007 Rp P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Anak Perusahaan dan jenis usaha / Subsidiary and type of business Domisili/ Domicile Tahun Operasi Komersial/ Start of Commercial Operations 3.1.33. Trijata Maritime Pte Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 8 Oktober 2004/ October 8, 2004 210.421.119.518 3.1.34. Pradapa Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 8 Januari 2005/ January 8, 2005 2.395.495.379.420 3.1.35. Pergiwati Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 8 Januari 2005/ January 8, 2005 242.308.875.012 3.1.36. Badraini Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 19 Januari 2005/ January 19, 2005 301.621.317.650 3.1.37. Barunawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 19 Januari 2005/ January 19, 2005 352.565.477.242 3.1.38. Gas Maluku Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 8 April 2005/ April 8, 2005 136.356.226.339 3.1.39. Barawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 22 April 2005/ April 22, 2005 280.721.316.010 3.1.40. Gas Bali Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 6 Juli 2005/ July 6, 2005 134.579.269.730 3.1.41. Eustoma Navigation S.A. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 12 Agustus 2005/ August 12, 2005 73.070.830.098 3.1.42. Puspawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 26 September 2005/ September 26, 2005 106.406.190.288 3.1.43. Diamond Flow Ltd. (Perusahaan investasi/ Investment holding company) * Hong Kong 18 Januari 2007/ January 18, 2007 3.1.44. Likabula International Ltd. (Perusahaan investasi/ Investment holding company) * Hong Kong 14 Juni 2007/ June 14, 2007 14.135.498.976 3.2. BLT Chembulk BVI (Perusahaan investasi/ Investment holding company) * British Virgin Islands 5 Oktober 2007/ October 5, 2007 51.025.669.546 3.2.1 Chembulk Tankers LLC (Perusahaan investasi/ Investment holding company) ** Marshall Islands 25 Januari 2007/ January 25, 2007 559.517.428.311 Chembulk Trading II LLC (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) ** Marshall Islands 25 Januari 2007/ January 25, 2007 Chembulk Management LLC (Manajemen perkapalan/ Ship management) ** Amerika Serikat/ United States of America 25 Januari 2007/ January 25, 2007 22.950.355.368 Chembulk Management B.V. (Manajemen perkapalan/ Ship management) ** Belanda/ The Netherlands 22 Mei 2007/ May 22, 2007 1.711.863.408 Chembulk Management Pte. Ltd. (Manajemen perkapalan/ Ship management) ** Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 29 Maret 2007/ March 29, 2007 3.2.2 Chembulk Barcelona Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 * Merupakan pendirian perusahaan baru di tahun 2007/Newly established companies in 2007. ** Merupakan akuisisi perusahaan di tahun 2007/Newly acquired companies in 2007. - 14 - Global Reports LLC Jumlah Aktiva 31 Desember 2007/ Total Assets as of December 31, 2007 Rp 12.075.629 665.680.350.647 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Anak Perusahaan dan jenis usaha / Subsidiary and type of business Domisili/ Domicile Tahun Operasi Komersial/ Start of Commercial Operations 3.2.3 Chembulk Gibraltar Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 446.937.172.672 3.2.4 Chembulk Hong Kong Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 646.946.093.962 3.2.5 Chembulk Houston Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 447.191.823.249 3.2.6 Chembulk Kobe Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 466.047.069.344 3.2.7 Chembulk New York Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 570.472.656.331 3.2.8 Chembulk Savannah Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 551.532.227.720 3.2.9 Chembulk Shanghai Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 428.198.560.359 3.2.10 Chembulk Ulsan Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 504.131.036.940 3.2.11 Chembulk Virgin Gorda Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 665.646.019.051 3.2.12 Chembulk Yokohama Pte. Ltd. (Pengoperasian & pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) * Republik Singapura/ The Republic of Singapore 2 Nopember 2007/ November 2, 2007 485.355.557.530 4. PT Banyu Laju Shipping (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 25 Juli 1991/ July 25, 1991 4.1. Banyu Laju Corporation (Perusahaan investasi/ Investment holding company) Labuan, Malaysia 18 Desember 2003/ December 18, 2003 1.669.879.575 4.1.1. Banyu Laju Maritime S.A. (Pengoperasian Kapal/Operator of vessel) Republik Panama/ The Republic of Panama 1 Juni 2004/ June 1, 2004 1.669.879.575 5. PT Brotojoyo Maritime (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 20 Januari 2003/ January 20, 2003 65.473.739.045 5.1. PT Gemilang Bina Lintas Tirta (Pengoperasian kapal/Operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 10 Nopember 2003/ November 10, 2003 1.941.832.249 5.1.1. PT Karya Bakti Adil (Agen kru/Crew agency) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 20 Nopember 2003/ November 20, 2003 328.333.134.575 6. PT Buana Listya Tama (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 12 Mei 2005/ May 12, 2005 900.524.633.181 6.1. PT Anjasmoro Maritime (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 24 Maret 2006/ March 24, 2006 6.2. PT Pearl Maritime (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 9 Nopember 2006/ November 9, 2006 11.341.595.639 6.3. PT Ruby Maritime (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 9 Nopember 2006/ November 9, 2006 232.044.352 6.4. PT Sapphire Maritime (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 9 Nopember 2006/ November 9, 2006 236.544.352 * Merupakan Pendirian Perusahaan baru di tahun 2007/Newly established companies in 2007. - 15 - Global Reports LLC Jumlah Aktiva 31 Desember 2007/ Total Assets as of December 31, 2007 Rp 233.109.082 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Anak Perusahaan dan jenis usaha / Subsidiary and type of business Tahun Operasi Komersial/ Start of Commercial Operations PT Citrine Maritime (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 29 Mei 2006/ May 29, 2006 160.593.998.688 6.6. PT Diamond Maritime (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 29 Mei 2006/ May 29, 2006 207.749.329.259 6.7. PT Emerald Maritime (Pengoperasian dan pemilikan kapal/ Owner and operator of vessel) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 29 Mei 2006/ May 29, 2006 424.461.787.352 7. PT Bayu Lestari Tanaya (Agen Perkapalan/Shipping agency) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 22 Maret 2005/ March 22, 2005 415.336.008 7.1. PT Berlian Dumai Logistics (Perdagangan umum/General trading) Republik Indonesia/ The Republic of Indonesia 16 Nopember 2007/ November 16, 2007 250.000.000 * Merupakan Pendirian Perusahaan baru di tahun 2007/Newly established companies in 2007. Penawaran Umum Efek Perusahaan dan Obligasi c. Public Offering of Shares and Bonds Saham Shares Pada tanggal 22 Januari 1990, Perusahaan memperoleh persetujuan dari Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia dengan Surat Keputusannya No. S1-076/SHM/MK.01/1990 untuk menawarkan 2.100.000 saham kepada masyarakat melalui Bursa Efek di Indonesia seharga Rp 8.500 setiap saham. Saham-saham tersebut telah tercatat pada Bursa Efek di Indonesia pada tanggal 26 Maret 1990. The Company’s offering of 2,100,000 shares to the public through the stock exchanges in Indonesia, at a price of Rp 8,500 per share, was approved by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decision Letter No. S1-076/SHM/MK.01/1990 dated January 22, 1990. These shares were listed on the stock exchanges in Indonesia on March 26, 1990. Pada tanggal 27 Januari 1993, Perusahaan memperoleh Surat Pemberitahuan Efektif No. S-109A/PM/1993 dari Ketua Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal (Bapepam) (sekarang menjadi Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan - Bapepam-LK) untuk mengadakan Penawaran Umum Terbatas I kepada para pemegang saham sejumlah 29.400.000 saham seharga Rp 1.600 setiap saham. Saham-saham tersebut telah tercatat pada Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya pada tanggal 24 Mei 1993. On January 27, 1993, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency (“Bapepam”) (currently the Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency or Bapepam-LK) in his letter No. S-109A/PM/1993 for its Rights Issue I to the stockholders totaling 29,400,000 shares at a price of Rp 1,600 per share. These shares were listed on the Jakarta and Surabaya stock exchanges on May 24, 1993. Pada tanggal 26 Desember 1997, Perusahaan memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Bapepam dengan suratnya No. S-2966/PM/1997 untuk melakukan Penawaran Umum Terbatas II dengan Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu sebanyak 305.760.000 saham dan 61.152.000 waran dengan harga pelaksanaan Rp 1.200 per saham. Jangka waktu pelaksanaan waran mulai tanggal 16 Juli 1998 sampai dengan tanggal 20 Januari 2003. Berdasarkan Addendum Pernyataan Penerbitan Waran sebagaimana tercantum dalam akta No. 32 tanggal 17 Oktober 2002 dari Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notaris di Jakarta, Perusahaan memutuskan untuk menambah jangka waktu waran selama 5 (lima) tahun sehingga akan berakhir pada tanggal 18 Januari 2008. Bila waran tidak dilaksanakan sampai masa berlakunya habis, maka waran tersebut menjadi kadaluarsa. Saham-saham tersebut telah tercatat pada Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya pada tanggal 16 Januari 1998 (Catatan 41c). On December 26, 1997, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam in his letter No. S-2966/PM/1997 for its Rights Issue II to stockholders totaling 305,760,000 shares with 61,152,000 warrants at an exercise price of Rp 1,200 per share. The holder of each warrant can exercise the right to purchase one share from July 16, 1998 to January 20, 2003. Based on notarial deed No. 32 dated October 17, 2002 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notary public in Jakarta, the Company decided to extend the period of warrants for five (5) years until January 18, 2008. If the warrants are not exercised during this period, the warrants will expire and will have no value. The shares were listed on the Jakarta and Surabaya stock exchanges on January 16, 1998 (see Note 41c). - 16 - Global Reports LLC Jumlah Aktiva 31 Desember 2007/ Total Assets as of December 31, 2007 Rp 6.5. * c. Domisili/ Domicile P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Perusahaan melakukan stock split 4:1 pada tahun 2002 dan 2:1 pada tahun 2004. Dengan demikian harga pelaksanaan waran sejak tahun 2005 adalah sebesar Rp 150 per saham. The Company conducted a stock split of 4:1 in 2002 and 2:1 in 2004. Thus, the warants exercise price since 2005 became Rp 150 per share. Pada tanggal 18 Desember 2000, Perusahaan memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Bapepam dengan suratnya No. S-3690/PM/2000 untuk melakukan Penawaran Umum Terbatas III dengan Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu sebanyak 61.152.000 saham. Perusahaan telah mengeluarkan saham baru sebanyak 53.958.150 saham biasa atas nama dengan nilai nominal Rp 500 per saham yang ditawarkan dengan harga Rp 1.100 per saham. On December 18, 2000, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam in his letter No. S-3690/PM/2000 for its Rights Issue III with pre-emptive right to stockholders totaling 61,152,000 shares. The Company issued 53,958,150 new common shares with nominal value of Rp 500 per share at a price of Rp 1,100 per share. Pada tanggal 22 September 2006, Perusahaan memperoleh ijin dari Singapore Exchange Securities Limited (SGX-ST) dengan suratnya No. RMR/IR/YCH/260407 untuk mencatatkan sahamnya di papan utama (SGX-Mainboard). Sehubungan dengan pencatatan saham tersebut Perusahaan juga telah merubah anggaran dasarnya yang telah disetujui oleh para pemegang sahamnya dalam Rapat Umum Para Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa pada tanggal 11 September 2006. On September 22, 2006, the Company obtained the eligibility to list all of its shares on the SGX-Mainboard based on letter No. RMR/IR/YCH/260407 from Singapore Exchange Securities Limited (SGX-ST). In connection with the Company’s listing of shares, the Company also amended certain provisions of its Articles of Association as approved by the shareholders in their Extraordinary Shareholders Meetings held on September 11, 2006. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007, seluruh saham Perusahaan sejumlah saham telah tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia dan Singapura. As of December 31, 2007, 4,159,010,436 shares have been listed on the Stock Exchanges in Indonesia and Singapore. Obligasi dan Wesel Bayar Bonds and Notes Payable Pada tanggal 29 Juni 2000, Perusahaan memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Bapepam dengan suratnya No. S-1577/PM/2000 untuk melakukan Penawaran Umum Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker I tahun 2000 kepada masyarakat dengan nilai nominal Rp pada tingkat bunga tetap dan/atau mengambang. On June 29, 2000, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam in his letter No. S-1577/PM/2000 for its public offering of Berlian Laju Tanker I Bonds year 2000 with nominal value of Rp 200,000,000,000 at fixed and/or floating rates. Pada tanggal 12 Mei 2003, Perusahaan memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Bapepam dengan suratnya No. S-1006/PM/2003 untuk melakukan Penawaran Umum Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker II pada tingkat bunga tetap dan/atau mengambang dan Obligasi Syari’ah Mudharabah kepada masyarakat dengan total keseluruhan sebesar Rp 400.000.000.000. On May 12, 2003, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam in his letter No. S-1006/PM/2003 for its public offering of Berlian Laju Tanker II Bonds year 2003 with fixed and/or floating interest rate and Syariah Mudharabah Bonds totaling Rp 400,000,000,000. Pada tanggal 14 Desember 2005, anak perusahaan, BLT Finance Corporation melakukan penawaran obligasi konversi 1,25% di Singapura dengan nilai nominal USD 50.000.000. Obligasi konversi ini terdaftar di Bursa Efek di Singapura (SGX-ST). On December 14, 2005, BLT Finance Corporation, a subsidiary, offered 1.25% guaranteed convertible bonds with a principal amount of USD 50,000,000. The convertible bonds are listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST). Pada tanggal 4 Mei 2007, anak perusahaan, BLT Finance B.V. (BLT FBV) menerbitkan wesel bayar (Guaranteed Senior Notes) senilai USD 400.000.000 dengan tingkat bunga 7,5% per tahun yang jatuh tempo tahun 2014. Wesel bayar ini terdaftar di Bursa Efek Singapura (SGX-ST). On May 4, 2007, BLT Finance B.V., (BLT FBV), a subsidiary, issued USD 400,000,000, 7.5% Guaranteed Senior Notes due in 2014, which were registered in Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST). - 17 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 2. Pada tanggal 17 Mei 2007, anak perusahaan, BLT Finance B.V. (BLT FBV) melakukan penawaran obligasi konversi Zero Coupon Guaranteed di Singapura dengan nilai nominal USD 125.000.000 yang jatuh tempo tahun 2012. Obligasi konversi ini terdaftar di Bursa Efek Singapura (SGX-ST). On May 17, 2007, BLT Finance B.V., (BLT FBV) a subsidiary, issued USD 125,000,000 Zero Coupon Guaranteed Convertible Bonds due in 2012. The convertible bonds are listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST). Pada tanggal 25 Juni 2007, Perusahaan memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Bapepam-LK dengan suratnya No. S-3117/BL/2007 untuk melakukan Penawaran Umum Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker III tahun 2007 pada tingkat bunga tetap dan sukuk ijarah kepada masyarakat dengan total keseluruhan Rp 900.000.000.000. On June 25, 2007, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam-LK in his letter No. S-3117/BL/2007 for its public offering of Berlian Laju Tanker III Bond year 2007 with fixed interest rate and sukuk ijarah bonds totaling Rp 900,000,000,000. 2. KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI a. b. a. Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi Consolidated Presentation Financial Statement Laporan keuangan konsolidasi disusun dengan menggunakan prinsip dan praktek akuntansi yang berlaku umum di Indonesia. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared using accounting principles and reporting practices generally accepted in Indonesia. Dasar penyusunan laporan keuangan konsolidasi, kecuali untuk laporan arus kas, adalah dasar akrual. Mata uang pelaporan yang digunakan untuk penyusunan laporan keuangan konsolidasi adalah mata uang Rupiah (Rp). Laporan keuangan konsolidasi tersebut disusun berdasarkan nilai historis, kecuali beberapa akun tertentu disusun berdasarkan pengukuran lain sebagaimana diuraikan dalam kebijakan akuntansi masing-masing akun tersebut. The consolidated financial statements, except for the consolidated statements of cash flows, are prepared under the accrual basis of accounting. The reporting currency used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements is the Indonesian Rupiah, while the measurement basis used is the historical cost, except for certain accounts which are measured on the bases described in the related accounting policies. Laporan arus kas konsolidasi disusun dengan menggunakan metode langsung dengan mengelompokkan arus kas dalam aktivitas operasi, investasi dan pendanaan. The consolidated statements of cash flows are prepared using the direct method with classifications of cash flows into operating, investing and financing activities. Sehubungan dengan pencatatan saham Perusahaan di Bursa Efek Singapura (SGX), Perusahaan juga menerbitkan laporan keuangan konsolidasi berdasarkan Standar Pelaporan Keuangan Internasional (International Financial Reporting Standards). Perbedaan signifikan antara prinsip-prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum di Indonesia dengan Standar Pelaporan Keuangan Internasional dijelaskan pada Catatan 37 atas laporan keuangan konsolidasi. In connection with the listing of the Company’s shares on the SGX, the Company issued separate consolidated financial statements prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Significant differences between Indonesia GAAP and IFRS are summarized in Note 37 in the consolidated financial statement. Prinsip Konsolidasi b. Principles of Consolidation Laporan keuangan konsolidasi menggabungkan laporan keuangan Perusahaan dan entitas yang dikendalikan oleh Perusahaan (dan anak perusahaan). Pengendalian dianggap ada apabila Perusahaan mempunyai hak untuk mengatur dan menentukan kebijakan finansial dan operasional dari investee untuk memperoleh manfaat dari aktivitasnya. Pengendalian juga dianggap ada apabila induk perusahaan memiliki baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung melalui anak perusahaan lebih dari 50% hak suara. - 18 - Global Reports LLC SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and entities controlled by the Company (and its subsidiaries). Control is achieved where the Company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the investee entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. Control is presumed to exist when the Company owns directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, more than 50% of the voting rights. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) c. Pada saat akuisisi, aktiva dan kewajiban anak perusahaan diukur sebesar nilai wajarnya pada tanggal akuisisi. Selisih lebih antara biaya perolehan dan bagian Perusahaan atas nilai wajar aktiva dan kewajiban yang dapat diidentifikasi diakui sebagai goodwill dan diamortisasi dengan menggunakan metode garis lurus selama dua puluh tahun. On acquisition, the assets and liabilities of a subsidiary are measured at their fair values at the date of acquisition. Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired is recognized as goodwill and amortized using the straight-line method over twenty years. Hasil usaha anak perusahaan selama tahun berjalan dari tanggal efektif akuisisi atau sampai dengan tanggal efektif penjualan termasuk dalam laporan laba rugi konsolidasi. The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated statement of income from the effective date of acquisition or up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate. Penyesuaian dilakukan terhadap laporan keuangan anak perusahaan agar kebijakan akuntansi yang digunakan sesuai dengan kebijakan akuntansi yang digunakan oleh Perusahaan. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of the subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used in line with those used by the Company. Seluruh transaksi antar perusahaan, saldo, penghasilan dan beban dieliminasi pada saat konsolidasi. All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. Transaksi dan Penjabaran Laporan Keuangan dalam Mata Uang Asing Transactions and Pembukuan Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan; PT Banyu Laju Shipping, PT Brotojoyo Maritime, PT Buana Listya Tama dan PT Bayu Lestari Tanaya, diselenggarakan dalam mata uang Rupiah. Transaksi-transaksi selama tahun berjalan dalam mata uang asing selain Rupiah dicatat dengan kurs yang berlaku pada saat terjadinya transaksi. Pada tanggal neraca, aktiva dan kewajiban moneter dalam mata uang asing selain mata uang Rupiah disesuaikan untuk mencerminkan kurs yang berlaku pada tanggal tersebut. Keuntungan atau kerugian yang timbul dikreditkan atau dibebankan pada laporan laba rugi tahun yang bersangkutan. The books of accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries: PT Banyu Laju Shipping, PT Brotojoyo Maritime, PT Buana Listya Tama and PT Bayu Lestari Tanaya, are maintained in Indonesian Rupiah. Transactions during the year involving currencies other than Rupiah are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing at the time the transactions are made. At balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than Rupiah are adjusted to reflect the rates of exchange prevailing at that date. The resulting gains or losses are credited or charged to current operations. Pembukuan Indigo Pacific Corporation dan anak perusahaan, Diamond Pacific International Corporation dan anak perusahaan serta Asean Maritime Corporation dan anak perusahaan, diselenggarakan dalam Dollar Amerika Serikat. Untuk tujuan penyajian laporan keuangan konsolidasi, aktiva dan kewajiban anak perusahaan pada tanggal neraca dijabarkan masing-masing dengan menggunakan kurs yang berlaku pada tanggal tersebut, sedangkan pendapatan dan beban dijabarkan dengan menggunakan kurs rata-rata. Selisih kurs yang terjadi disajikan sebagai bagian dari ekuitas pada akun “Selisih kurs karena penjabaran laporan keuangan”. The books of accounts of Indigo Pacific Corporation and subsidiaries, Diamond Pacific International Corporation and subsidiaries and Asean Maritime Corporation and subsidiaries are maintained in US Dollar. For consolidation purposes, assets and liabilities of these subsidiaries at balance sheet date are translated into Rupiah using the exchange rates at balance sheet date, while revenues and expenses are translated at the average rates of exchange for the year. Resulting translation adjustment is shown in equity as “Translation Adjustment”. - 19 - Global Reports LLC c. Foreign Currency Translation P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) d. Penggunaan Estimasi d. Use of Estimates Penyusunan laporan keuangan konsolidasi sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum di Indonesia mengharuskan manajemen membuat estimasi dan asumsi yang mempengaruhi jumlah aktiva dan kewajiban yang dilaporkan dan pengungkapan aktiva dan kewajiban kontinjensi pada tanggal laporan keuangan serta jumlah pendapatan dan beban selama periode pelaporan. Realisasi dapat berbeda dengan jumlah yang diestimasi. e. e. Cash and Cash Equivalents Kas dan Setara Kas Kas dan setara kas terdiri dari kas, bank dan semua investasi yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu tiga bulan atau kurang dari tanggal perolehannya dan yang tidak dijaminkan serta tidak dibatasi penggunaannya. f. Investasi Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and in banks and all unrestricted investments with maturities of three months or less from the date of placement. f. Investment Investasi efek ekuitas yang nilai wajarnya tersedia Investments in equity securities with readily determinable fair values Investasi dalam efek yang tersedia untuk dijual dinyatakan sebesar nilai wajarnya. Keuntungan dan kerugian yang timbul dari perubahan nilai wajar diakui langsung dalam ekuitas sampai pada saat efek tersebut dijual atau telah terjadi penurunan nilai. Pada saat itu, keuntungan atau kerugian kumulatif yang sebelumnya telah diakui dalam ekuitas dibebankan dalam laba rugi tahun berjalan. Investments in available-for-sale securities are stated at fair value. Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are recognized directly in equity, until the security is disposed of or is determined to be impaired, at which time, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in equity is included in current operations. Untuk menghitung laba atau rugi yang direalisasi, biaya perolehan efek ditentukan berdasarkan metode rata-rata tertimbang. Cost of securities sold is determined using the weighted average method. Investasi pada perusahaan asosiasi Investments in associates Perusahaan asosiasi adalah suatu perusahaan dimana induk Perusahaan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan, namun tidak mempunyai pengendalian atau pengendalian bersama, melalui partisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan atas kebijakan finansial dan operasional investee. An associate is an entity over which the Company is in a position to exercise significant influence, but not control or joint control, through participation in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee. Penghasilan, aktiva dan kewajiban dari perusahaan asosiasi digabungkan dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasi dicatat dengan mengunakan metode ekuitas. Investasi pada perusahaan asosiasi dicatat di neraca sebesar biaya perolehan dan selanjutnya disesuaikan untuk perubahan dalam bagian kepemilikan Perusahaan atas aktiva bersih perusahaan asosiasi yang terjadi setelah perolehan, dikurangi dengan penurunan nilai yang ditentukan untuk setiap investasi secara individu. Bagian Perusahaan atas kerugian perusahaan asosiasi yang melebihi nilai tercatat dari investasi tidak diakui kecuali jika Perusahaan mempunyai kewajiban atau melakukan pembayaran kewajiban perusahaan asosiasi yang dijaminnya, dalam hal demikian, tambahan kerugian diakui sebesar kewajiban atau pembayaran tersebut. The results and assets and liabilities of associates are incorporated in these consolidated financial statements using the equity method of accounting. Investments in associates are carried in the balance sheet at cost as adjusted by post-acquisition changes in the Company’s share of the net assets of the associate, less any impairment in the value of the individual investments. Losses of the associates in excess of the Company’s interest in those associates are not recognized except if the Company has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associates to satisfy obligations of the associates that the Company has guaranteed, in which case, additional losses are recognized to the extent of such obligations or payments. - 20 - Global Reports LLC The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in Indonesia requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could be different from these estimates. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) g. Selisih lebih antara biaya perolehan dengan bagian Perusahaan atas nilai wajar aktiva bersih perusahaan asosiasi yang dapat diidentifikasi pada saat akuisisi diakui sebagai goodwill. Goodwill termasuk dalam nilai investasi dan dinilai untuk penurunan nilai sebagai bagian dari investasi. Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the Company’s share of the fair values of the identifiable net assets of the associate at the date of acquisition is recognized as goodwill. The goodwill is included within the carrying amount of the investment and is assessed for impairment as part of investment. Apabila terdapat transaksi antara Perusahaan dengan perusahaan asosiasi, keuntungan dan kerugian yang terjadi dieliminasi sebesar bagian Perusahaan pada perusahaan asosiasi tersebut. Where a company transacts with an associate, profits and losses are eliminated to the extent of the Company’s interest in the relevant associate. Penyisihan Piutang Ragu-ragu g. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan menetapkan penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu berdasarkan penelaahan terhadap masing-masing akun piutang pada akhir tahun. h. Persediaan Allowance for doubtful accounts is provided based on a review of the status of the individual receivable accounts at the end of the year. h. Inventories Persediaan dinyatakan berdasarkan biaya perolehan atau nilai realisasi bersih, mana yang lebih rendah. Biaya perolehan ditentukan dengan metode “first-in, first-out” (FIFO). i. Biaya Dibayar Dimuka i. Biaya dibayar dimuka diamortisasi selama manfaat masing-masing biaya dengan menggunakan metode garis lurus. j. Inventories are stated at cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower. Cost is determined using the first-in, first-out method. Aktiva Tetap Prepaid Expenses Prepaid expenses are amortized over their beneficial periods using the straight-line method. j. Property, Vessels and Equipment Aktiva tetap dinyatakan berdasarkan biaya perolehan setelah dikurangi akumulasi penyusutan. Penyusutan dihitung dengan menggunakan metode garis lurus berdasarkan taksiran masa manfaat ekonomis aktiva tetap sebagai berikut: Property, vessels and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is computed using the straightline method based on the estimated useful lives of the assets as follows: Tahun/Years Bangunan Kapal dan peralatan Tangki minyak Kendaraan Perabot kantor Peralatan kantor dan mess 20 5 - 25 10 5 5 5 Tanah dinyatakan berdasarkan biaya perolehan dan tidak disusutkan. Land is stated at cost and is not depreciated. Pada tanggal neraca, manajemen menilai apakah ada indikasi penurunan nilai aktiva. Jika terdapat indikasi tersebut, manajemen akan mengestimasi taksiran jumlah yang dapat diperoleh kembali dari aktiva tersebut. Bila nilai tercatat suatu aktiva melebihi taksiran jumlah yang dapat diperoleh kembali (estimated recoverable amount) maka nilai tersebut diturunkan ke jumlah yang dapat diperoleh kembali tersebut, yang ditentukan sebagai nilai tertinggi antara harga jual neto dan nilai pakai. At each balance sheet date, management assesses whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, management estimates the recoverable amount of asset. When the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its estimated recoverable amount, the asset is written down to its estimated recoverable amount, which is determined as the higher of net selling price or value in use. - 21 - Global Reports LLC Buildings Vessels and equipment Oil tanks Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) k. Biaya docking kapal dikapitalisasi pada saat terjadinya dan diamortisasi dengan metode garis lurus sampai dengan biaya docking kapal berikutnya atas kapal tersebut. Vessel dry docking cost is capitalized when incurred and is amortized on a straight line basis over the period to the next dry docking. Beban pemeliharaan dan perbaikan dibebankan pada laporan laba rugi konsolidasi pada saat terjadinya; pengeluaran yang memperpanjang masa manfaat atau memberi manfaat ekonomis di masa yang akan datang, misalnya dalam bentuk peningkatan kapasitas atau peningkatan standar kinerja dikapitalisasi. Aktiva tetap yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi atau yang dijual dikeluarkan dari kelompok aktiva tetap berikut akumulasi penyusutannya. Keuntungan atau kerugian dari penjualan aktiva tetap tersebut dibukukan dalam laporan laba rugi konsolidasi pada tahun yang bersangkutan. The cost of maintenance and repairs is charged to operations as incurred; expenditures which extend the useful life of the asset or result in increased future economic benefits are capitalized. When assets are retired or otherwise disposed of, their carrying values and the related accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts and any resulting gain or loss is reflected in the current operations. Aktiva dalam penyelesaian dinyatakan sebesar biaya perolehan. Akumulasi biaya perolehan akan dipindahkan ke masing-masing aktiva tetap yang bersangkutan pada saat selesai dan siap digunakan. Construction in progress is stated at cost, and is transferred to the respective property, vessels and equipment account when completed and ready for use. k. Bond Issuance Costs Biaya Obligasi Yang Ditangguhkan Biaya emisi obligasi langsung dikurangi dari hasil emisi dalam rangka menentukan hasil emisi neto obligasi tersebut. Selisih antara hasil emisi neto dengan nilai nominal merupakan diskonto atau premium yang diamortisasi selama jangka waktu obligasi tersebut dengan metode garis lurus. l. l. Notes Payable Wesel Bayar Instrumen-instrumen ini dipertimbangkan sebagai sebuah instrumen campuran (hybrid instrument) dimana di dalamnya termasuk kumpulan kontrak utama hutang dan instrumen derivatif melekat (embedded derivatives). Pada saat penerbitan, wesel bayar diukur dan dicatat pada nilai wajar, laba atau rugi yang timbul sebagai hasil dari perubahan nilai wajar yang terjadi dikemudian hari diakui dalam laporan laba rugi. Nilai wajar ditetapkan berdasarkan referensi kuotasi harga pasar. These instruments are considered a hybrid instrument containing a debt host contract and embedded derivatives. At the time of issue, the notes payable were measured and recorded at fair value, with any resultant gain or loss as a result of subsequent changes in fair value recognized in profit or loss. Fair values are determined with reference to quoted market prices. m. Convertible Bonds m. Obligasi Konversi Instrumen-instrumen ini dipertimbangkan sebagai sebuah instrumen campuran (hybrid instrument) dimana di dalamnya termasuk kumpulan kontrak utama hutang dan gabungan instrumen derivatif melekat (embedded derivatives). Pada saat penerbitan obligasi konversi jatuh tempo tahun 2010 dan 2012 diukur dan dicatat pada nilai wajar laba atau rugi yang timbul sebagai hasil dari perubahan nilai wajar dikemudian hari diakui dalam laporan laba rugi. Nilai wajar ditetapkan berdasarkan referensi kuotasi harga pasar. - 22 - Global Reports LLC Bond issuance costs are deducted directly from the proceeds of the related bonds to determine the net proceeds. The difference between the net proceeds and nominal value represent discount or premium, which is amortized using the straight-line method over the term of the bonds. These instruments are considered a hybrid instrument containing a debt host contract and compound embedded derivatives. At the time of issue, the convertible bonds due in 2010 and 2012 were measured and recorded at fair value, with any resultant gain or loss as a result of subsequent changes in fair value recognized in profit or loss. Fair values are determined with reference to quoted market prices. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Sejak 2 Januari 2006, obligasi konversi yang jatuh tempo pada tahun 2010 tidak diukur lagi pada nilai perolehan setelah dikurangi nilai amortisasi sejak BLT Finance Corporation (BLT FC) membatalkan secara tetap dan pasti serta melepaskan hak opsinya atas penyelesaian secara kas. n. Sewa n. Leasing Suatu sewa diklasifikasikan sebagai sewa pembiayaan, jika sewa tersebut mengalihkan secara substansial seluruh risiko dan manfaat yang terkait dengan kepemilikan aset kepada lessee. Seluruh sewa yang lainnya diklasifikasikan sebagai sewa operasi. Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases. Perusahaan atau Anak Perusahaan sebagai Lessor The Company or its Subsidiaries as Lessor Pendapatan dari sewa operasi diakui sebagai pendapatan dengan dasar garis lurus selama masa sewa. Biaya langsung awal yang dikeluarkan oleh lessor dalam proses negosiasi dan pengaturan sewa operasi ditambahkan ke jumlah tercatat dari aset sewaan dan diakui sebagai beban selama masa sewa dengan dasar garis lurus. Rental income from operating leases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease. Initial direct cost incurred in negotiating and arranging an operating lease are added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Perusahaan atau Anak Perusahaan sebagai Lessee The Company or its Subsidiaries as Lessee Pada awal masa sewa, Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan mengakui sewa pembiayaan sebagai aset dan kewajiban sebesar nilai wajar aset sewaan atau sebesar nilai kini dari pembayaran sewa minimum, jika nilai kini lebih rendah dari nilai wajar. Penilaian ditentukan pada awal kontrak . Assets held under finance leases are initially recognised as assets of the Company or subsidiaries at their fair value at the inception of the lease or, if lower, at the present value of the minimum lease payments. The corresponding liability to the lessor is included in the consolidated balance sheet as a finance lease obligation. Pembayaran sewa minimum harus dipisahkan antara bagian yang merupakan beban keuangan dan bagian yang merupakan pelunasan kewajiban. Beban keuangan harus dialokasikan ke setiap periode selama masa sewa sedemikian rupa sehingga menghasilkan suatu tingkat suku bunga periodik yang konstan atas saldo kewajiban. Rental kontinjen dibebankan pada periode terjadinya. Lease payments are apportioned between finance charges and reduction of the lease obligation so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Finance charges are charged directly to profit or loss. Contingent rentals are recognised as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. Pembayaran sewa dalam sewa operasi diakui sebagai beban dengan dasar garis lurus (straight-line basis) selama masa sewa kecuali terdapat dasar sistematis lain yang dapat mencerminkan pola waktu dari manfaat aset yang dinikmati pengguna. Rental kontinjen dibebankan pada periode terjadinya. Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed. Contingent rentals arising under operating leases are recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred. Jika terjadi penarikan insetif sewa ke dalam sewa operasi, insentif tersebut diakui sebagai kewajiban.Seluruh manfaat dari insentif diakui sebagai pengurang beban sewa dengan dasar garis lurus (straight –line basis), kecuali terdapat basis sistematis lain yang lebih merepresentasikan pola waktu dari manfaat aset yang dinikmati pengguna. In the event that lease incentives are received to enter into operating leases, such incentives are recognised as a liability. The aggregate benefit of incentives is recognised as a reduction of rental expense on a straight-line basis, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed. - 23 - Global Reports LLC Since January 2, 2006, the convertible bonds due in 2010 were measured at amortized cost and no longer at fair value since BLT Finance Corporation (BLT FC) has irrevocably and permanently waived and renounced its cash settlement option. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) o. Saham Diperoleh Kembali o. Pembelian kembali saham Perusahaan sendiri (treasury stock) dicatat berdasarkan metode biaya perolehan (cost method). Dengan metode ini bila saham tersebut dijual kembali dengan harga jual yang melebihi harga perolehan, maka kelebihannya akan dicatat sebagai agio saham, sedangkan bila harga jual lebih rendah dari harga perolehan, selisihnya akan dicatat sebagai pengurangan saldo laba. p. q. Pengakuan Pendapatan dan Beban Treasury stock is recorded using the cost method. Under this method, if the treasury stock is subsequently sold, the excess of the selling price over the acquisition cost is recorded as additional paid-in capital, while if the selling price is lower than acquisition cost, the difference is recognized as a deduction from retained earnings. p. Revenue and Expense Recognition Pendapatan dari operasi freight diakui berdasarkan persentase penyelesaian rute perjalanan pada tanggal neraca. Pendapatan diterima dimuka diakui sebagai kewajiban. Revenues on freight operations are recognized as income by reference to the percentage of completion of the voyage as at balance sheet date. Unearned revenue received is recognized as liability. Pendapatan dari sewa berdasarkan waktu (time charter) diakui sesuai masa manfaatnya dari periode kontrak charter tersebut. Pendapatan berdasarkan rute perjalanan diakui selama jangka waktu perjalanan tersebut. Time charter revenue is recognized on accrual basis evenly over the terms of the time charter agreements. Voyage freight is recognized evenly over the duration of each voyage. Pendapatan jasa perantara kapal dan jasa penyimpanan diakui pada saat jasa tersebut diserahkan kepada pelanggan. Revenues from agency services and storage services are recognized when the services are rendered to customers. Pendapatan bunga diakui sesuai manfaatnya pada periode yang bersangkutan (accrual basis). Interest income on interest-bearing instruments is recognized on accrual basis. Beban diakui pada saat terjadinya. Expenses are recognized when incurred. q. Post-Employment Benefits Imbalan Pasca Kerja Perusahaan memberikan imbalan pasca kerja imbalan pasti untuk karyawan sesuai dengan Undang Undang Ketenagakerjaan No. 13/2003. Tidak terdapat pendanaan yang disisihkan oleh Perusahaan sehubungan dengan imbalan pasca kerja ini. The Company provides defined benefit postemployment benefits to its employees in accordance with Labor Law No. 13/2003. No funding has been made to this defined benefit plan. Perhitungan imbalan pasca kerja menggunakan metode Projected Unit Credit. Akumulasi keuntungan dan kerugian aktuarial bersih yang belum diakui yang melebihi 10% dari nilai kini kewajiban imbalan pasti diakui dengan metode garis lurus selama rata-rata sisa masa kerja yang diprakirakan dari para pekerja dalam program tersebut. Biaya jasa lalu dibebankan langsung apabila imbalan tersebut menjadi hak atau vested, dan sebaliknya akan diakui sebagai beban dengan metode garis lurus selama periode rata-rata sampai imbalan tersebut menjadi vested. The cost of providing post-employment benefits is determined using the Projected Unit Credit Method. The accumulated unrecognized actuarial gains and losses that exceed 10% of the present value of the Company’s defined benefit obligations is recognized on straight-line basis over the expected average remaining working lives of the participating employees. Past service cost is recognized immediately to the extent that the benefits are already vested, and otherwise is amortized on a straight-line basis over the average period until the benefits become vested. Jumlah yang diakui sebagai kewajiban imbalan pasti di neraca merupakan nilai kini kewajiban imbalan pasti disesuaikan dengan keuntungan dan kerugian aktuarial yang belum diakui, dan biaya jasa lalu yang belum diakui. The benefit obligation recognized in the balance sheet represents the present value of the defined benefit obligation, as adjusted for unrecognized actuarial gains and losses and unrecognized past service cost. - 24 - Global Reports LLC Treasury Stock P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) r. s. Pajak Penghasilan r. Income Tax Beban pajak kini ditentukan berdasarkan laba kena pajak dalam periode yang bersangkutan yang dihitung berdasarkan tarif pajak yang berlaku. Current tax expense is determined based on the taxable income for the year computed using prevailing tax rates. Aktiva dan kewajiban pajak tangguhan diakui atas konsekuensi pajak periode mendatang yang timbul dari perbedaan jumlah tercatat aktiva dan kewajiban menurut laporan keuangan dengan dasar pengenaan pajak aktiva dan kewajiban. Kewajiban pajak tangguhan diakui untuk semua perbedaan temporer kena pajak dan aktiva pajak tangguhan diakui untuk perbedaan temporer yang boleh dikurangkan, sepanjang besar kemungkinan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi laba kena pajak pada masa datang. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable income will be available in future periods against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized. Pajak tangguhan diukur dengan menggunakan tarif pajak yang berlaku atau secara substansial telah berlaku pada tanggal neraca. Pajak tangguhan dibebankan atau dikreditkan dalam laporan laba rugi, kecuali pajak tangguhan yang dibebankan atau dikreditkan langsung ke ekuitas. Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the statement of income, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also charged or credited directly to equity. Aktiva dan kewajiban pajak tangguhan disajikan di neraca, kecuali aktiva dan kewajiban pajak tangguhan untuk entitas yang berbeda, atas dasar kompensasi sesuai dengan penyajian aktiva dan kewajiban pajak kini. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset in the balance sheet, except if these are for different legal entities, in the same manner the current tax assets and liabilities are presented. Atas pendapatan dari kapal yang dikenakan pajak penghasilan final, beban pajak diakui proporsional dengan jumlah pendapatan menurut akuntansi yang diakui pada periode berjalan. Selisih antara jumlah pajak penghasilan final terutang dengan jumlah yang dibebankan sebagai pajak kini pada perhitungan laba rugi diakui sebagai pajak dibayar dimuka atau hutang pajak. Akun pajak penghasilan final dibayar dimuka disajikan terpisah dari hutang pajak penghasilan final. Tax expense on revenues from vessels subject to final tax is recognized proportionately based on the revenue recognized in the current year. The difference between the final tax paid and current tax expense in the statement of income is recognized as prepaid tax or tax payable. Prepaid final tax is presented separately from final tax payable. Perbedaan nilai tercatat aktiva atau kewajiban yang berhubungan dengan pajak penghasilan final dengan dasar pengenaan pajaknya tidak diakui sebagai aktiva atau kewajiban pajak tangguhan. Deferred tax is not recognized for the difference between the financial statement carrying amounts of assets and liabilities related to revenues subject to final tax and their respective tax bases. Laba Per Saham s. Earnings Per Share Laba per saham dasar dihitung dengan membagi laba bersih residual dengan jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham beredar pada tahun yang bersangkutan. Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year. Laba per saham dilusian dihitung dengan membagi laba bersih residual dengan jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham biasa yang telah disesuaikan dengan dampak dari semua efek berpotensi saham biasa yang dilutif. Diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of shares outstanding as adjusted for the effect of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. - 25 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) t. u. Instrumen Keuangan Derivatif t. Derivative Financial Instruments Instrumen keuangan derivatif awalnya dinilai berdasarkan nilai wajar pada saat tanggal kontrak dibuat, dan selanjutnya dinilai kembali berdasarkan nilai wajar pada tanggal laporan keuangan. Derivative financial instruments are initially measured at fair value on the contract date, and are remeasured to fair value at subsequent reporting dates. Perubahan nilai dari instrumen keuangan derivatif diakui dalam laporan laba rugi konsolidasi sepanjang tidak dimaksudkan dan tidak memenuhi kualifikasi lindung nilai. Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments are recognized in profit or loss as they are not designated and do not qualify for hedge accounting. Suatu derivatif disajikan sebagai aktiva atau kewajiban tidak lancar jika nilai sisa dari instrumen yang jatuh tempo lebih dari 12 bulan dan diperkirakan tidak akan direalisasi atau diselesaikan dalam waktu 12 bulan. Derivatif lainnya disajikan sebagai aktiva atau kewajiban lancar. A derivative is presented as a non current asset or non current liability if the remaining maturity of the instrument is more than 12 months and it is not expected to be realized or settled within 12 months. Other derivatives are presented as current assets or current liabilities. Penggunaan instrumen keuangan derivatif ditatakelola berdasarkan kebijakan Perusahaan yang disetujui oleh Dewan Direksi yang konsisten dengan strategi risiko manajemen Perusahaan. Perusahaan tidak menggunakan instrumen keuangan derivatif untuk tujuan spekulasi. The use of financial derivatives is governed by the Company’s policies approved by the Board of Directors consistent with the Company’s risk management strategy. The Company and subsidiaries do not use derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes. Instrumen keuangan derivatif ini digunakan untuk mengelola risiko yang berkaitan erat dengan fluktuasi mata uang asing. Tetapi akuntansi lindung nilai tidak diperlakukan karena identifikasi lindung nilai dan dokumentasi yang diperlukan sesuai dengan standar akuntansi belum dipenuhi. These derivative financial instruments are used to manage exposure to foreign currency fluctuation. However, hedge accounting is not applied as the hedging designation and documentation required by accounting standards have not been met. Derivatif yang melekat pada instrumen keuangan lainnya atau kontrak utama nonfinansial lainnya diperlakukan sebagai derivatif yang terpisah bila resiko dan karakteristiknya tidak secara jelas dan erat berhubungan dengan risiko dan karakteristik kontrak utama, dan kontrak utama tersebut tidak dinyatakan dengan nilai wajar, dan keuntungan atau kerugian yang belum direalisasi dilaporkan pada laporan laba rugi konsolidasi. Derivatives embedded in other financial instruments or other non-financial host contract are treated as a separate derivative when their risks and characteristics are not closely related to the host contract and the host contract is not carried at fair value with unrealized gains or losses reported in profit or loss. Informasi Segmen u. Segment Information Informasi segmen disusun sesuai dengan kebijakan akuntansi yang dianut dalam penyusunan dan penyajian laporan keuangan konsolidasi. Bentuk primer pelaporan segmen adalah segmen usaha sedangkan segmen sekunder adalah segmen geografis. Segment information is prepared using the accounting policies adopted for preparing and presenting the consolidated financial statements. The primary format in reporting segment information is based on business segment, while the secondary reporting format is based on geographical segment. Segmen usaha adalah komponen Perusahaan yang dapat dibedakan dalam menghasilkan produk atau jasa (baik produk atau jasa individual maupun kelompok produk atau jasa terkait) dan komponen itu memiliki risiko dan imbalan yang berbeda dengan risiko dan imbalan segmen lain. A business segment is a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is engaged in providing an individual product or service or a group of related products or services and that is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other business segments. Segmen geografis adalah komponen perusahaan yang dapat dibedakan dalam menghasilkan produk atau jasa pada lingkungan (wilayah) ekonomi tertentu dan komponen itu memiliki risiko dan imbalan yang berbeda dengan risiko dan imbalan pada komponen yang beroperasi pada lingkungan (wilayah) ekonomi lain. A geographical segment is a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is engaged in providing products or services within a particular economic environment and that is subject to risks and returns that are different for those of components operating in other economic environments. - 26 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Assets and liabilities that relate jointly to two or more segments are allocated to their respective segments, if and only if, their related revenues and expense are also allocated to those segments. Aktiva dan kewajiban yang digunakan bersama dalam satu segmen atau lebih dialokasikan kepada setiap segmen jika, dan hanya jika, pendapatan dan beban yang terkait dengan aktiva tersebut juga dialokasikan kepada segmen-segmen tersebut. 3. KAS DAN SETARA KAS 3. 