Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Industri Vol. 3 No.1 Juni 2011 : 25-31 ISSN No.: 2085-580X PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN KULTUR STARTER BAKTERI ASAM LAKTAT PROBIOTIK DAN KULTUR CAMPURAN NON-PROBIOTIK TERHADAP MUTU YOGURT SANTAN KELAPA EFFECT OF PROBIOTIC STARTER CULTURE AND NON-PROBIOTIC MIXED CULTURE OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA ON QUALITY OF YOGHURT MADE BY COCONUT MILK Judith Henny Mandei Peneliti pada Baristand Industri Manado ABSTRAK Pengaruh penggunaan kultur starter bakteri asam laktat probiotik dan kultur campuran non-probiotik terhadap mutu yogurt santan kelapa bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jenis kultur starter yang dapat menghasilkan yogurt dari santan kelapa yang memenuhi standar mutu dan dapat diterima atau disukai oleh konsumen. Penelitian menggunakan metode percobaan yang disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap. Perlakuan adalah jenis kultur starter yaitu: A =kultur probiotik plain yogurt yang mengandung L. acidophilus, bifidobacteria, dan S. thermophiles, dan B=kultur campuran non-probiotik yang mengandung S. thermophilus dan L. bulgaricus. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua jenis starter yang digunakan berpengaruh nyata terhadap total padatan, total asam laktat, pH, kadar lemak dan viskositas yogurt, sementara kadar protein tidak dipengaruhi secara nyata. Secara organoleptik berdasarkan penilaian panelis, jenis starter mempengaruhi tekstur, rasa dan aroma yogurt. Kedua jenis starter menghasilkan yogurt santan kelapa yang memenuhi standar mutu yogurt, dan disukai oleh panelis. Kata kunci: yogurt, santan kelapa, kultur starter probiotik dan non-probiotik ABSTRACT Research on effects of starter culture of probiotic and mixed culture of non-probiotic lactic acid bacteria against quality of yoghurt which made by coconut milk was intended to find out a proper starter culture that can produce coco-milk yoghurt that fulfill quality standard, and acceptable to consumers. It was conducted by experiments method in a complete randomized design. The treatment were kind of culture starters, namely: A is probiotic culture containing L. acidophilus, bifidobacteria, and S. thermophilus using plain yoghurt, and B is mixed-culture containing S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus. Each treatment was repeated three times. The results showed that both of starters used in these treatments were significantly affected the total solid, total lactic acid, pH, oil content and viscosity of the products, while protein content was not significantly affected by the treatment. Organoleptically, based on panelist evaluations, kinds of starter affected the texture, taste and aroma of the products. Both starters produce coco-milk yoghurts that fulfilled the quality standard of yoghurt, and preferred by the panelists. Key words: yoghurt, coconut milk, probiotic and non-probiotic culture cultures.