Weekly Indo Perspective Back on Track 11.08.2016 Portrait of the week Back on Track “ There are no wrong turnings. Only paths we had not known we were meant to walk. ” - Guy Gavriel Kay, Tigana Sumber: skyscrapercity.com 1 Perspective of the Week Thursday, Aug 11th 2016 Grafik 1.0 Indonesia Real GDP YoY Selama periode 2011 – 2Q16 kemungkinan hasil GDP diatas prediksi konsensus hanya 27%. YoY % 7.0 6.5 Back on Track 6.0 Secara historikal dari tahun 2011 sampai saat ini, kemungkinan hasil pengumuman GDP mengalahkan estimasi para ekonom hanya 27%. Dan pada awal bulan ini, hasil GDP 2Q16 Indonesia mengalahkan estimasi para ekonom sebesar 18bps (5.18% vs 5.00%), setelah sebelumnya pada 1Q16 mencatat GDP YoY 16bps di bawah perkiraan para ekonom (Grafik 1.0). 5.5 Hasil GDP 2Q16 yang lebih tinggi di atas konsensus didorong oleh komponen belanja pemerintah sebesar 6.28% YoY, dibandingkan dengan 2.94% YoY pada 1Q16 (Grafik 2.1). Kenaikan belanja pemerintah ini disumbangkan belanja infrastruktur yang naik 30% YoY. Sedangkan jika dilihat dari industri, sektor financial service dan company service memiliki pertumbuhan tertinggi (Tabel 2.3) Setelah 2Q16 ditopang oleh belanja pemerintah, untuk 2H16 diperkirakan akan ditopang oleh private consumption. Penurunan inflasi dan suku bunga bank Indonesia yang terjadi tahun ini dapat mendorong jumlah belanja rumah tangga. Disamping itu, kebijakan pemerintah seperti Tax amnesty akan mendorong private consumption. YoY % (Consensus) GDP 2Q16 mengalahkan ekspektasi consensus. 5.18 5.00 5.0 4.5 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 4.0 Sumber : Bloomberg, PT. CPAM Our View Ditengah perbaikan pertumbuhan GDP Indonesia, pertumbuhan trade balance di Indonesia terus melemah. Keadaan ini membuat jumlah perdagangan Indonesia per GDP turun dari 50.8% di 2011 ke 40.4% di 2Q16. Ini membuktikan, bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia semakin ditopang oleh domestik, sehingga efek perlambatan ekonomi dunia minim di Indonesia. Ini membuat pasar saham maupun obligasi makin menarik di mata asing. RD CIMB-Principal Balanced Strategic Plus yang memiliki porsi pada obligasi dan juga saham akan diuntungkan dengan tren kenaikan pertumbuhan GDP Indonesia. (RP) Facts of the Week RD CIMB-P Balanced Strategic Plus 70% Memiliki 70% porsi saham dengan return sebesar 21.3% Ytd vs JCI 18.8% Ytd (Per 9 Agustus 2016). Sumber : Bloomberg, PT. CPAM 2 Grafik 2.1 GDP Growth by Expenditure Tabel 2.3 GDP Growth by Industry (in percentage) Kenaikan GDP dibandingkan kuartal sebelumnya didorong oleh kenaikan belanja pemerintah dan private consumption. Sektor financial service memiliki pertumbuhan tertinggi diikuti oleh Telco dan company service. In Percentage (%) % YoY 1Q15 2Q15 1Q16 2Q16 GDP 4.73 4.66 4.91 5.18 Private consumption 5.01 4.97 4.94 5.04 Gov't Expenditure 2.91 2.61 2.94 6.28 Investment 4.63 3.88 5.57 5.06 Exports -0.62 -0.01 -3.53 -2.73 Imports -2.19 -6.97 -5.08 -3.01 Grafik 2.2 Indonesia CPI YoY (in percentage) Tren inflasi rendah dapat mendorong private consumption. 9 8 7 6 5 4 Sumber: PT. Bahana Securities, Bloomberg, PT. CPAM Jun-16 Jan-16 Aug-15 Mar-15 Oct-14 May-14 Dec-13 Jul-13 Feb-13 Sep-12 Apr-12 Nov-11 Jun-11 Jan-11 Aug-10 3 Industry (YoY %) 2Q16 1Q16 2Q15 GDP 5.18 4.91 4.66 Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry & Fisheries 3.23 1.77 6.86 Mining and Quarrying Manufacturing Industries Electricity, Gas and Water Supplies -0.72 4.74 6.24 -1.29 4.63 7.5 -5.2 4.11 0.76 Water Supply, Waste Treatment & Recycle 3.31 4.84 7.76 Construction Major Trade & Retail Transportation and Communications Supplies of accommodation, F & B Information and Communication Insurance and Financial Service Real Estate Company Services Govt Adm, Defense, Social Security Education Services Health and Social Services Other Services 6.21 4.07 6.81 4.92 8.47 13.51 4.46 7.57 4.74 5.58 6.59 7.88 7.87 4.03 7.9 5.62 8.3 9.26 4.87 8.14 5.17 5.64 8.7 7.92 5.35 1.7 5.92 3.75 9.66 2.63 5.03 7.64 6.29 11.71 7.48 8.06 3 IMPORTANT NOTICE This presentation has been prepared by CIMB-Principal Asset Management exclusively for the benefit and internal use of the recipient in order to indicate, on a preliminary basis, the feasibility of possible transactions. 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Neither CIMB-Principal Asset Management nor any of its their directors, employees or representatives are to have any liability (including liability to any person by reason of negligence or negligent misstatement) from any statement, opinion, information or matter (express or implied) arising out of, contained in or derived from or any omission from the presentation, except liability under statute that cannot be excluded. Disclaimer MUTUAL FUND INVESTMENTS CONTAIN RISK. PROSPECTIVE INVESTOR MUST READ AND UNDERSTAND THE PROSPECTUS PRIOR TO INVESTING IN MUTUAL FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS. PROJECTED PERFORMANCE PRESENTED NOT GUARANTEED DEFINITELY BE REACHED. PT CIMB-PRINCIPAL ASSET MANAGEMENT IS REGISTERED AND SUPERVIZED BY FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY. ANY PRODUCT OFFERING ARE PERFORMED BY LISTED OFFICERS AND SUPERVIZED BY FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY. CONTACT : PT. CIMB-Principal Asset Management Wisma GKBI, Suite 2201A, 22nd Floor Jl. Jend. 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