Foto: smno.kampus.ub.janu2013 MK. DASAR ILMU TANAH. Smno.jursntnh.fpub.febr2013 Soil: Definisi • Material padatan di permukaan bumi yang telah mengalami perubahan oleh prosesproses fisika, kimia dan biologi, sehingga ia mampu menunjang kehidupan tumbuhan berakar. • Definisi ke-teknik-an: Anything that can be removed without blasting DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Pembentukan tanah DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Pembentukan Tanah: Input Konversi batuan menjadi tanah DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Pembentukan Tanah: Output Gerakan tanah menuruni lereng DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Ketebalan Tanah: Storage • input ± output = Ketebalan tanah • atau: Konversi batuan ± transpor tanah = ketebalan • that is, soil thickness reflects the balance between rates of soil production and rates of downslope soil movement. 1. 2. Kemiringan Laju pelapukan DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Pembentukan Tanah - Pelapukan Ion-ion hara mineral dalam larutan Oksida Fe dan Al Silika Debu Batuan induk Bahan induk halus Liat 3 lapis Pasir/ Kuarsa DIUNDUH DARI: ....... 10/2/2013 Liat 2 lapis Beberapa tipe tanah: 1. Loess : tanah-tanah subur yang berkembang dari bahan induk debu glasial yang diangkut angin pada jaman es. 2. Laterites: tanah-tanah merah kaya oksida besi, di daerah tripika basah-panas, berkembang dari pelapukan intensif bahan induk 3. Pedalfers: rich soils with brown color, high in aluminum and iron; typical of cooler, wet temperate climates world-wide. 4. Pedocals: soils typical of warm, arid regions; high in calcium and commonly contain caliche (white deposits of calcium carbonate) 5. Tanah-tanah Tundra : tanah yang terbentuk pada kondisi iklim salju permanen menutup permukaan (permafrost). DIUNDUH DARI: ....... 10/2/2013 Apakah “Tanah “ itu? “Tanah” merupakan lapisan di permukaan bumi terdiri atas batuan lapuk, mineral dan bahan organik yang mampu mendukung kehidupan tumbuhan. Komposisi spesifik suatu tanah. Soil is composed of mineral matter from weathered rock; water, gases, and organic matter (the remains of plant and animal material and bacteria). Persentase komposisi tanah DIUNDUH DARI: ....... 10/2/2013 Sumur pompa dapat menurunkan permukaan groundwater DIUNDUH DARI: ....... 10/2/2013 Penggunaan tanah untuk mendukung kemanusiaan. Produksi pangan Produksi serat Siklus Hara Produksi kayu Siklus karbon Sumber bahan bangunan Simpanan air Filtrasi air Buangan limbah Landasan bagi konstruksi DIUNDUH DARI: ....... 10/2/2013 Struktur Tanah Horison O, seresah dedaunan, bahan organik Horison B, Zone akumulasi Horison R, bahan induk yang belum terlapuk Model profil tanah DIUNDUH DARI: ....... 10/2/2013 PROFIL TANAH • Horizon A – Zone eluviaSI • Horizon B – Zone iluviaSI • Horizon C – Bahan lapuk • Horizon D – Batuan belum lapuk DIUNDUH DARI: TANAH: Soils Salah satu fenometa penting di permukaan bumi untuk produksi, penghancuran partikel sedimen, dan komponen-komponen terlarut. “Pedogenesis” = Pembentukan tanah DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 Profil tanah yang ideal ANATOMI TANAH Terorganisir menjadi lima lapisan yang berbeda, disebut Horison Tanah DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 Horison - O 1. Characterized by in-situ accumulation of plant material 2. Occurs only as a surface horizon, unless buried by sediment 3. Tidak semua tanah mempunyai Horison O 4. Typical of Everwet Lowlands Kalau horison O terkubur, ia akan menjadi sumberdaya ekonomi berupa gambut dan batubara DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 A-Horizons 1. Zone pencucian ion-ion larut, proses “eluviasi”. 2. Akumulasi akar tumbuhan dan bahan organik 3. Organic acids and chelates to promote weathering of minerals for plant nutrients 4. Unless an O-horizon is present, A horizons will occur at the surface of the soil 5. Semua tanah mempunyai Horison A 6. Dicirikan oleh warna gelap dari bahan organik DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 Horison B 1. Zone of accumulation of new and residual minerals from chemical weathering and physical transport (“illuviation”) 2. Kebanyakan tanah mempunyai horison B, tetapi tidak semua tanah 3. Dicirikan oleh perkembangan struktur tanah Struktur Granuler Struktur Blocky Struktur Kolumner Struktur Pipih Struktur Prismatik Butir-tunggal lepas DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 Horison C 1. Terdiri atas bahan induk tanah yang baru sedikit terlapuk 2. PARENT MATERIAL is rock (igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary) or sediment upon which the soil forms 3. Tidak mempunyai struktur tanah, dan sifat batuan aslinya masih tampak 4. Hampir semua tanah mempunyai Horison C DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 Horison R } Tanah - Soil Horison R 1. Bahan induk yang kondisinya sementasi dan belum lapuk, tidak terpengaruhi oleh proses pembentukan tanah. 