SERVICE UNIT OF THE SOCIO HUMANIORA COURSES SILABUS KURIKULUM/COURSE SYLLABUS MATA KULIAH/ COURSE TITLE IG.091305 : Agama Budha IG.091305 : Budha Credits: 2 Semester: 1 Mahasiswa pengertian dan menghayati Hakekat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa serta mengamalkan Sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa Mahasiswa memiliki pengertian dan memahami adanya Dewa, Bodhisatva, Arahat dan Buddha sehingga mahasiswa mampu melaksanakan suri teladannya Mahasiswa memahami tentang Bodhisatva dan Buddha serta menghayati dan mengamalkan Dharma Mahasiswa dapat memahami dan mengerti hukum Karma sehingga mahasiswa dapat menerima, menerapkan serta melaksankan . Students are able to understand the essence of the Oneness of God and bring the first principle of Pancasila into the real life implementation. Students believe and perceive the existance of God, Bodhisatva, Arahat and Buddha as a consequence they are able to follow the teachings. Students believe and perceive Bodhisatva and Budha so that they are able to bring their darma in their lives. Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN/ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Mahasiswa dapat memahami dan mengerti tentang Hukum Ke – Sunyataan, sehingga mahasiswa dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan hukum Ke-Sunyataan tersebut 1 Students understand the rules of Sunyataan, so that they are able to adapt themselves into the rules. Students understand Karma, so that they are able to implement the rule in their lives. KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY Mahasiswa dapat memahami dan melaksanakan ajaran agama Budha, sesuai ajaran yang dilaksanakan Sang Budha tentang pergaulan dalam masyarakat Students are able to understand as well as implement the Budha’s teachings on how to live in a real life. Sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa: Catur Paramita, Catur Mara, Brahma Vihara, Bhavana. Riwayat Hidup Sang Buddha: Kelahiran Bodhisatva, Ramalan Pertapa Asita, Ramalan Para Brahmana, Masa Remaja, Masa Berumah Tangga, Masa Pertapa, Mencapai Buddha, Masa Pembabaran Dharma, Terbentuknya Sangha. Tentang Bodhisatva: Dana Paramita Tentang Sad- Paramita: Viriya Paramita The First Principle of Pancasila, The Oneness of God: Catur Paramita, Catur Mara, Brahma Vihara, Bhavana. Biography of Lord Budha: the born of Bodhisatva, Asita’s Prediction, the predictions of Brahmana, adolesence or teen age, period of family hood, the Hermit period, Achieving Buddha’s enlightment, times for learning Budhism together, Sangha achievement. About Bodhisatva: Dana Paramita Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 Tentang proses tercapainya tingkat Bodisatva: Sila Paramita POKOK BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS 2 About process of achieving Bodisatva level: Paramita Principles About Sad- Paramita: Viriya Paramita Dhamma Pada Dhamma Sari ( Depag, 1904) Kuliah Agama Budha (Depag 1903) Kurikulum/Curriculum ITS : 2009-2014 PUSTAKA UTAMA/ REFERENCES (Depag, 1904) 3