SILABUS A. Informasi Umum : 1. Fakultas 2. Jurusan 3. Program Studi 4. Nama Mata kuliah 5. Kode Mata Kuliah 6. Bobot 7. Dosen : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang :: Magister Chief Information Officer (CIO) : Manajemen Proyek Teknologi Informasi :: 2 sks : Drs. M. Giatman, MSIE Drs. Deni Kurniadi, M. Komp B. Deskripsi/Sinopsis : Diharapkan setelah mempelajar MPTI, mahasiswa dapat memahami bagaimana cara menilai kelayakan sebuah proyek untuk dijalankan, bagaimana menjalan kannya secara terstrutktur, bagaimana merencanakannya, mengendalikannya, mengevaluasi dan membuat dokumentasinya. Penekanan perkuliahan adalah analisis kebutuhan dan konsistensi dalam menjalankan proyek, sesuai dengan knowledge area yang ada dalam Ilmu Manajemen Proyek yang dipelajari C. Tujuan Mata Kuliah (TIU): Mata kuliah bertujuan untuk membentuk dan menumbuhkan pengetahuan mengenai fungsi manajemen proyek teknologi informasi, dari sudut pandang penggunaan mulai dari persiapan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian dan pengakhiran suatu proyek. Diharapkan mahasiswa dapat memanfaatkan dan mengembangkan teknik-teknik manajemen proyek teknologi informasi sehingga pemahaman yang dimiliki dapat menjadi landasan dalam perancangan dan pengembangan sistem informasi. D. Prasyarat : a. b. E. Ringkasan Isi : 1. Introduction in Project management (Project define, characteristic, constraint, project management framework, project management tools and techniques) 2. The project management and information technology context (Applies to information technology project, undersott organization, a critical project management success, project life-cycle, characteristic and atribut project information technologies, and recent trend IT management project) 3. The project management process groups (Project management process groups and knowledge area mapping: Initiating, planning, excecuting, monitoring and controlling, closing, typical level of activity, methodologies to meet their need) 1 4. Project integration management (framework PIM, Strategic planning process, project management plan, project excecution, process monitoring and controlling, developing and following procedure for closing) 5. Project scope management (Understand scope management, method for collecting and documenting requirement, process for work breakdown structure) 6. Project time management (Importand project schedule, define actifity, estimating resource project schedule, gantt chart, PERT and CPM for schedule development) 7. Project cost management (Importand project cost management, concept project cost management, cost and benefit concept in project, estimasi cost and budgeting method, and financial analysis project) 8. Project quality management (Inportand project quality, quality planning to project scopenmanagement, quality control process, quality assurance, tools and techniques for quality control, leadership, and cost quality) 9. Project human resource management (Importand project human resources, concept for managing human resousces: theories Abraham maslow, Fredrik Herzberg, Davis Mc Celland, Douglas McGorgers, Stephen Covey, Human Resource planning, Consept Reourse Assignments, development and training, and team bulding activity) 10. Project communication management (Importand of good communication on project, elements project communication planning, method for distributing project information, individual communication need, culture communication, manageing stakeholder expectations, reporting performance and project progress, impoving project communications, and use technology for effectiveness communication project) 11. Project risk management (Importand risk management plan, process indifiying risk in project, analysis risk, analysis risk factors, analysis risk method, monitoring and controlling risk, make to decision) 12. Project procurement management (Importand project procurement, planning procurement for project, strategy procurement, proper of contract, selescting sellers, process administering procurement, monitoring contract performance, and process closing procurement contract) F. Evaluasi : a. b. c. d. e. Kehadiran minimal 80 % (prasyarat akademis) Aktivitas kelas dan PR bobot = 20 % Makalah (paper, artikel, makalah)+presentasi) bobot = 30 % Ujian Mid Semester, bobot = 20 % Ujian Semester, bobot = 30 % 2 G. Referensi : 1. Biafore, Bonnie. 2010. Successful Project Management Applying Best Practices and Real-World Techniques withMicrosoft® Project, Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc. 2. Newell, Michael W.2002. Preparing for the Project Management Professional (PMP ) Certification Exam Second Edition, New York, USA : Amacom 3. Schwalbe, Kathy. 2010. Information Techoology Project Management, Sixth Edition, Boston, USA : Course Technology -Cengage Learning 4. Simon, Phil. 2010. Why New Systems Fail: An Insider's Guide to Successful IT Projects, Boston, USA : Course Technology -Cengage Learning 5. Williams, Meri. 2008. The Principles of Project Management, Collingwood VIC Australia:Site Point, Pte.Ltd 6. Heldman, Kim.2009.PMP® Project Management Professional Exam Study Guid, Fifth Edition, Indiana : Wiley Publishing 7. Jag Sodhi Prince Sodhi. 2001. IT Project Management Handbook, Printed in the United States of America 8. Tom Kendrick. 2011. 101 Project Managemen Problems, and how to solve them, American Management Association (AMACOM), New York. 9. Jack T. Marchewka. 2003. Information Teknology Project Management, Providing Measurbale Organizational Value. 10. 3 H. PROGRAM PERKULIAHAN : Minggu ke I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI Pokok Bahasan Dosen Introduction in Project management The project management and information technology context The project management process groups Project integration management Project scope management Project time management Project cost management Project quality management Project human resource management Mid Semester Project communication management Project risk management Project procurement management Class Discusion M. Giatman Deni Kurniadi M. Giatman Deni Kurniadi M. Giatman Deni Kurniadi M. Giatman Giat + Deni Deni Kurniadi M. Giatman Deni Kurniadi Giat + Deni Class Discusion Giat + Deni Class Discusion Giat + Deni Class Discusion Giat + Deni Ujian Semester Giat + Deni Selection Topik for student: No Topic 1 Project management TI scope 2 The project management process groups 3 Project integration management 4 Project scope management 5 Project time management 6 Project cost management 7 Project quality management 8 Project human resource management 9 Project communication management 10 Project risk management 11 Project procurement management 12 Project management TI proposal model Bentuk Kegiatan Explanation Discusion Case study sda sda sda sda sda sda sda sda sda Student Presentation Student Presentation Student Presentation Student Presentation Student F:\Silabus\Manajemen Proyek Teknologi Informasi.doc 4