2. With time, this cemented material will be disaggregated and dissolved to form new sedimentary particles. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 PROSES GENESIS TANAH PROSES GENESIS TANAH A large number of processes are responsible for the formation of soils. This fact is evident by the large number of different types of soils that have been classified by soil scientists. However, at the macro-scale we can suggest that there are five main principal pedogenic processes acting on soils. Proses-proses pembentukan tanah : 1. Laterisasi, 2. Podsolisasi, 3. Klasifikasi, 4. Salinisasi 5. Gleisasi. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES GENESIS TANAH LATERISASI Laterisasi merupakan proses pedogenesis yang banyak terjadi pada tanah-tanah di lingkungan tropis dan subtropis. High temperatures and heavy precipitation result in the rapid weathering of rocks and minerals. Movements of large amounts of water through the soil cause eluviation and leaching to occur. Almost all of the by products of weathering, very simple small compounds or nutrient ions, are translocated out of the soil profile by leaching if not taken up by plants for nutrition. Dua perkecualian bagi proses ini adalah senyawa Fe dan Al. Oksidaoksida Fe memberikan warna kemerahan pada tanah-tanah tropis. Pencucian yg intensif juga menyebabkan tanah-tanah ini mempunyai pH masam karena kehilangan kation basa. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 FERRALIZATION Pencucian hampir semua kartion basa dan silika, destruksi aluminosilicates dan phyllosilicates Pengkayaan oksihidroksida Fe dan Al, seperti Hematite, Goethite, dan Gibbsite Hanya terjadi pada daerah iklim basahpanas. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 PROSES GENESIS TANAH PODSOLISASI Podzolization is associated with humid cold mid-latitude climates and coniferous vegetation. Decomposition of coniferous litter and heavy summer precipitation create a soil solution that is strongly acidic. Larutan tanah yang bersifat masam ini memacu proses-proses eluviasi dan pencucian yg menyebabkan pengusiran kation basa larut dan senyawa-senyawa Al dan Fe dari Horison A. Proses ini mneghasilkan sub-lapisan dalam Horison A yang berwarna putih hingga kelabu dan terdiri atas pasir silika. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 Podsolisasi Describes the process by which fairly acid conditions (hydrolysis) and organo-metallic bonding (chelation) translocate Fe and Al from the topsoil to the subsurface B-horizons. Proses ini menghasilkan permukaan tanah yang diperkaya dengan silica (khususnya kuarsa) dengan warna pucat.. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 PROSES GENESIS TANAH KALSIFIKASI Calcification occurs when evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation causing the upward movement of dissolved alkaline salts from the groundwater. At the same time, the movement of rain water causes a downward movement of the salts. Hasil dari proses ini adalah deposisi kation-kation terangkut dalam Horison B. Dalam beberapa kasus, deposit ini dapat membentuk suatu lapisan keras yang disebut “caliche”. Substansi yang paling banyak terlibat dalam proses ini adalah kalsium karbonat.. Kalsifikasi banyak terjadi pada lingkungan padnag-rumput prairie. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 Kalsifikasi 1. Proses ini dicirikan oleh akumulasi kalsit dalam horison bawah-permukaan. 2. Ca2+ leached from upper horizons downward to depth of wetting in the soil 3. Upon drying, Ca2+ combines with CO32- to form calcite, CaCO3 4. Proses ini memerlukan evaporasi, terjadi di daerah iklim semi-arid dan arid . Modern California DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 PROSES GENESIS TANAH SALINISASI Salinization is a process that functions in the similar way to calcification. It differs from calcification in that the salt deposits occur at or very near the soil surface. Salinisasi juga dapat berlangsung pada kondisi iklim yang lebih kering. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 SALINISASI Ions in solution are concentrated by evaporating water. Cations and anions force to combine and form salts in the soil: Na++Cl-<=>NaCl Ca2++SO4=<=>CaSO4 Proses ini penting pada lahanlahan di daerah iklim Arid. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 Ask me about the Mesopotamian Empire PROSES GENESIS TANAH GLEISASI Gleisasi merupakan proses pedogenesis yang berhubungan dnegan kondisi drainage ayang buruk. This process involves the accumulations of organic matter in the upper layers of the soil. In lower horizons, mineral layers are stained blue-gray because of the chemical reduction of iron. