Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek Lanjut Lecture 01 - Introduction NIKO IBRAHIM, MIT PROGRAM STUDI SISTEM INFORMASI FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI UNIVERSITAS KRISTEN MARANATHA Tujuan Perkuliahan PBO Lanjut Mahasiswa mampu membuat program aplikasi Java berdasarkan konsep objek oriented. 2. Mahasiwa mampu membuat program aplikasi yang berhubungan dengan database. 3. Mahasiswa memahami konsep-konsep lanjutan dalam pemrograman berorientasi objek. 1. Rules Pedoman Perkuliahan Titip absen E Handphone wajib di-nonaktifkan/silent Menggunakan pakaian rapi & bersepatu Kewajiban hadir: Kehadiran > 15 menit, tidak boleh masuk kelas 75% kehadiran dosen (<= 25% berarti cekal) Bila kena cekal, tidak diijinkan ikut UAS E Pedoman Penilaian NA= 30% UTS + 30% UAS + 15% Quiz + 25% Praktikum Penghitungan nilai: A: 80 <= NA <= 100 B+: 73 <= NA < 80 B: 67 <= NA < 73 C+: 61 <= NA < 67 C: 55 <= NA < 61 D: 41 <= NA < 55 E: NA <41 Materi Keseluruhan Java Swing Komponen-komponen Swing Layout Manager Event-driven programming Generics & Collections File & Stream processing Database access and processing Jadwal Kuliah Session Session 01 Session 02 Session 03 Session 04 Session 05 Session 06 UTS Session 07 Session 08 Session 09 Session 10 Session 11 Session 12 UAS Lectures Materials Pengenalan OOP Lanjut & Swing Komponen-komponen Swing Dasar 1 Komponen-komponen Swing Dasar 2 Layout Manager Event-Driven Programming NetBeans GUI Builder Tutorial Java Collection Framework Database & JDBC Database & JDBC Database & Java Persistence API (JPA) Database & Java Persistence API (JPA) Presentasi Tugas Details of Assessable Work in The Topic No Details about each form of assessable work in the topic Amount Proportion of total mark Penalties to be applied for plagiarism Mark = 0, for all practical works Mark = 0, for all quizzes 1 Programming tasks 10 20% 2 Quizzes 5 10% 3 Assignments 2 10% Mark = 0 4 Mid-semester Exam 1 25% Mark = 0, for all exams 5 Final-semester Exam 1 25% Mark = 0, for all exams Reading Materials 1. INTRODUCTION TO JAVA PROGRAMMING, 10th 2. 3. 4. 5. Ed., Y. Daniel Liang Learning Java, Jonathan Knudsen & Patrick Niemeyer, O’Reilly, 2005. (Main Reading Materials) Java Swing, Matthew Robinson & Pavel Vorobiev, Manning, 2005. Java API Documentation, Sun Microsystems NetBeans Tutorials and Documentations Softwares and Tools JDK 1.7 + Java API Documentation Editors: JGrasp (Simple Java editor, free download) NetBeans 7 (Java IDE, free download) Got Any Problems? Ask directly after the class! (preferable) Email me at: [email protected] Review: 0: // Exercise 1: 1: // NIK: 730015, NAMA: Niko Ibrahim 2: public class HelloMe { 3: public static void main (String args[ ]) { 4: System.out.println("Hello World, Niko!"); 5: } 6: } Line 0: Komentar program, judul program, keterangan penting. Line 1: Selalu tuliskan identitas penulis program. Line 2: - Nama kelas. Setiap program Java minimal memiliki 1 deklarasi kelas. - Kelas diawali huruf kapital untuk setiap kata. - Untuk men-save public class ke file, harus diberi nama sesuai dengan nama kelas tsb dan diakhiri dengan ekstensi .java. Tentang public akan dibahas nanti. Line 3: main method the starting point of every Java application Line 4: instruksi pada komputer untuk menulis suatu String (kata-kata) Review OOP public class SegiEmpat extends Shape{ private int tinggi; private int lebar; public SegiEmpat(int h, int w){ this.tinggi = h; this.lebar = w; } public int luas (){ return h*w; } Interitance: copying property/method of the parent class Property -->private Constructor -->public, no returned value Method --> public Belongs to the object/instance public static void main (String args[ ]) { SegiEmpat s = new SegiEmpat(3,4); System.out.println("Luas: " + s.luas()); } } Static Method Belongs to the class Materi Hari Ini •J A V A A W T V S J A V A S W I N G •K O M P O N E N - K O M P O N E N D A S A R S W I N G •L A T I H A N 3 hal penting dalam pemrograman GUI 1. Elemen-elemen (components) apa yang bisa ditampilkan di layar? 2. Bagaimana cara kira menyusun dan menempatkan elemen-elemen tersebut? 3. Bagaimana kita berinteraksi dengan elemenelemen tersebut? No 1. Components Parts of GUI: buttons, menus, checkboxes, sliders, text fields, labels, and so on. API provides numerous implementations We can create own custom components radio button frame checkbox label button No 2. Layouts Susunan komponen di layar: Absolute: x, y coordinates specified for each component (rarely used) Relative with respect to other component positions/sizes, screen resolution, fonts used etc. Layout Managers (objects) are used to deal with relative layouts. No 3. Event Handling A technique to deal with user input Event-based model: 1. button clicked (by user) 2. event generated (by the system) 3. appropriate action taken Java Solution: Swing Untuk melakukan GUI Programming, Java menyediakan 2 