iv Detection of Forest Health Rate as Protection and

Detection of Forest Health Rate as Protection and Preservation
Effort of Important Ecosystem in Watershed Management
(Case Study: Types of Forest in the Maros Watershed, South Sulawesi)
The presence of forests has an important role to balance the systems
watershed in terms of water function by providing water resources for humans and
the environment in a sustainable. Changes in forest conditions that occur at this
time, is very affecting the balance of the watershed. The impact of these
imbalances cause problems such as flooding in the rainy season and drought in the
dry season as happened in the Maros watershed. These problems occur because of
less optimal carrying capacity of forest ecosystems as a result of changes in forest
conditions. A healthy forest conditions is very different response than unhealthy
forest conditions in regulating the water system in the watershed.
Based on this problems, this study was conducted to determine the
condition of forests in Maros watershed by detecting the forest health rate in types
of forest in the Maros watershed through forest health analysis using Landsat 8
recording in 2013, determine the effect of forest conditions on the availability of
water (blue water and green water) using SWAT model to the scenario changes in
forest conditions and provide recommendation of optimization of forest
conditions which support the achievement of watershed management that
integrated and sustainable through reforestation or afforestation activities.
Types of forest in the Maros watershed are consisting of primary forest,
secondary forest, plantations forest and mangrove forests, covering an area of
162,07 km2. Of the forest area was obtained a forest health rate that good (very
healthy and healthy) covering an area of 128,54 km2 and a forest health rate that
not good (stress, unhealthy and die) covering an area of 33,53 km2 based on the
forest health analysis. The condition of forests are not good at Maros watershed
was affected the optimal proportion of forest area in providing water yield. The
condition of the good forest in the Maros watershed is produce blue water as
much as 3.289.440 m3. This value is very far from the water needs of the
communities in the Maros watershed at this time (3.308.977 m3/year), so that the
required efforts to optimize the forest lands through reforestation (improvement of
forest conditions) and afforestation (additions of forest area). From SWAT
modeling results was obtained with the additions of forest area that will increase
the value of blue water, but until the optimum limit additions of forests with an
area 33.44% of the Maros watershed area. The additions of forest area that
exceeds the capacity will decrease the value of blue water Maros watershed due to
the increasing value of green water through evapotranspiration process.
Keyword: Forest health, water availability, management recommendation, Maros
Deteksi Tingkat Kesehatan Hutan sebagai Upaya Perlindungan
dan Pelestarian Ekosistem Penting dalam Pengelolaan
Daerah Aliran Sungai
(Studi Kasus: Tipe-Tipe Hutan di DAS Maros, Sulawesi Selatan)
Kehadiran hutan mempunyai peran penting terhadap keseimbangan
sistem-sistem DAS dari segi fungsi tata air dengan menyediakan sumberdaya air
bagi manusia dan lingkungan secara berkelanjutan. Perubahan kondisi hutan yang
terjadi saat ini, sangat mempengaruhi keseimbangan DAS. Dampak dari
ketidakseimbangan tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya permasalahan banjir di
musim hujan dan kekeringan di musim kemarau seperti yang terjadi di DAS
Maros. Permasalahan tersebut terjadi karena kurang optimalnya daya dukung
ekosistem hutan akibat dari perubahan kondisi hutan. Kondisi hutan yang sehat
(bagus) sangat berbeda responnya dibanding hutan yang tidak sehat (tidak bagus)
dalam mengatur sistem tata air DAS.
Sehingga dari permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk
mengetahui kondisi hutan di DAS Maros dengan mendeteksi tingkat kesehatan
hutan pada tipe-tipe hutan di DAS Maros melalui analisis forest health
menggunakan citra Landsat 8 perekaman Tahun 2013, mengetahui pengaruh
kondisi hutan terhadap ketersediaan air (blue water dan green water)
menggunakan model SWAT terhadap skenario perubahan kondisi hutan dan
membuat arahan pengoptimalan kondisi hutan yang mendukung tercapainya
pengelolaan DAS Maros yang terpadu dan berkelanjutan melalui kegiatan
reforestrasi ataupun aforestasi.
Tipe hutan di DAS Maros terdiri atas hutan lahan kering primer dan
sekunder, hutan tanaman dan hutan mangrove, dengan luasan 162,07 km2. Dari
luasan hutan tersebut, diperoleh tingkat kesehatan hutan yang bagus (sangat sehat
dan sehat) seluas 128,54 km2 dan kesehatan hutan yang tidak bagus (stress, tidak
sehat dan mati) seluas 33,53 km2 berdasarkan hasil analisis forest health. Adanya
kondisi hutan yang tidak bagus di DAS Maros berpengaruh terhadap proporsi
luasan hutan yang optimal dalam menyediakan hasil air. Luasan hutan yang bagus
di DAS Maros menghasilkan blue water sebanyak 3.289.440 m3. Nilai tersebut
sangat jauh dari kebutuhan air masyarakat di DAS Maros saat ini (3.308.977
m3/tahun), sehingga diperlukan upaya optimalisasi lahan hutan melalui reforestasi
(perbaikan kondisi hutan) dan aforestasi (penambahan hutan). Dari hasil
pemodelan SWAT, diperoleh bahwa dengan penambahan luasan hutan akan
meningkatkan nilai blue water, akan tetapi sampai batas optimum penambahan
hutan dengan luas 33,44% dari luas DAS Maros. Penambahan luasan hutan yang
melebihi kapasitas tersebut akan menurunkan nilai blue water DAS Maros akibat
meningkatnya nilai green water melalui proses evapotranspirasi.
Kata kunci: Kesehatan hutan, ketersediaan air, arahan pengelolaan, DAS Maros.