PENGARUH KUALITAS KEHIDUPAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN DI DINAS TENAGA KERJA KOTA SURABAY A Abstraksi Ada dua pandangan mengenai maksud dari kualitas kehidupan kerja (Quality of Work Ufe I QWL). Pandangan ini pertama mengatakan bahwa kualitas kehidupan kerja adalah sejumlah keadaan dan praktek dari tujuan organisasi (misalnya : perkayaan kerja, penyeliaan yang demokratis, keterlibatan pekerja dan kondisi kerja yang aman). Pandangan kedua menyamakan bahwa kualitas kehidupan kerja adalah persepsi-persepsi karyawan tentang rasa aman, rasa puas, dan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai layaknya manusia (Wayne, 1992 : 47). Sesuai dengan konsep yang dikemukakan oleh John & Louis (1997 : 27), terdapat empat dimensi kualitas kehidupan kerja yang perlu diterapkan oleh pihak manajemen untuk mencapai kinerja unggulan. Keempat dimensi tersebut dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut : l. Supervisi 2. =.esai,• Peke1jaan 3. Tunjangan 4. Kondisi T enaga Kerja Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data pnmer yang diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada karyawan di Dinas T enaga Kerja Kota Surabaya. Teknik penentuan sampel menggunakan metode probability sampling yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel yng memberi peluang atau kesempatan yang sama bagi setiap anggota populasi untuk dipilih menjadi sampel. Vll Ada pengaruh kualitas kehidupan ketja (QWL) yang terdiri dari : supervisi, kondisi ketja, tunjan~ dan desain peketjaan secara simultan terhadap kinetja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Dinas Tenaga Ketja Kota Surabaya. Hal ini sesuai dengan pendapat Arifin ( 1999) yang menyatakan bahwa sesuai dengan konsep yang banyak dikemukakan oleh para ahli bahwa terdapat 4 dimensi kualitas kehidupan ketja (QWL) yang perlu diterapkan oleh pihak manajemen untuk mencapai kinetja karyawan yang unggul, yaitu supervisi, kondisi ketja, tunjangan, dan desain peketjaan. Ada pengaruh kualitas kehidupan ketja (QWL) yang terdiri dari : supervisi, kondisi ketja, tunjangan, dan desain peketjaan secara simultan terhadap kinetja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Dinas Tenaga Ketja Kota Surabaya. Ini dapat dilihat pada nilai t hitung untuk masing-masing variabel serta didukung dengan nilai ? partial (lampiran 4 ). Ini menunjukan bahwa keempat variabel tersebut berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap kinetja karyawan. Tunjangan mempunyai pengaruh paling dominan terhadap kinetja karyawan, :.:rbuLti. Ini dapat dilihat bahwa nilai t merupakan yang paling tinggi yaitu 13,6651. \'111 hitung pada variabel tunjangan THE INFLUENCE OF QUALITY OF WORK LIFE ON EMPLOYEES' PERFORMANCE IN LABOR AGENCY SURABAYA Abstract There are two perspectives about the meaning of quality of work life (QWL). The first perspective states that quality of work life is some situations and practices from the organization's goals (for example: work enrichment, democratic personnel, employees' participation, and safe work condition). The second perspective states that quality of work life is the employees perception about safety, satisfication and get the chance to grow and develop as human beings (Wayne, 1992 : 47). The quality of work life concept expresses the importance of rewarding humans in their work environment. Therefore the important role of work quality is changing work climate thus the organization technically and humanely bring a better quality of work life (Luthans, 19% : 23 ). The quality of work life needs to be implemented in creating high quality of human beings by creating conducive work climate and environment, which can encou.-age the employees to be innovative and creative, including applying fair system (including wage system that always take internal and external consistency into account) and flexible structure with clear and humane task, authority, and responsibility distribution, concerning the employees' ability and effort in achieving their career goals. In accordance with the concept developed by John & Louis( 1997 : 27 ), there are four dimensions of the quality of work life need to be implemented by management in order to gain superior performance. The four dimensions can be explained as follow: IX 1. Supervision 2. Work Design 3. Benefit 4. Work Condition Data used in this study is primary collected by distributing questionnaire to the employees of Labor Agency Surabaya. The sampling technique used is probability sampling, that is taking sample by giving the same chance/opportunity for every population member to be chosen as the sample. The first hypothesis states that there are quality of work life (QWL) influences, which consist of: supervision, work condition, benefit and work design simultaneously on the performance of officials in Labor Agency Surabaya. It can be seen from the value of F count (49,4605) > F table (2,49) and probability value (6,938.10-21 ) less than 0,05. It is suggested that all of the variables simultaneously influence the employees' performance. It is in accordance with the concept stated by many experts that there are 4 dimensions of quality of work life (QWL) that need to be implemented by management in order to gain superior performance from their employeea, they are supervison, work condition, benefit and work design. In the second hypothesis, it states that there are quality of work life (QWL) influence consist of: supervision, work condition, benefit and work designpartially on the Officials performance in Labor Agency Surabaya. It can be seen from the value oft count on work condition variable (10,1287) > t table(l,9901),the value of t count on benefit variable is ( 13,6651) > t table ( 1,9901 ), X t count on work design variable is (8,1267) > t table (1,9901). It is suggested that all the four variables influence partially on employees' performance. The third hypothesis, which states that benefit has the most dominant influence on employees' performance, is proved. It can be seen that t count on benefit variable is the highest value, that is 13,6651. XI