MENDEL LAW AND ITS DEVIATIONS The Standard of Competency : Applying principles of plant & animal genetics. Basic Competency : Applying the Mendel Law & its Deviation. Adaptif Objectives: The students are able to explain principles of nature heritage and count the comparison between phenotype and genotype in interaction of genes couple. Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif A. THE HERITAGE LAW OF MENDEL The heritage law of Mendel is a law about heritage nature to organism elaborated by Gregor Johann Mendel. Mendel carried out experiment about plant cross breeding by using Pisum sativum. Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif Model of Ercis Mendel Sumber : Internet Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif Variety of morphology Pisum sativum Source : Campbell, 2006 Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif MENDEL LAW I Couple of gene spilt freely during meiosis, so that every gamet gets one gene from its alel. Monohibrid example: P G = TT (high) = T x tt (short) t Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif MENDEL LAW I F1 F2 = = Tt F1 Tt G = T t F2 = TT Tt Tt tt Phenotype (high) x F1 x Tt T t (high) (high) (high) (short) comparison high : short = 3 : 1 Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif MENDEL LAW II Every gen can be formed in pair or groups freely with another gene. Example of cross-breeding P = BBKK x bbkk (yellow circle) (wrinkle green) G = BK bk F1 = BbKk (yellow circle) G = BK, Bk, bK, bk Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif Table F2 : gamet BK Bk bK bk BK BBKK Yello Circle BBKk Yello Circle BbKK Yello Circle BbKk Yello Circle Bk BBKk Yello Circle BBkk Green circle BbKk Yello Circle Bbkk Green circle bK BbKK Yello Circle BbKk Yello Circle bbKK Green wrinkle bbKk Yello wrinkle bk BbKk Yello Circle Bbkk Green circle bbKk Keriput kuning bbkk Green wrinkle Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif Comparison of phenotype F2 at hybrid cross breeding: Yellow circle: green circle: yellow wrinkled : green wrinkled = 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif B. DEVIATION OF MENDEL LAW 1. INTERACTION OF SEVERAL GENES There is an interaction between 2 dominant genes or recessive gene causes differ from the two parents. E.g. Pial shape to chickens. Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif INTERACTION OF SEVERAL GENES P = RRpp x rrPP (rose) (pea) G = Rp rP F1 = RrPp (walnut) G = RP, Rp, rP, rp F2 = 9 R-P- (walnut) 3 R-pp (rose) 3 rrP(pea) 1 rrpp (single) Comparison fenotip walnut : rose : pea : single =9:3:3:1 Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif 2. POLIMERI Polimeri is there are some couples of gene that are not alel but influence the same nature. E.g. flower of Antherinum mayus Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif 2. POLIMERI P = M1M1M2M2 x m1m1m2m2 (red) (white) G = M1M2 m1m2 F1 = M1m1M2m2 (red) G = M1M2, M1m2, m1M2, m1m2 F2 = 9 M1-M2(red) 3 M1-m2m2 (red) 3 m1m1M2(red) 1 m1m1m2m2 (white) Comparison of red phenotype : white = 15 : 1 Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif 3. CRYPTHOMERY Influential hidden gene, if meet with other dominant genes that are not alel. E.g. flower of Linaria marocana Antosian factor (A) & Alkali pH (B) are red. There is no white antosian factor (a) Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif CRYPTHOMERY P = AAbb x aaBB (red) (white) G = Ab aB F1 = AaBb (purple) G = AB, Ab, aB, ab F2 = 9 A-B(purple) 3 A-bb (red) 3 aaB(white) 1 aabb (white) Comparison purple phenotype F2 : red : white =9:3:4 Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif 4. EPISTASIS AND HIPOSTASIS Epistasis adalah penutupan gen lain yang bukan alelnya. Gen yang ditutupi disebut hipostasis Misalnya gen pada anjing Gen B : penyebab warna bulu hitam Gen b : bulu coklat Gen I dan i adalah pengatur produksi pigmen Gen I tidak dapat menghasilkan pigmen meski punya gen B dan b. Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif EPISTASIS DAN HIPOSTASIS P = BBII x bbii (putih) (coklat) G = BI bi F1 = BbIi (putih) G = BI, Bi, bI, bi F2 = 3 B-ii (hitam) 1 bbii (coklat) 12 I--- (putih) Perbandingan fenotip putih : hitam : coklat = 12 : 3 : 1 Gen I epistasis terhadap gen B dan b Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif 5. GEN KOMPLEMENTER Gen komplementer adalah gen yang saling melengkapi dan berinteraksi. Bila salah satu gen tidak hadir maka suatu karakter akan muncul tidak sempurna / terhalang. Contoh penyakit bisu tuli pada manusia. Cacat ini timbul jika gen resesif d atau e dalam keadaan homozigot secara sendiri – sendiri atau bersamaan. Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif GEN KOMPLEMENTER P = DDee x ddEE (bisu tuli) (bisu tuli) G = De dE F1 = DdEe (normal) G = DE, De, dE, de F2 = 9 D-E- (normal) 3 D-ee (bisu tuli) 3 ddE(bisu tuli) 1 ddee (bisu tuli) Perbandingan fenotip normal : bisu tuli = 9 : 7 Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif COMPILED BY: Hukum Mendel dan Penyimpangannya Adaptif