xi ABSTRAK PENGARUH KUANTITAS TROMBOSIT DAN KOAGULASI DARAH TERHADAP PROGRESIVITAS GLAUKOMA NORMOTENSI Puji Lestari, Retno Ekantini, Hartono Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Mata RSUP Dr. Sardjito Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Penelitian kasus kontrol pengaruh kuantitas trombosit dan koagulasi darah terhadap progresivitas glaukoma normotensi untuk menentukan kontribusi koagulasi darah sebagai faktor risiko progresivitas glaukoma normotensi. Subyek penelitian dibagi menjadi kelompok glaukoma normotensi stabil sebagai kontrol dan kelompok glaukoma normotensi progresif sebagai kasus, masing-masing 23 orang dengan keterwakilan gender dengan usia 14-40 tahun. Pada kedua kelompok dilakukan pemeriksaan angka trombosit, clotting time, bleeding time, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, dan GDS. Data pemeriksaan dianalisis dengan analisis bivariat dan multivariat. Angka trombosit kelompok kasus tidak berbeda dengan kelompok kontrol (OR 1,44; 95%CI 0,43-4,75; p=0,545). Nilai clotting time kelompok kasus tidak berbeda bermakna dengan kelompok kontrol (OR 1,846; 95%CI 0,521-6,47; p=0,343). Nilai bleeding time kelompok kasus berbeda bermakna dengan kelompok kontrol pada analisa bivariat (OR 9,800; 95%CI 1,089-88,229; p=0,042). Nilai prothrombin time kelompok kasus tidak berbeda bermakna dengan kelompok kontrol (OR 3,062; 95%CI 0,897-10,462; p=0,074). Nilai APTT kelompok kasus tidak berbeda bermakna dengan kelompok kontrol (OR 1,524; 95%CI 0,4245,473; p=0,518). Kata kunci: trombosit, koagulasi, progresivitas glaukoma normotensi xii ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCED OF PLATELET COUNT AND BLOOD COAGULATION TO PROGRESSIVENESS OF NORMAL TENSION GLAUCOMA Puji Lestari, Retno Ekantini, Hartono Ophthalmology Department of RSUP Dr. Sardjito Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta A case-control study of the influenced of platelet count and blood coagulation to progressiveness of normal tension glaucoma to determine the contribution of platelet count and blood coagulation as risk factor to progressiveness of normal tension glaucoma. The subjects were divided into group of stabile normal tension glaucoma and progressive normal tension glaucoma, each 23 patients with gender representation at the age 14-40 years old. Platelet count, clotting time, bleeding time, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, dan random blood sugar every patient were measured. The collected data were analyzed by bivariate and multivariate analysis. Platelet count of case group was not significantly different from the control group (OR 1,44; 95%CI 0,43-4,75; p=0,545). Clotting time of case group was also not significantly different from the control group (OR 1,846; 95%CI 0,5216,47; p=0,343). Bleeding time of case group significantly different from the control group with bivariate analysis (OR 9,800; 95%CI 1,089-88,229; p=0,042). Prothrombin time of case group was not significantly different from the control group (OR 3,062; 95%CI 0,897-10,462; p=0,074). APTT of case group was not significantly different from the control group (OR 1,524; 95%CI 0,424-5,473; p=0,518). Key words: platelet, coagulation, progressiveness normal tension glaucoma