INTISARI HUBUNGAN PROFIL SEL DARAH MERAH DENGAN SERVICE/CONCEPTION (S/C) SAPI PERANAKAN ONGOLE (PO) DAN SAPI SIMENTAL-PO (SIMPO) DI YOGYAKARTA Fauzi 10/297215/KH/6480 Pengamatan tentang hubungan profil sel darah merah dengan service/conception sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) dan sapi Simmental-PO (SIMPO) di indonesia yang masih jarang dilakukan. Mengingat jumlah sapi PO dan sapi SIMPO banyak ditemukan di masyarakat maka diperlukan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran darah pada sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) dan sapi Simmental-PO (SIMPO) yang dihubungkan dengan service/conception sapi PO yang lebih baik dari sapi SIMPO. Delapan belas sampel darah di ambil pada riset ini, 11 sampel darah sapi PO dan 7 sampel darah sapi SIMPO. Sampel darah dikirim ke Laboratorium Penelitian dan Pengujian Terpadu Universitas Gadjah Mada (LPPT UGM). Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, PCV (Packed Cell Volume), MCV, MCH, MCHC. Data dianalisis dengan metode t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa jumlah rata-rata eritrosit sapi PO adalah 6,70 10⁶/µL, kadar hemoglobin 10,93 g/dL, dan PCV 32,22 %, MCV 48,19 fl, MCH 16,35 pg, MCHC 33,94 g/dL. Pada Sapi SIMPO menunjukkan jumlah ratarata eritrosit 5,59 10⁶/µL, Hemoglobin 9,51 g/dL, PCV 27,18 %, MCV 48,88 fl, MCH 17,12 pg, MCHC 32,62 g/dL. dengan membandingan hasil pengukuran dan literatur maka diketahui hasil pemeriksaan masih dalam batas normal gambaran darah sapi secara Internasional. Namun berdasarkan analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa sapi PO memiliki jumlah sel darah merah, konsentrasi hemoglobin, dan PCV yang lebih tinggi secara nyata dibanding sapi SIMPO (P<0,05). Kata Kunci: sapi PO, sapi SIMPO, sapi betina, gambaran sel darah merah. vii ABSTRACT Red Blood Cell Profile Related to Service per Conception of Ongole-Cross Breed Cattle (PO) and Simental Ongole-Cross Breed Cattle (SIMPO) in Yogyakarta. Fauzi 10/29721/KH/6480 Red blood cell profile researches of Ongole-Cross Breed Cattle (PO) and SimentalOngole-Cross Breed Cattle (SIMPO) which related to service per conception is infrequently taken in Indonesia. Considering the number of OngoleCross Breed Cattle and SimentalOngole-Cross Breed Cattle are many found in society that’s why this research was be required. The aim of this research is to find out the blood imaging of Ongole-Cross Breed Cattle (PO) and Simmental Ongole-Cross breed Cattle (SIMPO) which related to reproduction system of Ongole-Cross breed Cattle (PO) which better than Simmental Ongole-Cross breed Cattle (SIMPO). Eighteen blood samples were collected in this research, 11 samples were from Ongole-Cross Breed Cattle and 7 samples were from Simental Ongole-Cross breed Cattle. The blood samples were delivered to The Integrated Research and Examination Laboratory of Gadjah Mada University (LPPT UGM). The parameter which was observed was the number of erythrosytes, hemoglobin values, PCV (Packed Cell Volume), MCV, MCH, MCHC. The result showed the erytrocytes average of Ongole-Cross Breed Cattle was 6,70 106/µL, hemoglobin values 10,93 g/dL, and PCV 32,22%, MCV 48,19 fl, MCH 16.35 pg, MCHC 33,94 g/dL. The erythrosytes average of SimentalOngoleCross Breed Cattle was 5,59 106/µL, hemoglobin 9,51 g/dL, and PCV 27,18%, MCV 48,88 fl, MCH 17,12 pg, MCHC 32,62 g/dL. by comparing the measurement result and literature, so that, thesummarize is the result of the observation is still in normal range of cattle blood’s image internationally. However, based on the statistical analysis, showed that the Ongole-Cross Breed Cattle has the higher red-blood count, hemoglobin concentrate, and PCV than SimentalOngole-Cross Breed Catle (P<0,05). Keyword: Ongole-Cross Breed Cattle, SimentalOngole-Cross Breed Cattle, Cow, red blood cell imaging. viii