membangun aplikasi e- marketing pada pt

Fabian Ciputra
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Muhammad Fadli
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Sarawanan Krishna
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Tujuan Skripsi ini adalah membangun aplikasi E-Marketing pada PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung
untuk memaksimalkan pemasaran produk dan layanan. Manfaat yang bisa dicapai adalah
meningkatkan Keunggulan kompetitif pemasaran PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung dibanding
perusahaan lainnya. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu melakukan survey, wawancara langsung
kepada PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung selaku pihak yang terkait, studi literatur dan metode analisa
“Seven step of Internet Marketing” yang dijabarkan keberbagai bagian, antara lain framing the
market opportunity, formulating the market strategy, designing the customer experience, crafting
the customer interface, designing the marketing program, leveraging customer information
through technology, evaluating the marketing program. Hasil yang dicapai adalah Pembuatan
aplikasi e-marketing berbasis web pada DKA dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi perusahaan
seperti memperluas pangsa pasar, mempermudah pelanggan dan memberikan kenyamanan bagi
pelanggan untuk mengakses informasi produk serta media promosi yang ditawarkan.
Simpulannya adalah DKA telah siap menerapkan sistem pemasaran e-marketing berbasis web
yang dapat mempermudah pelanggan dan memberikan kenyamanan bagi pelanggan untuk
mengakses informasi produk dan perusahaan serta media promosi yang ditawarkan karena
internet dapat menyelesaikan kendala batasan geografis tanpa merubah target pasar serta posisi
yang dituju sesuai dengan strategi e-marketing yaitu market expansion.
Kata Kunci: E-Marketing, Website, Aplikasi, DKA
1. Pengenalan
Perkembangan teknologi informasi pada masa sekarang ini sangat pesat membawa
dampak bagi aspek kehidupan salah satunya aspek bisnis. Banyak perusahan-perusahaan
yang kini mulai menerapkan sistem yang terkomputerisasi. Sehingga seluruh kegiatan bisnis
perusahaan salah satunya kegiatan operasional dan marketing dapat berjalan sesuai dengan
tujuan perusahaan.
Untuk memudahkan terlaksananya proses operasional dan marketing dalam mencapai
tujuan perusahaan, setiap perusahaan atau organisasi mencoba untuk menguasai teknologi
informasi yang ada untuk diterapkan pada perusahaannya atau organisasinya salah satunya
aplikasi E-Business. Hal ini dilakukan karena pentingnya informasi bagi perkembangan
bisnis dalam persaingan dengan perusahaan lain. Selain itu, E-Business juga dapat
mempermudah perusahaan dalam mendistribusikan informasi kepada setiap sektor
Salah satu komponen E-Business adalah E-Marketing, aplikasi E-Marketing yang
handal meliputi penyampaian informasi mengenai produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan oleh
perusahaan serta profil perusahaan, menyediakan dukungan pelanggan dan customer support
atas produk atau jasa yang dijual, pemesanan produk secara online, fasilitas interaksi dengan
sentuhan personal dan pada akhirnya membangun komunitas antara para pelanggan dengan
perusahaan. Pentingnya aplikasi E-Marketing bagi marketing perusahaan membuat banyak
perusahaan menerapkan E-Marketing, salah satunya perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang
rem untuk kendaraan roda empat seperti “PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung”.
PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung menyediakan kebutuhan suku cadang untuk kendaraan
roda empat khususnya pada sepatu rem dari kendaraan roda empat, banyaknya perusahaan
yang bergerak di bidang yang sama telah melakukan marketing secara online sehingga
menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif bagi para pengusaha suku cadang roda empat.
Oleh sebab itu tim tertarik untuk menerapkan E-Marketing bagi PT. Dharma Khasanti
Agung untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan yang memudahkan pelanggan untuk
mendapatkan informasi produk dari PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung tanpa ada kendala batas
ruang dan waktu.
2. Pembahasan
Ruang lingkup pada penulisan ini memiliki batasan sebagai berikut:
• Perancangan media promosi produk untuk PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung secara online.
• Pelayanan pemesanan secara online berbasis web, tanpa proses pembayaran.
• Pembuatan fasilitas pertukaran informasi seputar produk dan perusahaan antara PT.
Dharma Khasanti Agung dengan pelanggan via feedback (operator online, newsletter,
contact us dan testimonial).