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 Gleization 1. Proses ini mencerminkan reaksi oksidasi-reduksi dalam tanah 2. Chemical reduction of elements (mostly Fe, but also Mn) Poorly drained, anoxic soils: Fe3+ + e- <=> Fe2+ 3. Fe2+ is a mobile valence state for iron, and it may be transported as a dissolved species away from the soil 4. Proses ini menghasilkan profil tanah yang warnanya hijua, kelabu, dan umumnya warna-warna “drab” 5. Proses ini bukan merupakan “bentuk yang cepat” dari pelapukan kimiawi DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Adsorption – Adsorpsi - Penjerapan: Proses ini terjadi kalau gaya-gaya tarik antara permukaan padatan-tanah (adsorbent) dan komponen larutan-tanah (adsorbat ) lebih besar dibandingkan gayagaya tarik antara komponen terlarut dan larutan tanah (solvent), serta gaya tolak antara permukaan tanah dan spesies yang dijerap. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Aggregation - Agregasi: Partikel-partikel diikat (dipegang) bersama menjadi unitunit yang ukurannya beragam, bentuknya bebreda-beda, dengan bvantuan proses-proses fisika, kimiawi dan biologis. Suatu Agregat dipisahkan dari agregat lainnya melalui bidang permukaan yang lemah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Alkalization - Alkalisasi: Akumulasi kation Na; pembentukan Horison natrik.. Audification - Pengasaman: Akumulasi ion-ion H+. Carbonation – Karbonasi (calcification): Akumulasi kalsium karbonat; pembentukan Horison Kalsik atau Horison Petrokalsik. Chelation- Khelasi – Peng-khelat-an: Pembentukan senyawa kompleks logam dengan agen organik. Logal dijebak dalam struktur cincin, sehingga menjadi sangat stabil. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Compaction – Kompaksi - Pemadatan: Reduksi fisik kandungan uadar tanah yang mengakibatkan meningkatnya Bobot Isi. Cryoturbation: Pencampiran tanah akibat dari suhu rendah, mis. Untuk merusak horison, memasukkan bahan organik ke dalam horison bawah, dan untuk menata batu-batu. Dealkalization (solodization): Pergerakan ion Na ke luar dari bagian tertentu profil tanah. Decarbonation (decalcification): Pergerakan kalsium karbonat ke luar dari bagian tertentu profil tanah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Decomposition - Dekomposisi: Penghancuran bahan mineral dan bahan organik secara biokimiawi. Dehydration - Dehidrasi: Kehilangan air yang mengakibatkan suatu senyawa kembali ke keadaan orisinalnya. Deposition merupakan sedimentasi bahan yang terangkut: 1. Akumulasi partikel tanah / colluvium 2. Akumulasi unsur hara / Peningkatan KTK 3. Pengkayaan partikel berukuran medium. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Desalinization - Desalinisasi: Pergerakan garam-garam larut ke luar dari bagian tertentu profil tanah. Desilication - Desilikasi: Pergerakan silika ke luar dari bagian tertentu profil tanah. Diffusion (into and out of the soil): Pertukaran udara antara atmosfir dan tanah karena pengaruh tekanan partial gerakan massa. Disaggregation - Disagregasi: Hancurnya agregat atanah. Dispersion - Dispersi: Proses hancurnya struktur tanah dalam air dan memisah menjadi separat komponen-komponennya. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Eluviation - Eluviasi: Movement of material out of a section of the soil profile (literally washing away of material); depletion of the material washed away (e.g. sequioxides, clay minerals, organic material) Energy influx / outflux: Radiation absorption / reflection: 1. Suhu Tanah 2. Aktivitas mikroba tanah -> humifikasi, decomposition, mineralisasi 3. Evaporasi 4. Lengas tanah DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Erosi merupakan proses pengangkutan partikel tanah (dan bahan organik) oleh air atau angin. 1. Pukulan tetes-tetes air hujan menyebabkan hancurnya agregat tanah 2. Soil movement / removal of the A horizon 3. Smoothing or levelling of the soil surface 4. Loss of nutrients / decrease of CEC 5. Selective particle transport results in the relative enrichment of coarse and fine particles and depletion of medium-sized particles 6. Mereduksi infiltrasi / meningkatkan runoff / mereduksi kandungan lengas tanah 7. Membentuk kerak di permukaan tanah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Ferrugination: Perkembangan warna tanah coklat, coklat kemerahan, dan kemerahan. Flocculation: It is a process where the individual particles of clay are coagulated to form floccular aggregates. Gleization: It involves the reduction of iron and its segregation into redoximorphic features, or its removal by leaching form the gleyed horizon; process occuring in poorly drained soil. Humification - Humifikasi: Pembentukan HUMUS dari bahan organik segar. Hidration: Penyerapan air oleh suatu senyawa dan membentuk senyawa baru yang hanya sedikit berbeda dengan keadaan orisinalnya. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 Humification 1. Mendeskripsikan penambahan bahan organik, dan dekomposisi kimiawinya menjadi dalam humus dan asam organik 2. HUMUS merupakan material berwarna gelap, yang membuat tanah berwarna hitam atau coklat 3. Breakdown of the humus and organic acids also produces high CO2 concentrations in the soil, leading to carbonic acid and another form of chemical weathering. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Hydrolysis: Penggantian kation-kation dalam struktur mineral oleh kation hidrogen dari larutan tanah. Illuviation: Movement of material into a section of the soil profile (literally washing into or towards); accumulation of material washed into (e.g. sequioxides, clay minerals, organic material) Induration: Pengerasan sebagian profil tanah akibat asosiasi dengan cadas besi dan plinthite, dan dengan agen-agen semen lainnya (Si atau Ca). Infiltration: The entry of water into the soil surface Rainwater infiltrates in the soil with soluble and suspended matter. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Interflow (Subsurface flow, through flow, seepage): Lateral subsurface flow. Lessivage: Pergerakan mineral liat secara fisik ke arah bawah. Leucinization (decoloration): Pencerahan warna pada sebagian profil tanah – pembentukan horison albik. Melanization: Darkening the color of light-colored mineral initial unconsolidated material by mixture and accumulation of organic matter; formation of a mollic horizon due to incorporation of organic matter. Mineralization: Pelepasan berbagai bentuk mineral selama dekomposisi bahan organik. Neutralisasi: Menetralkan ion-ion H+. Outflow: Lessivage 1. Transport fisik material berukuran liat dari horison permukaan ke lapisan bawah (Translokasi) 2. Leads to reddish coloration and clay-rich subsurface horizons 3. Iklim basah musiman Modern California Argentina, 225 Million Year old rocks DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 10/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Oksidasi: Pembentukan oksida atau pelepasan elektron. Pedoturbation: The churning and disruption of horizon formation by biological, physical and to some extent chemical activity, such as wetting and drying, swelling and contraction, freezing and thawing, root pressures, animal burrowing, acitivty of man. Podzolization: Process by which sequioxides are translocated in a soil profile. The soluble ferrous iron forms ate the sites of eluviation, and the insoluble ferric iron forms at the point of illuviation. Podzolization is a soil forming process resulting in the genesis of Podzols. Precipitation (Pengendapan): Pemisahan dan deposisi substansi padatan dari larutan. Reduksi: Kehilangan oksigen atau penerimaan elektron. Salinization: Accumulation of soluble salts such as chlorides and sulphates of Ca, Mg, Na, or K. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PROSES – PROSES GENESIS TANAH Silication: Accumulation of silica. Solifluction: Slow flow of saturated soil on a permanent frozen soil (permafrost table). Solution: Dissolving of minerals into solution (e.g. calcium carbonate into bicarbonate). Surface crusting (soil sealing): A process which results in the formation of soil crusts on the soil surface, ranging in thickness from a few mm to perhaps as much as 3 cm, that is much mor compact, hard and brittle, when dry, than the material immediately beneath. Surface runoff (overland flow): Discharge of rainwater over the surface of the land. Surface runoff is composed of unconcentrated and concentrated flow. Suspension: The floating of dispersed particles in a medium like water. It is one of the states of particle transport of eroded sediments, especially for the smaller and lighter particles such as clay. Synthesis: Pembentukan senyawa baru secara biokimiawi dengan jalan kombinasi unsur atau kompkinen-komponen tanah. Upward movement: Pergerakan kapilaritas substansi terlarut dan tersuspensi. Pelapukan: Semua perubahan fisika dan kimiawi yang terjadi pada batuan, di permukaan bumu, oleh agen-agen atmosferik. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PEDOGENESIS TANAH (SUMBER: ( Pedogenesis dapat didefinisikan sebagai “proses perkembangan tanah” Jenny believed that the kinds of soils that develop in a particular area are largely determined by five interrelated factors: 1.Iklim; 2.Organisme; 3.Bahan induk; 4.Topografi; 5. Waktu . DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pembentukan Tanah • Faktor-faktor Pasif – Bahan induk – Topografi / Landform – Waktu • Faktor-faktor aktif – Iklim – Faktor Biotik DIUNDUH DARI: PEDOGENESIS TANAH (SUMBER: ( Perkembangan tanah dipengaruhi oleh lima faktor yang saling berkaitan: 1. organisms, 2. topography, 3. time, 4. parent material, and 5. climate. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 PEDOGENESIS TANAH (SUMBER: ( Iklim Climate plays a very important role in the genesis of a soil. On the global scale, there is an obvious correlation between major soil types and the Köppen climatic classification systems major climatic types. At regional and local scales, climate becomes less important in soil formation. Instead, pedogenesis is more influenced by factors like parent material, topography, vegetation, and time. The two most important climatic variables influencing soil formation are temperature and moisture. Temperature has a direct influence on the weathering of bedrock to produce mineral particles. Rates of bedrock weathering generally increase with higher temperatures. Temperature also influences the activity of soil microorganisms, the frequency and magnitude of soil chemical reactions, and the rate of plant growth. Moisture levels in most soils are primarily controlled by the addition of water via precipitation minus the losses due to evapotranspiration. If additions of water from precipitation surpass losses from evapotranspiration, moisture levels in a soil tend to be high. If the water loss due to evapotranspiration exceeds inputs from precipitation, moisture levels in a soil tend to be low. High moisture availability in a soil promotes the weathering of bedrock and sediments, chemical reactions, and plant growth. Ketersediaan air juga mempengaruhi pH tanah dan dekomposisi bahan organik. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 Faktor-faktor Pembentukan Tanah FAKTOR IKLIM • Temperatur dan presipitasi (hujan) • Kontrol tidak langsung (mis. Tipe tumbuhan) • Laju pelapukan – The greater the rainfall amount, the more rapid the rate of both weathering and erosion. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 IKLIM Pelapukan secara fisika – diakibatkan oleh agenagen mekanik, seperti pemanasan dan pendinginan, pembekuan dan pencairan, abrasi. – Materials are still the same at the molecular level. – Materials are classified by the way they have been moved or scattered DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Iklim Pelapukan kimiawi – dihasilkan dari aksi-aksi air, oksigen, dan CO2 pada batuan induk. – CO2 yang larut dalam air hujan membentuk asam lemah, mempercepat proses pelapukan bahan induk. – Materials that have been chemically weathered are no longer the same at the molecular level. • Example – Clay has been synthesized into something physically and chemically different from the parent rock. DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Faktor pembentuk tanah yang aktif - Iklim • Air - Moisture – Aktivitas kimiawi dan biologis – Hujan berlebihan– eluviasi dan illuviasi – Penguapan berlebih – aksi kapilaritas air dalam tanah DIUNDUH DARI: Faktor pembentuk tanah yang aktif - Iklim • Temperatur – Reaksi-reaksi kimiawi – Aktivitas Bacteri – Laju dekomposisi bahan organik DIUNDUH DARI: Faktor pembentuk tanah yang aktif - Iklim • Angin - Wind: Faktor Minor – Meningkatkan penguapan air (evaporasi) – Realokasi tanah (pengangkutan dan akumulasi) DIUNDUH DARI: PEDOGENESIS TANAH (SUMBER: ( ORGANISME Living Organisms have a role in a number of processes involved in pedogenesis including organic matter accumulation, profile mixing, and biogeochemical nutrient cycling. Under equilibrium conditions, vegetation and soil are closely linked with each other through nutrient cycling. The cycling of nitrogen and carbon in soils is almost completely controlled by the presence of animals and plants. Through litterfall and the process of decomposition, organisms add humus and nutrients to the soil which influences soil structure and fertility. Vegetasi permukaan juga melindungi lapisan atas suatu tanah dari efek erosi dengan jalan mengikat permukaan tanah dan mereduksi kecepatan angin dan kecepatan air yang mengalir di permukaan tganah. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 Faktor Pembentukan Tanah Organisme 1. Tipe-tipe vegetasi alamiah 2. Pelapukan tergantung pada pertumbuhan tetumbuhan 3. Plant and animal activity produces humic acids that are powerful weathering agents. [acids derived from chemical breakdown of organic matter] 4. Plants can physically as well as chemically break down rocks. 5. Tumbuhan menstabilkan profil tanah, Hewan (termasuk manusia) cenderung meningkatkan erosi. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Biota Biota terdiri atas organisme hidup seperti tumbuhan, hewan, serangga, bakteri dan fungi. – Plants have the most important affect because they determine the type & amount of organic matter. – Animals & insects mix and aerate the soil as well as add organic matter. DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Faktor pembentuk tanah yang aktif: Biotik Vegetasi: 1. Menyediakan hyumus, mengikat tanah dan mengimbangi perkolasi melalui transpirasi 2. Maintain fertility 3. Different types of vegetation require different proportions of bases. 