LectureAS2105Chap2_Light Pollution_general_aug09

Light Pollution
AS2105 Astronomi dan Lingkungan (Space Environment)
Dhani Herdiwijaya
[email protected]
Faktor ketidakpedulian
dan pemikiran ekonomi
jangka pendek merupakan
sebab utama problema
Bumi di malam hari cermin
peta pusat ekonomi global
Permasalahan ekonomi, energi, politik dan lingkungan
Langit malam di Phoenix, AS
Langit malam di Belfast, Inggris
(Peter Paice)
Polusi cahaya di taman nasional
NOT AS DARK AS NIGHT. Sky glow from nearby Moab, Utah and Grand Junction, Colo., brightens the night
sky at Arches National Park. Duriscoe et al./NPS
Polusi cahaya di taman nasional
At Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park, the Milky Way blends into light
pollution from Las Vegas and the greater Los Angeles basin (~300 km).
Duriscoe et al./NPS
Amerika 1980...
Amerika 2000 …
Amerika 2005 …
Langit di atas Mount Wilson Observatory,
LA tahun 1908
Langit di atas Mount Wilson Observatory,
LA tahun 1988
Eropa tahun 2000
Prediksi Eropa tahun 2027
Asia Tenggara
Daerah langit selatan di Observatorium Bosscha,
2 November 2008 jam 22:24
Cahaya Kota
Langit malam di Observatorium
Bosscha (arah utara)
Daerah langit utara di Observatorium Bosscha,
2 November 2008 jam 23
Cahaya Kota Lembang
Lampu Reklame dan Lampu di Jembatan Surapati
2 November 2008 jam 01.55
Bintang tertutup cahaya kota
Polusi Cahaya di ITB
Lokasi : Depan Gedung Teknik Geofisika
Polusi Cahaya di ITB
Lokasi : Depan Gedung Teknik Geofisika
Polusi Cahaya di ITB
Daerah Gelap
Lokasi : Depan GKU Barat
Polusi Cahaya di ITB
Lokasi : Samping GKU Timur
Solusi Polusi Cahaya di ITB
Daerah atas tetap gelap
Lokasi : Depan Masjid Salman
Berapa banyak
bintang menghiasi
Kehidupan satwa
Imaginasi dan
kesehatan manusia
akan terganggu!
Perlu upaya
langit gelap
Perbandingan langit malam
Polusi cahaya
Nebula Orion
Polusi cahaya
Polusi Cahaya … ?
Cahaya buatan non-alami yang tidak
terkendali sehingga menyebabkan:
1. langit yang terang (sky glow/uplight)
2. silau (glare)
3. gangguan terhadap hak sekitar
ketidak-efisienan dan
boros penggunaan energi
Polusi Cahaya
Polusi cahaya
90 der
Pencahayaan efisien
Jejak cahaya bintang
terganggu cahaya lampu
molekul udara
Skyglow is caused by the downward scattering of upward light by air molecules and also aerosols, mostly water
droplets and dust. The longer the path length through the lowest part of the atmosphere, the more the
scattering. Light that goes straight up is mostly reflected, and has shorter paths through the lower scattering
layers. The low angle light is mostly directly radiated, and it is this that causes most of the sky glow well away
from the source.
Akibat Polusi Cahaya
Cahaya ke atas sebagai
polusi cahaya
Light Pollution is Uplight/Sky Glow
Sky Glow
Hamburan cahaya oleh partikel-partikel udara/aerosol
menyebabkan langit terang dan bintang tidak tampak
Cahaya tidak terkontrol merupakan
polusi cahaya
Polusi Cahaya Silau dan tidak
Dimanakah tanda STOP?
Perhatikan arah langsung lampu dan pantulannya
Cahaya tidak terkontrol merupakan
polusi cahaya (Trespass)
Arah Pencahayaan yang
Buruk dan Baik
Pencahayaan Buruk
(tanpa tudung)
Pencahayaan Baik
(dengan tudung)
Parkir mobil?
Lebih baik!
Probem akibat polusi
Lingkungan: satwa liar, serangga, dll.
Manusia: mempengaruhi siklus
Eye Adaptation
Pandangan lurus lebih
Mata manusia perlu 20 menit untuk beradaptasi
penuh dengan kegelapan, yaitu pada tingkat
Sumber cahaya 1 lux dalam medan pandang
mata, akan merusak adaptasi mata, karena bintik
hitam mata akan mengecil.
Sensitivitas mata terbatas pada tingkat terang
cahaya tertentu.
Eye response
Human eye scopotic adaptation
Sel batang (rod) lebih
peka daripada sel
kerucut (cone). Perlu
waktu adaptasi minimal
20 menit untuk
maksimum sensitivitas
dalam gelap dengan
λmaks=507 nm (green).