Metodologi dalam penulisan menggunakan Siklus Tujuh-Tahap Internet Marketing dari
Mohammed et al (2003, p.9)
Tahap I: Menganalisis Peluang Pasar
Tahap II: Menyusun Strategi Pemasaran
Tahap III: Merancang Pengalaman Pelanggan
Tahap IV: Merancang Hubungan Antar Muka Pelanggan
Tahap V: Merancang Program Pemasaran
Tahap VI: Mendapatkan Informasi Pelanggan Melalui Teknologi
Tahap VII: Mengevaluasi Program Pemasaran
2.1. Landasan Teori
7 (tujuh) tahap proses analisa dan perancangan internet marketing, dibagi menjadi
sebagai berikut:
• Tahap I: Menganalisis Peluang Pasar
Tahap pertama melibatkan analisis peluang pasar dan merupakan awal dari
konsep bisnis—yaitu, mengumpulkan data online dan offline yang cukup untuk
membuat penilaian peluang.
• Tahap II: Menyusun Strategi Pemasaran
Tahap kedua dari proses internet marketing adalah menentukan strategi
pemasaran. Strategi pemasaran harus konsisten dengan strategi bisnis perusahaan.
Strategi pemasaran memiliki tiga komponen utama, yaitu sebagai berikut:
o Segmentation, yaitu mengidentifikasi segmen pasar yang relevan dengan
kebutuhan tertentu.
o Targeting, yaitu memilih segmen atraktif yang konsisten dengan sumber daya
dan tujuan perusahaan.
o Positioning, yaitu mengkomunikasikan secara strategis manfaat produk
kepada target segmen.
• Tahap III: Merancang Pengalaman Pelanggan
Perusahaan harus memahami jenis pengalaman pelanggan yang perlu dihasilkan
untuk memenuhi peluang pasar. Pengalaman tersebut harus berkorelasi dengan
strategi pemasaran dan positioning perusahaan. Definisi umum mengenai
pengalaman pelanggan adalah suatu persepsi dan interpretasi target pelanggan dari
seluruh stimuli yang dihadapi ketika berinteraksi dengan perusahaan tersebut.
Tiga tingkat hierarki pengalaman pelanggan:
o Tingkat 1: Functionality
o Tingkat 2: Intimacy
o Tingkat 3: Evangelism
• Tahap IV: Merancang Hubungan Antar Muka Pelanggan
Internet telah mengubah tempat pertukaran dari marketplace (seperti, interaksi
face-to-face) menjadi marketspace (seperti, interaksi screen-to-face). Interface
yang dirancang dapat diakses melalui PC, Notebook, Cellphone, dan perangkat
lainnya yang berbasiskan internet. Perancangan interface menjadi penting karena
merupakan salah satu program marketing dan dapat mempengaruhi pengalaman
customer. Perancangan interface yang akan dibahas khusus untuk web interface,
dan untuk melakukan perancangan dan implementasi suatu website yang efektif
bagi customer ada 7 (7C) prinsip perancangan yang penting diperhatikan.
• Tahap V: Merancang Program Pemasaran
Tahap ini adalah merancang marketing levers (product, price, communication,
distribution, branding, dan community) yang mendukung positioning dan
menyampaikan pengalaman sesuai yang diinginkan pelanggan. Marketspace
Matrix dapat digunakan untuk membangun suatu program marketing yang
komprehensif. Marketspace Matrix merupakan suatu matrix 2 dimensi yang
terdiri dari:
o 6 (enam) marketing levers: Product, Price, Communication, Distribution,
Branding, dan Community.
o 4 (empat) tahap hubungan konsumen: Awareness, Exploration, Commitment,
• Tahap VI: Mendapatkan Informasi Pelanggan Melalui Teknologi
Dalam lingkungan yang berpusat pada pelanggan, perusahaan harus membuat dan
melakukan tiga keputusan utama. Tiga keputusan utama tersebut adalah (1) secara
strategis memilih pasar yang dikejar (marketing research); (2) mempelajari lebih
banyak tentang pelanggan dan merencanakan strategi untuk mendapatkan target
pelanggan (database marketing); dan (3) menilai keuntungan jangka panjang dari
pelanggan dan mempertahankan pelanggan utama (customer relationship
• Tahap VII: Mengevaluasi Program Pemasaran
Tahap terakhir ini melibatkan evaluasi dari keseluruhan program pemasaran
Internet dan mencakup fokus yang seimbang terhadap customer dan metrik
2.2. Analisis dan Perancangan E-Marketing
7 (tujuh) tahap proses analisa dan perancangan internet marketing pada DKA
• Tahap I: Menganalisis Peluang Pasar
o Menyelidiki Peluang pada Sistem Nilai yang Ada atau yang Baru
Penyebaran informasi secara luas mengenai produk yang ditawarkan,
Trapped Value (penggunaan website yang menghasilkan efisiensi biaya
dengan cara mengurangi biaya-biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk
melakukan proses pemasaran)
o Mengidentifikasi Kebutuhan Pelanggan yang Belum Terpenuhi
Keterbatasan waktu dalam mendapatkan informasi terhadap produk dan jasa
yang di tawarkan. Informasi tentang produk dan jasa hanya bisa didapatkan
pada saat jam kerja saja. Belum adanya fasilitas yang dapat membuat
customer up to date terhadap informasi terbaru dari perusahaan.
