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Urutan Nukleotida Sampel Sampel G10 16024 TTCTTTCATG GGGAAGCAGA TTTGGGTACC ACCCAAGTAT 16064 TGACTCACCC ATCAACAACC GCTATGTATT TCGTACATTA 16104 CTGCCAGCCA CCATGAATAT TGTACAGTAC CATAAATACT 16144 TGACCACCTG TAGTACATAA AAACCCAATC CACATCAAAA 16184 CCCCCCCCCC CATGCTTACA AGCAAGCACA GCAATCAACC 16224 CTCAACTATC ACACATCAAC TGCAACTCCA AAGCCACCCC 16264 TCACCCACTA GGATACCAAC AAACCTACCC ACCCTTAACA 16304 GTACATAGTA CATAAAGCCA TTTACCGTAC ATAGCACATT 16344 ACAGTCAAAT CCCTTCTCGT CCCCATGGAT GACCCCCCTC 16384 AGATA Sampel G18 16024 TTCTTTCATG GGGAAGCAGA TTTGGGTACC ACCCAAGTAT 16064 TGACTCACCC ATCAACAACC GCTATGTATT TCGTACATTA 16104 CTGCCAGCCA CCATGAATAT TGTACAGTAC CATAAATACT 16144 TGACCACCTG TAGTACATAA AAACCCAATC CACATCAAAA 16184 CCCCCCCCCC CCATGCTTAC AAGCAAGCAC AGCAATCAAC 16224 CTTCAACTAT CACACATCAA CTGCAACTCC AAAGCCACCC 16264 CTCACCCACT AGGATACCAA CAAACCTACC CACCCTTAAC 16304 AGCACATAGT ACATAAAGCC ATTTACCGTA CATAGCACAT 16344 TACAGTCAAA TCCCTTCTCG TCCCCATGGA TGACCCCCCT 16384 CAGATA 47 Lampiran C. Perbandingan Rangkaian Poli-C Sampel Sampel G10 Sampel G18 48 Sampel G1 Sampel G2 Sampel G3 49 1419 pb 517 pb 397 pb 214 pb 0,4 kb 1419 pb 517 pb 397 pb 214 pb 0,4 kb