Indonesia Perubahan Perilaku Amat Penting dalam Usaha Kurangi

Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia
Mengentaskan Kemiskinan melalui Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
Perubahan Perilaku Amat Penting dalam Usaha Kurangi Stunting
Pola asuh, konsumsi dan sanitasi masih menjadi penghalang bagi usaha peningkatan gizi balita.
IMA World Health & Pusat
Kajian Gizi & Kesehatan,
Fakultas Kesehatan
Masyarakat, Universitas
Wilayah Penelitian
Sumsel, Kalbar, Kalteng,
Jabar, Jatim, NTB, Gorontalo,
Sulbar, Maluku, Sulut
Survei dengan Wawancara,
Diskusi Kelompok,
Wawancara Mendalam,
Jumlah Sampel, Peserta,
n 2100 responden ibu
dengan anak di bawah
dua tahun
n 1050 responden ibu hamil
n 528 peserta diskusi
n 332 informan
Kontak Detil
M. Karim Wirasaputra
Studi formatif yang diselenggarakan pada akhir 2014 lalu menyimpulkan
masih banyak masalah pada perilaku terkait gizi masyarakat yang diteliti.
Berikut adalah beberapa temuan penting:
Sekitar 43% ibu hamil yang disurvei mengaku makan kurang dari
tiga kali per hari ketika hamil dan 35% mengaku makan lebih sedikit,
terutama pada trimester pertama kehamilan. Padahal, inilah masa kritis
pertumbuhan janin.
Masih banyak ibu hamil yang pantang makan sumber protein hewani
seperti gurita atau cumi karena takut bayi terlilit tali pusar, tidak bersih,
dan sulit dalam bersalin.
Walaupun 65% ibu mengaku telah menjalani Inisiasi Menyusu Dini,
prosedurnya belum benar.
Lebih dari 40% bayi sudah diberikan makanan/minuman selain ASI dalam
tiga hari pertama seperti susu formula, air putih, atau madu. Praktik ini
Sekitar 55% responden mengaku tidak memberikan ASI eksklusif 6 bulan.
Pengetahuan ibu tentang ASI eksklusif rendah, dan ada anggapan bahwa
susu formula sama baiknya dengan ASI.
Sejumlah 62% anak hanya mengkonsumsi serelia dan sayuran, padahal
mereka butuh sumber protein hewani. Sedangkan 40% anak makan
kurang dari tiga kali sehari dan tidak terbiasa untuk sarapan.
Sekitar 20% sumber air minum keluarga adalah dari sumur yang tidak
terlindungi, dan 30% keluarga tidak melakukan pengolahan air minum
seperti merebus air.
Sekitar 25% keluarga yang disurvei tidak buang air di jamban.
Masyarakat belum terbiasa cuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir.
Hanya 30% responden melengkapi tempat cuci tangannya dengan sabun,
dan cuma 25% yang menggunakan air mengalir.
[email protected]
Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia
Reducing Poverty through Economic Growth
Behaviour Change is Crucial in Reducing Stunting
Poor practices in feeding, childcare, and sanitation hinder the efforts to increase nutrition for under-five children
IMA World Health and
Nutrition and Health
Research Centre of Public
Health Faculty, University of
Research Location
South Sumatra, West
Kalimantan, Central
Kalimantan, West Java, East
Java, West Nusa Tenggara,
Gorontalo, West Sulawesi,
North Sulawesi, Maluku
Survey with interviews, focus
group discussion, in-depth
interview, observation
Samples, Participants,
n 2100 women with children
under two years old
n 1050 pregnant women
n 528 FGD participants
n 332 informants
Contact Detail
M. Karim Wirasaputra
The MCA-Indonesia-initiated formative study concludes that many problems
in nutritional-related behaviors are found in Indonesian communities. Among
the key findings are:
Around 43% of respondents admitted they ate less than three times a
day while pregnant, and 35% ate less than usual, especially in the first
trimester of pregnancy, which is actually the critical time for fetus growth.
Plenty of pregnant women avoided animal protein sources such as squid
and octopus due to fear of the baby would be twisted by umbilical cord,
the baby would be unclean, and mothers would face difficulty in delivery.
Although 65% of mothers claimed to conduct early initiation of
breastfeeding, still they did not go through the correct procedures.
More than 40% of the babies were given foods and beverages other
than breast milk, such as formula milk, water, and honey. This practice is
dangerous for babies’ health.
Around 55% respondents admitted they did not give their children six
months of exclusive breast milk. Mothers’ knowledge about exclusive
breast milk is low, and there is a perception that formula milk is as good
as breast milk.
Around 61% of the children only consumed cereals and vegetables, while
they actually need animal protein. 40% of the children ate less than three
times a day and were not used to having breakfast.
Around 20% of families had unprotected drinking water sources, and 30%
of families did not treat the water, such as boiling it.
Around 25% of surveyed families did not defecate in toilets.
The communities were not used to washing hands with soap and running
water. Only 30% of the respondents equipped their washing hands
facilities with soap, and only 25% used running water.
[email protected]