o Menentukan Target Segmen Pelanggan
Firmographics (toko dan bengkel), Geographics (pulau Jawa, Sumatra, dan
o Menilai Kebutuhan Sumber Daya untuk Memberikan Penawaran
Customer Facing (Staf pemasaran), Internal Resources (Mesin-mesin, Staf
dan pekerja pabrik), Upstream Resources (PT. Bangun Era Sejahtera, PT.
Anugerah Artha Winasis, CV. Revitalindo Autoparts, dan PT. Pintumas
Mulia Kimia).
o Menilai Faktor Persaingan, Teknologi, dan Keuangan dari Peluang
Competitive Intensity: direct competitor (PT. Dirgaputra Ekapratama, PT.
Tridharma Wisesa, PT. Sinar Cibinong, dan PT. Benin Internasional) dan
indirect competitor (PT. Tri Difta Utama)
o Penilaian No or No Go
Magnitude Of Unmets Needs (Positif), Interaction Between Segments
(Positif), Likely Rate Of Growth (Positif), Technology Vulnerability (Netral),
Market Size (Positif), Level Of Profitability (Positif),
• Tahap II: Menyusun Strategi Pemasaran
o Tiga Komponen Utama Strategi Pemasaran
Segmentation: Market Expansion secara geografis. Targeting: Blanket
Targeting karena target pasar yang dituju perusahaan tetap sama. Positioning:
Blanket Positioning Strategi ini berdasarkan dari Targeting sebelumnya.
o Marketing Mix
Sepatu rem roda 4 baik itu rem tromol maupun rem cakram dimana ada 50
jenis sepatu rem yang sudah di produksi, harga-harga yang ditawarkan oleh
DKA bervariasi. Promosi-promosi yang dilakukan melalui brosur yang
disebar oleh staff marketing. Jarak distribusi atau penjualan sudah terdapat di
beberapa kota di Indonesia.
• Tahap III: Merancang Pengalaman Pelanggan
Functionality (Usability and Ease Of Navigation, Speed, Reliability, Security,
Media Accessibility), Intimacy (Customization, Communication, Consistency,
Trustworthiness, Exceptional Value, Shift from Consumption to Leisure Activity)
dan Evangelism (Taking the Word to the Market, Active Community Membership).
• Tahap IV: Merancang Hubungan Antar Muka Pelanggan
Pada tahap ini perancangan tampilan dari aplikasi E-Marketing akan dibuat
berdasarkan kerangka kerja 7C: Context (Functional, Aesthetic Criteria), Content
(Offering Mix, Appeal Mix, Multimedia Mix, Content Type), Community,
Customization, Communication (Broadcast atau komunikasi satu arah, Interactive
atau komunikasi dua arah), Connection, Commerce.
• Tahap V: Merancang Program Pemasaran
Building Customer Relationship (Awareness, Exploration [Attraction, Trust,
Satisfaction], Commitment, Dissolution), Market Place Mix
• Tahap VI: Mendapatkan Informasi Pelanggan Melalui Teknologi
Marketing Research (Visitor Counter, Register, Testimonial, Order), Database
Marketing (Pembangunan website telah diintegrasikan dengan database untuk
menampung seluruh produk dan informasi yang akan ditampilkan untuk
pelanggan), Customer Relationship Management (operator online dengan Yahoo!
Messanger, Email).
• Tahap VII: Mengevaluasi Program Pemasaran
Customer Based Metrics (Dihitung berdasarkan jumlah pengunjung website,
jumlah member, jumlah permintaan produk), Financial Matrics (Sales, Revenue,
Marketing Spend), Implementation Matrics (Dalam mendapatkan informasi dari
penerapan website menggunakan metode observasi berdasarkan click-stream data
3. Simpulan
Berdasarkan hasil dari analisa dan perancangan terhadap PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung
(DKA) maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa:
• DKA sebelumnya belum pernah sekalipun menerapkan sistem pemasaran e-marketing.