4. Pepohonan: Sedikti Ca dan Mg 5. Rerumputan: Kaya Ca dan Mg DIUNDUH DARI: Faktor pembentuk tanah yang aktif: Biotik • Mulai dari Bakteri hingga hewan-hewan besar • Mekanis – mis. Burrowing by earthworms – mis. Excavation by man • Kimiawi – Mis. Asam-asam organik DIUNDUH DARI: PEDOGENESIS TANAH (SUMBER: ( BAHAN INDUK Parent Material refers to the rock and mineral materials from which the soils develop. These materials can be derived from residual sediment due to the weathering of bedrock or from sediment transported into an area by way of the erosive forces of wind, water, or ice. Pedogenesis is often faster on transported sediments because the weathering of parent material usually takes a long period of time. The influence of parent material on pedogenesis is usually related to soil texture, soil chemistry, and nutrient cycling. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 BAHAN INDUK TANAH 1. Alluvium – Hancuran Batuan yang halus, diendapkan oleh aliran air, kebanyhakan partikel debu dan liat, sebagian kecil pasir. 2. Marine Deposits – finely pulverized rock laid down under sea. This material has been thrust up by shifts in the earth’s crust. 3. Loess – material berdebu , seperti bubukandiendapkan oleh angin. Sebagian besar debu dan liat, hanya sedikit sekali pasir. DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Factors of Soil Formation • Parent Material • Chemistry • Mineralogy • Grain size DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 PEDOGENESIS TANAH (SUMBER: ( TOPOGRAFI – RELIEF Topografi umumnya memodifikasi perkembangan tanah pada sekala lokal atau regional. Pedogenesis sangat dipenngaruhi oleh efek topografi terhadap iklim mikro dan drainage. Soils developing on moderate to gentle slopes are often better drained than soils found at the bottom of valleys. Good drainage enhances an number of pedogenic processes of illuviation and eluviation that are responsible for the development of soil horizons. Under conditions of poor drainage, soils tend to be immature. Steep topographic gradients inhibit the development of soils because of erosion. Erosion can retard the development through the continued removal of surface sediments. Soil microclimate is also influenced by topography. In the Northern Hemisphere, south facing slopes tend to be warmer and drier than north facing slopes. This difference results in the soils of the two areas being different in terms of depth, texture, biological activity, and soil profile development. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 Topography • Topografi mencerminkan “lay of the land” atau sudut dan panjang lereng. • Topografi mempengaruhi proses pembentukan tanah karena ia mempengaruhi runoff, drainage, dan erosi tanah. • It also may affect the type & amount of plant growth (biggest factor in determining type & amount of organic matter) DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Topografi Lereng Curam – Laju runoff sangat tinggi – Infiltrasi air hujan kurang – Lebih sedikit vegetasinya – Less organic matter – Increased erosion – Thinner surface soil – Slower formation/development DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Topografi Kemiringan yang lebih landai – Runoff lebih sedikit – Infiltrasi air hujan lebih banyak – Pertumbuhan vegetasi lebih cepat dengan menghasilkan banyak bahan organik – Less erosion – Deeper surface soil – Faster formation/development • Excessive water can slow development DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Faktor-faktor Pembentukan Tanah Topografi: • Kemiringan muka lahan • Elevasi (Ketinggian tempat) • Aspek lereng (lereng menghadap ke urata atau ke selatan) DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Faktor-faktor Pembentukan Tanah • Transport material tanah menuruni lereng merupakan fungsi kemiringan: – Erosion rate = f(S) • Lereng lebih curam, erosi lebih cepat. • The steeper the surface slope, the more likely any eroded material is to be transported out of the system. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Faktor-faktor Pembentukan Tanah 1. Tanah-tanah pada lereng-bukit biasanya mencapai ketebalan setimbang , sekitar 1m. 2. Soils on flat surfaces, such as floodplains or plateaus, tend to thicken through time due to weathering rates being greater than sediment transport rates. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 PEDOGENESIS TANAH (SUMBER: ( WAKTU Time influences the temporal consequences of all of the factors described above. Many soil processes become steady state overtime when a soil reaches maturity. Proses pedogenesis pada tanah-tanah muda biasanya mengalami modifikasi aktif melalui mekanisme umpan-balik positif dan negatif dalam rangka mencapai kesetimbangan. DIUNDUH DARI: ……. 