2007 Rp Kas Bank Rupiah Bank INA Perdana Bank Mandiri Bank Mega Citibank Lain-lain (masing-masing dibawah Rp 500.000.000) Dollar Amerika Serikat United Overseas Bank Limited Nordea Bank Citibank DVB Group Merchant Bank (Asia) Ltd. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Bank of China DBS Bank Indonesia Bank Central Asia Deutsche Bank Fortis Bank S.A./ N.V. Bank Mandiri J.P. Morgan International Bank Limited Lain-lain (masing-masing dibawah Rp Renmimbi China Bank of China Yen Jepang Nordea Bank Norge ASA Lain-lain (masing-masing dibawah Rp Dollar Singapura Citibank Deutsche Bank United Overseas Bank Limited Dollar Hongkong Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Citibank GBP Inggris Allied Irish Bank Euro ING Bank N.V DFL Bank 2006 Rp 13.431.851.197 46.797.371.263 753.544.951 704.719.855 676.265.443 16.484.759.377 565.380.504 195.710.491 817.593.391 361.701.248 710.051.815.942 190.950.004.008 118.978.820.158 7.708.703.742 310.671.941.423 16.849.926.207 10.912.089.500 11.345.236.558 11.215.505.838 9.483.074.914 8.814.510.715 4.679.982.832 2.866.627.062 2.098.572.409 31.488.495.280 24.086.781.598 53.407.239 1.292.603.343 2.935.997.643 2.077.891.587 591.268.126 5.513.239.713 3.488.855.181 1.130.870.948 - 1.084.724.737 228.041.300 867.721.574 382.383.896 346.137.324 128.586.922 2.389.671.306 390.420.941 28.740.854 271.268.686.366 199.287.767 145.875.256 - 27 - Global Reports LLC CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 276.705.767.289 - Cash on hand Cash in banks Rupiah Bank INA Perdana Bank Mandiri Bank Mega Citibank Others (below Rp 500,000,000 each) U.S. Dollars United Overseas Bank Limited Nordea Bank Citibank DVB Group Merchant Bank (Asia) Ltd. Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Bank of China DBS Bank Indonesia Bank Central Asia Deutsche Bank Fortis Bank S.A./ N.V. Bank Mandiri J.P. Morgan International Bank Limited Others (below Rp 2,000,000,000 each) Chinese Renmimbi Bank of China Japanese Yen Nordea Bank Norge ASA Others (below Rp 1,000,000,000 each) Singapore Dollar Citibank Deutsche Bank United Overseas Bank Limited Hongkong Dollar Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Citibank British Poundsterling Allied Irish Bank Euro ING Bank N.V DFL Bank P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 2007 Rp Deposito berjangka Dollar Amerika Serikat Fortis Bank S.A./ N.V. Bank of China DNB NOR Bank ASA J.P. Morgan International Bank Limited Citibank Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia United Overseas Bank Limited UBS Bank Barclays Capital Bank Resona Perdania Dollar Singapura United Overseas Bank Limited Rupiah Bank Negara Indonesia Jumlah Tingkat bunga deposito berjangka per tahun Dollar Amerika Serikat Dollar Singapura Rupiah 4. 2006 Rp 273.621.950.000 125.556.698.203 57.455.900.000 89.435.741.714 45.363.242.476 - 37.676.000.000 26.515.561.097 9.588.657.849 6.954.080.384 1.669.317.785 528.647.215 - 22.550.000.000 24.735.174.647 482.414.315 1.384.962.190 369.239.588 500.000.000 502.208.219 1.980.422.580.895 886.090.706.964 Total 2,61% - 5,24% 4,79% - 7,95% Interest rates per annum on time deposits U.S. Dollar Singapore Dollar Rupiah 2,81% - 6,63% 0,825% 6,5% - 9,75% INVESTASI TERSEDIA UNTUK DIJUAL 4. Perincian investasi tersedia untuk dijual adalah sebagai berikut: 2007 Rp Biaya perolehan PT Danatama Makmur Reksadana Nusadana Kombinasi Maxima Laba yang belum direalisasi PT Danatama Makmur Reksadana Nusadana Kombinasi Maxima Nilai wajar AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE INVESTMENTS The details of available for sale investments are as follows: 2006 Rp 658.808.027.298 19.940.475.112 218.770.408 680.967.272.818 Berdasarkan perjanjian kontrak jasa manajer investasi tanggal 18 Desember 2007 dan 15 Desember 2006, Perusahaan menunjuk PT Danatama Makmur sebagai pengelola dana sebesar USD 69.944.583 dan USD 48.000.000 masing-masing pada tahun 2007 dan 2006, yang akan diinvestasikan sebagian atau seluruhnya dalam bentuk tunai, deposito, obligasi, surat hutang, saham, mata uang asing, obligasi konversi, waran, opsi, kontrak derivatif dan efek lainnya serta skema investasi kolektif. Perjanjian berlaku selama 1 bulan sejak kontrak ditandatangani dan dapat diperpanjang setiap bulannya untuk jangka waktu yang sama (1 bulan) dengan instruksi tertulis dari Perusahaan kepada PT Danatama Makmur. - 28 - Global Reports LLC - Time Deposits U.S. Dollars Fortis Bank S.A./ N.V. Bank of China DNB NOR Bank ASA J.P. Morgan International Bank Limited Citibank Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia United Overseas Bank Limited UBS Bank Barclays Capital Bank Resona Perdania Singapore Dollar United Overseas Bank Limited Rupiah Bank Negara Indonesia 432.960.000.000 612.295.640 433.572.295.640 Cost PT Danatama Makmur Nusadana Kombinasi Maxima mutual fund Unrealized gain PT Danatama Makmur Nusadana Kombinasi Maxima Mutual Fund Fair value Under the Investment Management Contract Service Agreement dated December 18, 2007 and December 15, 2006, the Company appointed PT Danatama Makmur to manage funds of USD 69,944,583 and USD 48,000,000 in 2007 and 2006, repectively, which will be partly or wholly invested in cash, time deposits, bonds, notes payable, shares of stock, foreign currency, convertible bonds, warrants, options, derivative contracts and other securities including collective investment scheme. The agreement is valid for 1 month from signing of the contract and can be extended on a monthly basis (1 month) upon the written instruction from the Company to PT Danatama Makmur. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) The Company as the owner of the funds can liquidate all or part of the funds that have been invested before the due date with written notice within a minimum of 2 (two) trading days to PT Danatama Makmur before the withdrawal date of investment funds. Perusahaan sebagai pemilik dana dapat mencairkan seluruh atau sebagian dana tersebut yang telah diinvestasikan sebelum jatuh tempo dengan memberikan instruksi tertulis minimal dalam jangka waktu 2 hari perdagangan kepada PT Danatama Makmur sebelum hari penarikan atas dana investasi tersebut. 5. 5. PIUTANG USAHA 2007 Rp a. Berdasarkan pelanggan Pihak yang mempunyai hubungan istimewa Pan Union Agencies Pte. Ltd. Lain-lain (masing-masing di bawah Rp 500.000.000) Jumlah 2006 Rp a. By Debtor - 11.804.122.097 - 313.878.692 - Related parties Pan Union Agencies Pte. Ltd. Others (below Rp 500,000,000 each) Total Pihak ketiga Kapal yang dimiliki dan disewa Jasa perantara perkapalan 615.283.133.834 98.148.727.423 423.542.608.500 71.384.300.772 Third parties Owned and chartered vessels Agency Jumlah 713.431.861.257 494.926.909.272 Total Jumlah Piutang Usaha 713.431.861.257 507.044.910.061 Total Trade Accounts Receivable b. Berdasarkan umur (hari) Belum jatuh tempo Lewat jatuh tempo 1 - 60 hari 61 - 120 hari 121 - 180 hari > 180 hari Jumlah c. Berdasarkan mata uang Dollar Amerika Serikat Rupiah Mata uang lainnya Jumlah 273.646.321.474 152.513.961.146 176.485.249.947 168.973.078.271 89.309.884.517 5.017.327.048 244.382.911.333 88.371.939.240 17.942.670.231 3.833.428.111 713.431.861.257 507.044.910.061 668.581.285.192 18.433.612.660 26.416.963.405 459.159.582.200 5.904.311.600 41.981.016.261 713.431.861.257 507.044.910.061 b. By Age Category Not yet due Past due 1 - 60 days 61 - 120 days 121 - 180 days > 180 days Total c. By Currency U.S. Dollars Rupiah Other currencies Total Sebelum menerima suatu pelanggan, Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan menilai kualitas kredit pelanggan. Dari saldo piutang pada akhir tahun sebesar Rp 59.039.874.392 adalah piutang kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) (Pertamina) yang merupakan pelanggan Perusahaan (Catatan 26 dan 39). Tidak ada pelanggan lain yang saldonya melebihi 6% daripada total saldo piutang usaha tersebut. Before accepting any new customer, the Company and its subsidiaries assess the potential customer’s credit quality. Of the trade receivables balance at the end of the year, Rp 59,039,874,392 is due from PT Pertamina (Persero) (Pertamina), the Company’s largest customer (Notes 26 and 39). There are no other customers who represent more than 6% of the total balance of trade accounts receivables. Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan tidak menerima jaminan atas saldo-saldo tersebut di atas. Berdasarkan penelaahan atas status masing-masing piutang tersebut pada akhir tahun manajemen Perusahaan memutuskan bahwa tidak terdapat perubahan signifikan terhadap kualitas kredit dan semua piutang usaha tersebut dapat tertagih sehingga tidak mengadakan penyisihan piutang ragu-ragu. The Company and subsidiaries do not hold any collateral over these balances. Based on a review of the status of the individual receivable accounts at the end of the year, the Company’s management determined that there has not been a significant change in the credit quality and that all trade accounts receivable are collectible. Accordingly, no allowance for doubtful accounts was provided. - 29 - Global Reports LLC TRADE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 6. PIUTANG LAIN-LAIN 6. OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 2007 Rp 7. 8. 2006 Rp Deposit untuk biaya sandar Klaim pengganti peralatan Klaim asuransi Bagian piutang lain-lain jangka panjang yang jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun (Catatan 9) Lain-lain 5.755.649.492 3.707.930.635 - 3.550.858.300 9.499.268.680 Deposit for port charges Claims for equipment replacement Insurance claims 16.778.674.717 1.570.138.460 15.842.622.604 Current portion of other long-term accounts receivable (Note 9) Others Jumlah 30.462.888.044 Total 7. REKENING BANK YANG DIBATASI PENGGUNAANNYA RESTRICTED CASH IN BANK Akun ini merupakan saldo pada Nordea Bank Norge ASA, Grand Cayman sebesar USD 29.200.000 yang dijadikan jaminan sehubungan dengan fasilitas Irrecovable Letter of Credit (L/C) yang diperoleh dari bank yang sama. This account represents current account in Nordea Bank Norge ASA, Grand Cayman amounting to USD 29,200,000, which is used as security in relation with Irrecovable Letter of Credit (L/C) facility obtained from the same bank. Tingkat bunga rata-rata per tahun selama tahun 2007 sebesar 4,17%. The average interest per annum of this restricted cash during the year 2007 was 4.17% INVESTASI PADA PERUSAHAAN ASOSIASI 8. Tempat Kedudukan/ Domicile INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATES Persentase Kepemilikan/ Percentage of Ownership % 2007 Rp 2006 Rp 30 30 50 192.515.573.957 1.167.781.184 222.260.427.312 1.118.631.626 858.761.864 194.723.540.645 224.237.820.802 Metode Ekuitas/Equity Method Teekay BLT Corporation Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. PT Berlian Limatama Marshall Islands Thailand Indonesia Jumlah/Total Mutasi investasi dengan metode ekuitas: Teekay BLT Corporation Saldo awal Selisih kurs penjabaran Perubahan ekuitas perusahaan asosiasi Bagian rugi bersih perusahaan asosiasi Saldo Akhir Changes in investments under the equity method: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp 222.260.427.312 9.819.307.004 242.654.584.116 (19.988.296.272) ( - (399.995.093) 192.515.573.957 (405.860.532) 222.260.427.312 - 30 - Global Reports LLC Teekay BLT Corporation Balance at beginning of year Translation adjustment Difference due to change of equity in associate Equity in net loss of the associate Balance at end of year P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 2007 Rp Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. Saldo awal Selisih kurs penjabaran Bagian laba (rugi) bersih perusahaan asosiasi Saldo Akhir PT Berlian Limatama Saldo awal Bagian laba bersih perusahaan asosiasi Saldo Akhir 9. 2006 Rp 1.118.631.626 49.472.698 (323.140) 15.962.219 1.167.781.184 1.118.631.626 858.761.864 703.618.667 Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. Balance at beginning of year Translation adjustment Equity in net earnings (loss) of the the associate Balance at end of year PT Berlian Limatama Balance at beginning of year 181.423.640 155.143.197 Equity in net earnings of the associate 858.761.864 Balance at end of year Pada tanggal 26 Juli 2005, BLT LNG Tangguh Corporation, anak perusahaan, membeli 150 saham Teekay BLT Corporation dari Teekay Tangguh Holding Corporation seharga USD 24.685.105. Seluruh saham tersebut digunakan sebagai jaminan hutang lain-lain jangka panjang (Catatan 18). On July 26, 2005, BLT LNG Tangguh Corporation, a subsidiary, agreed to purchase 150 shares of Teekay BLT Corporation from Teekay Tangguh Holding Corporation for USD 24,685,105. All of these shares are used as collateral for other longterm payables (Note 18). Teekay BLT Corporation bergerak dalam bidang jasa pelayaran / angkutan laut mulai beroperasi komersial pada tahun 2006. Teekay BLT Corporation is engaged in providing cargo shipping service / sea cargo service and has commenced commercial operations in 2006. Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. bergerak dalam bidang pengurusan pelabuhan (keagenan). Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. is engaged in port services (agency). PT Berlian Limatama bergerak dalam ekspedisi muatan kapal laut. PT Berlian Limatama is engaged in providing cargo shipping services. bidang PIUTANG LAIN-LAIN JANGKA PANJANG 9. Pada tahun 2006, akun ini merupakan piutang yang berasal dari penjualan kapal anak perusahaan kepada pihak ketiga. Piutang ini berbentuk pinjaman subordinasi dengan nilai USD 3.500.000. Menurut perjanjian, pembeli menyetujui untuk membayar kembali pinjaman dan bunga sebesar 5% per tahun secara basis anuitas dalam cicilan bulanan dengan jumlah yang sama, bersamaan dengan pembayaran sekaligus (balloon payment) sebesar USD 1.750.000 pada tanggal 12 Mei 2012. Bagian yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun disajikan sebagai bagian aktiva lancar dalam akun piutang lain-lain. Seluruh piutang ini telah dilunasi pada bulan Nopember 2007. - 31 - Global Reports LLC 1.201.974.161 (99.304.754) OTHER LONG-TERM ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE In 2006, this account receivable arose from the sale of a subsidiary’s vessel to a third party. The receivable is in the form of a subordinated loan with original amount of USD 3,500,000. Under the loan agreement, the buyer agreed to repay the loan and interest thereon at the rate of 5% per annum on annuity basis in equal monthly installment, together with a balloon payment of USD 1,750,000 on May 12, 2012. The current maturity of the loan is presented as part of other long-term accounts receivable under current assets. All of the receivable amount had been paid in November 2007. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 10. AKTIVA TETAP 10. PROPERTY, VESSELS AND EQUIPMENT 1 Januari 2007/ January 1, 2007 Rp Selisih Kurs Penjabaran / Translation Adjustment Rp 292.311.294 6.931.042.868.588 11.102.725.938 6.324.991.631 12.684.232.014 242.592.271.126 1.376.787.283 280.623.051 11.831.142.000 7.043.350.702.682 7.850.750.000 5.041.505.504 5.915.511.774 2.427.598.524 6.544.595.805 424.302.962.191 62.118.371 216.603.035 8.355.160.161 310.560.853 14.202.549.685 617.302.483.728 Jumlah 7.394.722.285.985 252.883.563.027 Akumulasi penyusutan: Kapal dan peralatan Tangki minyak Kendaraan Perabot kantor 1.613.912.010.111 4.324.423.814 Penambahan/ Additions Rp Pengurangan/ Deductions Rp Reklasifikasi/ Reclassification Rp 31 Desember 2007/ December 31, 2007 Rp 669.917.100.000 203.383.976 482.809.684.529 - 12.123.453.294 14.029.878.426.925 12.479.513.221 13.126.588.972 23.718.488.367 733.838.246 261.772.848 - - (482.809.684.529) 3.534.115.994 21.225.521.373 567.150.921.551 7.699.889.694.452 671.169.636.635 - 17.782.451.557.697 53.168.492.006 1.143.948.652 172.484.354 519.332.672.484 145.344.212 2.400.070.514 1.640.581.966 631.910.255 155.829.155.656 737.228.745 184.565.567 - 2.030.584.018.945 10.514.354.536 5.987.265.583 10.280.439.945 1.554.502.574 860.674.584 29.524.090 9.860.224 273.188.680 384.550.712 101.916.688 47.458.528.001 38.712.090 - - - - 1.959.132.032 47.458.528.001 1.293.797.610 Jumlah 1.637.896.701.692 54.524.309.326 524.176.408.568 156.750.949.968 - Jumlah Tercatat Biaya docking 5.756.825.584.293 Biaya perolehan: Tanah Kapal dan peralatan Tangki minyak Kendaraan Perabot kantor Peralatan kantor dan mess Bangunan Aktiva sewa pembiayaan Aktiva dalam penyelesaian Peralatan kantor dan mess Aktiva sewa pembiayaan Bangunan - Akuisisi/ Acquisition Rp Jumlah 1 Januari 2006/ January 1, 2006 Rp Biaya perolehan: Tanah Kapal dan peralatan Tangki minyak Kendaraan Perabot kantor Selisih Kurs Penjabaran / Translation Adjustment Rp Penambahan/ Additions Rp Pengurangan/ Deductions Rp Reklasifikasi/ Reclassification Rp Accumulated depreciation: Vessels and equipment Oil tanks Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment Leased assets Buildings Total 15.674.374.021.045 136.344.704.510 Net book value Docking cost 15.810.718.725.555 Total 31 Desember 2006/ December 31, 2006 Rp 1.054.741.546.658 806.060 64.466.687 2.599.444.573 1.652.082.955 6.984.316.154 184.418.893.095 (52.595.058) (439.720.349) (12.941.588.165) 828.110.627 1.025.384.576.613 Jumlah 6.492.500.302.433 (523.199.269.114) 2.083.618.951.218 658.197.698.552 - 7.394.722.285.985 Akumulasi penyusutan: Kapal dan peralatan Tangki minyak Kendaraan Perabot kantor 1.333.173.309.966 8.489.134.524 5.436.882.448 7.017.944.640 (105.320.810.983) (408.303.039) (228.026.665) 386.059.511.128 1.446.474.699 2.558.933.333 - - 1.613.912.010.111 4.324.423.814 1.009.354.005 502.079.026 (37.564.009) - 582.712.578 358.595.558 - 1.554.502.574 860.674.584 Jumlah 1.355.628.704.609 (105.994.704.696) 390.821.635.112 - 1.637.896.701.692 Total Jumlah Tercatat Biaya docking 5.136.871.597.824 5.756.825.584.293 Net book value Docking cost 5.903.931.712.381 Total - 772.558.919.352 - 292.311.294 6.931.042.868.588 11.102.725.938 6.324.991.631 12.684.232.014 (772.558.919.352) 2.427.598.524 6.544.595.805 424.302.962.191 Cost: Land Vessels and equipment Oil tanks Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment Buildings Construction in progress (508.842.369.288) (561.795.158) (361.201.096) Peralatan kantor dan mess Bangunan 2.558.933.333 Jumlah Jumlah aktiva tetap di neraca termasuk biaya docking kapal yang belum diamortisasi dengan rincian sebagai berikut: Biaya Docking Kapal/ Docking Cost 2007 2006 Saldo Awal/ Beginning Balance Rp 47.902.705.399 Total Accumulated depreciation: Vessels and equipment Oil tanks Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment Buildings The balance sheet carrying amount of property, vessels and equipment included the unamortized docking costs of the vessels are as follows: Penambahan/ Addition Rp Pengurangan, Amortisasi/ Deduction, Amortization Rp 101.830.147.722 182.692.961.004 117.090.924.965 70.279.336.273 - 32 - Global Reports LLC Total 292.311.294 11.663.715.036 8.916.124.944 10.445.988.537 Peralatan kantor dan mess Bangunan Aktiva dalam penyelesaian 655.542.098.552 2.655.600.000 - Cost: Land Vessels and equipment Oil tanks Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment Buildings Leased assets Construction in progress Selisih Kurs Penjabaran/ Translation Adjustment Rp 4.499.353.665 ( Saldo Akhir/ Ending Balance Rp 136.344.704.510 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Penambahan kapal pada tahun 2007 terdiri dari pembangunan kapal anak perusahaan yang sudah selesai di bangun (M.T. Purwati, M.T. Gas Sulawesi dan M.T. Gas Papua) dan pembelian kapal anak perusahaan (MT Trirasa, MT Fatmawati dan M.T.Tridonawati, M.T. Chembulk Bercelona, M.T. Chembulk Gibraltar, M.T. Chembulk Kobe, M.T. Chembulk New York, M.T. Chembulk Savannah, M.T. Chembulk Shanghai, M.T. Chembulk Hong Kong, M.T. Chembuck Houston, M.T. Chembulk Ulsan, M.T. Chembulk Virgin Gorda dan M.T. Chembulk Yokohama) dan akuisisi kapal sewa pembiayaan dari anak perusahaan (M.T. Chembulk Minneapolis, M.T. Chembulk New Orleans, M.T. Chembulk Singapore, M.T. Chembulk Tortola dan M.T. Chembulk Westport). The additions in vessels in 2007 consist of the subsidiaries vessels whose construction had been completed (M.T. Purwati, M.T. Gas Sulawesi and M.T. Gas Papua) and purchase of vessels by the subsidiaries (MT Trirasa, MT Fatmawati and MT Tridonawati, M.T. Chembulk Bercelona, M.T. Chembulk Gibraltar, M.T. Chembulk Kobe, M.T. Chembulk New York, M.T. Chembulk Savannah, M.T. Chembulk Shanghai, M.T. Chembulk Hong Kong, M.T. Chembuck Houston, M.T. Chembulk Ulsan, M.T. Chembulk Virgin Gorda and M.T. Chembulk Yokohama) and acquisition of subsidiaries’ vessels under leasing arrangement (M.T. Chembulk Minneapolis, M.T. Chembulk New Orleans, M.T. Chembulk Singapore, M.T. Chembulk Tortola and M.T. Chembulk Westport). Penambahan kapal pada tahun 2006 terutama merupakan pembelian kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Bramani, M.T. Anjani, M.T. Anggraini, dan FPSO Brotojoyo). The additions in vessels in 2006 represent purchase of vessels by the subsidiaries (M.T. Bramani, M.T. Anjani, M.T. Anggraini, and FPSO Brotojoyo). Pengurangan kapal pada tahun 2007 merupakan penjualan kapal anak perusahaan (MT Bandondari, MT Tribuana dan MT Triwati d/h MT Trijata). The reduction in vessels in 2007 included sale of vessels of the subsidiary (M.T. Bandondari, M.T. Tribuana and M.T. Triwati, formerly MT Trijata). Pengurangan kapal pada tahun 2006 merupakan penjualan kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Pertiwi, M.T. Pujawati, dan M.T. Prita Dewi). The reduction in vessels in 2006 included sale of vessels of the subsidiary (M.T. Pertiwi, M.T. Pujawati, and M.T. Prita Dewi). Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) yang diaktakan dengan akta No. 30 tanggal 21 Juni 2006 dari Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notaris di Jakarta, Perusahaan memperoleh persetujuan dari Para Pemegang Saham untuk menjual aktiva tetap, kapal M.T. Pertiwi milik anak perusahaan (Fatmarini Maritime Pte. Ltd.) dan M.T. Pujawati milik anak perusahaan (Frabandari Maritime Pte. Ltd.) dengan harga masing-masing sebesar USD 45.000.000. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 30 dated June 21, 2006 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved to sell two vessels in progress of its subsidiaries, M.T. Pertiwi (owned by Fatmarini Maritime Pte. Ltd.) and M.T. Pujawati (owned by Frabandari Maritime Pte. Ltd.) at a price of USD 45,000,000 each. Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) yang diaktakan dengan akta No. 12 pada tanggal 11 September 2006 dari Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notaris di Jakarta, Perusahaan memperoleh persetujuan dari Para Pemegang Saham untuk menjual aktiva tetap, kapal M.T. Prita Dewi milik anak perusahaan (Prita Dewi Maritime Pte. Ltd.) dengan harga sebesar USD 45.000.000. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 12 dated September 11, 2006 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved to sell vessels in progress of its subsidiary, M.T. Prita Dewi, (owned by Prita Dewi Maritime Pte. Ltd.) at a price of USD 45,000,000. Seluruh penjualan dilakukan kepada pihak ketiga. Keuntungan penjualan aktiva tetap selama tahun 2007 dan 2006 masing-masing sebesar Rp 27.198.658.553 dan Rp 482.910.734.691 dengan perincian sebagai berikut: All sales are made with third parties. Gain on sale of vessels and vehicles in 2007 and 2006 amounted to Rp 27,198,658,553 and Rp 482,910,734,691, respectively, with details as shown below: 2007 Rp Harga jual Nilai tercatat 2006 Rp 561.716.545.220 (514.418.686.667) Bersih Komisi 47.297.858.553 563.377.484.691 80.466.750.000 Net Commission Keuntungan penjualan aktiva tetap 27.198.658.553 482.910.734.691 Gain on sale of vessels and vehicles - 33 - Global Reports LLC Proceeds from sale of fixed asset (655.638.765.219) Net carrying account P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan menerima hasil penjualan kapal-kapal tersebut pada bulan Oktober dan Nopember 2007 serta Juli dan Oktober 2006. The Company received the proceeds from such sale of vessels in October and November 2007, July and October 2006. Beban penyusutan dialokasi sebagai berikut: Depreciation following: 2007 Rp was allocated to the 2006 Rp Beban usaha Kapal dan tangki yang dimiliki (Catatan 27) Umum dan administrasi (Catatan 28) Selisih kurs penjabaran 507.676.298.336 4.801.041.439 11.699.068.793 Operating expenses Owned vessels and tanks 392.828.876.726 (Note 27) 3.688.786.067 General and administrative (Note 28) (5.696.027.681) Translation adjustment Jumlah 524.176.408.568 390.821.635.112 Total Kapal dan peralatan digunakan sebagai jaminan atas hutang bank dan kewajiban sewa pembiayaan (Catatan 12, 16 dan 21). Vessels and equipment are used as collateral for the bank loans and obligation under finance lease (Notes 12, 16 and 21). Perusahaan memiliki beberapa bidang tanah yang terletak di kota Dumai, Riau dengan hak legal berupa Hak Guna Bangunan yang berjangka waktu 20 (dua puluh) tahun yang akan jatuh tempo pada tahun 2024, 2036 dan 2037. Manajemen berpendapat tidak terdapat masalah dengan perpanjangan hak atas tanah karena seluruh tanah diperoleh secara sah dan didukung dengan bukti pemilikan yang memadai. The Company owns several parcels of land located in Dumai, Riau with Building Use Right (Hak Guna Bangunan or HGB) for a period of 20 years until 2024, 2036 and 2037. Management believes that there will be no difficulty in the extension of the landright since the land was acquired legally and supported by sufficient evidence of ownership. Kapal Perusahaan diasuransikan terhadap kerusakan lambung dan kerusakan kapal (Hull Machinery) dan risiko perang, Increase Value and Additional Owners Interest (I.V & A.O.I.) dengan jumlah pertanggungan masing-masing sebesar USD 1.749.550.000 dan USD 933.550.000 pada tahun 2007 dan 2006 melalui LCH Insurance (s) Pte. Ltd. dan Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. The vessels and equipment were insured for hull and machinery damages and war risk, Increased Value and Additional Owners Interest (I.V. & A.O.I) for USD 1,749,550,000 in 2007 and USD 933,550,000 in 2006, with LCH Insurance (s) Pte. Ltd. and Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. Kapal Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan diasuransikan juga terhadap perlindungan dan penggantian terhadap pihak ketiga serta ganti rugi yang disebabkan karena pencemaran lingkungan, sehubungan dengan pengoperasian kapal (Protection & Indemnity atau P & I). Those vessels and equipment were also insured for losses of third parties from vessel operations such as environmental pollution caused by accident (Protection and Indemnity or P & I). Manajemen berpendapat bahwa nilai pertanggungan tersebut cukup untuk menutupi kemungkinan kerugian atas aktiva yang dipertanggungkan. Management believes that the insurance coverage is adequate to cover possible losses on the assets insured. Aktiva dalam penyelesaian terutama merupakan 10 kapal yang sedang dibangun yang diperkirakan akan selesai pada tahun 2008 - 2011 (Catatan 39c). Construction in progress mainly consists of 10 vessels under construction which are estimated to be completed in 2008 - 2011 (Note 39c). - 34 - Global Reports LLC expense P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 11. GOODWILL – BERSIH 11. GOODWILL - NET Akun ini merupakan selisih antara biaya akuisisi anak perusahaan dengan nilai wajar aktiva bersih yang diperoleh dengan rincian sebagai berikut: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Harga perolehan Penambahan tahun berjalan Akumulasi amortisasi 61.842.037.155 681.499.228.939 (30.034.912.776) Goodwill - Bersih 713.306.353.318 61.842.037.155 Cost Addition during the year (25.675.178.468) Accumulated amortization 36.166.858.687 Goodwill - Net Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa tanggal 18 Desember 2007, sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam akta notaris Amrul Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, No. 16 tanggal 18 Desember 2007, para pemegang saham menyetujui untuk melakukan akuisisi/pembelian Chembulk Tankers LLC. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 16 dated December 18, 2007 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved to acquire Chembulk Tankers LLC. Pada tanggal 19 Desember 2007 (tanggal akuisisi) Asean Maritime Corporation, melalui BLT Chembulk Corp, anak perusahaan, membeli 100% saham milik Chembulk Holding Inc pada Chembulk Tankers LLC. Pada tanggal akuisisi, nilai wajar atas aktiva bersih Chembulk Tankers LLC sebesar Rp Perbedaan antara nilai wajar dari aktiva bersih yang diakuisisi dan biaya perolehan akuisisi dicatat sebagai goodwill. As of December 19, 2007 (the effective date of the acquisition), Asean Maritime Corporation purchased through its wholly-owned subsidiary, BLT Chembulk Corp, 100% of the shares owned by Chembulk Holdings Inc. in Chembulk Tankers LLC. As of acquisition date, the fair value of the net assets of Chembulk Tankers LLC, amounted to Rp 2,069,294,704,197. The difference between the fair value of the net assets acquired and the cost of acquisition, is accounted for as goodwill. Pada tanggal yang sama, BLT Chembulk Corp. juga membeli 11 kapal dari Chembulk Holding Inc. sebesar USD 618.000.000. On the same date, BLT Chembulk Corp. also purchased eleven vessels from Chembulk Holding Inc. at a purchase price USD 618,000,000. Pada tanggal akuisisi Perusahaan mengakui/ mencatat aktiva tetap dan kewajiban Chembulk Tankers LLC sebagai berikut: The Company recognized, at the acquisition date, the following assets and liabilities of Chembulk Tankers LLC: Nilai buku sebelum diakuisisi/ Book value prior to acquisition Rp Assets 1.389.939.017.182 Property and equipment - net 479.577.804 Other non current assets 51.097.924.296 Inventories 72.484.310.098 Receivables Prepayment and other current 19.978.857.537 assets 275.034.800.000 Restricted cash 197.509.921.471 Cash Nilai wajar/ Fair value Rp Aktiva Aktiva tetap - bersih Aktiva tidak lancar lain-lain Persediaan Piutang Biaya dibayar dimuka dan aktiva lancar lain-lain Kas yang dibatasi penggunaannya Kas Jumlah Kewajiban Kewajiban sewa pembiayaan Hutang usaha Kewajiban lain-lain Jumlah Aktiva bersih yang diakuisisi Goodwill pada saat akuisisi Biaya perolehan akuisisi 3.057.894.578.937 479.577.804 51.097.924.296 72.484.310.098 19.978.857.537 275.034.800.000 197.509.921.471 3.674.479.970.143 2.006.524.408.388 1.355.708.223.650 93.794.854.112 155.682.188.184 1.355.708.223.650 93.794.854.112 155.682.214.651 1.605.185.265.946 1.605.185.292.413 401.339.115.975 681.499.228.939 2.750.793.933.136 - 35 - Global Reports LLC This account represents the difference between acquisition cost of subsidiaries and fair value of net assets acquired as follows: Total Liabilities Obligations under finance lease Trade payables Other current liabilities Total Net assets acquired Goodwill on acquisition Acquisition cost P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Harga perolehan akuisisi di atas termasuk biayabiaya yang timbul dalam rangka perjanjian akuisisi. Harga perolehan dibayar secara tunai, arus kas keluar bersih pada saat akuisisi sebesar Rp 2.553.284.011.665 (harga perolehan Rp 2.750.793.933.136 dikurangi kas yang diperoleh sebesar Rp 197.509.921.471). The acquisition cost above includes directly attributable acquisition costs incurred in developing the acquisition contracts. The acquisition cost was paid in cash, and the net cash outflow on acquisition expressed in Rupiah amounted to Rp 2,553,284,011,665 (acquisition cost of Rp 2,750,793,933,136 less cash acquired of Rp 197,509,921,471). Perusahaan mempertimbangkan untuk menyajikan informasi laporan laba rugi konsolidasi proforma untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2007, seolah-olah Chembulk Tankers LLC telah diakuisisi sejak awal tahun 2007. Dalam penyusunan informasi laporan laba rugi konsolidasi proforma, manajemen telah menghitung penyusutan aktiva tetap yang diakuisisi tidak menggunakan nilai tercatat aktiva berdasarkan laporan keuangan sebelum akuisisi terjadi melainkan menggunakan nilai wajar yang timbul saat penggabungan usaha pertama kali dilakukan, dan tidak memperhitungkan keuntungan atas distribusi kepada pemegang saham lama yang dianggap sebagai suatu transaksi sebelum akuisisi serta tidak memperhitungkan penghasilan (beban) yang bukan berasal dari operasi normal. Informasi laporan laba rugi konsolidasi proforma tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: The Company has considered to present proforma consolidated statement of income for the year ended December 31, 2007 as if Chembulk Tankers LLC had been acquired at the beginning of 2007. In determining the information on the proforma consolidated statement of income, the management had calculated depreciation of property, vessels and equipment acquired to the basis of the fair values arising in the initial accounting for the business combination rather than the carrying amounts recognised in the pre-acquisition financial statements and deducted the gain on distribution to former stockholders as a one-off pre-acquisition transaction and not calculated revenues and expenses not derived from normal operations. The proforma consolidated statements of income information is as follows: 2007 (Tidak diaudit)/ (Unaudited) Rp Pendapatan usaha Beban langsung Laba kotor Beban usaha (3.430.561.871.442) 1.832.728.920.965 (333.958.177.810) Laba usaha Beban lain-lain - bersih 1.498.770.743.155 (657.506.071.694) Income from operations Other charges - net Laba sebelum pajak Beban pajak 841.264.671.461 (9.099.928.173) Income before tax Tax expense Laba bersih 832.164.743.288 Net income 12. HUTANG BANK DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Singapura USD 250.000.000 Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia, Jakarta USD 17.000.000 Bank UOB Indonesia, Jakarta Bank Mizuho Indonesia, Jakarta Bank Central Asia, Jakarta Bank Negara Indonesia, Jakarta USD 3.110.000 Bank China Trust Indonesia, Jakarta Jumlah Tingkat bunga per tahun selama tahun berjalan Dollar Amerika Serikat Rupiah 12. SHORT-TERM BANK LOANS 2007 Rp 2006 Rp 2.354.750.000.000 - - 2.814.873.000.000 1% - 3,25% diatas/ 3,25% diatas/ above LIBOR/SIBOR above LIBOR/SIBOR 6,2% - 13,5% 7,5% - 16,25% - 36 - Global Reports LLC Operating revenue Direct cost Gross profit Operating expenses DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Singapore USD 250,000,000 Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia, Jakarta USD 17,000,000 Bank UOB Indonesia, Jakarta Bank Mizuho Indonesia, Jakarta Bank Central Asia, Jakarta Bank Negara Indonesia, Jakarta USD 3,110,000 Bank China Trust Indonesia, Jakarta Total Interest rate per annum during the year U.S. Dollar Rupiah P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) A. Pada bulan Desember 2007, anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman “secured revolving credit facilities” dari DnB NOR Bank ASA, Fortis Bank S.A/N.V., ING Bank N.V., dan NIBC Bank Ltd. sebagai pihak pemberi pinjaman utama. DnB NOR Bank ASA bertindak sebagai agen dan wali bagi para kreditur. Berdasarkan perjanjian, anak perusahaan menggunakan semua pinjaman tersebut untuk perolehan kapal dan untuk tujuan modal kerja. Pinjaman ini jatuh tempo pada tanggal 19 Desember 2008 dan dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan (MT Bauhinia, MT Cendanawati, MT Dewayani, MT Dewi Sri, MT Fatmawati, MT Gagarmayang, MT Gandini, MT Gas Bali, MT Gerbera, MT Indradi, MT Jembawati, MT Tirtasari, MT Tromso Trust dan MT Trirasa). Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,5% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya 1-3 bulan. A. On December 2007, the subsidiaries obtained a secured term loan and reducing revolving credit facilities from DnB NOR Bank ASA, Fortis Bank S.A/N.V., ING Bank N.V., and NIBC Bank Ltd. as original lenders. DnB NOR Bank ASA acts as agent and security trustee. Under the agreement, the subsidiaries shall apply all amounts borrowed by them towards refinancing in relation to the acquisition of the vessels and for general working capital purposes. The loan is due on December 19, 2008 and collateralized by subsidiaries’ vessels (MT Bauhinia, MT Cendanawati, MT Dewayani, MT Dewi Sri, MT Fatmawati, MT Gagarmayang, MT Gandini, MT Gas Bali, MT Gerbera, MT Indradi, MT Jembawati, MT Tirtasari, MT Tromso Trust and MT Trirasa). Interest rate is 1.5% above LIBOR, which is paid between 1-3 months B. Pada bulan Juni 2007, Perusahaan memperoleh fasilitas kredit revolving dari Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia dengan jumlah maksimum Rp atau ekuivalen dalam USD 17.000.000 dan akan jatuh tempo pada bulan Juni 2008. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan. B. In June 2007, the Company obtained a revolving credit facility from Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia with maximum credit of Rp 150,000,000,000 or equivalent to USD 17,000,000 and due on June 2008. Interest rate is at 1% above LIBOR, which is paid on monthly basis. C. Pinjaman dari Bank UOB Indonesia merupakan fasilitas kredit modal kerja dengan maksimum berjumlah Rp jatuh tempo pada tanggal 12 Desember 2008. Pinjaman ini dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Anjani) dan piutang usaha atas pendapatan charter ke Pertamina dari kapal M.T. Anjani. Tingkat bunga sebesar SBI ditambah 1,2% per tahun, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan C. Loan obtained from Bank UOB Indonesia is a working capital credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 150,000,000,000 due in December 12, 2008. This loan is secured by subsidiaries vessel (M.T. Anjani), Company’s trade accounts receivable from Pertamina in respect of M.T. Anjani. Interest rate per annum is the SBI plus 1.2% , which is paid monthly. D. Pinjaman dari Bank Mizuho Indonesia merupakan fasilitas kredit time loan revolving dengan jumlah maksimum Rp dan akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 18 April 2008. Tingkat bunga sebesar cost of fund bank ditambah 1,2%, dimana pembayarannya antara 7 - 30 hari. Pada tahun 2006, pinjaman ini dijamin dengan kapal milik Perusahaan M.T. Gas Jawa. D. Loan obtained from Bank Mizuho Indonesia is a time revolving loan with maximum credit of Rp 50,000,000,000 due on April 18, 2008. Interest rate is at the bank’s cost of funds plus 1.2%, which is paid between 7 - 30 days. In 2006, the loan was collateralized by the Company’s vessel, M.T. Gas Jawa. Pada bulan April 2005, Perusahaan mendapatkan tambahan pinjaman dari Bank Mizuho Indonesia dengan maksimum kredit sebesar Rp jatuh tempo April 2008. Tingkat bunga sebesar cost of fund bank ditambah 1,2%, dimana pembayarannya antara 7 - 30 hari. In April 2005, the Company obtained additional loan from Bank Mizuho Indonesia with maximum credit of Rp 35,000,000,000 due in April 2008. Interest rate is at the bank’s cost of funds plus 1.2%, which is paid between 7 - 30 days. Pada bulan Juli 2006, Bank Mizuho Indonesia sepakat untuk menambah pinjaman baru senilai Rp jatuh tempo April 2008. Tingkat bunga sebesar cost of fund bank ditambah 1,2%, dimana pembayarannya antara 7 - 30 hari. In July 2006, the Company obtained additional loan from Bank Mizuho Indonesia with a maximum credit of Rp 45,000,000,000 due in April 2008. Interest rate is at the bank’s cost of funds plus 1.2% which is paid between 7 - 30 days. - 37 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) E. Pinjaman dari Bank Central Asia merupakan kredit modal kerja dengan jumlah maksimum Rp (Catatan 16b). Tingkat bunga per tahun 10,25% - 13,5% pada tahun 2007, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan. E. Loan obtained from Bank Central Asia is a working capital credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 20,000,000,000 (Note 16b). Interest rate per annum is at 10.25% - 13.5% in 2007, which is paid on a monthly basis. F. Pinjaman dari Bank Negara Indonesia merupakan kredit modal kerja dengan jumlah maksimum USD 3.110.000 jatuh tempo 2007. Tingkat bunga per tahun 3,25% diatas SIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan. Pinjaman in telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Mei 2007. F. Loan obtained from Bank Negara Indonesia is a working capital credit facility with maximum credit of USD 3,110,000 due in 2007. Interest rate per annum is at 3.25% above SIBOR, which is paid on a monthly basis. This loan has been fully paid in May 2007. G. Pinjaman dari Bank Chinatrust Indonesia merupakan kredit modal kerja dengan jumlah maksimum Rp dan akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 23 Agustus 2007. Tingkat bunga per tahun berdasarkan tingkat suku bunga SBI ditambah 2%, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan. Pinjaman ini dijamin dengan aktiva Perusahaan sebesar nilai yang terhutang kepada Bank Chinatrust Indonesia. Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Mei 2007. 13. HUTANG USAHA 13. TRADE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2007 Rp a. Berdasarkan pemasok: Pihak yang mempunyai hubungan istimewa Pan Union Agencies Pte. Ltd. PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk PT Garuda Mahakam Pratama Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. Lain-lain 2006 Rp a. By creditor 24.044.843.734 2.194.458.023 46.027.262 - 1.249.893.056 4.661.618.324 372.408.165 679.927 Related parties Pan Union Agencies Pte. Ltd. PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk PT Garuda Mahakam Pratama Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. Others Jumlah 26.285.329.019 6.284.599.472 Total Pihak ketiga Pemasok Jasa perantara perkapalan 42.325.951.279 73.154.779.993 9.344.776.761 Third parties Suppliers Agents Jumlah 116.329.186.869 82.499.556.754 Total Jumlah Hutang Usaha 142.614.515.888 88.784.156.226 Total Trade Accounts Payable b. Berdasarkan mata uang: Rupiah Dollar Amerika Serikat Mata uang lainnya 15.000.696.951 75.810.676.195 51.803.142.742 918.551.700 87.635.496.740 230.107.786 142.614.515.888 88.784.156.226 Jumlah Hutang jasa perantara perkapalan pihak ketiga merupakan kewajiban kepada perusahaan yang ditunjuk sebagai perantara dan sub perantara. Hutang pemasok pihak ketiga merupakan kewajiban atas pembelian bahan bakar, suku cadang, peralatan kapal dan pengeluaran lainnya (disbursements). - 38 - Global Reports LLC G. Loan obtained from Bank Chinatrust Indonesia is a working capital credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 15,000,000,000 due on August 23, 2007. Interest rate is SBI interest rate plus 2% which is paid monthly. This loan is secured by the Company’s asset equivalent to the outstanding balance of the liability to Bank Chinatrust Indonesia. This loan was fully paid in May 2007. b. By currency Rupiah U.S. Dollars Other currencies Total The accounts payable to third parties represent liabilities to other shipping companies as agents and to sub-agents, and to suppliers for purchases of oil, fuel and spare parts, vessel equipment, and other disbursements. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 14. PAJAK PENGHASILAN 14. Hutang pajak terdiri dari: Details of taxes payable are as follows: 2007 Rp Hutang pajak penghasilan badan Perusahaan Tahun 2007 Tahun 2006 Pajak penghasilan Pasal 21 Pasal 23 Pasal 25 Pasal 26 Pajak Pertambahan Nilai - Bersih Hutang pajak final Pasal 4(2) Pasal 15 Jumlah INCOME TAXES 2006 Rp 8.638.921 - 9.405.889 8.783.556.955 169.929.294 29.155.067 21.048.664 13.996.528.671 3.204.829.379 184.887.171 22.832.992 51.359.109 13.886.033.354 349.009 442.682.686 643.447 184.634.986 23.451.889.267 17.544.626.327 Beban pajak terdiri dari: Corporate income tax The Company 2007 2006 Income taxes Article 21 Article 23 Article 25 Article 26 Value Added Tax - Net Final tax payable Article 4(2) Article 15 Total Details of tax expense are as follows: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Kapal dan operasional Jasa penyimpanan Jasa perantara perkapalan 8.464.774.406 252.620.267 382.533.500 8.171.785.102 233.980.345 349.860.800 Vessel and charter operation Storage services Agency services Jumlah 9.099.928.173 8.755.626.247 Total < Perhitungan atas pajak final sehubungan dengan pendapatan atas sewa kapal dan pengoperasian kapal Perusahaan untuk tahun-tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 adalah sebagai berikut: 2007 Rp Jumlah pendapatan yang berhubungan dengan sewa kapal dan pengoperasian kapal (Perusahaan) Pajak atas pendapatan sewa kapal 1,2% x Rp 106.615.348.231 tahun 2007 dan Rp 111.563.726.605 tahun 2006 Pajak penghasilan anak perusahaan Jumlah beban Pembayaran selama tahun berjalan Hutang Pajak Penghasilan Final 2006 Rp 106.615.348.231 111.563.726.605 Revenue from charter and operation of vessels (the Company) 1.279.384.179 1.338.764.719 Tax on vessel revenues 1.2% x Rp 106,615,348,231 in 2007 and Rp 111,563,726,605 in 2006 7.185.390.227 6.833.020.383 Income tax of subsidiaries 8.464.774.406 8.171.785.102 Tax expense 7.987.150.116 Payments during the year 442.682.686 184.634.986 - 39 - Global Reports LLC The computation of final tax on revenues related to charter and operation of vessels of the Company for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, was as follows: Final tax payable P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Perhitungan pendapatan yang pajaknya bersifat final adalah sebagai berikut: Pajak penghasilan anak perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan jasa penyimpanan dan perantara perkapalan Pendapatan dari jasa perantara perkapalan Beban yang berhubungan dengan jasa perantara perkapalan Pendapatan lain-lain Penghasilan bunga Pendapatan yang pajaknya tidak bersifat final sebelum pajak penghasilan tidak The computation of tax on revenues not subject to final tax is as follows: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp 252.620.267 233.980.345 5.900.938.169 5.525.896.118 (4.309.686.672) 1.265.895.757 (1.523.702.254) 15. 1.333.445.000 1.224.536.000 Income not subject to final tax Tax expense and income tax payable are computed as follows: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp 10% x Rp 50.000.000 15% x Rp 50.000.000 30% x Rp 1.233.445.000 tahun 2007 dan Rp 1.124.536.000 tahun 2006 5.000.000 7.500.000 370.033.500 - 5.000.000 7.500.000 337.360.800 Pajak Penghasilan Perusahaan Dikurangi pembayaran pajak dimuka Pajak penghasilan pasal 25 382.533.500 349.860.800 10% x Rp 50,000,000 15% x Rp 50,000,000 30% x Rp 1,233,445,000 in 2007 and Rp 1,124,536,000 in 2006 Tax expense of the Company Prepayment of tax (340.454.911) Income tax - Article 25 (373.894.579) 8.638.921 9.405.889 Income tax payable Tidak terdapat perbedaan temporer yang berhubungan dengan pendapatan tidak bersifat final sehingga tidak terdapat pengakuan aktiva dan kewajiban pajak tangguhan. There were no temporary differences requiring recognition of deferred tax assets or liabilities. Laba kena pajak dan hutang pajak penghasilan Perusahaan tahun 2006 sudah sesuai dengan Surat Pemberitahuan Pajak (SPT) yang disampaikan ke Kantor Pelayanan Pajak. Income after tax and Income Tax Payable of the Company for 2006 are in accordance with the annual tax return (SPT) submitted to the Tax Service Office. BIAYA MASIH HARUS DIBAYAR 15. 2007 Rp ACCRUED EXPENSES 2006 Rp Operasi kapal dan docking Bunga Lain-lain 180.629.478.497 78.544.575.491 40.038.546.960 128.591.451.718 27.781.045.224 16.038.962.229 Operation and docking Interest Others Jumlah 299.212.600.948 172.411.459.171 Total - 40 - Global Reports LLC Revenue from agency (4.568.561.030) Agency expenses 3.093.949.957 Other income (2.826.749.045) Interest income Perhitungan pajak penghasilan dengan hutang pajak penghasilan: Hutang Pajak Penghasilan Income tax of the subsidiary on storage and agency services P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 16. HUTANG BANK JANGKA PANJANG 16. LONG-TERM BANK LOANS 2007 Rp DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Singapura USD 561.744.999,97 USD 114.137.500 Bank Central Asia, Jakarta USD 29,142,857,14 USD 34.000.000 Rupiah Fortis Bank S.A./N.V., Singapura USD 30.250.000 USD 125.000.000 DVB Group Merchant Bank (Asia) Ltd., Singapura USD 28.375.000 USD 34.875.000 ING Bank N. V., Singapura USD 15.920.000 USD 17.910.000 Bank UOB Indonesia, Jakarta USD 10.560.000 USD 12.000.000 Dialease Maritime S.A., Jepang USD 9.001.384 USD 30.660.529 The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Skotlandia USD 1.110.000 HSH Nordbank, Singapura USD 49.864.783 Bank Negara Indonesia, Jakarta USD 8.461.600 Jumlah Bagian yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Hutang Bank Jangka Panjang Bersih Tingkat bunga per tahun selama tahun berjalan Dollar Amerika Serikat Rupiah 2006 Rp - 1.029.520.250.000 274.496.571.429 52.083.333.333 306.680.000.000 77.083.333.334 284.924.750.000 - 1.127.499.998.737 - 314.572.500.090 149.950.480.000 - 161.548.200.000 99.464.640.000 - 84.784.035.708 - 276.557.968.243 10.455.090.000 - 449.780.342.660 - 76.323.632.000 6.514.499.180.281 3.927.806.225.064 807.474.522.140 733.080.342.009 5.707.024.658.141 3.194.725.883.055 Total Current maturities Long-Term Portion - Net Interest rates per annum 0,8% - 3,75% diatas/ above LIBOR/SIBOR 10,25% - 13% - 41 - Global Reports LLC - DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Singapore USD 561,744,999.97 USD 114,137,500 Bank Central Asia, Jakarta USD 29,142,857.14 USD 34,000,000 Rupiah Fortis Bank S.A./N.V., Singapore USD 30,250,000 USD 125,000,000 DVB Group Merchant Bank (Asia) Ltd., Singapore USD 28,375,000 USD 34,875,000 ING Bank N. V., Singapore USD 15,920,000 USD 17,910,000 Bank UOB Indonesia, Jakarta USD 10,560,000 USD 12,000,000 Dialease Maritime S.A., Japan USD 9,001,384 USD 30,660,529 The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Scotland USD 1,110,000 HSH Nordbank, Singapore USD 49,864,783 Bank Negara Indonesia, Jakarta USD 8,461,600 0,85% - 3,75% diatas/ above LIBOR/SIBOR 13% - 15% U.S. Dollar Rupiah P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Jadwal pembayaran kembali hutang bank jangka panjang adalah sebagai berikut: The long-term bank loans are repayable as follows: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Dalam satu tahun Dalam tahun kedua Dalam tahun ketiga Dalam tahun keempat Dalam tahun kelima Setelah lima tahun 807.474.522.140 794.758.872.138 745.939.955.473 747.697.087.529 640.474.507.033 2.778.154.235.968 733.080.342.009 643.603.132.761 572.554.920.526 546.577.261.960 432.690.674.050 999.299.893.758 Jumlah 6.514.499.180.281 3.927.806.225.064 Total Rincian hutang bank jangka panjang adalah sebagai berikut: Details of the loans are as follows: A. A. DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Singapura: Pada bulan Desember 2007, anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman “secured term-loan and reducing revolving credit facilities” dari DnB NOR Bank ASA, Fortis Bank S.A/N.V., ING Bank N.V., dan NIBC Bank Ltd. sebagai pihak pemberi pinjaman utama. DnB NOR Bank ASA bertindak sebagai agen dan penjamin. Berdasarkan perjanjian, anak perusahaan menggunakan semua pinjaman tersebut untuk perolehan kapal dan untuk tujuan modal kerja. DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Singapore: In December 2007, the subsidiaries obtained a secured term loan and reducing revolving credit facilities from DnB NOR Bank ASA, Fortis Bank S.A/N.V., ING Bank N.V., and NIBC Bank Ltd. as original lenders. DnB NOR Bank ASA. acts as agent and security trustee. Under the agreement, the subsidiaries shall apply all amounts borrowed by them towards refinancing in relation to the acquisition of the vessels and for general working capital purposes. Pinjaman ini terdiri dari: The facilities consist of: x Fasilitas A adalah “term loan facility” dalam mata uang Dollar Amerika Serikat dengan jumlah maksimum USD 400.000.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar dalam 40 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sebesar USD 8.000.000 untuk cicilan ke 1 sampai ke - 39 dan USD 88.000.000 untuk cicilan ke - 40. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,75% di atas LIBOR tergantung pada rasio nilai yang harus dipertahankan dari kapal-kapal yang dijaminkan dimana pembayaranya antara 1 - 3 bulan. x Facility A, which is a term loan facility in US Dollars in the aggregate amount equal to the facility commitment of USD 400,000,000. This facility shall be repaid in 40 consecutive quarterly installments of USD 8,000,000 for the 1st to 39th installments and USD 88,000,000 for the 40th installment. Interest rate is at 1.75% above LIBOR depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessels, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. x Fasilitas B adalah “reducing revolving loan facility” dalam mata uang Dollar Amerika Serikat dengan jumlah maksimum USD 100.000.