EVALUASI LIMBAH PABRIK PULP MELALUI PENDEKATAN DARAH IKAN MAS ( C y p r i n u s c a r p i o L, ) T 597.520 413 2 SAN A B S T A K Suatu penelitian tentang Evaluasi Limbah Pabrik'Pulp Mela' lui Pendekatan Darah Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio L.) telah dilaksanakan dengan metode Uji Hayati Statis dan pemeriksaan Hematologis. Hasil pengujian pengaruh letal limbah pa brik pulp terhadap kematian ikan mas setelah dianalisa ngan grafik interpolasi linier didapatkan nilai LC50 24 jam, 48 jam, 72 jam dan 96 jam berturut-turut sebesar 33, 5%; 28,0%; 23,4% dan 15,75%. Hasil pemeriksaan darah yang meliputi jumlah sel darah merah, kadar hemoglobin dan hematokrit pada pengujian pengaruh subletal limbah pabrik pulp setelah dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji 'F' menun-jukkan bahwa konsentrasi subletal limbah pabrik pulp berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kenaikan jumlah sel darah merah, kadar hemoglobin dan hematokrit ikan mas. Lamanya waktu pendedahan pendedahan ikan mas pada konsentrasi subletal limbah pabrik pulp ternyata tidak mempengaruhi jumlah sel darah merah, tetapi berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kadar hemoglobin serta berpengaruh nyata terhadap hematokrit. iv A B S T R A C T THE EVALUATION OF PULP MILL EFFLUENT BY THE BLOOD OF COMMON CARP (Cyprinus carpio L.) APPROACH A study on the evaluation of pulp mill effluent by the blood of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) approach was done by static bioassay method and hematological examination. The result of the lethal effect test of pulp mill effluent on the common carp mortality after having been analysed with a linear interpolation graphic achieved LC50 24 hr, 48 hr, 72 hr and 96 hr is respectively 33,5%; 28%; 23,4% and 15,75%. The result of the blood examination, including the red blood cell number, hemoglobin content and hematocrit in the sublethal effect test after having been analysed by using IF, test, showed that sublethal concentration of pulp mill effluent had a significant effect on the'increase of the red blood cell number, hemoglobin content and hematocrit of the common carp. The period of exposure of the fish to the sublethal concentration of pulp mill effluent had no significant on the red blood cell number, but had a noticeable influence on the hemoglobin content and hematocrit. v