ABSTRAK Dalam dunia bisnis dan ekonomi, fungsi pasar modal

Dalam dunia bisnis dan ekonomi, fungsi pasar modal mempunyai peran
yang sangat strategis dalam pembangunan nasional sebagai salah satu sumber
pembiayaan bagi d1.mia usaha dan wahana investasi bagi masyarakat. Peran pasar
modal menjadi semakin penting dan mekanisme pasar memiliki peran yang sangat
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh faktor fundamental,
ekonomi makro, dan modal intelektual terhadap reaksi pasar pada perusahaan
manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, dengan variabel debt to equity
ratio (DER), price to book value (PBV), return on asset (ROA), size perusahaan,
inflasi, suku bunga, value added intellectual coefficient, dan return saham.
Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data
diperoleh berdasarkan publikasi Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD)
dan situs resmi Bank Indonesia (www.bi.go.id) untuk data suku bunga dan inflasi.
Jumlah populasi penelitian ini adalah 140 perusahaan manufaktur dan setelah
melewati tahap purposive sampling, jumlah sampel menjadi 90 perusahaan
manufaktur. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda dan
uji hipotesis menggunakan t-statistik untuk menguji koefisien regresi parsial
dengan level of significance 5%. Selain itu juga dilakukan uji asumsi klasik yang
meliputi uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji heteroskedastisitas dan uji
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel ROA, size perusahaan, suku
bunga berpengarul1 terhadap return saham perusahaan manufaktur di BEl periode
2008-2012. Sedangkan DER, PBV, inflasi dan value added intellectual coefficient
tidak berpengaruh terhadap return saltam.
Kata Kunci: Rasio keuangan, ekonomi makro, value added intellectual coefficient,
dan return saham.
In the world of business and economics, capital markets function has a
very strategic role in national development as a source of fmancing for businesses
and the investment for the community. The role of capital markets become
increasingly important and the market mechanism has a very important role.
This study was conducted to examine the influence of fundamental factors,
macroeconomic, and intellectual capital to the market reaction to the companies
listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange, with variable debt to equity ratio (DER), price
to book value (PBV), return on assets (ROA), flrm size, inflation, interest rates,
value added intellectual coefficient, and stock return.
The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data obtained by
the publication Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) and the official
website of Bank Indonesia (www.bi.go.id) to the data rate and inflation. Total
population of this study were 140 manufacturing company and after passing
through purposive sampling stage, the number of samples to 90 manufacturing
enterprises. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis and
hypothesis testing using the t-statistic for testing the partial regression coefficient
with a level of significance of 5%. It also performed classical assumption which
include normality test, multicolinearity, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation
The results showed that the variables ROA, firm size, interest rates affect
the stock return of manufacturing companies in BEl 2008-2012 period. While
DER, PBV, inflation, and value added intellectual coefficient has no effect on
stock returns.
Keywords: Finance ratio, macro economy, value added intellectual coefficient,
and stock return.