1.Before treatment, a CT scan is often performed to identify

1.Before treatment, a CT scan is often performed to identify the tumor and surrounding normal
structures. The patient is then sent for a simulation so that molds can be created to be used during
treatment. The patient receives small skin marks to guide the placement of treatment fields.
The response of a tumour to radiotherapy is also related to its size. For complex reasons, very
large tumours respond less well to radiation than smaller tumours or microscopic disease.
Various strategies are used to overcome this effect. The most common technique is surgical
resection prior to radiotherapy. This is most commonly seen in the treatment of breast cancer
with wide local excision or mastectomy followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. Another method is to
shrink the tumour with neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to radical radiotherapy. A third
technique is to enhance the radiosensitivity of the cancer by giving certain drugs during a course
of radiotherapy. Examples of radiosensiting drugs include: Cisplatin, Nimorazole, and
2. Multiple myeloma is a haematological malignancy characterized by the occurrence of plasma
cell tumours within the bone marrow. In advanced multiple myeloma, metastatic deposits outside
the bone marrow (extramedullary) are rare. Reported extramedullary sites include the upper
respiratory tract and lymph nodes. Parenchymal pulmonary plasmacytoma is exceptionally rare.
We describe such a case in a 51-year-old male, who underwent allogenic marrow transplantation.
6 months post-transplantation developing nodal and hilar pulmonary multiple myeloma, the
radiological appearances mimicking lymphoma.. The type of radiation therapy most often used
to treat multiple myeloma or solitary plasmacytoma is called external beam radiation therapy.
3. operasi pengangkatan kankernya saja sampai daerah bebas tumor disertai pembersihan
kelenjar ketiak, dengan mempertahankan payudara tetap utuh, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan
radioterapi Conserving Treatment (BCT).
4. a. and require a significantly higher dose of radiation (60-70Gy) to achieve a radical cure.
b. The response of a tumour to radiotherapy is also related to its size. For complex reasons, very
large tumours respond less well to radiation than smaller tumours or microscopic disease.
Various strategies are used to overcome this effect. The most common technique is surgical
resection prior to radiotherapy. This is most commonly seen in the treatment of breast cancer
with wide local excision or mastectomy followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. Another method is to
shrink the tumour with neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to radical radiotherapy. A third
technique is to enhance the radiosensitivity of the cancer by giving certain drugs during a course
of radiotherapy. Examples of radiosensiting drugs include: Cisplatin, Nimorazole, and
5. Prinsip kerja radioterapi adalah memanfaatkan energi dari sinar pengion tersebut sedemikian rupa
sehingga dapat diarahkan tepat mengenai tumor dan merusak kode genetik sel tumor. Energi tersebut
akan merusak komponen genetik yang disebut DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid). Kerusakan DNA akan
menyebabkan sel tumor menjadi mandul atau mati. Dengan demikian, sel tumor tidak akan
berkembang lagi dan pasien memiliki harapan tinggi untuk sembuh. Namun, disebabkan letak tumor
yang terkadang berdekatan dengan jaringan atau organ sehat, maka dapat pula timbul efek samping.
Oleh sebab itu, tim Onkologi Radiasi di suatu pusat radioterapi telah dibekali ilmu dan ketrampilan
khusus dalam merawat pasien-pasien yang menjalani radiasi, sehingga efek samping tersebut dapat
ditekan hingga seminimal mungkin.
6. kanker serviks, payudara, otak, prostat, prostat, paru paru hati kulit osteosarcoma kanker ovarium