17/2/2013 Waktu As soon as material has become loose enough to hold enough water, air, and nutrients for plant growth, it is considered a soil. – Pembentukan / perkembangan tanah dapat berlangsung selama beberapa abad atau hanya beberapa hari saja. DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Waktu Tanah-tanah Muda – Asalnya dari bahan vulkanik atau aluvial – Mempunyai kesuburan lebih baik – Profil tanah belum berkembang lanjut – Usually they are highly productive. – Where are the youngest soils in Louisiana located? DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Waktu • Tanah-tanah Tua 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Profil tanah berkembang dnegan baik Kandungan liatnya meningkat semakin tinggi pH tanah lebih masam Nutrients are leached Lower fertility & productivity than younger soils. DIUNDUH DARI: 10/2/2013 Faktor-faktor Pembentukan Tanah 1. Waktu untuk perkembangan dan destruksi profil tanah 2. Typical chemical reaction rates are slow the longer a rock unit has been exposed, the more likely it is to be weathered 3. Semakin lama material-tanah menunggu sebelum diangkut, maka ia akan mnejadi semakin tebal ……..… DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 PROSES-PROSES PEDOGENIK Banyak proses yang terlibat dalam transformasi bahan induk tanah menjadi horison-horison tanah. The exact combinations of these processes and reactions are however not known. If the combination is dominated by a particular process, it is usually assigned a name. e.g., laterization, podzolization were commonly used as simplifications. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Proses-proses Pedogenik yang utama Proses-proses Pedogenik dapat dikelompokkan menjadi empat, yaitu: – – – – Penambahan atau Pengkayaan Kehilangan atau Pengambilan Translokasi atau Transfer Transformasi Each major pedogenic process is made up of a number of processes acting singly or in combination DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Penambahan atau Pengkayaan • Enrichment - Pengkayaan – General term for addition of material to a soil body. e.g., adjoining pedons as in depressions. • Cummulization – Aeolian and hydrologic additions of mineral particles to the surface of a soil. The effects are more pronounced in depressions. • Littering – The accumulation of vegetable and associated faunal debris (litter) including humus on the mineral soil surface to a depth of less than 30cm • Melanization - Melanisasi – The darkening of light-colored mineral materials which are initially unconsolidated by admixture of organic matter. Melanization involves some translocation. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Penambahan ke tanah • Input dari luar ekosistem – Input dari atmosfir • Precipitation, dust, deposition – Input Horisontal • Floods, tidal exchange, erosion, land-water movement • Input dari dalam ekosistem – Seresah dedaunan dan akar-akar yang mati turnover DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Kehilangan atau Pengambilan • Erosi tanah – surficial removal of material from the surface layer of a soil This is effected by raindrop splash, runoff waters, wind, creep, and other mass wasting processes. • Pencucian – Pencucian atau eluviasi material terlarut dari solum tanah. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Translokasi atau Transfer 1. Eluviasi: Pergerakan material ke luar dari “bagian tertentu” profil tanah, seperti pada Horison Albik. 2. Iluviasi: Pergerakan material memasuki “bagian tertentu” profil tanah, seperti pada Horison Argilik dan Spodik 3. Lessivage: Washing in suspension of fine clay and lesser amounts of coarse clay and fine silt down cracks and other voids in a soil body; leading to the depletion of clay in the A horizon and enrichment of clay in the B horizon. 4. Pedoturbation: Biologic, physical (freeze-thaw and wetdry cycles) churning and cycling of soil materials thereby homogenizing the solum in varying degrees DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 • Kalsifikasi – Processes including the accumulation of calcium carbonate in a Ck and possibly other horizons of a soil. • Dekalsifikasi – Reactions that remove calcium carbonate from one or more soil horizons. • Salinization – The accumulation of soluble salts such as sulfates and chlorides of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in salty (salic) 'horizons. • Desalinization – The removal of soluble salts from salic horizons. • Alkalization (solonization) – The accumulation of sodium ions on the exchange sites in a soil. • Dealkalization (solodization) – The leaching of sodium ions and salts from sodium-rich (natric) horizons. