Programming Concepts (Konsep Pemrograman) Leon Andretti Abdillah 02 Programming Concepts Environment 2016 Required Softwares JRE (Java Runtime Environment), Java, eClipse – Kepler/Luna/Mars/Neon 2. DevC++ 3. Windows Free Pascal IDE 1. 2 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Download Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1. 3 Kunjungi URL /jre8-downloads-2133155.html, maka akan muncul “Java SE Runtime Environment 8u101” Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 2. 4 Accept License Agreement Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 3. 5 Pilih JRE sesuai dengan spesifikasi PC/Laptop masingmasing (misalnya; untuk contoh Windows 64 bit) Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 4. 6 Download JRE 8u101 tersebut Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 5. 7 Save di lokasi directory yang diinginkan Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 6. 8 Install JRE tersebut Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Download Java Version 8 Update 101 (Release date July 19, 2016) 1. 9 Kunjungi URL, klik “Free Java Download” Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 2. 10 Accepted the terms of the end user license agreement Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 3. 11 Download Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Letakkan file hasil download ke Folder yang diinginkan 5. Install file tersebut 4. 12 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Download Eclipse Kepler/Luna/Mars/Neon 1. 2. 13 Kunjungi URL Pilih Package yang diinginkan (;Eclipse Neon) Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 3. 14 Unzip Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 4. 15 Buka Path Eclipse Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 5. 16 Jalankan Eclipse, maka unucl Splash Eclipse Neon Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 6. Tentukan Folder Workspace Jika tidak ingin diubah silahkan saja menggunakan alamat workspace tersebut, jika ingin diubah silahkan klik tombol Browse dan tentukan alamat path folder-nya. 7. Jika mau diubah, misalnya d:\\workspaceNeon Jangan lupa klik “Use this as the default and do not ask again” 17 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 8. 18 Loading Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 9. Eclipse Neon IDE Tab Welcome 10. Close Tab Welcome, maka akan muncul Eclipse Neon IDE 19 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 11. Eclipse Neon IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Eclipse IDE terdiri atas: 1. Tittle Bar (worksapceNeon – Java – Eclipse) 2. Main Menu Bar (File, Edit, Source, ...) 3. Tool Bar (New, Save, Save All, ...) 4. Package Explorer 5. Code Editor 6. Console 20 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Create Java Project 1. 21 Pada Main Menu Baru klik File New Java Project Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 2. 22 Input Java Project Name Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 3. 23 Setelah klik Finish maka pada Package Explorer muncul Java Project “JavaPC-SI1H” Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Create Java Package (Optional) 1. Pada Java Project yang sudah ada (JavaPC-SI1H) klik kanan New Package Muncul kotak dialog New Java Package 24 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 2. Input Name untuk New Java Package Pada Name ketikkan “aHello”, kemudian klik Finish 25 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 3. 26 Maka akan muncul New Java Package “aHello” dibawah Java Project Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Create New Java Class 1. 27 Jika ada mau memasukkan java class ke dalam package Pada Java Package “aHello” klik kanan dan pilih New Class Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 2. Maka akan muncul kotak dialog New Java Class Pada Name ketikkan Hello, kemudian klik “public static void main” 28 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 3. Pada Name ketikkan Hello, kemudian klik “public static void main” Tekan tombol Finish, 29 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 4. 30 Maka akan muncul template atau struktur program Java Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Ketikkan Java Code 1. package aHelloWorld; 2. 3. public class HelloWorld { 4. 5. public static void main(String[] args) { 6. // TODO Auto-generated method stub 7. 8. System.out.print("Hello World"); 9. } 10. 11. } 31 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Compile Java Code Compile, Build dan Run Program Java pertama Anda Secara default, Eclipse compiles the code automatically as you type. Result 32 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Homework 1. Download and install a) DevC++ b) Windows Free Pascal IDE Write a documentation of download and install above documentation in Word 2007 3. Store it in the cloud repository (dropbox) 4. Paste the URL in class group 2. 33 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 References Abdillah, L. A. (2009a). Pemrograman II (Delphi Dasar) Edisi 4. Palembang: Pusat Penerbitan dan Percetakan Universitas Bina Darma (PPP-UBD) Press. Abdillah, L. A. (2009b). Pemrograman III (Delphi Database) Edisi 4. Palembang: Pusat Penerbitan dan Percetakan Universitas Bina Darma. Abdillah, L. A. (2013). Algorithms & Programming. Retrieved from Abdillah, L. A. (2014). Data Structures & Algorithms. Retrieved from Abdillah, L. A. (2016a). Algorithms & Data Structures. Retrieved from Abdillah, L. A. (2016b). Programming Concepts. Retrieved from 34 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57 Eclipse. (2016). Eclipse Downloads, from Holowczak, R. Programming Concepts: A Brief Tutorial for New Programmers, from Oracle. (1995). About the Java Technology, from ml Oracle. (2016a). Free Java Download, from Oracle. (2016b). Java SE Runtime Environment 8 Downloads, from Sedgewick, R., & Wayne, K. (2011). Algorithms: Addison-Wesley Professional. 35 Leon Abdillah - PC - Installing Java & Eclipse 19/09/2016 9:30:57