Chapter 03 Data Modeling

Introduction to Databases
Bab 3:
Memodelkan Data
Desain Database
● Tiga bagian proses:
○ Conceptual design: Identifikasi kebutuhan
stakeholder dan persyaratan data,
○ Logical design:Mengidentifikasi jenis aplikasi
database yang diperlukan; pemodelan data (
mengidentifikasi entitas, atribut, hubungan)
○ Physical design: Implementasi; desain hardware
secara fisik dan platform; instalasi dan konfigurasi
server dan pembuatan database
Desain Database
Jenis Database
● Transactional
○ Mendukung transaksi bisnis
■ contoh, sales, Online Transaction
Processing (OLTP)
○ Lingkungan client/server sederhana
○ Concerns : Concurrency, throughput
Database Types
● Decision support system (DSS)
○ Mendukung Keputusan Bisnis
○ Types: Data warehouses, reporting databases, data
○ Tujuan Utama:Pemanggilan dan Evaluasi Data
○ Bulk loading used to add data
○ Concerns: Access speeds, throughput
● Hybrid
○ Mixture of transactional and DSS types
Modeling Goals
● Design with understanding that:
○ All applications written for database are
dependent on database structure
○ If database is altered, applications may need
to be altered or rewritten
● Support business objectives
● Simple, easy-to-read, easy-tocomprehend structure
● Scalability
Business Rules
● Business rules:
○ Processes and flows used in organization’s daily
work, including:
■ Organizational policies
■ Calculations and formulas
■ Rules and regulations
● Database systems should support
business rules
○ Some rules may be better enforced by database
○ Others may be better handled through database
Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling
● Entities:
○ “Things” to track in database
■ Physical objects (people or products)
■ Conceptual entities (loan balances or
interest rates)
Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling
● Attributes:
○ Information tracked about entity
○ Each entity has attributes
○ For example:
■ Entity: Employees
■ Attributes: Hire Date, Pay Rate, Social Security ID,
Employee Number, Home Address
○ One attribute used as unique identifier or
primary key
Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling
● Relationships:
○ When one entity references information from
another entity
○ For example:
■ Time Card entity must reference an Employee
■ Time Card entity is referencing entity
■ Employee entity is referenced entity
○ Primary keys ensure referential integrity
Entity-Relationship (E-R) Modeling
Basic Database Objects
● Tables: Store unique instances of entity
○ Columns (fields) represent attributes
○ Rows (records) represent individual occurrences of
that entity
● Views:
○ Customized representations of table information
Basic Database Objects
Basic Database Objects
● Index:
○ Organizes and sorts data
○ Provides pointer to specific physical location
of data on storage media
○ May be:
■ Primary or secondary
■ Clustered or nonclustered
○ Balanced-tree index (b-tree, or binary tree
■ Most common type of index in modern databases
B-Tree Index
Relationship Types
● Three basic types:
○ Binary relationship:
■ Relationship between two types of entities
○ Unary relationship:
■ Relationship with another occurrence
within same entity
○ Ternary relationship:
■ Relationship directly involving three entity
Relationship Types
● Cardinality:
○ Sets maximum number of entities in
■ One-to-one
■ One-to-many
■ Many-to-many
● Modality:
○ Sets minimum number of entities in
Binary Relationships
● Simplest type of relationship
● Majority of relationships in most relational
databases are binary relationships
● Entity can have separate binary
relationships with any number of other
entities in database
Binary Relationships
Binary Relationships
Binary Relationships
Unary Relationships
● Occurrences of an entity type are
associated with other occurrences of
same entity type
○ Relate data in a table to itself
● For example:
○ Entity (table) Salesperson
○ One salesperson may act as a backup or
stand-in for another
Unary Relationships
Unary Relationships
Unary Relationships
Ternary Relationships
● Involve three different entities
● Can be considered sets of binary
Ternary Relationships
Many-to-Many Relationships
● Help minimize wasted space and optimize
● Intersection data:
○ Data that is part of many-to-many relationship
and associated with specific, unique instance
of related entities
● Associative entities:
○ Entity designed to associate key values from
two entities in many-to-many relationship
Many-to-Many Relationships
Associative Entities
Creating Data Models
● To create data model:
○ Identify entities
○ Identify attributes for each entity
○ Identify associations between entities
● Modeling tools include:
○ Manual (pencil and paper)
○ Generic draw program (e.g. Visio)
○ Custom modeling program
Visio Database Diagrams
Example: General Hardware Company
● Wholesaler and distributor of various
manufacturers’ tools and other hardware
● Customers:
○ Hardware and home improvement stores,
which in turn sell products at retail to individual
● Acts as middleman:
○ Buys goods from manufacturers and sells to
retail stores
Example: General Hardware Company
Example: General Hardware Company
Contoh: Good Reading Bookstores
● Chain of bookstores
● Needs to track data for:
○ Books
○ Publishers
○ Authors
○ Customers
Contoh: Good Reading Bookstores
● Proses Desain Database: Conceptual, logical
dan design
● Jenis-jenis database: Transactional, decision
support (DSS) dan hybrid
● Tujuan Modeling Data: membuat model
database yang strukturnya baik yang sederhana,
mudah untuk dibaca dan dipahami serta terukur
● Obyek Database: Tabel dan indeks
● Tabel: Mendeskripsikan entiti; yang terdiri dari
kolom (field) dan baris (record), dengan primary
key digunakan sebagai identitas unik dari suatu
● Komponen yang menjadi kunci dari suatu
Database relasional adalah: Entiti dan
● Relationships mungkin berupa binary, unary,
atau ternary, dan memiliki kardinalitas dan
modalitas yang berbeda
● Relasionship Many-to-many mendukung
persimpangan data dan asosiasi entiti
● dalam membuat model data, tahapnya yaitu
1. mengidentifikasi entiti,
2. mengidentifikasi atributnya, selanjutnya
3. mengidentifikasi hubungan antar entiti
Kata Kunci
● Associative entity
● Balanced tree index
● Base object
● Binary relationship
● Binary tree index
● B-tree index
● Bulk loading
● Business rules
● Cardinality
● Clustered index
● Conceptual design
● Concurrency
● Database object
● Data diagram
● Data mart
● Data model
● Data warehouse
● Decision support
system (DSS)
Kata Kunci
● Entity-Relationship
diagram (ERD)
● Entity-Relationship
(E-R) modeling
● Field
● Hybrid database
● Identifier
● Index
● Intersection data
● Large object (LOB)
● Leaf node
● Logical design
● Many-to-many (M-M)
binary relationship
● Modality
● Node
● Nonclustered index
● Object-relation model
● One-to-many (1-M)
binary relationship
Kata Kunci
● One-to-one (1-1)
binary relationship
● Online transaction
processing (OLTP)
● Physical design
● Primary index
● Primary key Record
● Referenced entity
● Referencing entity
● Referential integrity
● Reporting database
● Scalable
● Secondary index
● Stakeholder
● Ternary relationship
● Transactional
● Throughput
● Unary relationship
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