• DKA merupakan perusahaan industri berskala menengah yang memproduksi Sepatu
Rem Tromol (Brake Shoe) maupun Sepatu Rem Cakram (Brake Pad) yang bermerk
Mimasaka untuk berbagai merk dan tipe kendaraan roda empat.
• Analisis dan Perancangan aplikasi e-marketing DKA yang berbasis web disesuaikan
berdasarkan The Seven-Stage Cycle of Internet Marketing (Mohammed et al (2003,
• Pembuatan aplikasi e-marketing berbasis web pada DKA dapat mempermudah
pelanggan dan memberikan kenyamanan bagi pelanggan untuk mengakses informasi
produk dan perusahaan serta media promosi yang ditawarkan karena internet dapat
menyelesaikan kendala batasan geografis tanpa merubah target pasar serta posisi yang
dituju sesuai dengan strategi e-marketing yaitu market expansion.
Allen, Jeremy dan Charles Hornberger (2002). Mastering PHP 4.1. Sybex Inc. Alamedia,
Connolly, T.M., Carolyn E.B., Anne D.S. (2005). Database System : A Practical
Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management,(4thedition).United State of
America : Addison-Wesley.
Chaffey, D. (2009). E-Business and E-Commerce Management:Strategy, Implementation
and Practice.(4th Edition).London :Prentice Hall, Inc.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2010).Principle of Marketing, (13th edition).
Pearson Education, Inc.
Mohammed, R,.Fisher, R.J., Jaworski, B.J., danPaddison, G.J. (2003). Internet Marketing:
building advantage in a Networked Economy. (4thEdition). United State of America:
Negrino, T., & Smith, D. (2005). Javascript For The World Web (4th Edition ed.). Berkeley, California:
Peachpit Press.
O'Brien, J.A. (2003). Introduction to information systems : essentials for the e-business
enterprise, (11th edition). New York: McGraw Hill.
Rosenbloom, B. (2004). Marketing Channels: A Management View. (7th Edition). Ohio:
Thomson South Western.
Strauss, J., El-Ansary, A., dan Frost, R. (2003). E-Marketing International Edition (3rd
Edition ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
[10] Turban & Rainer & Potter. (2006) Pengantar Teknologi Informasi. Jakarta. Salemba
[11] Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J., Liang, T.P., Turban, D. (2010). Electronic Commerce.
(6thedition). Pearson.
[12] Ullman, L. (2005). PHP and MYSQL for Dynamic Website. (2nd edition). Berkeley:
Peachpit Press.
Fabian Ciputra
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Muhammad Fadli
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Sarawanan Krishna
Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
The purpose of this Thesis is to build application of E-Marketing on PT. Dharma Khasanti
Agung to maximize the marketing of products and services. Benefits can be achieved is to
increase the competitive of marketing advantage PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung compared to other
companies. The methodology used is to survey, direct interviews to PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung
as the parties concerned, the study of literature and methods of analysis “Seven step of Internet
Marketing” described every aspect of, among other framing the market opportunity, formulating
the market strategy, designing the customer experience, crafting the customer interface,
designing the marketing program, leveraging customer information through technology,
evaluating the marketing program. Result in making the application web-based e-marketing in
DKA can provide benefits for companies such as expanding market share, customer ease and
convenience for customers to access product information and promotion media offered.
Conclusion is DKA ready to implement e-marketing marketing system that can facilitate webbased customer and provide convenience for customers to access product information and media
company as well as internet promotions offered to resolve the constraints of geographical
boundaries without changing the target market and target position in accordance with emarketing strategy that is market expansion.
Keyword: E-Marketing, Website, Application, DKA
1. Introduction
Development of information technology at the present time very rapidly impact the
lives of one aspect of the business aspects. Many companies are now beginning to
implement a computerized system. So that all business activities of one company's
operational and marketing activities can be run in accordance with company objectives.
To facilitate the implementation of operational and marketing processes in achieving
the objectives of the company, any company or organization trying to master the existing
information technology to be applied to one company or organization's E-Business
applications. This is done because of the importance of information for the development of
business in competition with other companies. In addition, E-Business can also be easier for
companies to distribute information to every sector of the company.
