Pertemuan 1 Ruang Lingkup ERP KA2113 Enterprise Resource Planning Dasar Semester Ganjil 2014/2015 Disampaikan oleh: <<Nama>> <<email>> "Hanya dipergunakan untuk kepentingan pengajaran di lingkungan Telkom University" Disusun oleh: Magdalena Karismariyanti, S.T., M.B.A [email protected] D3 Komputerisasi Akuntansi Telkom University, Bandung 2014 Agenda Reference: Monk, E. F., & Wagner, B. J. (2013). Concept in Enterprise Resource Planning 4Ed. Mason. O'Brien, J. A. (2005). Introduction to Information Systems. McGrawHill/Irwin. Ray, R. (2011). Enterprise Resource Planning: Text & Cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited. Jacobs, F. Robert, and F.C. ‘Ted’ Weston Jr. "Enterprise resource planning (ERP)—A brief history." Journal of Operations Management, 2007: 357– 363. • • • • Evolusi sistem informasi Definisi ERP Vendor ERP Sistem Keuntungan dan kerugian penggunaan ERP sistem Definisi ERP Enterprise Resource Planning ERP is an integrated information system built on centralized database and having a common computing platform that helps in effective usage of enterprise’s resource and facilities the flow of information between all business function of the enterprise (and with external stakeholders) Sistem Informasi adalah suatu kombinasi terartur apapun dari people (orang), hardware (perangkat keras), software (piranti lunak), computer networks dan data communications (jaringan komunikasi), dan database (basis data) yang mengumpulkan, mengubah dan menyebarkan informasi di dalam suatu bentuk organisasi. (O’Brien, 2005, p5) Evolusi Sistem Informasi Point of Sales Unintegrated Information systems Marketing IS supported only the activities of individual business functional areas Production IS Accounting IS work well within individual functional areas Unconnected information: printed out and re-entry or write data to a file and read by others The Evolution of Information System Point of Sales Unintegrated Information systems Marketing IS Production IS Accounting IS The concept of silos of information Point of Sales Unintegrated Information systems Marketing IS Production IS Accounting IS Disadvantages: Duplikasi data Tidak ada interaksi informasi antar sistem informasi Sistem tidak memberikan informasi relevan Unintegrated Information systems Integrated Information systems Faktor Penyebab Evolusi SI 1. Perangkat Keras Komputer(Computer Hardware) dan Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development) 2. Upaya untuk Berbagi Sumber Daya (Resource Sharing) 3. Manufaktur akar dari ERP 4. Dorongan Manajemen Mengadopsi ERP Faktor Penyebab Evolusi SI Pangkat Keras Komputer(Computer Hardware) dan Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development) Upaya untuk Berbagi Sumber Daya (Resource Sharing) Manufaktur akar dari ERP Dorongan Manajemen Mengadopsi ERP Sumber: Concept of Enterprise Resource Planning 3rd Ed, page 19 • Perangkat Keras Komputer dan perkembangan perangkat lunak membuka jalan untuk pembangunan sistem ERP. Faktor Penyebab Evolusi SI Pangkat Keras Komputer(Computer Hardware) dan Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development) Upaya untuk Berbagi Sumber Daya (Resource Sharing) Manufaktur akar dari ERP Sumber: • Dorongan Manajemen Mengadopsi ERP • By the mid-1980s, telecommunications developments allowed users to share data and peripherals on local networks. Servers (central computers) became more powerful and less expensive and provided scalability. Faktor Penyebab Evolusi SI Pangkat Keras Komputer(Computer Hardware) dan Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development) Upaya untuk Berbagi Sumber Daya (Resource Sharing) Sumber: Manufaktur akar dari ERP Dorongan Manajemen Mengadopsi ERP • The technology to hold that data in an organized fashion, and to retrieve data easily, is the database management system, known as a DBMS. Faktor Penyebab Evolusi SI Pangkat Keras Komputer(Computer Hardware) dan Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development) Upaya untuk Berbagi Sumber Daya (Resource Sharing) Manufaktur akar dari ERP Dorongan Manajemen Mengadopsi ERP Sumber: • By the end of the 1980s, much of the hardware needed to support the development of ERP systems was in place: fast computers, networked access, and advanced database technology. • 1960s Faktor Penyebab Evolusi SI Pangkat Keras Komputer(Computer