libraries: AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit), and Swing AWT - an old library, present in the first Java release, Swing - an improved library added later Swing does not replace AWT , it builds on top of AWT (an extension) AWT vs Swing AWT components are heavyweight peer-based, platform-dependant implementation (in native code). Difficult to port, platform-dependant look. Swing components are pure Java applications lightweight - do not use peers Pluggable look-and-feel - platform-independant, programmer designed look (system independent). Whenever possible Swing components should be used avoid mixing with AWT. AWT vs Swing (2) Highest level components are heavy Each light one has a corresponding heavy one, somewhere in the hierarchy (a background to draw onto): Swing component names start from J. Java API (JavaDoc) Sebagai programmer, JAVA API adalah suatu dokumen yang wajib dimiliki. Semua class & method (termasuk untuk Java Swing) ada di dalam dokumen ini! Dokumentasi, Tutorial, Contoh-contoh (termasuk aplikasi Swing): Komponen Swing Dasar JFrame JPanel JLabel JButton Frame The top-level component for most Swing-based applications is called a frame and is defined by the JFrame class. By itself, a frame doesn’t do much. But to do anything else in Swing, you must first create a frame. The figure shows a frame that does nothing but display the message Hello, World! in its title bar. Exercise 01: import javax.swing.*; public class HelloFrame extends JFrame { /** Creates a new instance of HelloFrame */ public HelloFrame() { this.setSize(200,100); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.setTitle("Hello World!"); this.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { new HelloFrame(); } } Positioning the Frame On-Screen If you want to place the frame at some arbitrary location on-screen, use the setLocation method. Example: frame.setLocation(0,0); If you want to center the frame on-screen, call the setLocationRelativeTo method and pass null as the parameter: Example: frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); JLabel A label is a component that simply displays text. Labels are used for a variety of purposes: to display captions for other controls such as text fields or combo boxes, to display informational messages, or to show the results of a calculation or a database lookup. A label can also display an image, or it can display both an image and some text. And we have complete control over the appearance of the text We can specify the font, size, whether the text is bold, italic, or underlined, what color the text is displayed as, and so on. Example: JLabel label1 = new JLabel(); label1.setText("Hello, World!"); or JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Hello, World!"); JButton Next to labels, the Swing component you use most is the JButton component, which creates a button the user can click. Example: JButton button1 = new JButton("Click me!"); or JButton button1 = new JButton(); button1.setText("Click me!"); JPanel A panel is a type of container that’s designed to hold a group of components so they can be displayed on a frame. The normal way to display a group of controls such as text fields, labels, buttons, and other GUI widgets is to add those controls to a panel, and then add the panel to the frame. Example: class HelloPanel extends JPanel{ public HelloPanel(){ JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Hello, World!"); JButton button1 = new JButton("Click me!"); } } Then, in the frame class contstructor, we create a new instance of the panel class and add it to the frame: frame.add(new HelloPanel()); Putting it all together Exercise 02: import javax.swing.*; public class HelloFrame2 extends JFrame { /** Creates a new instance of HelloFrame */ public HelloFrame2() { this.setSize(200,100); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.setTitle("Hello World!"); HelloPanel panel1 = new HelloPanel(); this.add(panel1); this.setVisible(true); this.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // set location to the center } class HelloPanel extends JPanel{ public HelloPanel(){ // code to add components to the panel goes here JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Hello, this is label!"); this.add(label1); JButton button1 = new JButton("Click me!"); this.add(button1); } } public static void main(String[] args) { new HelloFrame2(); } } FULL CODE: Copy & paste the codes into JGrasp That’s all for today! YOU’VE LEARNED: •R E V I E W O O P : • • • • • class, object/instance, property, method, constructor •I N T R O D U C T I O N T O S W I N G : • JFrame, JPanel, JLabel, JButton To Do Today SKIMMING JAVA DOC 7 PRAKTIKUM 01 – PENGENALAN JAVA SWING Study Guide TO DO THIS WEEK: • Read: Java Review Diktat OOPL, Page 125 • Read: Java swing 2, O’Reilly (chapter 1) • Run the Demo ‘SwingSet2.jar’ • Study the source code of ‘SwingSet2’ • Go to /