One component is the E-Business E-Marketing, E-Marketing applications include the
delivery of reliable information regarding the products or services offered by the company
as well as company profile, provide customer support and customer support for products or
services sold, ordering products online, facilities with a touch of personal interaction and
ultimately build community among customers with the company. Importance of EMarketing applications for the marketing companies make a lot of companies implementing
E-Marketing, one of which the company engaged in brakes for four-wheel vehicles such as
"PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung".
PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung supply the parts for four-wheel vehicles, especially on
the brake shoes of four-wheeled vehicles, the number of companies engaged in the same
field have been doing online marketing, creating a competitive advantage for the employers
of four-wheel parts.
Therefore the team is interested in applying E-Marketing for PT. Dharma Khasanti
Agung to improve the quality of service that allows customers to obtain product information
from PT. Khasanti Supreme Dharma without any constraints of time and space limits.
2. The Session
The scope of this thesis has the following limitations:
• Design of promotional online media for product of PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung.
• Services order online web-based, without the payment process.
• Making facilities exchange of information about the products and the company
between PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung with customers via feedback (online operator,
newsletter, contact us and testimonial).
Methodology in writing using Seven step of Internet Marketing from Mohammed et al
(2003, p.9)
Step I: Framing The Market Opportunity
Step II: Formulating The Marketing Strategy
Step III: Designing The customer Experience
Step IV: Crafting The Customer Experience
Step V: Designing The Marketing Program
Step VI: Leveraging Customer Information Through Technology
Step VII: Marketing Program Evaluation
2.1. The Theory Foundation
7 (seven) stages of the analysis and design of internet marketing, is divided into the
• Step I: Framing The Market Opportunity
The first stage involves the analysis of market opportunities and the beginnings of
a business concept-ie, online and offline to collect data sufficient to make an
assessment of opportunities.
• Step II: Formulating The Marketing Strategy
The second stage of the process of internet marketing is to determine the
marketing strategy. The marketing strategy should be consistent with its business
strategy. The marketing strategy has three main components as follows:
o Segmentation, namely identifying the market segments that are relevant to the
specific needs.
o Targeting, selecting an attractive segment that is consistent with the resources
and objectives.
o Positioning, that is communicate strategically benefits of product to the
segment target.
• Step III: Designing The customer Experience
Companies must understand the types of customer experiences that need to be
produced to meet market opportunities. This experience should be correlated with
the marketing strategy and corporate positioning. General definition of customer
experience is a perception and interpretation of the target customers of all stimuli
encountered when interacting with the company. Three-level hierarchy of
customer experience:
o Level 1: Functionality
o Level 2: Intimacy
o Level 3: Evangelism
• Step IV: Crafting The Customer Experience
Internet has changed the place of the exchange marketplace (such as, the
interaction face-to-face) to market space (eg, interaction screen-to-face). Designed
interface can be accessed via PC, Notebook, Cellphone, and other devices with
Internet-based. Interface design is important because it is one of the marketing
program and may affect the customer experience. Interface design will be
discussed specifically for the web interface, and to do the designing and
implementation of an effective website for any customer 7 (7C) design principle
that is important to note.
• Step V: Designing The Marketing Program
This stage is designing the marketing levers (product, price, communication,
distribution, branding, and community) that support the positioning and delivering
the desired customer experience. Market space Matrix can be used to build a
comprehensive marketing program. Market space matrix is a 2-dimensional
matrix consisting of:
o 6 (six) marketing levers: Product, Price, Communication, Distribution,
Branding, and Community.
o 4 (four) stages of customer relationships: Awareness, Exploration,
Commitment, Dissolution.
• Step VI: Leveraging Customer Information Through Technology
In a customer-centered environment, companies must create and perform three
major decisions. Three major decisions are (1) strategically choose which pursued
the market (marketing research), (2) to learn more about customers and plan
strategies to get targeted customers (database marketing), and (3) assess the longterm benefit of customers and retain major customers (customer relationship
• Step VII: Marketing Program Evaluation
The final stage involves the evaluation of the overall Internet marketing program
and include a balanced focus on customer and financial metrics.
2.2. Analysis and Design of E-Marketing
7 (seven) stages of the analysis and design of internet marketing on DKA to generate:
• Step I: Framing The Market Opportunity
o Investigate Opportunity in an Existing or New Value System
Widespread dissemination of information about the products offered, Trapped
Value (use website that generates cost efficiencies by reducing the costs to be
incurred to make the process of marketing).
o Indentify Unmet or Unserved Needs
Time constraints in getting information on products and services on offer.