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara triwulan dalam 20 kali cicilan sebesar USD 5.000.000 sampai dengan tahun 2012. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,5% di atas LIBOR tergantung pada rasio nilai yang harus dipertahankan dari kapalkapal yang dijaminkan dimana pembayaranya antara 1 - 3 bulan. x Facility B, which is a reducing revolving loan facility in US Dollars in the aggregate amount equal to the facility commitment of USD 100,000,000. This facility is payable in 20 quarterly installments of USD 5,000,000 until 2012. Interest rate is at 1.5% above LIBOR depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessels, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. Pinjaman ini dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Chembulk Hong Kong, M.T. Chembulk Virgin Gorda, M.T. Chembulk Savannah, M.T. Chembulk New York, M.T. Chembulk Gilbraltar, M.T. Chembulk Shanghai, M.T. Chembulk Kobe, M.T. Chembulk Yokohama, M.T. Chembulk Bercelona, M.T. Chembulk Houston dan M.T. Chembulk Ulsan). Pada kondisi tertentu, pinjaman ini juga dapat dijamin dengan jaminan dari Perusahaan dan Goldbridge Corporation (corporate guarantee). The loans are collateralized by the subsidiary’s vessels (M.T. Chembulk Hong Kong, M.T. Chembulk Virgin Gorda, M.T. Chembulk Savannah, M.T. Chembulk New York, M.T. Chembulk Gilbraltar, M.T. Chembulk Shanghai, M.T. Chembulk Kobe, M.T. Chembulk Yokohama, M.T. Chembulk Bercelona, M.T. Chembulk Houston and M.T. Chembulk Ulsan). In certain conditions, the loans are also secured by corporate guarantee from the Company and Goldbridge Corporation. - 42 - Global Reports LLC Within one year In the second year In the third year In the fourth year In the fifth year After five years P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Pada bulan Maret 2007, anak perusahaan tertentu memperoleh pinjaman dengan kredit maksimum berjumlah USD 65.000.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 32 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai tahun 2015 dan dijamin oleh Perusahaan, Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation, dan kapal anak perusahaan M.T. Gas Sulawesi, M.T Gas Papua dan M.T Purwati. Tingkat bunga sebesar 0,7-0,8% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya antara 1 - 3 bulan. In March 2007 certain subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of USD 65,000,000. This loan is payable in 32 quarterly installments until 2015 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company, Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation, a subsidiary, and the subsidiaries’ vessel, M.T Gas Sulawesi, M.T Gas Papua and M.T Purwati. Interest rate is at 0.7-0.8 % above LIBOR, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. Pada bulan Juni 2006, anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman dengan kredit maksimum berjumlah USD 19.500.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 32 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai tahun 2014 dan dijamin oleh Perusahaan, Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation, anak perusahaan dan kapal anak perusahaan M.T. Anggraini. Tingkat bunga sebesar 0,9% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya antara 1 - 3 bulan. In June 2006, a subsidiary obtained loan with maximum credit of USD 19,500,000. This loan is payable in 32 quarterly installments until 2014 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company, Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation, a subsidiary, and the subsidiary’s vessel, M.T. Anggraini. Interest rate is at 0.9% above LIBOR, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Mei 2007 Pada bulan April 2006, anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman dengan kredit maksimum berjumlah USD 18.500.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 24 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai tahun 2012 dan dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan M.T. Bramani. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,1% atau 1% diatas LIBOR, tergantung rasio nilai yang harus dipertahankan dari kapal-kapal yang dijaminkan (LTV), dimana pembayarannya antara 1 - 3 bulan. This loan was fully paid in May 2007. Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Mei 2007 Pada bulan Juni 2005, anak perusahaan memperoleh tambahan pinjaman dengan kredit maksimum berjumlah USD 70.000.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 28 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai tahun 2012 dan dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan, M.T. Triwati, M.T. Tribuana dan M.T. Barawati. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,25% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan. This loan was fully paid in May 2007. Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Mei 2007 Pada bulan Pebruari 2005, anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman dengan kredit maksimum berjumlah USD 51.200.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 28 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai tahun 2012 dan dijamin oleh Perusahaan (corporate guarantee), Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation, anak perusahaan dan kapal anak perusahaan M.T. Badraini dan M.T. Barunawati. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,25% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya antara 1 - 3 bulan. - 43 - Global Reports LLC In April 2006, a subsidiary obtained loan with maximum credit of USD 18,500,000. This loan is payable in 24 quarterly installments until 2012 and collateralized by the subsidiary’s vessel, M.T. Bramani. Interest rate is at 1.1% or 1% above LIBOR, depending on the Loan to Vessels Value (LTV) percentage of the Company, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. In June 2005, subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of USD 70,000,000. This loan is payable in 28 quarterly installments until 2012 and collateralized by the subsidiaries’ vessels, M.T. Triwati, M.T. Tribuana and M.T. Barawati. Interest rate is at 1.25% above LIBOR, which is paid monthly. This loan was fully paid in May 2007. In February 2005, subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of USD 51,200,000. This loan is payable in 28 quarterly installments until 2012 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company, Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation, a subsidiary and the subsidiaries’ vessels, M.T. Badraini and M.T. Barunawati. Interest rate is at 1.25% above LIBOR, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Mei 2007 B. Bank Central Asia, Jakarta: B. Bank Central Asia, Jakarta: Jenis pinjaman yang diperoleh antara lain: The loans obtained were as follows: Pada bulan Nopember 2006, Perusahaan memperoleh fasilitas kredit investasi dengan jumlah maksimum sebesar USD 34.000.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 84 kali setiap bulan sampai tahun 2013 dan dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan (FPSO Brotojoyo). Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,5% diatas SIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan. In November 2006, the Company obtained investment credit facility with maximum credit of USD 34,000,000. This loan is payable in 84 monthly installments until 2013 and collateralized by a subsidiary’s’ vessel, FPSO Brotojoyo. Interest rate is at 1.5% above SIBOR, which is paid monthly. Pada bulan Januari 2005, Perusahaan memperoleh kredit investasi dengan jumlah maksimum sebesar Rp berlaku selama 5 tahun. Tingkat bunga per tahun 10,25% 13%, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan. Perusahaan juga memperoleh fasilitas kredit Time Revolving Loan dengan jumlah kredit maksimum sebesar Rp, yang jatuh tempo pada April 2008 (Catatan 12e). Pinjaman ini dijamin dengan kapal M.T. Gas Indonesia dan M.T. Gas Kalimantan dan jaminan saham Perusahaan milik PT Tunggaladhi Baskara masingmasing 66.188.311 saham dan 167.142.857 saham pada 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 (Catatan 34). In January 2005, the Company obtained an investment credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 125,000,000,000, due in 5 years. Interest rates per annum are set at 10.25% - 13%, which is paid monthly. The Company also has a time loan revolving credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 20,000,000,000, due in April 2008 (Note 12e). The loans are collateralized by the vessels M.T. Gas Indonesia and M.T. Gas Kalimantan and pledge of the Company’s 66,188,311 shares and 167,142,857 shares owned by PT Tunggaladhi Baskara as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively (Note 34). C. Fortis Bank S.A/N.V. C. Fortis Bank S.A/ N.V.: Pada bulan September 2005, anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman “secured term-loan and reducing revolving credit facilities” dari Fortis Bank S.A/N.V., Calyon dan NIB Capital Bank Ltd. sebagai pihak pemberi pinjaman utama. Fortis Bank S.A/N.V. bertindak sebagai agen dan wali bagi para kreditur. Berdasarkan perjanjian, anak perusahaan menggunakan semua pinjaman tersebut untuk membayar semua sisa hutang yang berhubungan dengan kapal dan untuk tujuan modal kerja. In September 2005, the subsidiaries obtained a secured term loan and reducing revolving credit facilities from Fortis Bank S.A./N.V., Calyon, and NIB Capital Bank Ltd. as original lenders. Fortis Bank S.A./N.V. acts as agent and security trustee. Under the agreement, the subsidiaries shall apply all amounts borrowed by them towards refinancing any existing financial indebtedness in relation to the vessels and for general working capital purposes. Pinjaman ini terdiri dari: x Fasilitas A adalah “term loan facility” dalam Dollar Amerika Serikat dengan jumlah maksimum USD 100.000.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 40 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sebesar USD 3.250.000 untuk cicilan ke-1 sampai ke-8, USD 2.500.000 untuk cicilan ke-9 sampai ke-12, USD 1.875.000 untuk cicilan ke-13 sampai ke-39 dan USD 13.375.000 untuk cicilan ke40. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1% atau 0,85% diatas LIBOR tergantung pada rasio nilai yang harus dipertahankan dari kapal-kapal yang dijaminkan dimana pembayarannya antara 1 - 3 bulan. The facilities consist of: x Facility A, which is a term loan facility in US Dollars in the aggregate amount equal to the facility commitment of USD 100,000,000. This facility shall be repaid in 40 consecutive quarterly installments of USD 3,250,000 for the 1st to 8th installments, USD 2,500,000 for the 9th to 12th installment, USD 1,875,000 for the 13th to 39th installment and USD 13,375,000 for the 40th installment. Interest rate is at 1% or 0.85% above LIBOR depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessels, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. - 44 - Global Reports LLC This loan was fully paid in May 2007. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) x Fasilitas B adalah “reducing revolving loan facility” dalam mata uang Dollar Amerika Serikat dengan jumlah agregat USD 55.000.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 20 kali cicilan sebesar USD 2.750.000 sampai dengan tahun 2010. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1% atau 0,85% diatas LIBOR tergantung pada rasio nilai yang harus dipertahankan dari kapal-kapal yang dijaminkan dimana pembayarannya antara 1 3 bulan. Facility B, which is a reducing revolving loan facility in US Dollars in the aggregate amount equal to the facility commitment of USD 55,000,000. This facility is payable in 20 quarterly installments of USD 2,750,000 until 2010. Interest rate is at 1% or 0.85% above LIBOR depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessels, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. Pinjaman ini dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Celosia, M.T. Cendanawati, M.T. Dewayani, M.T. Dewi Sri, M.T. Dragonaria, M.T. Erowati, M.T. Freesia, M.T. Gandini, M.T. Indradi, M.T. Jembawati, M.T. Kunti, M.T. Larasati, M.T. Mustokoweni, M.T. Ontari, M.T. Pergiwo, M.T. Setyawati dan M.T. Ulupi) termasuk pendapatan dan asuransi dari kapalkapal tersebut. The loans are collateralized by the subsidiary’s vessels (M.T. Celosia, M.T. Cendanawati, M.T. Dewayani, M.T. Dewi Sri, M.T. Dragonaria, M.T. Erowati, M.T. Freesia, M.T. Gandini, M.T. Indradi, M.T. Jembawati, M.T. Kunti, M.T. Larasati, M.T. Mustokoweni, M.T. Ontari, M.T. Pergiwo, M.T. Setyawati and M.T. Ulupi) and assignment of earnings and insurance in respect of the vessels. Pada kondisi tertentu, pinjaman ini juga dapat dijamin dengan deposito berjangka milik anak perusahaan pada Fortis Bank S.A./N.V., Singapura serta jaminan Perusahaan (corporate guarantee). In certain conditions, the loans are also secured by the subsidiaries time deposit with Fortis Bank S.A./N.V., Singapore, and corporate guarantee from the Company. Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Juni 2007. This loan was fully paid in June 2007. Pada bulan Desember 2007, anak perusahaan menggunakan kembali fasilitas B yang tersedia sebesar USD 30.250.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 11 kali cicilan sebesar USD 2.750.000 sampai dengan tahun 2010. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1% atau 0,85% diatas LIBOR tergantung pada rasio nilai yang harus dipertahankan dari kapal-kapal yang dijaminkan dimana pembayarannya antara 1 – 3 bulan. In December 2007, subsidiary reused available facility B amounting to USD 30,250,000. This facility is payable in 11 quarterly installment of USD 2,750,000 until 2010. Interest rate is at 1% or 0.85% above LIBOR depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessel, which is paid between 1 – 3 months. Pinjaman ini dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Ulupi, M.T. Erowati. M.T. Dragonaria, M.T. Larasati dan M.T. Setyawati) termasuk pendapatan dan asuransi dari kapalkapal tersebut. The loan is collateralized by the subsidiaries’ vessels (M.T. Ulupi, M.T. Erowati. M.T. Dragonaria, M.T. Larasati and M.T. Setyawati) and assignment of earnings and insurance in respect of the vessels. D. DVB Group Singapura: Merchant Bank (Asia) Ltd., Pada bulan September 2005, anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman dengan jumlah maksimum sebesar USD 43.000.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 32 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai dengan tahun 2013 dan dijamin oleh Perusahaan (corporate guarantee) dan kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Anjasmoro, M.T. Rengganis, M.T. Wulansari and M.T. Yanaseni). Tingkat bunga sebesar 1% atau 0,85% diatas LIBOR berdasarkan pada persentase LTV dari Perusahaan, dimana pembayarannya antara 1 - 3 bulan. - 45 - Global Reports LLC x D. DVB Group Singapore: Merchant Bank (Asia) Ltd., In September 2005, subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of USD 43,000,000. This loan is payable in 32 quarterly installments until 2013 and collateralized by the corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiaries’ vessels (M.T. Anjasmoro, M.T. Rengganis, M.T. Wulansari and M.T. Yanaseni). Interest rate is at 1% or 0.85% above LIBOR depending on the LTV percentage of the Company, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) E. Pada bulan Nopember 2005, anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman dari ING Bank N.V., Singapura dengan jumlah maksimum USD 19.900.000. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran setiap enam bulan sampai bulan Nopember 2015 dan dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan M.T. Eustoma dan M.T. Gas Maluku. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1% atau 0,8% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap 6 bulan. E. In November 2005, subsidiaries obtained loan from ING Bank N.V., Singapore with maximum credit of USD 19,900,000. This loan is payable in semi-annual installments until November 2015 and collateralized by subsidiaries vessels, M.T. Eustoma and M.T. Gas Maluku. Interest rate is at 1% or 0.8% above LIBOR, which is paid every 6 months. F. Pada bulan Oktober 2006, Perusahaan memperoleh fasilitas kredit investasi dengan jumlah maksimum sebesar USD 12.000.000 dari Bank UOB Indonesia. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 20 kali cicilan setiap bulan sampai dengan tahun 2011 dan dijamin dengan kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Anjani) dan piutang usaha atas pendapatan charter ke Pertamina dari kapal M.T. Anjani. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,375% diatas SIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap 3 bulan. F. In October 2006, the Company obtained investment credit facility with maximum credit of USD 12,000,000 from Bank UOB Indonesia. This loan is payable in 20 quarterly installments until 2011 and collateralized by the subsidiary’s’ vessel, M.T. Anjani, and trade accounts receivable from Pertamina in respect of M.T. Anjani. Interest rate is at 1.375% above SIBOR, which is paid every 3 months. G. Dialease Maritime S.A., Jepang: G. Dialease Maritime S.A., Japan: Pada bulan Desember 2004 anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman dengan kredit maksimum sebesar JPY 1.347.250.000 (ekuivalen USD 12.859.120). Pinjaman ini dibayarkan secara angsuran dalam 28 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai dengan tahun 2011 dan dijamin oleh Perusahaan (corporate guarantee) dan kapal anak perusahaan M.T. Rasawulan. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,35% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap 3 bulan. In December 2004, a subsidiary obtained loan with maximum credit of JPY 1,347,250,000 (equivalent to USD 12,859,120). This loan is payable in 28 quarterly installments until 2011 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiary’s vessel, M.T. Rasawulan. Interest rate is at 1.35% above LIBOR, which is paid quarterly. Pada bulan April 2004 anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman dengan kredit maksimum sebesar USD 15.600.000. Pinjaman ini dibayarkan secara angsuran dalam 28 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai dengan tahun 2011 dan dijamin oleh Perusahaan (corporate guarantee) dan kapal anak perusahaan M.T. Tirtasari dan M.T. Bauhinia. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,5% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap 3 bulan. In April 2004, subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of USD 15,600,000. This loan is payable in 28 quarterly installments until 2011 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiaries’ vessels, M.T. Tirtasari and M.T. Bauhinia. Interest rate is at 1.5% above LIBOR, which is paid quarterly. This loan was fully paid in July 2007. Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Juli 2007. Pada tahun 2003 anak perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman dengan kredit maksimum sebesar JPY 1.287.750.000 (ekuivalen USD 11.481.687). Pinjaman harus dibayar secara angsuran dalam 32 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai dengan tahun 2011. Pinjaman ini dijamin oleh kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Gerbera). Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,5% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap 3 bulan. Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Juli 2007. - 46 - Global Reports LLC In 2003, subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of JPY 1,287,750,000 (equivalent to USD 11,481,687). This loan is payable in 32 quarterly installments until 2011 and collateralized by subsidiary’s vessel (M.T. Gerbera). Interest rate is at 1.5% above LIBOR, which is paid quarterly. This loan was fully paid in July 2007. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) H. The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Skotlandia H. The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Scotland In October 2007, the subsidiary (GBLT Shipmanagement UK) obtained an investment credit facility with maximum credit of USD 1,110,000 from The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC. This loan is payable in 39 quarterly installments until 2016 and collateralized by the subsidiary’s land and building. Interest rate is at 1.25% above the bank’s currency lending rate for United State Dollars, which is paid quarterly. Pada bulan Oktober 2007, anak perusahaan (GBLT Shipmanagement UK) memperoleh fasilitas kredit investasi dengan jumlah maksimum sebesar USD 1.110.000 dari The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 39 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai dengan tahun 2016 dan dijamin dengan bangunan dan tanah milik anak perusahaan tersebut. Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,25% diatas tingkat bunga pinjaman bank untuk mata uang Dollar Amerika Serikat, dimana pembayarannya setiap 3 bulan. I. HSH Nordbank, Singapura: I. Fasilitas kredit dengan jumlah maksimum sebesar USD 30.400.000 yang diperoleh oleh anak perusahaan pada bulan Juli 2005. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 22 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai dengan tahun 2010 dan dijamin oleh Perusahaan (corporate guarantee) dan kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Pradapa dan M.T. Pergiwati). Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,2% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya antara 1 - 3 bulan. Credit facility with maximum of USD 30,400,000 obtained by subsidiary in July 2005. This loan is payable in 22 quarterly installments until 2010 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiaries’ vessels (M.T. Pradapa and M.T. Pergiwati). Interest rate is at 1.2% above LIBOR, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. Fasilitas kredit dengan jumlah maksimum sebesar USD 33.500.000 yang diperoleh oleh anak perusahaan pada bulan Desember 2004. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 40 kali cicilan setiap 3 bulan sampai dengan tahun 2014 dan dijamin oleh jaminan Perusahaan (corporate guarantee) dan kapal anak perusahaan (M.T. Gagarmayang). Tingkat bunga sebesar 1,4% diatas LIBOR, dimana pembayarannya antara 1 - 3 bulan. Credit facility with maximum of USD 33,500,000 obtained by subsidiary in December 2004. This loan is payable in 40 quarterly installments until 2014 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiary vessel (M.T. Gagarmayang). Interest rate is at 1.4% above LIBOR, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. These loans were fully paid in May 2007. Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Mei 2007. J. Pada bulan Juni 2005, Perusahaan memperoleh fasilitas kredit investasi dengan jumlah maksimum sebesar USD 10.000.000 dari Bank Negara Indonesia. Pinjaman ini dibayar secara angsuran dalam 78 kali cicilan setiap bulan sampai dengan tanggal 28 Juni 2012. Pinjaman ini dijamin dengan kapal Perusahaan, M.T. Gas Sumatera, dan kapal anak perusahaan M.T. Bandondari. Tingkat bunga sebesar 3,75% diatas SIBOR, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan. Pinjaman ini telah dilunasi seluruhnya pada bulan Mei 2007. - 47 - Global Reports LLC HSH Nordbank, Singapore: J. In June 2005, the Company obtained investment credit facility with maximum credit of USD 10,000,000 from Bank Negara Indonesia. This loan is payable in 78 monthly installments until June 28, 2012 and collateralized by the Company’s vessel, M.T. Gas Sumatera, and subsidiary vessel M.T. Bandondari. Interest rate per annum is at 3.75% above SIBOR, which is paid monthly. This loan was fully paid in May 2007. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 17. Sehubungan dengan fasilitas pinjaman di atas, Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan diwajibkan memenuhi batasan-batasan tertentu yang telah disepakati bersama sesuai perjanjian termasuk mempertahankan rasio-rasio keuangan tertentu. In relation to the above loan facilities, the Company and its subsidiaries are required to fulfill certain covenants including among others the maintainance of certain financial ratios. Sehubungan dengan akuisisi dari Chembulk Tankers LLC dan anak perusahaan dan pembelian 11 kapal pada bulan Desember 2007 yang menimbulkan kenaikan hutang yang besar, rasio hutang terhadap ekuitas Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 menjadi sebesar 419% berdasarkan laporan keuangan yang disusun sesuai prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum di Indonesia (PSAK) dan sebesar 256% berdasarkan laporan keuangan yang disusun sesuai Standard Pelaporan Keuangan Internasional (IFRS) (Catatan 37). Para kreditur dari Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan mensyaratkan maksimum rasio hutang bersih terhadap ekuitas sebesar 250% (pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007) dan kreditur BLT Chembulk Corp. dan anak perusahaan mensyaratkan rasio hutang bersih terhadap ekuitas sebesar 200% (pada tanggal 30 Juni 2008). Seperti yang tercantum dalam perjanjian kredit, apabila terjadi kegagalan oleh Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan untuk memenuhi persyaratan maksimum rasio hutang bersih terhadap ekuitas, pihak bank dapat menyatakan antara lain, seluruh atau sebagian dari hutang-hutang tersebut menjadi jatuh tempo. Seperti diungkapkan pada Catatan 36, manajemen Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan merencanakan untuk menurunkan rasio hutang terhadap ekuitas menjadi 150% pada akhir tahun 2008. Due to the significant amount of borrowings incurred in the acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC and subsidiaries and the related 11 vessels in December 2007, the Company and its subsidiaries’ debt to equity ratio as of December 31, 2007 amounted to 419% based on accounting principles generally accepted in Indonesia (PSAK) and 256% based on IFRS (Note 37). The lenders of the Company and its subsidiaries require a maximum net debt to equity ratio of 250% (as of December 31, 2007) and the lender of BLT Chembulk Corp. and subsidiaries (a wholly-owned subsidiary) require a net debt to equity ratio of 200% (as of June 30, 2008). As stated in the credit agreements, upon failure by the Company and its subsidiaries to meet such maximum net debt to equity ratio, the banks can declare, among others, that all or any part of the loans be payable on demand. As discussed in Note 36, the Company’s management plans to reduce its net debt to equity ratio to 150% at the end of 2008. HUTANG OBLIGASI 17. BONDS PAYABLE 2007 Rp Nilai nominal Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker II Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker III Obligasi Syari'ah Mudharabah Sukuk Ijarah Diskonto yang belum diamortisasi Jumlah Bagian yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Hutang obligasi - bersih 2006 Rp 340.000.000.000 700.000.000.000 (9.545.099.221) 1.290.454.900.779 399.116.836.908 891.338.063.871 Jumlah amortisasi diskonto sebesar Rp dan Rp 2.119.591.404 masing-masing untuk tahun 2007 dan 2006. - 48 - Global Reports LLC Nominal value 340.000.000.000 Berlian Laju Tanker II Bond Berlian Laju Tanker III Bond Syari'ah Mudharabah Bond Sukuk Ijarah (3.002.754.510) Unamortized discount 396.997.245.490 396.997.245.490 Total Current maturities Bond payable - net Amortization of discount amounted to Rp 3,082,028,750 and Rp 2,119,591,404, in 2007 and 2006, respectively. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker II Berlian Laju Tanker II Bond Pada tanggal 28 Mei 2003 Perusahaan menerbitkan obligasi rupiah dengan tingkat bunga tetap dan bunga mengambang yang dibayar setiap 3 bulan. Obligasi tersebut tidak dijamin oleh pihak manapun, berjangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun dan akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 28 Mei 2008. Hak pemegang obligasi adalah pari-passu tanpa hak preferen dengan hak-hak kreditur Perusahaan lainnya. Tingkat bunga tetap 14,75% per tahun untuk obligasi seri A dengan nilai sebesar Rp 294.800.000.000 dan untuk obligasi seri B dengan nilai sebesar Rp dengan tingkat bunga 14,75% per tahun untuk tahun pertama dan tingkat bunga mengambang untuk tahun kedua hingga tahun ke 5 (lima) yang dihitung berdasarkan rata-rata tingkat bunga deposito berjangka 3 (tiga) bulan dalam valuta Rupiah dari PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT Bank Permata Tbk dan PT Bank Buana Indonesia Tbk, sebelum penentuan tingkat suku bunga mengambang ditambah marjin sebesar 2,5% per tahun. Seluruh obligasi dijual dengan harga sebesar nilai nominal, tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa Efek Surabaya) dengan PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) bertindak sebagai wali amanat (Catatan 43d). On May 28, 2003, the Company issued Rupiah Bonds with fixed and floating interest rates, payable every three months. The bonds are unsecured and have a term of 5 years, due on May 28, 2008. Bondholders’ right is pari-passu without preferential rights with other creditors of the Company. Series A Bonds with a nominal value of Rp 294,800,000,000 bear fixed interest rate at 14.75% per annum, while Series B Bonds with a nominal value of Rp 45,200,000,000 bear fixed interest rate at 14.75% per annum for the first year and floating rates for the second year until the fifth year based on the average of the 3-month time deposit rates in Rupiah currency from PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT Bank Permata Tbk, and PT Bank Buana Indonesia Tbk before closing of floating interest rate plus 2.5% fixed margin, which is payable on quarterly basis. All the bonds were sold at nominal value and are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Surabaya Stock Exchange) with PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) as trustee (Note 43d). Berdasarkan pemeringkatan yang diterbitkan oleh PT Pefindo tanggal 7 Mei 2007 peringkat obligasi adalah IdAA. Based on PT Pefindo’s rating dated May 7, 2007, the bonds are rated as IdAA. Obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker III Berlian Laju Tanker III Bond Pada tanggal 5 Juli 2007 Perusahaan menerbitkan obligasi Rupiah sebesar Rp 700.000.000.000 dengan tingkat bunga tetap yang dibayar setiap 3 bulan. Obligasi tersebut tidak dijamin oleh pihak manapun, berjangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun dan akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 5 Juli 2012. Hak pemegang obligasi adalah pari-passu tanpa hak preferen dengan hak-hak kreditur Perusahaan lainnya. Tingkat bunga tetap obligasi adalah 10,35% per tahun. Seluruh obligasi dijual dengan harga sebesar nilai nominal, tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa Efek Surabaya) dengan PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) bertindak sebagai wali amanat. On July 5, 2007, the Company issued Rupiah Bonds amounting to Rp 700,000,000,000 with fixed interest rate at 10.35% per annum payable every three months. The Bonds are unsecured and have a term of 5 years, due on July 5, 2012. Bondholders’ right is pari-passu without preferential rights with other creditors of the Company. All the bonds were sold at nominal value and are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Surabaya Stock Exchange) with PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) as trustee. Pada tanggal 18 Desember 2007, para Pemegang Obligasi setuju untuk mengganti PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) sebagai wali amanat dan menunjuk PT Bank Niaga Tbk sebagai wali amanat yang baru. On December 18, 2007, the Bondholders approved the replacement of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as Trustee and the appointment of PT Bank Niaga Tbk as the new Trustee. Berdasarkan pemeringkatan yang diterbitkan oleh PT Pefindo tanggal 7 Mei 2007 peringkat obligasi adalah idAA-. Based on PT Pefindo’s rating dated May 7, 2007, the bonds are rated as idAA-. Obligasi Syari’ah Mudharabah Syari’ah Mudharabah Bond Pada tanggal 28 Mei 2003 Perusahaan menerbitkan obligasi Syari’ah Mudharabah senilai Rp dengan PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) sebagai wali amanatnya. Obligasi tersebut tidak dijamin oleh pihak manapun, berjangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun dan akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 28 Mei 2008. Seluruh obligasi dijual dengan harga sebesar nilai nominal, tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa Efek Surbaya). Obligasi ini ditawarkan dengan ketentuan yang mewajibkan Perusahaan untuk membayar kepada Pemegang Obligasi Syari’ah sejumlah Pendapatan Bagi Hasil setiap 3 (tiga) bulan sejak Tanggal Emisi yaitu pada setiap Tanggal Pembayaran Pendapatan Bagi Hasil. Pendapatan yang Dibagihasilkan merujuk kepada Pendapatan Usaha hasil pengoperasian kapal tanker M.T. Gandini. On May 28, 2003, the Company issued Syari’ah Mudharabah Bonds amounting to Rp 60,000,000,000 with PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) as trustee. The bonds are unsecured and have a term of 5 years, due on May 28, 2008. All the bonds were sold at nominal value and are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Surabaya Stock Exchange). These bonds were offered under the condition that the Company shall pay to Syariah Bondholders a sum of Profit Sharing every three months since the issuance date, i.e., every Profit Sharing Payment Date. The Profit Sharing is computed based on the revenue from M.T. Gandini vessel operations. - 49 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Besarnya persentase Nisbah Pemegang Obligasi Syari’ah terhadap Pendapatan Yang Dibagihasilkan adalah tetap setiap tahunnya sebesar 25% dari pendapatan kapal M.T. Gandini. The percentage of Nisbah Syari’ah bondholders to Profit Sharing is fixed at 25% from the revenue of M.T. Gandini vessel operation. Pembayaran Pendapatan Bagi Hasil kepada masingmasing Pemegang Obligasi Syari’ah akan dilakukan secara proporsional sesuai dengan porsi kepemilikan Obligasi Syari’ah yang dimiliki dibandingkan dengan jumlah dana Obligasi Syari’ah yang belum dibayar kembali. The payment of Profit Sharing to each Syari’ah Bondholder is in proportion with the Syari’ah Bonds held compared with the total outstanding Syari’ah bonds. Perhitungan besarnya Bagi Hasil untuk Obligasi Syari’ah Berlian Laju Tanker Tahun 2007: The computation of the Profit Sharing for Syari’ah bonds in 2007 is as follows: a. a. b. c. d. e. Jumlah bulan pengoperasian kapal M.T. Gandini sejak 1 Januari – 31 Desember 2007 adalah 12 bulan (A) Tarif sewa: Rp 98.100 per Dead Weight Ton (DWT) per bulan (B) Dasar DWT perhitungan sewa berdasarkan Perjanjian Sewa Pertamina: 30.000 DWT (C) Besarnya Pendapatan Yang Dibagihasilkan: A X B X C = 12 X Rp 98.100 X 30.000 DWT = Rp 35.316.000.000 (D) Besarnya Bagi Hasil: D X 25% = Rp 8.829.000.000 c. d. e. Jumlah yang telah dibayar sebagai Bagi Hasil untuk Obligasi Syari’ah selama tahun 2007 adalah sebesar Rp 8.829.000.000, sisanya sebesar Rp 809.325.000 akan dibayarkan pada bulan Pebruari 2008. Amount paid as Profit Sharing for Syari’ah Bonds in 2007 was Rp 8,829,000,000, and the remaining balance of Rp 809,325,000 will be paid in February 2008. Perhitungan besarnya Bagi Hasil untuk Obligasi Syari’ah Berlian Laju Tanker Tahun 2006: The computation of the Profit Sharing for Syari’ah bonds in 2006 are: a. a. b. c. d. e. Jumlah hari pengoperasian kapal M.T. Gandini sejak 1 Januari – 31 Desember 2006 adalah 12 bulan (A) Tarif sewa: Rp 98.100 per Dead Weight Ton (DWT) per bulan (B) Dasar DWT perhitungan sewa berdasarkan Perjanjian Sewa Pertamina: 30.000 DWT (C) Besarnya Pendapatan Yang Dibagihasilkan : A X B X C = 12 X Rp 98.100 X 30.000 DWT = Rp 35.316.000.000 (D) Besarnya Bagi Hasil: D X 25% = Rp 8.829.000.000 b. c. d. e. Total days of M.T. Gandini vessel operations since January 1 – December 31, 2006 is 12 months (A) Charter Rate: Rp 98,100 per Dead Weight Ton (DWT) per month (B) DWT for computation according to Pertamina Charter Agreement: 30,000 DWT (C) Revenue for Profit Sharing: A x B x C = 12 x Rp 98,100 x 30,000 DWT = Rp 35,316,000,000 (D) Profit Sharing: D x 25% = Rp 8,829,000,000 Jumlah yang telah dibayar sebagai Bagi Hasil untuk Obligasi Syari’ah selama tahun 2006 adalah sebesar Rp 8.850.360.484, sisanya sebesar Rp 809.325.000 telah dibayarkan pada bulan Pebruari 2007. Amount paid as Profit Sharing for Syariah Bonds in 2006 was Rp 8,850,360,484, and the remaining balance of Rp 809,325,000 was paid in February 2007. Pada tanggal 18 Desember 2007, para Pemegang Obligasi setuju untuk mengganti PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) sebagai wali amanat dan menunjuk PT Bank Niaga Tbk sebagai wali amanat yang baru. On December 18, 2007, the Bondholders approved the replacement of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as Trustee and the appointment of PT Bank Niaga Tbk as the new Trustee. Berdasarkan pemeringkatan yang diterbitkan oleh PT Pefindo tanggal 7 Mei 2007 peringkat obligasi adalah IdAA- (sy). Based on PT Pefindo’s rating dated May 7, 2007, the bonds are rated as IdAA- (sy). - 50 - Global Reports LLC b. Total months of M.T. Gandini vessel operations since January 1 – December 31, 2007 is 12 months (A) Charter Rate: Rp 98,100 per Dead Weight Ton (DWT) per month (B) DWT for computation according to Pertamina Charter Agreement: 30,000 DWT (C) Revenue for Profit Sharing: A x B x C = 12 x Rp 98,100 x 30,000 DWT = Rp 35,316,000,000 (D) Profit Sharing: D x 25% = Rp 8,829,000,000 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 18. Sukuk Ijarah Sukuk Ijarah Pada tanggal 5 Juli 2007 Perusahaan menerbitkan Sukuk Ijarah senilai Rp dengan PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) sebagai wali amanatnya. Obligasi tersebut tidak dijamin oleh pihak manapun, berjangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun dan akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 5 Juli 2012. Obligasi ini ditawarkan dengan ketentuan yang mewajibkan Perusahaan untuk membayar kepada Pemegang Sukuk Ijarah sejumlah Cicilan Imbalan Ijarah sebesar Rp 20.600.000.000 per tahun. Para pemegang Sukuk Ijarah mempunyai hak pari-passu yang sama dengan kreditur lain Perusahaan. Setiap saat setelah lewat satu tahun sejak tanggal emisi, Perusahaan dari waktu ke waktu dapat melakukan pembelian kembali sesuai dengan nilai pasar yang berlaku. Seluruh sukuk ijarah dijual dengan harga sebesar nilai nominal, tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa Efek Surabaya). On July 5, 2007 the Company issued Sukuk Ijarah amounting to Rp 200,000,000,000 with PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) as trustee. The Sukuk Ijarah Bonds are unsecured and have a term of 5 years, due on July 5, 2012. These bonds were offered under the condition that the Company shall pay to Sukuk Ijarah holders a sum of Ijarah Benefit Installment amounting to Rp 20,600,000,000 per annum. The Sukuk Ijarah bondholders’ right is paripassu without preferential rights with other creditors of the Company. At anytime after the first anniversary of the Sukuk Ijarah Bonds, the Company may redeem the Bonds at prevailing market price. All sukuk ijarah were sold at nominal value and are listed on the Indonesia stock Exchange (formerly Surabaya Stock Exchange). Pada tanggal 18 Desember 2007, para Pemegang Obligasi setuju untuk mengganti PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Persero) sebagai wali amanat dan menunjuk PT Bank Niaga Tbk sebagai wali amanat yang baru. On December 18, 2007, the Bondholders approved the replacement of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as Trustee and the appointment of PT Bank Niaga Tbk as the new Trustee. Berdasarkan pemeringkatan yang diterbitkan oleh PT Pefindo tanggal 7 Mei 2007 peringkat obligasi adalah idAA-(sy). Based on PT Pefindo’s rating dated May 7, 2007, the bonds are rated as idAA-(sy). HUTANG LAIN-LAIN JANGKA PANJANG 18. OTHER LONG-TERM PAYABLES Akun ini merupakan pinjaman sebesar USD 13.000.000 kepada Teekay Shipping Corporation. Pinjaman ini dibayar dalam 22 kali setiap 6 bulan dengan tingkat bunga 8% per tahun dan dijamin dengan kepemilikan Perusahaan pada Teekay BLT Corporation. Efektif pada tahun 2006, pembayaran 6 bulan pertama jatuh tempo dalam sembilan bulan setelah pengiriman kapal yang diestimasi pada bulan Januari 2009. This account represents a loan of USD 13,000,000 owed to Teekay Shipping Corporation. The loan is payable in 22 semi-annual installments, bears annual interest of 8% payable on a quarterly basis, and is secured by the Company’s ownership interest in Teekay BLT Corporation. Effective in 2006, the first semi-annual installment is due nine (9) months after the delivery of the vessels, which is expected to be on January 2009. Jadwal pembayaran kembali hutang lain-lain jangka panjang adalah sebagai berikut: Other long-term payable are repayable as follows: Jangka pendek Jatuh tempo tahun pertama Jangka panjang Jatuh tempo tahun kedua Jatuh tempo tahun ketiga Jatuh tempo tahun keempat Jatuh tempo tahun kelima Setelah lima tahun Jumlah 2007 Rp 2006 Rp - - 5.565.771.871 11.131.543.742 11.131.543.742 11.131.543.742 83.486.596.903 5.329.999.180 10.659.998.360 10.659.998.360 90.610.004.100 122.447.000.000 - 51 - Global Reports LLC Current portion Within one year Long term portion In the second year In the third year In the fourth year In the fifth year After the fifth year Total P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 19. 19. NOTES PAYABLE WESEL BAYAR Pada tanggal 4 Mei 2007, anak perusahaan (BLT Finance B.V) menerbitkan Guaranteed Senior Notes sebesar USD 400.000.000 dengan tingkat bunga tetap sebesar 7,5% per tahun yang dibayar tiap 6 bulan dimuka mulai 15 Nopember 2007. Wesel bayar tersebut berjangka waktu 7 tahun dan akan jatuh tempo pada tanggal 15 Mei 2014. Harga jual wesel bayar pada saat penawaran adalah sebesar 100% dari nilai nominal obligasi dan tercatat di Bursa Efek Singapura. Wesel bayar dijamin oleh Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan dan jaminan tersebut tanpa syarat dan tidak dapat dibatalkan. On May 4, 2007, the subsidiary (BLT Finance B.V) issued Guaranteed Senior Notes (the Notes) amounting to USD 400,000,000 with fixed interest of 7.5% per annum payable every six months in arrears commencing November 15, 2007. The notes payable have a term of seven years and its due on May 15, 2014. The notes payable were offered at 100% of the nominal value and are listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. The Notes payable are unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Company and certain subsidiaries. BLT Finance BV (BLTFBV) memiliki opsi untuk membeli kembali wesel bayar dengan kondisi sebagai berikut: The Notes may be redeemed at the option of BLT Finance BV (BLTF BV) as follows: i. Setiap saat sebelum tanggal 15 Mei 2011 sampai dengan 35% dari nilai wesel bayar dengan hasil bersih atas 1 atau lebih penawaran ekuitas kepada publik dengan harga dibeli kembali seharga 107,5% dari nilai pokok ditambah bunga yang masih harus dibayar dan belum dibayar jika kondisi-kondisi tertentu terpenuhi; i. At anytime prior to May 15, 2011 up to 35% of the Notes with the net proceeds of one or more public equity offerings at a redemption price of 107.5% of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest provided certain conditions are met; ii. Pada saat atau setelah tanggal 15 Mei 2012, seluruh atau sebagian daripada wesel bayar dengan harga pembelian kembali setara dengan 100% daripada jumlah pokok ditambah applicable premium (seperti yang didefinisikan dalam syarat dan kondisi) dan bunga yang masih harus dan belum dibayar jika ada sampai dengan tanggal pembelian kembali. ii. On or after May 15, 2012, all or any portion of the Notes at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount plus the Applicable Premium (as defined in the Terms and Conditions of the Notes) as of, and accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption; iii. Sejak tanggal 15 Mei 2012 sampai dengan tanggal 14 Mei 2013 seluruh atau sebagian wesel bayar pada tanggal pembelian kembali setara dengan 103,75% daripada jumlah pokok ditambah bunga yang masih harus dibayar dan belum dibayar jika ada sampai dengan tanggal pembelian kembali. iii. On May 15, 2012 until May 14, 2013 all or part iv. Pada tanggal 15 Mei 2013 sampai dengan tanggal 14 Mei 2014 seluruh atau sebagian wesel bayar pada tanggal pembelian kembali setara dengan 100% daripada jumlah pokok ditambah dengan bunga yang masih harus dibayar dan belum dibayar jika ada sampai dengan tanggal pembelian kembali, atau iv. On May 15, 2013 until May 14, 2014 all or part v. v. At anytime in the event of certain changes Setiap saat jika terjadi perubahan tertentu yang berkaitan dengan perpajakan di Indonesia dan Belanda, jika seluruh atau sebagian jumlah pokok ditambah jumlah tambahan lainnya yang terhutang dan bunga yang masih harus dibayar dan belum dibayar jika ada sampai dengan tanggal pembelian kembali. - 52 - Global Reports LLC of the Notes at a redemption price equal to 103.75% of the principal amount plus the accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption; of the Notes at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption, or affecting taxation in Indonesia or Netherlands, in whole at their principal amount plus all additional amounts due as of, and accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 20. Jika terjadi perubahan terhadap pengendalian pemegang wesel bayar memiliki hak untuk meminta kepada BLT FBV untuk membeli kembali seluruh atau sebagian daripada wesel bayar seharga 101% dari jumlah pokok ditambah bunga yang masih harus dibayar dan yang belum dibayar jika ada sampai dengan tanggal penerbitan. In the occurrence of change in control, the holders of the Notes have the right to require BLTF BV to redeem all or some of the Notes at 101% of the principal amount plus the accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption. Nilai wajar yang dihitung ditentukan berdasarkan harga kuotasi pasar adalah sebesar Rp 3.255.835.589.200 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007. Perubahan nilai wajar dicatat pada laporan laba rugi. The fair value at December 31, 2007 amounted to Rp 3,255,835,589,200, which is determined based on quoted market price. The change in fair value is recognized in the statement of income. Berdasarkan pemeringkatan yang diterbitkan oleh Fitch Ratings Ltd., peringkat wesel bayar pada bulan Januari 2008 adalah B+. Based on the rating issued by Fitch Ratings Ltd., in January 2008 the Notes are B+. IMBALAN PASCA KERJA 20. Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan membukukan imbalan pasca kerja imbalan pasti untuk karyawan sesuai dengan Undang Undang Ketenagakerjaan No. 13/2003. Jumlah karyawan yang berhak atas imbalan pasca kerja tersebut adalah 206 dan 162 karyawan di tahun 2007 dan 2006. The Company provides post-employment benefits for its qualifying employees in accordance with Labor Law No. 13/2003. The number of employees entitled to the benefits is 206 in 2007 and 162 in 2006. Beban imbalan pasca kerja yang diakui di laporan laba rugi adalah: Amounts recognized in income in respect of these post-employment benefits are as follows: 2007 Rp Biaya jasa kini Biaya bunga Kerugian aktuarial bersih Amortisasi biaya jasa lalu Biaya jasa lalu (vested) Jumlah 2006 Rp 2.931.773.654 2.233.454.366 4.963.636.993 130.709.947 - 893.444.238 967.596.430 3.372.784.558 (163.311.433) (866.330.728) Current service cost Interest costs Net actuarial losses Amortization of past service cost Past service cost (vested) 10.259.574.960 Total Kewajiban imbalan pasca kerja di neraca adalah sebagai berikut: The amounts included in the balance sheets arising from the Company’s obligation in respect of these post-employment benefits are as follows: 2007 Rp Nilai kini kewajiban yang tidak didanai Kerugian aktuarial yang belum diakui Biaya jasa masa lalu yang tidak diakui Kewajiban bersih 2006 Rp 37.366.415.415 (15.895.986.058) (32.601.487) 21.437.827.870 - 53 - Global Reports LLC POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OBLIGATION 27.482.739.121 Present value of unfunded obligations ( Unrecognized actuarial losses (163.311.433) Unrecognized past service cost Net liability P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Mutasi kewajiban bersih di neraca adalah sebagai berikut: Movements in the net liability recognized in the balance sheet are as follows: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Saldo awal Beban tahun berjalan 10.259.574.960 6.974.069.845 Saldo akhir 21.437.827.870 Perhitungan imbalan pasca kerja dihitung oleh aktuaris independen PT Padma Radya Aktuaria pada tahun 2007 dan 2006. Asumsi utama yang digunakan dalam menentukan penilaian aktuarial adalah sebagai berikut: Beginning of the year Employee benefits cost for the year End of the year The cost of providing post-employment benefits is calculated by independent actuary, PT Padma Radya Aktuaria in 2007 and 2006. The actuarial valuation was carried out using the following key assumptions: 2007 dan/and 2006 Tingkat diskonto Tingkat kenaikan gaji Tingkat kematian Tingkat pengunduran diri 21. 10% 15% 100%/TMI2 Umur/Age 0 - 36 : 10% per tahun/ per annum Umur/Age 37 - 55 : 0% per tahun/ per annum KEWAJIBAN SEWA PEMBIAYAAN Discount rate Salary increment rate Mortality rate Resignation rate 21. OBLIGATIONS UNDER FINANCE LEASE 2007 Nilai kini pembayaran Pembayaran sewa minimal/ sewa minimal/ Present value Minimum lease of minimum lease payment payment Rp Rp Kurang dari 1 tahun 1 - 2 tahun Lebih dari 2 tahun Jumlah Dikurangi beban keuangan masa depan Nilai kini pembayaran sewa minimal 669.446.797.196 133.881.788.447 768.274.863.500 545.628.795.813 55.335.409.949 754.743.985.675 1.571.603.449.143 1.355.708.191.437 215.895.257.706 1.355.708.191.437 Kewajiban sewa pembiayaan ini terkait dengan penyewaan kapal dengan jangka waktu 3 sampai dengan 10 tahun, dimana anak perusahaan memiliki opsi untuk membeli kapal tersebut dibawah nilai wajar pada akhir masa perjanjian sewa. Kewajiban sewa pembayaran anak perusahaan ini dijamin dengan kapal milik anak perusahaan tersebut. - 54 - Global Reports LLC 1.355.708.191.437 Less than 1 year 1 - 2 year More than 2 year Total Less future finance charges Present value of minimum lease payment The finance lease relate to lease of vessels with lease terms of 3 years until 10 years and where its subsidiaries have options to purchase the vessel for an amount below the expected fair values at the conclusion of the lease agreements. The subsidiaries’ obligatons under finance lease are secured by the lessors’ title to the leased vessels. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 22. OBLIGASI KONVERSI 22. CONVERTIBLE BONDS Rincian dari obligasi konversi adalah sebagai berikut: 2007 Rp Obligasi konversi yang jatuh tempo pada tahun 2012 - Nilai wajar Obligasi konversi yang jatuh tempo pada tahun 2010 - biaya perolehan yang diamortisasi 2006 Rp 1.210.730.033.750 - Convertible bonds due 2012 - at fair value Convertible bonds due 2010 - 29.315.000.000 1.210.730.033.750 - at amortized cost 29.315.000.000 Obligasi Konversi jatuh tempo 2012 Convertible Bonds due in 2012 Pada tanggal 17 Mei 2007, BLT Finance B.V (BLTF BV), anak perusahaan, menerbitkan obligasi konversi Zero Coupon Guaranteed dengan denominasi USD 100.000 dan kelipatan integral USD 1.000 dengan jumlah pokok USD 125.000.000. Obligasi ini diterbitkan sebesar 100% dari face value, dan dijamin tanpa syarat dan tidak dapat dibatalkan oleh Perusahaan. On May 17, 2007, BLT Finance B.V. (BLTF BV), a subsidiary issued Zero Coupon Guaranteed Convertible Bonds in denomination of USD 100,000 each and integral multiples of USD 1,000, with aggregate principal amount of USD 125,000,000. The bonds were issued at 100% of face value, and were unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Company. Pemegang obligasi memiliki hak untuk mengkonversikan obligasi ini menjadi saham biasa Perusahaan, dengan nilai nominal Rp 62,50 per saham dari tanggal 27 Juni 2007 sampai dengan 17 April 2012. Jumlah saham yang akan dikonversi akan ditentukan, berdasarkan saham yang tercatat pada SGX-ST, dengan cara membagi nilai obligasi yang akan dikonversikan (menggunakan kurs tetap SGD 1,5143 per USD 1 atau Rp 8.894 per USD 1) dengan harga konversi yang berlaku pada saat konversi. Harga konversi awal adalah SGD 0,4965 per saham. Apabila saham yang dikonversi adalah saham yang tercatat di Indonesia, jumlah saham yang akan dikonversi akan ditentukan dengan metode yang sama untuk saham tercatat pada SGXST, kecuali, pada kejadian ini, untuk tujuan perhitungan rasio, nilai obligasi akan tetap dalam USD dan harga konversi akan ditranslasi dari Rupiah ke USD. Walaupun terdapat hak konversi dari pemegang obligasi, BLTF BV memiliki opsi untuk membayar kepada pemegang obligasi tersebut secara tunai dalam ekuivalen mata uang Dollar Amerika Serikat dengan nilai rata-rata tertimbang harga pasar dari saham yang dikonversi, untuk memenuhi hak konversi. The bondholders have the right to convert the bonds into ordinary shares, with par value of Rp 62.50 each, of the Company from June 27, 2007 to April 17, 2012. The number of shares to be delivered on conversion will be determined, in respect of SGX-ST Listed Shares, by dividing the principal amount of the bond to be converted (translated at fixed rate of SGD 1.5143 per USD 1 or Rp 8,894 per USD 1) by the conversion price in effect at the conversion date. The initial conversion price is SGD 0.4965 per share. In the event the Shares to be delivered are Indonesian Listed Shares, the number of shares to be delivered will be determined using the same method as for SGXST Listed Shares, except that, in such an event, for purposes of calculating the ratio the principal amount of the bond to be converted shall remain in USD and the conversion price shall be translated from Rupiah to USD. Notwithstanding the Conversion Right of the bondholders, BLTF BV has the option to pay to the relevant bondholders an amount of cash in US Dollar equivalent to the weighted average market price of the shares converted, to satisfy the conversion right. - 55 - Global Reports LLC Details of convertible bonds are as follows: P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) BLTF BV juga memiliki opsi untuk membeli kembali obligasi beserta bunga yang masih harus dan belum dibayar pada Early Redemption Amount (ERA) secara keseluruhan dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut ini: The bonds may also be redeemed at the option of BLTF BV at their Early Redemption Amount (ERA), together with accrued and unpaid interest, in whole but not in part: I. Pada atau setiap saat setelah tanggal 17 Mei 2009, tetapi tidak kurang dari 20 hari sebelum tanggal jatuh tempo, jika harga penutupan saham (ditranslasikan ke Dollar Amerika Serikat) setiap tanggal perdagangan secara berturut-turut selama 25 hari kerja sebelum tanggal pemberitahuan pembelian kembali dipublikasikan adalah sekurang-kurangnya 125% dari ERA dibagi rasio konversi. I. On or at anytime after May 17, 2009 but not less than 20 days prior to maturity date, if the closing price of shares (translated into US Dollar), for each of the 25 consecutive trading dates immediately prior to the date upon which notice of redemption is published is at least 125% of ERA divided by the conversion ratio. II. Jumlah agregat pokok obligasi adalah 10 persen atau kurang dari nilai agregat jumlah pokok saat pertama kali diterbitkan. II. If the aggregate principal amount of the bonds is ten percent or less of the aggregate principal amount originally issued. III. Setiap saat dimana terjadi perubahan tertentu yang berkaitan dengan perpajakan di Belanda atau Republik Indonesia. III. At anytime in the event of certain changes relating to taxation in The Netherlands or the Republic of Indonesia. Pemegang obligasi memiliki hak untuk meminta BLTF BV untuk membeli kembali semua atau sebagian obligasi pada 116,82% dari nilai pokok pada tanggal 17 Mei 2010. Pemegang obligasi juga memiliki opsi untuk meminta BLTF BV untuk membeli kembali obligasi pada nilai ERA-nya bila terjadi perubahan pengendalian atau terjadinya delisting saham Perusahaan. The bondholders have the right to require BLTF BV to redeem all or some of the bonds at 116.82% of the principal amount on May 17, 2010. The bondholders have also the right at their option to require BLTF BV to redeem the bonds at their ERA on occurrence of change in control or delisting of Company’s shares. ERA dari obligasi untuk setiap USD 100.000 nilai pokok, untuk penyelesaian sebelum tanggal jatuh tempo pada harga antara USD 102.625,00 sampai dengan USD 129.578,13, hasil (yield) kotor kepada investor sebesar 5,25% pada basis semi-annualy. ERA of the bonds, for each USD 100,000 principal amount, pertains to settlement before the maturity date at price ranging from USD 102,625.00 to USD 129,578.13, representing a gross yield to the investor of 5.25% on a semi-annually basis. Kecuali telah dibeli kembali, dibatalkan atau telah dikonversi, BLTF BV akan membeli kembali setiap obligasi konversi pada harga 129,58% daripada nilai pokok pada tanggal 17 Mei 2012. Unless previously redeemed, purchased and cancelled or converted, BLTF BV will redeem each bond at 129.58% of the principal amount on May 17, 2012. Obligasi konversi, termasuk derivatif melekat didalamnya, diukur seluruhnya pada nilai wajarnya, laba atau rugi yang timbul sebagai hasil dari perubahan nilai wajar diakui pada laporan laba rugi. Nilai wajar pada tanggal neraca ditentukan berdasarkan kuotasi harga pasar. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007, nilai wajar obligasi konversi adalah sebesar 102,833% atau Rp 1.210.730.033.750. Perubahan atas nilai wajar dicatat pada laporan laba rugi. These bonds, which include embedded derivatives, are measured entirely at fair value with changes in the fair value recognized in earnings. The fair value at balance sheet date is determined based on quoted price. On December 31, 2007, fair value amounted to 102.833% or Rp 1,210,730,033,750. The change in fair value is recognized in the statement of income. Obligasi Konversi jatuh tempo 2010 Convertible Bonds due 2010 Pada tanggal 14 Desember 2005, BLT Finance Corporation (BLT FC), anak perusahaan, menerbitkan 50.000 obligasi konversi dengan denominasi USD 1.000 atau dengan jumlah agregat pokok USD 50.000.000 dengan tingkat bunga 1,25% per tahun yang dibayar tiap enam bulan sekali setiap tanggal 14 Juni dan 14 Desember. Obligasi ini diterbitkan dengan 100% dari face value, dan dijamin tanpa syarat dan tidak dapat dibatalkan oleh Perusahaan. On December 14, 2005, BLT Finance Corporation (BLT FC), a subsidiary, issued 50,000 convertible bonds in denomination of USD 1,000 each, or aggregate principal amount of USD 50,000,000, with interest rate of 1.25% per annum payable semi-annually on June 14 and December 14. The bonds were issued at 100% of face value, and were unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Company. - 56 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Pemegang obligasi memiliki hak untuk mengkonversikan obligasi ini menjadi saham biasa Perusahaan, dengan nilai nominal Rp 62,5 per saham dari tanggal 24 Januari 2006 sampai dengan 14 Nopember 2010. Jumlah saham yang akan dikonversi ditentukan dengan cara membagi nilai obligasi yang akan dikonversikan (menggunakan kurs tetap Rp 10.078 per USD 1) dengan harga konversi yang berlaku pada saat konversi. Harga konversi awal adalah Rp 1.250 per saham. Walaupun terdapat hak konversi dari pemegang obligasi, BLT FC memiliki opsi untuk membayar kepada pemegang obligasi tersebut secara tunai dalam ekuivalen mata uang Dollar Amerika Serikat dengan nilai rata-rata tertimbang harga pasar dari saham yang dikonversi. Efektif 2 Januari 2006, BLT FC mencabut dan melepaskan hak opsinya secara tetap serta tidak lagi mengakui opsi penyelesaian secara kas atas obligasi konversi, berdasarkan akta pelepasan hak tanggal 2 Januari 2006. The bondholders have the right to convert the bonds into ordinary shares, with par value of Rp 62.50 each, of the Company from January 24, 2006 to November 14, 2010. The number of shares to be delivered on conversion will be determined by dividing the principal amount of the bond to be converted (translated into Rupiah at fixed rate of Rp 10,078 per USD 1) by the conversion price in effect at the time of conversion. The initial conversion price is Rp 1,250 per share. Notwithstanding the Conversion Right of the bondholders, BLT FC has the option to pay to the relevant bondholders an amount of cash in US Dollar equivalent to the weighted average market price of the shares converted, to satisfy the conversion right. Effective January 2, 2006, BLT FC irrevocably and permanently waived and renounced its cash settlement option contained in the convertible bonds based on the Deed of Waiver dated January 2, 2006. BLT FC obligasi dibayar secara berikut: The bonds may also be redeemed at the option of BLT FC at their Early Redemption Amount (ERA), together with accrued and unpaid interest, in whole but not in part: juga memiliki opsi untuk membeli kembali beserta bunga yang masih dan belum pada Early Redemption Amount (ERA) keseluruhan dengan ketentuan sebagai i. Pada atau setiap saat setelah tanggal 14 Desember 2008, tetapi tidak kurang dari 20 hari sebelum tanggal jatuh tempo, jika harga penutupan saham (ditranslasikan ke Dollar Amerika Serikat) setiap tanggal perdagangan secara berturut-turut selama 25 hari kerja sebelum tanggal pemberitahuan pembelian kembali dipublikasikan adalah sekurangkurangnya 125% dari ERA dibagi rasio konversi. i. On or at anytime after December 14, 2008 but not less than 20 days prior to maturity date, if the closing price of shares (translated into US Dollar), for each of the 25 consecutive trading dates immediately prior to the date upon which notice of redemption is published is at least 125% of ERA divided by the conversion ratio. ii. Jumlah agregat pokok obligasi adalah 10 persen atau kurang dari nilai agregat jumlah pokok saat pertama kali diterbitkan. ii. If the aggregate principal amount of the bonds is ten percent or less of the aggregate principal amount originally issued. iii. Setiap saat dimana terjadi perubahan tertentu yang berkaitan dengan perpajakan di British Virgin Island atau Republik Indonesia. iii. At anytime in the event of certain changes relating to taxation in British Virgin Island or the Republic of Indonesia. Pemegang obligasi memiliki hak untuk meminta BLT FC untuk membeli kembali semua atau sebagian obligasi pada 112,12% dari nilai pokok beserta bunga yang masih harus dan belum dibayar pada tanggal 14 Desember 2007. Pemegang obligasi juga memiliki opsi untuk meminta BLT FC untuk membeli kembali obligasi pada nilai ERA-nya bila terjadi perubahan pengendalian atau terjadinya delisting saham Perusahaan. The bondholders have the right to require BLT FC to redeem all or some of the bonds at 112.12% of the principal amount together with accrued and unpaid interest on December 14, 2007. The bondholders have also the right at their option to require BLT FC to redeem the bonds at their ERA on occurrence of change in control or delisting of Company’s shares. ERA dari obligasi untuk setiap USD 1.000 nilai pokok, untuk penyelesaian sebelum tanggal jatuh tempo pada harga antara USD 1.028,75 sampai dengan USD 1.269,41, hasil (yield) kotor kepada investor adalah sebesar 7% untuk pembelian kembali pada saat atau sebelum tanggal 14 Desember 2007 dan 6,5% untuk pembelian kembali setelah tanggal tersebut. ERA of the bonds, for each USD 1,000 principal amount, pertains to settlement before the maturity date at price ranging from USD 1,028.75 to USD 1,269.41, representing a gross yield to the investor of 7% for redemption on or before December 14, 2007 and 6.5% for redemption thereafter. Kecuali telah kembali atau telah dikonversi, BLT FC akan membeli kembali setiap obligasi konversi pada harga 130,44% daripada nilai pokok pada 14 Desember 2010. Unless previously redeemed, converted or purchased, BLT FC will redeem each bond at 130.44% of the principal amount on December 14, 2010. - 57 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Pada tanggal 14 Desember 2005, pada saat penerbitan obligasi konversi diukur pada nilai wajar, laba atau rugi yang timbul sebagai hasil perubahan nilai wajar diakui dalam laporan laba rugi. On December 14, 2005, at the time of issue, the convertible bonds were measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in earnings. Efektif sejak 2 Januari 2006, obligasi konversi tidak lagi ditetapkan sebagai nilai wajar sejak BLT Finance Corp secara tetap dan tanpa syarat membatalkan dan merubah opsi penyelesaian seperti yang didiskusikan di atas. Effective January 2, 2006, the convertible bonds were no longer measured at fair value since BLT FC has irrevocably and permanently waived and renounced its cash settlement option as discussed above. Obligasi konversi dicatat dan dinilai sebagai berikut: The bonds are recorded and measured as follows: Rp Obligasi konversi jatuh tempo 2010 pada harga nominal Konversi saham Pengaruh nilai selisih kurs Convertible bonds due 2010 491.500.000.000 at amortized cost (471.146.500.000) Conversion to shares 8.961.500.000 Foreign exchange difference Saldo per 31 Desember 2006 29.315.000.000 Selama tahun 2007, pemegang obligasi telah mengkonversi seluruh sisa obligasi konversi sebesar USD 3.250.000 dengan menggunakan kurs tetap (1 USD = Rp 10.078) setara dengan Rp 32.753.500.000 menjadi 26.202.800 saham. 23. In 2007, bondholders have converted all of the remaining bonds amounting to USD 3,250,000 using a fixed rate of (1 USD = Rp 10,078) or equivalent to Rp 32,753,500,000 converted into 26,202,800 shares. MODAL SAHAM 23. Susunan pemegang saham Perusahaan sesuai dengan Registrasi Biro Administrasi Efek dan PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 adalah sebagai berikut: Nama Pemegang Saham Jumlah Saham/ Number of Shares CAPITAL STOCK The composition of stockholders based on the Share Registration Bureau (Registrasi Biro Administrasi Efek) and PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 are as follows: 2007 Persentase Pemilikan/ Percentage of Ownership % Jumlah Modal Disetor/ Total Paid-up Capital Rp Name of Stockholder PT Tunggaladhi Baskara Tn. Widihardja Tanudjaja Siana Anggraeni Surya Koperasi Karyawan Berlian Masyarakat lainnya (dibawah 5%) 2.047.793.764 2.620.800 62.400 2.422.056 49,24 0,06 0,00 0,06 50,64 127.987.110.250 163.800.000 3.900.000 151.378.500 131.631.963.500 PT Tunggaladhi Baskara Mr. Widihardja Tanudjaja Siana Anggraeni Surya Berlian Employees Cooperative Public (below 5 % each) Jumlah 100,00 259.938.152.250 Total Nama Pemegang Saham Jumlah Saham/ Number of Shares 2006 Persentase Pemilikan/ Percentage of Ownership % Jumlah Modal Disetor/ Total Paid-up Capital Rp Name of Stockholder PT Tunggaladhi Baskara Tn. Widihardja Tanudjaja Siana Anggraeni Surya Koperasi Karyawan Berlian Masyarakat lainnya (dibawah 5%) 1.885.536.792 2.620.800 62.400 2.422.056 2.266.930.388 45,35 0,06 0,00 0,06 54,53 117.846.049.500 163.800.000 3.900.000 151.378.500 141.683.149.250 PT Tunggaladhi Baskara Mr. Widihardja Tanudjaja Siana Anggraeni Surya Berlian Employees Cooperative Public (below 5 % each) Jumlah 4.157.572.436 100,00 259.848.277.250 Total - 58 - Global Reports LLC Balance December 31, 2006 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Mutasi modal disetor Perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Saldo awal Pelaksanaan waran 259.848.277.250 89.875.000 259.825.902.250 22.375.000 Beginning of the year Exercise of warrants Saldo akhir 259.938.152.250 259.848.277.250 End of the year Mutasi jumlah saham Perusahaan yang beredar adalah sebagai berikut: 2007 Lembar/share Details of the company’s number of shares outstanding are as follows: 2006 Lembar/share Saldo awal Pelaksanaan waran Perolehan saham diperoleh kembali Penerbitan saham diperoleh kembali melalui konversi atas obligasi konversi 1.438.000 26.202.800 376.917.200 Saldo akhir 3.746.659.436 (289.100.000) 3.771.031.436 358.000 Beginning of the year Exercise of warrants (140.188.000) Acquisition of treasury stock Issuance of treasury stock through conversion of convertible bonds End of the year Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006, jumlah waran yang belum dilaksanakan adalah 430.990.764 dan 432.428.764 waran (Catatan 1c). At December 31, 2007 and 2006, 430,990,764 and 432,428,764 warrants have not been exercised (Note 1c). Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 sebanyak 66.188.311 dan 167.142.857 saham milik PT Tunggaladhi Baskara dijaminkan sehubungan dengan pinjaman Perusahaan dari Bank Central Asia (Catatan 12, 16b dan 34c). At December 31, 2007 and 2006, 66,188,311 and 167,142,857 shares, repectively, owned by PT Tunggaladhi Baskara are used as guarantee in relation with the Company’s loan from Bank Central Asia (Notes 12, 16b and 34c). Pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) sebagaimana tercantum dalam akta No. 18 tanggal 18 Mei 2005 dari Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LLM, notaris di Jakarta, pemegang saham memutuskan untuk melakukan pemecahan saham (stock split) dimana setiap saham dengan nilai nominal Rp 62,5 dipecah menjadi Rp 31,25 per saham yang mana dapat dilaksanakan dalam 1 tahun dari tanggal RUPSLB tersebut. Pada tanggal 18 Mei 2006, rencana pemecahan saham tersebut belum dilaksanakan. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 18 dated May 18, 2005 of Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LLM, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved a stock split on the Company’s shares wherein every share with a nominal value of Rp 62.50 will be split to become Rp 31.25 per share, which can be carried out within one year from the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders. As at May 18, 2006, the stock split has not been executed. Pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) sebagaimana tercantum dalam akta No. 47 tanggal 31 Mei 2006 dari Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notaris di Jakarta, pemegang saham menyetujui untuk merubah jangka waktu pelaksanaan pemecahan nilai nominal saham (stock split), seperti yang telah disebutkan diatas diperpanjang sampai dengan tanggal 30 Juni 2007. Jika rencana stock split ini terjadi, maka berdasarkan hasil evaluasi Perusahaan bahwa pergerakan harga saham Perusahaan tidak menguntungkan untuk Perusahaan, sehingga rencana ini tidak dilaksanakan. Selain itu, para pemegang saham juga memberi kuasa kepada direktur Perusahaan untuk menentukan rasio stock split yang tidak merugikan bagi pemegang saham Perusahaan. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 47 dated May 31, 2006 of Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders agreed to change the term to carry out the stock split, as mentioned above, to extend until June 30, 2007. It further stated that if, based on the Company’s evaluation, the movements of the Company’s share price is not advantageous to the Company, such stock split will not be executed. Also, the stockholders authorized the Company’s Directors to determine the stock split ratio which should not be disadvantageous to the Company’s stockholders. - 59 - Global Reports LLC Movements in share capital are as follows: P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 24. Pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) sebagaimana tercantum dalam akta No. 30 tanggal 21 Juni 2006 dari Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notaris di Jakarta, para pemegang saham menyetujui untuk menerbitkan saham baru melalui penerbitan saham tanpa hak untuk memesan terlebih dahulu dengan jumlah maksimum 5% dari saham yang diterbitkan hingga tanggal 6 Mei 2007. Based on the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 30 dated June 21, 2006 of Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved the issuance of new shares through a Rights Issue without Pre-emptive Rights up to a maximum of 5% of issued shares up to May 6, 2007. Pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) sebagaimana tercantum dalam akta No. 32 tanggal 24 Mei 2007 dari Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notaris di Jakarta, para pemegang saham menyetujui untuk memperpanjang jangka waktu penerbitan saham baru melalui penerbitan saham tanpa hak untuk memesan terlebih dahulu sampai dengan tanggal Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan berikutnya. Sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2007, penerbitan saham baru tersebut belum dilaksanakan. Based on the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 32 dated May 24, 2007 of Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved to extend the period of issuance of new shares through a right issue without preemptive rights until the next Annual General Meeting of Stockholders. As of December 31, 2007, the issuance of new shares has not been executed. Pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) sebagaimana tercantum dalam akta No. 18 tanggal 18 Mei 2005 dari Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LLM, notaris di Jakarta, pemegang saham memutuskan untuk melakukan pemecahan saham (stock split) dimana setiap saham dengan nilai nominal Rp 62,5 dipecah menjadi Rp 31,25 per saham yang mana dapat dilaksanakan dalam 1 tahun dari tanggal RUPSLB tersebut. Pada tanggal 18 Mei 2006, rencana pemecahan saham tersebut belum dilaksanakan. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 18 dated May 18, 2005 of Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LLM, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved a stock split on the Company’s shares wherein every share with a nominal value of Rp 62.50 will be split to become Rp 31.25 per share, which can be carried out within one year from the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders. As at May 18, 2006, the stock split has not been executed. 24. ADDITIONAL PAID-IN CAPITAL AGIO SAHAM Rp Saldo agio saham per 31 Desember 2005 Pelaksanaan waran 358.000 saham Jumlah yang dicatat sebagai modal disetor Bersih Pelaksanaan obligasi konversi sebanyak 376.917.200 saham yang berasal dari saham diperoleh kembali Jumlah yang dicatat sebagai saham (Catatan 25) 409.095.309.366 53.700.000 (22.375.000) 31.325.000 471.146.500.000 (355.432.919.600) Bersih 115.713.580.400 Saldo agio saham per 31 Desember 2006 524.840.214.766 Issuance of 358,000 shares through exercise of warrants Amount recorded as paid-in capital Net Issuance of 376,917,200 treasury shares through the conversion of convertible bonds Amount recorded as paid-in capital (Note 25) Net Balance of additional paid-in capital as of December 31, 2006 Pelaksanaan waran 1.438.000 saham Jumlah yang dicatat sebagai modal disetor 215.700.000 (89.875.000) Issuance of 1,438,000 shares through exercise of warrants Amount recorded as paid-in capital Bersih 125.825.000 Net Pelaksanaan obligasi konversi sebanyak 26.202.800 saham yang berasal dari saham diperoleh kembali Jumlah yang dicatat sebagai saham (Catatan 25) Bersih Saldo agio saham per 31 Desember 2007 32.753.500.000 (24.709.240.400) 533.010.299.366 - 60 - Global Reports LLC Balance of additional paid-in capital as of December 31, 2005 Issuance of 26,202,800 treasury shares through the conversion of convertible bonds Amount recorded as paid-in capital (Note 25) Net Balance of additional paid-in capital as of December 31, 2007 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 25. SAHAM DIPEROLEH KEMBALI 25. Pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa, sebagaimana tercantum dalam akta No. 47 tanggal 31 Mei 2006 dari Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notaris di Jakarta, pemegang saham menyetujui untuk membeli kembali (buy back) saham Perusahaan yang telah dikeluarkan di bursa sebanyak-banyaknya 10% dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh dengan harga Rp 2.750 per saham sampai dengan 31 Mei 2007. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders, as stated in notarial deed No. 47 dated May 31, 2006 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notary public in Jakarta, the stockholders approved to repurchase a maximum of 10% of the issued and paid-up shares, at purchase price of Rp 2,750 per share until May 31, 2007. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 jumlah saham diperoleh kembali adalah sebagai berikut: As of December 31, 2007 and 2006, the total number of treasury stocks are as follows: 2007 Persentase terhadap saham yang dikeluarkan/ Percentage to issued shares % Number of shares 149.453.800 3,59 250.323.928.150 Treasury stocks, beginning Ditambah: Perolehan Dikurangi: Penerbitan saham diperoleh kembali atas obligasi konversi (Catatan 24) 289.100.000 6,95 555.306.953.751 26.202.800 0,63 24.709.240.400 Add: Acquisition Less : Issuance of treasury stocks from conversion of convertible bonds (Note 24) Saham diperoleh kembali akhir 412.351.000 9,91 780.921.641.501 2006 Persentase terhadap saham yang dikeluarkan/ Percentage to issued shares % Treasury stocks, end Biaya/ Cost Rp Saham diperoleh kembali awal 386.183.000 9,29 359.414.045.000 Treasury stocks, beginning Ditambah: Perolehan Dikurangi: Penerbitan saham diperoleh kembali atas obligasi konversi (Catatan 24) 140.188.000 3,37 246.342.802.750 376.917.200 9,07 355.432.919.600 Add: Acquisition Less : Issuance of treasury stocks from conversion of convertible bonds (Note 24) Saham diperoleh kembali akhir 149.453.800 3,59 250.323.928.150 Treasury stocks, end PENDAPATAN USAHA 26. 2007 Rp OPERATING REVENUES 2006 Rp Kapal yang dimiliki Kapal yang disewa Jasa perantara perkapalan Jasa penyimpanan 2.834.658.208.470 795.811.821.382 6.878.842.434 4.424.046.515 2.410.652.629.872 650.378.917.530 6.437.456.635 6.318.606.473 Owned vessels Chartered vessels Agency fees Storage fees Bersih 3.641.772.918.801 3.073.787.610.510 Total - 61 - Global Reports LLC Biaya/ Cost Rp Saham diperoleh kembali awal Number of shares 26. TREASURY STOCKS P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 27. 0,07% dari pendapatan usaha pada tahun 2006 dilakukan dengan pihak hubungan istimewa (Catatan 34a). 0.07% of the total operating revenues in 2006 was from related parties (Note 34a). Pendapatan usaha termasuk pendapatan dari Pertamina masing-masing sebesar Rp 396.736.653.801 dan Rp 470.092.278.975 pada tahun 2007 dan 2006, dimana merupakan pendapatan usaha yang melebihi 10% dari pendapatan usaha bersih. Operating revenues include revenues from Pertamina of Rp 396,736,653,801 and Rp 470,092,278,975 in 2007 and 2006, which represent more than 10% of the total operating revenues for the respective years. 27. BEBAN LANGSUNG 2007 Rp Kapal Yang Dimiliki Penyusutan (Catatan 10) Bahan bakar Biaya sandar Gaji Docking Suku cadang Asuransi Pelumas Transportasi Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan Pengurusan dokumen Bahan lain Uang makan Lain-lain 2006 Rp Owned vessels Depreciation (Note 10) Fuel Port charges Salaries Docking Spare parts Insurance Lubricant Transportation Repairs and maintenance Processing of documents Supplies Employees' meal allowances Others 507.676.298.336 464.058.782.288 212.920.320.241 211.153.404.623 134.807.106.778 80.379.639.831 49.844.201.488 47.326.206.390 33.306.862.163 28.431.537.804 21.778.196.767 19.858.296.191 22.725.067.921 392.828.876.726 389.465.017.027 152.406.510.301 59.139.548.315 76.494.562.189 45.108.921.500 21.442.581.890 45.484.650.818 12.156.784.531 1.849.436.057.647 1.457.398.596.086 Kapal Yang Disewa Sewa Bahan bakar Biaya sandar Gaji Suku cadang Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan Pelumas Asuransi Bahan lain Transportasi Pengurusan dokumen Uang makan Lain-lain 269.783.632.466 159.619.033.266 96.332.249.088 58.317.527.769 14.181.468.190 13.812.900.663 10.813.647.791 7.274.818.557 5.984.173.187 4.790.645.873 1.436.740.699 7.878.678.830 189.517.116.356 124.974.506.564 69.597.912.682 41.725.692.639 11.784.408.611 16.482.062.444 10.507.633.952 6.977.782.570 4.229.920.483 3.853.239.410 4.399.075.149 999.461.041 9.046.945.639 Chartered vessels Rental Fuel Port charges Salaries Spare parts Repairs and maintenance Lubricant Insurance Supplies Transportation Processing of documents Employees' meal allowances Others Jumlah 655.244.537.037 494.095.757.540 Total 2.504.680.594.684 1.951.494.353.626 Jumlah Jumlah beban usaha langsung Total Total direct cost 0,84% dan 1,67% dari jumlah beban usaha langsung masing-masing pada tahun 2007 dan 2006 dilakukan dengan pihak hubungan istimewa (Catatan 34b). 0.84% and 1.67% of the above direct cost in 2007 and 2006, respectively, were from related parties (Note 34b). Tidak terdapat beban yang berasal dari pihak tertentu yang melebihi 10% dari seluruh beban usaha langsung. There is no expense from specific party that exceeds 10% of the total direct cost. - 62 - Global Reports LLC DIRECT COST P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 28. 28. BEBAN UMUM DAN ADMINISTRASI 2007 Rp Gaji Tenaga ahli Beban kantor Imbalan pasca kerja (Catatan 20) Perjalanan dinas Telekomunikasi Pemasaran Penyusutan (Catatan 10) Beban bank Representasi Amortisasi (Catatan 17) Pendidikan dan pelatihan Lain-lain Jumlah 29. 2006 Rp 66.109.365.587 22.213.583.662 10.259.574.960 9.348.664.469 6.839.420.994 4.801.041.439 3.811.236.136 3.601.877.927 2.711.624.706 6.982.556.778 62.845.764.906 53.304.326.240 16.052.603.140 8.705.719.642 6.514.232.837 3.331.306.161 3.688.786.067 3.430.570.417 1.780.103.808 2.119.591.404 1.380.594.786 8.543.679.184 175.901.461.657 29. BEBAN KEUANGAN 2007 Rp Beban keuangan dari: Hutang bank Hutang lain-lain jangka panjang Obligasi Total 2006 Rp 272.880.161.381 8.803.490.169 46.433.958.986 Jumlah beban pinjaman Kerugian (keuntungan) transaksi derivatif - bersih (Catatan 33) Bagi hasil obligasi Syariah 495.779.154.661 328.117.610.536 Mudharabah dan Sukuk Ijarah 13.979.000.000 622.023.431.296 PENDAPATAN INVESTASI Finance costs on: Bank loans Other long-term payable Bonds Total borrowing cost Net loss (gain) on derivative ( transactions (Note 33) Profit sharing allocation on Syariah Mudharabah and Sukuk Ijarah 8.829.000.000 Bonds 233.757.554.666 30. Akun ini merupakan penghasilan bunga dari: Total INVESTMENT INCOME This account consists of interest on: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Jasa giro dan lain-lain Deposito berjangka 50.127.764.270 32.486.417.362 15.505.407.869 20.470.844.628 Current accounts and others Time deposits Jumlah pendapatan bunga Keuntungan pemilikan efek yang sudah direalisasi 82.614.181.632 35.976.252.497 Total interest income 25.511.490.453 19.672.551.397 Realized gain on securities 108.125.672.085 55.648.803.894 Total Jumlah - 63 - Global Reports LLC Salaries Professional fees Office expenses Post-employment benefits (Note 20) Transportation Telecommunication Marketing Depreciation (Note 10) Bank charges Representation Amortization (Note 17) Training and education Others FINANCE COSTS 216.109.549.089 10.648.096.305 269.021.509.267 Jumlah 30. GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 31. LABA PER SAHAM 31. Laba Bersih Net Income 2007 Rp Laba bersih untuk perhitungan laba per saham dasar Pengaruh efek berpotensi saham biasa yang dilutif: Perubahan nilai wajar obligasi konversi yang belum diamortisasi Bunga atas obligasi konversi Laba bersih untuk perhitungan laba per saham dilusian EARNINGS PER SHARE 2006 Rp 758.981.783.247 33.355.033.750 - 372.531.250 792.336.816.997 1.205.652.430.267 Laba Per Saham Net income for the computation of diluted earnings per share Earnings Per Share 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Laba bersih untuk perhitungan laba per saham dasar 758.981.783.247 Net income for the computation of basic earnings per shares Laba bersih untuk perhitungan laba per saham dilusian 792.336.816.997 1.205.652.430.267 Net income for the computation of dillutive earnings per share Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham biasa untuk laba per saham dasar Pengaruh efek berpotensi saham biasa yang dilutif : - Obligasi konversi - Waran Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham biasa untuk perhitungan laba per saham dilusian Harga pelaksanaan waran Nilai wajar rata-rata per saham biasa Laba per saham - Dasar - Dilusian Weighted average number of shares used in calculating basic earnings per share 3.810.882.703 3.973.969.589 249.064.587 397.784.338 125.739.847 393.697.897 4.457.731.628 4.493.407.333 Rp 150 Rp 150 Rp 1.918 Rp 1.674 Rp Rp 199 178 Rp Rp 303 268 Pada tanggal penerbitan laporan keuangan konsolidasi, manajemen Perusahaan telah memutuskan tidak akan melaksanakan pemecahan nilai nominal saham sampai rencana pemecahan tersebut disetujui didalam RUPSLB (Catatan 23). Oleh karena itu, pengaruh dari pemecahan nilai nominal saham pada laba per lembar saham tidak diperhitungkan dalam perhitungan laba per lembar saham dilusian. - 64 - Global Reports LLC Net income for the computation of basic earnings per share Potential effect of dilutive common share: Unrealized fair value change of convertible bonds Interest on convertible bonds Effect of dilutive potential ordinary share: - Convertible bonds - Warrants Weighted average of common share for computation of diluted earning per share Exercise price of warrants Average fair value of common share Earnings per share - Basic - Diluted As of the issuance date of the consolidated financial statements, the Company’s management has decided that they will not carry-out the stock split until after such stock split is approved in a Extraordinary Stockholders’ Meeting (Note 23). Accordingly, the effect of the stock split on the earnings per share was not considered in the earnings per share calculation. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 32. 33. DIVIDEN DAN CADANGAN 32. FOR Pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan, sebagaimana tercantum dalam akta No. 31 tanggal 24 Mei 2007 dari Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notaris di Jakarta, pemegang saham menyetujui pembagian dividen untuk tahun buku 2006 sebesar Rp 40 per saham dan membentuk cadangan sebesar Rp 310.000.000 dari saldo laba. At the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders, as stated in notarial deed No. 31 dated May 24, 2007 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, SH., LLM, notary public in Jakarta, the stockholders decided to declare dividends of Rp 40 per share for 2006 and appropriate Rp 310,000,000 from retained earnings for general reserve. Pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan, sebagaimana tercantum dalam akta No. 46 tanggal 31 Mei 2006 dari Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notaris di Jakarta, pemegang saham menyetujui pembagian dividen untuk tahun buku 2005 sebesar Rp 20 per saham dan membentuk cadangan sebesar Rp 160.362.000 dari saldo laba. At the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders, as stated in notarial deed No. 46 dated May 31, 2006 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, SH., LLM, notary public in Jakarta, the stockholders decided to declare dividends of Rp 20 per share for 2005 and appropriate Rp 160,362,000 from retained earnings for general reserve. INSTRUMEN KEUANGAN DERIVATIF 33. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Perusahaan menggunakan kontrak swap mata uang dan suku bunga untuk mengelola risiko dari kemungkinan pergerakan mata uang asing dan suku bunga. Instrumen derivatif yang dimiliki Perusahaan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 terutama terdiri dari kontrak swap mata uang yang berlaku antara bulan Mei 2008 sampai dengan Juli 2012 yang memiliki nilai wajar bersih sebesar Rp dan Rp 33.717.422.539. The Company utilizes currency and interest rate swap contracts to manage exposure to foreign currency and interest rate movement. The outstanding derivative financial instruments, consisting mainly of cross currency swaps expire between May 2008 to July 2012 and have net fair values of Rp 194,227,058,505 and Rp 33,717,422,539 as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 kontrak derivatif memiliki nilai nosional masing-masing sebesar Rp 1.473.906.250.000 (USD 170.473.362) dan Rp 587.031.250.000 (USD 69.744.753). Kontrak swap mata uang membutuhkan pertukaran (pembayaran) secara periodik berdasarkan tingkat bunga Rupiah dan Dollar Amerika Serikat dari jumlah nosional dan pertukaran (pembayaran) akhir atau net settlement dari jumlah nosional (pokok) pada saat jatuh tempo kontrak. At December 31, 2007 and 2006, the derivative contracts have notional amounts of Rp 1,473,906,250,000 (USD 170,473,362) and Rp 587,031,250,000 (USD 69,744,753), respectively. The cross currency swaps require periodic exchange of interest based on the Rupiah and US Dollar notional amounts and final exchange or net settlement of the notional (principal) amount on maturity of the contracts. Untuk tujuan akuntansi, kontrak-kontrak ini tidak diidentifikasikan dan didokumentasikan sebagai instrumen lindung nilai, oleh sebab itu akuntansi lindung nilai tidak diperlakukan. Keuntungan atau kerugian dari kontrak-kontrak ini diakui di laporan laba rugi yang terdiri dari perubahan nilai wajar dari kontrak dan pembayaran bersih secara periodik dari bunga atas nilai nosional dalam Rupiah dan Dollar Amerika Serikat, dengan rincian sebagai berikut: For accounting purposes, these contracts are not designated and documented as hedging instruments, and therefore hedge accounting is not applied. Gains and losses on these contracts recognized in earnings consist of the changes in fair value of the contract and the periodic net settlements of the related interest on the Rupiah and US Dollar notional amount, details of which are as follows 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Perubahan nilai wajar - bersih Bunga dari transaksi swap - bersih (160.509.635.966) 48.244.359.331 79.721.001.922 23.468.053.948 Keuntungan (kerugian) swap - bersih ( - 65 - Global Reports LLC DIVIDENDS AND APPROPRIATION GENERAL RESERVES Net change in fair value Net settlement of interest Net gain (loss) - net P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Derivatif-derivatif ini diukur menggunakan nilai sekarang dari estimasi arus kas masa depan yang didiskontokan berdasarkan kurva hasil selama jangka waktu dari instrumen-instrumen tersebut. 34. SIFAT DAN TRANSAKSI HUBUNGAN ISTIMEWA 34. NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP AND TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES Sifat Hubungan Istimewa Nature of Relationship x PT Bagusnusa Samudera Gemilang (Bagusnusa) merupakan pihak pengendali utama terhadap Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan. x The ultimate controlling party of the Company and its subsidiaries is PT Bagusnusa Samudera Gemilang (Bagusnusa). x PT Tunggaladhi Baskara merupakan pemegang saham mayoritas Perusahaan. x PT Tunggaladhi Baskara is a major stockholder of the Company. x Bagusnusa merupakan perusahaan induk dari PT Tunggaladhi Baskara, pemegang saham mayoritas Bagusnusa adalah Bapak Hadi Surya, yang sekaligus menjabat sebagai komisaris Perusahaan. x Bagusnusa is the parent company of PT Tunggaladhi Baskara, the majority shareholder of Bagusnusa is Mr. Hadi Surya, one of the Company’s commissioners. x Bagusnusa merupakan pemegang saham mayoritas dari PT Garuda Mahakam Pratama. x Bagusnusa is the majority shareholder of PT Garuda Mahakam Pratama. x Pan Union Agencies Pte Ltd, Poseidon Elite Navigations Pte Ltd, dan Pan Union Shipping Pte Ltd, merupakan anak perusahaan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dimiliki seluruhnya oleh Ibu Siana Anggraeni Surya yang sekaligus menjabat sebagai direktur Perusahaan. x Pan Union Agencies Pte Ltd, Poseidon Elite Navigations Pte Ltd, and Pan Union Shipping Pte Ltd are wholly-owned subsidiaries, directly or indirectly, of Ms. Siana Anggraeni Surya, one of the Company’s directors. x PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk dimiliki oleh keluarga dekat Bapak Hadi Surya. x PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk is owned by a close member of the family of Mr. Hadi Surya. Transaksi Hubungan Istimewa Transactions with Related Parties Dalam kegiatan usahanya, Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan mengadakan transaksi tertentu dengan pihak-pihak yang mempunyai hubungan istimewa. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa transaksi tersebut dilakukan dengan kondisi dan persyaratan yang sama seperti yang dilakukan dengan pihak-pihak yang tidak mempunyai hubungan istimewa. Transaksi-transaksi tersebut meliputi antara lain: In the normal course of business, the Company and its subsidiaries entered into certain transactions with related parties. Management believes that these transactions were made at normal terms and conditions as those conducted with non related parties. These transactions included the following: a. 0,07% (Rp 2.077.991.700) dari jumlah pendapatan usaha pada tahun 2006 merupakan jasa uang tambang, perantaraan kapal dan sewa yang berasal dari PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk (pihak yang mempunyai hubungan istimewa). a. Manning, agency and charter fees from PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk (related party) accounted for 0.07% (Rp 2,077,991,700) in 2006 of the total operating revenues. b. 0,84% dan 1,67% dari jumlah beban usaha langsung atas kapal yang dimiliki dan disewa pada tahun 2007 dan 2006 merupakan beban yang dibayarkan kepada pihak-pihak yang mempunyai hubungan istimewa. b. Expenses paid to related parties accounted for 0.84% in 2007 and 1.67% in 2006 of total operating expenses for owned and chartered vessels. - 66 - Global Reports LLC Derivatives are measured at the present value of future cash flows estimated and discounted based on the applicable yield curves for the duration of the instruments. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) The details of expenses from related parties are as follows: Rincian beban yang dibayarkan kepada pihak hubungan istimewa sebagai berikut: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Pan Union Agencies Pte. Ltd. Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk PT Garuda Mahakam Pratama 15.436.985.636 4.092.484.995 1.407.709.248 107.082.642 22.181.481.150 5.656.353.933 4.798.008.093 Pan Union Agencies Pte. Ltd. Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk PT Garuda Mahakam Pratama Jumlah 32.635.843.176 Total b. Saham Perusahaan milik PT Tunggaladhi Baskara sebanyak 66.188.311 saham dan 167.142.857 saham pada tahun 2007 dan 2006 dijadikan jaminan atas hutang bank Perusahaan kepada Bank Central Asia pada tahun 2007 dan 2006 (Catatan 12 dan 16b). c. PT Tunggaladhi Baskara’s 66,188,311 shares and 167,142,857 shares in 2007 and 2006 in the Company’s capital stock were used as collateral for the Company’s loan to Bank Central Asia in 2007 and 2006 (Notes 12 and 16b). c. Total kompensasi kepada manajemen utama (komisaris dan direktur) selama tahun berjalan adalah sebagai berikut: d. Total compensation of the Company’s key management (commissioners and directors) during the year are as follows: 2007 Rp 35. Imbalan jangka pendek Imbalan pasca kerja 15.525.716.100 6.223.818.905 6.500.675.527 2.980.988.055 Short-term benefits Post-employment benefits Jumlah 21.749.535.005 9.481.663.582 Total INFORMASI SEGMEN USAHA 35. SEGMENT INFORMATION Segmen Usaha Business Segment Untuk kepentingan tujuan manajemen, saat ini Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan diorganisasikan berdasarkan tipe kapal charter seperti kimia, gas, minyak dan FPSO. Berikut ini disajikan informasi segmen utama yang merupakan dasar pelaporan bagi Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan. For management purpose, the Company and its subsidiaries are currently organized based on type of vessels chartered - chemical, gas, oil and FPSO. These segments are the basis on which the Company and its subsidiaries report their primary segment information. - 67 - Global Reports LLC 2006 Rp P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 2007 Chemical Rp PENDAPATAN Pendapatan eksternal Jumlah pendapatan segmen Tidak dialokasi Gas Rp Oil Rp FPSO Rp 1.997.253.554.461 199.181.621.427 1.333.993.916.388 100.040.937.576 3.630.470.029.852 REVENUES External revenues 1.997.253.554.461 199.181.621.427 1.333.993.916.388 100.040.937.576 3.630.470.029.852 11.302.888.949 Total segment revenues Unallocated 3.641.772.918.801 Total revenues per consolidated statement of income Jumlah pendapatan per laporan laba rugi konsolidasi Biaya segmen Biaya pelayaran Biaya sandar Biaya bahan bakar 206.070.552.977 392.667.669.257 5.949.312.867 20.213.852.688 97.123.807.846 210.796.293.609 108.895.638 - Jumlah Biaya Pelayaran 598.738.222.234 307.920.101.455 108.895.638 Biaya Sewa Beban penyusutan kapal dan operasi Beban operasi: Gaji Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan Suku cadang Biaya pelumas Asuransi Transportasi Pengurusan dokumen Perlengkapan Uang makan Lain-lain 239.771.872.466 Jumlah Operasi perkapalan Penyusutan kapal Jumlah biaya segmen Hasil Segmen - 30.011.760.000 - 309.252.569.328 623.677.815.554 932.930.384.882 Total Voyage Expenses 269.783.632.466 Charter Expenses Ship Depreciation and Operating Expenses Ship operating expenses: Salaries Repairs and maintenance Spare parts Lubricants Insurance Transportation Processing of documents Supplies Meal allowances Others 24.678.554.396 12.667.819.475 5.063.634.308 1.853.883.132 5.948.585.819 3.211.698.424 3.483.821.474 2.077.837.226 2.843.042.287 77.851.473.859 91.457.939.276 27.679.803.718 18.942.889.907 26.526.367.071 9.677.187.643 6.582.816.188 4.061.695.157 8.085.737.682 67.782.908 1.308.988.082 624.825.110 8.438.789.540 489.856.423 971.084.626 1.345.124.251 269.470.932.392 177.051.545.245 94.561.108.021 58.139.854.181 38.325.882.820 26.568.842.641 25.842.469.379 16.606.877.525 30.603.746.751 414.460.201.856 161.591.071.077 75.988.132.203 34.754.847.486 277.268.428.323 264.191.510.769 26.573.516.618 47.138.869.004 794.290.279.000 507.676.298.336 1.414.561.367.633 136.906.145.244 879.391.800.547 73.821.281.260 2.504.680.594.684 Total segment expenses 582.692.186.828 62.275.476.183 454.602.115.841 26.219.656.316 1.125.789.435.168 Segment result 11.302.888.949 Biaya Umum dan adminitrasi Biaya keuangan Pendapatan investasi Bagian rugi dari Perusahaan asosiasi Perubahan nilai wajar atas obligasi konversi dari wesel bayar melalui laba rugi Keuntungan (kerugian) lain-lain ( (622.023.431.296) 108.125.672.085 (218.894.593) 378.867.386.679 5.259.869.980 Laba sebelum pajak Beban pajak 768.081.711.420 (9.099.928.173) Laba tahun berjalan 758.981.783.247 Informasi lain-lain Penambahan modal Tidak dialokasikan Jumlah penambahan modal Penyusutan Aktiva Aktiva segmen Tidak dialokasikan 9.501.081.585.176 184.836.860.122 993.798.690.000 161.591.071.077 34.754.847.486 264.191.510.769 47.138.869.004 12.005.427.248.653 944.419.650.959 426.960.433.333 Jumlah aktiva konsolidasi Kewajiban Kewajiban segmen Segment expenses Voyage Expenses Port Charges Fuel 158.855.166.455 71.366.567.399 52.904.496.746 33.508.504.856 20.299.980.302 19.482.884.682 13.589.266.721 14.804.747.091 20.526.366.713 Pendapatan dan biaya yang tidak dialokasikan Biaya agen dan pergudangan 1.709.036.725.518 38.616.491.316 80.485.326.221 5.226.875.951 Total Ship Operating Expenses Vessel Depreciation Unallocated income and expenses Agency and storage fees General and administrative expenses Finance costs Investment income Equity in net loss of associates Change in fair value of convertible bonds and notes payable Other gains and losses *) Profit before tax Tax expense Profit for the year 10.742.957.304.233 Other Information Capital additions Unallocated 10.806.015.345.320 507.676.298.336 Total capital additions Depreciation 16.642.853.967.409 4.025.770.580.631 Assets Segment assets Unallocated 20.668.624.548.040 1.833.365.419.006 Consolidated total assets Liabilities Segment liabilities Tidak dialokasikan 15.519.677.432.525 Unallocated Jumlah kewajiban konsolidasi 17.353.042.851.531 Consolidated total liabilities *) Merupakan ”Jumlah keuntungan penjualan aktiva tetap, klaim asuransi, kerugian kurs mata uang asing – bersih dan lain-lain. - 68 - Global Reports LLC Total Rp *) Consists of “Total gain on sale of vessels and equipment, insurance claim, net gain (loss) on foreign exchange and others - net. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 2006 Chemical Rp PENDAPATAN Pendapatan eksternal Jumlah pendapatan segmen Tidak dialokasi Gas Rp Oil Rp 1.594.940.729.553 148.477.468.347 1.317.613.349.502 REVENUES External revenues 1.594.940.729.553 148.477.468.347 1.317.613.349.502 12.756.063.108 Total segment revenues Unallocated 3.073.787.610.510 Total revenues per consolidated statement of income Jumlah pendapatan per laporan laba rugi konsolidasi Biaya segmen Biaya pelayaran Biaya sandar Biaya bahan bakar 174.489.703.455 346.058.918.090 5.662.816.816 63.023.724.011 154.225.386.212 514.469.484.212 Jumlah Biaya Pelayaran 520.548.621.545 19.847.996.726 757.645.728.494 Total Voyage Expenses Biaya Sewa Beban penyusutan kapal dan operasi Beban operasi: Gaji Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan Suku cadang Biaya pelumas Asuransi Transportasi Pengurusan dokumen Perlengkapan Uang makan Lain-lain 247.586.526.954 21.566.161.431 269.152.688.385 Charter Expenses Ship Depreciation and Operating Expenses Ship operating expenses: Salaries Repairs and maintenance Spare parts Lubricants Insurance Transportation Processing of documents Supplies Meal allowances Others Jumlah Operasi perkapalan Penyusutan kapal Jumlah biaya segmen Hasil Segmen - Segment expenses Voyage Expenses Port Charges Fuel 46.888.073.304 42.286.938.409 25.558.212.480 13.817.807.707 9.922.365.899 5.425.900.312 6.930.708.680 8.484.723.614 19.801.930.821 11.669.097.206 8.860.472.102 7.194.338.527 4.588.493.109 2.305.542.384 2.790.253.419 1.350.233.166 1.835.262.672 1.341.096.592 2.468.887.942 71.853.940.798 48.875.653.727 20.005.783.188 25.062.791.228 8.729.962.572 9.523.094.784 6.421.234.105 2.330.964.326 12.233.890.302 159.819.159.397 104.624.199.133 76.494.562.189 50.152.488.777 21.442.581.890 12.156.784.532 34.504.709.065 255.412.782.619 128.894.168.301 44.403.677.119 20.211.814.383 232.050.600.283 243.722.894.042 531.867.060.021 392.828.876.726 1.152.442.099.419 84.463.488.228 714.588.765.979 1.951.494.353.626 Total segment expenses 442.498.630.134 64.013.980.119 603.024.583.523 1.109.537.193.776 Segment result Pendapatan dan biaya yang tidak dialokasikan Biaya agen dan pergudangan Biaya Umum dan adminitrasi Biaya keuangan Pendapatan investasi Bagian rugi dari Perusahaan asosiasi Keuntungan dan kerugian lain-lain Total Ship Operating Expenses Vessel Depreciation Unallocated income and expenses Agency and storage fees General and administrative expenses Finance costs Investment income Equity in net loss of associates 12.756.063.108 (175.901.461.657) (233.757.554.666) 55.648.803.894 (234.755.116) 445.987.235.925 *) Other gains and losses Laba sebelum pajak Beban pajak (8.755.626.247) Laba tahun berjalan Profit for the year 3.492.827.947 Other Information Capital additions Unallocated 2.083.618.951.218 392.828.876.726 Total capital additions Depreciation 1.080.730.222.706 Assets Segment assets Unallocated 8.205.955.951.572 Consolidated total assets Liabilities Segment liabilities Informasi lain-lain Penambahan modal Tidak dialokasikan Jumlah penambahan modal Penyusutan Aktiva Aktiva segmen Tidak dialokasikan 860.048.587.539 390.383.725.199 829.693.810.533 128.894.168.301 20.211.814.383 243.722.894.042 2.876.796.204.456 4.065.330.244.199 Jumlah aktiva konsolidasi Kewajiban Kewajiban segmen 1.422.266.742.022 1.471.734.955.594 Tidak dialokasikan 57.513.311.183 Jumlah kewajiban konsolidasi 5.074.796.405.072 *) Merupakan ”Jumlah keuntungan penjualan aktiva tetap, klaim asuransi, keuntungan (kerugian) kurs mata uang asing – bersih dan lain-lain. - 69 - Global Reports LLC Total Rp Profit before tax Tax expense Unallocated Consolidated total liabilities *) Consists of “Total gain on sale of vessels and equipment, insurance claim, net gain (loss) on foreign exchange and others - net. