POTENSI SIMPANAN KARBON DI KAWASAN REHABILITASI MANGROVE TAMAN HUTAN RAYA NGURAH RAI, BALI INTISARI Oleh: Ida Ayu Diah Widyantari1 Taman Hutan Raya Ngurah Rai merupakan kawasan rehabilitasi mangrove terbesar di Provinsi Bali dengan luas 1.373,50 ha. Kegiatan rehabilitasi ini memiliki banyak tujuan salah satunya mengembalikan fungsi ekosistem mangrove sebagai penyimpan karbon. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui simpanan karbon yang ada di atas dan di bawah permukaan tanah, serta karbon di dalam tanah hutan rehabilitasi mangrove, dan (2) untuk mengetahui dinamika simpanan karbon hutan rehabilitasi mangrove Taman Hutan Raya Ngurah Rai. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode sistematic sampling dimana kawasan dibagi dalam 34 grid dengan luas tiap grid sebesar 10.000 m2. Satu petak ukur dibuat dalam setiap grid untuk mengetahui besarnya simpanan karbon yang terdapat di atas dan di bawah permukaan tanah dengan cara mengukur diameter pohon dan identifikasi jenis mangrove. Pada petak ukur yang sama juga dilakukan pengambilan sampel tanah terusik untuk mengetahui besar karbon organik yang terdapat di dalam substrat lumpur dan sampel tanah tidak terusik untuk mengetahui nilai bulk density. Dinamika simpanan carbon diperoleh dengan menghitung nilai Current Carbon Stock (CCS), Carbon Carrying Capacity (CCC), dan Carbon Sequestration Potential (CSP) kawasan rehabilitasi mangrove Taman Hutan Raya Ngurah Rai Hasil penelitian menunjukkan besar simpanan karbon kawasan rehabilitasi mangrove Taman Hutan Raya Ngurah Rai yaitu: (a) total simpanan karbon di atas permukaan tanah (AGC) sebesar 10.803.114,24 ton C dengan densitas sebesar 7.865,39 + 5.756,10 ton C/ha; (b) total simpanan karbon di bawah permukaan tanah (BGC) sebesar 7.095.243,46 ton C dengan densitas sebesar 5.165,81 + 3.661,24 ton C/ha; dan (c) simpanan karbon di dalam tanah sebesar 57.458.918,73 ton C dengan densitas sebesar 41.833,94 + 26.035,54 ton C/ha. Total simpanan karbon aktual (CCS) di dalam kawasan rehabilitasi mangrove Taman Hutan Raya Ngurah Rai adalah 75.357.276,42 ton C. Ada sekitar 60,02 ha lahan yang mengalami perubahan tata guna lahan di dalam kawasan Tahura sehingga mempengaruhi jumlah CCS. Dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa plot yang diasumsikan vegetasinya tidak mengalami kerusakan, maka jumlah simpanan karbon maksimal (CCC) kawasan adalah 88.156.591,43 ton C. Oleh karena itu, potensi simpanan karbon yang hilang (CSP) adalah 12.799.315,01 ton C. Berdasarkan nilai CSP, sekitar 233,29 ha kawasan mangrove perlu di rehabilitasi untuk mengembalikan jumlah simpanan karbon. Kata kunci: biomassa, karbon, mangrove, rehabilitasi, Tahura Ngurah Rai. 1 Mahasiswa Jurusan Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada xi THE POTENTIAL OF CARBON STORED IN MANGROVE REHABILITATION AREA NGURAH RAI GRAND FOREST, BALI ABSTRACT By: Ida Ayu Diah Widyantari1 Ngurah Rai Grand Forest is the largest mangrove rehabilitation area in Bali which is about 1,373.5 ha. One of the objectives the rehabilitation activities was to establish the fuctions of mangrove ecosystem as a carbon sink. This study aimed (1) to estimate the above ground biomass carbon, the below ground biomass carbon and the soil carbon (2) to estimate the dynamic of carbon stored in the mangrove rehabilitation area of Ngurah Rai Grand Forest. Systematic sampling aproach was applied by dividing the area into 34 grids of 10,000 m2. One plot was established in each grid to estimated the amount of above and below ground biomass carbon by measuring tree diameter and identifying the mangrove species within the plot. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were also collected from the plot to estimate the organic carbon content in the mud subtrate and to estimate the bulk density, respectively. The dynamic of the amount of carbon stock was identified by calculating Current Carbon Stock (CCS), Carbon Carrying Capacity (CCC) and Carbon Sequestration Potential (CSP) in mangrove rehabilition area, Ngurah Rai Grand Forest. The results showed that the amount of carbon stored in the mangrove rehabilition area consists of: (a) the total of above ground carbon (AGC) was 10,803,114.24 ton C with the carbon density of 7,865.39 + 5,756.10 ton C/ha; (b) the total of below ground carbon (BGC) was 7,095,243.46 ton C with the carbon density of 5,165.81 + 3,661.24 ton C/ha; and (c) the total of soil carbon was 57,458,918.73 ton C with the carbon density of 41,833.94 + 26,035.54 ton C/ha. In total, the current carbon stock (CCS) in the mangrove rehabilition area of Ngurah Rai Grand Forest was 75,357,276.42 ton C. Within the grand forest, some rehabilitation areas of 60.02 ha had changed into other land uses which contributed to the amount of CCS. By considering plots with undisturbed vegetation condition, the carbon carrying capasity of the area was 88,156,591.43 ton C. Therefore, the CSP which is lost was 12,799,315.01 ton C. Based on the amount of CSP, around 233.29 ha of mangrove area should be restored of offset the carbon stock. Keywords: biomass, carbon, mangrove, rehabilitation, Ngurah Rai Grand Forest 1 A Student of Forest Resource Concervation Department, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University xii