ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga HUBUNGAN POLA MAKAN DAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN GIZI TERHADAP STATUS GIZI PENDERITA DIABETES MELLITUS BARU (Studi dilakukan di Poli Diabetik RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya) FAWZIE, OSSI AL Pembimbing : Merryana Adriani, S.KM., M.Kes NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE; DIABETES MELITUS KKC KK FKM 119 / 09 Faw h Copyright: @ 2009 by Airlangga University Library Surabaya ABSTRAK Diabetes Mellitus adalah kumpulan gejala yang timbul pada seseorang yang mengalami peningkatan kadar gula dalam darah dan tingginya kadar gula dalam urin. Gejala banyak makan, minum, kencing dan berat badan turun dengan cepat. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari hubungan antara pola makan dan tingkat pengetahuan gizi terhadap status gizi penderita Diabetes Mellitus Baru. Tujuan khusus mempelajari karakteristik individu rsponden, mengukur tingkat pengetahuan responden, mengukur tingkat konsumsi responden, mengukur pola makan responden, mengukur status gizi responden, menganalisa hubungan pola makan dan tingkat pengetahuan gizi terhadap status gizi penderita DM Baru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh penderita DM yang menjalani rawat jalan di RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Besar sampel penelitian ini adalah 55 responden. Variabel yang diteliti adalah karakteristik, pola makan, tingkat konsumsi, pengetahuan gizi serta status gizi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji korelasi spearman. Hasil penelitian menggunakan uji statistik korelasi spearman dengan nilai p < 0,05 signifikan artinya adanya hubungan antara status gizi penderita diabetes dengan pola makan dan uji statistik korelasi spearman dengan nilai p > 0,05 tidak signifikan artinya tidak ada hubungan antara status gizi penderita diabetes dengan tingkat pengetahuan gizi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya hubungan antara pola makan dengan status gizi penderita diabetes dan tidak adanya hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan status gizi penderita diabetes. Saran dengan meningkatkan promosi kesehatan kepada penderita diabetes, memberikan informasi tentang diet bagi penderita diabetes. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan gizi, Pola Konsumsi, Status Gizi, Penderita DM Skripsi HUBUNGAN POLA MAKAN DAN .... OSSI AL FAWZIE ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga ABSTRACT Diabetes Mellitus is a corps of symptom that appear to somebody who has a rise of sugar rate in blood and height of sugar rate in urine. Other symptoms are a lot of eating, drinking, urines and body weight descend swiftly. The common purpose of this research was to learn the relation between consumption pattern and the knowledge level of nutrition to status of nutrition of the newly patient of Diabetes Mellitus. The special purpose was to measure the knowledge level of respondent, to measure the consumption pattern of respondent, to measure the status of nutrition and to analyze the level of nutrition for status of nutrition of the newly patient of Diabetes Mellitus. This research represented the research that had the character of analytical observation with the approach of cross sectional. This research population was all Diabetes Mellitus patient experiencing to take care in RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. The amount of this sample research were 55 responder. The variable which was researched were the characteristic, the consumption pattern, the level of consumption, the knowledge of nutrition and also status of nutrition. The technique of analyzing data which was used in this research was the test of correlation spearman. The result of research which used the statistical test of correlation spearman had the value of p < 0,05 was significant, it was meaning that there were relation between the statue of nutrient of patient diabetes and the consumption pattern. However the statistical test of correlation spearman with the value of p > 0,05 was not significant, it was meaning that there were no relation between the statue of nutrition of patient diabetes and the knowledge level of nutrition. The conclusion from this research is there are relation between the statue of nutrition of patient diabetes and the consumption pattern. However there are no relation between the patient of diabetes and the knowledge level of nutrition. The suggestion is by improving health promotion to patient diabetes, giving information about diet for patient diabetes. Keyword : nutrition knowledge, consumption pattern, status of nutrient, diabetes mellitus Skripsi HUBUNGAN POLA MAKAN DAN .... OSSI AL FAWZIE