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Segmen Geografis Geographic Segment Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan berdomisili di dua area geografis utama: Malaysia dan Indonesia. The Company and its subsidiaries are domiciled in two main geographical areas: Malaysia and Indonesia. Berikut ini adalah informasi segmen berdasarkan segmen geografis: Segment information based on geographic segment is presented below: 2007 Malaysia Rp Indonesia Rp Eliminasi/ Eliminated Rp Konsolidasi/ Consolidated Rp PENDAPATAN Pendapatan ekstern Pendapatan antar segmen 3.244.437.335.795 261.823.321.361 397.335.583.006 - (261.823.321.361) 3.641.772.918.801 - REVENUES External revenues Inter-segment revenues Jumlah pendapatan 3.506.260.657.156 397.335.583.006 (261.823.321.361) 3.641.772.918.801 Total revenues 2006 36. Malaysia Rp Indonesia Rp Eliminasi/ Eliminated Rp Konsolidasi/ Consolidated Rp PENDAPATAN Pendapatan ekstern Pendapatan antar segmen 2.836.576.654.096 228.952.559.569 237.210.956.414 - (228.952.559.569) 3.073.787.610.510 - REVENUES External revenues Inter-segment revenues Jumlah pendapatan 3.065.529.213.665 237.210.956.414 (228.952.559.569) 3.073.787.610.510 Total revenues MANAJEMEN RISIKO MODAL 36. CAPITAL RISK MANAGEMENT Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan mengelola modalnya untuk menjamin bahwa Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan mampu untuk melanjutkan kelangsungan hidup selain juga memaksimalkan keuntungan para pemegang saham melalui optimalisasi saldo hutang dan ekuitas. The Company and its subsidiaries manages their capital to ensure that they will be able to continue as a going concern while maximising the return to stakeholders through the optimisation of the debt and equity balance. Struktur modal Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan terdiri dari hutang, dimana didalamnya termasuk pinjaman yang dijelaskan pada Catatan 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 dan 22, kas, investasi tersedia untuk dijual dan ekuitas yang berasal dari ekuitas induk Perusahaan yang terdiri dari penerbitan saham, cadangan dan laba ditahan yang dijelaskan pada Catatan 4, 8, 23, 24 dan 25. The capital structure of the Group consists of debt, which includes the borrowings disclosed in Notes 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 22, cash, available-forsale investments, and equity attributable to equity holders of the parent, comprising issued capital, reserves and retained earnings as disclosed in Notes 4, 8, 23, 24 and 25. Dewan Direksi Perusahaan secara periodik melakukan review terhadap struktur modal Perusahaan. Sebagai bagian dari proses review, Dewan Direksi mempertimbangkan biaya modal dan risiko yang berhubungan. Perusahaan juga memiliki pencapaian target rasio sebesar 150% yang ditentukan dengan proporsi hutang bersih terhadap ekuitas. The Company’s Board of Directors periodically reviews the Company’s capital structure. As part of this review, the Board of Directors considers the cost of capital and the related risks. The Company also has a target gearing ratio of 150% determined as the proportion of net debt to equity. - 70 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Rasio hutang bersih terhadap ekuitas per tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 adalah sebagai berikut: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Hutang Kas dan investasi tersedia untuk dijual 16.564.547.895.447 4.664.430.670.554 2.661.389.853.713 1.319.663.002.604 Debt Cash and available-for-sale investments Hutang - bersih Ekuitas 13.903.158.041.734 3.315.581.696.509 3.344.767.667.950 Net debt Equity Rasio hutang bersih terhadap ekuitas 37. 419% 107% Net debt to equity ratio Manajemen Perusahaan mempunyai beberapa rencana yang akan dilakukan pada semester pertama tahun 2008 untuk Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan dengan melakukan deleveraging yang diharapkan akan mengurangi rasio hutang bersih terhadap ekuitas menjadi 150% pada akhir tahun 2008. Hal ini termasuk rencana untuk membayar terlebih dahulu pinjaman sementara sebesar US$ 250.000.000 dan pendanaan ekuitas (equity financing) (Catatan 16). The Company’s management has several plans to be executed in the first semester of 2008 for the Company and its subsidiaries deleveraging exercise which is expected to reduce the net gearing ratio to 150% at the end of 2008. This includes the plan to prepay the US$ 250,000,000 bridging loan and equity financing (Note 16). REKONSILIASI STANDAR PELAPORAN KEUANGAN INTERNASIONAL (IFRS) 37. RECONCILIATION OF IFRS AND INDONESIAN GAAP Laporan keuangan konsolidasi disusun dengan menggunakan prinsip dan praktek akuntansi yang berlaku di Indonesia (PSAK). The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles and reporting practices generally accepted in Indonesia (PSAK). Sehubungan dengan pencatatan saham Perusahaan di Bursa Efek Singapura, Perusahaan juga menerbitkan laporan keuangan konsolidasi berdasarkan Standard Pelaporan Keuangan Internasional (International Financial Reporting Standard / IFRS). In connection with the listing of the Company’s shares on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, the Company also issued consolidated financial statements prepared under IFRS. Perbedaan signifikan antara dijelaskan sebagai berikut: Significant differences between PSAK and IFRS are described below: PSAK dan IFRS a. Goodwill a. Goodwill Berdasarkan PSAK, goodwill yang timbul dari akuisisi usaha diakui sebagai aktiva dan diamortisasi menjadi beban selama masa manfaatnya menggunakan metode garis lurus. Periode amortisasi tidak boleh melebihi lima tahun, kecuali masa manfaat yang lebih panjang namun tidak lebih dari 20 tahun dapat dijustifikasi. Perusahaan mengamortisasikan goodwill selama 20 tahun. Pada setiap tanggal neraca, manajemen menilai apakah terdapat indikasi penurunan nilai pada setiap unit penghasil-kas yang mengandung goodwill tersebut. Under Indonesian GAAP, goodwill arising from business acquisition is recognized as an asset and amortized as an expense over its useful life using straight-line method. The amortization period should not exceed five years, unless a longer period not exceeding 20 years can be justified. The Company is amortizing goodwill over 20 years. At each balance sheet date, management assessed whether there was any indication of impairment of the cash-generating unit to which the goodwill is attached to. Berdasarkan IFRS, goodwill yang timbul dari akuisisi usaha pada awalnya diakui sebesar biaya perolehan, dan selanjutnya diukur sebesar biaya perolehan dikurangi akumulasi penurunan nilai. Under IFRS, goodwill arising from business acquisition is initially recognized at cost, and is subsequently measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. - 71 - Global Reports LLC The gearing ratio as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 are as follows: P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Ketika IFRS diterapkan, Perusahaan menghentikan amortisasi terhadap goodwill yang sudah dimulai 1 Januari 2003. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2002 nilai akumulasi amortisasi sebesar Rp 10.192.917.729 yang diakui berdasarkan PSAK telah dieliminasi dengan memperhatikan penurunan nilai perolehan atas goodwill. Nilai amortisasi goodwill untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 berdasarkan PSAK, sebesar Rp 4.359.734.306 dan Rp 3.260.541.999 telah dijurnal balik berdasarkan IFRS. b. Aktiva Tetap b. Property, Plant and Equipment PSAK pada dasarnya tidak mengijinkan perusahaan untuk mengakui kenaikan nilai aktiva tetap yang terjadi setelah perolehan awal, namun pengecualian diberikan untuk revaluasi yang dilakukan berdasarkan peraturan Pemerintah. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut, Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan tidak mengakui kenaikan nilai akibat revaluasi dan mengukur aktiva tetapnya sebesar biaya perolehan dikurangi akumulasi penyusutan dan akumulasi penurunan nilai. While Indonesian GAAP does not generally allows companies to recognize increases in value of property, plant and equipment that occur subsequent to acquisition, an exception is provided for revaluations made in accordance with government regulations. For Indonesian reporting purposes, the Company and its subsidiaries did not recognize any revaluation increases and continue to measure property, plant and equipment at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Setelah pengakuan awal, apabila suatu aktiva tetap dapat diukur nilai wajarnya secara andal, maka IFRS mengijinkan aktiva tetap tersebut dicatat sebesar nilai revaluasinya, yang mencerminkan nilai wajar pada tanggal revaluasi, dikurangi akumulasi penyusutan dan akumulasi penurunan nilai, jika ada (Model Revaluasi sesuai IAS 16). After initial recognition, IFRS allows an item of property, plant and equipment whose fair value can be measured reliably, to be carried at revalued amount, being the fair value at the date of revaluation, less subsequent accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any (the “Revaluation Model” under IAS 16). Dalam laporan keuangan berdasarkan IFRS, Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan menerapkan Model Revaluasi untuk mengukur nilai tercatat kapal setelah pengakuan awal. For IFRS reporting purposes, the Company and its subsidiaries adopted the Revaluation Model in measuring the vessels subsequent to initial recognition. Jika nilai tercatat kapal meningkat akibat revaluasi, kenaikan tersebut dikreditkan ke ekuitas dalam akun selisih revaluasi. Namun, kenaikan tersebut harus diakui terlebih dahulu dalam laporan laba rugi sebesar jumlah penurunan nilai akibat revaluasi sebelumnya atas kapal yang sama. Jika nilai tercatat kapal menurun akibat revaluasi, penurunan tersebut harus diakui dalam laporan laba-rugi. Namun, penurunan tersebut harus didebitkan terlebih dahulu ke ekuitas pada akun selisih revaluasi sebesar saldo kredit selisih revaluasi yang tersedia untuk kapal tersebut. If the vessel’s carrying amount is increased as a result of a revaluation, the increase is credited directly to equity under the heading of revaluation reserve. However, the increase shall be recognized in profit or loss to the extent that it reverses a revaluation decrease of the same vessel previously recognized in profit of loss. If the vessel’s carrying amount is decreased as a result of revaluation, the decrease shall be recognized in profit or loss. However, the decrease shall be debited directly to equity under the heading of revaluation reserve to the extent of any credit balance existing in the revaluation surplus in respect of that vessel. Berdasarkan PSAK, harga perolehan hak atas tanah dikapitalisasi kedalam nilai tanah dan tidak disusutkan. Sesuai dengan IFRS, hak atas tanah dipertimbangkan sebagai sewa dan hak semacam itu diamortisasi selama periode pemegang hak atas tanah memiliki hak tersebut. Also, under Indonesian GAAP, the cost of acquired landrights are capitalized as land, which is not depreciated. Under IFRS, land use rights are considered as leases and such rights are amortized over the period the holder is expected to retain the landrights. - 72 - Global Reports LLC In applying IFRS, the Company ceases amortizing goodwill starting January 1, 2003. The accumulated amortization of Rp 10,192,917,729 recognized under Indonesian GAAP as of December 31, 2002 has been eliminated with a corresponding decrease in the cost of goodwill. The goodwill amortization of Rp 4,359,734,306 and Rp 3,260,541,999 for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 recognized under Indonesian GAAP has also been reversed under IFRS. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) c. d. Instrumen Keuangan c. Financial Instruments Berdasarkan PSAK, pinjaman bank jangka pendek dan jangka panjang dinyatakan pada nilai nominal, yang merupakan nilai pokok hutang. Biaya transaksi atas pinjaman bank diklasifikasikan sebagai biaya tangguhan dan diamortisasi menggunakan metode garis lurus sepanjang periode pinjaman. Untuk hutang obligasi, biaya penerbitan obligasi dikurangkan langsung dari hasil penerbitan obligasi. Selisih antara hasil penerbitan bersih dan nilai nominal obligasi diamortisasi menggunakan metode garis lurus sepanjang periode obligasi. Seluruh hasil penerbitan obligasi konversi diakui sebagai kewajiban. Under Indonesian GAAP, short-term and longterm bank loans are stated at nominal value, being the principal amount of the loan. Transaction costs on bank borrowings were classified as deferred charges and amortized on a straight-line basis over the period of the borrowings. For bonds payable, bonds issuance costs are deducted directly from the proceeds of the bonds. The difference between the net proceeds and principal amount of the bonds is amortized on a straight-line basis over the term of the bonds. All the proceeds obtained from issuance of convertible bonds are recognized as liabilities. Berdasarkan IFRS, kewajiban keuangan dinyatakan sebesar nilai yang telah diamortisasi. Obligasi konversi yang jatuh tempo tahun 2010 dipisahkan sebagai komponen kewajiban dan komponen ekuitas. Under IFRS, financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost. Convertible bonds due in 2010 are separated into its liability component and its equity component. Pengukuran dan Mata Uang Pelaporan d. Measurement and Reporting Currency Berdasarkan PSAK, mata uang pelaporan yang digunakan oleh perusahaan di Indonesia adalah Rupiah. Perusahaan dapat menggunakan mata uang lainnya, hanya jika mata uang lainnya tersebut memenuhi definisi mata uang fungsional. Untuk tujuan pelaporan di Indonesia pembukuan Perusahaan dilakukan dalam mata uang Rupiah dan Perusahaan juga menyajikan laporan keuangan konsolidasi dalam Rupiah. Under Indonesian GAAP, the reporting currency used by enterprises in Indonesia is Rupiah. An enterprise may use another currency, only if the other currency meets the definition of functional currency. For statutory reporting purposes in Indonesia, the Company maintains its books of accounts in Rupiah and presents the consolidated financial statements also in Rupiah. Berdasarkan IFRS, perusahaan wajib mengukur transaksi berdasarkan mata uang fungsional. IFRS mengijinkan penggunaan suatu mata uang penyajian laporan keuangan yang berbeda dengan mata uang fungsional. Under IFRS, enterprises should measure the transactions in terms of the functional currency. IFRS allows the use of a presentation currency other than the functional currency. Dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan berdasarkan IFRS, manajemen memutuskan bahwa mata uang fungsional Perusahaan adalah Dolar Amerika Serikat. Untuk tujuan pelaporan berdasarkan IFRS, transaksi diukur dengan mata uang fungsional dari masing-masing perusahaan. In preparing the consolidated financial statements based on IFRS, management has determined that the Company’s functional currency is the US Dollar. For IFRS reporting purposes, the transactions were measured in terms of the functional currency of the respective entity. Berikut merupakan penyesuaian yang signifikan terhadap laba bersih konsolidasi untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 serta laporan perubahan ekuitas per 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 dari PSAK ke IFRS: A summary of the significant adjustments to consolidated net income for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 and to consolidated stockholders’ equity as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 from Indonesian GAAP to IFRS are set forth below: - 73 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 31 Desember/December 31, 2007 2006 Catatan/ Note Laba konsolidasi sesuai dengan standar PSAK Penyesuaian IFRS - kenaikan (penurunan): Amortisasi goodwill Penyusutan kapal dan peralatan yg dinilai kembali Penurunan nilai revaluasi Kerugian penjualan aktiva tetap kapal berdasarkan kapal yang telah direvaluasi Pemulihan atas penurunan penilaian kembali Amortisasi hak atas tanah Kewajiban keuangan yang disajikan dalam biaya amortisasi Rp USD 794.504 IFRS adjustments - increase (decrease) due to: Amortization of goodwill (b) USD USD (4.598.403) - (b) USD (12.855.487) - Depreciation of revalued vessels Revaluation decrease Loss on sale of property adjustment based on revalued amounts of vessels (b) USD USD 5.537.610 (43.033) - Recovery of revaluation decrease Amortization of landrights (c) USD 678.282 4.539.784 Measurement of financial liabilities at amortized cost Rp USD 911.202 Profit for the year according to the consolidated statements of income prepared under Indonesian GAAP USD Ekuitas sesuai dengan Neraca Konsolidasi dalam PSAK (8.376.793) (16.780.781) (10.369.829) (19.823.286) 76.777.392 107.489.649 3.315.581.696.509 368.251.538 358.293.829 (a) (b) USD USD 4.089.214 208.571.169 (b) USD (12.951.431) (8.353.028) (b) USD (13.690.815) (835.328) 3.178.012 170.315.215 (b) USD USD 36.387.039 (43.033) 16.366.646 - (b) (c) USD USD (15.340.980) (189.842) (20.878.590) (189.842) (c) USD 177.244 25.470 (34.470) (712.752) Total adjustments Profit for the year in accordance with IFRS Equity according to the consolidated balance sheets prepared under Indonesian GAAP IFRS adjustments - increase (decrease) due to: Amortization of goodwill Revaluation reserve Depreciation of revalued vessels Loss on sale of property adjustment based on revalued amounts of vessels Difference between depreciation expense based on revalued amounts and historical cost Amortization of landrights Revaluation decrease Foreign exchange loss Option premium on convertible bonds Measurement of financial liabilities at amortized cost Total Penyesuaian 206.974.095 158.915.803 Total adjustments Ekuitas berdasarkan IFRS 575.225.633 517.209.632 Equity in accodance with IFRS - 74 - Global Reports LLC 127.312.935 (a) Total penyesuaian Laba konsolidasi sesuai dengan IFRS Penyesuaian IFRS - kenaikan (penurunan): Amortisasi of goodwill Selisih revaluasi Penyusutan kapal dan peralatan yg dinilai kembali Kerugian penjualan aktiva tetap kapal berdasarkan kapal yang telah direvaluasi Perbedaan antara beban penyusutan berdasarkan nilai revaluasi dengan harga perolehan Amortisasi hak atas tanah Penurunan dalam revaluasi kapal dan peralatan Kerugian selisih kurs Opsi premium atas obligasi konversi Kewajiban keuangan yang disajikan dalam biaya amortisasi 758.981.783.247 87.147.221 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 38. 38. REKONSILIASI STANDAR PELAPORAN KEUANGAN INTERNASIONAL (IFRS) RECONCILIATION OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS a. Rekonsiliasi neraca antara IFRS dengan PSAK 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006. a. Reconciliation of balance sheet between IFRS and Indonesian GAAP at December 31, 2007 and 2006. 2007 PSAK/ Rekonsiliasi/ INDONESIAN Reconciling Items USD GAAP IDR (dalam ribuan)/ (in thousand) Aktiva tetap - bersih Uang muka pembelian aktiva tetap Investasi pada perusahaan asosiasi Aktiva tidak lancar lainnya Jumlah Aktiva Tidak Lancar Piutang usaha Investasi tersedia untuk dijual Kas Aktiva lancar lainnya Jumlah Aktiva Lancar USD 15.810.718.725 1.689.981.767 201.644.453 1.891.626.220 7.911.960 194.723.541 1.030.653.493 840.000 20.715.570 113.871.313 1.143.580 840.000 20.715.570 115.014.893 1.825.408.650 202.788.033 713.431.861 680.967.273 1.980.422.581 249.795.114 75.668.908 72.297.194 210.315.293 26.562.555 45.040 75.668.908 72.297.194 210.315.293 26.607.595 3.624.616.829 384.843.950 45.040 384.888.990 Jumlah Aktiva 20.668.624.548 202.833.073 2.413.085.673 Modal saham Agio saham 259.938.152 533.010.299 59.347.625 60.841.768 177.244 59.347.625 61.019.012 (780.921.641) (86.628.085) - (86.628.085) 192.459.876 (91.428) - (91.428) - 2.140.275 Pembelian saham kembali Property, vessels and equipment - net Advances for the purchase of property, vessels and equipment Investments in associates Other non-current assets Total Non-current Assets Trade accounts receivable Available-for-sale investments Cash Other current assets Total Current Assets Total Assets Share capital Additional paid-in capital Treasury stock Selisih kurs karena penjabaran laporan keuangan Laba yang belum direalisasi atas investasi yang tersedia untuk dijual Selisih transaksi perubahan ekuitas perusahaan asosiasi Selisih revaluasi Saldo laba (39.164.165) (4.157.996) 336.799.379 208.571.169 (1.774.318) (4.157.996) 208.571.169 335.025.061 Unrealized gain on available-for-sale investments Difference due to change of equity in associate Revaluation reserve Retained earnings Jumlah Ekuitas 3.315.581.697 368.251.538 206.974.095 575.225.633 Total Equity Long-term liabilities - net of current maturities Bank loans Bonds payable Obligations under finance lease Convertible bonds Notes payable Other non-current liabilities Kewajiban jangka panjang setelah dikurangi bagian yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Hutang bank Hutang obligasi Sewa pembiayaan Obligasi konversi Wesel bayar Kewajiban tidak lancar lainnya Jumlah Kewajiban Tidak Lancar Hutang bank jangka pendek Hutang usaha Hutang jangka panjang yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Kewajiban lancar lainnya Jumlah Kewajiban Lancar Jumlah Ekuitas dan Kewajiban 20.159.246 2.140.275 Translation adjustment 5.707.024.658 891.338.064 810.079.396 1.210.730.033 3.255.835.589 279.204.449 605.932.904 94.597.194 86.004.820 128.541.250 345.666.800 29.642.685 (3.317.844) 10.161 - 602.615.060 94.607.355 86.004.820 128.541.250 345.666.800 29.642.685 1.290.385.653 (3.307.683) 2.814.873.000 142.614.516 298.850.515 15.416.568 - 298.850.515 15.416.568 Short-term bank loans Trade accounts payable 1.752.220.155 489.122.991 185.990.621 51.357.705 (833.339) - 185.157.282 51.357.705 Current maturities of long-term liabilities Other current liabilities 5.198.830.662 551.615.409 20.668.624.548 - 75 - Global Reports LLC IFRS USD (833.339) 202.833.073 550.782.070 2.413.085.673 Total Non-current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Total Equity and Liabilities P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 2006 PSAK/ Rekonsiliasi/ INDONESIAN Reconciling Items USD GAAP IDR (dalam ribuan)/ (in thousand) Aktiva tetap - bersih USD 5.903.931.712 660.941.570 13.779.904 1.527.705 224.237.821 91.529.890 24.898.122 14.891.906 501.976 24.898.122 15.393.882 Investments in associates Other non-current assets 6.233.479.327 702.259.303 157.116.891 859.376.194 Total Non-current Assets 507.044.910 433.572.296 886.090.707 145.768.712 56.093.192 48.067.882 98.237.167 16.215.018 - 56.093.192 48.067.882 98.237.167 16.215.018 Jumlah Aktiva Lancar 1.972.476.625 218.613.259 - 218.613.259 Jumlah Aktiva 8.205.955.952 920.872.562 Modal saham Agio saham 259.848.277 524.840.215 59.337.930 60.067.002 - 59.337.930 60.067.002 Pembelian saham kembali (250.323.928) (27.188.806) - (27.188.806) Uang muka pembelian aktiva tetap Investasi pada perusahaan asosiasi Aktiva tidak lancar lainnya Jumlah Aktiva Tidak Lancar Piutang usaha Investasi tersedia untuk dijual Kas Aktiva lancar lainnya 156.614.915 IFRS USD - 817.556.485 1.527.705 157.116.891 1.077.989.453 Opsi premium atas obligasi konversi Selisih kurs karena penjabaran laporan keuangan Laba yang belum direalisasi atas investasi yang tersedia untuk dijual Selisih revaluasi Saldo laba Jumlah Ekuitas Trade accounts receivable Available-for-sale investments Cash Other current assets Total Current Assets Total Assets Share capital Additional paid-in capital Treasury stock Option premium on convertible - - 25.470 75.251.643 (9.355) 612.296 67.882 2.520.931.044 - 25.470 (9.355) bonds Translation adjustment 266.019.176 170.315.215 (11.424.882) 67.882 170.315.215 254.594.294 Unrealized gain on available-for-sale investments Revaluation reserve Retained earnings 358.293.829 158.915.803 517.209.632 Total Equity Kewajiban jangka panjang setelah dikurangi bagian yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Hutang bank Hutang obligasi Obligasi konversi Kewajiban tidak lancar lainnya 3.194.725.883 396.997.246 29.315.000 167.294.943 354.182.471 43.984.820 3.250.000 18.547.111 (1.420.316) (50.905) 151.774 - 352.762.155 43.933.915 3.401.774 18.547.111 Long-term liabilities - net of current maturities Bank loans Bonds payable Convertible bonds Other non-current liabilities Jumlah Kewajiban Tidak Lancar 3.788.333.072 419.964.402 (1.319.447) 418.644.955 Total Non-current Liabilities 193.052.200 88.784.156 21.402.683 9.857.959 - 21.402.683 9.857.959 Short-term bank loans Trade accounts payable 733.080.342 271.546.635 81.272.765 30.080.924 (479.465) - 80.793.300 30.080.924 Current maturities of long-term bank loans Other current liabilities Jumlah Kewajiban Lancar 1.286.463.333 142.614.331 (479.465) 142.134.866 Jumlah Ekuitas dan Kewajiban 8.205.955.952 920.872.562 Hutang bank jangka pendek Hutang usaha Hutang bank jangka panjang yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu satu tahun Kewajiban lancar lainnya - 76 - Global Reports LLC Property, vessels and equipment - net Advances for the purchase of property, vessels and equipment 157.116.891 1.077.989.453 Total Current Liabilities Total Equity and Liabilities P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) b. Rekonsiliasi laporan laba rugi antara IFRS dan PSAK untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 b. Reconciliation of statements of income between IFRS and Indonesian GAAP for the year ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 2007 PSAK/ INDONESIAN GAAP IDR (dalam ribuan)/ (in thousands) Pendapatan usaha Biaya pelayaran Pendapatan operasi setelah biaya pelayaran Biaya charter Penyusutan kapal dan biaya operasi pelayaran Biaya operasi pelayaran Penyusutan kapal Laba kotor Beban umum dan administrasi Laba sebelum biaya keuangan dan lain-lain Pendapatan (beban) keuangan dan lain-lain bersih Beban keuangan Pendapatan investasi Bagian rugi perusahaan asosiasi Keuntungan dan kerugian lain-lain USD IFRS USD 3.641.772.919 (932.930.385) * 398.642.549 (103.789.795) * - 398.642.549 (103.789.795) 2.708.842.534 (269.783.633) * 294.852.754 (29.529.732) * - 294.852.754 (29.529.732) (659.483.172) * (642.483.405) * (72.181.523) * (71.251.576) * (3.095.934) (72.181.523) (74.347.510) Operating revenues Voyage expenses Operating revenues after voyage expenses Charter expenses Vessel depreciation and ship operating expenses Ship operating expenses Vessel depreciation (1.301.966.577) (143.433.099) (3.095.934) (146.529.033) 121.889.923 (3.095.934) 118.793.989 Gross profit (239.021.216) (24.593.152) 2.623.330 (21.969.822) General and administrative 898.071.108 97.296.771 (472.604) 96.824.167 Income before financial and other items (622.023.431) 108.125.672 (67.289.569) 11.814.557 (1.988.081) - (69.277.650) 11.814.557 (218.895) (24.556) - (24.556) Net financial and other items Finance costs Investment income Equity in net loss of associates 384.127.257 46.345.910 (7.909.144) 38.436.766 (129.989.397) (9.153.658) (9.897.225) (19.050.883) Laba sebelum pajak Beban pajak 768.081.711 (9.099.928) 88.143.113 (995.892) (10.369.829) - 77.773.284 (995.892) Income before tax Tax expense Laba tahun berjalan 758.981.783 87.147.221 (10.369.829) 76.777.392 Profit for the year * Merupakan "Jumlah biaya langsung" menurut PSAK * Presented as "Total direct costs" in Indonesian GAAP - 77 - Global Reports LLC Rekonsiliasi/ Reconciling Items USD Other gains and losses P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 2006 PSAK/ INDONESIAN GAAP IDR Rekonsiliasi/ Reconciling Items USD USD IFRS USD (dalam ribuan)/ (in thousands) Pendapatan usaha Biaya pelayaran 3.073.787.611 (757.645.728) * 335.216.811 (82.537.773) * - 335.216.811 (82.537.773) 2.316.141.883 (269.152.688) * 252.679.038 (29.351.438) * - 252.679.038 (29.351.438) (467.450.605) * (457.245.333) * (50.895.135) * (50.738.523) * Pendapatan operasi setelah biaya pelayaran Biaya charter Penyusutan kapal dan biaya operasi pelayaran Biaya operasi pelayaran Penyusutan kapal Operating revenues after (924.695.938) Laba kotor Beban umum dan administrasi Pendapatan (beban) keuangan dan lain-lain bersih Beban keuangan Pendapatan investasi Bagian rugi perusahaan asosiasi Keuntungan dan kerugian lain-lain voyage expenses Charter expenses Vessel depreciation and ship operating expenses Ship operating expenses Vessel depreciation 124.780 (8.376.793) (50.770.355) (59.115.316) (101.633.658) (8.252.013) (109.885.671) 121.693.942 (8.252.013) 113.441.929 Gross profit (18.520.558) General and administrative (175.901.462) (19.219.842) 699.284 946.391.795 102.474.100 (7.552.729) 94.921.371 (233.757.555) 55.648.804 (26.413.276) 6.124.646 3.715.720 - (22.697.556) 6.124.646 (234.755) (25.319) Laba sebelum biaya keuangan dan lain-lain Operating revenues Voyage expenses Income before financial and - (25.319) other items Net financial and other items Finance costs Investment income Equity in net loss of associates 445.987.236 46.107.629 (15.986.277) 30.121.352 Other gains and losses 267.643.730 25.793.680 (12.270.557) 13.523.123 Laba sebelum pajak Beban pajak (8.755.626) 128.267.780 (954.845) (19.823.286) - 108.444.494 (954.845) Income before tax Tax expense Laba tahun berjalan 127.312.935 (19.823.286) 107.489.649 Profit for the year * Merupakan "Jumlah biaya langsung" menurut PSAK * Presented as "Total direct costs" in Indonesian GAAP 39. IKATAN a. 39. Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan memiliki beberapa kontrak pengangkutan muatan dengan Pertamina dengan nilai kontrak sebesar USD 7.000.000 – USD 44.000.000 per tahun dengan akhir kontrak bervariasi antara tahun 2008 – 2011. - 78 - Global Reports LLC COMMITMENTS a. The Company and its subsidiaries have some charter contracts with Pertamina with contract amount of USD 7,000,000 – USD 44,000,000 per year, which will end between 2008 – 2011. P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Pada tanggal neraca Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan mengadakan kontrak dengan Pertamina dengan nilai minimum penerimaan sewa masa depan adalah sebagai berikut: At the balance sheet date, the Company and its subsidiaries have contracts with Pertamina for the following future minimum lease receipts: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Dalam satu tahun Dari tahun kedua sampai kelima 400.677.734.720 499.750.071.840 485.589.991.992 823.167.149.700 Jumlah 900.427.806.560 1.308.757.141.692 Perusahaan mencatat pendapatan dari kontrakkontrak tersebut sebesar Rp 396.796.653.801 dan Rp 470.092.278.975 masing-masing untuk tahun 2007 dan 2006. b. Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan memiliki beberapa kontrak carter dengan pihak ketiga senilai USD 8.000.000 – USD 36.500.000 per tahun, dimana kontrak akan berakhir antara tahun 2009 - 2013. Total Revenues earned by the Company on these contracts amounted to Rp 396,796,653,801 in 2007 and Rp 470,092,278,975 in 2006. b. Pada tanggal neraca, Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan memiliki perjanjian dengan perincian sebagai berikut: The Company and its subsidiaries have some charter contracts with third parties amounting to USD 8,000,000 – USD 36,500,000 per year, which will end between 2009-2013. At balance sheet date, the Company and its subsidiaries have outstanding commitments under non-cancellable charter contracts, which fall due as follows: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp Dalam satu tahun Dari tahun kedua sampai kelima Setelah lima tahun 298.833.888.885 1.224.641.995.814 - 249.787.853.771 994.062.197.834 71.516.940.040 Jumlah 1.523.475.884.699 1.315.366.991.645 Pembayaran sewa minimum berdasarkan perjanjian dicatat sebagai beban sebesar Rp 269.783.631.552 tahun 2007 dan Rp 268.154.737.568 tahun 2006. Within one year In the second to fifth years inclusive After five years Total The minimum lease payments under charter contracts recognized as an expense amounted to Rp 269,783,631,552 and Rp 268,154,737,568 in 2007 and 2006, respectively. c. Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan memiliki beberapa kontrak pembangunan kapal baru dengan galangan kapal di Jepang dengan total nilai kontrak sekitar JPY 26.695.400.000 (USD 235.450.697) tahun 2007 dan JPY 19.510.900.000 (USD 163.957.143) dan USD 185.762.556 tahun 2006. c. The Company and its subsidiaries have several contracts with the shipyard in Japan for the construction of new vessels with total contract price of approximately JPY 26,695,400,000 (USD 235,450,697) in 2007 and JPY 19,510,900,000 (USD 163,957,143) and USD 185,762,556 in 2006. d. Chembulk Trading II LLC (anak perusahaan) memperoleh fasilitas L/C sejumlah USD 29.200.000 dari Nordea Bank Norge ASA, Grand Cayman. Fasilitas ini dijamin dengan rekening koran sebesar USD 29.200.000 yang disajikan pada akun Rekening Bank Yang Dibatasi Penggunaannya. d. Chembulk Trading II LLC (a subsidiary) obtained a letter of credit facility amounting to USD 29,200,000 from Nordea Bank Norge ASA, Grand Cayman Branch. Such facility is secured by a current account amounting to USD 29,200,000 which is presented under Restricted Cash in Bank. - 79 - Global Reports LLC Within one year In the second to fifth years inclusive P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 40. AKTIVA DAN KEWAJIBAN MONETER DALAM MATA UANG ASING 40. MONETARY ASSETS AND LIABILITIES DENOMINATED IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006, Perusahaan dan anak perusahaan PT Banyu Laju Shipping, PT Brotojoyo Maritime, PT Buana Listya Tama dan PT Bayu Lestari Tanaya mempunyai aktiva dan kewajiban moneter dalam mata uang asing sebagai berikut: At December 31, 2007 and 2006, the Company and its subsidiaries, PT Banyu Laju Shipping, PT Brotojoyo Maritime, PT Buana Listya Tama, PT Bayu Lestari Tanaya had monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies as follows: 2007 Mata Uang Asing/ Foreign Currencies Aktiva Kas dan setara kas Investasi tersedia untuk dijual Piutang usaha - Pihak hubungan istimewa - Pihak ketiga 2006 Ekuivalen Rupiah/ Equivalent to Rupiah' 000 7.119.465 95.209 1.875.692 12.391.834 72.061.631 67.058.238 619.084 155.814 233.017.409 678.748.502 3.201.621 34.492 2.629.276 705 14.065.149 48.067.882 28.878.623 191.012 199.287 818 248.908.141 433.572.296 USD SGD USD JPY THB 1.905.051 127.732 4.155.036 665.516 1.393 12.387.364 1.203.110 39.136.279 55.284 389 2.846.411 6.078.599 - 25.674.629 54.828.962 - 1.032.381.473 Kewajiban Hutang usaha - Pihak hubungan istimewa - Pihak ketiga Hutang bank jangka panjang Hutang lain-lain USD USD USD USD 20.619 4.076.422 56.702.857 13.000.000 194.206 38.395.817 534.084.212 122.447.000 244.484 3.670.939 57.571.600 13.002.675 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Available-for-sale investments Trade accounts receivable - Related parties - Third parties 792.253.768 Total assets 2.205.246 33.111.866 519.295.832 117.284.129 Liabilities Trade accounts payable - Related parties - Third parties Long-term bank loans Other accounts payable Jumlah kewajiban 695.121.235 671.897.073 Total liabilities Jumlah Aktiva Bersih 337.260.238 120.356.695 Net Assets Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006, kurs konversi yang digunakan sebagai berikut: Mata Uang 1 Dollar Amerika Serikat 1 Dollar Singapura 1 Dollar Hong Kong 1 Yen Jepang 1 Poundsterling Inggris 1 Bath Thailand PERISTIWA NERACA PENTING SETELAH The conversion rates used by the Company and its subsidiaries on December 31, 2007 and 2006 were as follows: 2007 Rp 2006 Rp 9.419,00 6.502,38 1.027,95 83,07 18.804,11 279,00 9.020,00 5.878,73 1.160,41 75,80 17.696,80 254,45 TANGGAL Foreign Currency USD 1 SGD 1 HKD 1 JPY 1 GBP 1 THB 1 41. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS a. Pada tanggal 18 dan 20 Januari 2008, anak a. On January 18 and 20, 2008, subsidiaries, perusahaan Lenani Maritime Inc. dan Melani Maritime Inc mengadakan perjanjian kerjasama pembangunan kapal gas dan kimia (M.T. Gas Madura, M.T. Gas Bangka, M.T. Gas Batam, M.T. Gas Karimun, M.T. Watari dan M.T. Wardani) dengan pihak ketiga Venus Ocean Navigation S.A. dan Mitsubishi Corp. dengan total nilai JPY 17.763.414.000. Lenani Maritime Inc. and Melani Maritime Inc entered into memorandum of agreements with third parties Venus Ocean Navigation S.A. and Mitsubishi Corp. to build gas and chemical tankers (M.T. Gas Madura, M.T. Gas Bangka, M.T. Gas Batam, M.T. Gas Karimun, M.T. Watari and M.T. Wardani) with a total contract price of JPY 17,763,414,000. - 80 - Global Reports LLC Ekuivalen Rupiah/ Equivalent to Rupiah' 000 USD SGD JPY HKD GBP USD Jumlah aktiva 41. Mata Uang Asing/ Foreign Currencies P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) b. Pada bulan Januari 2008, Perusahaan memperoleh pinjaman dalam bentuk kredit modal kerja dari Bank Mandiri dengan jumlah Rp 350.000.000.000. Jatuh tempo pada bulan Januari 2009 dengan tingkat bunga 8,9% per tahun, dimana pembayarannya setiap bulan. c. Sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2007 sisa waran yang kadaluarsa sebesar 720.024, waran ini tidak dapat dilaksanakan lagi karena berdasarkan akta No. 32 tanggal 17 Oktober 2002 dari Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notaris di Jakarta bahwa jangka waktu waran berakhir pada 18 Januari 2008 dan Perusahaan memutuskan untuk tidak memperpanjang jangka waktu pelaksanaannya 42. working capital credit facility from Bank Mandiri with maximum credit of Rp 350,000,000,000 due in January 2009. Interest rate per annum is 8.9%, which is paid on monthly basis. c. Warrants amounting to 720,024 up to December 31, 2007 are no longer exercisable because based on notarial deed No. 32 dated October 17, 2002 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notary public in Jakarta, the warrants expired on January 18, 2008 and the Company decided not to extend those warrants. d. Pada tanggal 22 Januari 2008, pemegang d. On January 22, 2008, the Bondholders of obligasi Berlian Laju Tanker II menyetujui pengantian PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk sebagai wali amanat dan penunjukan PT Bank Niaga Tbk sebagai wali amanat yang baru. Berlian Laju Tanker II Bond approved the replacement of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as Trustee and the appointment of PT Bank Niaga Tbk as a the new Trustee. PERNYATAAN STANDAR KEUANGAN (PSAK) BARU AKUNTANSI 42. NEW FINANCIAL (PSAK) ACCOUNTING STANDARD Sampai dengan tanggal penerbitan laporan keuangan konsolidasi Perusahaan belum menerapkan beberapa pernyataan standar akuntansi keuangan (PSAK) baru yang telah diterbitkan sebagai berikut : As of the issuance date of the consolidated financial statements the following revise accounting standard were issue but not yet adopted : PSAK 16 (Revisi 2007), Aktiva Tetap PSAK 16 (Revised 2007), Property, Plant and Equipment Pada bulan Mei 2007, DSAK mengeluarkan standar akuntansi untuk aset tetap, menggantikan PSAK 16, Aktiva Tetap dan Aktiva Lain-lain dan PSAK 17, Akuntansi Penyusutan. PSAK 16 revisi antara lain mengharuskan pengakuan estimasi awal biaya pembongkaran dan pemindahan aset tetap dan restorasi lokasi aset sebagai bagian dan biaya perolehan aset yang bersangkutan, serta memperbolehkan penggunaan model Biaya atau model Revaluasi dalam pengukuran aset tetap setelah pengakuan awal. Nilai residu dan estimasi umur manfaat setiap aset harus ditelaah (review) minimum setiap akhir tahun buku. Biaya-biaya yang timbul setelah perolehan awal dievaluasi pada saat terjadinya sesuai dengan prinsip pengakuan yang berlaku umum. Transaksi pertukaran aset tetap harus diukur pada nilai wajar, kecuali jika transaksi pertukaran tidak memiliki substansi komersial. In May 2007, the DSAK issued the revised accounting standard on property, plant and equipment, which supersedes PSAK 16, Fixed Assets and Other Assets and PSAK 17, Depreciation. The revised PSAK 16 requires among other things the recognition in the cost of an asset the initial estimate of the cost of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located, and allows the use of the Cost or Revaluation model in measuring the asset subsequent to initial recognition. The residual value and estimated useful life of an asset shall be reviewed at least at each financial year end. In accounting for subsequent costs, an entity evaluates under the general recognition principle all property, plant and equipment costs at the time they are incurred. Asset exchange transactions shall be measured at fair value unless the exchange transaction lacks commercial substance. Standar ini berlaku efektif untuk laporan keuangan yang mencakup periode yang dimulai pada atau setelah tanggal 1 Januari 2008 dan mengatur beberapa ketentuan transisi. Manajemen sedang mengevaluasi dampak dari standar ini terhadap laporan keuangan Perusahaan. This standard is effective for financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2008. Management is evaluating the effect of this standard on the Company’s financial statements. - 81 - Global Reports LLC b. In January 2008, the Company obtained a P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) PSAK 50 (Revisi 2006), Instrumen Keuangan: Penyajian dan Pengungkapan PSAK 50 (Revised 2006), Financial Instruments: Presentation and Disclosures Pada bulan Desember 2006, DSAK mengeluarkan PSAK 50 (Revisi 2006), Instrumen Keuangan: Penyajian dan Pengungkapan, menggantikan ketentuan penyajian dan pengungkapan yang diatur dalam PSAK 50 (1998), Akuntansi Investasi Efek Tertentu, dan PSAK 55 (Revisi 1999), Akuntansi Instrumen Derivatif dan Aktivitas Lindung Nilai. In December 2006, DSAK issued PSAK 50 (Revised 2006), Financial Instruments: Presentation and Disclosures, which supersedes the presentation and disclosure requirements of PSAK 50 (1998), Accounting for Investments in Certain Securities, and PSAK 55 (Revised 1999), Accounting for Derivatives and Hedging Activities. Tujuan standar revisi ini adalah untuk menetapkan prinsip-prinsip penyajian dan pengungkapan instrumen keuangan sebagai kewajiban atau ekuitas dan saling hapus aset keuangan dan kewajiban keuangan. Standar ini berlaku terhadap klasifikasi instrumen keuangan, dan perspektif penerbit, dalam aset keuangan, kewajiban keuangan, dan instrumen ekuitas; pengklasifikasian yang terkait dengan suku bunga, dividen, kerugian dan keuntungan; dan keadaan dimana aset keuangan dan kewajiban keuangan akan saling hapus. Prinsip-prinsip dalam standar ini melengkapi prinsip untuk pengakuan dan pengukuran aset keuangan dan kewajiban keuangan dalam PSAK 55 (Revisi 2006), Instrumen Keuangan: Pengakuan dan Pengukuran. The objective of the revised standard is to establish principles for the presentation and disclosures of financial instruments as liabilities or equity and for offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities. It applies to the classification of financial instruments, from the perspective of the issuer, into financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments; the classification of the related interests, dividends, losses and gains; and the circumstances in which financial assets and financial liabilities should be offset. The principles in this standard complement the principles for recognizing and measuring financial assets and financial liabilities in PSAK 55 (Revised 2006), Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. Standar ini diterapkan secara prospektif untuk periode yang dimulai pada atau setelah tanggal 1 Januari 2009. Meskipun penerapan Iebih dini dianjurkan, standar ini tidak dapat diterapkan untuk periode tahunan yang dimulai sebelum 1 Januari 2009, kecuali jika entitas tersebut juga menerapkan PSAK 55 (Revisi 2006). Jika entitas menerapkan standar ini untuk periode sebelum 1 Januari 2009, maka fakta ini harus diungkapkan. This standard should be applied prospectively for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009. Although earlier application is encouraged this standard should not be adopted for periods beginning before January 1, 2009 unless PSAK 55 (Revised 2006) is also adopted. If an entity applies this standard for periods beginning before January 1, 2009, that fact should be disclosed. Manajemen sedang mengevaluasi dampak dan standar ini terhadap laporan keuangan Perusahaan. Management is evaluating the effect of this standard on the Company’s financial statements. PSAK 55 (Revisi 2006), Instrumen Keuangan: Pengakuan dan Pengukuran PSAK 55 (Revised 2006), Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement Pada bulan Desember 2006, DSAK mengeluarkan PSAK 55 (Revisi 2006), Instrumen Keuangan: Pengakuan dan Pengukuran. In December. 2006, DSAK issued PSAK 55 (Revised 2006), Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. Standar ini menetapkan prinsip-prinsip dasar pengakuan dan pengukuran aset keuangan, kewajiban keuangan dan kontrak pembelian atau penjualan item non keuangan. Standar ini juga menetapkan pedoman untuk penghentian pengakuan; jika aset dan kewajiban keuangan dinilai pada nilal wajar, bagaimana menentukan nilai wajar dan mengevaluasi penurunan nilai; setelah akuntansi lindung nilai. This standard establishes the principles for recognizing and measuring financial assets, financial liabilities and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items. The standard also provides guidance on derecognition, when financial assets and liabilities may be measured at fair value, how to determine fair value and assess impairment, as well as hedge accounting. Standar ini menggantikan ketentuan pengakuan dan pengukuran yang diatur dalam standar akuntansi tertentu yang telah diterbitkan sebelumnya. This standard supersedes the principles of financial instruments recognition and measurement prescribed in certain previously issued accounting standards. - 82 - Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI 31 DESEMBER 2007 DAN 2006 SERTA UNTUK TAHUN-TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL TERSEBUT (Lanjutan) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 43. Entitas harus menerapkan standar ini secara prospektif untuk laporan keuangan yang mencakup periode yang dimulai pada atau setelah 1 Januari 2009. Penerapan Iebih dini diperkenankan. Dalam ketentuan transisi pada awal penerapan, entitas diperkenankan untuk mengakui, baik dalam laba rugi atau ekuitas, dampak dan pengakuan dan pengukuran sesuai ketentuan yang ada dalam standar ini atas instrumen keuangan yang ada pada akhir periode laporan keuangan sebelum tanggal efektif standar ini. Entities shall apply this standard prospectively for financial statements covering the periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009. Early application is permitted. Among the transitional provisions on initial application, entities are allowed to recognize either in profit or loss or in equity the effect of the recognition and measurement prescribed by the standard to financial instruments existing before the effective date of the standard. Manajemen sedang mengevaluasi dampak dari standar ini terhadap laporan keuangan Perusahaan. Management is evaluating the effect of this standard on the Company’s financial statements. PERSETUJUAN KONSOLIDASI LAPORAN KEUANGAN 43. Laporan keuangan konsolidasi dari halaman 3 sampai dengan 83 telah disetujui Direksi Perusahaan untuk diterbitkan tanggal 27 Pebruari 2008. ******** - 83 - Global Reports LLC APPROVAL OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The consolidated financial statements on pages 3 to 83 were approved by the Company’s Directors and authorized for issue on February 27, 2008. This page has been intentionally left blank. Global Reports LLC INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Laporan Auditor Independen Global Reports LLC Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Annual Report 2007 Annual Report 2007 Global Reports LLC PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk Global Reports LLC Global Reports LLC Global Reports LLC Global Reports LLC Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED 1. GENERAL a. Establishment and General Information P.T. Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (the Company) is a limited liability company incorporated in Indonesia. Its activities comprise mainly of local and overseas shipping services. The Company is domiciled in Jakarta and has two branches in Merak and Dumai. Its head office is located at Wisma BSG, 10th Floor, Jl. Abdul Muis No. 40, Jakarta. The Company is one of the companies owned by the Bina Surya Group (BSG). b. Public Offering of Shares and Bonds The Company's offering of 2,100,000 shares to the public through the stock exchanges in Indonesia, at a price of Rp 8,500 per share, was approved by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decision Letter No. S1-076/SHM/MK.01/1990 dated January 22, 1990. These shares were listed on the stock exchanges in Indonesia on March 26, 1990. On January 27, 1993, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Bapepam) (currently the Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency or Bapepam-LK) in his letter No. S-109A/PM/1993 for its Rights Issue I to the stockholders totaling 29,400,000 shares at a price of Rp 1,600 per share. These shares were listed on the Jakarta and Surabaya stock exchanges on May 24, 1993. On December 26, 1997, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam in his letter No. S-2966/PM/1997 for its Rights Issue II to stockholders totaling to 305,760,000 shares with 61,152,000 warrants at an exercise price of Rp 1,200 per warrant. The holders of warrants can exercise the right to purchase from July 16, 1998 to January 20, 2003. Based on notarial deed No. 32 dated October 17, 2002 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notary public in Jakarta, the Company decided to extend the period of warrants for five (5) years until January 18, 2008. If the warrants are not exercised during this period, the warrants will expire and will have no value. The shares were listed on the Jakarta and Surabaya stock exchanges on January 16, 1998. The Company conducted a stock split of 4:1 in 2002 and 2:1 in 2004 thus, the warrants’ exercise price since 2005 became Rp 150 per share. On June 29, 2000, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam in his letter No. S-1577/PM/2000 for its public offering of Berlian Laju Tanker I Bonds year 2000 with a nominal value of Rp 200,000,000,000 at fixed and/or floating rates. On December 18, 2000, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam in his letter No. S-3690/PM/2000 for its Rights Issue III to stockholders totaling 61,152,000 shares. The Company issued 53,958,150 new common shares with a nominal value of Rp 500 per share at a price of Rp 1,100 per share. On May 12, 2003, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam in his letter No. S-1006/PM/2003 for its public offering of Berlian Laju Tanker II Bonds year 2003 and Syari’ah Mudharabah Bonds totaling Rp 400,000,000,000. On December 14, 2005, BLT Finance Corporation, a subsidiary, offered 1.25% guaranteed convertible bonds with a principal value of US$ 50,000,000. These convertible bonds are registered on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST). On September 22, 2006, the Company obtained the eligibility to list all of the Company’s shares on the SGX-mainboard based on letter No. RMR/IR/YCH/260407 from the SGX-ST. In connection with the Company’s listing of shares, the Company also amended certain provisions of its Articles of Association as approved by the shareholders in their Extraordinary Shareholders Meetings held on September 11, 2006. On May 4, 2007, and May 17, 2007, BLT Finance B.V., a subsidiary, issued US$ 400,000,000 7.5% Guaranteed Senior Notes due 2014 and US$ 125,000,000 Zero Coupon Guaranteed Convertible Bonds due 2012, respectively, which were both registered on the SGX-ST. -8Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) On June 25, 2007, the Company obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of Bapepam-LK in his letter No. S-3117/BL/2007 for its public offering of Sukuk Ijarah Bonds year 2007 amounting to Rp 200,000,000,000 and Berlian Laju Tanker III Bonds year 2007 amounting to Rp 700,000,000,000. As of December 31, 2007, 4,159,010,436 issued shares have been listed on the stock exchanges in Indonesia and Singapore. 