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 • Leucinization – The paling of soil horizons by disappearance of dark organic materials either through transformation to light- colored ones or through removal from the horizons. • Braunification, Rubification and Ferrugination– Release of iron from primary minerals and the dispersion of particles of iron oxide in increasing amounts; the progressive oxidation or hydration, giving the soil mass brownish, reddish-brown and red colors, respectively. (Also transformation). • Gleization – The reduction of iron under anaerobic water-logged soil conditions, with the production of bluish to greenish-gray matrix colors, with or without yellowishbrown, brown and black mottles and ferric and manganiferous concretions. • Podzolization (silication) – The chemical migration of aluminum and iron and/or organic matter, resulting in the concentration of silica (i.e. silication) in the layer eluviated. (Also transformation) • Laterization (desilication, ferrugination, ferritization, allitization) – The chemical migration of silica out of the soil solum and thus the concentration of sesquioxides in the solum (goethite, gibbsite, etc.) DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Transformations • Decomposition – The breakdown of mineral and organic materials • Mineralization – The release of oxide solids during decomposition of organic. It concerns the biochemical breakdown of dead plant tissues by soil micro-organisms to produce simple-structured soluble organic substances, purely mineral compounds like nitrates, and metal cations and gases (mostly carbon dioxide) • Humification – Transformation of raw organic material into humus. In this the simple structured soluble organic substances are grouped into lager molecules by polymerization They then become poorly soluble and are stabilized to form a major component of humus • Synthesis – The formation of new particles of mineral and organic species. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 • Paludization: – Akumulasi bahan organik dalam lapisan tebal (> 30 cm) sebagai mucks dan peats. • Ripening – Perubahan tanah organik secara kimiawi, biologis dan fisik setelah udara menembus deposit organik, sehingga memungkinkan aktivitas mikroba berlangsung intensif. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Transformasi • Decomposition of organic matter – Breakdown to form soluble compounds that can be absorbed leached away – Depends on input quantity, location (roots, leaves), environment (temp & precip) • Humifikasi membentuk bahan organik kompleks • Pelapukan batuan – Pelapukan Fisika / fragmentasi batuan – Freeze-thaw; drying-wetting; fire – Pelapukan kimiawi • Mineral primer Mineral sekunder DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Proses-proses Pedogenesis • Setiap proses pedogenesis dapat mempengaruhi banyak senyawa dan komponen penyusun tanah. • Misalnya, proses-proses penambahan, kehilangan, transfer, dan transformasi bahan organik, garam larut, karbonat dan sesquioksida. • Organic matter may be added to the soil by littering; it may be transformed by decomposition; it may be translocated by podzolization and it may be lost by erosion. • These processes can all be going on singly or in combination with other processes to give rise to the soil profile. • However, not all of the processes will necessarily promote horizon differentiation. • Some of the processes may actually retard or offset differentiation e.g. pedoturbation. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Proses-proses pembentukan tanah Efek kombinasi dari: • Penambahan ke permukaan • Transformasi kimiawi • Transfer vertikal • Pengusiran dari tanah Peranan relatifnya beragam DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Perkembangan Horison Tanah • Perkembangan Horison A – Akumulasi bahan organik – Penggerombolan individual partikel tanah – Berbeda dari bahan induk dan lapisan lainnya. • Perkembangan Horison B dan C – Carbonic and organic acids are carried by water into soil where dissolve various minerals (transformations) – Soluble materials (ions –Ca2+, CO32-, SO42-, etc) are carried by water and precipitate in the soil from upper to lower horizons (translocation) – Weathering of primary minerals into secondary minerals – Wetting and drying cracks soils and makes structures. DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Perkembangan Horison Tanah DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Bahan induk (bedrock) mengalami pelapukan menjadi “regolith” (tanah + saprolite). DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Tanah (Soil) merupakan campuran bahan mineral dan bahan organik , struktur batuan induknya kurang nampak. Soil DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 “Saprolite “ adalah batuan terlapuk yang masih menampakkan struktur batuan asalnya. Saprolit e DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Horizon dan Profil Tanah Horison Tanah – – • • • over time, soil layers differentiate into distinct ‘horizons’ not deposited, but zones of chemical action Reaksi kimia dan pembentukan mineral sekunder (liat) Pencucian oleh air infiltrasi (elluviasi) Deposisi dan akumulasi material yang tercuci dari bagian di sebelah atas, dalam suatu tanah (illuviasi) Profil Tanah – Suite of horizons at a given locality DIUNDUH DARI: ….. 11/2/2013 Deskripsi PROFIL TANAH ………. Selanjutnya ….… Bundaran Kantor Pusat Kampus UB Foto: smno.kampus.ub.agst2012