Karakteristik khusus : •Cakupan (coverage) sebuah sel sangat luas •Daya pancar antena Base Station (BS) besar •Antena BS ditempatkan cukup tinggi •Satu frekuensi digunakan oleh satu sel F1 F2 Reinitiating call Kelemahan Kapasitas kanal kecil • Interferensi adjacent channel • Daya pancar tidak efisien (boros) • Mobile station (MS) yang pindah sel harus memulai panggilan baru (reinitiating call) Keuntungan • Desain sistem dan infrastruktur sederhana • Biaya awal cukup murah SISTEM SELULAR Karakteristik utama : • Coverage sebuah sel kecil • Daya pancar antena BS kecil • Terjadi pengulangan frekuensi (frequency reuse) • Pemecahan sel (cell splitting) • Hand-off dan pengontrolan terpusat Sel Sistem Selular Sel Sistem Konvensional KONSEP AWAL WIRELESS • Menggunakan Transmitter (Base Station) dengan tower yang tinggi dan daya pancar yang tinggi untuk coverage yang luas. Pemancar ditempatkan pada posisi yang tinggi dengan jangkauan sampai 50 km lebih, seperti halnya Broadcast Televisi dan radio pemancar AM/FM. Ilustrasi Jangkauan : Pemancar dengan daya pancar 1 kilowatt pada frekuensi 450 MHz, antenna gain 10 dBi pada ketinggian tower 70 meter. Asumsi mendekati free space loss: Redaman Lp = 32.45 + 20 log d [km] + 20 log f [MHz] = 32.45 + 20 log d [km] + 53 = 85.45 + 20 log d [km] Bila sensitivitas penerima disyaratkan – 80 dBm untuk batas coverage dengan gain antena penerima 3 dBi, maka: - 80 dBm = 30 dBm + Gt – Lp + Gr - 80 dBm = 30 + 10 – 85.45 - 20 log d [km] + 3 d [km] = 1037.55/20= 75.4 km Menggunakan beberapa transmitter (Base Station) daya dan ketinggian yang rendah untuk memberikan coverage yang terbatas. Menggunakan sekelompok sel (Cluster) untuk membagi spektrum frekuensi ke dalam kanal yang berbeda. Radio pada BTS merupakan node network yang langsung interface ke customer. Konsep Konvensional Konsep Selular - High Power - Large Cell - Reinitial panggilan - Kapasitas terbatas - FDMA - Omni Antena - STKB - Low Power - Frekuensi Re-Use - hand-off System - Kapasitas besar - TDMA/CDMA - Sectored /Omni Cell - GSM, CDMA Cara mendisain Sel Definition of service area Depends on market, demographics, investment capital Definition of traffic profile Forecast of potential subscribers and demand within service area Choice of reuse pattern Given traffic distribution and interference requirements Cara Mendisain Sel Location of base stations Chosen close to center of target regions, constrained by land, available infrastructure, local regulations Cell radius depends on traffic distribution - smaller in denser populations Radio coverage prediction Given topography and terrain, signal strength is predicted on computer and/or measured in field Design checkup, field measurements, and system re-evaluation Bentuk Sel Secara teoretis terdapat beberapa bentuk sel, yaitu sel segi tiga, segi empat, lingkaran, dan sel heksagonal (segienam). Ingat cerita Madu lebah Bentuk hexagonal merupakan yang paling efisien dalam penggunaan ruang Sel Segitiga Sel lingkaran Sel segienam Sel Segiempat Sel keadaan sebenarnya Kelompok Sel Seluruh daerah pelayanan dicakup oleh beberapa kelompok sel yang disebut Cluster. • Satu cluster terdiri dari beberapa sel (K sel). • K bisa berharga 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, dst. 3 1 6 10 7 4 5 3 1 6 2 7 4 5 3 6 10 2 3 5 7 6 2 4 5 10 2 12 1 6 9 8 11 7 4 10 5 4 5 1 2 4 1 cell no 12 11 3 1 6 9 8 7 12 4 5 10 6 9 8 11 11 K=7 K = 12 Pola Pengulangan Frekuensi Let S = total number of duplex channels k = number of channels per cell N cells = size of cell cluster (typically 4, 7, or 12) then S = kN and frequency reuse factor = 1/N If clusters are replicated M times, then total number of channels (system capacity) = C = MkN = MS Choice of N determines distance between co-channel cells and depends on how much interference can be tolerated by mobile stations Cell Design - Reuse Pattern ... Due to hexagonal geometry, choices of N must satisfy N = i2 + ij + j2 where i and j are non-negative integers Given R = cell radius, distance D between neighboring co-channel cells is 3 1 6 10 7 4 5 3 1 6 2 7 4 5 1 5 3 1 6 2 4 2 7 4 5 10 1 6 2 11 K=7 D 3NR Cell Design - Reuse Pattern ... Example: Cell cluster size = 7, frequency reuse factor = 1/7, assume S = 490 total channels, k = 70 channels per cell B G C Assume S = 490 total channels, k = 70 channels/cell A F B G D E C A F G D E C Clusters are replicated M=3 times D C = 3x490 = 1470 total channels B A F E Frekuensi atau grup frekuensi bisa dipergunakan pada sel yang terpisahkan dengan jarak pengulangan yang cukup. Sel-sel yang padat populasi dipecah (Cell Splitting) menjadi beberapa sel baru (cluster baru) yang lebih kecil untuk menambah kapasitas. Cochannel Interference: Cochannel interference is interference from a cochannel cell using the same frequency Results from frequency reuse scheme Can be minimized by careful design (Accurate reuse distance) Keep frequency separation between each site/sector in a cluster as to avoid possible direct interference. Adjacent Channel Interference : Adjacent channel interference is interference from a nearby cell using a frequency adjacent to one in use Results from imperfect receiver filters Can be minimized by careful filtering and channel assignments Keep frequency separation between each channel in a cell as large as possible Misal I : 24 Frekuensi dalam 3/9 Cell Pattern Freq groups A1 CH B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 A3 B3 C3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Misal II : 24 Frekuensi dalam 4/12 Cell Pattern Freq groups CH A1 B1 C1 D1 A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Mekanisme panggilan Base station Mobile station FOCC (forward control channel) Lock on strongest channel for cont. control data RECC (reverse control channel) Send control data to network FVC (forward voice channel) Tune to assigned frequency RVC (reverse voice channel) Tune to assigned frequency Mekanisme panggilan Identification numbers: Mobile station’s 32-bit binary ESN (electronic serial number) stored in ROM at time of manufacture 8-bit manufacturer code + 6-bit reserved (unused) + 18-bit manufacturer assigned serial number Service provider’s 15-bit binary SID (system identification number) Transmitted by mobile station to identify system Mobile station’s 34-bit MIN (mobile identification number) = 10-digit telephone number Types of calls Calls are defined by their point of origin and point of destination. There are three basic types of calls: •Mobile to Land (MTL) •Land to Mobile (LTM) •Mobile to Mobile (MTM)