2. ADOPTION OF NEW AND REVISED STANDARDS In the current year, the Company and its subsidiaries have adopted IFRS 7, Financial Instruments: Disclosures, which is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2007, and the consequential amendments to IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements. The impact of the adoption of IFRS 7 and the consequential changes to IAS 1 has been to expand the disclosures provided in these consolidated financial statements regarding the Company and its subsidiaries financial instruments and management of capital (see Note 41). Four interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) are effective for the current year. These are IFRIC 7, Applying the Restatement Approach under IAS 29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies; IFRIC 8, Scope of IFRS 2; IFRIC 9, Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives; and IFRIC 10, Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment. The adoption of these Interpretations has not led to any material changes in the Company and its subsidiaries’ accounting policies. As of the date of the authorization of the consolidated financial statements, the following standards and interpretations are not yet effective: x IAS 1 (Revised), Presentation of Financial Statements Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009. x IAS 2 (Revised), Share Based Payment Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after January 5, 2009. x IAS 23 (Revised), Borrowing Costs Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009. x IAS 27 (Revised), Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after July 1, 2009. x IAS 28 (Revised), Investments in Associates Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after July 1, 2009. x IAS 31 (Revised), Interests in Joint Ventures Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after July 1, 2009. x IAS 32 (Revised), Financial Instruments : Presentation Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009. x IFRS 3 (Revised), Business Combinations Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after July 1, 2009. x IFRS 8, Operating Segments Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009. x IFRIC 11, IFRS 2: Group Treasury Share Transactions Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after March 1, 2007. x IFRIC 12, Service Concession Arrangements Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2008. -9Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) x IFRIC 13, Customer Loyalty Programmes Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after July 1, 2008. x IFRIC 14, IAS 19 – The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2008. The Directors anticipate that the adoption of these standards and interpretations in future periods will have no material financial impact on the consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries. For statutory reporting purposes in Indonesia, management prepares consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Indonesia (Indonesian GAAP). Description of the differences between Indonesian GAAP and IFRS and the reconciliations of the profit for the year and equity reported under Indonesian GAAP and IFRS are presented in Note 40. 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES a. Statements of Compliance and Basis of Preparation The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in relation to the Company’s listing of equity securities on the SGX-ST. Such IFRS consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for the revaluation of vessels and certain financial instruments. Further, such IFRS consolidated financial statements are presented in US Dollars, which is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company and the majority of its subsidiaries operate (their functional currency). b. Principles of Consolidation The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries). Control is achieved where the Company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. The results of operations of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the years presented are included in the consolidated income statement from the effective date of acquisition or up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used in-line with those used by the Company. All intra-company transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. c. Business Combinations Acquisitions of subsidiaries and businesses are accounted for using the purchase method. The cost of the business combination is measured as the aggregate of the fair values (at the date of exchange) of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued by the Group in exchange for control of the acquiree, plus any costs directly attributable to the business combination. The acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities that meet the conditions for recognition under IFRS 3 Business Combinations are recognised at their fair values at the acquisition date, except for non-current assets (or disposal groups), if any, that are classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, which are recognised and measured at fair value less costs to sell. - 10 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Goodwill arising on acquisition is recognised as an asset and initially measured at cost, being the excess of the cost of the business combination over the Group’s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities recognised. If, after reassessment, the Group’s interest in the net fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities exceeds the cost of the business combination, the excess is recognised immediately in profit or loss. d. Investments in Associates An associate is an entity over which the Company has significant influence, and is neither a subsidiary nor an interest in a joint venture. Significant influence, is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee, but is not control or joint control over those policies. The results of operations and assets and liabilities of associates are incorporated in these financial statements using the equity method of accounting except when classified as held for sale, in which case it is accounted for in accordance with IFRS 5 “Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”. Under the equity method, investments in associates are carried in the consolidated balance sheet at cost as adjusted for post-acquisition changes in the Company’s share in the net assets of the associate, less any impairment in the value of individual investments. Losses of the associates in excess of the Company’s interest in those associates are not recognized, unless the Company has incurred legal or constructive obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate. Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the Company’s share in the fair values of the identifiable net assets of the associates at the date of acquisition is recognized as goodwill. Goodwill is included within the carrying amount of investment and is assessed for impairment as part of the investment. Any excess of the Company’s share in the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities over the cost of acquisition, after reassessment, is recognized in profit and loss in the year of acquisition. Where the Company or its subsidiaries transact with an associate of the Company, profits and losses are eliminated to the extent of the Company’s interest in the relevant associate. Losses may provide evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred in which case appropriate provision is made for impairment. e. Segment Information Segment information is prepared using the accounting policies adopted for preparing and presenting the consolidated financial statements. The primary format in reporting segment information is based on business segment, while secondary segment information is based on geographical segment. A business segment is a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is engaged in providing an individual product or service or a group related products or services and that is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other business segments. A geographical segment is a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is engaged in providing products or services within a particular economic environment and that is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of components operating in other economic environments. Assets and liabilities that relate jointly to two or more segments are allocated to their respective segments, if and only if, their related revenues and expense are also allocated to those segments. - 11 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) f. Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation Functional and presentation currency The individual financial statements of each of the consolidated entities are presented in the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (its functional currency). For the purpose of the consolidated financial statements, the results and financial position of each entity are expressed in US Dollar, which is the Company’s functional currency and presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements. Transactions and Balances In preparing the financial statements of the individual entities, transactions in currencies other than the entity’s functional currency are recorded at the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in the consolidated statements of income, except when deferred in equity as qualifying cash flow hedges and qualifying net investment hedges. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are not retranslated. Translation differences on non-monetary financial assets and liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss are recognized in profit or loss as part of the fair value gain or loss. Translation differences on non-monetary financial assets classified as available-for-sale are included in the fair value reserve in equity. Group Companies The results and financial position of all the entities (none of which has the currency of a hyper inflationary economy) that have a functional currency different from the group presentation currency are translated into the presentation currency as follows: (i) assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are translated at the closing rate at balance sheet date; (ii) income and expenses for each income statement are translated at average exchange rates (unless this average is not a reasonable approximation of the cumulative effect of the rates prevailing on the transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are translated at the dates of the transactions); (iii) all resulting exchange differences are recognized as a separate component of equity. On consolidation, exchange differences arising from the translation of the net investment in foreign operations are taken to shareholders’ equity. When a foreign operation is sold, exchange differences that were recorded in equity are recognized in the income statement as part of the gain or loss on sale. Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign entity and translated at the closing rate. g. Property, Vessels and Equipment Vessels Vessels are stated at their revalued amount, being the fair value at the date of revaluation, less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent accumulated impairment losses. Revaluations are performed with sufficient regularity such that the carrying amount does not differ materially from that which would be determined using fair values at the balance sheet date. Depreciation of vessels is calculated on a straight line basis over the estimated useful life of the vessels between 5 – 25 years. Any revaluation increase arising on the revaluation of such vessels is credited to vessels revaluation reserve in the equity section, except to the extent that it reverses a revaluation decrease, for the same asset which was previously recognized in profit or loss, in which case the increase is credited to profit and loss to the extent of the decrease previously charged. A decrease in carrying amount arising on the revaluation of such vessels is charged to profit or loss to the extent that it exceeds the balance, if any, held in the vessels revaluation reserve relating to a previous revaluation of such vessels. - 12 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Depreciation on revalued vessels is charged to profit or loss. On subsequent sale or retirement of a revalued vessel, the attributable revaluation surplus remaining in the vessels revaluation reserve is transferred directly to retained earnings. A transfer is made from revaluation reserve to retained earnings equivalent to the difference between depreciation based on revalued carrying amount of the vessels and depreciation based on the vessels’ original cost. Vessels in the course of construction are carried at cost less any impairment loss. Cost, including professional fees, incurred while under construction are capitalized in accordance with the Company’s accounting policy. Depreciation of these vessels commences when the vessels are ready for their intended use. The vessels’ residual values and estimated useful lives are reviewed at each balance sheet date, with the effect of any changes in estimate accounted for on a prospective basis. The gain or loss arising on sale or retirement of vessels is determined as the difference between the sales proceeds and carrying amount of the vessel and is recognized in profit or loss. Dry docking cost Included in the balance of property, vessels and equipment is dry docking cost which is capitalized when incurred and is amortized on a straight line basis over the period to the next dry docking. Property and Equipment Property and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment in value. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset as follows: Years Buildings and premises Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment 20 5 5 5 The cost of maintenance and repairs is charged to operations as incurred. Other subsequent expenditures which meet the asset recognition criteria are capitalized. When assets are retired or otherwise disposed of, the cost and the related accumulated depreciation and any impairment loss are removed from the accounts and any resulting gain or loss is reflected in the current operations. Construction in progress (CIP) is stated at cost, which includes the progress billing paid in accordance with the construction contracts. Construction in progress is transferred to the respective property and equipment account when completed and ready for use. Depreciation begins when the property and equipment become available for use. The carrying values of property and equipment are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying values may not be recoverable. An item of property and equipment is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the item) is included in the consolidated statements of income in the year the item is derecognized. The asset’s residual values, useful lives and depreciation method are reviewed at each balance sheet dates, with the affect of any changes in accounting estimate accounted for on a prospective basis. - 13 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) h. Goodwill Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of acquisition over the Company’s interest in the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities at the date of acquisition. Goodwill is initially recognized as an asset at cost and is subsequently measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to each of the Company and its subsidiaries’ cash-generating units expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination. Cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated are tested for impairment annually, or more frequently when there is an indication that the unit may be impaired. If the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit is less than the carrying amount of the unit, the impairment loss is allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the unit and then to the other assets of the unit pro-rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset in the unit. An impairment loss recognized for goodwill is not reversed in a subsequent period. On disposal of a subsidiary, associate or jointly controlled entity, the attributable amount of goodwill is included in the determination of the profit or loss on disposal. i. Inventories Inventories are stated at cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower. Cost is determined using the first-in, first-out method. j. Prepaid Expenses Prepaid expenses are amortized over their beneficial periods using the straight-line method. k. Post-Employment Benefits The Company provides defined post-employment benefits to its employees in accordance with Indonesian Labor Law No. 13/2003. No funding has been made to this defined benefit plan. The cost of providing post-employment benefits is determined using the Projected Unit Credit Method. The accumulated unrecognized actuarial gains and losses that exceed 10% of the present value of the Company’s defined benefit obligations is recognized on straight-line basis over the expected average remaining working lives of the participating employees. Past service cost is recognized immediately to the extent that the benefits are already vested, or otherwise amortized on a straight-line basis over the average years until the benefits become vested. The post-employment benefits obligation recognized in the consolidated balance sheets represent the present value of the defined benefit liability, as adjusted for unrecognized actuarial gains and losses and unrecognized past service cost. l. Taxation Income tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred tax. The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. The Company and the subsidiaries’ liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date. - 14 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Deferred tax is recognized on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences, and deferred tax assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilized. Such assets and liabilities are not recognized if the temporary difference arises from goodwill or from the initial recognition (other than in a business combination) of other assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither the taxable profit nor the accounting profit. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences arising on investment in subsidiaries and associates except when the Company is able to control the reversal of the temporary differences and it is probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. The carrying amount of deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the year when the liability is settled or the asset realized. The measurement of deferred tax liabilities and assets reflect the tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Company and subsidiaries expect, at the reporting date, to recover or settle the carrying amount of their assets and liabilities. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the consolidated statement of income, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also charged or credited directly to equity. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset in the consolidated balance sheet when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority and management intends to settle the current tax assets and current tax liabilities on a net basis. Tax expense on revenues from vessels subject to final tax is recognized proportionately based on the revenue recognized in the current year. The difference between the final tax paid and current tax expense in the consolidated statement of income is recognized as prepaid tax or tax payable. Prepaid final tax is presented separately from final tax payable. m. Financial Instruments Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized on the consolidated balance sheet when the Company or its subsidiaries become parties to the contractual provision of the instrument. Financial assets Available-for-Sale Investments Short-term investments categorized as available-for-sale are recognized and derecognized on a trade date basis where the purchase or sale of an investment is under a contract whose terms require delivery of the investment within a time frame established by the market concerned, and are initially measured at fair value, plus directly attributable transaction costs. At subsequent reporting dates, available-for-sale investments are stated at fair value. Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are recognized directly in equity, until the security is disposed of or is determined to be impaired, at which time the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in equity is included in the profit or loss for the year. Trade and Other Accounts Receivables Trade and other accounts receivables are measured at initial recognition at fair value, and are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. - 15 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Cash Cash comprise of cash on hand and in banks and all unrestricted time deposits with maturity of three months or less and are subjected to an insignificant risk of change in value. Impairment of Financial Assets Financial assets, other than those carried at fair value through profit and loss, are assessed for indicators of impairment at each balance sheet date. Financial assets are impaired where there is objective evidence that, as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the financial asset, the estimated future cash flows of the investment have been impacted. For financial assets carried at amortized cost, the amount of the impairment is the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the financial asset is reduced by the impairment loss directly for all financial assets with the exception of trade receivables where the carrying amount is reduced through the use of an allowance account. When a trade receivable is uncollectible, it is written off against the allowance account. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited against the allowance account. Changes in the carrying amount of the allowance account are recognized in profit or loss. Financial Liabilities and Equity Instruments Financial liabilities and equity instruments of the Company and its subsidiaries are classified according to the substance of the contractual arrangements entered into and the definitions of a financial liability and equity instrument. The accounting policies adopted for specific financial liabilities are set out below. Equity Instruments An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments are recorded at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs. Bank Borrowings and Bonds Interest-bearing bank loans and bonds payable are initially measured at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Convertible Bonds These instruments are considered a hybrid instrument containing a debt host contract and embedded derivatives. At the time of issue, the convertible bonds due 2010 and 2012 were designated as fair value through profit and loss with any resultant gain or loss recognized in profit or loss. Effective January 2, 2006, the convertible bonds due 2010 were no longer designated as fair value through profit and loss since BLT Finance Corporation (BLT FC) has irrevocably and permanently waived and renounced its cash settlement option. Also on that date, the convertible bonds due 2010 were separated into its liability component and its equity component. The fair value of the liability component is estimated using the prevailing market interest rate for similar non-convertible debt. The difference between the proceeds of the convertible bonds due 2010 and the fair value assigned to the liability component, representing the embedded option for the holder to convert the bonds into equity of the Company, is included in equity and is not subsequently measured. Issue costs are apportioned between the liability and equity components of the convertible bond due 2010 based on their relative fair value. The portion relating to the equity component is charged directly to equity. The interest expense on the liability component is calculated by applying the prevailing market interest rate for similar non-convertible debt to the liability component of the instrument. The difference between this amount and the interest paid is added to the carrying amount of the convertible bond due 2010. - 16 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Notes Payable At the time of issue, the Notes Payable were designated as fair value through profit and loss with any resultant gain or loss recognized in profit or loss. Fair values are determined with reference to quoted market prices. Trade and Other Payables Trade and other payables are initially measured at fair value, and are subsequently measured at amortized cost, using the effective interest rate method. Derivative Financial Instruments Derivative financial instruments are initially measured at fair value on the contract date, and are remeasured to fair value at subsequent reporting dates. Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments are recognized in profit or loss as they are not designated and do not qualify for hedge accounting. Derivatives embedded in other financial instruments or other non-financial host contracts are treated as separate derivatives when their risks and characteristics are not closely related to those of the host contract and the host contract is not carried at fair value with unrealized gains or losses reported in profit or loss. A derivative is presented as a non current asset or non current liability if the remaining maturity of the instrument is more than 12 months and it is not expected to be realized or settled within 12 months. Other derivatives are presented as current assets or current liabilities. The use of financial derivatives is governed by the Company’s policies approved by the Board of Directors consistent with the Company’s risk management strategy. The Company does not use derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes. Derecognition of Financial Instruments The derecognition of financial instruments takes place when the contractual rights or obligations to the cash flows of financial instruments expires or extinguishes or discharged and when substantially all risks and rewards of ownership of the financial instruments are transferred to third party. A substantial modification of the terms of an existing financial instrument is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial instrument and the recognition of a new financial instrument. n. Revenue and Expense Recognition Revenue from freight operations is recognized as income by reference to the percentage of completion of the voyage as at balance sheet date. Unearned revenue received is recognized as liability. Time charter revenue is recognized on accrual basis evenly over the terms of the time charter agreements. Voyage freight is recognized evenly over the duration of each voyage. Revenues from agency services and storage services are recognized when the services are rendered to customers. Interest income on interest-bearing instruments is recognized on a time basis by reference to the principal amount outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset to that asset’s net carrying amount. Expenses are recognized when incurred. o. Leasing Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases. - 17 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) The Company or its Subsidiaries as Lessor Rental income from operating leases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease. Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging an operating lease are added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The Company or its Subsidiaries as Lessee Assets held under finance leases are initially recognised as assets of the Company or subsidiaries at their fair value at the inception of the lease or, if lower, at the present value of the minimum lease payments. The corresponding liability to the lessor is included in the consolidated balance sheet as a finance lease obligation. Lease payments are apportioned between finance charges and reduction of the lease obligation so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Finance charges are charged directly to profit or loss. Contingent rentals are recognised as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed. Contingent rentals arising under operating leases are recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred. In the event that lease incentives are received to enter into operating leases, such incentives are recognised as a liability. The aggregate benefit of incentives is recognised as a reduction of rental expense on a straight-line basis, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed. p. Finance cost Interest expense and similar charges are expensed in the year when they are incurred. q. Earnings per Share Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing profit for the year by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year. Diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing profit for the year by the weighted average number of shares outstanding as adjusted for the effect of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. r. Impairment of Tangible Assets At each balance sheet date, the Company and its subsidiaries review the carrying amounts of their tangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss, if any. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the Company and its subsidiaries estimate the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. Recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. If the recoverable amount of the asset or cash-generating unit is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset or cash-generating unit is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment loss is recognized immediately in profit or loss, unless the relevant asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation decrease. - 18 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (cashgenerating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, to the extent that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset (cash-generating unit) in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognized immediately in profit or loss, unless the relevant asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the reversal of the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation increase. s. Provisions Provisions are recognized when the Company and its subsidiaries have a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that the Company and its subsidiaries will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. Where a provision is measured using the cash flows estimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying amount is the present value of those cash flows. When some or all of the economic benefits required to settle a provision are expected to be recovered from a third party, the receivable is recognized as an asset if its is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received and the amount of the receivable can be measured reliably. 4. CRITICAL ACCOUNTING JUDGMENTS AND KEY SOURCES OF ESTIMATION UNCERTAINTY Critical judgments in applying the Company and its subsidiaries’ accounting policies In the process of applying the Company and its subsidiaries’ accounting policies, which are described in Note 2, management has not made any critical judgments that have a significant effect on the amounts recognized in the consolidated financial statements, apart from those involving estimations, which are dealt with below. Key sources of estimation uncertainty The key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the balance sheet date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year, are discussed below. Vessels lives and impairment The carrying value of each of the vessels of the Company and its subsidiaries represent the revalued amount, being the fair value at the date of revaluation, less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent impairment losses. The carrying value of revalued vessels at December 31, 2007 and 2006 amounted to US$ 1,826,000,000 and US$ 769,500,000, respectively. Management depreciates vessels on a straight-line basis over a vessel’s estimated useful life of 25 years, from the date the vessel was originally delivered from the shipyard, or a shorter period if regulations prevent management from operating the vessels to 25 years. In the shipping industry, the use of the 25-year vessel life has become the prevailing standard. However, the actual life of a vessel may be different, with a shorter life potentially resulting in an impairment loss. - 19 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Management reviews vessels and equipment for impairment whenever there is an indication that the carrying amount of the vessel may not be recoverable. Management measures the recoverability of an asset by comparing its carrying amount against its recoverable amount. Recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value less cost to sell and value in use, which is the future cash flows that the vessel is expected to generate over its remaining useful life, discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the vessel. If a vessel is considered to be impaired, impairment loss is recognized to an amount equal to the excess of the carrying value of the asset over its recoverable amount. Impairment of Goodwill Goodwill is not amortized, but reviewed for impairment annually, and whenever impairment indicators arise. The process of evaluating the potential impairment of goodwill is highly subjective and requires significant judgment at many points during the analysis. The fair values of the cash-generating units to which goodwill is identified is estimated based on discounted expected future cash flows. The estimates and assumptions regarding expected cash flows and the discount rate require considerable judgment and are based upon existing contracts, historical experience, financial forecasts, and industry trends and conditions. The carrying value of goodwill at December 31, 2007 and 2006 amounted to US$ 84,285,784 and US$ 11,932,110, respectively. 5. CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES Details of the Company’s subsidiaries, whether owned directly or indirectly, are as follows: Percentage of Ownership and Voting Power Held Subsidiary Domicile 1. 1.1. Indigo Pacific Corporation Indigo Pacific Corporation Labuan, Malaysia British Virgin Islands Panama 1.1.1. Melani Maritime Inc. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. Zona Overseas International Shipping S.A. Wigati Maritime S.A. 1.1.4. Kunti Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.5. Jembawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.6. Tirtasari Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.7. Pergiwo Navigation Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.8. Fatmarini Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.9. Harsanadi Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.10. Hartati Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.11. BLT Finance Corporation 1.1.12. Pujawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. British Virgin Islands Singapore 1.1.13. Pertiwi Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.14. Anggraini Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.15. Emerald Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 1.1.16. 1.1.17. BLT Finance B.V. Tridonawati Maritime Corporation 1.1.18. Purbasari Maritime Pte. Ltd. Panama Panama The Netherlands Liberia Singapore - 20 Global Reports LLC Type of Business 2007 2006 Investment holding Investment holding 100% 100% 100% 100% Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Financing 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Financing Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - 100% - P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Percentage of Ownership and Voting Power Held Subsidiary Domicile 2007 2006 1.1.19. Tridonawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 100% - 1.1.20. Trirasa Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 100% - 2. Labuan, Malaysia 100% 100% 2.1. Diamond Pacific International Corporation Diamond Pacific International Owner and operator of vessel Investment holding British Virgin Investment holding 100% 100% 2.1.1. Corporation Lenani Maritime Inc. 100% 100% Ontari Maritime Pte. Ltd. Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Shipping agent 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Investment holding Investment holding 100% 100% 100% 100% Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Shipping agency Shipping agency 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Islands Panama Singapore 2.1.2. Averina Maritime S.A. 2.1.3. Gandari Navigation Pte. Ltd. Panama 2.1.4. 2.1.5. GBLT Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd. GBLT Shipmanagement Ltd. Harsanadi Shipping Ltd. Hartati Shipping Ltd. Frabandari Shipping Ltd. Fatmarini Shipping Ltd. Nogogini Shipping Ltd. Nolowati Shipping Ltd. Ratih Shipping Ltd. Cendanawati Navigation Pte. Ltd. 2.1.6. Frabandari Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 2.1.7. 2.1.8. 2.1.9. Brotojoyo Maritime Pte. Ltd. Berlian Laju Tanker Pte. Ltd. Anjasmoro Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Singapore Singapore 2.2. BLT LNG Tangguh Corporation 3. 3.1. 3.1.1. Asean Maritime Corporation Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation Bauhinia Navigation S.A. 3.1.2. Cempaka Navigation S.A. 3.1.3. Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd. BLT Shipping Shanghai Co. Ltd. 3.1.4. Great Tirta Shipping S.A. Dewayani Maritime Pte. Ltd. 3.1.5. Hopeway Marine Inc. Panama 3.1.6. Panama Lestari International Shipping S.A. Gandini Maritime Pte. Ltd. 3.1.7. Quimera Maritime S.A. Panama 3.1.8. Panama 3.1.9. South Eastern Overseas Navigation S.A. Zenith Overseas Maritime S.A. Gandari Maritime Pte. Ltd. 3.1.10. Zona Shipping S.A. Dewi Sri Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Singapore United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Singapore Marshall Islands Labuan, Malaysia British Virgin Islands Panama Panama Hong Kong China Panama Singapore Singapore Panama Singapore Panama Singapore - 21 Global Reports LLC Type of Business Owner and operator of vessel Operator of Vessel Operator of Vessel Operator of Vessel Operator of Vessel Operator of Vessel Operator of Vessel Operator of Vessel Operator of Vessel Operator of Vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Operator of Vessel Operator of Vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Percentage of Ownership and Voting Power Held Subsidiary 3.1.11. Dahlia Navigation S.A. Domicile Panama Type of Business Owner and operator 2007 2006 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% of vessel 3.1.12. Eglantine Navigation S.A. Panama Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.13. W ulansari Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.14. Yanaseni Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.15. Indradi Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.16. Gold Bridge Logistic Ltd. Beihai New Resources Logistic Hong Kong Investment holding 100% 100% China Owner and operator 100% 100% Corporation of vessel 3.1.17. Gold Bridge Shipping Agencies S.A. Hong Kong Shipping agent 100% 100% 3.1.18. Elite Bauhinia Navigation Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% of vessel 3.1.19. Cempaka Navigation Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.20. Dahlia Navigation Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.21. Freesia Navigation S.A. Panama Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.22. Gerbera Navigation S.A. Panama Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.23. Mustokoweni Maritime Pte. Ltd. Panama Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.24. Ulupi Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.25. Erowati Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.26. Gas Papua Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.27. Rasawulan Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.28. Gas Sulawesi Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.29. Tribuana Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.30. Gagarmayang Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.31. Prita Dewi Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.32. Purwati Martime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.33. Trijata Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.34. Pradapa Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.35. Pergiwati Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.36. Badraini Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.37. Barunawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.38. Gas Maluku Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel 3.1.39. Barawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore Owner and operator of vessel - 22 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Percentage of Ownership and Voting Power Held Subsidiary Domicile 3.1.40. Arimbi Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.1.41. Gas Bali Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.1.42. Eustoma Navigation S.A. Singapore 3.1.43. Puspawati Maritime Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.1.44. Diamond Flow Ltd. 3.1.45. Likabula International Limited Hong Kong British Virgin Islands British Virgin 3.2. BLT Chembulk Corp. BVI 3.2.1 Chembulk Tankers LLC Chembulk Trading II LLC Chembulk Management LLC Chembulk Management B.V. Chembulk Management Pte. Ltd Type of Business United States of America The Netherlands Singapore Chembulk Barcelona Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.2.3 Chembulk Gibraltar Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.2.4 Chembulk Hong Kong Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.2.5 Chembulk Houston Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.2.6 Chembulk Kobe Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.2.7 Chembulk New York Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.2.8 Chembulk Savannah Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.2.9 Chembulk Shanghai Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.2.10 Chembulk Ulsan Pte. Ltd. Singapore 3.2.11 Chembulk Virgin Gorda Pte. Ltd. Singapore 2006 - 100% 100% 100% Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel 100% 100% 100% 100% Investment holding Investment holding 100% 100% - Investment holding 100% - Investment holding Owner and operator of vessel 100% 100% - Ship management 100% - Ship management Ship management 100% 100% - Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% - 100% 100% 100% 100% Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Islands Marshall Islands Marshall Islands 3.2.2 2007 Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator 3.2.12 Chembulk Yokohama Pte. Ltd. Singapore 4. PT Banyu Laju Shipping Indonesia of vessel Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator Labuan, Malaysia of vessel Investment holding 4.1. Banyu Laju Corporation 4.1.1. Banyu Laju Maritime S.A. 5. PT Brotojoyo Maritime Indonesia - 100% 100% 100% Indonesia Owner and operator of vessel Operator of vessel 5.1. PT Gemilang Bina Lintas Tirta 5.1.1. 6. 6.1. 6.2. PT PT PT PT 100% 100% Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Crew Agent Operator of vessel Operator of vessel Operator of vessel 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. PT Ruby Maritime PT Sapphire Maritime PT Citrine Maritime Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Operator of vessel Operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 6.6. PT Diamond Maritime Indonesia 100% 100% 6.7. PT Emerald Maritime Indonesia Owner and operator of vessel Owner and operator of vessel 100% 100% Karya Bakti Adil Buana Listya Tama Anjasmoro Maritime Pearl Maritime Panama Operator of vessel 7. PT Bayu Lestari Tanaya Indonesia Shipping agency 100% 100% 7.1 PT Berlian Dumai Logistics Indonesia General Trading 100% - - 23 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 6. PROPERTY, VESSELS AND EQUIPMENT January 1, 2007 US$ Cost/ Valuation : Owned vessels Leased vessels Vessels under construction Building in progress Others : Oil tanks Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment Buildings and premises Total Accumulated depreciation: Owned vessels Leased vessels Others : Oil tanks Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment Buildings and premises 983,428,518 46,313,806 - Deductions US$ Reclassification US$ - 761,096,310 63,959,072 1,847,271 329,038,595 - 85,678,793 - 51,259,124 (51,259,124) - Revaluation US$ 63,813,957 - Total US$ December 31, 2007 Cost Valuation US$ US$ 1,773,919,116 329,038,595 59,013,754 1,847,271 59,013,754 1,847,271 1,773,919,116 329,038,595 - 862,777 551,965 326,970 77,910 123,288 21,630 - - 1,324,930 1,920,732 2,624,803 1,324,930 1,920,732 2,624,803 - 466,596 739,977 2,023 - 33,662 1,508,104 301,070 27,792 31,441 - - 803,351 2,244,432 803,351 2,244,432 - 1,035,047,999 98,682 829,859,161 329,772,337 85,855,152 - 63,813,957 2,172,736,984 69,779,273 69,749,107 - 5,038,595 16,356,912 - - 4,598,403 - 271,919,116 5,038,595 22,585 10,820 86,669 19,631 - - 1,116,291 811,897 1,680,043 - - - 406,415 138,407 16,463,212 - 213,928,518 1,022,734 608,631 1,507,104 331,401 93,126 217,491,514 817,556,485 January 1, 2006 US$ Accumulated depreciation: Vessels Others : Oil tanks Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment Buildings and premises Additions from Acquisition US$ 94,029 2,630 Net Carrying Amount Total Additions US$ 1,230,901 854,273 2,013,928 Total Cost/ Valuation : Vessels Vessels under construction Others : Oil tanks Transportation equipment Office furniture and fixtures Office and dormitory equipment Buildings and premises Exchange Difference US$ 811,313,202 18,760,824 1,186,625 1,100,686 1,898,075 215,766 739,977 78,127 1,652 15,430 267,350 180,098 528 29,982 41,171 44,504 4,110 80,307 70,283,138 5,120,614 - Exchange Difference US$ - - 250,830 - - 158,067,517 Net Carrying Amount 677,147,638 134,206,316 113,202,530 - 154,813,202 Total Additions US$ 44,276 23 44,299 145,418 53,712 4,598,403 281,110,764 1,891,626,220 835,215,155 863,595 687,437 1,504,153 - 2,102,957,711 19,921 115,830 247,795,427 50,738,523 32,284 400 126,855 176,768 2,551 - 185,983 39,414 32,684 51,270,094 Deductions US$ 72,676,508 266,334 72,942,842 255,574 255,574 Reclassification US$ 85,649,548 (85,649,548) Revaluation US$ 24,935,960 - Total US$ December 31, 2006 Cost Valuation US$ US$ 983,428,518 46,313,806 46,313,806 983,428,518 - - - 1,230,901 854,273 2,013,928 1,230,901 854,273 2,013,928 - - - 466,596 739,977 466,596 739,977 - 51,619,481 - 24,935,960 1,035,047,999 - 8,376,793 213,928,518 - - 1,022,734 608,631 1,507,104 - - 331,401 93,126 - 8,376,793 983,428,518 217,491,514 817,556,485 The vessels are stated at their revalued amount being the fair value as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, reviewed by management, and supported by independent professional valuation carried out on January 7, 2008 and February 14, 2007, respectively. Had the vessels been carried at historical cost less accumulated depreciation, their carrying values would have been approximately US$ 1,623,025,022 and US$ 596,576,204 as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 30 dated June 21, 2006 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved to sell two vessels, M.T. Pertiwi of Fatmarini Maritime Pte. Ltd. and M.T. Pujawati of Frabandari Maritime Pte. Ltd., at a price of US$ 45,000,000 each. - 24 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 12 dated September 11, 2006 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved to sell a vessel, M.T. Prita Dewi of Prita Dewi Maritime Pte. Ltd., at a price of US$ 45,000,000. Net gain (loss) on sale of vessels in 2007 and 2006 amounting to (US$ 10,291,794) and US$ 53,548,492, respectively, is included under other gains and losses (Note 35). All of the sales are made with third parties. Details of the sale of vessels are as follows: 2007 US$ Selling price of vessels Net carrying amount Net Commission Gain (loss) on sale of vessels - net 2006 US$ 61,230,087 (69,321,881) 135,000,000 (72,676,508) (8,091,794) (2,200,000) 62,323,492 (8,775,000) (10,291,794) 53,548,492 The Company received the proceeds from such sale of vessels in October 2007 and November 2007, July 2006 and October 2006. Depreciation expense charged to operations is US$ 74,347,510 and US$ 59,115,316 in 2007 and 2006, respectively. Vessels and equipment with carrying amount of US$ 1,598,369,125 and US$ 734,009,508 as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively, were used as collateral to guarantee obligations under finance lease, the long-term bank loans and short-term bank loans (Notes 17, 20 and 25). Vessels under construction as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 consist of 10 vessels and 9 vessels, respectively, which are estimated to be completed between 2008 to 2011. For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, the Company and its subsidiaries changed their estimate of residual values of vessels based on an independent professional valuation. This change resulted to a net increase in depreciation expense by US$ 2,800,532 in 2007 and US$ 701,073 in 2006. 7. GOODWILL 2007 US$ Balance at beginning of year Additional amounts recognized from acquisition during the year 11,932,110 Balance at end of year 84,285,784 72,353,674 2006 US$ 11,932,110 11,932,110 Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of acquisition over the Company’s interest in the fair value of the assets and liabilities of the acquired subsidiaries. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 16 dated December 18, 2007 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved to acquire Chembulk Tankers LLC. - 25 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) On December 19, 2007 (the effective date of the acquisition), Asean Maritime Corporation purchased through its wholly-owned subsidiary, BLT Chembulk Corp., 100% of the shares owned by Chembulk Holdings Inc. in Chembulk Tankers LLC. As of acquisition date, the fair value of the net assets of Chembulk Tankers LLC, amounted to US$ 219,693,670. The difference between the fair value of the net assets acquired and the cost of acquisition, is accounted for as goodwill. On the same date, BLT Chembulk Corp. also purchased eleven vessels from Chembulk Holdings Inc. at a purchase price of US$ 618 million. The Company recognized, at the acquisition date, the following assets and liabilities of Chembulk Tankers LLC: Book value prior Fair value to acquisition US$ US$ Assets Property, vessels and equipment - net Other non current assets Inventories Receivables Prepayment and other current assets Restricted cash Cash Total Liabilities Obligations under finance lease Trade payables Other current liabilities Total Net assets acquired Goodwill on acquisition 324,651,723 50,916 5,424,984 7,695,542 2,121,123 29,200,000 20,969,309 147,567,578 50,916 5,424,984 7,695,542 2,121,123 29,200,000 20,969,309 390,113,597 213,029,452 143,933,350 9,958,048 16,528,529 143,933,350 9,958,048 16,528,529 170,419,927 170,419,927 219,693,670 42,609,525 72,353,674 Acquisition cost 292,047,344 The acquisition cost above includes directly attributable acquisition costs incurred in developing the acquisition contracts. The acquisition cost was paid in cash, and the net cash outflow on acquisition amounted to US$ 271,078,035 (acquisition cost of US$ 292,047,344 less cash acquired of US$ 20,969,309). If the acquisition had taken effect on January 1, 2007, the consolidated entity would have recorded total operating revenues of US$ 576,129,181 and net profit for the year of US$ 127,212,325. Management considers these “pro-forma” numbers to represent an approximate measure of the performance of the combined group on an annualised basis and to provide a reference point for comparison in future periods. - 26 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) In determining the “pro-forma” revenue and profit of the Company and subsidiaries had Chembulk Tankers LLC been acquired at the beginning of the current reporting period, the management had calculated depreciation of property, vessels and equipment acquired to the basis of the fair values arising in the initial accounting for the business combination rather than the carrying amounts recognised in the pre-acquisition financial statements and deducted the gain on distribution to former stockholders as a one-off pre-acquisition transaction and revenues and expenses not derived from operations. The Company and its subsidiaries test goodwill annually for impairment, or more frequently if there are indications that goodwill might be impaired. For impairment testing purposes, goodwill has been allocated principally to Asean Maritime Corporation (AMC), the cash generating unit determined by the Company that is expected to benefit from the business combination. The recoverable amounts of the cash-generating units are determined from value in use calculations. The key assumptions for the value in use calculations are those regarding the discount rate, growth rates and expected changes to selling prices and direct costs during the year. Management estimates the discount rates using pre-tax rates that reflect current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the cash-generating unit. The growth rates are based on industry growth forecasts. Changes in selling prices and direct costs are based on past practices and expectations of future changes in the market. The Company and its subsidiaries prepare cash flow forecast derived from the most recent financial budgets approved by management for the next 5 years. This rate does not exceed the average long-term growth rate for the relevant markets. The rate used to discount the forecast cash flows from Asean Maritime Corporation is AMC’s average borrowing rate at balance sheet date. There were no impairment provisions on goodwill in 2007 and 2006. 8. INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATES 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Cost Share of post-acquisition profit (loss), net of dividends received Share of changes in associates' equity 24,806,092 Total 20,715,570 67,474 (4,157,996) 24,806,092 92,030 24,898,122 Details of the associates are as follows: Name of Associate Place of Incorporation PT Berlian Limatama Teekay BLT Corporation Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. Indonesia Marshall Islands Thailand Place of Operation Nature of Business Indonesia Cargo shipping services Indonesia Cargo shipping services Thailand Port services (agency) Percentage of Ownership and Voting Power Held 2007 2006 % % 50 30 30 50 30 30 All of the shares in Teekay BLT Corporation are used as collateral for other long-term payable (Note 21). - 27 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Summarized financial information in respect of the Company and its subsidiaries’ associates is set out below: 2007 2006 US$ US$ Total assets Total liabilities 300,456,645 231,574,654 85,263,937 2,523,998 Net assets 68,881,991 82,739,939 Company and subsidiaries' share of associates' net assets 20,715,570 24,898,122 Revenue 493,131 613,624 Loss for the year 107,536 107,330 24,556 25,319 Company and subsidiaries' share of associates' loss for the year 9. INVENTORIES Inventories mainly consist of bunker fuel. 10. TRADE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Related parties Third parties 75,668,908 1,343,459 54,749,733 Total 75,668,908 56,093,192 Before accepting any new customer, the Company and its subsidiaries assess the potential customer’s credit quality. Of the trade accounts receivable balance at the end of the year, US$ 6,268,168 is due from PT Pertamina (Persero) (Pertamina), the Company’s largest customer (see Notes 29, 41 and 42).There are no other customers who represent more than 6% of the total balance of trade accounts receivable. The table below shows the aging of past due but unimpaired trade receivables: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ 1 - 60 days 60 - 120 days 120 - 180 days More than 180 days 18,737,154 17,939,599 9,481,886 525,711 26,973,236 9,797,333 1,989,210 424,992 Total 46,684,350 39,184,771 The Company and subsidiaries do not hold any collateral over these balances. Based on a review of the status of the individual receivable accounts at the end of the year, the Company’s management determined that there has not been a significant change in the credit quality and that all trade accounts receivable are collectible. Accordingly, no allowance for doubtful accounts was provided. - 28 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 11. AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE INVESTMENTS Available-for-sale investments consist of funds under investment management and investments in mutual funds, and are carried at fair value as follows: 2007 2006 US$ US$ Funds under investment management Mutual funds 72,061,631 235,563 48,067,882 - Total 72,297,194 48,067,882 Under the Investment Management Contract Service Agreement dated December 18, 2007 and December 15, 2006, the Company appointed PT Danatama Makmur to manage funds amounting to US$ 69,944,583 and US$ 48,000,000 in 2007 and 2006, respectively, which will be partly or wholly invested in cash, time deposits, bonds, notes payable, shares of stock, foreign currency, convertible bonds, warrants, options, derivative contracts and other securities including collective investment scheme. The agreement is valid for 1 month from signing of the contract and can be extended on a monthly basis (1 month) upon the written instruction of the Company to PT Danatama Makmur. The Company as the owner of the funds can liquidate all or part of the funds that have been invested before the due date with written notice within a minimum of 2 (two) trading days to PT Danatama Makmur before the draw date of investment funds. There were no impairment provisions on available for-sale investments in 2007 and 2006. 12. CASH 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Cash on hand Cash in banks Time deposits 1,426,498 151,511,573 57,377,222 784,129 77,008,191 20,444,847 Total 210,315,293 98,237,167 2.81% - 6.63% 6.5% - 9.75% 0.825% 2.61% - 5.24% 4.79% - 7.95% - Interest rates per annum on time deposits U.S. Dollar Rupiah Singapore Dollar 13. SHARE CAPITAL The Company has authorized capital stock of 14,676,480,000 ordinary shares with par value of Rp 62.50 per share. Movements in share capital are as follows: 2007 US$ Balance at beginning of the year Exercise of warrants 59,337,930 9,695 59,335,543 2,387 Balance at end of the year 59,347,625 59,337,930 - 29 Global Reports LLC 2006 US$ P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Details of the Company’s number of shares outstanding are as follows: 2007 2006 Balance at beginning of the year Exercise of warrants Treasury stock acquired Issuance of treasury stock through conversion of convertible bonds 4,008,118,636 1,438,000 (289,100,000) 3,771,031,436 358,000 (140,188,000) 26,202,800 376,917,200 Balance at end of the year 3,746,659,436 4,008,118,636 At December 31, 2007 and 2006, 430,990,764 and 432,428,764 warrants, respectively, have not been exercised. At December 31, 2007 and 2006, 66,188,311 shares and 167,142,857 shares owned by PT Tunggaladhi Baskara are used as guarantee in relation with the Company’s loan from Bank Central Asia (Notes 17 and 38). At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 18 dated May 18, 2005 of Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved a stock split of the Company’s shares wherein every share with a nominal value of Rp 62.50 will be split to become Rp 31.25 per share, which can be carried out within one year from the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders. As at May 18, 2006, the stock split has not been executed. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 47 dated May 31, 2006 of Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders agreed to extend the term to carry out the stock split, as mentioned above, until June 30, 2007. It further stated that if, based on the Company’s evaluation, the movements of the Company’s share price is not advantageous to the Company, such stock split will not be executed. Also, the stockholders authorized the Company’s Directors to determine the stock split ratio which should not be disadvantageous to the Company’s stockholders. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 30 dated June 21, 2006 of Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved issuance of new shares through a Rights Issue without Pre-emptive Rights up to a maximum of 5% of issued shares up to May 6, 2007. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders as stated in notarial deed No. 32 dated May 24, 2007 of Dr. A Partomuan Pohan, SH., LL.M, notary in Jakarta, the stockholders approved the issuance of new shares through a Rights Issue without Pre-emptive Rights up to a maximum of 5% of issued shares until the next Annual General Meeting of Stockholders. As of December 31, 2007, the issuance of new shares has not been executed. 14. ADDITIONAL PAID-IN CAPITAL This account represents additional paid-in capital in connection with the following : US$ Balance of additional paid-in capital as of January 1, 2006 49,114,188 Issuance of shares through exercise of warrants Amount recorded as paid-up capital Excess of amortized cost of converted bonds over the cost of treasury stock Transfer of the equity component related to conversion of bonds 5,729 (2,387) 10,583,095 366,377 Balance of additional paid-in capital as of January 1, 2007 Issuance of shares through exercise of warrants Amount recorded as paid-up capital Excess of amortized cost of converted bonds over the cost of treasury stock Transfer of the equity component related to conversion of bonds 60,067,002 23,268 (9,695) 912,967 25,470 Balance of additional paid-in capital as of December 31, 2007 61,019,012 - 30 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 15. TREASURY STOCKS At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Stockholders in May 2006, the stockholders approved to repurchase a maximum of 10% of the issued and paid-up shares, at a purchase price of Rp 2,750 per share. As of December 31, 2007 and 2006, the details of treasury stocks are as follows: Number of shares 2007 Percentage to issued shares % Cost US$ Treasury stocks, beginning 149,453,800 3.59 27,188,806 Add: Acquisition Less: Issuance of treasury stocks from conversion of convertible bonds 289,100,000 6.95 61,928,085 26,202,800 0.63 2,488,806 Treasury stocks, end 412,351,000 9.91 86,628,085 Number of shares 2006 Percentage to issued shares % Cost US$ Treasury stocks, beginning 386,183,000 9.29 36,057,280 Add: Acquisition Less: Issuance of treasury stocks from conversion of convertible bonds 140,188,000 3.37 26,932,054 376,917,200 9.07 35,800,528 Treasury stocks, end 149,453,800 3.59 27,188,806 16. REVALUATION RESERVE 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Balance at beginning of year Revaluation increase from vessels Revaluation decrease Transfer to retained earnings 170,315,215 69,505,970 (11,229,623) (20,020,393) 142,597,250 58,497,522 (16,780,781) (13,998,776) Balance at end of year 208,571,169 170,315,215 The revaluation reserve arises on the revaluation of vessels. Where revalued vessels are sold, the portion of the revaluation reserve that relates to that vessel, and is effectively realized, is transferred directly to retained earnings. - 31 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 17. LONG-TERM BANK LOANS 2007 US$ 2006 US$ At amortized cost: DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Singapore Bank Central Asia, Jakarta Fortis Bank S.A./N.V., Singapore DVB Group Merchant Bank (Asia) Ltd., Singapore ING Bank N.V., Singapore Bank UOB Indonesia Dialease Maritime S.A., Japan The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc HSH Nordbank, Singapore Bank Negara Indonesia , Jakarta 557,990,336 34,539,154 30,250,000 28,277,779 15,820,388 10,519,670 8,987,354 1,110,000 - 113,598,848 42,364,826 124,452,127 34,738,817 17,784,554 11,944,082 30,603,747 49,638,788 8,429,666 Total Current maturities 687,494,681 84,879,621 433,555,455 80,793,300 Long-term Portion - Net 602,615,060 352,762,155 The range of average interest rates per annum are as follows: U.S. Dollar Rupiah 2007 2006 0.8% - 3.75% above LIBOR/ SIBOR 10.25% - 13.0% 0.85% - 3.75% above LIBOR/ SIBOR 13% - 15% The details of the loans are as follows: A. DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Singapore: In December 2007, the subsidiaries obtained a secured term loan and reducing revolving credit facilities from DnB NOR Bank ASA, Fortis Bank S.A/N.V., ING Bank N.V., and NIBC Bank Ltd. as original lenders. DnB NOR Bank ASA. acts as agent and security trustee. Under the agreement, the subsidiaries shall apply all amounts borrowed by them towards refinancing in relation to the acquisition of the vessels and for general working capital purposes. The facilities consist of: x Facility A, which is a term loan facility in US Dollars in the aggregate amount equal to the facility commitment of US$ 400,000,000. This facility shall be repaid in 40 consecutive quarterly installments of US$ 8,000,000 for the 1st to 39th installments, US$ 88,000,000 for the 40th installment. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.75% depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessels, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. x Facility B, which is a reducing revolving loan facility in US Dollars in the aggregate amount equal to the facility commitment of US$ 100,000,000. This facility is payable in 20 quarterly installments of US$ 5,000,000 until 2012. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.5% depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessels, which is paid between 1 - 3 months. The loans are collateralized by the subsidiaries’ vessels. The loans are also secured with corporate guarantee from the Company and Goldbridge Corporation. - 32 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) In March 2007, certain subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of US$ 65,000,000. This loan is payable in thirty-two (32) quarterly installments until 2015 and is collateralized by corporate guarantees from the Company and Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation, a subsidiary, and the subsidiaries’ vessels, M.T. Gas Sulawesi, M.T. Gas Papua and M.T. Purwati. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 0.7%-0.8%, which is paid between one to three months. In June 2006, a subsidiary obtained loan with maximum credit of US$ 19,500,000. This loan is payable in 32 quarterly installments until 2014 and collateralized by corporate guarantees from the Company and Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation, a subsidiary and the subsidiary’s vessel. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 0.90%, which is paid between one to three months. This loan was paid in May 2007. In April 2006, a subsidiary obtained loan with maximum credit of US$ 18,500,000. This loan is payable in 24 quarterly installments until 2012 and collateralized by the subsidiary’s vessel. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.1% or 1% depending on the Loan to Vessels Value (LTV) percentage of the Company, which is paid between one to three months. This loan was paid in May 2007. In June 2005, subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of US$ 70,000,000. This loan is payable in 28 quarterly installments until 2012 and collateralized by the subsidiaries’ vessels. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.25%, which is paid monthly. This loan was paid in May 2007. In February 2005, subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of US$ 51,200,000. This loan is payable in 28 quarterly installments until 2012 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company, Gold Bridge Shipping Corporation, a subsidiary, and the subsidiaries’ vessels. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.25%, which is paid between one to three months. This loan was paid in May 2007. B. Bank Central Asia (BCA), Jakarta: In November 2006, the Company obtained investment credit facility with a maximum credit of US$ 34,000,000. This loan is payable in 84 monthly installments until 2013 and collateralized by a subsidiary’s vessel. Interest rate is at SIBOR plus 1.5%, which is paid monthly. In January 2005, the Company obtained an investment credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 125,000,000,000, due in 5 years. Interest rates for these loans are set at 10.25% 13%, which is paid monthly. The Company also has a time loan revolving credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 20,000,000,000, due in April 2008 (Note 25E). The loans are collateralized by the vessels, M.T. Gas Indonesia and M.T. Gas Kalimantan, and pledge of the Company’s shares owned by PT Tunggaladhi Baskara as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively (Note 38). C. In September 2005, the subsidiaries obtained a secured term loan and reducing revolving credit facilities from Fortis Bank S.A./N.V., Calyon, and NIB Capital Bank Ltd. as original lenders. Fortis Bank S.A./N.V. acts as agent and security trustee. Under the agreement, the subsidiaries shall apply all amounts borrowed by them towards refinancing any existing financial indebtedness in relation to the vessels and for general working capital purposes. - 33 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) The facilities consist of: x Facility A, which is a term loan facility in US Dollars in the aggregate amount equal to the facility commitment of US$ 100,000,000. This facility shall be repaid in 40 consecutive quarterly installments of US$ 3,250,000 for the 1st to 8th installments, US$ 2,500,000 for the 9th to 12th installment, US$ 1,875,000 for the 13th to 39th installment and US$ 13,375,000 for the 40th installment. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1% or 0.85% depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessels which is paid between one to three months. x Facility B, which is a reducing revolving loan facility in US Dollars in the aggregate amount equal to the facility commitment of US$ 55,000,000. This facility is payable in twenty quarterly installments of US$ 2,750,000 until 2010. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1% or 0.85% depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessels, which is paid between one to three months. The loans are collateralized by the subsidiary’s vessels, assignment of earnings and insurance in respect of the vessels and corporate guarantee from the Company. A repayment of the outstanding loan was made in June 2007. However in December 2007, subsidiary reused the available Facility B amounting to US$ 30,250,000. The loan is payable in 11 quarterly installments of US$ 2,750,000 until 2010. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1% or 0.85% depending on the value maintenance ratio of the secured vessels, which is paid between 1 – 3 months. This loan is collateralized by the subsidiaries’ vessels and assignment of earnings and insurance in respect of the vessels. D. In September 2005, subsidiaries obtained loan from DVB Group Merchant Bank (Asia) Ltd., Singapore with maximum credit of US$ 43,000,000. This loan is payable in 32 quarterly installments until 2013 and collateralized by the corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiaries’ vessels. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1% or 0.85% depending on the LTV percentage of the Company, which is paid between one to three months. E. In November 2005, subsidiaries obtained loan facilities from ING Bank N.V., Singapore with a maximum credit of US$ 19,900,000. These loan facilities are payable in semi annual installments until November 2015 and collateralized by the subsidiaries’ vessels. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1% or 0.8%, which is paid every six months. F. In October 2006, the Company obtained an investment credit facility from Bank UOB Indonesia with a maximum credit of US$ 12,000,000 payable in 20 quarterly installments until 2011. The loan is secured by a subsidiary’s vessel and an assignment of earnings from Pertamina in respect of the vessel used as collateral. Interest rate is at SIBOR plus 1.375%, which is paid every three months. G. Dialease Maritime S.A., Japan: In December 2004, a subsidiary obtained loan with maximum credit of JPY 1,347,250,000 (equivalent to US$ 12,859,120). This loan is payable in 28 quarterly installments until 2011 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiary’s vessel. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.35%, which is paid quarterly. In April 2004, subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of US$ 15,600,000. This loan is payable in 28 quarterly installments until 2011 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiaries’ vessels. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.5%, which is paid quarterly. This loan was paid in July 2007. - 34 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) In 2003, subsidiaries obtained loan with maximum credit of JPY 1,287,750,000 (equivalent to US$ 11,481,687). This loan is payable in 32 quarterly installments until 2011 and collateralized by subsidiary’s vessel. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.5%, which is paid quarterly. This loan was paid in July 2007. H. In October 2007, the subsidiary (GBLT Shipmanagement UK) obtained an investment credit facility with maximum credit of US$ 1,110,000 from The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC. This loan is payable in 39 quarterly installments until 2016 and is collateralized by the subsidiary’s land and building and bears interest rate of 1.25% above the bank’s currency lending rate for United States Dollars which is paid quarterly. I. HSH Nordbank, Singapore (formerly Hamburgische Landesbank-Girozentrale, Singapore): Credit facility with maximum of US$ 30,400,000 obtained by a subsidiary in July 2005. This loan is payable in 22 quarterly installments until 2010 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiaries’ vessels. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.2%, which is paid between one to three months. Credit facility with maximum of US$ 33,500,000 obtained by a subsidiary in December 2004. This loan is payable in 40 quarterly installments until 2014 and collateralized by corporate guarantee from the Company and the subsidiary’s vessel. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.4%, which is paid between one to three months. These loans were paid in May 2007. J. In June 2005, the Company obtained investment credit facility with maximum credit of US$ 10,000,000 from Bank Negara Indonesia. This loan is payable in 78 monthly installments until June 28, 2012 and collateralized by the Company’s and the subsidiary’s vessels. Interest rate is at SIBOR plus 3.75%, which is paid monthly. This loan was paid in May 2007. In relation to the above loan facilities, the Company and its subsidiaries are required to fulfill certain covenants, including among others, the maintenance of certain financial ratios. Due to the significant amount of borrowings incurred in the acquisition of Chembulk Tankers LLC and subsidiaries and the related 11 vessels in December 2007, the Company and its subsidiaries’ net debt to equity ratio as of December 31, 2007 amounted to 256% (Note 41A). The lenders of the Company and its subsidiaries require a maximum net debt to equity ratio of 250% (as of December 31, 2007) and the lender of BLT Chembulk Corp. and subsidiaries (a wholly-owned subsidiary) require a net debt to equity ratio of 200% (as of June 30, 2008). As stated in the credit agreements, upon failure by the Company and its subsidiaries to meet such maximum debt to equity ratio, the lenders can declare, among others, that all or any part of the loans be payable on demand. As discussed in Note 41A, the Company’s management plans to reduce its net debt to equity ratio to 150% at the end of 2008. 18. BONDS PAYABLE 2007 US$ At amortized costs: Berlian Laju Tanker II Bond Syari'ah Mudharabah Bond Berlian Laju Tanker III Bond Sukuk Ijarah Bond Total Current maturities Long-Term Portion - Net - 35 Global Reports LLC 2006 US$ 35,994,829 6,354,305 73,583,482 21,023,873 37,332,420 6,601,495 - 136,956,489 42,349,134 43,933,915 - 94,607,355 43,933,915 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Berlian Laju Tanker II Bond On May 28, 2003, the Company issued Rupiah Bonds with fixed and floating interest rates, payable every three months. The bonds are unsecured and have a term of 5 years, due on May 28, 2008. The bondholders’ right is pari-passu without preferential rights with other creditors of the Company. Series A Bonds with a nominal value of Rp 294,800,000,000 bear fixed interest rate at 14.75% per annum, while Series B Bonds with a nominal value of Rp 45,200,000,000 bear fixed interest rate at 14.75% per annum for the first year and floating rates for the second year until the fifth year based on the average of the 3-month time deposit rates in Rupiah currency from PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT Bank Permata Tbk, and PT Bank Buana Indonesia Tbk before closing of floating interest rate plus fixed margin of 2.5% annually, which is payable on a quarterly basis. All the bonds were sold at nominal value and are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Surabaya Stock Exchange) with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as trustee (see Note 43d). Syari’ah Mudharabah Bond On May 28, 2003, the Company issued Syari’ah Mudharabah Bonds amounting Rp 60,000,000,000 with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as trustee. The bonds are unsecured and have a term of 5 years, due on May 28, 2008. All the bonds were sold at nominal value and are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Surabaya Stock Exchange). These were offered under the condition that the Company shall pay to Syari’ah Bondholders a sum of Profit Sharing every three months since the issuance date which is every Profit Sharing payment date. The Profit Sharing is computed based on the revenue from M.T. Gandini vessel operations. The percentage of Nisbah Syari’ah bondholders to Profit Sharing is fixed at 25% from the revenue of M.T. Gandini vessel operation. The derivative embedded in the Syari’ah Mudharabah Bonds, with the revenue as the underlying, has not been separated because management believes that the effect of separating the embedded derivative is not significant. The payment of Profit Sharing to each Syari’ah Bondholder is in proportion with the Syari’ah Bonds held compared with the total outstanding Syari’ah Bonds. The computation of the Profit Sharing for Syari’ah Bonds in 2007 is as follows: a. Total months of M.T. Gandini vessel operations since January 1 – December 31, 2007 is 12 months (A) b. Charter Rate: Rp 98,100 (US$ 10.90) per Dead Weight Ton (DWT) per month (B) c. DWT for computation according to Pertamina Charter Agreement: 30,000 DWT (C) d. Revenue for Profit Sharing: A x B x C = 12 x US$ 10.90 x 30,000 DWT = US$ 3,924,000 (D) e. Profit Sharing payable based on agreement: D x 25% = US$ 981,000 Amount paid as Profit Sharing for Syari’ah Bonds in 2007 was Rp 8,829,000,000 (US$ 981,000), and the remaining balance of Rp 809,325,000 (US$ 89,925) will be paid in February 2008. The computation of the Profit Sharing for Syari’ah Bonds in 2006 is as follows: a. Total months of M.T. Gandini vessel operations since January 1 – December 31, 2006 is 12 months (A) b. Charter Rate: Rp 98,100 (US$ 10.90) per Dead Weight Ton (DWT) per month (B) c. DWT for computation according to Pertamina Charter Agreement: 30,000 DWT (C) d. Revenue for Profit Sharing: A x B x C = 12 x US$ 10.90 x 30,000 DWT = US$ 3,924,000 (D) e. Total Profit Sharing payable based on agreement: D x 25% = US$ 981,000 Amount paid as Profit Sharing for Syari’ah Bonds for the year ended December 31, 2006 was Rp 8,850,360,484 (US$ 983,373), and the remaining balance of Rp 809,325,000 (US$ 89,925) was paid in February 2007. On December 18, 2007, the Bondholders approved the replacement of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as Trustee and the appointment of PT Bank Niaga Tbk as the new Trustee. - 36 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Berlian Laju Tanker III Bond On July 5, 2007, the Company issued Rupiah Bonds amounting to Rp 700,000,000,000 with fixed interest rate at 10.35% per annum, payable every three months. The bonds are unsecured and have a term of 5 years, due on July 5, 2012. The bondholders’ right is pari-passu without preferential rights with other creditors of the Company. All the bonds were sold at nominal value and are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Surabaya Stock Exchange) with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as trustee. On December 18, 2007, the Bondholders approved the replacement of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as Trustee and the appointment of PT Bank Niaga Tbk as the new Trustee. Sukuk Ijarah Bond On July 5, 2007, the Company issued Sukuk Ijarah Bonds amounting to Rp 200,000,000,000. The Sukuk Ijarah Bonds are unsecured and have a term of 5 years, due on July 5, 2012. The Sukuk Ijarah Bonds were offered under the condition that the Company shall pay to Sukuk Ijarah bondholders a sum of Ijarah Benefit Installment amounting to Rp 20,600,000,000 per annum. The Sukuk Ijarah bondholders’ right is pari-passu without preferential rights with other creditors of the Company. At anytime after the first anniversary of the Sukuk Ijarah Bonds, the Company may redeem the Bonds at prevailing market price. All of the Sukuk Ijarah Bonds were sold at nominal value and are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Surabaya Stock Exchange) with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as trustee. On December 18, 2007, the Bondholders approved the replacement of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Trustee and the appointment of PT Bank Niaga Tbk as the new Trustee. 19. NOTES PAYABLE On May 4, 2007, BLT Finance B.V. (BLTF BV), a subsidiary, issued Guaranteed Senior Notes (the Notes) amounting to US$ 400,000,000 with fixed interest of 7.5% per annum payable every six months in arrears commencing November 15, 2007 . The Notes have a term of seven years and is due on May 15, 2014. The Notes were offered at 100% of the nominal value and are listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange Securities Trading Limited. The Notes are unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed on a senior basis by the Company and certain subsidiaries. The Notes may be redeemed at the option of BLTF BV as follows: i. At anytime prior to May 15, 2011 up to 35% of the Notes with the net proceeds of one or more public equity offerings at a redemption price of 107.5% of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest provided certain conditions are met; ii. On or after May 15, 2012, all or any portion of the Notes at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount plus the Applicable Premium (as defined in the Terms and Conditions of the Notes) as of, and accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption; iii. On May 15, 2012 until May 14, 2013 all or part of the Notes at a redemption price equal to 103.75% of the principal amount plus the accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption; iv. On May 15, 2013 until May 14, 2014 all or part of the Notes at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption, or v. At anytime in the event of certain changes affecting taxation in Indonesia or Netherlands, in whole at their principal amount plus all additional amounts due as of, and accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption. In the occurrence of change in control, the holders of the Notes have the right to require BLTF BV to redeem all or some of the Notes at 101% of the principal amount plus the accrued and unpaid interest if any, to the date of redemption. The Notes are designated as fair value through profit or loss on initial recognition because of the embedded prepayment option. The fair value is determined based on quoted market price. - 37 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 20. OBLIGATIONS UNDER FINANCE LEASE 2007 Present value Minimum lease of minimum payments lease payments US$ US$ Less than 1 year 1 - 2 years More than 2 years 71,074,084 14,214,013 81,566,503 57,928,527 5,874,871 80,129,949 Total Less future finance charges 166,854,600 22,921,253 143,933,347 - Present value of minimum lease payments 143,933,347 143,933,347 The finance lease relate to lease of vessels with lease terms of 3 years to 10 years and where its subsidiaries have options to purchase the vessel for an amount below the expected fair values at the conclusion of the lease agreements. The subsidiaries’ obligations under finance lease are secured by the lessors’ title to the leased vessels. 21. OTHER LONG-TERM PAYABLE This account represents a loan of US$ 13,000,000 owed to Teekay Shipping Corporation. The loan is payable in 22 semi-annual installments, bears annual interest of 8%, payable on a quarterly basis, and is secured by the Company’s ownership interest in Teekay BLT Corporation (Note 8). Effective in 2006, the first semi-annual installment is due nine (9) months after the delivery of the vessels, which is expected to be on January 2009. 22. POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS The Company provides post-employment benefits to its qualifying employees in accordance with Indonesian Labor Law No. 13/2003. The number of employees entitled to the benefits is 206 and 162 in December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. Amounts recognized in profit of loss in respect of these post-employment benefits are as follows: 2007 US$ Current service cost Interest costs Net actuarial losses Amortization of past service cost (non-vested) Past service cost Total 2006 US$ 320,904 244,467 543,305 14,307 - 97,431 105,518 367,806 (17,809) (94,475) 1,122,983 458,471 The amounts included in the balance sheets arising from the Company’s obligation in respect of these post-employment benefits are as follows: 2007 2006 US$ US$ Present value of unfunded obligations Unrecognized actuarial losses Unrecognized past service cost Net liability - 38 Global Reports LLC 3,967,132 (1,687,651) (3,461) 3,046,867 (1,789,487) (18,106) 2,276,020 1,239,274 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Movements in the present value of unfunded obligations are as follows: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Beginning of the year Current service cost Interest cost Translation adjustment Actuarial (gain)/loss Past service cost Others 3,046,867 224,534 244,467 (143,160) 594,424 - 1,372,563 97,431 105,518 125,061 1,637,304 (94,474) (196,536) End of the year 3,967,132 3,046,867 Movements in the net liability recognized in the balance sheet are as follows: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Beginning of the year Employee benefits cost for the year (Note 32) Translation adjustment 1,239,274 1,122,983 (86,237) 709,468 458,471 71,335 End of the year 2,276,020 1,239,274 The cost of providing post-employment benefits is computed using the following key assumptions: Discount rate Salary increment rate Mortality rate Resignation rate : : : : 2007 and 2006: 10% per annum 2007 and 2006: 15% per annum 2007 and 2006: Mortality Table 2 of Indonesia 2007 and 2006: 10% per annum until age 36 then decreasing linearly to 0% until age 55 The history of experience adjustments is as follows: 2007 US$ Present value of unfunded obligations Experience adjustments 3,967,132 594,424 2006 US$ 3,046,867 1,637,304 2005 US$ 2004 US$ 1,372,563 560,214 2003 US$ 713,781 114,944 565,829 37,554 23. CONVERTIBLE BONDS Details of convertible bonds are as follows: 2007 US$ At fair value through profit or loss: Convertible bonds due 2012 At amortized cost: Convertible bonds due 2010 128,541,250 - Total 128,541,250 - 39 Global Reports LLC 2006 US$ 3,401,774 3,401,774 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Convertible Bonds due in 2012 On May 17, 2007, BLT Finance B.V. (BLTF BV), a subsidiary, issued Zero Coupon Guaranteed Convertible Bonds in denomination of US$ 100,000 each and integral multiples of US$ 1,000, with aggregate principal amount of US$ 125,000,000. The bonds were issued at 100% of face value, and were unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Company. The bondholders have the right to convert the bonds into ordinary shares, with par value of Rp 62.50 each, of the Company from June 27, 2007 to April 17, 2012. The number of shares to be delivered on conversion will be determined, in respect of SGX-ST Listed Shares, by dividing the principal amount of the bond to be converted (translated at a fixed rate of SGD 1.5143 per US$ 1 or Rp 8,894 per US$ 1) by the conversion price in effect at the time of conversion date. The initial conversion price is SGD 0.4965 per share. In the event the shares to be delivered are Indonesian Listed Shares, the number of shares to be delivered will be determined using the same method as for SGX-ST Listed Shares, except that, in such an event, for purposes of calculating the ratio the principal amount of the bond to be converted shall remain in US Dollar and all the conversion price shall be translated from Rupiah to US Dollar. Notwithstanding the Conversion Right of the bondholders, BLTF BV has the option to pay to the relevant bondholders an amount of cash in US Dollar equivalent to the weighted average market price of the shares converted, to satisfy the conversion right. The bonds may also be redeemed at the option of BLTF BV at their Early Redemption Amount (ERA), together with accrued and unpaid interest, in whole but not in part: i. On or at anytime after May 17, 2009 but not less than 20 days prior to maturity date, if the closing price of shares (translated into US Dollar), for each of the 25 consecutive trading dates immediately prior to the date upon which notice of redemption is published at least 125% of ERA divided by the conversion ratio. ii. If the aggregate principal amount of the bonds is ten percent or less of the aggregate principal amount originally issued. iii. At anytime in the event of certain changes relating to taxation in The Netherlands or the Republic of Indonesia. The bondholders have the right to require BLTF BV to redeem all or some of the bonds at 116.82% of the principal amount on May 17, 2010. The bondholders also have the right at their option to require BLTF BV to redeem the bonds at their ERA on occurrence of change in control or delisting of Company’s shares. ERA of the bonds, for each US$ 100,000 principal amount, pertains to settlement before the maturity date at price ranging from US$ 102,625.00 to US$ 129,578.13, representing a gross yield to the investor of 5.25% on a semi-annual basis. Unless previously redeemed, purchased and cancelled or converted, BLTF BV will redeem each bond at 129.58% of the principal amount on May 17, 2012. These bonds are designated as at fair value through profit and loss at issuance date. The fair value at balance sheet date is determined based on quoted market price. Convertible Bonds Due 2010 On December 14, 2005, BLT Finance Corporation (BLT FC), a subsidiary, issued 50,000 convertible bonds in denomination of US$1,000 each, or aggregate principal amount of US$50,000,000, with interest rate of 1.25% per annum payable semi-annually on June 14 and December 14. The bonds were issued at 100% of face value, and were unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Company. The bondholders have the right to convert the bonds into ordinary shares of the Company, with par value of Rp 62.50 each, from January 24, 2006 to November 14, 2010. The number of shares to be delivered on conversion will be determined by dividing the principal amount of the bond to be converted (translated into Rupiah at a fixed exchange rate of Rp 10,078 per US$1) by the conversion price in effect at the time of conversion. The initial conversion price is Rp 1,250 per share. - 40 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Notwithstanding the Conversion Right of the bondholders, BLT FC has the option to pay (Cash Settlement Option) to the relevant bondholders an amount of cash in US Dollar equivalent to the weighted average market price of the shares converted, to satisfy the conversion right. Effective January 2, 2006, BLT FC irrevocably and permanently waived and renounced its cash settlement option contained in the convertible bonds based on the Deed of Waiver dated January 2, 2006. The bonds may also be redeemed at the option of BLT FC at their Early Redemption Amount (ERA), together with accrued and unpaid interest, in whole but not in part: i. On or at anytime after December 14, 2008 but not less than 20 days prior to maturity date, if the closing price of shares (translated into US Dollar), for each of the 25 consecutive trading dates immediately prior to the date upon which notice of redemption is published at least 125% of ERA divided by the conversion ratio. ii. If the aggregate principal amount of the bonds is ten percent or less of the aggregate principal amount originally issued. iii. At anytime in the event of certain changes relating to taxation in British Virgin Island or the Republic of Indonesia. The bondholders have the right to require BLT FC to redeem all or some of the bonds at 112.12% of the principal amount together with accrued and unpaid interest on December 14, 2007. The bondholders also have the right at their option to require BLT FC to redeem the bonds at their ERA on occurrence of change in control or delisting of Company’s shares. ERA of the bonds, for each US$ 1,000 principal amount, pertains to settlement before the maturity date at price ranging from US$ 1,028.75 to US$ 1,269.41, representing a gross yield to the investor of 7% for redemption on or before December 14, 2007 and 6.5% for redemption thereafter. Unless previously redeemed, converted or purchased, BLT FC will redeem each bond at 130.44% of the principal amount on December 14, 2010. On December 14, 2005, at the time of issue, the convertible bonds were designated as fair value through profit and loss. Effective January 2, 2006, the convertible bonds were no longer designated as fair value through profit and loss since BLT FC has irrevocably and permanently waived and renounced its cash settlement option as discussed above. On January 2, 2006, the nominal value of the convertible bonds have been split between its liability component and its equity component, representing the fair value of the embedded option to convert the liability into equity of the Company, as follows: US$ Nominal value of convertible bonds issued Equity component 50,000,000 (391,847) Liability component Converted to share capital through issuance of treasury stock Interest charged 49,608,153 (46,383,623) 177,244 Liability component at December 31, 2007 Converted to share capital through issuance of treasury stock 3,401,774 (3,401,774) Net - - 41 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) The interest charged for the year is calculated by applying an effective interest prevailing in the market. The fair value of the convertible bonds at market prices by reference to the last published quotation is US$ 4,412,980 as of December 31, 2006. As of December 31, 2007, all of the bonds have been converted to shares. 24. DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Company utilizes currency and interest rate swap contracts to manage exposure to foreign currency and interest rate movement. The outstanding derivative financial instruments, consisting mainly of cross currency swaps, expire between May 2008 to July 2012 and have net fair values of US$ 20,620,772 and US$ 3,738,073 as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. At December 31, 2007 and 2006, the derivative contracts have notional amounts of Rp 1,473,906,250,000 (US$ 170,473,362) and Rp 587,031,250,000 (US$ 69,744,753), respectively. The cross currency swaps require periodic exchange of interest based on the Rupiah and US Dollar notional amounts and final exchange or net settlement of the notional (principal) amount on maturity of the contracts. For accounting purposes, these contracts are not designated and documented as hedging instruments, and therefore hedge accounting is not applied. Gains and losses on these contracts recognized in earnings consist of the changes in fair value of the contract and the periodic net settlements of the related interest on the Rupiah and US Dollar notional amount, details of which are as follows: 2007 2006 US$ US$ Net change in fair value Net settlement of interest (16,882,699) 5,314,757 11,209,299 2,570,132 Net gain (loss) (Note 33) (11,567,942) 13,779,431 The derivatives are measured at the present value of future cash flows estimated and discounted based on the applicable yield curves for the duration of the instruments. 25. SHORT-TERM BANK LOANS 2007 US$ At amortized cost: DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Singapore Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia Bank UOB Indonesia Bank Mizuho Indonesia Bank Central Asia Bank Negara Indonesia Bank Chinatrust Indonesia 250,000,000 17,000,000 15,925,257 13,801,890 2,123,368 - 14,412,417 2,217,295 3,110,000 1,662,971 Total 298,850,515 21,402,683 2007 Interest rate per annum during the period U.S. Dollar 2006 1% - 3.25% 3.25% above LIBOR/SIBOR above LIBOR/SIBOR 6.2% - 13.5% 7.5% - 16.25% Rupiah - 42 Global Reports LLC 2006 US$ P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) A. On December 2007, the subsidiaries obtained a secured term loan and reducing revolving credit facilities from DnB NOR Bank, ASA, Fortis Bank S.A/N.V, ING Bank N.V., and NIBC Bank Ltd. as original lenders. DnB NOR Bank ASA acts as agent and security trustee. Under the agreement, the subsidiaries shall apply all amounts borrowed by them towards refinancing in relation to the acquisition of the vessels and for general working capital purposes. This loan is due on December 19, 2008 and will be secured by the subsidiaries’ vessels, if the loan remains unpaid up to six months from utilization date. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1.5%, which is paid between 1 – 3 months. B. Loan obtained from Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia is a revolving credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 150,000,000,000 or equivalent to US$ 17,000,000 and is due on June 2008. Interest rate is at LIBOR plus 1%, which is paid on a monthly basis. C. Loan obtained from Bank UOB Indonesia is a working capital credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 150,000,000,000 due on December 12, 2008. This loan is secured by a subsidiary’s vessel and trade accounts receivable from Pertamina of M.T. Anjani with interest rate per annum at SBI plus 1.2%, which is paid monthly. D. Loan obtained from Bank Mizuho Indonesia is a time revolving loan with maximum credit of Rp 50,000,000,000 due on April 18, 2008. Interest rate per annum is at the bank’s cost of funds plus 1.2%, which is paid between 7 - 30 days. In April 2005, the Company obtained additional loan from Bank Mizuho with maximum credit of Rp 35,000,000,000 due in April 2008. Interest rate per annum is at the bank’s cost of funds plus 1.2%, which is paid between 7 - 30 days. In July 2006, the Company obtained additional loan from Bank Mizuho with maximum credit of Rp 45,000,000,000 due in April 2008. Interest rate per annum is at the bank’s cost of funds plus 1.2%, which is paid between 7 - 30 days. E. Loan obtained from Bank Central Asia is a working capital credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 20,000,000,000 and bears interest of 10.25% - 13.5%, which is paid monthly (Note 17B). F. Loan obtained from Bank Negara Indonesia is a working capital facility with maximum credit of US$ 3,110,000 due in 2007. Interest rate is at SIBOR plus 3.25%, which is paid monthly. This loan has been fully paid in May 2007. G. Loan obtained from Bank Chinatrust Indonesia is a working capital credit facility with maximum credit of Rp 15,000,000,000 due on August 23, 2007. Interest rate is SBI interest rate plus 2%, which is paid monthly. This loan is secured by the Company’s asset equivalent to the outstanding balance of the liability to Bank Chinatrust Indonesia. This loan was paid in May 2007. 26. TRADE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Related parties Third parties 2,790,671 12,625,897 696,674 9,161,285 Total 15,416,568 9,857,959 The accounts payable to third parties represent liabilities to other shipping companies as agents and to sub-agents and to suppliers for purchases of oil, fuel and spare parts, vessel equipment, and other disbursements. - 43 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 27. TAXATION a. Details of taxes payable included in the consolidated balance sheets are as follows: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Corporate income tax of the Company Income taxes Article 21 Article 23 Article 25 Article 26 Value added tax Final tax payable 1,095 699 909,286 18,319 3,080 2,260 1,478,458 47,527 353,547 20,269 2,531 5,679 1,538,354 20,764 Total 2,460,025 1,941,843 b. Details of tax expense included in the consolidated statements of income are as follows: Income tax of foreign and local subsidiaries Final tax on vessel revenue - Company Income tax on agency operations - Company Final tax on storage revenue and agency Total 2007 US$ 786,497 140,038 41,706 27,651 2006 US$ 745,378 145,961 37,990 25,516 995,892 954,845 c. A reconciliation of tax expense included in the consolidated statements of income and the amount computed by applying the applicable tax rates is as follows: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ 398,642,549 335,216,811 4,783,711 4,022,602 (3,360,466) 26,764 (2,982,479) 25,488 (5,811) (7,748) (509,915) 27,651 41,706 (8,269) (7,225) (158,778) 25,516 37,990 Total tax expense per consolidated statements of income 995,892 954,845 Tax on agency operating income is computed as follows: Agency revenue Non-taxable income 645,900 (449,945) 602,063 (469,069) 195,955 132,994 41,706 37,990 Operating revenues Final tax at 1.2% of gross revenues Tax effect of: Revenue of foreign subsidiaries not subject to tax Revenue of foreign subsidiaries subject to different final tax Revenue subject to different tax rate: Storage revenue Agency revenue Others Tax on storage revenue Tax on agency operating income (see below) Taxable income Tax at applicable tax rate - 44 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) At balance sheet date, no deferred tax liability has been recognized in respect of the temporary differences associated with undistributed earnings of subsidiaries because the Company is in a position to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences and it is probable that such differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. 28. ACCRUED EXPENSES 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Operating and docking Interest Others 19,169,237 8,363,456 4,000,133 14,451,694 3,130,346 1,523,387 Total 31,532,826 19,105,427 29. OPERATING REVENUES 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Owned vessels Chartered vessels Agency fees Storage fees 310,298,478 87,107,249 752,579 484,243 262,900,862 70,924,636 702,261 689,052 Total 398,642,549 335,216,811 0.07% of the above operating revenues were made with related parties in 2006 (Note 38). Revenues from Pertamina included in the operating revenues amounted to US$ 43,425,641 and US$ 51,264,153 in 2007 and 2006, respectively. 