Hardware) dan Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development) Upaya untuk Berbagi Sumber Daya (Resource Sharing) Manufaktur akar dari ERP Dorongan Manajemen Mengadopsi ERP – Competitiveness: COST – Reorder point (ROP) systems – MRP (material requirements planning) • 1970s – Competitiveness: MARKETING – MRP II (manufacturing resource planning) – ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) • 1980s – Not only manufacturing human resource across enterprise – real-time capture of transactions – Large enterprise package software • 1990s – – – – Customer growth for each vendor Internet grows rapidly Increase Computer capabilities small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) package software • 2000s Faktor Penyebab Evolusi SI Pangkat Keras Komputer(Computer Hardware) dan Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development) Upaya untuk Berbagi Sumber Daya (Resource Sharing) Manufaktur akar dari ERP Dorongan Manajemen Mengadopsi ERP – High ERP vendor competition – Improve product offerings and increase market share – Acquisitions of competing companies, mergers. • Future ERP ERP reach maturity level – ERP needs “easy configuration” – ERP for niche market – Cloud ERP – Systems will become much more intelligent Faktor Penyebab Evolusi SI Pangkat Keras Komputer(Computer Hardware) dan Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development) Upaya untuk Berbagi Sumber Daya (Resource Sharing) Sumber: Concept of Enterprise Resource Planning 3rd Ed, page 22 Manufaktur akar dari ERP • The functional business model illustrates the concept of silos of information, which limit the exchange of information between the lower operating levels. Dorongan Manajemen Mengadopsi ERP • This model was successful. In the quickly changing markets of the 1990s, however, the functional model led to top-heavy and overstaffed organizations incapable of reacting quickly to change. Faktor Penyebab Evolusi SI Pangkat Keras Komputer(Computer Hardware) dan Perkembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development) Upaya untuk Berbagi Sumber Daya (Resource Sharing) Sumber: Concept of Enterprise Resource Planning 3rd Ed, page 23 Manufaktur akar dari ERP • In a process-oriented company, the flow of information and management activity is “horizontal” across functions, in line with the flow of materials and products. • These company overhauls were a stimulus to ERP development. Dorongan Manajemen Mengadopsi ERP THESIGNIFICANCE AND BENEFITS OF ERP SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS • ERP allows easier global integration • ERP integrates people and data while eliminating the need to update and repair many separate computer systems • ERP allows management to manage operations, not just monitor them Tantangan dalam Implementasi ERP Biaya vs Manfaat Biaya Manfaat 1. Biaya Langsung: 1. Manfaat langsung Investasi perangkat keras, lisensi sistem Persediaan gudang berkurang, operasi dan software basis data, lisensi peningkatan kualitas layanan aplikasi ERP, biaya maintenance aplikasi pelanggan dan mengurangi kerugian ERP, jasa konsultan ERP, biaya penjualan, mengurangi jumlah uang tak pelatihan, dan lain-lain. tertagih, pengurangan biaya material dan tenaga kerja. 2. Biaya Tidak Langsung: Biaya pegawai yang terlibat dalam 2. Manfaat tidak langsung Kemudahan data entry, kemudahan proyek, biaya penggantian pegawai informasi, kegiatan operasional proyek, biaya atas gangguan kegiatan dikerjakan dengan cepat. operasional 1. 2. 3. 4. How Much Does an ERP System Cost? Should Every Business Buy an ERP Package? Is ERP Software Inflexible? What Return Can a Company Expect from Its ERP Investment? 5. How Long Does It Take to See a Return on an ERP Investment? 6. Why Do Some Companies Have More Success with ERP Than Others? Vendor ERP • Founded 1972 • Latest version mySAP ERP a former IBM employee • Founded 1987 • Beginning Human resources and payroll accounting • 2003, merger with • 2005, acquired by David Duffield a former IBM employee • Founded 1977 • Beginning: Data Management • Oracle Financials successor of Oracle’s ERP product. Larry Ellison One of Oracle founders Sumber: ERP Modules SAP Modules Oracle e-business Suite Modules Strategi Implementasi ERP Lokasi tertentu Semua lokasi Modul tertentu Semua modul Rollout dan Modular Rollout Big Bang dan Modular Big Bang End of This Session