Mata Burung
• Burung umumnya berpenglihatan
Cahaya = informasi
© Josh Jones
Mata yang lebar, lebih baik
dalam cahaya yang redup
Nyanyian Burung
• Normal song
• Dawn chorus
• Dusk chorus
• Through day
Song rate
Time of day
Results - song
Song rate (Song per 5 minutes)
Unlit robin territories
Artificially lit robin territories
due to light
Time before sunrise (categories of 100 minutes)
Results - Song
© David
• Artificially lit robins have an abnormal song routine
• Robins with lit territories begin to sing far earlier than those with unlit
• Both artificially lit and unlit birds had a similar timed dusk chorus
• Initially both artificially lit and unlit birds had similar song rates
• One hour after initial song, rate was highest for artificially lit robins
How Artificial Light Affects Wildlife
© Joan Burkmar
Many species of birds depend
on their view of constellations
during their semi-annual
It is estimated more birds die
each year due to collisions
caused by artificial lights than
from oil spills.
Some birds will build their nests
in the fall rather than spring
because of artificial light.
More Effects on Wildlife
Sea turtle hatchlings
have been observed
crawling inland to
artificial light rather
than towards the
They naturally rely on
the reflection of the
moon off of the water
to guide them.
Effects on Wildlife
Many insects gather
around artificial light
sources and waste
valuable energy.
Many moth species
are thought to be on
the decline for this
Summary of Effects on Wildlife
© Richard Ford
© Angel Pulido Domínguez
© Glenn Bartley
We know that
artificial light
disrupts the
reproductive, and
growth behaviors of
both plants and
There are many
things we do not
Effects on Humans
Light pollution disrupts our hormonal
There is no hard evidence, but it may
also contribute to depression.
It is probably a good idea to sleep in a
dark room without a nightlight.
Melatonin C13H16N2O2
To trigger sleepy intelligence/depression/cancer.
Darkness stimulate hormone releases
Melatonin merupakan
hormon alami yang
dimiliki makhluk hidup
Berfungsi dalam
pengaturan jam tubuh
(circadian rhythms)
Secara alami dikeluarkan
oleh kelenjar berbentuk
menyerupai pinus di
tengah otak manusia
(pineal gland)
Fungsi Hormon Melatonin
Rasa kantuk
≠ insomnia
Jam tubuh
Circadian syn.
Powerfull antioxidant
Cegah penuaan
Atur denyut jantung
Melatonin disintesis oleh
asam amino triptophan
dengan bantuan enzim
Produksi hormon Melatonin
dipengaruhi oleh cahaya
Cepat pada kondisi gelap
gelap,, lambat pada kondisi terang
Produksi Melatonin
suprachiasmatic nucleus
(SCN) dari hipotalamus
yang bergantung cahaya
More Problems
Energy Waste - Over $1 Billion in energy
cost for unnecessary light in the U.S.A.
Prevents humans from observing the
natural splendor of the nighttime sky.
Impedes astronomical research.
Our Current Condition
2/3 of the world’s population never see a
truly dark starry night because light
pollution from human activity obscures
their view.
99% of the people in Western Europe and
the U.S. never see a naturally dark night
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)
Solusi Polusi Cahaya
Tidak memasang
lampu dekorasi /
lampu iklan yang
tidak perlu
Lampu luar memakai
tudung dan
menggunakan jenis
lampu hemat energi.
Tudung Lampu Luar
Solusi Polusi Cahaya
Cahaya harus
menyinari tempat dan
waktu yang perlu
(where it is needed,
when it is needed)
Dukungan kepada
aturan pemakaian
lampu luar.
A good antique (or period lighting) fixture, full cut-off
Solusi Polusi Cahaya
Tudung lampu yang
baik mengurangi 90%
cahaya lampu ke
Sehingga langit yang
terang hanya
disebabkan oleh
Mengurangi dengan
penanaman pohon
Klasifikasi Tudung Lampu
Lampu arsitektur gedung
Reduksi polusi cahaya
Better: Full Cut Off
… Tempat parkir
Where and When to light?
Only where it is needed.
ִAvoid obtrusive light.
ִNo wasted light or energy.
Only when needed.
Install motion sensors on lights so that
they are only on when they are needed.
How much light?
The myth of The More of light the
Better is wrong.
ִUse IESNA or CIE recommended levels.
Environmental lighting zones.
ִConsider the location where you are.
Use good transition lighting.
Pencahayaan dan Keamanan
Kota-kota yang terang tidak mengurangi
tingkat kejahatan.
ִApakah pelaku kriminal takut atau terbantu
karena terang?
Belum ada bukti yang pasti bahwa tingkat
kriminal dapat dikurangi dengan membuat
kota terang.
Langit yang Gelap, bukan jalanan
yang gelap
calling for dimmer lights (wrong...!).
