Kelas A JADWAL KULIAH : GENETIKA (MAB 4261) HARI/JAM : SELASA/7.30-10.10 RUANG: RB Dosen Pengajar : Dr. Ir. Estri Laras Arumingtyas, MScSt (ELA, Koordinator); Fatchiyah, PhD (FAT); Nia Kurniawan, PhD (NK); Widodo, PhD (WDD) No. Tanggal Materi Dosen 1. 21-02-2017 2. 3. 28-02-2017 07-03-2017 4. 14-03-2017 5. 21-03-2017 6. 28-03-2017 7. 8. 9. 04-04-2017 10-04-2017 s/d 22-04-2017 25-04-2017 10. 06-05-2017 11. 13-05-2017 12. 20-05-2017 13. 14. 15. 27-05-2017 30-05-2017 06-06-2017 Pendahuluan, kontrak perkuliahan What is a gene? Structure and function of chromosomes and gene (DNA) (Tugas) Kode genetic, Transkripsi, Translasi dan protein (Kuis) DNA ekstrakromosomal (DNA plasmid, DNA mitokondria, DNA kloroplas) and Cytoplasmic inheritance (SCL) Mitosis and meiosis, the relation with cell cycle, chromosome movements and definitions of haploid and diploid (Tugas) Kromosom, variasi kromosom dan kelainan Kromosom (Kuis) Structure and details of DNA duplication including details of DNA polymerase. (SCL) Mutasi dan repair DNA UTS FAT FAT FAT WDD WDD WDD WDD TIM Mendelisme : monohybrid, dihibrid, segregasi, independent assortment Teori kemungkinan dan pewarisan sifat(Tugas) ELA Perkecualian Mendel : interaksi alel, interaksi gen, poligen, alel ganda, penentuan seks, terpaut seks (Kuis) Sexual and asexual reproduction in relation with alternation of generations, sex linked characteristics and their transmission (SCL) Linkage, crossing over dan rekombinasi (Tugas) Pemetaan kromosom (Kuis) Genetika Populasi (SCL) ELA ELA ELA NK NK NK Malang, 11 Januari 2017 Mengetahui Ketua Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Univ. Brawijaya Koordinator Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D NIP.19710808 199802 1 001 Prof. Dr. Ir. Estri Laras A., MScSt NIP. 19630818 198802 2 001 Kelas B JADWAL KULIAH : GENETIKA (MAB 4261) HARI/JAM : SELASA/12.5-14.45 RUANG : MP1.3 Dosen Pengajar : Dr. Ir. Estri Laras Arumingtyas, MScSt (ELA, Koordinator); Fatchiyah, PhD (FAT); Muhaimin Rifai, PhD (MR); Dr. Sri Widyarti, MS (SW). No. Tanggal Materi Dosen 1. 21-02-2017 2. 3. 28-02-2017 07-03-2017 4. 14-03-2017 5. 21-03-2017 6. 28-03-2017 7. 8. 9. 04-04-2017 10-04-2017 s/d 22-042017 25-04-2017 10. 11. 06-05-2017 13-05-2017 12. 20-05-2017 13. 14. 15. 27-05-2017 30-05-2017 06-06-2017 Pendahuluan, kontrak perkuliahan What is a gene? Structure and function of chromosomes and gene (DNA) (Tugas) Kode genetic, Transkripsi, Translasi dan protein (Kuis) DNA ekstrakromosomal (DNA plasmid, DNA mitokondria, DNA kloroplas) and Cytoplasmic inheritance (SCL) Mitosis and meiosis, the relation with cell cycle, chromosome movements and definitions of haploid and diploid (Tugas) Kromosom, variasi kromosom dan kelainan Kromosom (Kuis) Structure and details of DNA duplication including details of DNA polymerase. (SCL) Mutasi dan repair DNA UTS FAT Mendelisme : monohybrid, dihibrid, segregasi, independent assortment Teori kemungkinan dan pewarisan sifat(Tugas) Perkecualian Mendel : interaksi alel, interaksi gen, poligen, alel ganda, penentuan seks, terpaut seks (Kuis) Sexual and asexual reproduction in relation with alternation of generations, sex linked characteristics and their transmission (SCL) Linkage, crossing over dan rekombinasi (Tugas) Pemetaan kromosom (Kuis) Genetika Populasi (SCL) ELA FAT FAT SW SW SW SW TIM ELA ELA ELA MR MR MR Malang, 11 Januari 2017 Mengetahui Ketua Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Univ. Brawijaya Koordinator Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D Prof. Dr. Ir. Estri Laras A., MScSt NIP.19710808 199802 1 001 NIP. 19630818 198802 2 001