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Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini!
Angka di dalam dibentuk dari bilangan di
luar menggunakan pola aritmetik. Jika pola
aritmetik pada persegi pertama dan persegi
kedua identik, maka nilai x pada persegi
kedua adalah…
A. 12
D. 5
B. 6
E. 12
C. 2
Jika r = 331 x 329 - 330² + 2 dan q = 410² 441 x 409, maka…
A. r > q
B. r = q
C. r < q
D. r = q = 0
E. hubungan r dan q tidak dapat
Bari membeli 5 buah majalah dengan harga
rata-rata Rp4.000,00 per buah dan membeli
lagi majalah serupa dengan harga rata-rata
Rp6.000,00. Bila diketahui harga rata-rata
untuk keseluruhan buku Rp5.000,00,
berapakah tambahan eksemplar majalah
yang dibeli lagi oleh Bari ?
A. 3
D. 7
B. 4
E. 8
C. 5
Bacaan untuk soal nomor 4
Ruang penguatan Rupiah menipis. Mata
uang Asia melemah pada perdagangan
diawal minggu, namun Rupiah masih
menguat. Ruang penguatan itu hari ini
terlihat mengecil seiring kenaikan indeks
dollar AS. Setelah data ekspor China
diumumkan memburuk, hamper seluruh
mata uang di Asia melemah terhadap dollar
AS sampai sore kemarin. Akan tetapi
Rupiah yang sempat melemah berganti arah
menjadi menguat. Lelang SUN valas yang
dilaksanakan kemarin menarik minat
investor melihat penawaran yang mencapai
dua kali dari target awal. Riset Samuel
Sekuritas Indonesia melihat optimisme dari
pereknomian domestik masih ada, namun
ruang penguatan semakin terbatas. Dollar
indeks mulai merangkak naik sampai dini
hari tadi walaupun hanya tipis. Rupiah
masih melemah 17 persen secara tahunan
tetapi membaik dari posisi Desember yang
melemah 26 persen secara tahunan akibat
perbaikan fundamental antara lain inflasi
yang turun, deficit transaksi berjalan yang
menipis dan pertumbuhan diatas 5,7 persen
secara tahunan. Riset Trust Securities
menyatakan laju rupiah masih di bawah
level resisten di Rp11.374 per dollar AS. Har
ini diproyeksikan rupiah ada di rentang
Rp11.464 – Rp11.374 per dollar AS (Kurs
tengah BI).
4. Berdasarkan isi bacaan diatas, pernyataan
berikut yang benar adalah…
A. Mata uang Asia turut menguat seiring
naiknya minat investor
B. Penguatan rupiah mulai terlihat seiring
kenaikan dollar AS
C. Rupiah mengalami kenaikan yang
cukup signifikan terhadap dollar AS
D. Ruang penguatan rupiah mengecil
seiring kenaikan dollar AS
E. Ruang penguatan mata uang asia
melampaui target awal
Bacaan untuk soal nomor 5 – 6
Fungi, of which there are over 100,000
species, including yeasts and other singlecelled organisms aswell as the common
molds and mushrooms, were formerly
classified as members of the plant kingdom.
However, in reality they are very different
from plants and today they are placed in
aseparate group altogether. The principal
reason for this is that none of them possesses
chlorophyll,and since they cannot synthesize
their own carbohydrates, they obtain their
supplies either from the break down of dead
organic matter or from other living
organisms. Furthermore the walls of
fungalcells are not made of cellulose, as
those of plants are, but of another complex
sugarlike polymer calledchitin, the material
from whichthe hard outer skeletons of
shrimps, spiders, and insects are made.
The difference between the chemical
composition of the cell walls of fungi and
those of plants is ofenormous importance
because it enables the tips of the growing
hyphae, the threadlike cells of the fungus, to
secrete enzymes that break down the walls
of plant cells without having any effect on
thoseof the fungus itself. It is these cellulosedestroying enzymes that enable fungi to
attack anything madefrom wood, wood pulp,
cotton, flax, or other plant material.The
destructive power of fungi is impressive.
They are a major cause of structural damage
tobuilding timbers, a cause of disease in
animals and humans, and one of the greatest
causesofagricultural losses. Entire crops can
be wiped out by fungal attacks both before
and after harvesting. Some fungi can grow at
+50°C, while others can grow at -5°C, so
even food in cold storage may notbe
completely safe from them. On the other
hand, fungi bring about the decomposition
of dead organic matter, thus enriching the
soil and returning carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere. They also enter into a number
of mutually beneficial relationships with
plants and other organisms. In addition,
fungi are the source of many of the most
potent antibiotics used in clinical medicine,
including penicillin.
8. Jika f(x−1) = 5x2 + 6x – 6 ; g(x) = ax + 1
dan (g∘f)(1) = −51 maka nilai f(a+1) =…
A. −2
D. –11
B. −5
E. –13
C. −7
9. Diketahui
Harga buku + harga pensil = Rp55.000,00
Harga buku = Harga pensil + Rp25.000,00
Jika pensil = a
Maka hubungan P dan Q adalah…
5. What does paragraph 1 mainly discuss?
A. Differences between simple and
complex fungi
B. Functions of chlorophyll in plants
C. Functions of sugar in the walls of fungal
D. Differences between fungi and plants
E. Some fungi can grow at +50˚C, while
others can grow at -5˚C
6. Which of the following is mentioned as a
major change in how scientists approach the
study of fungi?
A. Fungi are no longer classified as plants
B. Some single-cell organisms are no
longer classified as fungi.
C. New methods of species identification
have been introduced
D. Theories
composition of fungi have been revised.
E. Furthermore the walls of fungalcells are
not made of cellulose, as those of plants
Tidak bisa ditentukan
10. Sebuah bilangan 5 digit terdiri dari angkaangka 1,3,5,7. Jika hanya angka 7 yang
muncul 2 kali dan angka yang lain satu kali,
ada berapakah bilangan yang mungkin?
A. 20
D. 60
B. 24
E. 120
C. 32
11. Diketahui fungsi f dan g adalah sebagai
g (x) = f (x2 + 2)
g’(1) = 8
Nilai f’(3) adalah…
A. 1
D. 4
B. 2
E. 5
C. 3
7. Banyak siswa kelas A adalah 40 orang dan
kelas B adalah 30 orang. Nilai rata-rata ujian
matematika kelas A lebih 7 dari kelas B. Jika
rata-rata nilai ujian matematika gabungan
kelas A dan kelas B adalah 82, maka ratarata nilai ujian kelas A adalah…
A. 81
D. 84
B. 82
E. 85
C. 83