We need directed lighting fit for its purpose.
Working for star quality lighting
Quality not Quantity
Quality lighting means that everybody wins, whether looking up
or straight ahead!
We want to advancing the effective use of light
for society and environment
Quality lighting…..
Maximizes the desired effects by minimizing
the adverse effects:
ִDecreases glare, light trespass, sky glow
ִIncreases safety and security
ִConserves energy
ִRespects the habits & habitats of animals & plants
ִMaintains human health
Circadian rhythm (can impact immunology.)
Sleep disorders
The aging or disabled eye
Visibility (e.g., contrast)
ִProvides good (nighttime) ambiance
Keys to Quality Lighting
See the effect, not the source.
Shine the light down.
No glare.
Light only where and when needed.
Don’t over light.
Use energy efficient sources.
Effective use of light for society and environment
Use the right
amount of light
only when and
where it’s
See better, save
energy and
protect the
Things you can do
Everyone can play their part in making
light pollution less of a problem.
ִIn our homes we can use lighting that is
carefully positioned and designed to light our
paths and not spreading light upwards.
Business could reduce overly bright lights
from as much as 300 watts to 150 watts.
Government/Local councils could make
law of using better designed lighting roads.
Local Government Initiative
November 2007 (www.kotapekalogan.go.id)
Untuk menghemat biaya operasional khususnya listrik,
Dinas Penataan Kota dan Lingkungan Hidup (DPKLH) Kota
Pekalongan membantu proyek lampu hemat energi diempat
ruas jalan. Pihaknya mengganti lampu jenis merkuri warna
putih yang memiliki daya berkekuatan 400 watt menjadi
sodium warna kuning 25 watt. Sebanyak 184 titik lampu
merkury akan digantikan dngan 123 titik lampu sodium.
Dana yang dibutuhkan Rp. 1,36 M. Proyek itu dapat
menghemat biaya pembayaran listrik sebesar Rp. 26 juta
rupiah lebih perbulan.
PLN Bagikan 50 Juta Lampu
Hemat Energi
Senin, 03 Desember 2007
TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta: Direktur Utama PT PLN
Edie Widiono mengatakan pemborosan penggunaan
lampu pijar mencapai 4 tera watt hour per tahun.
Asumsinya 35 juta pelangan PLN masih menggunakan
lampu pijar yang boros energi.
PT PLN (Persero) berencana mengantikan 50 juta lampu
pijar dengan lampu hemat energi pada 2008. Pergantian
lampu hemat energi tersebut mengurangi pemakaian
listrik hingga 2,3 miliar kilo watt hour (KWH) per tahun
atau PLN akan menghemat Rp 1,7 triliun per tahun.
Sehingga konsumsi bahan bakar minyak akan turun
0,75 juta kilo liter yang nilainya Rp 3,8 triliun per tahun.
Jenis Lampu Hemat Energi?
Saving energy … LPS … HPS … Mercury …
55 watt Low Pressure Sodium (LPS) setara
dengan 115 watt High Pressure Sodium (HPS) light
atau 175 watt Mercury Vapor light.
Hindari Lampu Merkuri
Ecological Consequences
Ainley, D.G., et al. 2001. The status and population of the Newell's
Shearwater on Kaua'i: Insights from modeling. Studies in Avian
Biology (No. 22):108-123. See
Frank, K.D. 1988. Impact of outdoor lighting on moths: An
assessment. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 42(No. 2):63-93.
Information about the Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night
Lighting meeting, held Feb. 23-24 in Los Angeles, can be found at
Perry, G., and R.N. Fisher. 2006. Night lights and reptiles: Observed
and potential effects. In Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night
Lighting. Rich, C. and T. Longcore, eds. Washington, D.C.:Island
Press. See http://www.islandpress.org/books/detail.html/SKU/155963-128-7.
Wise, S.E., and B.W. Buchanan. 2006. Influence of artificial
illumination on the nocturnal behavior and physiology of
salamanders. In Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting.
Rich, C. and T. Longcore, eds. Washington, D.C.:Island Press. See
Some demographic evidence
Artificial lighting in the industrialized world: circadian disruption
and breast cancer by Richard G. Stevens in Cancer Causes
Control (2006) 17:501–507
Light at night co-distributes with incident breast but not lung
cancer in the female population of Israel in Chronobiology
International, 25(1): 65–81, (2008) by Itai Kloog, Abraham
Haim, Richard G. Stevens, Micha Barchana, and Boris A. Port
Blask et al, “Melatonin-depleted blood from premenopausal
women exposed to light at night stimulates growth of human
breast cancer xenografts in nude rats,” Cancer Res. 2005 Dec 1;
65(23) 11174-84
Pauley, Lighting for the human circadian clock: recent research
indicates that lighting has become a public health issue” (2004)
63 Medical Hypotheses 588– 596
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