CELL A. Theory Of Cell A.1 History Antonie van Leuwennhoek (1681) -> menemukan mikroskop, melihat sel 19th century o Robert Brown = melihat sel tumbhuhan mati “Sel = ruangan kosong” o Matthais Schleiden = melihat sel darah binatang “Sel = abstrak, bemacam-macam bentuknya” o Theodore Schwann = menggabungkan 2 paham sebelumnya dan menyimpulkan bahwa tumbuhan dan binatang terbuat dari sel o Rudolph Virchow = sel bereproduksi dgn sendirinya (self reproduce), “every cell comes from a preexisting cell” A.2 Theory 1. All organisms are composed of cells (semua makhluk terdiri dari sel) 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organisms (sel adalah satuan dasar dari struktur dan fungsi makhluk hidup) 3. Cells come only from preexisting cells because cells are self reproducing (sel berasal dari sel sebelumnya karena sel bereproduksi dengan sendirinya) B. Prokaryote and Eukaryote Prokaryote - Tidak ada nukleus, adanya nukleoid (ada materi inti tanpa membran) -> tempat DNA plasmid - Organel dan struktur sel sederhana - Lebih cepat berkembang biak (binary fission, conjugation) , metabolisme lbh baik - Smaller size (1.1-1.5 micrometer wide, 20-6.0 micrometer long) - Pembungkus cell/cell envelope terdiri dari 3 bagian: 1. Plasma membrane: phospholipid bilayer w/ embedded protein, regulate entrance&exit of substances, can form mesosomes (internal pouch, increase s.area for attachment of enzymes 2. Cell wall: maintain shape of cell (peptidoglycan containing aino dissacharide & peptide fragments) 3. Glycocalyx: layer of polysaccharide, against drying out, help resist immune system, help bacteria attach. Capsule if well organized & not easily removed X slime layer - Shape: Coccus (spherical) Bacillus (rod) Spiral o Spirilla (rigid) o Sprirochete (flexible) - Organel Ribosome: protein synthesis Inclusion body: store nutrient for later use Mesosome (lihat atas) Fimbriae: harilike bristles that allowa dhesion to surfaces Conjugation pilus: allow conjugation (DNA transfer) Nucleoid, cell envelope (3 bagian lihat atas) Flaggelum: rotationg filament that pushes cell forward Eukaryote - Ada nukleus dengan pembungkus - Banyak organel, struktur kompleks - Berkembiang biak (meiosis, mitosis) - Larger size - Have plasma membrane, plant cells have pm + cell wall (cellulose) - Shape of plant cell rigid, rectangular Shape of animal cell irregular B. Plant Cells and Animal Cells Organel Hewan Pelindung Sel Membran sel Plastisida Absent Sentrosom Ada Vakuola Tak ada (kecuali hewan rendah) Lysosome Ada Mitochondria Ada, banyak Sitoskeleton Ada Bentuk Elastis, irregular Transportasi Transport pasif (difusi, osmosis) Tumbuhan Membran sel + dinding Present Tak ada Ada (smkn tinggi, smakin besar) Tak ada Ada sedikit Tak ada Tetap Ada plasmotdesmata, simplas, dan apoplas C. Organel Eukaryote Sitoplasma o cairan yang menjaga kestabilan dalam sel, jalur transport Nucleus: o command center, contain DNA o nuclear envelope (double membrane that encloses) chromatin (diffuse threads containing DNA&protein), nucleous (produce subunit of ribosome), nuclear pore Ribosome: mensintesis protein (untuk repair organelle yang rusak) Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): - Kasar: membuat protein, form glycoprotein - Halus: membantu sinstesis protein, depend on organ function (fo ex: in some organ smooth ER help to produce ipid, in testicle smooth ER produce testosterone, in liver smooth ER help detoxift drugs) Golgi Apparatus: o menyimpan protein dan mengeluarkannya ketika dibutuhkan (seperti warehouse) o transport protein (packages protein, modifies substnces as a signal molceule/molecular address label that determines protein’s final destination) o ekskresi dan sekresi (merge&discharge contents to outside of cell) Lisosome: o tempat terjadinya proses pencernaan sel o menghancurkan, mencerna, pH rendah, hydrolitic digestive enzyme Vacoule: store hasil metabolisme Mitochondria: tempat terjadinya respirasi sel, double membrane (inner into folds called cristae-> increase surface area enclose semifluid matrix (DNA &ribosome) Cytoskeleton: maintain shape & asist movement (ex. Microtubules, Intermediate filaments, actin filament) Cilia/Flagella: prokaryotes menangkp makanan, bergerak/menempel, sel hewan utama: gerak (sperma), cth lain di trake & usus menyaring/ menangkap nutrisi Cell wall : melindungi dan mempertahankan bentuk Peroxiome: contain enzyme, are metabolic assistant, usually in cells that synthesize nd break down lipid Plastids: plant organelles that are surrounded by double membrane and have varied function (sir jemy > menghasilkan makanan) o Chloroplast (hijau) three membrane (double membrane enclose semifluid stroma w/ enzyme, 3rd membrane thylakoids (granum if stacked)-> chlorphyll, capture solar energy) o Leukoamilumplast (putih) synthesize starch and oil o Chromoplast (orange, red) -> pigment synthesis D. Perjalanan Protein KELUAR 1. Rough ER: synthesize protein, package them in vesicle 2. Transport vesicle: shuttles proteins to various locations 3. Golgi apparatus: modifies lipids & proteins, sorts and packages them in vesicles 4. Secretory vesicle: fuses with plasma membrane as secretion occurs KEDALAM 1. Incoming vesicles: bring substances that are digested 2. Lysosome: contain digestive enzymes that break down substances entering teh cell E. Extra Info (dari kelas lain) -> Ciri sel Berupa ruang yang dibatasi Mempunyai bahan genetika (DNA/RNA) Mempunyai media hidup (sel mati kosong) – ada nucleoplasma, protoplasma, sitoplasma Ada organel