30. VOYAGE EXPENSES 2007 US$ Fuel Port charges Total - 45 Global Reports LLC 2006 US$ 68,354,969 35,434,826 56,017,916 26,519,857 103,789,795 82,537,773 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 31. SHIP OPERATING EXPENSES 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Salaries Spare parts Lubricants Insurance Repairs and maintenance Transportation Processing of documents Supplies Employees' meal allowances Others 29,493,620 10,344,325 6,363,630 6,260,890 4,622,630 4,191,583 2,910,692 2,827,906 1,818,211 3,348,036 17,433,108 8,337,680 5,464,425 4,486,808 4,187,761 2,336,949 1,782,226 1,653,846 1,326,577 3,760,975 Total 72,181,523 50,770,355 32. GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Salaries Professional fees Office expenses Pension benefits (Note 22) Transportation Telecommunication Marketing Depreciation Representation Bank charges Training and education Others 10,292,893 3,368,582 2,433,014 1,122,983 1,023,825 748,618 556,262 534,031 394,177 391,500 296,833 807,104 6,874,790 5,800,862 1,735,971 458,471 950,062 710,679 363,659 531,571 193,719 373,311 150,271 377,192 Total 21,969,822 18,520,558 33. FINANCE COSTS 2007 US$ Interest expense on: Bonds Bank loans 29,712,616 26,403,479 5,176,131 30,321,943 Total borrowing cost Net loss (gain) on derivative transactions (Note 24) Profit sharing allocation 56,116,095 11,567,942 1,593,613 35,498,074 (13,779,431) 978,913 Total 69,277,650 22,697,556 - 46 Global Reports LLC 2006 US$ P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 34. INVESTMENT INCOME 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Interest income from: Current accounts and others Time deposits 5,492,078 3,557,953 1,691,394 2,286,618 Total interest income Realized gain on available-for-sale investments 9,050,031 2,764,526 3,978,012 2,146,634 11,814,557 6,124,646 Total 35. OTHER GAINS AND LOSSES 2007 US$ Change in fair value of convertible bonds and notes payable designated as at fair value through profit and loss Foreign exchange gain (loss) - net Net recovery of revaluation decrease Net gain (loss) on disposal of property, vessels and equipment (Note 6) Gain (loss) on insurance claim Revaluation decrease Others - net Total 2006 US$ 50,791,950 6,834,128 5,537,610 (4,635,311) - (11,344,973) (283,575) (13,098,374) 53,537,732 222,949 (16,780,781) (2,223,237) 38,436,766 30,121,352 2007 US$ 2006 US$ 36. EARNINGS PER SHARE Profit for the year Profit for the year for the computation of basic earnings per share Unrealized fair value change of convertible bonds designated as FVTPL Potential effect of dilutive common shares: Interest of convertible bonds Profit for the year for the computation of diluted earnings per share 3,541,250 80,318,642 - 47 Global Reports LLC 76,777,392 107,489,649 217,869 107,707,518 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Earnings Per Share 2007 2006 Net Residual Income - Basic $76,777,392 $107,489,649 Net Residual Income - Diluted $80,318,642 $107,707,518 Weighted average outstanding shares for the purposes of basic earnings per share Potential effect of dilutive common shares: Convertible bonds Warrants Weighted average outstanding shares for the purposes of diluted earnings per share 3,810,882,703 3,973,969,589 249,064,587 397,784,338 125,739,847 393,697,897 4,457,731,628 4,493,407,333 Exercise price of warrants Average fair value of common share Potential effect of dilutive common shares: Earnings per share - Basic - Diluted Rp 150 Rp 1,918 Rp 150 Rp 1,674 0.0201 0.0180 0.0270 0.0240 As of the issuance date of the consolidated financial statements, the Company’s management has decided that the Company will not carry-out the stock split (as discussed in Note 13) until after such stock split is approved in a Extraordinary General Stockholders’ Meeting. Accordingly, the dilutive effect of the stock split on the earnings per share was not considered in the dilutive earnings per share calculation. 37. DIVIDENDS AND APPROPRIATION FOR GENERAL RESERVES At the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders held on May 2007, the stockholders approved the declaration of dividends for 2006 amounting to Rp 40 per share (totaling US$ 16,367,018) and appropriate Rp 310,000,000 (US$ 35,510) from retained earnings for general reserve. At the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders held on May 2006, the stockholders approved the declaration of dividends for 2005 amounting to Rp 20 per share (totaling US$ 8,927,727) and appropriate Rp 160,362,000 (US$ 17,393) from retained earnings for general reserve. 38. NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP AND TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES Nature of Relationship a. The ultimate controlling party of the Company and its subsidiaries is PT Bagusnusa Samudera Gemilang (Bagusnusa). b. PT Tunggaladhi Baskara is a major stockholder of the Company. c. Bagusnusa is the parent company of PT Tunggaladhi Baskara. The majority stockholder of Bagusnusa is Mr. Hadi Surya, one of the Company’s commissioners. d. Bagusnusa is the majority shareholder of PT Garuda Mahakam Pratama. - 48 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) e. Pan Union Agencies Pte. Ltd. Poseidon Elite Navigation Pte. Ltd. and Pan Union Shipping Pte. Ltd. are wholly-owned, directly or indirectly, by Ms. Siana Anggaeni, one of the Company’s directors. f. PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk is owned by a close member of the family of Mr. Hadi Surya. Transactions with Related Parties In the normal course of business, the Company and its subsidiaries entered into certain transactions with related parties. These transactions included the following: a. Agency fees from related parties accounted 0.07% in 2006. Details of revenues from related parties are as follows: 2006 US$ PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk 226,608 Total 226,608 b. Expenses paid to related parties accounted for 0.82% and 1.60% in 2007 and 2006, respectively. The details of expenses from related parties are as follows: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Pan Union Agencies Pte. Ltd. PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk Thai Petra Transport Co. Ltd. PT Garuda Mahakam Pratama 1,689,688 154,084 447,952 11,721 2,418,918 616,832 523,229 Total 2,303,445 3,558,979 c. PT Tunggaladhi Baskara’s 66,188,311 shares in 2007 and 167,142,857 shares in 2006, respectively, were pledged for the Company’s loan to Bank Central Asia (Note 17B). d. The remuneration of the Company’s key management (commissioners and directors) during the year are as follows: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Short-term benefits Post-employment benefits 1,699,400 681,241 708,907 325,080 Total 2,380,641 1,033,987 39. SEGMENT INFORMATION For management purpose, the Company and its subsidiaries are currently organized based on type of vessels chartered – chemical, gas, oil and asphalt. These segments are the basis on which the Company and its subsidiaries report their primary segment information. - 49 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Business Segment 2007 Business Segment Chemical US$ REVENUES External revenues Total segment revenues Unallocated Gas US$ Floating, production, storage and off-loading US$ Oil US$ 218,982,536 21,192,986 10,950,190 146,280,015 397,405,727 218,982,536 21,192,986 10,950,190 146,280,015 397,405,727 1,236,822 Total revenues per consolidated statement of income 398,642,549 Segment expenses Voyage Expenses Port Charges Fuel 23,612,008 43,127,055 681,685 2,124,681 Total Voyage Expenses 66,739,063 2,806,366 Charter Expenses Vessel Depreciation and Ship Operating Expenses 26,244,732 - 11,920 11,129,213 23,103,233 35,434,826 68,354,969 11,920 34,232,446 103,789,795 - 3,285,000 29,529,732 - Ship operating expenses: Salaries Repairs and maintenance Spare parts Insurance Supplies Transportation Employees' meal allowances Processing of documents Lubricants Others 17,538,873 3,455,403 5,787,383 2,225,107 1,620,063 2,130,783 998,750 1,488,743 3,667,634 2,245,575 2,701,070 178,184 1,385,771 203,207 381,230 650,578 227,493 351,851 554,234 311,028 732,882 7,419 143,278 923,685 106,292 352,148 147,233 53,618 68,392 221,552 8,520,795 981,624 3,027,893 2,908,891 720,321 1,058,074 444,735 1,016,480 2,073,370 569,881 29,493,620 4,622,630 10,344,325 6,260,890 2,827,906 4,191,583 1,818,211 2,910,692 6,363,630 3,348,036 Total Ship Operating Expenses Vessel Depreciation 41,158,314 31,294,722 6,944,646 5,979,194 2,756,499 4,548,988 21,322,064 32,524,606 72,181,523 74,347,510 Total segment expenses 165,436,831 15,730,206 7,317,407 91,364,116 279,848,560 53,545,705 5,462,780 3,632,783 54,915,899 117,557,167 Segment result Unallocated income and expenses Agency and storage fees General and administrative expenses Finance costs Investment income Share in net loss of associates Loss from sale of vessels and equipment Other gains and losses - net Profit before tax Tax expense 1,236,822 (21,969,822) (69,277,650) 11,814,557 (24,556) (11,344,973) 49,781,739 77,773,284 (995,892) Profit for the year Other Information Capital additions Depreciation Assets Segment assets Unallocated Consolidated total assets Liabilities Segment liabilities Unallocated 76,777,392 1,015,101,377 31,294,722 20,049,559 5,979,194 6,714,106 4,548,988 112,213,523 32,524,606 1,154,078,565 74,347,510 1,372,341,079 136,517,673 45,932,966 421,274,910 1,976,066,628 437,019,045 2,413,085,673 178,459,800 3,773,515 510,758 7,864,841 190,608,914 1,647,251,126 Consolidated total liabilities 1,837,860,040 - 50 Global Reports LLC Total US$ P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 2006 Business Segment Chemical US$ Revenue External revenues Total segment revenues Unallocated Gas US$ Oil US$ Total US$ 173,932,944 16,188,863 143,703,691 333,825,498 173,932,944 16,188,863 143,703,691 333,825,498 1,391,313 Total revenues per consolidated statement of income 335,216,811 Segment expenses Voyage Expenses Port Charges Fuel 18,066,847 37,735,744 586,993 1,530,348 7,866,017 16,751,824 26,519,857 56,017,916 Total Voyage Expenses 55,802,591 2,117,341 24,617,841 82,537,773 Charter Expenses 26,066,438 3,285,000 29,351,438 - Vessel Depreciation and Ship Operating Expenses Ship Operating Expenses Salaries Repairs and maintenance Spare parts Insurance Supplies Transportation Employees' meal allowances Processing of documents Lubricants Others Total Ship Operating Expenses Vessel Depreciation Total segment expenses Segment results Unallocated income and expenses Agency and storage fees General and administrative expenses Finance costs Investment income Share in loss of associates Other gains and losses - net Profit before tax Tax expense 8,320,048 355,283 4,610,994 1,506,283 755,199 1,081,862 925,199 592,601 2,787,167 2,446,864 1,274,959 690,439 782,016 249,955 199,318 302,847 146,716 150,598 501,169 220,422 7,838,101 3,142,039 2,944,670 2,730,570 699,329 952,240 254,662 1,039,027 2,176,089 1,093,689 17,433,108 4,187,761 8,337,680 4,486,808 1,653,846 2,336,949 1,326,577 1,782,226 5,464,425 3,760,975 23,381,500 4,518,439 22,870,416 50,770,355 28,182,028 4,451,290 26,481,998 59,115,316 133,432,557 11,087,070 77,255,255 221,774,882 40,500,387 5,101,793 66,448,436 112,050,616 1,391,313 (18,520,558) (22,697,556) 6,124,646 (25,319) 30,121,352 108,444,494 (954,845) Profit for the year Other information Capital additions Depreciation Assets Segment assets Unallocated 107,489,649 99,647,486 28,182,028 58,659,423 4,451,290 89,101,937 26,481,998 247,408,846 59,115,316 359,247,409 103,045,821 406,158,537 868,451,767 209,537,686 Consolidated total assets Liabilities Segment liabilities Unallocated 1,077,989,453 14,699,237 Consolidated total liabilities 8,725,102 25,951,190 534,828,631 560,779,821 - 51 Global Reports LLC 2,526,851 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Geographic Segment The Company and its subsidiaries are domiciled in two main geographical areas: Malaysia and Indonesia. Segment information based on geographic segment is presented below: 2007 Malaysia US$ Indonesia US$ Elimination US$ Consolidated US$ REVENUES External revenues Inter-segment sales 384,048,147 28,921,086 14,594,402 - (28,921,086) 398,642,549 - Total revenues 412,969,233 14,594,402 (28,921,086) 398,642,549 2006 Malaysia US$ Indonesia US$ Elimination US$ Consolidated US$ REVENUES External revenues Inter-segment sales 309,332,241 24,967,568 25,884,570 - (24,967,568) 335,216,811 - Total revenues 334,299,809 25,884,570 (24,967,568) 335,216,811 40. RECONCILIATION OF IFRS AND INDONESIAN GAAP For statutory reporting purposes in Indonesia, the Company continues to prepare consolidated financial statements in accordance with Indonesian GAAP. IFRS varies in certain significant respect from Indonesian GAAP. The application of IFRS that affected the preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial statements is discussed below. a. Goodwill Under Indonesian GAAP, goodwill arising from business acquisition is recognized as an asset and amortized as an expense over its useful life using straight-line method. The amortization period should not exceed five years, unless a longer period not exceeding 20 years can be justified. The Company is amortizing goodwill over 20 years. At each balance sheet date, management assessed whether there was any indication of impairment of the cash-generating unit to which the goodwill is attached to. Under IFRS, goodwill arising from business acquisition is initially recognized at cost, and is subsequently measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. In applying IFRS, the Company ceases amortizing goodwill starting January 1, 2003. The accumulated amortization of US$ 3,747,237 recognized under Indonesian GAAP as of December 31, 2002 has been eliminated with a corresponding decrease in the cost of goodwill. The goodwill amortization of US$ 911,202 and US$ 794,504 for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively, recognized under Indonesian GAAP has also been reversed under IFRS. - 52 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) b. Property, Plant and Equipment While Indonesian GAAP does not generally allow companies to recognized increases in value of property, plant and equipment that occur subsequent to acquisition, an exception is provided for revaluations made in accordance with government regulations. For Indonesian reporting purposes, the Company and its subsidiaries did not recognize any revaluation increases and continue to measure property, plant and equipment at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. After initial recognition, IFRS allows an item of property, plant and equipment whose fair value can be measured reliably, to be carried at revalued amount, being the fair value at the date of revaluation, less subsequent accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any (the “Revaluation Model” under IAS 16). For IFRS reporting purposes, the Company and its subsidiaries adopted the Revaluation Model in measuring the vessels subsequent to initial recognition. If the vessel’s carrying amount is increased as a result of a revaluation, the increase is credited directly to equity under the heading of revaluation reserve. However, the increase shall be recognized in profit or loss to the extent that it reverses a revaluation decrease of the same vessel previously recognized in profit of loss. If the vessel’s carrying amount is decreased as a result of revaluation, the decrease shall be recognized in profit or loss. However, the decrease shall be debited directly to equity under the heading of revaluation reserve to the extent of any credit balance existing in the revaluation surplus in respect of that vessel. Also, under Indonesian GAAP, the cost of acquired landrights are capitalized as land, which is not depreciated. Under IFRS, land use rights are considered as leases and such rights are amortized over the period the holder is expected to retain the landrights. c. Financial Instruments Under Indonesian GAAP, short-term and long-term bank loans are stated at nominal value, being the principal amount of the loan. Transaction costs on bank borrowings were classified as deferred charges and amortized on a straight-line basis over the period of the borrowings. For bonds payable, bonds issuance costs are deducted directly from the proceeds of the bonds. The difference between the net proceeds and principal amount of the bonds is amortized on a straight-line basis over the term of the bonds. All the proceeds obtained from the issuance of convertible bonds are recognized as liabilities. Under IFRS, financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost. Convertible bonds due 2010 are separated into its liability component and its equity component. The change had an impact on amounts of reported net profits and retained earnings as follows: 2007 2006 US$ US$ Net profits Retained earnings 678,282 34,470 4,539,784 712,752 d. Measurement and Reporting Currency Under Indonesian GAAP, the reporting currency used by enterprises in Indonesia is Rupiah. An enterprise may use another currency, only if the other currency meets the definition of functional currency. For statutory reporting purposes in Indonesia, the Company maintains its books of accounts in Rupiah and presents the consolidated financial statements also in Rupiah. Under IFRS, enterprises should measure the transactions in terms of the functional currency. IFRS allows the use of a presentation currency other than the functional currency. Management has determined that the Company’s functional currency is the US Dollar. For IFRS reporting purposes, the transactions were measured in terms of the functional currency as discussed in Note 3f. Management has chosen the US Dollar as the group presentation currency. - 53 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) A summary of the significant adjustments to consolidated profit for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 and to consolidated stockholders’ equity as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 from Indonesian GAAP to IFRS are set forth below: December 31, Note Profit for the year according to the consolidated statements of income prepared under Indonesian GAAP IFRS adjustments - increase (decrease) due to: Amortization of goodwill Depreciation of revalued vessels Revaluation decrease Loss on sale of property adjustment based on revalued amounts of vessels Recovery of revaluation decrease Amortization of landrights Measurement of financial liabilities at amortized cost 2007 2006 Rp US$ 758,981,783,247 87,147,221 1,205,279,899,017 127,312,935 (a) (b) (b) US$ US$ US$ 911,202 (4,598,403) - 794,504 (8,376,793) (16,780,781) (b) (b) (b) US$ US$ US$ (12,855,487) 5,537,610 (43,033) (c) US$ 678,282 4,539,784 (10,369,829) (19,823,286) 76,777,392 107,489,649 Total adjustments Profit for the year in accordance with IFRS - December 31, Note 2007 2006 Rp US$ 3,315,581,696,509 368,251,538 3,131,159,546,500 358,293,829 (a) (b) (b) US$ US$ US$ 4,089,214 208,571,169 (12,951,431) 3,178,012 170,315,215 (8,353,028) (b) US$ (13,690,815) (835,328) (b) (b) (b) (c) (c) US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ 36,387,039 (43,033) (15,340,980) (189,842) 177,244 16,366,646 (20,878,590) (189,842) 25,470 (c) US$ (34,470) (712,752) Total adjustments 206,974,095 158,915,803 Equity in accordance with IFRS 575,225,633 517,209,632 Equity according to the consolidated balance sheets prepared under Indonesian GAAP IFRS adjustments - increase (decrease) due to: Amortization of goodwill Revaluation reserve Depreciation of revalued vessels Loss on sale of property adjustment based on revalued amounts of vessels Difference between depreciation expense based on revalued amounts and historical cost Amortization of landrights Revaluation decrease Foreign exchange loss Option premium on convertible bonds Measurement of financial liabilities at amortized cost - 54 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) a. Reconciliation of consolidated balance sheet between IFRS and Indonesian GAAP at December 31, 2007. INDONESIAN GAAP INDONESIAN GAAP Reconciling Items IFRS IDR (in thousand) US$ US$ US$ Property, vessels and equipment - net Advances for the purchase of property, vessels and equipment Investments in associates Other non-current assets 15,810,718,725 1,689,981,767 201,644,453 1,891,626,220 7,911,960 194,723,541 1,030,653,493 840,000 20,715,570 113,871,313 1,143,580 840,000 20,715,570 115,014,893 Total Non-Current Assets 17,044,007,719 1,825,408,650 202,788,033 2,028,196,683 Trade accounts receivable Available-for-sale investments Cash Other current assets 713,431,861 680,967,273 1,980,422,581 249,795,114 75,668,908 72,297,194 210,315,293 26,562,555 45,040 75,668,908 72,297,194 210,315,293 26,607,595 Total Current Assets 3,624,616,829 384,843,950 45,040 384,888,990 20,668,624,548 2,210,252,600 202,833,073 2,413,085,673 Total Assets Share capital Additional paid-in capital Treasury stocks Translation adjustment Unrealized gain on available-for-sale investments Share of changes in associates' equity Revaluation reserve Retained earnings 259,938,152 533,010,299 (780,921,641) 192,459,876 59,347,625 60,841,768 (86,628,085) (91,428) 177,244 - 59,347,625 61,019,012 (86,628,085) (91,428) 20,159,246 (39,164,165) 3,130,099,930 2,140,275 (4,157,996) 336,799,379 208,571,169 (1,774,318) 2,140,275 (4,157,996) 208,571,169 335,025,061 Total Equity 3,315,581,697 368,251,538 206,974,095 575,225,633 Long-term liabilities - net of current maturities Bank loans Bonds payable Obligations under finance lease Convertible bonds Notes payable Other non-current liabilities 5,707,024,658 891,338,064 810,079,396 1,210,730,033 3,255,835,589 279,204,449 605,932,904 94,597,194 86,004,820 128,541,250 345,666,800 29,642,685 (3,317,844) 10,161 - 602,615,060 94,607,355 86,004,820 128,541,250 345,666,800 29,642,685 12,154,212,189 1,290,385,653 (3,307,683) 1,287,077,970 2,814,873,000 142,614,516 1,752,220,155 489,122,991 298,850,515 15,416,568 185,990,621 51,357,705 (833,339) - 298,850,515 15,416,568 185,157,282 51,357,705 Total Non-current Liabilities CURRENT LIABILITIES Short-term bank loans Trade accounts payable Current maturities of long-term liabilities Other current liabilities Total Current Liabilities Total Equity and Liabilities 5,198,830,662 551,615,409 (833,339) 550,782,070 20,668,624,548 2,210,252,600 202,833,073 2,413,085,673 - 55 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) b. Reconciliation of consolidated balance sheet between IFRS and Indonesian GAAP at December 31, 2006. INDONESIAN GAAP INDONESIAN GAAP Reconciling Items IFRS IDR (in thousand) US$ US$ US$ Property, vessels and equipment - net Advances for the purchase of property, vessels and equipment Investments in associates Other non-current assets 5,903,931,712 660,941,570 156,614,915 817,556,485 13,779,904 224,237,821 91,529,890 1,527,705 24,898,122 14,891,906 501,976 1,527,705 24,898,122 15,393,882 Total Non-current Assets 6,233,479,327 702,259,303 157,116,891 859,376,194 507,044,910 433,572,296 886,090,707 145,768,712 56,093,192 48,067,882 98,237,167 16,215,018 - 56,093,192 48,067,882 98,237,167 16,215,018 Total Current Assets 1,972,476,625 218,613,259 - 218,613,259 Total Assets 8,205,955,952 920,872,562 157,116,891 59,337,930 60,067,002 (27,188,806) (9,355) - Trade accounts receivable Available-for-sale investments Cash Other current assets Share capital Additional paid-in capital Treasury stocks Translation adjustment Unrealized gain on available-for-sale investments Option premium on convertible bonds Revaluation reserve Retained earnings 612,296 2,520,931,044 67,882 266,019,176 25,470 170,315,215 (11,424,882) 67,882 25,470 170,315,215 254,594,294 Total Equity 3,131,159,547 358,293,829 158,915,803 517,209,632 Long-term liabilities - net of current maturities Bank loans Bonds payable Convertible bonds Other non-current liabilities 3,194,725,883 396,997,246 29,315,000 167,294,943 354,182,471 43,984,820 3,250,000 18,547,111 (1,420,316) (50,905) 151,774 - 352,762,155 43,933,915 3,401,774 18,547,111 Total Non-current Liabilities 3,788,333,072 419,964,402 (1,319,447) 418,644,955 193,052,200 88,784,156 21,402,683 9,857,959 733,080,342 271,546,635 81,272,765 30,080,924 (479,465) - 80,793,300 30,080,924 Total Current Liabilities 1,286,463,333 142,614,331 (479,465) 142,134,866 Total Equity and Liabilities 8,205,955,952 920,872,562 CURRENT LIABILITIES Short-term bank loans Trade accounts payable Current maturities of long-term bank loans Other current liabilities 259,848,277 524,840,215 (250,323,928) 75,251,643 - 56 Global Reports LLC 1,077,989,453 - 157,116,891 59,337,930 60,067,002 (27,188,806) (9,355) 21,402,683 9,857,959 1,077,989,453 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) c. Reconciliation of consolidated statement of income between IFRS and Indonesian GAAP for the year ended December 31, 2007. INDONESIAN GAAP IDR (in thousands) Operating revenues Voyage expenses Operating revenues after voyage expenses 3,641,772,919 (932,930,385) 2,708,842,534 INDONESIAN GAAP US$ 398,642,549 Reconciling Items US$ IFRS US$ - 398,642,549 - (103,789,795) 294,852,754 - 294,852,754 (103,789,795) * Charter expenses (269,783,633) (29,529,732) * - (29,529,732) Vessel depreciation and ship operating expenses Ship operating expenses (659,483,172) (72,181,523) * - (72,181,523) (642,483,405) (71,251,576) * Vessel depreciation (3,095,934) (74,347,510) (1,301,966,577) (143,433,099) (3,095,934) (146,529,033) 1,137,092,324 121,889,923 (3,095,934) 118,793,989 General and administrative (239,021,216) (24,593,152) 2,623,330 (21,969,822) Income before financial and other items 898,071,108 97,296,771 (472,604) 96,824,167 Finance costs (622,023,431) (67,289,569) (1,988,081) (69,277,650) Investment income 108,125,672 11,814,557 - 11,814,557 (218,895) (24,556) - (24,556) 384,127,257 46,345,910 (7,909,144) 38,436,766 (129,989,397) (9,153,658) (9,897,225) (19,050,883) 768,081,711 88,143,113 (10,369,829) 77,773,284 (9,099,928) (995,892) 758,981,783 87,147,221 Gross profit Net financial and other items Share in losses of associates Other gains and losses Income before tax Tax expense Profit for the year * Presented as "Total direct costs" in Indonesian GAAP consolidated financial statements. - 57 Global Reports LLC (10,369,829) (995,892) 76,777,392 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) d. Reconciliation of consolidated statement of income between IFRS and Indonesian GAAP for the year ended at December 31, 2006. INDONESIAN GAAP IDR (in thousands) Operating revenues Voyage expenses 3,073,787,611 (757,645,728) * INDONESIAN GAAP US$ Reconciling Items US$ IFRS US$ 335,216,811 - 335,216,811 (82,537,773) * - (82,537,773) 252,679,038 - 252,679,038 Operating revenues after voyage expenses 2,316,141,883 (269,152,688) * (29,351,438) * Ship operating expenses (467,450,605) * (50,895,135) * 124,780 (50,770,355) Vessel depreciation (457,245,333) * (50,738,523) * (8,376,793) (59,115,316) Charter expenses - (29,351,438) Vessel depreciation and ship operating expenses (924,695,938) (101,633,658) (8,252,013) (109,885,671) 1,122,293,257 121,693,942 (8,252,013) 113,441,929 General and administrative (175,901,462) (19,219,842) 699,284 (18,520,558) Income before financial and other items 946,391,795 102,474,100 (7,552,729) 94,921,371 (233,757,555) (26,413,276) 3,715,720 (22,697,556) 55,648,804 6,124,646 - 6,124,646 (234,755) (25,319) - (25,319) 445,987,236 46,107,629 (15,986,277) 30,121,352 267,643,730 25,793,680 (12,270,557) 13,523,123 1,214,035,525 128,267,780 (19,823,286) 108,444,494 (8,755,626) (954,845) 1,205,279,899 127,312,935 Gross profit Net financial and other items Finance costs Investment income Share in losses of associates Other gains and losses Income before tax Tax expense Profit for the year * (19,823,286) (954,845) 107,489,649 Presented as "Total direct costs" in Indonesian GAAP consolidated financial statements. 41. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS A. Capital risk management The Company and its subsidiaries manage their capital to ensure that they will be able to continue as a going concern while maximising the return to stakeholders through the optimisation of the debt and equity balance. The capital structure of the Group consists of debt, which includes the borrowings disclosed in Notes 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 and 25, cash, available-for-sale investments and equity attributable to equity holders of the parent, comprising issued capital, reserves and retained earnings as disclosed in Notes 8, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16. - 58 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) The Company’s Board of Directors periodically reviews the Company’s capital structure. As part of this review, the Board of Directors consider the cost of capital and the related risks. The Company also has a target gearing ratio of 150% determined as the proportion of net debt to equity. The gearing ratio as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 are as follows: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Debt Cash and available-for-sale investments 1,754,443,082 282,612,487 515,293,827 146,305,049 Net debt Equity 1,471,830,595 575,225,633 368,988,778 517,209,632 Net debt to equity ratio 256% 71% The Company’s management has several plans to be executed in the first semester of 2008 for the Company and its subsidiaries deleveraging exercise which is expected to reduce the net gearing ratio to 150% at the end of 2008. This includes the plan to prepay the US$ 250 million bridging loan and equity financing (see also Note 17). B. Significant Accounting Policies Details of the significant accounting policies and methods adopted, including the criteria for recognition, the basis of measurement and the basis on which income and expenses are recognised, in respect of each class of financial asset, financial liability and equity instrument are disclosed in Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements. C. Categories of Financial Instruments As of December 31, 2007 Restricted cash Derivative financial instruments Trade accounts receivable Other accounts receivable Available-for-sale investments Cash As of December 31, 2006 Other long-term accounts receivable Derivative financial instruments Trade accounts receivable Other accounts receivable Available-for-sale investments Cash Financial assets at FVTPL US$ Available-forinvestments US$ Loans and receivables US$ Held-to-maturity investments US$ 132,081 - 72,297,194 - 29,200,000 75,668,908 2,787,968 210,315,293 - 132,081 72,297,194 317,972,169 - 569,764 - 48,067,882 - 2,631,317 56,093,192 3,391,306 98,237,167 - 569,764 48,067,882 160,352,982 - - 59 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Financial Liabilities As of December 31, 2007 Financial liabilities at Other financial FVTPL liabilities US$ US$ As of December 31, 2006 Financial liabilities at Other financial FVTPL liabilities US$ US$ Bank loans Bonds payable Notes payable 345,666,800 Other long-term payable Convertible bonds 128,541,250 Obligations under finance lease Derivative financial instruments 20,752,853 Short-term bank loans Trade accounts payable Other accounts payable - 687,494,681 136,956,489 13,000,000 143,933,347 298,850,515 15,416,568 6,651,110 4,307,837 - 433,555,455 43,933,915 13,000,000 3,401,774 - 494,960,903 1,302,302,710 4,307,837 532,349,803 21,402,683 9,857,959 7,198,017 In 2007, the convertible bonds and notes payable were designated at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL). The difference between the carrying amount and maturity amount and the change in fair value attributable to change in credit risk recognized during the period are presented as follows: Convertible bonds US$ Contractual amount to be paid at maturity Carrying amount at fair value Change in fair value attributable to change in credit risk Notes payable US$ 161,975,000 128,541,250 400,000,000 345,666,800 33,433,750 54,333,200 (21,452,070) (79,164,160) The change in fair value attributable to change in credit risk is determined as the residual of the change in fair value attributable to the change in market risk from the total change in fair value of the financial liabilities. The change in fair value attributable to its change in market risk was computed using the benchmark interest rates as at the balance sheet date. The decrease in fair value is represented by a downgrade of the Company’s credit rating from BB- to B+ since October 2007. D. Financial Risk Management Objective The Company and its subsidiaries’ financial risk management and policy seeks to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for the development of the Company and its subsidiaries’ business while managing their foreign exchange, interest rate, credit and liquidity risks. The Company and its subsidiaries operate within defined guidelines that are approved by the Board of Directors, and policies in respect of the major areas of treasury activity. - 60 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Foreign Exchange Risk Management The Company and its subsidiaries conduct business in currencies other than their respective functional currency primarily in Indonesian Rupiah, Japanese Yen, Singapore Dollar and British Pound Sterling. Foreign currency exposures and fluctuations have not had a material impact on the Company and its subsidiaries in recent years. It is the Company and its subsidiaries’ policy to manage foreign exchange risks within prudent levels so as to maximize its profits. The Company and its subsidiaries have practices that include the periodic review of the impact of movements in foreign exchange rates on profitability so that appropriate action is taken to mitigate these risks. Foreign exchange risk exposures are measured using a sensitivity analysis as shown below. The carrying amounts of the Company and its subsidiaries monetary assets and monetary liabilities denominated in currencies other than their respective functional currency at the reporting dates are as follows: Assets 2007 US$ Indonesian Rupiah Japanese Yen British Pound Sterling Euro Chinese Renminbi Hong Kong Dollar Singapore Dollar Liabilities 2006 US$ 7,821,145 301,908 28,899,735 2,519,405 664,066 910,713 332,766 41,449,738 2,821,688 62,069 30,805,080 1,842,754 390,866 49,008 1,552,516 37,523,982 2007 US$ 176,100,069 362,225 9,016 138,138 2,314 34,527 5,211,144 181,857,433 2006 US$ 70,874,257 309 38,852 599 70,914,017 The following table details the Company and its subsidiaries’ sensitivity to changes in US Dollar against the above currencies. The sensitivity rate below are used when reporting foreign currency risk internally to key management personnel and represents management’s assessment of the reasonably possible change in foreign exchange rates. The sensitivity analysis includes only outstanding foreign currency denominated monetary items and adjusts their translation at the period end for the change in foreign currency exchange rates. A positive number below indicates an increase in profit and equity where the above currencies strengthen at certain percentage against the U.S. Dollar. For the same percentage of weakening of the above currencies against the U.S. Dollar, there would be an equal and opposite impact on profit and equity. Effect on profit or loss and equity Sensitivity rate 2007 2006 US$ US$ Indonesian Rupiah Japanese Yen British Pound Sterling Euro Chinese Renminbi Hong Kong Dollar Singapore Dollar 2% 5% 5% 3% 3% 1% 3% (3,365,578) (1,810) 1,444,536 119,063 19,853 8,762 (146,351) (1,361,051) 1,853 1,540,254 90,195 11,726 490 46,558 In management’s opinion, the sensitivity analysis is unrepresentative of the inherent foreign exchange risk as the year-end exposure does not reflect the exposure during the year. - 61 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) It is also the policy of the Company and its subsidiaries to enter into cross currency swap contracts to cover exposures on specific foreign currency principal and interest payments. These contracts are entered into as economic hedge of the risk exposure although hedge accounting has not been applied. The following table details the cross currency swap contracts outstanding as at reporting date: Notional Amounts In Indonesian Rupiah ('000) In U.S. Dollar 2007 2006 2007 2006 Less than 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years Fair value 2007 2006 451,406,250 60,000,000 962,500,000 464,531,250 122,500,000 54,858,044 6,666,667 108,948,651 56,402,162 13,342,591 6,386,188 132,194 14,102,391 4,307,837 (569,764) 1,473,906,250 587,031,250 170,473,362 69,744,753 20,620,773 3,738,073 Interest Rate Risk Management The Company is also exposed to interest rate risk as they also borrow funds in Rupiah and U.S. Dollar at both fixed and floating interest rates. The risk is managed by maintaining an appropriate mix between fixed and floating rate borrowings and minimizing the exposure through cross currency swap contracts (combined interest rate swap contracts and forward foreign exchange contracts). The Company’s exposure to interest rate on financial assets and financial liabilities are detailed in the liquidity risk management section on this note. The sensitivity analyses below have been determined based on the exposure to interest rates for both derivatives and non-derivative instruments at the balance sheet date. For floating rate liabilities, the analysis is prepared assuming the amount of liability outstanding at the balance sheet date was outstanding for the whole year. A 50 basis point increase or decrease is used when reporting interest rate risk internally to key management personnel and represents management’s assessment of the reasonably possible change in interest rates. If interest rates had been 50 basis points higher or lower and all other variables were held constant, the Company and its subsidiaries’ profit for the year ended December 31, 2007 would decrease/increase by US$ 2,421,926 (2006: decrease/increase by US$ 1,369,202). This is mainly attributable to the exposure to interest rates on its variable rate borrowings. Credit risk management The Company and its subsidiaries’ exposure to credit risk is primarily attributable to trade accounts receivable, investments and bank balances. In determining the credit terms for customers, they consider the following factors: the financial strength of the customer, the customer’s historical payment record, the length of the relationship with the customer and the distance or duration of a specific voyage. Based on these factors, the Company and its subsidiaries’ credit terms may vary. The credit terms may also be modified based on negotiations with each customer. It is the Company and its subsidiaries’ policy to monitor the financial standing of these receivables on an on-going basis to ensure that the Company and its subsidiaries are exposed to minimal credit risk. Bank balances and investments are placed with credit worthy financial institutions. Although the Company and its subsidiaries generate more than 10% of their revenue from Pertamina (National Oil Company of Indonesia), there has been no history of credit default with Pertamina. The carrying amount of financial assets recorded in the consolidated financial statements (Note 41C), represents the Company and its subsidiaries maximum exposure to credit risk without taking account of the value of any collateral obtained. - 62 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Liquidity risk management Ultimate responsibility for liquidity risk management rests with the Board of Directors, which has built an appropriate liquidity risk management framework for the management of the Company and its subsidiaries’ short, medium and long-term funding and liquidity management requirements. The Company and its subsidiaries manage liquidity risk by maintaining adequate reserves, banking facilities and reserve borrowing facilities, by continuously monitoring forecast and actual cash flows and matching the maturity profiles of financial assets and liabilities. Liquidity and interest rate risk tables The following tables detail the Company and its subsidiaries remaining contractual maturity for its non-derivative financial liabilities. The tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial assets based on the contract and obligations of the counterparty and financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Company and its subsidiaries can be required to pay. The table includes both interest and principal cash flows. Interest on financial instruments classified as floating rate is repriced at intervals of less than one year. Interest on financial instruments classified as fixed rate is fixed until the maturity of the instrument. The other financial instruments of the Company and its subsidiaries that are not included in the tables are non-interest bearing and are therefore not subject to interest rate risk. The Company and its subsidiaries’ policy is to borrow principally on the floating rate basis but to retain a proportion of fixed rate debt. The objectives for the mix between fix and floating rate borrowings are set to reduce the impact of an upward change in interest rate while enabling benefits to be enjoyed if interest rates fall. Financial Liabilities Weighted average effective interest rate 2007 Non interest bearing Obligations under finance lease Bank loans Floating interest rate Fixed interest rate 2006 Non interest bearing Floating interest rate Fixed interest rate Less than 1 month US$ 1-3 months US$ 3 months to 1 year US$ 16,561,385 3,560,931 10.00% 2,088,857 8.02% 11.07% 7.17% 13.38% 1 - 5 years US$ After 5 years US$ Total US$ 1,945,369 161,975,000 - 184,042,685 4,042,950 64,942,277 95,780,516 - 166,854,600 3,286,297 2,496,284 27,972,408 1,467,214 400,529,258 72,950,958 362,776,467 260,314,947 317,171,155 456,522,729 1,111,735,586 793,752,132 24,432,823 37,043,503 540,367,862 880,846,930 773,693,884 2,256,385,003 9,026,494 11,428,856 27,716 20,483,066 6,449,133 17,933,453 1,260,615 25,643,201 1,580,349 99,834,438 6,026,857 107,441,644 4,239,300 326,140,019 41,912,383 372,291,702 113,151,837 13,460,910 126,612,747 21,295,276 568,488,603 62,688,482 652,472,361 The following table details the Company and its subsidiaries’ expected maturity for its nonderivative financial assets. The tables below have been drawn up based on the undiscounted contractual maturities of the financial assets including interest that will be earned on those assets except where the Company and its subsidiaries anticipates that the cash flow will occur in a different period. - 63 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Financial Assets W eighted average effective interest rate % Less than 1 month US$ 1 - 3 months US$ 3 months to 1 year US$ 1- 5 years US$ After 5 years US$ Total US$ 6.34% 36,109,014 9,568,711 19,967,406 62,516,147 22,380,456 212,336 29,200,000 - 78,456,876 101,497,194 45,677,725 82,483,553 22,592,792 29,200,000 - 179,954,070 27,572,706 25,865 48,067,882 22,165,935 51,730 - 9,745,757 232,785 - 1,241,520 - 1,853,460 - 59,484,398 3,405,360 48,067,882 27,598,571 22,217,665 9,978,542 1,241,520 1,853,460 110,957,640 2007 Non interest bearing Floating interest rate 2006 Non interest bearing Fixed interest rate Floating interest rate 5.00% 8.00% The Company and its subsidiaries expect to meet their other obligations from operating cash flows, proceeds of maturing financial assets and equity financing. The Company and its subsidiaries expects to maintain a net debt to equity ratio of 150%. The following table details the Company and its subsidiaries liquidity analysis for its derivative financial instruments. The table has been drawn up based on the undiscounted net cash inflows/(outflows) on the derivative instrument that settle on a net basis and the undiscounted gross inflows and (outflows) on those derivatives that require gross or net settlement. When the amount payable or receivable is not fixed, the amount disclosed has been determined by reference to the projected interest rates as illustrated by the yield curves existing at the reporting date. 2007 Cross currency swap 2006 Cross currency swap Less than 1 month US$ 1-3 months US$ 3 months to 1 year US$ 1- 5 years US$ After five years US$ Total US$ 528,375 633,242 (5,038,487) (16,183,348) - (20,060,218) 631,124 1,727,301 (6,647,980) - (4,297,455) (7,900) Other price risks The Company is exposed to market price risks because of the convertible bonds and notes payable issued by BLTF BV and classified on the consolidated balance sheet as financial liability at fair value through profit or loss (see Notes 19 and 23). To manage its price risk arising on convertible bonds, the Company’s management supervises and monitors the Company and its subsidiaries’ performance. As of December 31, 2007, if the market price of the financial liabilities had increased/decreased by the following sensitivity rates with all other variables held constant, post-tax profit for the year would have been lower/higher as follows, mainly as a result of the change in the fair value of the convertible bonds and notes payable recognized in profit or loss. Sensitivity Rate Convertible bonds Notes payable 1% 9% - 64 Global Reports LLC Effect on profit or loss and equity US$ 1,444,547 29,728,382 P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) Fair value of financial instruments Except as detailed in the following table, the management considers that the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded at amortised cost in the financial statements (Note 41C) approximate their fair values: 2007 Borrowings: Bonds payable Convertible bonds Other long-term payable at fixed rate 2006 Carrying amount US$ Fair value US$ Carrying amount US$ Fair value US$ 136,956,489 - 137,989,506 - 43,933,915 3,401,774 45,662,909 4,412,980 13,000,000 12,712,103 13,000,000 12,263,493 The fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities are determined as follows: x the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities with standard terms and conditions and traded on active liquid markets is determined with reference to quoted market prices; x the fair value of other financial assets and financial liabilities (excluding derivative instruments) is determined in accordance with generally accepted pricing models based on discounted cash flow analysis using prices from observable current market transactions and dealer quotes for similar instruments; x the fair value of derivative instruments is calculated using quoted prices. Where such prices are not available, use is made of discounted cash flow analysis using the applicable yield curve for the duration of the instruments for non-optional derivatives, and option pricing models for optional derivatives; and 42. COMMITMENTS a. The Company and its subsidiaries have some charter contracts with Pertamina amounting to US$ 7,000,000 - US$ 44,000,000 per year, which will end between 2008 - 2011. At the balance sheet date, the Company and its subsidiaries have contracts with Pertamina for the following future minimum lease receipts: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Within one year In the second to fifth years inclusive 43,857,020 54,701,190 52,954,198 89,767,410 Total 98,558,210 142,721,608 Revenues earned by the Company on those contracts amounted to US$ 43,425,641 and US$ 51,264,153 in 2007 and 2006, respectively. b. The Company and its subsidiaries have some charter contracts with third parties amounting to US$ 8,000,000 to US$ 36,500,000 per year, which will end between 2009-2013. - 65 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) At the balance sheet date, the Company and its subsidiaries has outstanding commitments under non-cancelable charter contracts, which fall due as follows: 2007 US$ 2006 US$ Within one year In the second to fifth years inclusive After five years 32,709,489 134,045,753 - 27,239,679 108,403,729 7,799,012 Total 166,755,242 143,442,420 The minimum lease payments under charter contracts recognized as an expense amounted to US$ 29,529,732 and US$ 29,351,438 in 2007 and 2006, respectively. c. The Company and its subsidiaries have several contracts with the shipyard in Japan for the construction of new vessels with total contract price of approximately JPY 26,695,400,000 (US$ 235,450,697) in 2007 and JPY 19,510,900,000 (US$ 163,957,143) and US$ 185,762,556 in 2006. d. Chembulk Trading II LLC (a subsidiary) obtained a letter of credit facility amounting to US$ 29,200,000 from Nordea Bank Norge ASA, Grand Cayman Branch. Such facility is secured by a current account amounting to US$ 29,200,000 which is presented under Restricted Cash. 43. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS a. On January 18 and 20, 2008, subsidiaries, Lenani Maritime Inc. and Melani Maritime Inc. entered into memorandum of agreements with third parties, Venus Ocean Navigation S.A. and Mitsubishi Corp., to build gas and chemical tankers at a total price of JPY 17,763,414,000. b. In January 2008, the Company obtained a working capital credit facility from Bank Mandiri with maximum credit of Rp 350,000,000,000 which is due on January 2009. Interest rate per annum is 8.9%, which is paid on a monthly basis. c. Warrants amounting to 720,024 up to December 31, 2007 are no longer exercisable because based on notarial deed No. 32 dated October 17, 2002 of Amrul Partomuan Pohan, S.H., LLM, notary public in Jakarta, the warrants expired on January 18, 2008 and the Company decided not to extend those warrants. d. On January 22, 2008, the Bondholders of Berlian Laju Tanker II Bond approved the replacement of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as Trustee and the appointment of PT Bank Niaga Tbk as the new Trustee. - 66 Global Reports LLC P.T. BERLIAN LAJU TANKER Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 AND FOR THE YEARS THEN ENDED (Continued) 44. RECLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Derivative financial liability and derivative financial asset amounting to US$ 4,307,837 and US$ 569,764, respectively, as of December 31, 2006 were reclassified from current asset and current liability to non-current asset and non-current liability in accordance with the May 2007 IFRIC clarification that held-for-trading classification under IAS 39 is not intended as a presentation guidance. 45. APPROVAL OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorized for issue on February 27, 2008. ******* - 67 Global Reports LLC This page has been intentionally left blank. Global Reports LLC Group Addresses Head Office: PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk Head Office Wisma BSG, 10th floor Jalan Abdul Muis No.40 Jakarta 10160 – Indonesia Phone : +62 21 30060300 Fax : +62 21 30060389, +62 21 30060391 Email : [email protected], [email protected] Branch Office: PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk Dumai Branch Graha Berlian Dumai, 3rd floor Jalan Yos Sudarso No.159 Dumai 28814 – Indonesia Phone : +62 765 38466, 439143 Fax : +62 765 31884 Email : [email protected], [email protected] PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk Merak Branch Jalan Pulorida No.18, Desa Tamansari, Merak Banten 42438 – Indonesia Phone : +62 254 570560, 570561 Fax : +62 350 5406 Email : [email protected] Subsidiaries: PT Banyu Laju Shipping Wisma BSG, 10th floor Jalan Abdul Muis No.40 Jakarta 10160 – Indonesia Phone : +62 21 30060300, +62 21 3505390 Fax : +62 21 3505406 Email : [email protected] PT Karya Bakti Adil Wisma BSG, 10th floor Jalan Abdul Muis No.40 Jakarta 10160 – Indonesia Phone : +62 21 30060300, +62 21 3505390 Fax : +62 21 30060461 Email : [email protected] Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd China Insurance Group Building, 20th floor, Room 2007-10 141 Des Voeux Road, Central Hongkong Phone : +852 28542318, +852 28542592 Telex : 682112 OVIEW HX Fax : +852 28544704, +852 28544341 Email : [email protected] GBLT Shipmanagement Pte Ltd 120, Lower Delta Road #08-02, Cendex Centre Singapore 169208 Phone : +65 6508 8380 Fax : +65 6508 8381 , +65 6508 8382 Email : [email protected], [email protected] GBLT Shipmanagement (UK) Limited 301 Springhill Parkway Glasgow, G69 6GA Scotland, United Kingdom Phone : + 44 141 773 2110 Fax : +44 141 771 9530 Email : [email protected] Global Reports LLC Chembulk Tankers LLC - United States 11 Wilton Road, 2nd Floor Westport, Connecticut 06880 Phone : 203 682 1700 Main Fax : 203 227-0833, 203 227-0176, 203 227-0141 Email : [email protected], [email protected] Chembulk Management Private Ltd. 120 Lower Delta Road #08-02 Singapore 169208 Phone : +65 6508 8377 Fax : +65 6508 8376 Email : [email protected], operationschembulktankers.com.sg Chembulk Management B.V Nobelstraat 19b. 3231 BA Brielle – The Netherland Phone : +31(0)181 419333 Fax : +31(0)181 411733 Email : [email protected] Representative: BLT Beijing Room 701, BLK 3, Huaqiao Building No.24 Jian Guo Men Wai Road Chao Yang District, Beijing 100022, China Phone : +86 10 65150116 Fax : +86 10 65159590 Email : [email protected] BLT Shanghai Room 3007-08, 30th floor Hongkong Plaza, South Building No.283 Huai Hai Zhong Road Shanghai 200021, China Phone : +86 21 63906060 Fax : +86 2163906060 Email : [email protected], [email protected] BLT Taiwan 5th floor, Tai Hong Building No.71 Nanking East Road, Sec.2 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C Phone : +886 2 25428611, 2563140-42 Fax : +886 2 25718119, 25517990 Email : [email protected] BLT Dubai 3rd floor, Mashreg Bank Building (Barwil Dubai Office area) Khor Baranch, Bur Dubai, Dubai, UEA Phone : +971 4 3533737 Fax : +971 4 3533828 Email : [email protected] BLT Mumbai Liaison Room 243, DBS Business Center 2nd Floor Raheja Chamber Free Press Journal Road 213 Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021, India Phone : +91 22 40509243 Fax : +91 22 22872640 Email : [email protected] BLT Xiamen Room 3202, 32/F, The Bank Centre, No. 189 Xiahe Road, Xiamen City Fujian Province, China Phone + 86 592 2218172 Email : [email protected] PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk GBLT Shipmanagement Pte Ltd Wisma BSG, 10th Floor 120, Lower Delta Road Jl. Abdul Muis No. 40 #08-02, Cendex Centre Jakarta 10160 - INDONESIA Singapore 169208 Ph + 62 21 3006 0300 Phone: +65 6508 8380 Fx + 62 21 3006 0389, 3006 0391 Fax: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Global Reports LLC +65 6508 8381 h ttp :/ / w w w.b l t.c o . id