Konstruksi Ikan Mas Cyprinus Carpio Partenogenetik

Konstruksi Ikan Mas Cyprinus Carpio Partenogenetik Diploid-homozigot
Untuk Produksi Bibit Unggul
Agung Pramana Warih Marhendra, 2)Rustidja, 3)Aris Soewondo
Fakultas MIPA, 2)Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Universitas Brawijaya
Studi pengaruh etanol dan Ca-ionopore terhadap aktivasi oosit serta diploidisasi dengan 6-DMAP
dan sitokalasin perkembangan embrio ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio) serta kajian dinamika aktivitas
Maturation Promating Factor (MPF) telah dilakukan. Hasil perlakuan Ca-ionopore 5 ìM selama 5 menit
(100%), dan perlakuan etanol 7% selama 5 menit (99,1%) serta perlakuan diploidisasi dengan menggunakan
6-DMAP 25 ìM 3 -5 menit dan 50 ìM 3 – 5 menit; sitokalasin 0,2 mg/ml 3 – 5 menit yang menyebabkan
embrio berkembang mencapai tahap gastrula dan terhenti perkembangannya. Terhentinya tahap
perkembangan embrio, tampaknya dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan tahap awal. Kajian mengenai dinamika
MPF yang dilihat dari aktivitas Cdc2 nya menunjukkan aktivitas yang tidak sama dengan aktivitas Cdc2
dari hasil fertilisasi
Kata kunci: MPF, Cdc2, ikan mas , 6-DMAP, sitokalasin
To pursue the aim, many experiments will be carry out including development of activation
technique, production of diploid parthenogenetic embryo. Furthermore, the result of study will be used as a
basic for preparation for cloning program which will be proposed for further advanced
experiment.Observation of the effect of oocyte activation using different methods have been reported. We
have found Calcium-ionophore, ethanol and variation with DMAP, cytochalasin as a chemical that can
induce oocyte development without fertilization. A study about the effect of methods and activation media
is necessary in order to obtain the optimum condition that can support normal oocyte development. The
targets of this experiments are : (1) establishment of activation procedure to obtain diploid parthenogenetic
embryo; (2) to determine characteristic of dynamics activities of Maturation Promoting factor (MPF)
through activities Cdc2 kinase on early development after treatment.
Keyword: MPF, Cdc2, parthenogenetic, 6-DMAP, cytochalacion
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