INTISARI Streptococcus sanguinis merupakan salah satu koloni bakteri pioneer pada acquired pellicle permukaan gigi, yang mempunyai peran penting dalam proses pembentukan dan pematangan plak gigi dengan menyediakan perlekatan bagi bakteri lainnya. Minyak atsiri merupakan salah satu zat aktif daun sirih kuning, yang berpotensi mampu menghambat perlekatan bakteri pioneer dalam rongga mulut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh minyak atsiri dan air rebusan daun sirih kuning terhadap persentase perlekatan bakteri Streptococcus sanguinis. Terdapat 5 kelompok perlakuan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu kelompok minyak atsiri daun sirih kuning konsentrasi 10%, kelompok air rebusan 35 lembar daun sirih kuning, kelompok emulgator, kelompok kontrol positif (chlorhexidine gluconate 0,12%), dan kelompok kontrol negatif (akuades steril). Subjek penelitian ini adalah bakteri Streptococcus sanguinis yang diperoleh dari isolasi plak supragingiva seorang sukarelawan. Suspensi bakteri sebanyak 0,1 l ditambahkan ke dalam setiap tabung perlakuan dan diinkubasi selama 18 jam pada suhu 37oC dengan kemiringan tabung reaksi 30o. Perlekatan bakteri pada permukaan dinding tabung reaksi diukur dengan spektrofotometer 600 nm. Nilai densitas optik dari hasil pengukuran dikonversikan ke dalam persentase perlekatan bakteri. Hasil uji ANAVA satu jalur menunjukkan adanya perbedaan signifikan antara minyak atsiri dengan air rebusan daun sirih kuning (p<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh minyak atsiri dan air rebusan daun sirih kuning terhadap persentase perlekatan bakteri Streptococcus sanguinis. Minyak atsiri daun sirih kuning konsentrasi 10% dapat menurunkan persentase perlekatan bakteri Streptococcus sanguinis lebih baik daripada air rebusan 35 lembar daun sirih kuning. Kata kunci: sirih kuning, minyak atsiri, air rebusan, adhesi, Streptococcus sanguinis. xvii ABSTRACT Streptococcus sanguinis is one of the pioneer bacterial colonies on the acquired pellicle of tooth surface, which has important role in the formation and maturation of dental plaque by providing attachment other bacteria. Volatile oils is the chief component of the yellow betle leaves, potentially able to inhibit the attachment of bacteria pioneer in the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to know the effect of volatile oils and boiled water of yellow betle leaves against the percentage adherence of the bacteria Streptococcus sanguinis. There were 5 treatment groups in this study: 10% volatile oils of yellow betle leaves, boiled water of 35 pieces of yellow betle leaves, emulsifier group, positive control group (0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate), and the negative control group (aquadest). The subject was Streptococcus sanguinis obtained from isolation volunteer supragingival plaque. An amount of 0,1 l bacterial suspension were then added to the whole tubes and incubated for 18 hours in 37oC with angulation of 30o. Adhesion of bacteria on the surface of the test tube wall were measured by spectrophotometer 600 nm. Optical density of the measurement converted into a percentage of bacterial adherence. One Way ANOVA test showed significant differences between volatile oils and boiled water of yellow betle leaves (p<0.05). The conclusion of this study there was effect of volatile oils and boiled water of yellow betle leaves against the percentage adherence of the bacteria Streptococcus sanguinis. Ten percent volatile oils of yellow betle leaves can reduce the percentage adherence of the bacteria Streptococcus sanguinis better than boiled water of 35 pieces of yellow betle leaves. Keyword: yellow betle, volatile oil, boiled water, adhesion, Streptococcus sanguinis. xviii