Pendahuluan Biologi Molekuler DOGMA CENTRAL DNA RNA Protein Mathematical Biosciences Institute (Ohio State Univ), 2 October 2003 Dogma central Biologi Molekuler DNA Sequence (splited by genes) RNA Asam amino Adapted from protein fenotip DNA Gula Fosfat Basa (A,T, C or G) • DNA adalah komponen yang tersusun dari dari molekul-molekul yang disebut nukleotid •Masing-masing nukleotid mengandung fosfat, gula dan basa nitrogen. • Ada empat basa: Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and Thymine (T) DNA: structure • Ikatan gula-fosfat pada nukleotid merupakan backbone dari ikatan pada DNA •Empat basa dari DNA dibentuk sepanjang “backbone” disebut dengan DNA sequence. •Dua DNA saling berikatan di antara pasangan basa •Dua ikatan basa yang mungkin yaitu: •A-T, C-G. • Dua untai DNA mempunyai formasi struktur double helixTwo. Source of diagram: DNA: tersusun dalam kromosom Each chromosome is essentially a package for a very long, continuous DNA double strand. Lodish et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell (5th ed.). W.H. Freeman & Co., 2003. DNA: di-splid oleh gen-gen promoter Exon 1 Intron 1 Exon 2 Intron 2 Exon 3 gene • Gen merupakan bagian dari DNA yang membawa informasi untuk membentuk protein. • 2-3% dari DNA manusia adalah gen, gen yang tidak aktif (rest) disebut junk DNA •Promotor terlelak di bagian awal dari komponen gen. Promotor aktif saat gen akan bekerja. • Pada banyak gen euryotic, gen adalahsekuen DNA yang mempunyai kode, yang juga disebut sebagai exon. Bagian yang tidak membawa kode genetik disebut sebagai intron. RNA • RNA (ribonucleic acid) adalah intermediet antara DNA dan protein. • RNA merupakan single strand dari asam nukleat. • Basa nitrogen T (Thymine) pada RNA terganti oleh U (Uracil) • Tidak seperti DNA, yang terlokasi di inti, RNA juga dapat ditemukan di sitoplasma. • Pada inti, kode gen ditranskripsikan pada RNA. Selanjutnya RNA akan keluar dari inti ke nukleus dalam sitoplasma, dimana RNA ditranslasi menjadi asam amino. Source of diagram: Another view of central dogma Gen diekspresikan pada 3 step: 1) Transkripsi: Sintesis RNA 2) Splicing: penghilangan intron dari RNA 3) Translasi: Sintesis Protein Transkripsi • Transkripsi diinisiasi oleh kompleks dari faktor=faktor transkripsi yang berikatan dengan promotor. •An enzyme, RNA polymerase II, travels along the gradually unzipped DNA template and polymerizes nucleotides into an RNA. • The sequence of nucleotides on DNA template determines the sequence on RNA by following the rule of base-pair complementarity, i.e., A – U, T- A, C – G, G – C. • Transcription continues until entire gene is copied to RNA. Animation Source of diagram: Splicing pre mRNA Exon 1 Intron 1 Exon 2 mature mRNA Intron 2 Exon 3 Translation (1) • By translation, the nucleotide sequence on mRNA determines the amino acid sequence by genetic code. • Genetic code: three base pairs of RNA (called a codon) determine one amino acid based on a fixed table. • Translation always starts at AUG (start codon), and ends with any of UAA, UAG, or UGA (stop codon) Translation (2) Transfer RNAs (tRNAs): small RNA molecules. Most of the tRNAs function as carriers of amino acids and participate in protein synthesis. For example, the tRNA with the anticodon CGG corresponds with the codon GCC and attaches alanine amino acid onto the peptide chain. Ribosome: a complex of protein and rRNA Animation Source of diagram: Summary Central dogma of molecular biology Three components DNA RNA Protein Three steps transcription splicing translation Cell – cell communication Protooncogenes encode components of growth factor signal transduction pathways Components shown in yellow are known protooncogenes The VEGF family and its receptors VEGF-A VEGF-B PlGF VEGF-A VEGF receptor-2 VEGF receptor-1 P– P– –P –P VEGF-C VEGF-D VEGF receptor-3 P– P– –P –P P– P– –P –P Migration, permeability, DNA synthesis, survival Angiogenesis Lymphangiogenesis Adapted from Ferrara N. Nat Med 2003;9:669–76 VEGF signal transduction and its effects VEGF Permeability VEGF-C VEGF-D VEGF VEGF receptor-1 VEGF receptor-2 –P –P P– P– –P –P P– P– VEGF receptor-3 P– P– Ca2+ PLC PLC Cation channel IP3 Calcium release DAG DAG –P –P PLC P13K Protein kinase C Raf-1 MAPK Proliferation, migration Permeability SAPK/ JNK Apoptosis Survival Protein kinase B Proliferation Migration VEGF binding to VEGF receptor-2 activates a signalling cascade resulting in cellular effects Shibuya M. Cell Struct Funct 2001;26:25–35 Agents targeting the VEGF pathway Antibodies inhibiting VEGF receptors Soluble VEGF receptors (VEGF-TRAP) Antibodies inhibiting VEGF (e.g. bevacizumab) Permeability VEGF Cation channel VEGF receptor-2 P– P– –P –P Small-molecules inhibiting VEGF receptors (TKIs) (e.g. PTK-787) P– P– –P –P P– P– Migration, permeability, DNA synthesis, survival Ribozymes (Angiozyme) Angiogenesis Lymphangiogenesis –P –P Signal Transduction from Receptor to Nucleus Via RAS p21 Growth factor P Ras Ras P Grb2 GTP GTP GDP Sos P120-GAP 14-3-3 Neurofibromin 1 2 14-3-3 1 2 14-3-3 1 2 3 3 Active Raf 3 MEK P13-K 14-3-3 1 Rac and Rho pathway 2 ERK1 ERK1 3 Inactive Raf Transcription factors etc. Nucleus Morphological change ? DNA synthesis Regulators : proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, repair Genome : Genes : Cell cycle Differentiatio Apoptosis Repair Metabolism etc Transcriptome Proteome Protein: RNA RNA RNA RNA RNA RNA cyclin, CDK,CDKI GF : GM-CSF, FGF Bcl-2, p53, caspase Gadd, enzym repair dll