H02 (Hai Orang Kita Beruntung)

Oy tongo tulun,
Noontung tokow no.
Tu it Sundu do Kinoringan
Nokorikot no sid daaton riniba
Tu mamasi om
Mongundalan sid Kinoringan.
H02 Ot Tongo Tulun Noontung Tokow
2. Oy Sundu toluod Kinoringan,
Pitotoluodo okoy no,
Om sid kosusa'an, nga mitutulung.
Dot tiruwanan ya i gama di
Tuhan Yesus.
H02 Ot Tongo Tulun Noontung Tokow
3. Oy Sundu ikaw not manganawaw
Dit ginawo ya dit otuwong
Supaya mimoyo okoy di Yesus,
It potomumung dagay sid Tuhan
H02 Ot Tongo Tulun Noontung Tokow
Kami berdoa, ya Roh Kudus,
Iman kami asuh-lah terus;
Dalam kegelapan terangi kami
Sampai masuk damai abadi.
Tolong kami!
H02M Kami Berdoa Ya Roh Kudus
Cahya ilahi, pancarkan-lah kasih
Kristus dalam dunia,
Agar kami tinggal di dalam Dia
Yang membuka syurga ceria.
Tolong kami!
H02M Kami Berdoa Ya Roh Kudus
Maha Pengasih, kobarkanlah api
Suci dan baka,
Agar kami hidup dengan sesama
Dalam damai dan kasih Allah.
Tolong kami!
H02M Kami Berdoa Ya Roh Kudus
Maha Penghibur, kuatkan-lah hati
kami, agar tak resah;
Dalam menghadapi kuasa maut,
Bersama Mu kami tak takut.
Tolong kami!
H02M Kami Berdoa Ya Roh Kudus
1. We now implore God the Holy Ghost
For the true faith, which we need
the most,
That in our last moments He may
befriend us
And, as homeward we journey,
attend us.
Lord, have mercy!
H02 We Now Implore God the Holy Spirit
2. Shine in our hearts,
O most precious Light,
That we Jesus Christ may know
Clinging to our Savior,
whose blood hath bought us,
Who again to our homeland
hath brought us.
Lord, have mercy!
H02 We Now Implore God the Holy Spirit
3. Thou sacred Love, grace on us
Set our hearts with heav’nly fire
That with hearts united we love
each other,
Of one mind, in peace with every
Lord, have mercy!
H02 We Now Implore God the Holy Spirit
4. Thou highest Comfort in every need,
Grant that neither shame nor death
we heed,
That e’en then our courage may
never fail us
When the foe shall accuse and
assail us.
Lord, have mercy!
H02 We Now Implore God the Holy Spirit