Information about products and services can only be obtained during working
hours only. The absence of facilities that can make the customer up to date on
the latest information from the company.
o Determine Target Customer Segment
Firmographics (store and workshop), Geographics (Java, Sumatra, and
o Assess Resource Needs to Provide Special
Customer Facing (marketing staff), Internal Resources (Machines, staff and
factory workers), Upstream Resources (PT. Bangun Era Sejahtera, PT.
Anugerah Artha Winasis, CV. Revitalindo Autoparts, and PT. Pintumas
Mulia Kimia).
o Assess Competitive, Technological, and Financial Attractiveness of
Competitive Intensity: direct competitor (PT. Dirgaputra Ekapratama, PT.
Tridharma Wisesa, PT. Sinar Cibinong, and PT. Benin Internasional) and
indirect competitor (PT. Tri Difta Utama).
o Assessment No or No Go
Competitive Vulnerability (positive), Technical Vulnerability (neutral),
Magnitude Of Unmets Needs (positive), Interaction Between Segments
(positive), Likely Rate Of Growth (positive), Technology Vulnerability
(neutral), Market Size (positive), Level Of Profitability (positive).
• Step II: Formulating The Marketing Strategy
o Three Main Components of Marketing Strategy
Segmentation: Market
Expansion geographically.
Targeting because the company's target market remains the same.
Positioning: Blanket Positioning this strategy is based on the earlier of
o Marketing Mix
4-wheel brake shoes either disc brakes or drum brakes in which there are 50
types of brake shoes that are already in production, the prices offered by
DKA varies. Promotions are done through brochures distributed by the
marketing staff. Distance distribution or sale are located in several cities in
• Step III: Designing The customer Experience
Functionality (Usability and Ease Of Navigation, Speed, Reliability, Security,
Media Accessibility), Intimacy (Customization, Communication, Consistency,
Trustworthiness, Exceptional Value, Shift from Consumption to Leisure Activity)
and Evangelism (Taking the Word to the Market, Active Community Membership).
• Step IV: Crafting The Customer Experience
At this stage of the design features of the application E-Marketing will be made
based on the framework 7C: Context (Functional, Aesthetic Criteria), Content
(Offering Mix, Appeal Mix, Multimedia Mix, Content Type), Community,
Interactive or two-way communication), Connection, Commerce.
• Step V: Designing The Marketing Program
Building Customer Relationship (Awareness, Exploration [Attraction, Trust,
Satisfaction], Commitment, Dissolution), Market Place Mix
• Step VI: Leveraging Customer Information Through Technology
Marketing Research (Visitor Counter, Register, Testimonial, Order), Database
Marketing (Website development has been integrated with the database to
accommodate all the products and information to be displayed to the customer),
Customer Relationship Management (operator online with Yahoo! Messenger,
• Step VII: Marketing Program Evaluation
Customer Based Metrics (Calculated based on the number of website visitors, the
number of members, number of product demand), Financial Metrics (Sales,
Revenue, Marketing Spend), Implementation Metrics (In getting information from
the application site using the method of observation based on click-stream data of
3. Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis and design of PT. Dharma Khasanti Agung (DKA) it can
be concluded that:
• DKA previously had never been implemented marketing with e-marketing system.
• DKA is a medium-sized industrial companies that produce drum Brake Shoes (Brake
Shoe) and Disc Brake Shoes (Brake Pad) which branded Mimasaka for different
brands and types of four-wheeled vehicles.
• Analysis and design application of e-marketing web-based DKA adjusted based on
The Seven-Stage Cycle of Internet Marketing (Mohammed et al (2003, p9)).
• Making the application of web-based e-marketing in DKA can facilitate the customer
and provide convenience for customers to access product information and media
company as well as internet promotions offered to resolve the constraints of
geographical boundaries without changing the target market and target position
according to the e-marketing strategy the market expansion.
Allen, Jeremy dan Charles Hornberger (2002). Mastering PHP 4.1. Sybex Inc. Alamedia,
Connolly, T.M., Carolyn E.B., Anne D.S. (2005). Database System : A Practical
Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management,(4thedition).United State of
America : Addison-Wesley.
Chaffey, D. (2009). E-Business and E-Commerce Management:Strategy, Implementation
and Practice.(4th Edition).London :Prentice Hall, Inc.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2010).Principle of Marketing, (13th edition).
Pearson Education, Inc.
Mohammed, R,.Fisher, R.J., Jaworski, B.J., danPaddison, G.J. (2003). Internet Marketing:
building advantage in a Networked Economy. (4thEdition). United State of America:
Negrino, T., & Smith, D. (2005). Javascript For The World Web (4th Edition ed.). Berkeley, California:
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