Atmosfer: Sifat fisikkimia dan pembentukan lapisan Bagian 1 General of Atmosfer Atmosphere: Blanket of air that surrounds the earth Comprises mainly nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour and dust particles Function: prevents overheating blocks asteroids absorbs harmful UV rays contains the necessary gases for us to survive We need the layers of atmosphere to survive Atmosphere = the thin layer of gases that surrounds Earth Absorbs radiation and moderates climate Transports and recycles water and nutrients 78% nitrogen gas, 21% oxygen gas, 1% other gases Its four layers differ in temperature, density and composition Minute concentrations of permanent (remain at stable concentrations) and variable gases (varying concentrations) Human activity is changing the amounts of some gases Fakta dan Estimasi di Atmosfer Komposisi Perubahan Temperatur Perubahan Tekanan Perubahan Kerapatan Lapisan Pergerakan Atmosfer Reaksi Kimia, Fisika Fotoreaksi The atmosphere’s composition Komposisi Atmosfer The atmosphere consists of the thin layer of mixed gases covering the earth’s surface. Exclusive of water, atmospheric air is 78.1% (by volume) nitrogen, 21.0% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide. Normally, air contains 1-3% water vapor by volume; large variety of trace level gases at levels below 0.002% (neon, helium, methane, krypton, nitrous oxide, hydrogen, xenon, sulfur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, and carbon monoxide) Profil temperatur dan tekanan atmosfer Stratifikasi Atmosfer dan Spesies yang dipengaruhi fotoreaksi “Lee Chateleur” Principle Strata Atmosfer Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Troposphere Makin tinggi tekanan makin naik, temperatur menurun. Reaksi makin cepat ke arah exotermis, dan pemecahan molekul. Stratosphere Makin tinggi tekanan makin turun, temperatur makin naik. Reaksi kimia makin cepat ke arah endotermis dan pemecahan molekul. Mesosphere Makin tinggi tekanan makin rendah dan suhu makin rendah. Reaksi molekul menjadi lebih sulit karena tekanan terlalu rendah, tumbukan antar molekul makin jarang. Thermosphere Makin tinggi tekanan makin rendah, suhu extrem makin tinggi, reaksi makin sulit terjadi. Gambaran (Profil) Vertical, Densitas dan Tekanan Atmosfer Dipengaruhi oleh gaya gravitasi FG = Gaya Gravitasi FG mGM E r2 mg The ME massa bumi = 5.98*1024 kg Konstanta gravitasi=6.67x10-11 Nm2kg2 T=7 oC 7oC T=8 oC 8oC T=9 oC 9oC Solar energy causes air to circulate SIRKULASI ATMOSFIR The Coriolis Effect Influences the Movement of Air in Atmospheric Circulation Cells Sirkulasi Udara Global