PEMETAAN DAERAH RAWAN KEBAKARAN HUTAN DI PROPINSI SUMATERA UTARA BERDASARKAN DATA SATELIT TRMM (TROPICAL RAINFALL MEASURING MISSION) ABSTRAK Berkaitan dengan tingginya resiko kebakaran hutan/ lahan di Propinsi Sumatera Utara menyebabkan perlunya sebuah peta rawan kebakaran hutan sebagai sarana monitoring dan adaptasi terhadap bencana kebakaran hutan/lahan di Sumatera Utara. Perhitungan daerah rawan kebakaran hutan/lahan dapat dilakukan dengan perhitungan Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI). BMKG telah mengembangkan rawan kebakaran hutan/lahan berdasarkan perhitungan KBDI namun kurangnya jumlah stasiun hujan observasi berakibat pada kurang akuratnya peta rawan kebakaran/hutan tersebut. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, telah dilakukan pemetaan daerah rawan kebakaran/hutan di Sumatera Utara berbasis data satelit TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data curah hujan harian dari stasiun curah hujan harian satelit TRMM dan data curah hujan harian dari observasi BMKG (Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika) periode tahun 2009 - 2012. Selain data curah hujan harian, digunakan juga data suhu maksimum harian stasiun observasi, data elevasi dan data titik panas (hotspot) dari satelit Aqua/Terra. Estimasi curah hujan dilakukan berdasarkan persamaan regresi linear antara data curah hujan observasi dengan data curah hujan satelit TRMM. Hasil estimasi curah hujan digunakan sebagai dasar perhitungan KBDI dan kemudian dipetakan secara spasial dengan software Arc GIS 10.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dimana korelasi antara data curah hujan harian observasi dengan data satelit TRMM berkorelasi paling tinggi pada wilayah Pantai Timur dimana korelasi memiliki trend positif terjadi pada bulan-bulan basah seperti Maret, April, Mei, Agustus hingga Desember. Validasi peta KBDI telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan data titik panas (hotspot) dari satelit Aqua/Terra dimana 66 % titik panas (hotspot) berada pada daerah dengan nilai KBDI Tinggi. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa keberadaan peta kebakaran hutan/lahan berbasis satelit TRMM dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam memonitoring bencana kebakaran hutan/lahan di Sumatera Utara. Kata-kata kunci : Peta, Kebakaran Hutan/Lahan, Satelit TRMM, KBDI, Titik Panas Universitas Sumatera Utara MAPPING OF FOREST FIRE RISK ZONE IN NORTH SUMATRA PROVINCE BASED ON TRMM SATELITE DATA (TROPICAL RAINFALL MEASURING MISSION) ABSTRACT With a high risk index of forest fires in North Sumatra province of Indonesia, there is a need to create forest fire risk potential map as a means of monitoring and adapting to catastrophic effect of forest fires. Creating this map can be done by calculating the Keetch - Byram Drought Index (KBDI). One of the sources for making a forest fire hazard map is the availability of rain observation data. BMKG (Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics agency) has developed this map, but the lack of rain observation data due to limited observation stations made the accuracy of the map a bit lower than the forest fires event. To overcome these problems, the forest fire risk potential map in North Sumatra based on TRMM satellite data (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) was conducted. The data used in this research was the daily rainfall data of observation stations from BMKG and TRMM satellites data from 2009 to 2012. Besides daily rainfall data, maximum temperature data from BMKG stations is also used along with elevation data and hotspots of Aqua/terra satellite. Rainfall estimation is analysed with the linear regression equation between the observed rainfall data and TRMM satellite rainfall data. Rainfall estimation results are used as the basis for calculating KBDI and then spatially mapped it with Arc GIS software version 10.0. The Results of analysis showed that the correlation between daily observed rainfall data with TRMM satellite data is highest on the East Coast of North Sumatra province. This correlation had a positive trend that occurred in the wet months like March, April, May, August and December. The map validation conducted using hotspots from satellite Aqua / Terra where 66 % of hotspots are in same areas with High KBDI values. It is proved that the existence of maps of forest fires risk potential can be used as an alternative in monitoring forest fires, in North Sumatra. Key words: Map, Forest Fire, TRMM Satellite, KBDI, Hotspots. Universitas Sumatera Utara